IRC log for #asterisk on 20140826

00:00.57*** join/#asterisk hursjohn_y (~hursjohn@
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01:47.34*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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02:00.05ipengineerDoes anyone know what would cause a flood of: chan_sip.c:13640 in handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '776843471-5060-81@BJC.BGI.B.BCJ'. Giving up.
02:01.15ipengineerFor whatever reason this just started the last couple of days and has degraded performance greatly. Our receive queue from netstat is way high
02:05.32*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
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06:00.11phixAfternoon gang
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06:01.43ChannelZHey team!
06:14.29*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
06:24.48*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
06:25.03*** join/#asterisk rock1979 (~rock@
06:25.38rock1979Hello i am experiencing problems with ASterisk 11.5.0 with T38 faxing
06:26.29rock1979i am working on the issue for the last 10 days
06:26.41rock1979but cant find a solution
06:27.04shido6t.38 enabled provider?
06:27.18rock1979i am the provider
06:27.34rock1979the server is used with sangoma cards
06:27.35*** join/#asterisk niekniek (
06:27.41shido6what devices are in the call?
06:27.54rock1979the calls are from sip to dahdi
06:28.06shido6ata? softphone?
06:28.18rock1979ata spa112
06:28.25rock1979it has t38 cababilities
06:28.42rock1979so the calls are coming to my server with sip
06:28.50rock1979and i am sending to telco with dahdi
06:28.51coppiceis the SPA112 firmware up to date?
06:29.47rock1979actually the wholesale voice company is doing the test
06:30.01rock1979and we are tring to make interconnection
06:30.10rock1979but since faxing is not successfull
06:30.24rock1979we are not able to finalize the test
06:30.36rock1979and continue with termination
06:30.53rock1979so ata sends me the call
06:31.04rock1979and i send the call to telco with dahdi
06:31.12rock1979at the begging everyrhing is fine
06:31.13shido6is there a Multifunction printer connected to the ata?
06:31.49rock1979At the beginning of the call everything is fine ( i mean codec negotiation) . Then the remote sip side detects the fax tone that remote end sends and  Then the sip remote side sends the t38 invite and asterisk sends SIP 200 OK message with G711 and G729 codec in SDP.
06:32.13rock1979My customer is saying that if i am sending SIP 200 OK to his T38 invite .in SDP of SIP 200 OK there should be only T38.
06:32.33rock1979Also disabling t38 with t38pt_udptl=no didnt change anything.  Still asterisk is sending SIP 200 OK message with G711 and G729 codec in SDP as reply to T38 invite.
06:32.37shido6is the wholesale carrier using SIP?
06:32.38coppiceDo you have T.38 gateway mode enabled in the config files?
06:33.04rock1979Setting faxopt(gateway)=yes and t38pt_udptl = yes,redundancy,maxdatagram=400 didnt work.
06:33.23shido6<you>—SIP——> WHOLESALE—SIP—> LCR of OTHER PROVIDERs where 2 out of 7 dont offer t.38 ?
06:33.31shido6does this look familiar?
06:34.17rock1979shido i am the guy that providing the service a sip trace or upload a pcap :)
06:35.01rock1979so calls i coming to me from sip and i am sending to telco with dahi
06:35.16rock1979i mean dahdi
06:35.23coppiceis T.38 faxing to the asterisk box itself working OK?
06:36.06rock1979coppice what did you mean ??
06:36.28coppicefaxing from the ATA to a file on the asterisk box
06:37.29rock1979i didnt installed anything on asterisk box, it is standart Asterisk 11.5.0 (i mean noting like Hylafax,spandsp etc)
06:37.53coppicehow is it supposed to be a T.38 gateway without spandsp?
06:38.40rock1979did i understood incorrect, as i understood after asterisk 10 , you dont need to install spandsp
06:39.02*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
06:40.29rock1979i found this page in web
06:41.00rock1979it is exactly what i am tring to do
06:41.42rock1979i am connected with TELCO with E1 over ss7
06:42.05coppicethat means asterisk 10 can use a T.38 gateway engine. You still need one installed
06:43.29rock1979coppice from asterisk box to telco with dahdi , does this means that i am sending fax from * to telco with T30 right ?
06:43.56*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
06:44.49rock1979so how can i prevent asterisk to send sip200 ok to t38 invites
06:44.55coppicethere is no other way to send a FAX over the PSTN (unless you are that rare group who can do group 4 FAX over ISDN)
06:45.49rock1979i set t38pt_udptl=no  in sip.conf for that peer
06:45.55coppicewhy do you not want it to say OK? You need to make it say OK with T.38
06:47.00rock1979yes, you are right , but currently t38 invite is hittting to * box and asterisk is sending OK with G711
06:47.32coppiceunless you have spandsp installed it can't do anything else
06:48.07rock1979so the easiest solution that i found was when a t38 invite come to asterisk if asterisk send sip 488 then the sip remote side will try t30 fax
06:48.28rock1979then it will be a t30 faxing
06:48.36coppiceis that what you want it to do?
06:49.00rock1979that is why i set t38pt_udptl=no
06:49.13rock1979in sip.conf of peer
06:49.33coppiceI thought you were trying to use T.38 between the ATA and the asterisk box
06:49.52rock1979it is the best solution to support t38
06:50.17rock1979but just regretting t38 and fallthrout t30 would also solve my problem
06:50.23coppicethe ATAs are pretty flaky trying to do FAX by audio
06:51.13rock1979i thought that i need spandsp if i need to send fax inside asterisk from file
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06:51.28rock1979or receive fax to asterisk to a file
06:52.04coppiceyou can do that with either spandsp or the digium FAX module. If you want a gateway only spandsp offers that
06:53.39rock1979what i want is to be able to receive fax from sip and send to telco with dahdi
06:53.56*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
06:54.15rock1979on my case i have only one way interconnection( i mean from sip to dahdi , not from telco to sip)
06:54.54coppiceeither you just use G.711 end to end, which can be somewhat flaky at the ATA end, or you install spandsp and use T.38 gateway operation
06:55.49rock1979is it possbile to send SIP 488 if i receive T38 invite
06:57.16rock1979as far as i read on web if t38 is disabled in * , then sip 488 should be sent back
06:58.23rock1979that is why i set t38pt_udptl=no in sip.conf
06:58.58rock1979but still instead of sending SIP 488 , asterisk is sending SIP 200 OK with G711 in sdp
06:59.40coppicesending 488 will generally kill the call
07:01.02rock1979no, i talked with the sip side , they are saying that if i send them back sip 488 their softswitch will fallback to T30
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07:02.38rock1979so if i send SIP 488 , they will send a new invite with G711 in SDP
07:03.07coppicecould be. it varies between systems. isn't standardisation wonderful?
07:03.25rock1979as far as i read if t38 is disabled in peer configuration ,then asterisk should send SIP488
07:03.43rock1979but it is not in my case
07:04.07coppicethat may have been changed because a lot of things kill the call after a 488
07:06.28rock1979how can i be sure if that behaviour is changed is asterisk 11.5.0 or not
07:06.50rock1979i searched in web for "t38 sip 488"
07:07.27rock1979and what i found is if t38 is disabled than * will send SIP 488
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07:15.43rock1979can i solve this problem with  digium FAX module
07:17.29rock1979did you mean "Fax for Asterisk" when you said digium fax module
07:18.25coppiceyes. FAX for Asterisk cannot work as a gateway
07:21.37rock1979so only solution on my case is spandsp
07:21.56coppiceyou make that sound like a desperate last resort
07:22.07rock1979since i am not able to reply sip 488 to t38 invites
07:22.47rock1979yes the server is in production and i didnt installed spandsp before :)
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07:23.56coppiceif you are worried about new things, why would FAX for Asterisk be a better choice? its a lot flakier than spandsp
07:25.03rock1979no i didnt mean it is a better choice
07:27.24rock1979so if asterisk still needs spandsp , what is the fax gateway support that come up in asterisk 10
07:28.12coppiceasterisk 10 added the code needed to make use of the T.38 gateway engine in spandsp
07:29.01rock1979coppice can i add you on skype ?
07:32.36*** join/#asterisk sekil (~Ognjen@
07:32.54rock1979it seems that at the end i will need profferssional support to solve this problem , either from freelancers of from the forum of asterisk.
07:33.12rock1979so this will be a project with bughet
07:35.21*** join/#asterisk paolo_ (
07:36.28rock1979are you interested with this ?
07:36.34rock1979coppice ?
07:42.32rock1979coppice are you there ?
07:48.55*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
07:56.43rock1979does anyway have experience with t38 faxing
07:56.54rock1979does anyone have experience with t38 faxing
08:01.55*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
08:03.43paolo_rock1979: Yes I do. And I am sure others have experience, too =)
08:11.17*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
08:20.07*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:15.47rock1979coppice are you there ?
09:22.11*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
09:40.20rock1979Hello we are looking for proffesional support to add t38 gateway capability to asterisk 11+libss7 server
09:41.19ChainsawIn what part of the world please? There are several consultants here but if you want on-site support it helps if they are local.
09:44.35*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (
09:44.35rock1979Not necesssarily on-site support
09:44.55rock1979remote support will be fine
09:47.29ChainsawAsterisk 11 has native T38 gateway support, so that is good news.
09:47.38ChainsawI will not DCC chat with you, please keep the discussion central.
09:47.59rock1979yes sure :)
09:48.42rock1979it is an asterisk server that we use for terminating calls to telco
09:49.27rock1979calls are coming form owr customers from sip
09:49.38rock1979and we are sending calls to telco with dadhi
09:50.01rock1979it is a one way interconnection from asterisk to telco
09:50.17rock1979so no calls are coming from telco to asterisk
09:51.13rock1979we want to add t38 faxing capability to asterisk
09:51.24*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:51.50rock1979anyone interested to provide professional supprt for this are welcome
09:52.11rock1979anyone interested to provide professional support for this are welcome
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10:07.32rock1979any consultant interesed with this ?
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11:33.53*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
11:38.18matthew-moretalkHi All asterisk xmpp is driving me a little mad. in the output it just says - Waiting to request TLS??
11:38.29matthew-moretalkany ideas what im doing wrong?
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13:50.31rock1979Hello we are looking for proffesional support to add t38 gateway capability to asterisk 11+libss7 server
13:54.36*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
13:56.30WIMPyfeels bad being reminded of fax
13:56.56[TK]D-Fenderrock1979: Don't know why you'd need "professional support" for a basic option in the dialplan plus a few in your peer
14:00.04*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
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14:01.41jameswfwas just reading about SS7 and privacy issues... neat stuff
14:02.23WIMPyprivacy issues?
14:03.07jameswfWIMPy: it seems with SS7 you can locate any cell phone user in the world. Get all CSI....
14:03.45WIMPyIf you're allowed to do so.
14:03.47jameswfSS& security was sort of an after thought
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14:04.18WIMPyIt's not intended for customers.
14:04.47jameswfWIMPy: scary thing is customers aren't the ones (ab)using it
14:05.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
14:05.36jameswfGovernments (likely all of them) are using SS7 for warrantless locating
14:06.16WIMPyThey use everything they can anyway. Legal or not.
14:06.24shido6like irc logs?
14:06.34jameswfwas never here
14:06.50*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
14:07.08jameswf^^ and you cant just put stuff on the internet that's not true....
14:10.26coppice[TK]D-Fender: that page doesn't seem to mention that spandsp needs to be installed for the FAX gateway to work. This is what confused rock1979
14:10.58rock1979Fender , i visited all the web pages related with Asterisk T38, and did all the neccessary thinks
14:11.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I'd wonder if that function would compile without it...
14:11.31[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Which if it wouldn't should lead you back to menuconfig and a glaring dependency...
14:12.00[TK]D-Fendercoppice: ... but that's probably just my silly idealism ;)
14:12.22coppice[TK]D-Fender: it would be better if the requirements were pointed out, though
14:13.00[TK]D-Fendercoppice: If I'm right.. they are.
14:13.27*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
14:14.21WIMPyFax is rather scary. Too many options with very different reports on success. And some very strict dependencies requiring very specific versions.
14:15.01[TK]D-Fenderrock1979: So show us the failure.
14:15.58rock1979asterisk is sending sip 200 ok with G711 in sdp to t38 invite
14:18.29[TK]D-Fenderby "show us the failure" I did not mean "give us a truncated 1-line attempt at a summary".
14:18.38[TK]D-FenderIf you want an autopsy, give us a body.
14:19.39rock1979ok i uploading pcap to
14:19.44rock1979ok i am uploading pcap to
14:20.16rock1979will it be fine ?
14:20.27[TK]D-Fender* CLI w/ verbose 10, SIP debug.
14:21.06rock1979the server is in production with 120 calls on it
14:21.11*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
14:21.38rock1979how can i get cli with verbosity level 10
14:22.26shido6kewl pastebin pcap… sorry
14:22.53[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10"
14:23.57rock1979shido6 , right ?
14:24.13shido6do you have chrome?
14:24.55shido6capture the pcap with tcpdump and use
14:25.38shido6paste the link when done
14:25.55*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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14:30.15rock1979it doesnt matter whether t38pt_udptl=no or yes , asterisk sends sip 200 ok with sdp codes g711... to t38 invite
14:31.23rock1979i am checking sip t38 flow diagrams and asterisk should send sip 200 ok with sdp t38 if faxing is t38 otherwise it should send sip 488
14:31.38coppicet38pt stands for T.38 passthrough. If you are going from SIP to the PSTN passthrough is not possible, so that parameter does nothing
14:33.42shido6no t38 media...
14:34.42shido6is this a netnet?
14:34.51rock1979sorry ?
14:35.07*** part/#asterisk c|oneman (
14:35.53rock1979what is netnet ?
14:37.03shido6I saw acmepack and thought acme packet net net
14:37.47rock1979it is the softswitch of my customer that is testing the T38 fax
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14:41.03shido6does their router have ALG?
14:43.10rock1979as far as i know it is not alg enabled
14:44.01rock1979what he told me is that their fax is working fine with other sip accounts
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14:45.41shido6test that through your system to theirs. and tcpdump it
14:45.50shido6“good call” bad call comparison
14:46.55shido6echo correction is enabled..
14:47.01shido6can u disable ec ?
14:48.01rock1979is it enabled on my side or on the remote side ?
14:48.14shido6looks like remote
14:48.58rock1979where did you find that echo is enabled on the remote side ?
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14:51.17random2does ${RECORDED_FILE} have complete path or is it just filename?
14:52.19shido6no 6.
14:52.26shido6media attribute
14:58.48rock1979i am looking to the 6. record in sip trace
14:59.06shido6nothing blocking 5069? :)
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15:04.46rock1979i am only listeing on 5060
15:10.31rock1979shido6 is it fine that asterisk is sending sip200 ok with sdp g711 as reply to t38
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15:15.43rock1979any one have idea how i will manage to send fax from sip to pstn
15:16.02rock1979without T38 everything is fine
15:16.18rock1979i mean with G711 codecs
15:16.18*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
15:17.36rock1979coppice are you there ?
15:18.16rock1979fender did you have change to look to the sip trace
15:18.48*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:1dd0:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
15:19.56rock1979you meant core set verbose 10 ? right ?
15:21.31rock1979server is in production with many calls on it
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15:21.55rock1979the log will be quite confusing
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15:59.36babakHi, Is there any document about how I can read a E1 timeslot data from DAHDI driver ?
16:00.21WIMPyThere was a patch to allow you to write pcap files somewhere.
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16:01.54babakis there any documents about DAHDI APIs ?
16:04.01WIMPyI don't know any. But the osmocom guys made their stuff to work with dahdi. So either they fond some docs or they reversed it.
16:04.56newtonrbabak, No, there isn't. There is source code!
16:05.54babakIs there a easy sample source code ?  ;)
16:06.24drmessanoWakeOnLan is WakeOnStupidFace
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17:42.23Kattylooks in
17:44.11WIMPyCome in and you can look out.
17:44.22[TK]D-Fenderlooks on
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18:04.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: rock fest sounds toasty
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18:04.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: wear sunblock
18:04.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yeah I used a "select all" tool and didn't hand-pick.  So .. you comin'? ;)
18:05.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: no i'm actually leaving friday for springfield
18:05.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm actually just working sound for the show but figured I'd help with exposure for them.
18:05.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: i have a date with a huge arcade.
18:05.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Pretty much every state including where I live has a Springfield.  That's why it was chose for The Simpsons
18:05.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's nice of you.
18:06.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: the one here in missouri. nothing fancy. but they do have a lovely cupcake shop
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18:45.51hexanolsomeone knows how much time it usually takes to get a response from ?
18:46.21hexanolI've sent an email last week ago
18:46.24hexanolstill no response
18:46.27hexanolso I'm wondering
18:47.34Qwellnudges newtonr
18:48.54filehexanol, what was the email address that it was sent from?
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18:54.32newtonrQwell, sorry i was at the grocery store!  File is on the case.
18:54.42Qwellnewtonr: slacker!
18:54.54fileI wouldn't say I'm on the case :P
18:55.29filehexanol, it wouldn't hurt to resend it too
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18:56.01hexanolwell I guess I could
18:56.06hexanoldo you want to be in copy ? ;)
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18:56.27newtonrfile, sure you are on the case. look at you go.
18:56.51gugauaHello I want to update Asterisknow modules but for 1 module I get an error
18:56.51gugauaEndPoint Manager cannot be upgraded:
18:56.52gugauaPlease try again after the dependencies have been installed.
18:57.02Qwellgugaua: Try #freepbx
18:57.04filehexanol, actually it looks like it was found!
18:57.14gugaua@Qwell: okay thanks
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19:02.34filehexanol, it shall be handled at a time in the future as we do not have time travel
19:03.48hexanolfile: I'm not sure I understand (I'm not a native english speaker by the way)
19:04.12filehexanol, we'll respond soon
19:04.13Qwellhexanol: translated from file - "Thank you for your report.  We will look into the issue as time permits."
19:04.15hexanolis it considered a security vulnerability or not ? or people will look at it later ?
19:04.19hexanolok, thanks
19:04.27fileQwell, you speak file?
19:04.36Qwellfile: as well as one can ever hope to
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19:40.47TazzNZ~~morning all
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19:48.06ipengineerWhen using the System() app if trying to move a file and I dont have permissions the operation hangs and ties the channel up. Would trySystem() be a better fit here so the dialplan progresses in the event this happens
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19:50.59[TK]D-Fenderipengineer: background it.
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20:11.23ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: How do you do that. I am not seeing anything online for backgrounding a task
20:12.29[TK]D-Fenderipengineer: call a shell script... have that call a task in the background
20:13.36ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: Ok makes sense
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20:24.48[TK]D-Fenderheads off to the gym...
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20:25.25ra21viHi. I am using asterisk 11 (elastix), and my soft sip client gets hangup at exactly 6 sec
20:25.42ra21viwhat can be the reason? :)
20:26.16ra21viI searched google, didn't find why it drops call at exactly 6 secs.
20:26.45ra21viIf I call though Cisco hard phone, call goes well
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20:26.53ra21viany idea, please suggest
20:29.36Qwellra21vi: Sounds like you've got rtptimeout set, and the softphone doesn't send RTP when there's silence.
20:29.44Qwelljust a guess though
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20:40.56ipengineerIsnt there a place where you can set a channel to hangup if it exceeds X minutes? I thought I saw that in a config at one point but am having problems finding it again
20:42.40newtonrI don't remember such an option
20:43.36ipengineernewtonr: So a call could essentially go on indefinitely then. There is no option to kill a channel if duration hits a threshold
20:44.15newtonrI'm not saying there isn't. I just don't remember one if there is one.
20:44.35ipengineerOk.. I will keep digging thanks. I could just be dreaming
20:44.37newtonrseems like it would be an argument to Dial if it existed
20:44.40ipengineerwouldnt be the first time
20:45.08newtonr"  S(x): Hang up the call <x> seconds *after* the called party has
20:45.37newtonripengineer, is that what you are looking for?
20:45.52ipengineerI think it was global. I know that option is there. I think it is set and hanging up my calls
20:46.09ipengineerFor whatever reason I thought it was in asterisk.conf but not seeing it
20:47.31newtonroh there is the L argument for Dial as well
20:49.25ipengineerhmm.. Ok I will dig through my dialplan and make sure I am not setting it anywhere
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21:01.44themrrobertI've been having sporadic system crashes. Sometimes 2 or 3 per month, sometimes several months without an issue. I restart the asterisk server each night at midnight. max file limit is 5mil. It seems it's just unable to make new channels and everything stalls, even though the asterisk daemon is still running. I have a core file generated when i service asterisk restarted, but it has sensitive
21:01.44themrrobertinformation, where can i securely upload it?
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21:08.35themrroberthere's the last 1000 lines of the log
21:08.55themrrobertthe last 50 or so are where you can see theres a problem
21:14.41ra21viok let me check
21:14.42shido6whats the rtp port range look like themrrobert ?
21:15.24shido6rtp.conf -
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21:41.18pjensen00looking at the Bridge ARI REST api, I see that I can do something simple like "add channel to bridge".  Is there a limit to the number of channels I can add?
21:46.40filepjensen00, there is no hard-coded limit
21:47.28filebut obviously you can't add an infinite number as the act of bridging channels takes X and if that exceeds the available time then you will get interesting results
21:47.43pjensen00Man, I might have to switch over to ARI.  I can't seem to figure out how to do that with AMI
21:48.00pjensen00it seems so strait forward with ARI (Add channel X to bridge Y)
21:48.14fileindeed, as that is what ARI is for
21:48.35pjensen00Is there a reason why AMI and ARI such a different tool set?
21:48.40pjensen00*have such
21:49.43filebecause they are for different purposes
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23:39.34hursjohnIs this the channel to be in for help with libss7?  #asterisk-ss7 is a channel I found, but it's a empty channel.
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23:45.04hursjohnHow do I get SS7 to send carrier ID in IAM?
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