IRC log for #asterisk on 20140813

00:04.06*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
00:04.44lorenzoany known issues of asterisk 11 not resolving SRV records?
00:12.10*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
00:31.36*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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00:36.58*** join/#asterisk Kattyroo (
00:51.35*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:56.40*** join/#asterisk VultureZ (~VultureZ@2a04:1980:3100:1aac:21b:21ff:feda:4d39)
00:58.31*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
01:05.19*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
01:07.00*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
01:08.45*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
01:33.20*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
01:47.50*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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02:15.39*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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02:55.06*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
03:06.39*** join/#asterisk SirLagz (
03:23.15*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
03:23.19*** join/#asterisk mnathani (
03:23.42mnathaniwhat do I need to put in the spool directory to get asterisk to make a call from the command line?
03:31.41ChannelZgoogle 'asterisk call files'
03:32.21ChannelZor you can use 'channel originate' perhaps on the console, or use asterisk -x to run that from a CLI (script or something)
03:32.34ChannelZOr you could write something in AMI
03:32.41ChannelZLots of ways to stone that bird
03:46.17*** join/#asterisk colocate (~colocate@unaffiliated/colocate)
03:50.39colocateHoping for suggestions, I have setup a new SIP provider on a box.  I see connections coming from both the previously existing provider and the new provider.  Previous provider is still working fine.  With the new provider I can dial the DID that routes into the server.  The call will route to a soft phone.  The soft phone answers but the far end call never sees the call as being answered.  Any thoughts on where the breakdown i
03:57.04stevePearPearhi im using realtime for sippeers, is there any chance for me to reload the data without reloading the module chan_sip?
03:57.36stevePearPearwhen i updated the database, with new sip credential, if I don’t reload chan_sip, the data doesn’t seems to be updated
04:04.07*** join/#asterisk wolrah_ (~wolrah@
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04:16.05*** join/#asterisk jiku (~jiku@
04:27.29*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
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04:41.59*** join/#asterisk dsr (6a33f195@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:42.09dsrhi, is there a way to get logged in user's main channel in any context in the dialplan?
04:42.56dsrin the cli i can run agent show 123 and the channel is shown in the output as LoggedInChannel
04:43.06dsrI wanted to get this value in the dialplan
04:43.10dsris there any way to do it?
04:52.48*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
05:06.51*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
05:22.10*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
05:24.21*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
05:28.55*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
05:29.55*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
05:39.07*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
05:42.57*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
05:44.42*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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06:13.08*** join/#asterisk XATRIX (~xatrix@
06:17.15mnathaniChannelZ: thanks, I got the call files working
06:25.27*** join/#asterisk opsview (
06:26.07opsviewdoes anyone have experience with asterisk E1 trunk?
06:26.49*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
06:27.27v0lZyI'm having a problem I don't know how to deal with ... incoming calls from the outside world drop after about 3 min
06:27.41v0lZyI set pendantic=no in [general] sip.conf ... no change.
06:28.35v0lZyerm.. sorry, durration of last call was 01:36
06:31.03*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
06:32.55v0lZySecond call dropped at 01:37 ..
06:33.01v0lZyAny ideas what would be causing this?
06:35.15*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
06:42.12*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear_ (~stevePear@
06:42.35v0lZyhm, this seems to happen every 90 seconds or so
06:42.48v0lZyand thats the default session-minse
06:43.29*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:11b3:646a:e7fc:964c)
06:48.28v0lZyif i set session-timers=refuse ... what negative consequences am i looking at?
06:51.05*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
06:51.12spicyramen_If I remember correctly wont be a SIP refresh (re-invite)
06:51.31v0lZyand what does that do?
06:51.35spicyramen_the negative effects would be calls not dropping in case there are failures
06:51.47v0lZyah, so just silence
06:51.57spicyramen_lets say A calls B, B drops but for whatever reason no BYE is sent
06:52.01*** join/#asterisk opsview (edwinlee@gateway/shell/
06:52.10spicyramen_as * still think there's an active call
06:52.12v0lZyi dont know why im having this 90 seconds issue, but i set session-timers=refuse on the trunk, and now it seems to not drop
06:52.14spicyramen_u may see just phantom calls
06:52.30v0lZywonder if there's other values that fix this without the BYE issue..
06:52.31spicyramen_yes, I would leave it on the trunk only
06:52.37spicyramen_I would test Hold/resume
06:53.12spicyramen_when the call drops was there any SIP message ?
06:53.17spicyramen_before u made the change
06:53.47v0lZyi didnt have debug on
06:53.57v0lZybut it just said exited non zero on the dial command..
06:55.24v0lZyif i have session-timers=accept
06:55.31v0lZyor session-timers=originate
06:55.46v0lZycould i be experiencing drops because of incorrect session-minse value?
06:56.06v0lZybecause it seems to drop every 90 seconds if thats on... or roughly at 90 anyway
06:56.14spicyramen_that could be I would look into
06:56.20v0lZyI'm thinking, if I have session-timers originate and the other end has refuse....
06:56.26spicyramen_enable the debug sip
06:56.34v0lZythen my calls probably drop if i dont get a message?
06:57.24spicyramen_is that for calls originated from asterks ?
06:59.53v0lZyWhen I call out, everythings fine
07:00.13v0lZyincoming calls from people beyond my asterisk are the ones that get dropped after said 90 seonds.
07:00.21v0lZyseconds* darn keyboard..
07:00.38spicyramen_I see, so Asterisk is the UAS for the incoming call
07:01.07spicyramen_the session timers are observed when call is established first
07:01.29v0lZyUAS .. user agent ... S?
07:01.29spicyramen_can u try to enable SIP debug and use pastebin
07:02.01spicyramen_I have seen this error before, just want to see exactly whats happening to give a more educated answer
07:02.14v0lZyok, let me see if i can manage
07:03.22v0lZyi just ran rasterisk -vvvvdddd hope thats ok
07:03.52v0lZydoesnt seam that shows sip.. hold on
07:05.44spicyramen_asterisk -r
07:05.46spicyramen_then sip set debug on
07:06.01v0lZyyeah, got it :D
07:06.10v0lZylots of sip traffic there, humph
07:06.36spicyramen_yeah off it
07:06.39spicyramen_on it place call
07:06.44spicyramen_off it
07:07.27v0lZyoff it when?
07:07.34v0lZywhen it terminates?
07:07.36v0lZyafter 90 seconds
07:07.39v0lZythats gonna be a lot of sip .d
07:08.18v0lZyok, it just ended
07:08.23v0lZylets see if i can find anything
07:08.27v0lZywhat am i looking for?
07:08.42spicyramen_and use the ip of the remote trunk
07:08.52spicyramen_we are looking for Session timers
07:09.00spicyramen_when call starts it is decided
07:09.14spicyramen_who will be sending the session refresh
07:09.27spicyramen_based on the min-Se, role, session timers
07:09.43spicyramen_so first part of the call will help
07:09.51spicyramen_and then after 90 secs we may see the error
07:11.00v0lZyi think i found something
07:11.28stevePearPearHi, I am connecting my Asterisk to a sip trunk. is there anyway I could verify the sip trunk credential that my user has given me with the sip trunk?
07:11.33v0lZyi found the ending (but not the start, will do a different capture for that)
07:12.48v0lZycheduling destruction of SIP dialog '06d26b495a2bd1c6117e4aee3eabefad@' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE)
07:14.01v0lZybefore that, read from UDP blablabla request timed out
07:14.08*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirko.bra@
07:14.36spicyramen_ok yes…looks like the negotiation at the begiinning is not succesful
07:15.37v0lZyso they dont negotiate the timers correctly
07:15.51v0lZyis that something the provider has to take care of, the originator, or me?
07:15.55spicyramen_looks like, lets get those messages
07:16.02spicyramen_it could be either
07:16.10v0lZymessages form start of call?
07:16.17spicyramen_I would assume asterisk is waiting on the provider
07:16.23spicyramen_and provider is waiting for u
07:16.31spicyramen_and no refresh happens
07:16.34spicyramen_hence fails
07:16.37spicyramen_just a shot in the dark
07:16.49spicyramen_I used to see this a lot with our app and Cisco TelePresence MCUs
07:16.57spicyramen_they wanted always to send the session refresh
07:17.36spicyramen_yes v)lzy
07:18.53spicyramen_which * version are you using ?
07:19.40spicyramen_in initial invite from your SP
07:19.45spicyramen_you should see something like this:
07:19.46spicyramen_Session-Expires: 90;refresher=uac.
07:19.46spicyramen_Min-SE: 90.
07:19.46spicyramen_Supported: timer.
07:20.07spicyramen_and then u want to see 200 Ok from asterisk
07:21.03v0lZyok, i think i found something
07:21.57v0lZySupported: replaces, timer
07:23.02spicyramen_I need the whole SIP invite
07:23.09spicyramen_and 200 OK
07:23.16spicyramen_not just a line
07:23.23v0lZyyes, im still scrolling
07:23.28spicyramen_use pastebin
07:23.49v0lZyfound it
07:23.50v0lZySession-Expires: 180;refresher=uas
07:24.54spicyramen_is that the initial invite?
07:25.11spicyramen_from your SIP SP ?
07:27.00*** join/#asterisk r00f (
07:30.13*** join/#asterisk ThatCantBe (
07:30.16v0lZyi just moved some other lines away
07:30.20v0lZylet me review, one moment
07:32.36v0lZyappears to be the second sip packet
07:33.29v0lZylet me paste it for you hold on
07:34.53*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:36.21v0lZyseems to me that they agree on 180
07:37.06spicyramen_1.Supported: replaces, timer
07:37.06spicyramen_2.Session-Expires: 180;refresher=uas
07:37.09spicyramen_in 200 OK
07:37.25spicyramen_Asterisk is the one in charge of sending the Session refresh
07:38.43*** join/#asterisk hindi (
07:40.49v0lZyso it doesnt send it or what?
07:41.03v0lZyi mean, i have a session-minse=90
07:41.09v0lZyso 180 should be within limits.
07:41.22*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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07:41.32*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:42.32spicyramen_what * version are you using ?
07:44.20v0lZyAsterisk 11.3.0
07:47.03*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
07:48.15*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
07:48.32*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
07:58.44*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley_ (~quassel@
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08:37.08*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
08:43.29*** join/#asterisk W0rmDr1nk (~wormdrink@unaffiliated/wormdrink)
08:50.44*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:08.25*** join/#asterisk paolo_ (
09:13.55*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
09:14.43*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (d38bc8f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:15.54BeeBuui got this-->WARNING[12213][C-00000000] dsp.c: Can only calculate silence on signed-linear, alaw or ulaw frames :(
09:16.10BeeBuuwhat's problem in my * system?
09:17.23BeeBuuit was happened when another user join the conference.
09:20.09*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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09:21.22*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
09:24.30BeeBuuanyone help me please?
09:24.39BeeBuui got this-->WARNING[12213][C-00000000] dsp.c: Can only calculate silence on signed-linear, alaw or ulaw frames :(
09:24.41BeeBuuit was happened when another user join the conference.
09:34.44ZogotAny reason why the core show settings doesnt show the directories I specified in asterisk.conf?
09:35.14ZogotIt doesn correctly show me Running as User clearvox, Running as group clearvox when I go to the asterisk -r
09:35.48Zogotso i imagine its loading the file. i even specify it directly to this config file.  but if i put my moh music in the default location only then does it find it
09:42.05Zogothmm ok, by not defining the configuration file, it correctly loaded the directories
09:42.48Zogotwhen I ran config list it showed core                 /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf which wasn't true, as when i showed core show settings, configuration file showed the specified location on startup
09:56.35*** join/#asterisk c|oneman (
10:07.17*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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10:07.17*** join/#asterisk ThatsKP (
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10:25.24fileZogot, the (!) needs to be removed from directories
10:30.38*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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10:30.38*** join/#asterisk ThatsKP (
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11:29.58*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
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11:48.24*** join/#asterisk yottanami (~yottanami@
11:49.08yottanamiI just find out some one connected to my asterisk and used my phone and had some calls ! How can I check where was the problem ?
11:58.40*** part/#asterisk ccha2 (~ccha@unaffiliated/ccha)
12:00.14yottanamiIs anyway to check logs which username was used ?
12:02.18*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:09.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:39.05*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
12:40.59*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
12:46.27*** join/#asterisk FerForward (
12:52.37*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:54.56*** part/#asterisk yottanami (~yottanami@
12:59.49*** part/#asterisk colocate (~colocate@unaffiliated/colocate)
13:06.17*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
13:06.21FerForwardHi, i have asteris 11.11 with freepbx 2.11 and custom contexts. i want to forward internal extension to mobile phones and show the caller id from the internal extensions. can anybody tell where i can find information about that? thanks
13:06.57FerForwardi support two companies and i want that each forward shows the main number of each company.
13:07.06*** join/#asterisk paolo_ (
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13:10.40paolo_hi, i am experimenting with directrtpsetup in chan_sip. i recognize that asterisk is adding codecs to SDP. but this is wrong since asterisk won't translate. removing codecs should do no harm. How can I make asterisk not to add codecs.
13:12.02paolo_other thing, what if asterisk didn't know the codec. It will remove it, right ?
13:12.06[TK]D-Fenderpaolo_: Your peer defines your codecs.  And the order each side proposes will determine what gets negotiated and you could end up translating
13:12.07FerForwardi'm not sure, but maybe: preferred_codec_only=yes
13:12.42[TK]D-Fenderpaolo_: And there is no "remove".  It works on the codecs it's told to offer.  Asterisk is NOT a "SIP server", or "proxy".  It is a B2BUA
13:13.02paolo_[TK]D-Fender: how could i and up transcoding ? i use directrtpsetup
13:13.23[TK]D-Fenderpaolo_: that's where POSSIBLE.  But you are creting scenarios where it isn't
13:13.49[TK]D-FenderFerForward: When do you intend to undo this "forward"?
13:14.46*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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13:15.29paolo_[TK]D-Fender: this has nothing to do with beeing a b2bua or not. see yate. its also a b2bua but it can forward SDP to the other channel if both channel supoort it.
13:15.35FerForwarddepends on users. The users forward their numbers calling to *72 directly
13:15.49*** join/#asterisk kaziklu-bey (0c0adbe5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:15.58[TK]D-Fenderpaolo_: That's Yate's infrastructure, not *'s.  There is no "forward"
13:16.36paolo_[TK]D-Fender: if directrtpsetup is used asterist must not add codecs.
13:16.57[TK]D-FenderFerForward: Your trunk needs to support setting the callerID, and your route & trunk can't be set in a way that overrides it.
13:17.17*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
13:19.51[TK]D-Fenderpaolo_: pastebin your peers & call with SIP debug
13:19.51*** join/#asterisk reconwireless (uid10170@gateway/web/
13:20.50FerForwardok, thanks. i know that my trunk supports it, i'll need to unset the route and trunk cids
13:36.32FerForwardi can't do it, and i need to goo to  my kid. many thanks
13:36.39*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
13:37.19*** join/#asterisk FerForward (
13:39.06*** join/#asterisk dan_j (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
13:39.28dan_jHi. In iax.conf, how does one specific a few different ip addresses in permit= ?
13:49.56*** join/#asterisk shmzadmin (uid28588@gateway/web/
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13:58.30paolo_[TK]D-Fender: As you can see asterisk is not changing contact in SDP but it's adding codecs.
13:58.49filedirectrtpsetup is an experimental feature it may or may not work
14:00.10paolo_file: i know. i am jsut saying adding codecs is always wrong when directrtpsetup is used. but asterisk adds codecs
14:01.59paolo_file: doesn't chan_pjsip do the same ? should I use chan_pjsip ?
14:02.15fileit does not have directrtpsetup
14:03.45paolo_file: are you sure... "direct_media=yes       ; Determines whether media may flow directly between; endpoints (default: "yes")
14:03.48*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
14:03.58filedirectrtpsetup and direct media are two different things
14:04.13filedirectrtpsetup occurs before a call is set up, direct media occurs after using re-invites
14:04.29paolo_file: hmm... i thought pjsip doesn't use reinvites
14:04.34fileit does.
14:04.59igcewielingI have an offtopic question:  Has anyone seen on Polycom phones an issue where ** dialed at the beginning of a number is converted to a + ?
14:05.03paolo_file: Ok. This is sad :-/
14:05.06mjordanpaolo_: I'm curious, why did you think it wouldn't use a re-INVITE?
14:05.17mjordanpaolo_: And what is sad about a re-INVITE?
14:05.53[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: I know their dialplans support substitutions that may explain that...
14:05.56paolo_mjordan: dunno. I was sure I read it somewhere that pjsip won't use re-invtes for direct_media
14:06.09mjordanhow else would it inform a phone of where it needs to send media?
14:06.15mjordanAnd why do you think an INVITE request is a bad thing?
14:06.31paolo_mjordan: i think you misread something
14:06.41mjordan"<paolo_> file: hmm... i thought pjsip doesn't use reinvites"
14:06.46mjordan"<paolo_> file: Ok. This is sad :-/"
14:06.58paolo_mjordan: please stay in tzhe context
14:07.08mjordanI'll leave you to your musings then.
14:07.20paolo_mjordan: we are talking about directrtpsetup
14:07.29mjordanwhich has nothing to do with a re-INVITE
14:07.41paolo_mjordan: I know
14:07.50paolo_mjordan: please read from the beginning
14:07.58paolo_mjordan: i am sure you will understand
14:08.00mjordanI'll leave you to your musings then. Enjoy.
14:08.27paolo_mjordan: i am true sorry if I somehow offend you.
14:09.03igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: *nod*  I'l trying to see what is different between this site and the other 50+ sites where this is not a problem.  They should all be running the same configs.
14:10.34[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: converting 00 to + is a "standard" concept at least.  I suspect something is there that does the same idea for **, but it wouldn't be hard-coded.  Should be easy to find... either in provisioning, or on the phone itself
14:10.38*** join/#asterisk FerForward (
14:11.27igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: exactly.
14:11.29*** join/#asterisk Rac-on (
14:11.58igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: but there is no character + in any of the config files
14:12.11[TK]D-Fendermight be hex encoded, etc
14:12.38[TK]D-Fenderjust head right to the dialplan schema
14:13.05igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: unlikely.  I might just sync the files from a working site.
14:13.37[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: I wouldn't toss out a proper investigation just to be sure....
14:13.44paolo_mjordan: what i want is, that asterisk is not in the media path. this is handled by re-invites in chan_sip. directrtpsetup "skips" this step. this is all I wan't. But it can't use it because asterisk adds codecs. that's why I ask if I could use chan_pjsip. thats all... sorry for the noise
14:14.11*** part/#asterisk paolo_ (
14:15.44[TK]D-FenderDarn.. I just about had a solution for him...
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14:19.05igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I would have remembered if I encoded something in the config.
14:19.20igcewielingI found an option which seems promising
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15:15.02stevePearPearHi, can i check if there’s anyway I can make a call without registration? Only authenticate on Call?
15:15.49[TK]D-FenderRegistration has nothing to do with calling out.
15:16.04infobot[~sipregister] SIP registration is to tell your provider what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to.  Some ITSPs let you use a fixed address or host rather than registering.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE calls, as those are typically auth'ed independently.  Others accept unauth'ed calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW).
15:17.03stevePearPearhmm does this mean that I would send the authentication in my invite message?
15:18.22[TK]D-Fenderregistration does not affect your calling out a peer
15:18.26[TK]D-Fenderthey are not related
15:18.37[TK]D-FenderWhatever auth you have in ther ... you have in there.
15:20.08stevePearPearoh ya i just realized that! thanks!
15:23.58*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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15:27.46igcewielingSometimes I wonder if the ghost of the Marquis de Sade designed the SIP protocol.
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15:30.31navaismoWhy? there is no self pleasure in it, or sodomia
15:34.29igcewielingBecause no sane person would design SIP the way it is designed?
15:34.38*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
15:39.10mjordanAny time you design a protocol, things start out nice and simple and sane. And then the real world barges in.
15:40.14[TK]D-FenderA gryphon built by committee...
15:44.14mjordanI prefer to focus on the parts that I like, and leave the ass end of the gryphon to others ;-)
15:57.27Stefan27how can i get the 'Time: <int>' field to be included in peerstatus-events. judging from code in handle_response_peerpoke in chan_sip.c -- blob = ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: i}",   "peer_status", s,   "time", pingtime);  ast_endpoint_blob_publish(peer->endpoint, ast_endpoint_state_type(), blob); -- shouldn't the time field be included?
15:57.57*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
15:59.23Stefan27but i could modify the json_pack to include an additional {s:s} "cause" "foo" making the peerstatus event include a Cause: "foo"
16:10.21Stefan27aha pingtime needs to be converted and formated to %s ... nvm
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17:32.24opsviewany experts?
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17:42.55infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:55.43[TK]D-Fenderand ..... crickets
17:59.41*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:10.52salz212just wondering how can I manipulate state of remote-agent on some other server as trunk
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20:05.20mjordansalz212: I'm not sure what you mean by "manipulate the state".
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21:18.43cablopis this a development  channel or a support channel?
21:19.18fileneither! it's a channel where people can talk about Asterisk - if that happens to be because there is an issue someone is trying to figure out, so be it
21:22.18*** join/#asterisk bibz (
21:22.18navaismoso schrödinger-Asterisk?
21:22.19bibzhi guys
21:22.45bibzoh, I didn't even start explaining and @navaismo knew what I'm going to tell you
21:23.32bibzbefore compiling asterisk, I'll type in make menuselect.. the module func_odbc is checked (*), but after I compile asterisk (11.11), it won't list up on "module show"...
21:23.53bibzso its installed, but its not? some weird schrödinger-effekt? :P
21:24.57navaismomein answer was for file
21:25.21navaismobut apply isnt it
21:25.32bibzI know, just wanted to crash into your conversation..
21:25.58mjordanbibz: what does module show like func_odbc display?
21:26.40cablopi'm trying to enable the AMI for queuemetrics
21:26.50cablopbut i don't know how to
21:27.13cablopi edited the file according to the manual and still cannot access from queuemetrics
21:27.58navaismocan you login via Telnet
21:27.58Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:29.04navaismoeeeeeeevil is goooood
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21:31.27navaismo" I am bad and that is good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be than me"
21:32.05bibzany ideas? :)
21:32.19navaismomjordan actually sent you an answer
21:33.35navaismoand consider that the answer from Mjordan its like when God answer to your prays...
21:35.21mjordanfile would disagree.
21:35.25bibzoh, damnit.
21:35.37bibzI should buy some glasses
21:35.41filewhat am I disagreeing with now?
21:35.45mjordanApparently I'm god
21:36.09bibz0 modules loaded if I type in asterisk -rx "module show like func_odbc"...
21:36.20mjordank, what does "module load" display?
21:36.38bibzUnable to load module
21:36.38bibzCommand 'module load' failed.
21:36.52mjordanyou get no ERROR messages?
21:38.07*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
21:38.09bibzbut on make menuselect "odbc" is selected under the resource modules and dialplan functions categories..
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21:38.18navaismocheck your full log
21:39.33navaismosome modules cant be loaded without a valid config, enable the full log and take a look in the complete error messages
21:39.44bibzjust did so, hold on just a sec
21:40.19navaismomjordan: You are like GOD & file  like st. Peter
21:40.35fileI'm just a guy who likes music
21:40.38bibz here you can see the content of /var/log/asterisk/full
21:41.12navaismoi cant see pastebins :'( domain blocked
21:41.23bibz[Aug 13 23:39:55] WARNING[28051] db.c: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database
21:52.57navaismocheck your DB, maybe?
21:53.20*** part/#asterisk Yanxi (
21:53.25mjordanfunc_odbc is probably bailing due to res_odbc puking.
21:54.03mjordanalthough that's actually db.c, which is going to be your astdb.
21:54.10mjordanSo you've got a couple of things going wrong there.
21:54.51mjordanSo yes. Step 1: fix your astdb. You may have a permissions issue between how your Asterisk process is being run and the permissions on the astdb
21:58.58bibzare there any good tutorials for how to install asterisk with odbc functionality?...
21:59.18bibzthanks for taking the time to answer my question
22:05.40mjordanbibz: I'd consult the book
22:05.41infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:05.55mjordanODBC integration is covered in there
22:07.37*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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22:47.42bibzaah its so hard to troubleshoot a 3000 lines dialplan..
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22:52.06bibzI have about 1000 calls per day and about 200 of them seem to can't get through and are listed as "NO ANSWER".. what could the problem be?
22:52.14bibzsometimes its even BUSY
22:56.45bibzprobably network issues?
23:08.00cablopi've lost connection
23:08.21cablopbut someone here knew the solution to the problem
23:08.43cablopthey use FreePBX and that thing reloads the AMI when you add or modify users
23:22.57*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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