IRC log for #asterisk on 20140731

00:00.59*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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00:10.22*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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01:20.24*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
01:30.48*** join/#asterisk Eugene (
01:35.02*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
01:40.46*** join/#asterisk freetown2 (
01:41.26freetown2hi all, I suddenly started having a problem with sip peers from my provider
01:41.39freetown2they would all become unreachable.
01:42.57freetown2tcpdump shows the provider sending packets back with "SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required" but asterisk sip debug shows nothing but constant attempts retransmitting  REGISTER
01:43.26freetown2sip show channels shows a growing list of active sip dialogs
01:43.38freetown2any clues as to what is going on?
01:44.40WIMPyHave you tried turning it off and on again?
01:45.28*** join/#asterisk MarcoZink (~marcozink@
01:45.55*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:46.13freetown2WIMPy, you mean restarting asterisk? many times...
01:46.56WIMPyAnd it stays deaf?
01:48.30freetown2all sip peers are unreachable. I tried upgrading to asterisk 1.6 by upgrading the entire hardy distro to lucid and I got one slight improvement...the first number becomes reachable but the rest no and it appears that the growing list of channels then makes the first sip peers unreachable too.
01:49.12WIMPy1.6 is like stone age.
01:50.05freetown2okay...I could try upgrading to precise and whatever asterisk they have...but is it normal to have a growing list of sip channels? I am now up to 135 active sip dialogs
01:50.19freetown2140 and counting
01:50.29freetown2multiple dialogs for each sip peer
01:50.33WIMPyNo. There's something going terribly wrong.
01:51.12freetown2i never had this before and there has been no configuration change...but could this be configuration related?
01:52.13WIMPyI did have that isse a long time ago with phones publishing their state.
01:52.28WIMPyFor your version that would be in the far future.
01:53.05freetown2no phones connecting to serves as a go between for a cisco pbx and the provider
01:53.34jameswfGo go power hackers
01:55.49jameswfSolid possibility you are in the process of.... How do the kids say it these days.... Getting owned
01:56.55jameswfNothing that cool... Rootkits are so 1998.
01:57.26jameswfClose your firewall see if it all drops
01:59.34freetown2jameswf, as in stop filtering?
02:00.15jameswfAs in FILTER ALL THE THINGS
02:00.24jameswfDrop all traffic
02:00.49jameswfSee of all traffic is coming from a single ip,/subnet
02:00.59freetown2i have strict rules as to who can connect to asterisk. Except for the provider, nothing is allowed to connect. tcpdump does not show any other connections for that matter
02:03.32freetown2all the sip dialogs are to the provider btw...
02:04.29freetown2i forgot to say that I am getting registration timeouts for all sip peers from the provider
02:13.53*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
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02:17.20*** join/#asterisk hursjohn (~hursjohn@
02:23.28*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
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02:49.40*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
03:09.14*** join/#asterisk wrxed (
03:09.46*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
03:10.39wrxedLooking for some assistance with H323. Specifically trying to place calls from my Asterisk server to an Altigen box that is configured to use H323. I can get the phones to ring / setup, but I'm not getting audio. Using OOH323 installed from the addons menu. Anyone have any common settings that I may have missed?
03:11.08wrxedmy experience with H323 is limited to the last 4 hours of googling... so i'm sure I'm missing something, i Just don't know what.
03:11.46*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
03:16.29*** join/#asterisk tulga (cb5b710a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:16.35tulgaI see extension name in queue_log, I need extension number like LOCAL/100 in queue_log. where configure it?
04:04.01*** join/#asterisk wolrah_ (~wolrah@
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04:51.44*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
04:53.24gavimobileim very concerned about my new cisco router. my previoous router was a worse situation but im suspiciius my router is causing minor dissconections.
04:53.34gavimobilemy trunks go and cmoe
04:54.28gavimobileis thhis normal? or is it normal to have a solid connection with my trunks without any lagging or disconnectiosn?
05:10.35*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
05:12.07gavimobilemy dns settings may have been off..
05:12.10gavimobileback to more testing
05:17.27*** join/#asterisk ayrjola (~ayrjola@
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08:38.32linociscois Grandstream UCM610x and cisco 7945G compatiable
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08:59.55linociscois Grandstream UCM610x and cisco 7945G compatiable
09:10.45*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
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09:50.39*** join/#asterisk giorgiodinapoli (
09:51.15giorgiodinapoliimagine a sip client and a pbx are talking to each other but no voice can be heard. how can we find out why, is there a good step by step plan?
09:59.14*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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10:32.02*** join/#asterisk AAmit (~amit@
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11:05.18*** join/#asterisk dan_j (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
11:06.10*** join/#asterisk XATRIX (~xatrix@
11:06.27dan_jHi. If i can see sip packets on the asterisk server, using 'tcpdump port 5060', any idea why i can't see them when using 'sip set debug ip IPADDRESS'?
11:06.38dan_jIts like its being filtered somewhere, but iptables is totally open.
11:07.30XATRIXHi guys, i know it's not a support channel for Elastix. But can you advice me ? I'm trying to get my PBX talk my local lang. Which one archive should i donwload from ?
11:07.38XATRIXalaw,ulaw, gsm ?
11:08.16XATRIXAnd what is it for ? I thought there should be one independent codec format
11:08.54dan_jDownload all and let asterisk sort things out.
11:10.10XATRIXHow ? I tried to put all the files to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/it
11:10.26XATRIXBut the asterisk still talks to me english
11:10.47*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
11:10.51XATRIXMoreover i did echo "language=it" >> /etc/asterisk/sip_general_custom.conf
11:22.08ayrjolaXATRIX: dont konw much about elastix, but n free pbx used to be languagecode under general section on webpage
11:24.25XATRIXYes, it's there, but i don't need to have multilang setup. Only IT voice
11:26.23dan_jIs it possible to store the hangup reason for all sip calls?
11:27.05dan_jXATRIX: have you tried copying the IT files into the default location, and overriding all the english files?
11:27.29XATRIXYes, but nothing changed
11:27.48XATRIXIf i remove EN directory - then i have no voices at all
11:27.48*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:27.58XATRIXBut if i override em, nothing changes O_O
11:28.27dan_jSo move EN directory. Download IT directly, and rename it EN
11:30.21*** join/#asterisk Egyptian[Home] (~marafa@
11:31.46Egyptian[Home]  <-- can someone enlighten me with the issue i need to fix?
11:37.10*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
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11:48.03lnbfresh install of ubuntu 12.04 x64, ran install_prereq install, screen is full of lines like open: 200631; closed: 540315; defer: 8; conflict: 8
11:49.25*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-jzxwjqvsrxzispeh)
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12:15.15Zogoton the asterisk 12 branch, the mysql schemas are missing
12:15.18Zogotthey have been moved?
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12:29.26XATRIXGuys, if i terminate my call with "Put caller on hold forever" , how can i get this call back after i finish to talk to the previous caller ?
12:30.29XATRIXOr, call termination - does total disconnect from the call queue ?
12:34.15dan_jIs there any way to reload the iax bindport without a full restart? when i do iax2 reload, i get this 'Ignoring bindaddr on reload'
12:34.18*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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13:22.46*** join/#asterisk wrxed (
13:23.24wrxedLooking for some assistance with H323. Specifically trying to place calls from my Asterisk server to an Altigen box that is configured to use H323. I can get the phones to ring / setup, but I'm not getting audio. Using OOH323 installed from the addons menu. Anyone have any common settings that I may have missed?
13:23.52wrxedmy experience with H323 is limited to the about 5 hours of googling... so i'm sure I'm missing something, i Just don't know what.
13:24.39WIMPyThe problem is exactely the same as with SIP.
13:25.03WIMPyJust that the counterpart to reinvites should be safe.
13:26.20wrxedcould you elaborate on that a bit please?
13:27.01WIMPyIt usually doesn't work when NAT is involved.
13:27.30WIMPySIP has various workarounds. I Doubt there has been much done in that respect in th H323 channel.
13:27.34*** join/#asterisk MissionCritical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
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13:34.38wrxedSplendid. I was afraid of that
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14:12.03Kobazdoes the security event stuff exist in 1.8?
14:14.41[TK]D-Fender* 1- IIRC
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14:16.13mjordan[TK]D-Fender: you recall correctly
14:20.29*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-csovatpuuwsbzlxy)
14:20.48Egyptian[Home]router :)
14:23.22*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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14:40.22Kobazjust wondering what to do with fail2ban stops working
14:40.28Kobazi guess an upgrade to 12 is in order at some point
14:41.00Kobazs/stops/when it stops/
14:41.12puzzledhi. does anyone know where I can find a list of NANPA area codes that are non-US?
14:43.18[TK]D-FenderIt's like they have a SITE or something!
14:43.34puzzled[TK]D-Fender: doh, thanks
14:44.54puzzledweird, Canada is missing from that list. Guess we'll see an invasion soon then :)
14:45.08[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: Go further back on thier site
14:45.20[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: can & US have dedicated pages
14:45.29puzzledcool, thanks
14:45.55Kattyhi fenderbender.
14:51.40*** join/#asterisk sip (
14:51.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew
14:51.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: how're you dear
14:52.05*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
14:53.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: Meh.  connection issues here driving me nuts...
14:53.51lnbsetup odbc.ini/odbcinst.ini with valid credentials, isql -v asterisk-connecter fails with access denied for root@localhost. root is not in odbc.ini
14:54.12lnbwhy is it trying to connect as root?
14:54.23*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-neucdwhsztfbnriz)
14:57.33[TK]D-FenderWhere do we see it saying anything else?
15:00.00*** join/#asterisk _0x5eb_ (~seb@
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15:19.16lnbstrange, dial our phone number with cell, it rings on cell but nothing on sip phone. Tried changing destination on inbound route, and nothing
15:20.38lnbsee the inbound call in cli, but that's it
15:24.27*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:2f70:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
15:35.15lnbi dont get it. Tried sending to other extensions and call is same.. rings on cell, shows up once in cli and then ringing stops and nothing in cli like hangup
15:37.50lnbdeleted inbound route for the DID and call still does same thiing
15:39.20*** join/#asterisk hursjohn_s (~hursjohn@
15:43.13defsworkSIP peers with status LAGGED - how to clear that ? I think it's ok now but * isnt using it
15:43.23defsworksip trunk
15:44.55lnbthis is really off. from itsp route call to a2billing server then -> freepbx server and the call works. Route call direct from itsp -> freepbx server call doesn't come in
15:45.03lnbwtf is causing this?
15:45.25*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
15:48.10newtonrdefswork, sip reload maybe? I'm not sure
15:48.20defsworkyeah I did that and it cleared
15:48.28defsworkbut is there a way it will self clear ?
15:50.10*** join/#asterisk wrxed (
15:50.43mjordanIf a SIP peer is lagged, it is because the time to qualify the peer is exceeding what you configured for your qualify setting.
15:51.18mjordanEach time Asterisk qualifies the peer, it will recalculate the RTT of the OPTIONS request versus the max qualify time for that peer.
15:51.37mjordanIt will only magically fix itself if whatever is causing the lag goes away
15:51.57defsworkhmm - ok - it looked like the latency issue was resolved hours ago though
15:51.59mjordanGenerally, if you are getting LAGGED peers, you either (a) have a setting that is too small for the peer, or (b) you have network problems.
15:52.17defsworkthere was some routing issues with our provider
15:52.58defswork* was showing a constant 2351ms - never varied - so it looked like it wasn't re-reporting it
15:53.50newtonrdid you look to see if the OPTIONS requests were still being sent out and responded to?
15:54.11defsworkno - sorry - something to remember
15:54.28defsworkI never got down to sip debugging it
15:54.56newtonryeah, and if you are getting responses, but the response time is stuck, make sure to capture debug logs and pcap then report it on the tracker.
15:57.51*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
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16:37.10QuastorHi, doe somebody knows if it's possible to keep the Original CID when transferring a call to an other extension?
16:39.58[TK]D-Fenderdo a blind transfer and not an attended transfer
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16:45.40QuastorYes ok I have to test that but you also know that most people use an attended, but when they do the transfer you are connected with the Original caller and not with the extension who did the transfer
16:46.29Quastorthe same problem with call pickup
16:50.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
16:56.51Kobazwho'se good with crisco routers
16:57.17Kobazi got's a nat question.... i have like 40 phones behind a cisco C881G-V
16:57.44Kobazthey are registering to a remote host, the host gets the reg, sends back options,  and then the cisco is not passing back the options response, so the phones are unreachable
17:03.37*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
17:06.24Kobazoh yay i fixed it
17:06.27Kobazturned off nat for sip
17:17.22Kobazfor future reference:  no ip nat service sip udp port 5060
17:17.28Kobazwill fix sip on cisco
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18:20.53infinity1who are some good pay as you go sip trunk providers?
18:22.29*** part/#asterisk Eugene (
18:23.09infinity1[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the tip!
18:24.04infinity1[TK]D-Fender: seems the party-line list has changed. been out of the buesiness for ages.  glad i asked :)
18:24.28Qwellinfobot is a bit out of date, I suspect...
18:24.28[TK]D-FenderA few others have certainly fallen in the public view
18:24.33[TK]D-FenderSome right off the map
18:24.38infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones:,,,,,, and
18:24.44QwellDisclaimer: I do not agree with the above.
18:24.59infinity1i would remove teliax. you can't sign up on the website anymore.
18:25.11[TK]D-FenderVoicepulse has had enough periods with issues taht I hear very little about them anymore...
18:25.17[TK]D-FenderThem too
18:25.54infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones:,,,, and
18:26.04Qwellupdated, but somebody that doesn't have a stake in one of the companies should update the list.
18:26.21infinity1Qwell: which do you represent ? :)
18:26.42Qwellinfinity1: Not so much represent, but my employer owns/runs
18:28.14infinity1Qwell: well, if you're here backing the community, they must be good right? :)
18:31.59Qwellinfinity1: I'm here because I'm an addict; there is no PBX Developers Anonymous support group.
18:46.45Kattypaces to
18:47.05Kattypaces fro
18:48.06*** join/#asterisk Egyptian[Home] (~marafa@
18:58.51mjordanQwell: I'm fine with anyone updating ye olde infobot. If it recommends silly things, I think whoever updated it will get yelled at collectively :-)
18:59.22Qwellmjordan: well, I updated it to remove old/bad listings.  I just don't feel comfortable making any changes myself, given the obvious bias.
18:59.50Kattyi'll make changes!
19:00.12Kattyme and infobot have a long happy history together, of doing silly things.
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19:04.15ChannelZinfobot: be serious is <reply> no.
19:04.15infobotokay, ChannelZ
19:04.24Kattyinfobot: be serious
19:04.30Kattyinfobot: why not?
19:04.30infobotwhy not?
19:04.33Kattyinfobot: yes.
19:04.34infobotsomebody said yes was the opposite of no
19:04.41Kattyinfobot: you're hopeless.
19:05.08Kattyinfobot: i love you
19:05.08infobotYou love you?
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20:45.10mutable_malachiHi guys and girls and other. :-)
20:47.39mutable_malachiI'm doing a bit of grunt work for an apartment building with 100 analog phone lines coming into a server room. New construction. The server room hasn't been built yet.
20:47.53TazzNZpoor you
20:47.58mutable_malachiTazzNZ: :-)
20:48.07TazzNZwhy not VoIP ?
20:48.11QwellWhy analog?
20:48.17TazzNZand you serve them internet over the same line
20:48.27mutable_malachiNot my decision. Retirement home. My preference would have been SIP everything.
20:48.36TazzNZthat explains a lot :
20:48.42WIMPyA new building with analogue lines???
20:48.55mutable_malachiWIMPy: Analog to the server room.
20:49.04ChainsawGrandma needs to be able to use you know.
20:49.08mutable_malachiWhere I'll employ asterisk to connect the calls via SIP.
20:49.12WIMPyBad enough
20:49.18mutable_malachiI agree.
20:49.27mutable_malachiBut it was the unsatisfactory compromise that we came to.
20:49.36QwellThere was a *worse* solution?
20:49.46mutable_malachiYeah. Hard lines through the telco.
20:49.51mutable_malachiRetirement home foots the bill.
20:50.02WIMPyHow would that be worse?
20:50.05TazzNZyou need 4 of these
20:50.16TazzNZ5 - sorry
20:50.16QwellTazzNZ: 5
20:50.33TazzNZyeah - "early" morning here :)
20:50.40ChainsawTazzNZ: Coffee will make it better.
20:50.49TazzNZWorking on that Chainsaw :)
20:50.54mutable_malachi<3 coffee
20:50.58mutable_malachiTazzNZ: Thank you!
20:51.43TazzNZdo you even get a card that can handle more than 24 ?
20:51.48TazzNZI don't think so
20:51.52mutable_malachiNot to my knowledge.
20:52.13WIMPychannel banks.
20:52.45mutable_malachiWIMPy: Like those Adtran things?
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20:53.05TazzNZbut they are $$$, from memory
20:53.34mutable_malachiHow much do the digium cards cost?
20:55.25TazzNZabout 1800 each
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20:56.08QwellWhy would you not get PRIs though?
20:56.21WIMPyDon't know if adtran do them. I'm was referring to the ones that do T1<>Analogue, not SIP GWs.
20:56.22mutable_malachiDo you mean through the telco?
20:56.26TazzNZthe phones are to the rooms
20:56.31TazzNZnot to the ITSP
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20:56.32Qwellmutable_malachi: instead of analog, yes.
20:56.46mutable_malachiWe are, on the ITSP side.
20:57.01TazzNZI would make that SIP tbh
20:57.25mutable_malachiWell, we have a couple options. The ITSP offers PRI and SIP and we haven't priced it out yet.
20:57.29Qwellwait, so it's analog to the rooms?
20:57.32mutable_malachiYeah. The rooms are analog and that's probably not changing because old folks home.
20:58.53mutable_malachiI'm not exactly thrilled about this given that it's new construction but whatever.
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21:10.57marsmarsHi @all, I have some probs with an asterisk 11 on a router. For example I have softphone and call it the softphone from an ISDN phone via chan_capi. The IAX2 packages are going to the softphone and the softphone answers. (RX and TX) This could I see via dtrace funtions of the AVM Fritz!Box, the modified Router. The asterisk server does not show this RX Packages at the CLI with hight verbose, only the TX. Yesterday I have been here and [
21:12.34mutable_malachiIt looks like adtran channel banks would be somewhat cheaper than the Digium cards.
21:13.09WIMPyYou still need a card.
21:13.57mutable_malachiRight, for FXO?
21:14.14WIMPyNo for the channelbank.
21:14.38mutable_malachiRight, to connect the channel bank to the asterisk boxes?
21:14.42WIMPyBut you could use GWs instead. Might limit your possibilities, tho.
21:17.32mutable_malachiWIMPy: And do I understand correctly that what it needs is an FXO port?
21:18.02WIMPyAn? As in single?
21:18.21WIMPyAnd does that still refer to the cahnnel bank?
21:19.00mutable_malachiSingle, yeah, on the asterisk box side.
21:19.14WIMPyYou need one T1 port per channel bank.
21:19.45mutable_malachiOh, stellar. I'm trying to keep this under $12000 because it's what shorttel quoted us for the proprietary crap.
21:20.15mutable_malachiBut that doesn't sound bad.
21:20.30WIMPyPRI cards don't cost much.
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21:42.49mutable_malachiSo okay, I think I understand this correctly. I need channel banks (probably 5 24-ports) with FXS ports, one port for each line, and then 5 T1 ports?
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21:47.52mutable_malachiWIMPy: Thank you! :-)
21:54.48mutable_malachiWhat do you guys think of these things?
21:55.40WIMPyDo you get drivers for them?
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22:12.39mutable_malachiWIMPy: Looking into that now.
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