IRC log for #asterisk on 20140730

00:09.22*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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02:15.13*** part/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
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02:32.01*** join/#asterisk wh1t3c0d3r (4651838b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:32.39wh1t3c0d3rHi, I need help with my AsteriskNow installation. I have no audio when calling using two different SIP client.
02:34.51wh1t3c0d3rIf I'm not in the correct channel, please tell where to go.
02:35.00wh1t3c0d3r*tell me
02:37.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:41.23WIMPyAre all on the same network?
02:43.37*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (027ec7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:43.49wh1t3c0d3rno, seperated. I think NAT is having trouble.
02:44.02WIMPyThat's pretty normal.
02:44.06infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
02:44.54wh1t3c0d3rWhen directly connecing to it via the local network, it work. What I don't understand is it was working yesterday..
02:45.05wh1t3c0d3rSorry for my english
02:46.02wh1t3c0d3rI've tried enabling the NAT via the SIP setting page and in the extension's configuration
02:46.14wh1t3c0d3rbut no luck
02:54.42*** join/#asterisk dan_j (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
02:54.57dan_jHi. Is it possible to specify two IP addressed in sip.conf bindaddr ?
02:56.06dan_joh dear. Ok, next question, if ive got a floating IP which i want to listen on, and also want to listen on Is it possible?
02:56.17dan_jie. i dont want to listen any one other public ips.
02:56.23WIMPyYou can listen on one or all.
02:56.49WIMPyiptables is your friend then.
02:57.08WIMPyOr nftables if your're state of the art.
02:57.30dan_jI know i could just block it, but asterisk keeps putting the wrong ip in the sip dialogs
02:58.08WIMPyYes. chan_sip doesn't like to be used on a multi-homed system.
03:00.57wh1t3c0d3rno much help in the links you gave me. First one sent a 404 and the second does not contains new info
03:01.36wh1t3c0d3rNat is already set to yes, localnet and directmedia are set too but still no audio (I restarted the service)
03:01.51WIMPygoogle should have lots of info on the topic.
03:02.04WIMPyBut sometimes it just doesn't work.
03:02.10wh1t3c0d3rport forwarding is not a problem since the server is using an ip behing a DMZ..
03:02.12WIMPyIt really depends on the NATting device(s).
03:02.46wh1t3c0d3ryeah but I still does not see why it stopped working without modification..
03:03.03wh1t3c0d3rboth on the router and the server.
03:03.18WIMPyAny dynamic IPs involved?
03:03.27wh1t3c0d3rno, static ips
03:03.46WIMPyOr anyone else (re)using some port?
03:04.33wh1t3c0d3rno, I don't think, the external ip is unique and all data sent to it is forwarded to the server
03:05.12wh1t3c0d3rtwo ip on the router, one is for general purpose and the other is dedicated
03:05.51wh1t3c0d3rI've tried restarting the server, the router and even the device and computer connecting to the server
03:06.18wh1t3c0d3rI'm thinking about reinstalling...
03:06.40wh1t3c0d3rbut want to avoid that..
03:07.27WIMPyIt's unlikely to help.
03:08.34wh1t3c0d3rall the settings is done via the freepbx admin panel.
03:09.12dan_ji think i'm going to have to rewrite the pacemaker RA that i'm using so that it doesnt need to use, then i can force asterisk to bind to one ip.
03:09.36dan_jIf asterisk is bound to one IP, does that guarantee that it wont put a different IP in the sip packets?
03:11.17WIMPyNFI. But you might have to turn off ICE.
03:11.48dan_jIs that for me?
03:12.21WIMPyNo F***ing Idea
03:12.50dan_jOk. looks like ive got more testing to do.
03:17.40wh1t3c0d3rhum..  I will reinstall, nothing is blocking any packets.
03:17.56wh1t3c0d3rthanks for time trying to help me
03:18.05wh1t3c0d3r*for your time
03:18.39*** part/#asterisk wh1t3c0d3r (4651838b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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09:23.58StaRetjihowdy folks
09:24.12StaRetjican someome confirm if * is working as DTMF tone in Asterisk?
09:24.37StaRetjiwe tried activating promotion on sim card, over sip, using DTMF and operator requires pressing *
09:24.53StaRetjihowever, it seems it is not working, while digits work
09:30.09*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
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09:46.40buhmanif asterisk servers have device state distribution configured correctly, how is information about which asterisk server is currently available distributed to devices?
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14:33.51dan_jHi. I'm trying to get named pickup groups to work, but it appears that the pickupexten feature doesnt look at the named pickup groups. Can that be right?
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15:24.16StaRetjifolks, can asterisk send * dtmf ?
15:28.08*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:2f70:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
15:30.02StaRetjiok, thanks
15:30.27StaRetjithen I must be doing something wrong, I send 0-9 normaly, but * not recognized for some reason
15:30.41StaRetjiI will debug, just needed to know if it is supported or no
15:31.24[TK]D-FenderShouldn't have to ask
15:31.48[TK]D-FenderThere's dialplan patterns for that sort of thing, and you can't go and not support those 2.
15:31.55[TK]D-FenderA-D is another funny story...
15:32.54dan_jStaRetji: could it be triggering a feature, and therefore not forwarding the * onwards?
15:33.05*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
15:33.32StaRetjihm, could be, thanks for the tip dan_j
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16:29.00navaismo~Valar Morghulis
16:29.43marsmarsHello, I have got an modified router with Asterisk 11.11.0 and the IAX2 packages does not receive to the asterisk instance, but they are registrated by dtrace on the lan interface at the Router. netstat -nlp says, that the asterisk server has got the udp socket at port 4569 Waht could be wrong?
16:32.45*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
16:33.20[TK]D-Fendermarsmars: Show us
16:33.22infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:39.59*** join/#asterisk Mango45 (
16:42.18Mango45Is there a way to disable transcoding in Asterisk, if there is a codec that's common to both peers?
16:42.42Mango45Actually, let me ask that a different way.
16:44.02Mango45If my phone supports G.722 and G.711, and a carrier only sometimes supports G.722, what will happen for calls in which it doesn't?
16:44.51ChkDigitThey will pick the most preferred codec that they share.
16:45.50ChkDigitcall by call.
16:47.13[TK]D-FenderAlso depends if the call has already been answered by * or not, who has what for preferences, and whose order takes precedence
16:48.35Mango45Assume * has not answered the call, and directmedia and directrtpsetup are turned on.
16:49.02Mango45Some users in this thread claim that Asterisk insists on transcoding from G.722 to G.711, even though the phone supports G.711.
16:50.28ChkDigitDo you mean the phone supports G.722 and G.711?
16:50.40[TK]D-Fender[12:48]Mango45Assume * has not answered the call, and directmedia and directrtpsetup are turned on. <- last 2 don't matter
16:50.43*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
16:50.49ChkDigitG.722 -> G.711 would need a transcode.
16:52.02Mango45ChkDigit, yes the phone supports both.  The goal is to pick the most preferred codec that both peers share, though apparently that doesn't happen.
16:53.16*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
16:54.39mjordanMango45: generally, Asterisk attempts to avoid transcoding. In some situations, however, there may be a reason why that is difficult. The SIP_CODEC function lets you pick which codec you want to offer. Using a pre-dial handler, you could control that however you want.
16:54.55*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-bzaojhlkdlegmkbu)
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16:55.47mjordanAnd, just to make things more fun: generally, attempting to always avoid transcoding is not what everyone wants. If you really want to avoid transcoding, then you should set the preference order of codecs on your peers/endpoints to the order that you want
16:56.00mjordanAnd then use the dialplan to set/restrict things further if desired
16:56.10*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~Adium@
16:58.01Mango45Out of curiosity, why would you prefer to transcode, if both peers have a common codec?
16:58.21Mango45Why not just pick the first preference that is common to both?
16:58.51mjordanThere are situations where you want to use g729, for example, because you know the network is getting congested.
17:03.01marsmarsI have post some conf and logs at
17:04.52[TK]D-Fendermarsmars: So far * is seeing a call there....
17:05.13[TK]D-Fendermarsmars: kill the code debug and include verbose on your next attempt
17:06.34*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
17:08.45marsmarsTK D-Fender: new version with verbose:
17:10.06PenguinI thought the order of peer definition entries in sip.conf was important.  I created a type user before a type peer and incoming calls still use the second entry (the peer instead of the user).  The user and peer both use the same host.
17:10.30PenguinDoes type peer have precedence over type user regardless of order in sip.conf?
17:11.21[TK]D-Fendermarsmars: tail -f /var/log/asterisk/debug  <-- LIVE CLI only.. forget "logs"
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17:16.19PenguinActually, the problem isn't related to type user vs peer.  It's still doing the same thing when changed to type peer.
17:16.48PenguinSo the new question... doesn't order of peer entries in sip.conf matter?
17:21.37*** join/#asterisk marsmars (
17:22.42marsmarsTK -Fender:
17:24.25marsmarsTK D-Fender: I have to change the location. I'm drving home. The akku should be ok, please ask or give hints, but i cound not direct answer...
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17:57.00igcewielingHas anyone experieced weird issues like some commands in the Asterisk CLI causing the CLI to stop working correctly.   See for an example, see how the second sip show peers doesn't work.   Asterisk 11.11.0 / DAHDI 2.9 / Wanpipe 7.0.10
18:03.55*** join/#asterisk Katty (
18:05.45newtonrdo calls stop getting processed after that happens?
18:05.54igcewielingnewtonr: yes.
18:07.04newtonrsounds like a deadlock maybe. probably want to grab the info described here and create a bug report on JIRA if you can reproduce the issue
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18:18.41igcewielingI'll see what I can do, but it might be a moot issue, I suspect they will leave us.
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18:28.42marsmarsTK D-Fender: my car is broken, seem it would be late comming home
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19:23.10*** join/#asterisk dan_j (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
19:23.50dan_jHi, how is the g729 license tied to a server? if i've got two servers, with a floating ip, and only one server with asterisk running at a time, do i require licenses for both?
19:24.15Qwelldan_j: It is tied directly to the hardware.  You require licenses for both, yes.
19:24.47QwellThat's just the nature of HA.  2 of everything - even licenses.
19:25.04dan_jOk. I was hoping it was tied to an ip address :-)
19:25.24dan_jIs it possible to transfer licenses from an old machine?
19:26.16QwellYou'd have to ask Digium.
19:26.35QwellShort version though: Not really.
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19:48.42shido6how many do you have? :)
19:49.01dan_jOnly a handful
19:49.05dan_jabout 10
19:50.16shido6I would talk to ‘em before buying another license
19:50.41shido6do u get eyeballs on what it is you do?
19:50.57WIMPyBuy a transcoder card next time. That should be easy to transfer to a new server.
19:51.18QwellWIMPy: $100 vs $800 (or whatever it costs)...
19:51.52dan_jI think it'll be ok. I'm actually moving from one VM to another, so i can simply decommission the old server, change the MAC on the new server to match the old server, then move the licenses over.
19:51.56WIMPySometimes you get the cards for less than the same number of software licenses.
19:54.11*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:54.26dan_jI assume those cards don't work too well when using guest VMs to run asterisk.
19:54.40igcewielingdan_j: You can "reinstal" the license a few times, so you can move to a new machine it once or twice
19:56.01shido6dan_j: not a fan of iommu?
19:58.53*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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20:05.33KattyQwell: this is your fault.
20:05.36KattyQwell: YOUR FAULT.
20:06.16igcewielingIt is Seg's Fault!
20:07.54QwellKatty: most things are
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20:11.08Kattyhugs Qwell
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20:23.06twanny796I need to compile dahdi and then export it to another system. I managed to do this with DESTDIR=/root/destDir, then make a tar file and extract in / of the other system. However the module is not loaded and /dev/dahdi is not created. Anyone done this?
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20:45.06navaismoCreate an RPM or deb or whatever package the system use
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