IRC log for #asterisk on 20140729

00:09.19*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
00:20.10*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
00:30.12ChkDigitIf I have a call coming in with: Context: incoming-btt  Extension: 200, should Pickup(200@incoming-btt) not answer that call?
00:33.39*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
00:34.30[TK]D-Fender"core show application pickup"
00:34.43ChkDigitThanks, did that.
00:36.57ChkDigitConsole tells me pickup_exec: No target channel found for 200@incoming-btt.
00:37.39ChkDigitNote 3 on core show application pickup tells me I should expect it to pickup.
00:40.01[TK]D-Fenderpastebin the instructions....
00:41.56ChkDigitLooks like the very last little bit where the context is defined by Dial() got me.
00:44.18ChkDigitAnd... it isn't.  It is using the default context for the SIP peer...
00:48.13ChkDigitSo, I have my problem solved, but this does not feel right.
00:48.26ChkDigitI have a receptionist phone at SIP/221
00:48.41ChkDigitIt has a default context of from-internal
00:49.29ChkDigitA call comes in from the PSTN over a DAHDI board, which goes to 200@incoming-btt
00:49.51ChkDigitafter some stuff that context decides to Dial(SIP/221)
00:50.18ChkDigitAt which point context needs to match from-internal, but extension needs to match 200.  Is this expected?
00:51.08*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
00:51.34[TK]D-FenderShow the call and the instructions
00:55.34ChkDigitI'm seeing how they match up, I'm just complaining that it doesn't seem intuitive.  Mostly because I don't understand why Dial() would change context.
00:56.12[TK]D-Fenderit doesn't
00:57.03ChkDigitexten 200,1,Dial(SIP/221)
00:58.07ChkDigitcore show channel SIP/221...
00:58.27*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
00:59.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
01:00.27[TK]D-FenderLets try this again ...
01:00.32[TK]D-FenderShow the CALL.
01:01.13[TK]D-FenderNot "show a manual random chunk of the raw config".  Show what is actually happening.
01:01.46ChkDigitSo, you'd like to see the console output, yes?
01:02.48*** join/#asterisk [[thufir]] (
01:03.01[TK]D-FenderAnd the instructions as dumped earlier...
01:05.20*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
01:09.40ChkDigitThat is the call.
01:09.55*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
01:10.30ChkDigitThose are the instructions.
01:29.07*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@2602:306:bdc4:84e0:20c:29ff:fe01:6302)
01:34.43*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
01:38.10[TK]D-FenderChkDigit: is that due to an INCLUDED context?
01:42.53*** part/#asterisk Russ (
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02:37.13*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
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02:59.07*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (d38bc8f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:59.23BeeBuu> 0x7f3574022ee0 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8444
02:59.36BeeBuuwhat's above text mean?
02:59.52BeeBuucould anyone tell me ?please
03:04.44*** join/#asterisk hursjohn (~hursjohn@
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06:17.48ayrjolaHi, any news on It still seems to be down...
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07:33.27*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
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07:49.15*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
07:54.54riess82good morning
08:05.52riess82I am back, better prepared then yesterday. I would like to run an asterisk inside the following system: ISDN form Telephone COmpany --- AVAYA Integral 5 D with 1 ISDN station on S0, 3 analog phones, 1 free T0, 1 free S0 and 2 free analog lines
08:07.49riess82is the s0 the right place to plug in the asterisk with a generic ISDN card? i found a post online that mentions the disadvantage of blocking 2 ISDN lines if i call from the isdn station to the asterisk on the same bus
08:09.06sekilyes s0 is the only input to use
08:09.08michael_workayrjola, so it's not only me :(
08:09.25michael_workwanted to prepair patch for review and no go as can't update
08:10.01ayrjolamichael_work I have been trying for about 3 hour now
08:10.03riess82sekil: would i get rid of this problem if i find another slot module for the integral with another S0?
08:10.25michael_worki wonder who we need to ping for that
08:10.33sekilI would get rid of isdn phone
08:10.39michael_worklet's try asterisk-dev
08:11.26riess82sekil: if money wouldn't be an issue, i would agree
08:12.00ayrjolamichael_work that could work, they had maintanance break that strated 9CST
08:12.23ayrjolamichael_work that sould have been only about one hour
08:12.51michael_workok. i assume the best option to wait for highlight here or to chck in few hours :P
08:15.02sekilriess82: if you call from isdn phone to asterisk you're assuming  both channels
08:16.45*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:16.47ayrjolamichael_work its 3am at huntsville, so I would bet that 4-5 hours wait before anybody is at the office
08:17.02sekilriess82:  as I said get rid of that and use IP phone on asterisk
08:17.35riess82no option, unfortunately
08:17.41sekilriess82: oh avaya integral is a pbx?
08:17.55sekilriess82: I thought it's an isdn phone...
08:18.06riess82integral is an pbx
08:18.13sekilriess82: that you can interconnect two pbxes differently
08:18.21sekilerr then
08:18.59riess82wow, nice service infobot
08:19.46sekilriess82: i read h323 is supported on that avaya...asterisk has ooh323..and there you go
08:19.51riess82sekil: i would have one free plugin slot on the integral pbx that could take another module with 2xt0 and 2xs0
08:21.38sekilriess82: why not use voip to connect * and avaya
08:22.09riess82you mean the asterisk between telco and current avaya?
08:23.04riess82sekil: i can't find anything on google with "integral 5 d h.323"
08:23.11*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
08:24.04sekilriess82: seems like 5E does voip
08:24.40riess82so back to the extra slot module for another s0...
08:25.33sekilif * can do nt mode you connect via isdn
08:26.13sekilyou can program digium/openvox cards for nt mode I think
08:27.25*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
08:27.43riess82here is a thread putting asterisk infront of integral 5, so should work (somehow)
08:30.50sekilyou can use q.sig
08:31.23riess82*scared* another thing i don't know anything about
09:01.08riess82sekil: do i understand this correctly that with this card i could put * between telco and integral or on s0 of integral?
09:01.53*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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09:34.55sekilriess82: you buy an isdn card....put it in the box ...make it work in nt mode...install asterisk.. and then connect the card to an isdn card of the avaya
09:35.09sekilriess82: so the connection is just between telco
09:42.53*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
10:08.57riess82ok. i think i understand
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11:05.58*** join/#asterisk fabio1591 (c56037ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:06.48fabio1591Hey Guys, maybe a silly question but I'm sort of new to Asterisk and SIP in general...
11:07.45fabio1591Long story short, I hav an incoming SIP call to my asterisk server which works fine, however I need to specifically use data in a later SIP invite (in-dialog) which I need to be able grab
11:08.39fabio1591The updated SIP Invite contains a different value inside P-Asserted-intentity, so how to I grab that data specifically and not the data in the first SIP invite
11:08.56fabio1591any tips, tricks and or advise would be highly appreciated :)
11:11.14fabio1591been struggling with this one for a while googling has just led me in circle with nothing conclusive so sort of hitting a wall here, everytime I try to make use of the P-Asserted-Identify header, it always displays the value from the first invite... am I doign something horribly wrong or is there a reason behind this sort of behaviour
11:11.30fabio1591Asterisk 1.8 btw
11:47.53*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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11:54.19fabio1591Anyone home?
11:56.15*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
12:04.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:18.41P-NuTHi all, I'm looking at a ps axjf on my asterisk server and I see 40 child processes of "/usr/sbin/asterisk -p -U asterisk".
12:18.53P-NuTWhat is this and how do I bring this number down?
12:20.16*** join/#asterisk hindi (
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12:23.27fileyour system might be showing threads as child processes, in which case there's nothing to worry about
12:28.13workingcatschecked my man ps, showing threads as processes has other option letters
12:28.16workingcatsH specifically
12:28.32workingcatsunless they figured it's a good idea to develop multiple sets of options for ps
12:33.57filedepends on what implements ps
12:38.17*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
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13:01.09ayrjolaanybody using pjsip and getting wierd lookig contact Contact: <sip:da001af3-cfea-45c2-a3af-c9231f936b6b@...
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13:28.31ayrjolaHi, any news on It still seems to be down...
13:28.55fileno update as of yet, it's morning in Huntsville
13:29.34fileif you want to know when it's back up you can keep checking or follow the AsteriskDev twitter account
13:31.29ayrjola@file oh, didn't notice that tweet. Thanks.
13:37.50*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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14:56.20bmurtanyone using mediaproxy or rtpproxy?
14:56.29bmurtquick question for helping me understand it
14:56.33bmurtand its handling of rtp
14:58.24pabelangerbmurt, we use rtpproxy, but migrating to rtpengine soon
14:58.38pabelangerthat said, #kamailio might also be a better place
15:00.45puzzledis libss7 2.0.0 supposed to work with Asterisk 11? During Asterisk ./configure I see "checking for ss7_set_adjpc in -lss7... no" and at the end of configure I get an error "The SS7 installation appears to be missing or broken"
15:04.40puzzlednever mind, found that it's only for upcoming Asterisk 13
15:09.55Naikrovek13?  last I played with asterisk it was 1.8.   busy and/or version numbering change...
15:11.15*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:2f70:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
15:12.33Kattyhugs Naikrovek
15:18.13*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
15:18.34ChainsawNaikrovek: 1.8, 10, 11, 12, 13...
15:18.52Naikrovekah katty :)
15:19.01Naikrovekreciprocates the hug
15:19.07NaikrovekChainsaw: ah ok
15:19.32KattyNaikrovek: how're you dear?
15:19.49Naikrovekfine.  also, dandy.  Fine & dandy.  You?
15:20.24michael_workif you have penalty set and queue ringall it would call only people with same (minimal penalty) but not people in range. Why is that decision was made or is it a bug?
15:21.16*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-dlrssnytisprvlao)
15:21.36Kattydrmessano: you around sweety?
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15:41.08bmurtpabelanger: thanks, im researching moving rtp out of asterisk, but was reading about both mediaproxy & rtpproxy, but i was trying to clarify whether once both endpoints are aware of the proper addressing for each other, do they communicate directly or does the media pass through mediaproxy or rtpproxy
15:46.20pabelangerbmurt, depends on your network layout. Usually media goes through the proxy
15:46.34pabelangerthat's what we did
15:46.42pabelangerwe wanted to move RTP out of the core, and to the edge
15:47.13bmurtyeah, we're trying to do the same
15:47.24bmurttrying to get it out of asterisk
15:55.38pabelangerworks well
15:55.53pabelangerinfact, we're running some webrtc test clients with 1.8
15:56.06pabelangerbecause media is processed in the rtpengine
15:56.15pabelangerotherwise, we'd have to upgrade to asterisk 11 / 12
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17:16.26*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.11.0 (2014/07/10), (2014/07/10); Standard: Asterisk 12.4.0 (2014/07/10); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
17:19.46*** join/#asterisk Champi (
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19:02.00ayrjolaHi, I'm getting wierd looking contact header with pjsip Contact: <sip:2608db84-3e53-4af2-a334-1100fc5793e1@...
19:02.32ayrjolado I have something configured wrong or is this feature of pjsip?
19:09.56fileit will place a uuid in the Contact user portion, depending on things it may or may not be replaced
19:10.50fileany particular reason you ask?
19:11.09rmudgettfile: Reparse your previous statement and correct. :)
19:11.50fileno correction needed :P
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19:45.56padid someone here had to face this bug due to the sloppiness of Canonical?
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20:22.34brad[]Hi all, I'm having an issue where I can call my asterisk server (which is behind NAT) and the echo test works - an outside caller can speak and hear himself - but when I connect a SIP client to the PBX, which is on the local LAN, a call inbound to this extension can be heard in only one direction - the SIP client can hear the outside caller but cannot speak to them
20:22.41brad[]obviously some kind of NAT issue, not sure what though
20:22.51brad[]I'm using nf_conntrack_sip and nf_nat_sip
20:31.08brad[]Just solved it. My mic wasn't configured correctly. :|
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22:12.12infinity_who are some good pay as you go sip trunk providers?
22:12.32infinity_i'm pretty sure there is a bot with an answer.
22:13.22WIMPydoesn't think so.
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23:14.40cmendes0101One of my vendors is charging a bit for short duration calls. I'm trying to see how I can force a call to be 6 seconds even if the user hangs up. Any ideas?
23:19.25[TK]D-Fendercmendes0101: "core show application dial"
23:25.56cmendes0101Well I looked over this again in case I missed something but I do the the absolute timeout but was trying to see how to do like a minimum length. Only other thing I can think of is do g with condition checking to do a wait
23:26.09cmendes0101see the absolute timeout*
23:26.30WIMPyThat's the way.
23:29.10WIMPyWell, that actually depend on the direction. What way do you need the delay?
23:30.58cmendes0101Traffic is majority outbound. Our main vendor is charging a 1cent fee for calls under 6 seconds so trying to eliminate that fee by just making the call longer if its less than the 6.
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23:31.44cmendes0101Rather pay 12 seconds @ specific rate than the 1 cent
23:32.25WIMPyg won't help then.
23:32.50dan_jIf i'm using dundi, can i set entity id to anything? I've got asterisk in a pacemaker setup, with two nodes, only one running at any one time, but obviously the mac address changes depending on which node is running. Does entity-id have to belong to that specific machine? Or does it simply have to be globally unique?
23:33.27WIMPyIt has to be unique and look like a mac.
23:34.05dan_jok. thanks
23:34.37WIMPycmendes0101: Take a look at F.
23:36.19cmendes0101WIMPy: Oh ok, I'll look into that. I guess it matters to see which side is hanging up first since callee first might be F and caller would be g?
23:37.01WIMPyIf the callee hangs up, ther's nothing you can do on your providers side to delay it.
23:37.51WIMPyAnd it's the opposite.
23:38.07cmendes0101Ah, got it. thanks
23:39.06*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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