IRC log for #asterisk on 20140719

00:11.23*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
00:15.15qakhani am trying to get if there is any current call in context before make 2nd call. if yes than what is the duration of current call
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08:53.03*** join/#asterisk SupaYoshi (Elite9191@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-bvvdtsjrzcayermp)
08:53.13SupaYoshianyone tips about registrering through NAT?
08:56.11MaliutaLapmake sure you have externip and localnet set properly. ensure you SNAT the sip and rtp ports to the * server
08:56.17SupaYoshiI cant register through NAT even though having port 5060 open and RTP ports. 10000 - 20000
08:56.28MaliutaLapdon't do it if you can avoid it
08:56.28SupaYoshiMy SIP client just won't start to register.
08:56.31SupaYoshiIt times out.
08:56.33infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
08:57.21MaliutaLapit's not about "open", it's about making sure the outgoing packets are DNAT'd properly - and the incoming ones are SNAT'd
08:59.30SupaYoshiAh okay.
08:59.51SupaYoshiWell calls and everything work, I just cant register. :x
08:59.55SupaYoshiSo i closed em again..
09:00.46SupaYoshifirst link doesnt work
09:08.16SupaYoshiIm having harder issues then them.
09:08.22SupaYoshiI have double NAT.
09:08.35SupaYoshibecause my provider can't bridge my modem.
09:08.47SupaYoshiI have opened all ports on the modem/router of the provider, with DMZ.
09:08.53SupaYoshiAnd on the router I forwarded the ports.
09:09.08SupaYoshiHowever, still the registration doesn't connect from outside :/
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10:59.26jermyI'm having fun issues with Caller ID
11:00.08jermyI assumed that the UK was always bad for getting the right settings, but it seems like the module in use (Openvox / opvxa24xx) is actually picking up the number fine
11:00.13jermyit just isn't sharing it with Asterisk
11:04.17jermyI'm not sure how to debug this other than put more debug output into the kernel module and try to see what's going on
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13:49.28qakhani am trying to get if there is any current call in context before making 2nd call. if yes than what is the duration of current call. i check the balance in db before make a call and after call hangup minus the balance and update the table. which works fine.
13:49.29qakhanbut if there is a company and it has multiple phone lines 1001, 1002, 1003 etc... how can i check current call duration if there is any before making 2nd call.
13:49.29qakhancompany has $1.00 balance.
13:49.29qakhan$0.05 per call/min rate so total mins 20
13:49.29qakhanbefore make a call i check in db how much balance a company has.
13:49.29qakhannow if a phone line 1001 makes call then 1001 has 20 min to talk (now counter started)
13:49.30qakhan1001 has talked 10 mins and call is still in process
13:49.30qakhannow another phone line 1002 make a call and again i check balance in db for balance, result is $1.00
13:49.31qakhan1002 has another 20mins to talk, but it is wrong because 1001 has already been used half of balance and keep using it. plus 1002 has 20min to talk and if next line 1003 dial it will also get 20 min and so on. until 1001 finish all balance and balance get update in table and a new line try to call. please suggest how can i resolve this issue. like phone companies do shared mins. is there any
13:49.31qakhanpossibility in asterisk that we can setup shared mins among more the 1 phone lines
14:21.17*** join/#asterisk Dpunkt (
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15:34.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:10.10*** join/#asterisk SirLagz (
16:10.34SirLagzAsterisk should only need UDP 5060 and RTP 10000-20000 forwarded right ? That's what I've found online...
16:12.27filefor SIP, yes
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16:12.47fileand if behind NAT the proper configuration in sip.conf so the signaling reflects the external address when talking to stuff off your local network
16:15.29SirLagzfile: ok cool. already got all the NAT stuff setup
16:15.32SirLagznewtonr: thanks
16:15.44newtonrthat is not a comprehensive example, but i wrote it for one of the more common cases
16:16.08SirLagzSomething is stuffing something up though, after a while I can call into my DID but cannot call out from my asterisk box
16:16.37SirLagzreloading it will fix it for a while but I must be missing something
16:17.03newtonrif the issue only occurs "after a while" be sure you don't have a SIP ALG or something in your firewall/router
16:17.27SirLagzSIP ALG...hmm I'll have a poke around. I'm using pfSense as my router if you're familiar with it
16:17.37newtonrwhen i was writing that tutorial i actually discovered that my home asus router had a built in SIP ALG that was goofing things up. I had to disable it
16:17.42newtonri know pfSense, but i'm not familiar with it
16:18.10filepfSense can go a little wonky with the outbound UDP mapping
16:18.27fileI haven't used it in awhile so can't remember the details
16:18.56SirLagzhmm ok. I've setup port forwarding though, so should that help things ?
16:19.39newtonrthat is pretty much a requirement :D
16:19.53newtonrwith a lot of ifs, ands, and buts
16:19.57newtonrbut yeah
16:20.04[TK]D-FenderSirLagz: for pf you need to disable port randomization <-
16:21.19newtonrSirLagz, when you get it figured out , feel free to write up a little tutorial and submit it as a comment somehwere on the wiki and I can try put it on a page :D
16:21.43SirLagznewtonr: will do
16:26.17SirLagzok so I've setup that static port stuff. Guess I'll find out if it worked or not in a day or so
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17:27.02igcewieling1Can anyone tell me what to look for in order to find out information on what sip timers need to be changed in order for asterisk to give up on an invite to an unreachable device and return from dial?
17:29.32fileyou want timer B
17:29.48*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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17:37.55*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
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17:39.13qakhani am trying to get if there is any current call in context before making 2nd call. if yes than what is the duration of current call. i check the balance in db before make a call and after call hangup minus the balance and update the table. which works fine.
17:39.13qakhanbut if there is a company and it has multiple phone lines 1001, 1002, 1003 etc... how can i check current call duration if there is any before making 2nd call.
17:39.13qakhancompany has $1.00 balance.
17:39.13qakhan$0.05 per call/min rate so total mins 20
17:39.13qakhanbefore make a call i check in db how much balance a company has.
17:39.14qakhannow if a phone line 1001 makes call then 1001 has 20 min to talk (now counter started)
17:39.14qakhan1001 has talked 10 mins and call is still in process
17:39.15qakhannow another phone line 1002 make a call and again i check balance in db for balance, result is $1.00
17:39.15qakhan1002 has another 20mins to talk, but it is wrong because 1001 has already been used half of balance and keep using it. plus 1002 has 20min to talk and if next line 1003 dial it will also get 20 min and so on. until 1001 finish all balance and balance get update in table and a new line try to call. please suggest how can i resolve this issue. like phone companies do shared mins. is there any
17:39.16qakhanpossibility in asterisk that we can setup shared mins among more the 1 phone lines
17:40.31*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
17:41.25*** part/#asterisk zopsi (
17:41.30PenguinCheck if there is a call within the entire context?  You'd have to add a line of dialplan to every single extension within that context which will track the context and then a second line to check it.
17:42.11PenguinLook at the GROUP function.
17:44.14PenguinYou can track the calls using GROUP and GROUP_COUNT, in conjuction with a conditional statement (such as by using GotoIf).
17:45.00[TK]D-FenderSet a variable for the account in each channel and have an AMI script constantly polling active channels, adding up the durations and comparing against balances.
17:51.08*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
17:56.04filerealistically it's hard to get it right
17:59.19qakhanok so how Sip trunk provider do billing
18:02.12filesome reserve extra from the balance at the start of a call, some allow you to go over to an extent
18:03.34*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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18:13.35[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Billing is easy, limiting ACTIVE CALLS is another thing
18:14.04[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: And very few use Asterisk for this
18:14.49filesimplistic billing is easy in comparison to trying to actively limit things
18:21.05qakhanso is it possible that 1 assigne a group to all 4 phone lines and check balance on group base
18:22.29[TK]D-FenderYou can lok at running channels any way you want.  This is your job as a programmer
18:26.20qakhanhow can i get running chennal info
18:26.47[TK]D-FenderAMI <-
18:26.47PenguinTracking the calls is the easy part.  Billing is different.
18:26.50[TK]D-FenderRead the book.
18:26.54[TK]D-FenderYou've been at this for years.
18:27.12[TK]D-Fenderif you can't see the forest for the tree you're going to have a serious problem.
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18:41.50igcewieling1file: thanks
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19:07.35*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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20:43.38derekbhi there. looking for a few tips on modifying a script in asterisk. im trying to make it so that if CALLERID(num) presented as a certain number, to change it to something else.  I've tried a few things with ExecIF, and im getting invalid syntax errors left and right, Asterisk is 1.4.35.  The script I'm trying to modify is:
20:43.56derekbI'm not a coder by any means, but just looking for a point in the right direction.
20:48.24WIMPythe first point to look at is 'core show application ExecIf' or the wiki.
20:49.00WIMPyAnd for some examples, can be a good source, even if much there is rather out of date.
20:50.46derekbYeah, the voip-info page was confusing me as in the USAGE section it had things capitalized and spaces in random places, but in the examples those were not present.
20:50.49derekbI'll keep tinkering.
20:51.21WIMPyDo you want to set some fixed mapping?
20:52.25derekbBasically I want it so if callerid(num) = 123, set callerid(num) to 456
20:52.44WIMPyFor calls from SIP phones?
20:53.14derekbno, calls from an offsite non-asterisk pbx to a peer on my * box
20:53.35derekbbasically they pass clid in a shitty way, so i want to replace what they send the peer, modify it, then the peer routes to pstn
20:53.42derekbwith the modified clid... if that makes sense :D
20:54.07WIMPyNo generel way to fix it?
20:54.29WIMPyI.e. do you need different way for different IDs?
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20:55.23derekbits just this one customer that has a pbx that we don't program, and no one local does.  they want to strip caller id for a certain site.  so when my sip peer receives the callerid(num) from them, i want to set callerid(num) to ""
20:55.53derekbi basically just need to know where in my script to do the modification, and what syntax to use.
20:57.13derekbI Tried a few modifications, and get to this point:
20:58.40derekb[Jul 19 16:57:48] ERROR[11019]: app_exec.c:191 execif_exec: Invalid Syntax.
20:58.40derekb(using an ip phone to test, currently)
20:59.13WIMPyWho wrote that script?
20:59.27derekbI did, i was playing around
20:59.37derekbthe base script that i posted via pastebin was NOT written by me.
21:00.46WIMPyThougt so, but it seems to already contain some stuff for modifying caller IDs.
21:01.21derekbI noticed that too, it's based on certain things in the gui from what i can tell.
21:02.50*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:2f70:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
21:03.11[TK]D-Fenderderekb: you should not be using quotes in your set
21:03.12gustoWIMPy, hi, how are you?
21:05.35WIMPyOperating temperature exceeded.
21:05.56derekb[TK]D-Fender: hi, and i will try that!
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21:09.02gustoWIMPy, here it is warm too, but it is getting better
21:15.19derekb[TK]D-Fender: thank you once again. thats twice you've helped me :D
21:15.50gustoWIMPy, I just installed Scientific Linux 7 on my MacBook, it looks well ;-) however, some software is still missing, but my bluetooth headset works with pulse here (because it has older version of pulse and bluez)
21:18.23derekbHm, looks like my sip trunk provider doesn't like it when I Strip out the caller id number :P
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21:20.47derekbis there any special that needs to be done to pass unknown or anonymous clid?
21:21.05derekbassuming it depends how my sip trunk provider is expecting the call to hit them.
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21:43.38[TK]D-Fender"core show function CALLERPRES"
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22:06.15derekbyep, been playing with setcallerpres
22:06.40derekb[TK]D-Fender, can I call 'setcallerpres' in an execif statement?
22:07.56WIMPyYou can, but you should set CALLERID(num-pres) instead.
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22:10.42derekbi was using execif to set callerid(num) to "" if a certain value was seen.  then was going to use another execif to do setcallerpres(prohib_not_screened)
22:11.03derekbbut callerid(num-pres) would be better for this scenario?
22:12.06WIMPyIt's the new way to do it.
22:12.18derekbis it supported in 1.4.35?
22:12.27derekbor is that your syntax too new for me?
22:13.03WIMPyUh. I can't remember 1.4.
22:13.13[TK]D-FenderThat is just decrepit...
22:13.16derekbhaha fair enough
22:14.01[TK]D-Fenderthat branch and the 3 that followed it are all no longer supported
22:14.01derekb[TK]D-Fender: ...sorry? I'm not a coder. Just experimenting to manipulate something.
22:14.33[TK]D-Fenderderekb: there is a 1.4 equivalent somewhere...
22:14.49[TK]D-Fender"core show functions" , "core show applications"
22:14.52[TK]D-Fendergo look
22:15.02derekbthank you.
22:15.11WIMPyYou probably need setcallerpres on 1.4, but I have no idea if it actually worked.
22:16.01WIMPyI do remember that it was rather random on 1.4, at least with DAHDI.
22:20.37derekbawesome, works
22:24.17[TK]D-FenderLet me guess... running Asterisk on a NAS box?
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