IRC log for #asterisk on 20140710

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00:34.44mjordanpjensen00: 5 & 5. This has good instructions on gathering a lot:
00:34.51mjordaner, gathering a log
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03:58.58tulgaI'm planning to upgrade my server. CPU important or RAM important to handle high usage?
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08:40.26m0sphereusing phpagi, i can read the data from the EXTEN variable, and the result is the last pressed key/tone. how can i programatically reset/change/clear the value?
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09:29.14Ibrahim22Hi everyone! Quick question (I hope). I am trying to play an announcement once and 5 seconds after the caller joins the queue. Is this possible? I have tried every combo with the announce-* and queue-* options in queues.conf but still it doesn't work
09:46.17*** join/#asterisk Stefan27 (~Stefan27@
09:47.16Stefan27Hi, is there any option to make Dial(SIP/A&SIP/B) stop calling B if A reports busy and vice versa?
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10:49.46tparcinaWhat's the diference between and
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11:26.52BakaKunatparcina: According to the wiki, the latter serves beta releases.
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12:48.06workingcatshaving a bit of a problem here with my asterisk. it's sitting behind a NAT, on the one side it connects to sipgate through that NAT, on the other there's softphones on the same network. now when i try to make a call it connects and works well, except after ~30s it hangs up saying "Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 54bbe2ac-9c06-e411-853f-001e0b25ed8b@ob1 for seqno 3 (Critical Response) -- See
12:48.06workingcats/SIP+Retransmissions" and "Hanging up call 54bbe2ac-9c06-e411-853f-001e0b25ed8b@ob1 - no reply to our critical packet (see [same link])."
12:48.06workingcatsso far so good, the thing is if i make a call from another internal machine but from a different network the calls last as long as i want. any ideas what the cause could be?
12:48.26*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
12:48.44workingcatsnormally i would suspect the NAT between sipgate and my *, but since i can make calls from another network that can't really be it can it?
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13:06.11eppigyi am dave
13:18.26workingcatsok progress, now i get identical behaviour from both networks.. now it doesnt work from either ^^
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13:41.13cuscois there a way I can turn off 2 PRI spans without affecting other ongoing calls on other spans?
13:41.56WIMPyDidn't removing them from the config work?
13:42.13cuscoby config you mean chan_dahdi.conf =?
13:42.38WIMPyI think that might be enough, yes.
13:42.43cuscoto reload that config won't it drop ongoing calls on active spans?
13:43.06WIMPyIt will.
13:43.20cuscoI mean, on other spans that I do not wish to turn off
13:43.25WIMPyOne of the many reasons, I prefer not to use dahdi.
13:43.34cuscowhat do you use instead?
13:43.46cusco(out of curiosity)
13:43.56WIMPyBut that's DSS1 only.
13:44.25cuscoyou lst me...
13:45.03cuscoand out of curiosity how would I know if our PRI lines would support it?
13:45.27WIMPyBy not being in North America, I guess :-)
13:45.29igcewielingA reload will not drop calls.   However, you can't add or remove channels on a reload.
13:45.37WIMPyRest of the world.
13:46.31cuscoigcewieling: so I can't turn off 2 spans without affecting other ongoing calls (and without going there and unplug the cable)
13:46.37igcewielingI believe there is also "dahdi destroy channel X"
13:46.54WIMPyI'm not sure if Japan still uses their national stuff. But it's mor like most of the world. That's why the E was dropped long time ago.
13:46.59igcewielingcusco: generally people are not crazy enough to expect something like that to work.
13:47.12[TK]D-Fenderdestroy = bad
13:47.22WIMPythinks cusco has a good reason.
13:47.26[TK]D-Fenderyou have to reload to recover.
13:47.36[TK]D-Fenderhe wants so simulate a pulled plug which that won't do.
13:47.46igcewielingAs well as "pri service disable channel X"
13:47.53[TK]D-FenderWhich means it's port-based, not channel-based
13:48.21igcewielingAh, no, if you want to simulate a cable being pulled then you pull the cable and stop messing around with stuff which won't help.
13:49.03*** join/#asterisk vassilux (
13:50.29cuscoour ISP told us that calls would be forwarded to another PRI line when those became unpluged. So I would like to test it ... I'm not phisically near the equipment tho..
13:50.55[TK]D-FenderCall someone who is
13:50.55igcewielingcusco: then you can't test.  simple as that.
13:52.03cuscocan't I set a PRI_CAUSE or something ? :P
13:52.11cuscogah, ok
13:52.25WIMPyIf you send a cause, that's not a failure.
13:52.46WIMPyYou'd need to ignore the call.
13:52.54WIMPyAt least.
13:53.25igcewielingcusco: you are testing a simulation, which is rather pointless.
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13:55.52WIMPywonders if really just ignoring a call would be enough. But unfortunately that's somethign Asterisk can't do anyway.
13:57.50*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
13:57.57vassiluxI try to get callref from ast_channel, there is ast_channel_tech *tech  field. Is it a good way ?
13:58.15vassiluxto do it ?
13:58.49WIMPyIf you're working on the source, try asking in #asterisk-dev.
13:59.27vassiluxok thank
14:00.04tparcinaI'm trying to insall asterisk 11 from asterisk-11 repo, and it says that it depends on asterisk-dahdi.
14:00.13tparcinaBut I don't have digium hardware.
14:00.30tparcinaIs it the error, or I'm doing something wrong?
14:01.10WIMPyI'd call it incorrect. It would work fine without dahdi.
14:01.14tparcinaPackage is: asterisk.x86_64 0:11.10.0-1_centos6
14:01.55tparcinaWIMPy: But it won't install without dahdi, and I don't won't to install dahdi (since I don't need it).
14:02.15WIMPyAnd there are some bugfixes in 11.10.2, BTW.
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14:02.33WIMPyI'm sure, rpm has some switch to ignore it.
14:02.56WIMPyBut if you don't want to install stuff you don't need, building from soure is the way.
14:02.57tparcinaWIMPy: Hopefully it will be on repo soon.
14:03.13WIMPyThre's a LOT of things that are optional.
14:04.28tparcinaWIMPy: Do you know where I can check if this dependency is a bug?
14:04.34tparcinaWho maintains the package?
14:04.51tparcinaIs there a channel or a mailing list?
14:05.03WIMPyI have no idea.
14:05.13WIMPyBut shouldn't the package itself tell you?
14:06.53tparcinaWIMPy: That's what package says, but I thing it shouldn't be that way.
14:07.07tparcinaAnd that's what I would like to check.
14:08.49WIMPyBut doesn't it tell you who the maintainer is?
14:12.16tparcinaWIMPy: I don't know how to get that info.
14:13.53WIMPyMaybe the best idea would be to wait in here for someone knowing who to contact.
14:14.01WIMPyOr use the mailing list.
14:22.02igcewielingtparcina: "rpm -qi therpmname"
14:22.11igcewielingIf you want to use packages then learn your package manager.
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14:34.49_grim_hey all.... using queue,,,,,,,,macro. however when the macro runs none of the variables follow to the macro (as expected), however I don't see a way to pass arguments. does anyone know how to do this?
14:36.01cuscoset the var with __
14:37.09_grim_cusco, thanks!
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14:46.14c|onemanAre any WiFi VoIP phones reasonably reliable? Or is it Dect or gtfo?
14:46.59[TK]D-Fendermany have gotten better. WiFi still isn't great on battery life though
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14:53.48WIMPyAnd jitter on wifi is rather extreme. You definitely want CAT-iq (or DECT).
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15:01.30_grim_cusco: didn't work... :-(
15:01.40_grim_i'll pastebin the dialplan.
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15:07.33_grim_I've used the spectralink 8002 with good reliability as long as the re-registration time is really short, like 30 seconds I think is where I set it to. excellent voice quality....
15:07.40Penguin_grim_: You set a variable with the underscore on it, but you refer to it without the underscore.  Set(_MyVar=stuff) and ${MyVar}.
15:08.34_grim_Penguin: oh damn.... duh... Thanks!!!
15:10.10PenguinSetting a variable with one or two underscore(s) allows for variable inheritance in new channels that get spawned off of a parent channel.  I'm not so sure that is what your macro needs anyway.
15:11.45_grim_Penguin: not sure either.... but it seems to work. carries the call id and queue id through from the queue call to the macro. Always open to other suggestions if there's a better way to do it... :-)
15:12.18PenguinIf it works, that the important thing.  I was thinking it probably wouldn't help.
15:12.22_grim_c|oneman: I've used the spectralink 8002 with good reliability as long as the re-registration time is really short, like 30 seconds I think is where I set it to. excellent voice quality....
15:13.03_grim_c|oneman: client is using cisco aironet access points in their lawfirm...
15:13.36_grim_c|oneman: I want to say they are like 1200 series...
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15:21.00c|onemanI've had limited luck with android phones, hard to pinpoint the source of random issues with it
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16:43.42lirakisdoes asterisk support multiple registration for an "extension" and parallel call forking?
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16:48.40filechan_sip doesn't support multiple registrations per configured peer, but you can have multiple peers and treat them as the same entity around places - and it supports calling multiple things at once, first one to answer gets the call
16:50.23lirakisfile, so basically create multople peers and fork multiple calls to them as if they were a "group"
16:50.33lirakisfile, how about the new pjsip channel driver?
16:50.59filethe new PJSIP channel driver allows multiple registrations to the same AOR, if you configure it as such - and there is a dialplan function to allow calling all registered contacts on an AOR
16:51.25lirakisfile, does asterisk actually support AOR's instead of just extensions with the pjsip channel?
16:51.36lirakisif so, how does this work in the dialplan?
16:52.03fileit conceptually understands AORs but if you call something it's treated as an extension in the dialplan
16:52.05lirakisfor extension matching - are there extensions to the ..."language" to match things with more generality and less "extension"
16:52.32lirakisfile, ok - well intersting to hear "AOR" mentioned in the context of asterisk at all
16:52.59filethe new PJSIP channel driver uses SIP concepts - AORs, contacts, URIs
16:53.06lirakissure - yeah i am familiar with PJSIP
16:53.27lirakisi just wasnt sure how much of that made it through the API boundry into asterisk itself
16:53.40lirakissince - historically it had no concept of an "AOR"
16:54.05lirakislast question which you may or may not know
16:54.26lirakisdo you have any clue whether the grandstream PBX appliances use the chan_sip driver, or the newer pjsip driver?
16:54.33lirakisi would have to guess they are running chan_sip
16:54.39lirakisjust ... curious
16:54.45fileI think they're based off of 1.8
16:55.00fileyou could go grab the source code and look
16:55.13lirakisor .. if they modified it at least
16:55.26lirakisill check their gnu sources page
16:55.31lirakissee if it has a version
16:55.35lirakisfile, thanks
16:56.19filebriefly remembers an interview with them and smiles
16:56.41lirakisyeah - ive been getting beta stuff from their new beta program, and they are doing a new PBX.
16:56.59lirakisive never used one of their pbx devices before - so just curious about it
16:57.43*** join/#asterisk MarcoZink (~marcozink@
16:58.29lirakisfile, yeah
16:58.40lirakisor at least - thats the summary file
16:58.42lirakisok - thanks again
16:59.14filewonders if they've put security patches in
16:59.20lirakisprobably not
16:59.24lirakisidk really
16:59.40lirakislike i said - never used any of their pbx stuff
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17:13.10qakhani am trying to connect to mssql using odbc to get record in dialplan
17:13.31qakhanbut i am getting following error in cli.
17:13.32qakhanres_odbc.c:1562 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=-1 errno=0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/lib/' : file not found
17:15.11*** join/#asterisk ForresGeek (
17:16.13mbowieqakhan: Sounds like libtds isn't installed.
17:18.33qakhanmbowie i tried to install but No package libtds available.
17:18.41qakhani am using CentOS 6.5
17:18.46mbowieqakhan: Try freetds
17:19.27mbowieWell, you have to have some kind of client library to go between Asterisk and your server, so you'll need something.
17:19.39qakhanit is also not available i installed freetds through ftp
17:20.41mbowieqakhan: I just Googled "centos 6.5 freetds" and the first result is instructions on installing it.
17:22.10qakhani followed
17:22.36[TK]D-FenderSo go find your files
17:23.35eppigyhello [TK]D-Fender
17:23.42[TK]D-Fenderepphello dave
17:24.19Kattyhugs eppigy
17:24.29Kattyhi fenderbender.
17:24.43[TK]D-Fender's autocomplete is actually broken....
17:25.32Kattyyou gotta stop breaking things, dear.
17:25.38Kattythis is why we can't have nice things.
17:27.49qakhan[TK]D-Fender file is there
17:28.07[TK]D-Fenderkattand did you run ldconfig?
17:28.26[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: and did you run ldconfig?
17:28.31Kattyi sure didn't!
17:28.44Kattybut i did perform an in place upgrade of an eset agent from labtech
17:28.53Kattywhich might include something like ldconfig
17:29.38qakhani didnt
17:29.41qakhani try it
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17:33.38qakhansame message
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17:34.27[TK]D-Fendershow us the files
17:36.22qakhanwhich files?
17:43.15[TK]D-Fenderyour so's
17:43.19[TK]D-Fenderand the configs
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17:57.27*** part/#asterisk FrozenFire (~FrozenFir@pdpc/supporter/active/frozenfire)
18:03.28mbowieqakhan: And /usr/lib/ exists?
18:03.42[TK]D-Fenderdump that whole folder's file list
18:05.28qakhanmbowie yes
18:07.00[TK]D-Fenderls -la  /usr/lib
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18:09.34[TK]D-Fender1 thing that your permissions don't match the other non-symlinked files
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18:11.15qakhanok, so does not has permission?
18:11.29[TK]D-Fenderlook at the files there
18:11.39[TK]D-FenderI just told you somehting you don't have to go beyond that last pastebin to see
18:12.02[TK]D-FenderThen go test ODBC separate from Asterisk
18:12.58*** join/#asterisk izbushka (~mirage@
18:14.51izbushkahow could I exec function from agi script with argument contening comma?
18:15.42izbushkabash agi script: echo EXEC DongleSendSMS GSM,$PHONE,\"$text\"
18:16.05izbushkait ignores backslashes for some reason..
18:21.47pjensen00mjordan: I submitted the bug report, ASTERISK-24020
18:24.28mbowieizbushka: Just a guess, but try wrapping the echo string in non-eval marks, so: echo 'EXEC DongleSendSMS GSM,'$PHONE',"'$text'"'
18:24.54mbowie(Totally making that up on the fly... it could use a sanity check.
18:25.11izbushkambowie, thanks, trying..
18:27.39izbushkacommand: echo 'EXEC DongleSendSMS MTS-GSM,+38'$PHONE',"'$TEXT'"' where $TEXT is "example,text"
18:28.02izbushkagot AGI Script Executing Application: (DongleSendSMS) Options: (GSM,+38xxx,text,example)
18:28.16izbushkait ignores quotes
18:30.20mbowieAgain, I'm shooting from the hip, but with that echo syntax, I'd try adding escaping now and see if that makes any difference.
18:34.57mjordanpjensen00: thanks
18:36.31izbushkawell i've got this result running agi script from shell: EXEC DongleSendSMS MTS-GSM,+380xxxx,"text,example"
18:36.56izbushkalooks good, but asterisk still ignores quotes
18:37.19izbushkawhat the output of AGI should look like?
18:37.40igcewielingYou may need to escape the quotes
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18:40.06izbushkawell, EXEC DongleSendSMS MTS-GSM,+380xxxx,\"text,example\" works.. Thanks igcewieling, mbowie
18:40.09nicknam1232What base os you like run asterisk ?
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18:55.22savingerHow can I automate adding users or extensions to asterisk? Through say the AMI?
18:57.10qakhan[TK]D-Fender i uninstalled freetds and installed again
18:57.41qakhannow there is no libtds***.so fiels
18:58.11[TK]D-Fendersavinger: Edit the config file or use realtime databases for it.
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19:51.10TazzNZmorning all
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20:04.44nicknam1232bye [bi]
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20:11.59lirakisany known issues with new browser changes and webrtc ?
20:12.12lirakisfor example, chrome's longer icepwd frag requirement?
20:12.18TazzNZlirakis: which browser?
20:12.19lirakisis that patched in a release?
20:12.29lirakisTazzNZ, chrome beta
20:12.39lirakispossibly chrome as well
20:14.08*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
20:30.55lirakisi ask b/c we have been getting recent reports of the following on the cli for webrtc calls
20:30.59lirakischan_sip.c:10512 process_sdp: Rejecting secure audio stream without encryption details: audio 52559 RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 0 8 106 105 13 126
20:31.36lirakiswe were not aware of any SDP changes by browsers
20:35.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:37.30mjordanlirakis: which version of Asterisk are you using?
20:39.35lirakisi believe the issue was reported with chrome against asterisk 11.11
20:39.38*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.11.0 (2014/07/10), (2014/07/10); Standard: Asterisk 12.4.0 (2014/07/10); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
20:41.04mjordanlirakis: if you get that message, it's because something offered us SAVP/SAVPF and didn't provide encryption credentials, which should be (IIRC) SDES-SRTP. DTLS should be using a media type of UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP
20:41.15mjordanin your snippet, the browser is offering the media type incorrectly.
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20:41.56lirakishonestly - im not the person working the issue, just popped in to see if there were any known recent issues.
20:41.57mjordanhowever, we added a compatibility option to sip.conf to work around the browser's poor compliance with the RFC in this case, avpf=yes
20:42.06lirakiswe develop sip.js, and a user reported this
20:42.20lirakiswe are striving for compatability (and have tested) against asterisk with chrome
20:42.26mjordanlirakis: gotchya. I'd suspect firefox, since that was the one that we knew of that offered things incorrectly
20:42.37lirakisand are having trouble tracking down the problem
20:42.40mjordanyou may want to see what the sip.conf entries are for force_avp and avpf
20:42.49lirakisyeah i mean i know firefox did offer rtp incorrectly
20:43.03lirakisi cant find the issue on github or our google group
20:43.08lirakisotherwise id have more info he he
20:43.16mjordanah, mystery bugs :-)
20:43.18mjordanthe best kind
20:43.40mjordanso yeah, typically Asterisk will expect to see SDES-SRTP encryption keys in the offer when it gets SAVP/SAVPF
20:43.49lirakisyeah we have tested against 11.9.0 in our guides
20:44.11mjordanthe force_avp option will make it look for DTLS encryption even when offered RTP/AVP, RTP/AVPF, RTP/SAVP, or RTP?SAVPF
20:44.20lirakisill dig more into it tomorrow when the other dev comes back on line - but i guess his laptop was dying at a conference he he
20:44.36mjordanlirakis: for this kind of question, you may want to jump in #asterisk-dev
20:44.59lirakismjordan, ok will do for tomorrow
20:45.24filethat option doesn't exist in 11.9.0, just in 11.11.0 that was just released
20:46.00lirakisyeah in the guide we have avpf=yes and encryption=yes
20:46.01mjordanfile: <lirakis> i believe the issue was reported with chrome against asterisk 11.11
20:46.31lirakisyeah ill check it out tomorrow - just wrapping up for the day now
20:47.31fileoffers mjordan SDES with a transport of UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP
20:47.46mjordanAll we're proving is that media types are useless
20:47.55mjordanit should just be "here's stuff I want, you go figure it out"
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