IRC log for #asterisk on 20140708

00:07.55raspberrypifani thought asterisk was a b2bua but freeswitch was a switch
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01:21.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:23.13*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
01:26.46ApteryxHi there! I recently installed Asterisk using 'apt-get install asterisk' on my Ubuntu laptop. At first I didn't have any problem with sound, but I had not reboot yet. Since then, there was a Linux kernel upgrade, and I changed the configuration of Asterisk a lot, setting autoload=no in modules.conf and only loading what I needed. Today I rebooted, and the sound is gone. Asterisk seems to be starting before pulseaudio and locking the sound devi
01:27.37ChannelZSo does that mean you're using ALSA with the console driver or something?
01:28.25ApteryxChannelZ: In my modules.conf I'm only loading up
01:29.07ChannelZso if you restart asterisk after the machine boots, it works?
01:29.21*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
01:30.30ApteryxI just tried stopping Asterisk, and then doing 'sudo alsa force-reload'. Then I had sound. After, I restarted Asterisk and the sound was blocked again (although at least I could still see my sound card in PulseAudio and not a Dummy Output)
01:31.47ChannelZHmm. It's been a very long time since I used chan_alsa
01:32.05ApteryxChannelZ: What are you using? chan_oss ?
01:32.54ChannelZNo I don't use any local audio..
01:34.21ApteryxMaybe I screwed up the debian default config. I will try apt-get remove --purge asterisk && apt-get install asterisk (after backuping /etc/asterisk/ ;) and see how the sound is.
01:36.30*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
01:37.21[TK]D-Fenderno need
01:37.31[TK]D-Fenderjust stop loading chann_alsa / chan_oss
01:37.44[TK]D-Fender"noload =>" <- add to modules.conf
01:39.47ApteryxOk! I'm not sure why I thought I needed it! Thanks.
01:39.56*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
01:40.03ChannelZOh. I guess it depends on the interpretation of the question.. is asterisk killing your system's sound, or were you trying to use alsa in asterisk?
01:40.30ChannelZI was reading it as the latter but it sounds like you meant the former.
01:41.03ApteryxAsterisk is killing my system sound, because I'm still a newb and put load in modules.conf with no need for it ;)
01:47.59*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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02:16.04ApteryxIs it OK to use some global variables to implement "ringing groups"? For exemple, I have: exten => 14387889919,1,Dial(${MAXIM_DEVICES}&${YUKI_DEVICES}) where MAXIM_DEVICES=SIP/maxim-VostroV130&SIP/maxim-iPhone and YUKI_DEVICES=SIP/yuki-iPhone&SIP/yuki-iPad
02:17.57ApteryxAll the devices ring, but I get "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)" and one way audio.
02:29.44*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
02:30.25[TK]D-FenderApteryx: Clearly not all of them ring
02:30.38[TK]D-FenderApteryx: because that is telling you that * is not dialing at least one of them .
02:31.05[TK]D-FenderApteryx: And one-way audio is a networking issue, most commonly due to things like NAT mis-configuration
02:31.16[TK]D-FenderApteryx: for which you have several settings to make
02:31.21[TK]D-Fender(if applicable)
02:40.07*** join/#asterisk Ian_AU (~ian_au@
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02:44.31Apteryx[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I had the one-way audio fixed yesterday, using nat=yes, but I changed to nat=force_rport,comedia today. Will see if it changes anything! Thanks, again. I owe you a couple beers already.
02:45.26[TK]D-Fenderthose are PART of the settings.  There are other for your peers, and others for [general] if your server itself is NAT'd
02:50.06*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
02:54.21ApteryxI had commented out the nat=force_rport,comedia for a previous test and forgot... It's working great now :)
02:56.16ApteryxOne thing I fail to understand is under which circumnstances I should port forward the RTP ports to my Asterisk server. For now they are not port forwarded and I can receive calls fine. I can call as well.
02:58.42*** join/#asterisk camelCase (~camelCase@unaffiliated/camelcase)
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03:14.54*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.10.2 (2014/06/13), (2014/06/13); Standard: Asterisk 12.3.2 (2014/06/13); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
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03:35.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
03:38.22TazzNZw00t - our platform crossed over 750k in calls :D
03:38.27TazzNZnow for 1 mil
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05:24.23snadgeTazzNZ, in how long? :P
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06:22.53*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
06:23.14gavimobilecan tftp be set up with subdirectories for the phones to use
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06:29.29jameswfCan your phone be set to a path?
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06:31.16gavimobileI don't know jameswf, the manual didn't seem to talk about tftp
06:31.20gavimobilethis is a polycom 330
06:32.12gavimobilealso if anyone knows if I need to add tftp://
06:32.17jameswfgavimobile:  this will be a phone limitation not a server one. You need to see what your phone supports
06:33.56gavimobilejameswf: thanks
06:40.50*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
06:43.17*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:46.47jkroonhi guys, given a rather complex scenario where I've got an application (context) that interrogates the executed on channel using Gosub, and then needs to goto one of two other locations, given as arguments to the Gosub, eg Gosub(...(context^exten^prio,context2^exten2^prio)) ... so now I need to convert the ^ chars to , but giving that to REPLACE or STRREPLACE is going to be problematic ... ?
06:52.41gavimobilejameswf: so if a network has 100 phones and there are 20 different types of phones which require provisioning for each boot, what does one do for best practice assuming that some and some aren't supported for tftp subdirectory usage
06:56.03jameswfThey use Mac addresaes
06:59.23*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
06:59.34gavimobilecould you send me a link for more information on what your talking about jameswf
06:59.57gavimobileI don't understand how mac addresses have anything to do with provisioning
07:00.28MaliutaLapgavimobile: depends on if you are building the phone configs on the fly
07:00.36MaliutaLapgavimobile: I have one site where I do that
07:01.03gavimobileMaliutaLap: my pbx is curently running as the tftp server
07:01.15gavimobilekeeping things onsite or offsite doesn't make a difference to me
07:03.01MaliutaLapgavimobile: I don't think you understood what I meant. I have Cisco 7960G phones - I need the MAC address to build the SIP/SEP<MAC>.cnf files on the fly :)
07:03.50gavimobileso there is 1 directory on the tftp server (the root) directory with a bunch of *.cnf files
07:06.10jkroongavimobile, basically MAC address maps to provider (ie, type of phone, usually).  So if you have the MAC address you can (given some rules) deduce the type of the phone.  I've taken to feeding those that requests tftp configs a config that just rewrites them to HTTP, where I can take things like UA string into consideration as well, and build configs on the fly (I map mac addresses to extensions and BLF configs, so I generate configs on the fly t
07:06.10jkroonhen using php running behind apache).
07:06.13*** join/#asterisk r00f (~r00f@
07:06.30jkroonthe MAC address of the phone is a crucial bit of information required for provisioning.
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07:07.20eirirsbarcode scanning ftw
07:08.13jkroonyea, having one of those in your desk helps :)
07:08.25*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:08.30eirirsI got two
07:08.44eirirsone old as fucking but it reads barcodes where the new one cannot
07:09.24gavimobileim looking at my .cfg files
07:12.17gavimobilejkroon: you said I can give some rules.. where do I configure these "rules"?
07:13.29gavimobileI understand that the phone requests from the tftp server xxxmacidxxx.cfg
07:13.45gavimobilebut doesn't it also need additional files such as sip.ld
07:14.02gavimobileor in the .cfg file I would change it to sp33/sip.ld
07:15.58jkroonsip.ld ... are you using polycom by any chance?
07:16.16jkroonbest person I know of to speak about polycom is chainsaw on #gentoo-voip (usually).
07:16.29gavimobilejkroon: some of my phones are polycom
07:16.50jkroonthe other files depends on the brand, make and model of the phone.  Some of them don't require it at all.
07:17.05gavimobilebut I have more than 1 polycom
07:17.19jkroonso mostly unless you're interested in feeding them firmware updates you can get away with only the MAC based file.
07:17.22gavimobileand each version requires different versions of different files
07:17.41jkroonyea, thus why I say speak with chainsaw - he got it down to a tee for polycom.
07:18.08gavimobilejkroon: from all you told me, I understand that I have the root tftp directory with a bunch of .cfg files and that's fine but that still doesn't patch all the holes
07:18.09jkrooni just cloned a lot of his work for my one polycom client, and i will not pretend to understand half of what we've done.
07:18.23gavimobilejkroon: he's not in :-(
07:18.36jkroonlet me see if I can find the notes I took.
07:18.38gavimobilemaybe there are others in the room that have implemented provisioning servers
07:20.17jkroonlocated, let me pastebin quickly.
07:21.40jkroonIIRC I still did some other magic after that, but that should at least get the firmware portion sorted out, and it sounds like you already have the MAC specific portion going - which was the other issue for me.  the XML consumed by polycom really isn't any kind of strict XML ...
07:30.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:30.48gavimobilejkroon: I appreciate the time you took out for me
07:31.02gavimobilereviewing your notes, im not sure what it has to do with me though
07:31.13gavimobilethe only thing I can think of is when you mentioned split
07:31.47gavimobileso if I understood correctly, after the bootloader has been installed, I only need a split version which contains minimal files for the phone to boot
07:32.09gavimobileif these files are not existing on the tftp server, the polycom phones will take forever to boot
07:32.44jkroonthat's how I managed to get things set up so that the sip.ld files etc loaded correctly no matter what the polycom phone model (and hardware revision) was.
07:32.52*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~fuzzy@
07:33.34jkroonso first reboot after that took forever to flash etc ... once that was done everything was much faster.
07:44.40gavimobilenext question
07:44.52gavimobilecan asterisk send vm to multiple emails?
07:45.01gavimobileaccording to the example in the definitive guide, the answer is yes
07:45.15gavimobilebut I just added a third email, and I don't see my mail logs sending to the third email
07:53.42*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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09:42.30tparcinaWhat does asterisk-fax actually do?
09:50.31*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
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10:37.47*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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11:53.59cuscohey folks
11:54.42cuscoI'm looking for a way to set a PRI span down, without going there phisically and detatch the cable .. its on a live system so I would like for other spans to keep on working
11:54.47cuscohow can I do this?
12:03.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:08.49*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
12:08.56Zogothey, realtime doesn't support hints?
12:11.08*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
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12:11.49wasanzydoes the application ControlPlayback comes with Asterisk 11.5? how do I know it is installed?
12:12.14Chainsawcore show applications
12:12.33cuscoZogot: it does here
12:12.34wasanzythank you
12:12.45ChainsawAnd indeed, I have it here. core show application ControlPlayback
12:13.01ChainsawThat's 11.10.2 though. I really doubt 11.5 is still secure.
12:14.29Zogotcusco: you are using hints with realtime currently?
12:14.42cuscoZogot: by realtime you mean queue members? yes
12:15.00Zogotnah, realtime as in Asterisk Realtime:
12:15.03wasanzyChainsaw: Thanks, I also have it
12:15.43cuscothat is what I said
12:15.50cuscowe only have parts in realtime
12:15.57cuscodialplan is not in realtime for example
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12:16.24cuscoso we have the family queue members in realtime, that is what I meant
12:17.20Zogotcusco: ah i see, my apologies. i see theres also a thread about it from the mailing list:
12:17.21cuscoso..... any way to set a PRI span down, without going there and physically disconect the cable
12:18.42Stefan27in dialplans patterns, how can i include "-" in a character set i expected [\-A][\-A] to match "-A" but it doesnt
12:25.26*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:26.06WIMPycusco: What do you want to happen?
12:27.06WIMPyStefan27: If you want to match "-A" that should be just "-A".
12:27.46Stefan27no that was just debugging i want [0-9a-zA-Z*#+.%_\-]
12:28.05Stefan27where \- is supposed to mean - since - with [] has special meaning
12:28.10wasanzyI have this: exten => 1234,n,ControlPlayback(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/main_menu_en.alaw,4000,*,#,1,0)
12:28.34wasanzyand is giving me this error: [2014-07-08 12:27:56.834] WARNING[16908][C-00000020]: file.c:701 ast_openstream_full: File /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/main_menu_en.alaw does not exist in any format
12:29.06filedon't put ".alaw" at the end
12:29.19WIMPyStefan27: Ok. But you want less than everything?
12:29.23wasanzyoh ok
12:30.04WIMPyStefan27: Have you tried - as the first inside the []?
12:31.17Stefan27yeah tried it now, i thought about trying ,-. within the [] but that will include , - and . probably
12:31.23Stefan27and i dont want ,
12:31.39Stefan27since ascii for , - . is 44 45 46 ?
12:31.54WIMPySounds like an idea.
12:32.18WIMPyArgh. My tree is throwing leaves at me.
12:32.21Stefan27wiki page said \ is supposed to escape special meanings, maybe it's a small glitch
12:33.01Stefan27The only characters with special meaning within a set are the '-' character, to define a range between two characters, the  '\' character to escape a special character available within a set, and
12:33.02Stefan27the ']' character which closes the set. The treatment of the '\' character in pattern matching is somewhat haphazard and may not escape any special character meaning correctly.
12:33.03WIMPyI think, that a case where voip-info might be usefull.
12:33.04Stefan27Said the documentation
12:33.54WIMPySounds like noone thought of letting - be escaped.
12:34.36*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:37.30wdoekesStefan27 and WIMPy: - has issues
12:37.34wdoekesit is autotrimmed
12:37.55wdoekes+1-23-45 == +12345
12:38.26Stefan27i see
12:38.50wasanzyfile: The controlplayback doesn't seem to be working. I tried with zoiper but I didn't see the sound skipped. Do I need to do something more?
12:38.51Stefan27trying to make old dialplan code work on new asterisk, maybe I dont need -
12:39.24wdoekestry to avoid it. there have been fixes to the autotrimming in recent years too. so the dialplan may not work as expected
12:39.38WIMPywdoekes: OIh, right. That's an additional issue. And a very annying one.
12:40.18*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
12:43.02Stefan27can you make variables within patternmatching so that with Y := [0-9a-zA-Z*#+._%] then anywhere exten => _0YX matches '0#5'
12:43.05*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
12:43.21Stefan27within dialplan*
12:43.54WIMPyWell, you have to exten => ${var} as usual.
12:44.28WIMPyBut that doesnt make then dynamic, off course. The variable is expanded when the dialplan is loaded.
12:44.41Stefan27that's good
12:45.00Stefan27Y := [0-9a-zA-Z*#+._%] should be a global constant
12:45.07Stefan27just for readability
12:46.03*** join/#asterisk workingcats (~workingca@
12:47.14wasanzyHello someone help me with this: exten => 1234,n,ControlPlayback(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/main_menu_en,3000,*,#,1,0 it is not forwarding the sound, do I meed to press something before?
12:48.18WIMPySyntax. Playback does only have two arguments.
12:48.59WIMPyOr 1-2 to be exact.
12:49.33WIMPyWhat do you want the things you added to do?
12:50.21WIMPyOH. I should wake up first. Completeley ignored the "Control".
12:51.00wasanzyWIMPy: So what I have is right?
12:51.30WIMPyYeah, looks ok.
12:52.01WIMPyTurn up verbose and podssibly debug to see if it has anythign to moan about.
12:52.01wasanzyWIMPy: ok, am using zoiper but the sounds didn't get forwarded
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13:00.05wasanzyWIMPy: the sound plays alright but I it didn't get forwarded
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13:01.18WIMPyDoes your DTMF work otherwise?
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13:19.14Stefan27ok i changed pbx.cs function: _extension_match_core to mimic the behavior of "X" pattern matching just adding a case 'Y': if (((*data < '0') || (*data > '9')) && ((*data < 'a') || (*data > 'z')) && (*data != '-')) ...etc... (in the large switch-block) it seems to work but i didn't change code anywhere else. might this lead to unexpected errors?
13:20.30Stefan27hope it wont :)
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13:22.07Stefan27but the special matching chars 'X', 'Z' etc does seem to occur at other places in the source code, where I have not added my new 'Y'
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13:27.18Stefan27guess ill have to just wait and see unless i can reach the actual coder of the pattern-matching
13:27.54WIMPyTry to ask that one in #asterisk-dev
13:28.30Stefan27thanks, i probably will in a few minutes
13:29.06wasanzyWIMPy: what is DTMF?
13:30.45infobotDTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. The technical term describing Touch Tone dialing. Basically the combining of two tones, one low frequency and one high frequency.
13:31.03wasanzyoh ok
13:33.54WIMPyDoes anyone her by chance know how to remove the front bezel of a hipath 3800?
13:33.59wasanzyis only the * key that is working and that one is fast forwarding
13:37.07_Corey_WIMPy: I'm told you can pop a screwdriver in a slot in the bottom and it will come off
13:38.30WIMPyNo it's obvious when the lid is off. But I first thought you need to remove the front to get the lid off.
13:39.29_Corey_WIMPy: I was told it's more of an RF shield than a bezel but the guy who knows just left my office. .. ;(
13:39.54WIMPyNo. That's plain plastic.
13:41.08_Corey_WIMPy: Share a photo if you want.  I can call him back in...  (He used to work for Siemens)
13:41.47WIMPyThanks, but it's all done.
13:42.04WIMPyI just had to open the case as there was something moving around somewhere.
13:42.28WIMPyBut it was just some plastic part.
13:43.16WIMPyNow I can prepare for the fun part: See how DECT works on these things.
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14:55.41c|onemanwhat are some tools for troubleshooting 1-way audio or call quality problems?
14:55.44c|onemanon the client side
14:56.19[TK]D-Fender1-way audio = networking issue, most commonly due to misconfiguration where NAT is involved
14:56.42c|onemanyeah. In this case I think it's a headset issue or something else
14:57.00c|onemansince it's just one person, and they are using our VPN which works fine for everyone else
14:57.59[TK]D-FenderCould always be the client itself
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15:23.49cuscoWIMPy: I would like to simulate disconnecting a PRI cable.. telco says that they will forward calls to a different location and I want to test it
15:23.55cuscobut I'm not near the equipment
15:24.09*** join/#asterisk omenSP (32490489@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:24.20omenSPHey there!
15:24.26cuscoso I would like to set 2 spans (a single PRI card) down, without affecting other ongoing calls on other spans
15:25.07omenSPThe small business I am working for is interested in switching their analog PBX system over to Asterisk.. how would I get started?
15:25.38infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:26.19omenSPThank you.
15:27.53*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
15:28.11WIMPycusco: If you remove them from the configuration, that should be enough. Unloading the driver certainly helps.
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15:31.19omenSPThe book doesn't go into very much detail about converting from an old system to Asterisk and what hardware I need.
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15:38.38omenSPDo I need a PCI-E card that will take our trunk lines? Is that it?
15:40.18wasanzyhow do I run this command in Asterisk to determine the length of a wav sound? sox 0_10s_something_8k.wav -n stat | grep -i length
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15:44.23WIMPyomenSP: You can use cards, gateways or switch to an ITSP.
15:45.01omenSPSo all I really need is a server with the PCI-E telephony card and I can hook up a phone on the network and it'll work?
15:45.52WIMPyNo. that's one option.
15:46.09WIMPyYou don't need it.
15:48.35omenSPBut that will work?
15:49.10omenSPI thought the system would be a lot more complicated. We currently have a PBX and a phone breakout that routes phone lines to stations.
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15:50.57WIMPyWell, having a mess of wires is quite easy compared to Asterisk and VOIP phone configuration.
15:51.00[TK]D-FenderomenSP: that depends.
15:51.27[TK]D-FenderomenSP: What is this "phone breakout"?  What type & model of phones are attached to that?  What kind of physical lines do you currently have?
15:52.04omenSPThe phone breakout thing (sorry for my lack of knowledge on the subject), the punchdown block.
15:52.40[TK]D-FenderomenSP: What kind of phones?  model?  How many?
15:52.47[TK]D-FenderomenSP: What kind fo lines?  How many?
15:52.49omenSPAnd we have around 30 phone lines running to individual offices, extensions controlled through Vertical TeleVantage.
15:52.56omenSPAnalog phones.
15:53.01omenSPLike phone stations.
15:53.09*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-vdclrtowugmasvul)
15:53.14omenSPWe would be replacing all of them if we change to VoIP
15:53.53[TK]D-FenderomenSP: You SURE they're analog?  have you plugged them into a regular line to test?
15:54.08[TK]D-Fender"like phone stations" isn't very definitive
15:54.19omenSPWe're running two conductor wire to them, so it's a RJ11 phone.
15:54.39[TK]D-Fenderthat could mean a lot fo things
15:55.05[TK]D-FenderMortel Norstar Digital handset run on a signle pair with RJ11 also... and tghey are NOT "analog"
15:55.42omenSP is what I have in my office right now.
15:58.08[TK]D-FenderomenSP: How many phones?
15:58.17omenSPWe have around 30 phones in the building.
15:59.19[TK]D-FenderomenSP: Ok, they look like boring analog.  Have you tested them?
15:59.31omenSPTested them with what?
15:59.37omenSPI haven't integrated Asterisk at all yet.
16:00.00omenSPI am wondering what I would need to get in order to do that. We're going to replace the phones with VoIP phones if we integrate Asterisk.
16:00.07[TK]D-FenderI meant on a line DIRECTLY
16:00.24[TK]D-FenderOh, well if you do actually want to replace them... sure.
16:00.34[TK]D-FenderYou COULD reuse them if you wanted
16:01.06omenSPWhat would I need, besides IP phones, to use Asterisk?
16:01.20omenSPI found a 8-port telephony card for our 8 trunk lines.
16:02.24wasanzyI have this: exten => 1234,n,Set(DUR=sox /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/0248148457_sample.wav -n stat | grep -i length )
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16:03.09wasanzyand am getting this error:
16:03.31wasanzyshould I replace the pip with
16:04.12[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: escape it
16:04.18[TK]D-FenderomenSP: That could do.
16:05.43omenSP[TK]D-Fender: So all I need is the server with Asterisk, that card, and I would be able to plug in the trunk lines and have an IP phone plugged in somewhere and I can set the system up and get it working?
16:09.11wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: ok
16:10.25[TK]D-FenderomenSP: Pretty much.  Get hardware to connect lines.  Get some kind of phones that can talk to*.  Configure.  Enjoy.
16:11.14*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
16:12.53omenSPThank you.
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17:01.03docelmoCan anyone tell me if its possibly when asterisk receives a redirect sip message that it can copy all X headers in the 302 message to the new invite of the redirect?
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17:33.11ipengineerWhen running Dial(PJSIP/200&PJSIP/201&PJSIP/203,25) if one of the devices are not available asterisk returns ‘unable to create channel of type PJSIP’. Is there a way to have the Dial cmd check if chanIsAvail before trying to send a call so in the event one of these devices are unregistered the others will still ring?
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17:33.38[TK]D-FenderThe others should ring regardless of the error on one
17:34.05[TK]D-FenderAnd for your proposed path, no there's no way to do it like that
17:34.10ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: Maybe something else then? This is all I captured:
17:35.42[TK]D-FenderI don;t see an end of channel in there
17:35.49[TK]D-Fenderwhat tells me it didn't continue with the other?>
17:37.01ipengineerIt does continue when I test with a different group. It must have been something else then. That error just made me think that was it and once I rebooted all devices they came up and started ringing
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17:42.24wasanzyam getting wrong result using this: exten => 1234,n,Set(DUR=$[${STAT(s,/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/0248148457_sample.wav)} (- 44) / ( 16000 ) ])
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17:42.32wasanzythe result should be 20
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17:55.12wasanzyany help?
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18:29.28TazzNZmorning all
18:33.35wasanzyplease I need a help
18:34.27TazzNZok....what is the issue wasanzy ?
18:36.15wasanzythe result should be 20
18:36.25*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-snupxfbgqmmqucwd)
18:36.27TazzNZthat is a tiny wav file ?
18:36.37TazzNZwhat happens if you do ls -la /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/0248148457_sample.wav
18:37.15*** join/#asterisk ageis (
18:37.23wasanzy-rw-r--r-- 1 asteriskpbx asteriskpbx 320044 Nov 14  2013 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/0248148457_sample.wav
18:37.24ageisthis sudden SIP retransmission bug is crippling our phone service.
18:37.38TazzNZthat wont return 20
18:37.42ageis[Jul  8 18:36:47] WARNING[2424]: chan_sip.c:4175 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 77ba5e3c16f231c3e0cc8c4ef860cbcc@ for seqno 2 (Critical Response) -- See
18:37.43ageisPacket timed out after 6400ms with no response
18:37.43ageis[Jul  8 18:36:47] WARNING[2424]: chan_sip.c:4204 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 77ba5e3c16f231c3e0cc8c4ef860cbcc@ - no reply to our critical packet (see
18:37.50TazzNZit should return 320044
18:38.07TazzNZageis: what asterisk version ?
18:38.25TazzNZand did you zero out that IP ?
18:38.40ageisTazzNN: 11.7
18:39.01ageiszero out? this problem is showing up suddenly. nothing's changed about the route between the phones and the servers
18:39.15TazzNZ77ba5e3c16f231c3e0cc8c4ef860cbcc@ <-- that IP there
18:39.32ageisthat looks like the loopback device to me
18:39.40TazzNZ127.0.0.1 == loopback
18:39.45wasanzyTazzNZ: am trying to get the length of the wav sound, returning the file size is what I don't want. So I want to subtract 44 from file size
18:39.50ageisso what do you mean zero out?
18:40.04TazzNZwasanzy:     s - Returns the size (in bytes) of the file
18:40.26TazzNZiirc, Asterisk doesn't "understand" WAV files
18:40.45TazzNZit does have a understanding of wav49 thou
18:40.50TazzNZ*i think*
18:40.58ageisnah wav is fine
18:41.21TazzNZageis: so you pasted that message as it is on the console ?
18:41.30ageisTazzNZ: from my full log
18:42.11TazzNZwhen you make a call, can you turn on sip debug and see what the headers say about RTP ?
18:42.25TazzNZthere is an INVITE packet
18:42.35TazzNZPB the contents of that please
18:43.21ageism=audio 13640 RTP/AVP 0 101
18:43.21ageisa=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
18:43.21ageisa=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
18:43.33TazzNZthe whole packet please
18:43.39TazzNZin pastebin
18:44.06*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (
18:44.22TazzNZwasanzy: I don't know how you are going to work out the length of a wav file in *
18:44.49TazzNZbut the STAT function will not do it
18:46.29[TK]D-Fender[14:35]wasanzyam getting wrong result using this: exten => 1234,n,Set(DUR=$[${STAT(s,/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/0248148457_sample.wav)} (- 44) / ( 16000 ) ]) [14:36]wasanzythe result should be 20\
18:46.36Kattyinfobot: OHWHEREISMYHAIRBRUSH
18:46.36infobotohwhereismyhairbrush is, like, NOT FAIR, MY POOR HAIRBRUSH!
18:46.50TazzNZlol - "hi" Katty
18:46.53[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Stop trying to do everything in 1 shot.   LOOK at the result of your stat before trying to evaluate it, and stop putting useless backets
18:47.00KattyTazzNZ: howdy
18:47.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: are you being nice to the locals, dear?
18:47.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: I now chew before swallowing ;)
18:48.01TazzNZageis: what does your network look like ?
18:48.05Kattyrolls eyes
18:48.46ageisTazzNZ: we're running Asterisk on a Linode, our network has an Asus router and comcast business connection with a single subnet
18:49.40TazzNZso what is the IP of the Asterisk box and the phones etc ?
18:50.40*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (
18:55.10ageisTazzNZ: the phones all have IP the ast box is at
18:55.29ageismy externip and localnet wasn't set right
18:55.50ageiscould that have anything to do with anything?
18:58.51*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
18:59.31TazzNZageis: I'd say :)
18:59.58TazzNZis 172.62 your ITSP ?
19:00.22TazzNZand you are NAT'ing to the Asterisk box ?
19:00.28TazzNZso your phones are really:
19:00.48TazzNZprivate network -> ROUTER (NAT to 75.144) -> Ast Box at 66....
19:04.03ageisTazzNZ: now I have a problem with my polycom
19:04.08ageis[Jul  8 18:58:07] WARNING[4024][C-00000003]: app_dial.c:2437 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)
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19:04.44ageisTazzNZ: I'm not sure where you pulled that 172.62 number
19:05.06TazzNZwhoops - that is meant to be 174 ageis
19:05.13TazzNZ<--- Transmitting (NAT) to --->
19:05.26ageisthat's just one of my devices
19:05.30ageiswe have devices in several locations
19:05.32ageison diff networks
19:05.36ageisthat one is not a problem
19:05.41ageissorry for including that packet
19:05.49TazzNZall good
19:05.57ageisthe main problem is the "Subscriber absent" on my Polycom SoundStation now
19:06.03ageisand I've filled out the conf correctly
19:06.23TazzNZare you trying to make a call to your polycomm ?
19:06.56TazzNZis it registered ?
19:07.32ageisregistered, says OK
19:07.39ageisbut subscriber absent
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19:13.29TazzNZageis: can you make an outgoing call from it ?
19:14.12ageisnot sure, im doing all this remotely
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19:17.54TazzNZI'd try that :)
19:24.07ageisTazzNZ: unregistered ATM.. the web interface doesn't even load
19:31.20ageisTazzNZ: ok got it working
19:31.29ageisTazzNZ: do you know anything about setting dscp stuff with iptables?
19:33.52NoobSaibotI got a 3750 PoE switch and a bunch of cisco phones to replace our old Avaya/Grandstream devices, but we don't have a call manager/CUCM license. Is there a handy firmware version that will allow SIP on the cisco phones, or what's my first step?
19:34.14TazzNZageis: yeah - what you trying to do ?
19:34.21TazzNZwe might have to take it off channel
19:34.31QwellNoobSaibot: According to Cisco, you still need a license to use the firmware with some other PBX.
19:34.41ageisTazzNZ: does this look good to you?
19:34.44TazzNZNoobSaibot: yeah - you get a SIP firmware
19:35.08NoobSaibotQwell: I thought the phones came with their own licesnes, unless they're factory replacements. They're all original phones, just no call manager.
19:35.13TazzNZwhich - iirc, is quite pricey
19:35.51TazzNZNoobSaibot: you will still have to buy the firmware
19:35.54TazzNZper device
19:35.58QwellNoobSaibot: You'd think so, wouldn't you?
19:36.05NoobSaibotThanks TazzNZ, i'll check into the other firmware and figure out the licensing issue.
19:36.17TazzNZNoobSaibot: hence I stay away from Cisco and Oracle :)
19:36.18QwellI would suggest different phones.
19:37.08NoobSaibotYeah, we had a different office close and we got their stuff, so now i'm supposed to 'use' it. They just ripped everything down with no documentation whatsoever, just a bunch of boxes of stuff showed up in my server room.
19:37.35TazzNZNoobSaibot: keep the boxes, sell the phones :D
19:38.02NoobSaibotgood idea, actually...
19:38.26Qwell"Phones?  I don't know what you're talking about, boss.  Those boxes were all empty."
19:38.37TazzNZhi5 Qwell
19:40.16TazzNZoh NoobSaibot - use the money from the sale to buy better phones :D
19:43.22*** join/#asterisk panicman (~panicman@
19:43.54panicmanHi all, I've a setup with 3 outgoing trunk, i want to load balance for outgoing
19:44.02panicmancan anyone help please
19:44.21TazzNZpanicman: sure - can you show us your extentions.conf
19:44.22panicmanusing CLI mode
19:44.55panicmanexten => _X.,1,GotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?,6|7)
19:44.55panicmanexten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/TP1/${EXTEN:0},30)
19:44.55panicmanexten => _X.,3,Hangup()
19:44.55panicmanexten => _X.,4,Dial(SIP/TP2/${EXTEN:0},30)
19:44.55panicmanexten => _X.,5,Hangup()
19:44.55panicmanexten => _X.,6,Dial(SIP/TP3/${EXTEN:0},30)
19:44.55panicmanexten => _X.,7,Hangup()
19:44.56panicmanits working for TP1 & TP2
19:45.05TazzNZI meant in a pastebin :)
19:45.15panicmani don;t know how to do it sir
19:45.20infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:45.21panicmannew here
19:45.40panicmanlet mecheck sir
19:47.38panicmanTazzNZ -- Got it !
19:48.09TazzNZok ?
19:48.18panicmanwaiting for your kind update
19:48.38TazzNZah ok
19:49.10*** join/#asterisk bitwize (
19:52.02TazzNZpanicman: are you sure it's working for TP1 and 2
19:52.15TazzNZI would have thought it would work for TP1 and 3
19:52.20*** join/#asterisk NoobSaibot_ (
19:52.24panicman_X.,1,GotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?,6)
19:52.42TazzNZthat is not what you showed
19:52.53panicmanno difference sir
19:53.03TazzNZGotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?,6|7) <-- really ?
19:53.29panicmani mean, _X.,1,GotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?,6|7) is not working
19:53.37panicmanwhat I mean
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19:54.46panicmanany idea sir !
19:55.37[TK]D-Fenderpanicman: No comma after the question mark
19:55.39TazzNZI think that GotoIf is not doing what you think it should
19:56.14[TK]D-Fenderand no pipe either...
19:56.21[TK]D-FenderTHAT should be a comma
19:56.41[TK]D-FenderGotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?6,7) <---
19:56.46panicmanlet me try sir
19:56.48TazzNZyeah panicman, you going to need 2 gotoif's
19:57.21TazzNZpersonally, I would have done a round-robin
19:57.36TazzNZRAND is so......radnom
19:57.41TazzNZrandom even
19:58.55[TK]D-FenderActually it's pseudo-random which is often not quite random enough
19:58.59TazzNZpanicman: uhm - that [TK]D-Fender suggested will hangup some calls
19:59.08TazzNZit should read
19:59.21panicmancan u tell me how to do the round robin sir
19:59.24TazzNZGotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?4,6)
19:59.41panicmanChannel 'SIP/ss-0000a634' sent into invalid extension ' 6' in context 'ss7', but no invalid hand
20:00.01TazzNZyou have a space
20:00.09TazzNZ' 6' != '6'
20:00.46TazzNZageis: whoops - forgot about you
20:01.04ageislet me update that
20:01.05ageisone sec
20:01.14TazzNZageis: cool :)
20:01.37ageis24 is decimal for hexidecimal 0x18, high throughput and low delay
20:01.54TazzNZageis: I would only worry about adjusting the RTP traffic
20:02.06TazzNZthe SIP traffic is a very small amount of the call data
20:02.08ageisso the --sport 10000:20000 ?
20:02.19TazzNZand doesn't impact the quality or dropped packets
20:02.25ageisok... but the rules look good anyhow?
20:02.31TazzNZyeah - if that is what is set in rtp.conf
20:02.58TazzNZis this linux box your firewall ?
20:03.16TazzNZand you want to "shape" RTP traffic ?
20:04.17ageisno this is the asterisk box
20:04.36ageisI don't have any DSCP settings in rtp.conf
20:04.50TazzNZright - so you want to set this in the ip header so that the rest of the networking devices can shape the traffic
20:04.53ageisI have some tos=0x18 and tos_sip=cs3 and tos_audio=ef in sip.conf
20:05.10TazzNZthere is no DSCP settings in rtp.conf, I was refering to the ports
20:05.29ageisactually, they start at 5000 and end at 31000
20:05.31ageisso I should fix that
20:05.43TazzNZageis: yeah - that setting in sip.conf is enough for asterisk to set the settings, you don't need iptables then
20:05.46ageis10000:20000 is godo you think?
20:05.52ageisTazzNZ: yeah, i read that
20:06.05TazzNZ10000:20000 is the default and more than enough
20:06.22ageisokay. what about rtpchecksums and rtcpinterval ?
20:07.03TazzNZrtcpinterval I would leave that at the default unless you have a spefic reason to change it
20:07.27TazzNZare you trying to solve an issue here or just fine tuning ?
20:07.55ageisfine tuning to give high priority and performance. we've having some issues with dropping in the middle of calls
20:09.03TazzNZtbh, I would leave most of the settings alone until you can say that a setting is the cause of an issue
20:09.38TazzNZwhen the calls drop, do you have a long period of no audio ?
20:09.44TazzNZlike 30 seconds ?
20:09.57TazzNZdoes it affect internal and external calls ?
20:10.04TazzNZor only one of the above ?
20:11.40ageisshort periods of no audio
20:11.50ageisincoming calls
20:12.06panicmansorry back, not working , its sending me to 6 , here is the log--- sent into invalid extension '4' in context
20:12.32panicmanGotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?4,8)
20:12.37panicmanthis is the current settings
20:12.45TazzNZpanicman: why 8 ?
20:12.54panicman3 trunk
20:13.01panicmantp1 tp2 tp3
20:13.26TazzNZah wait
20:13.45TazzNZmake that
20:13.52TazzNZGotoIf($[${RAND(0,99)} >= 50]?4:8)
20:14.01TazzNZif 4 is the start of TP2
20:14.07TazzNZand 8 is the start of TP3
20:14.30[TK]D-FenderWhere's TP1?
20:14.38TazzNZTP1 won't work for now
20:14.47TazzNZwe only have 1 gotoif
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20:14.55TazzNZwe need 2 :)
20:16.23panicmanTp1 & Tp3 is working, TP2 is not working :(
20:16.54panicmancan u give me the total extension config if possible
20:16.59TazzNZok - now panicman - please paste the correct config
20:17.13TazzNZsince the one you pasted, didn't even have 8 in it
20:17.27panicmanok sir
20:21.00TazzNZVIEWS: 25  |  EXPIRES: NEVER <-- 25 views
20:25.12panicmanTP1 & TP3 working only
20:25.16panicmanTP2 is not working
20:28.29TazzNZthat is what I would do
20:28.37TazzNZit is untested so test it first
20:28.44TazzNZnot on your production system
20:29.00TazzNZat least, that is my second choice
20:29.44panicmanlet me check both :)
20:29.46panicmanthanks a lot
20:29.54TazzNZboth ?
20:30.46panicmanno no
20:30.52panicmanwrong type :)
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22:17.12*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-ypwlxcbuaavrzmqr)
22:32.59*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
22:41.13*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
23:05.12*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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23:44.26*** join/#asterisk mroe (~roe@unaffiliated/roe)
23:45.14mroeis there a service that I can use to test my inbound calling?
23:48.59[TK]D-Fenderyes.  Several kinds
23:49.03[TK]D-FenderGrab a cell phone
23:49.09[TK]D-Fendercall from a telco land-line
23:50.42mroe[TK]D-Fender: oddly enough I have neither
23:51.05[TK]D-FenderYou have noboday ANYWHERE near you you can contact to tel them to call you>?
23:51.11[TK]D-FenderNo friend you can e-mail?
23:51.55mroeI just sent out a few messages, but I'm guessing I'm going to need to test this for a while and I was wondering if there was a site/service that would call you with a pre-recorded message
23:52.44[TK]D-FenderThey'd be understandably rare so that they don't get abused to harass others
23:52.54mroeI guess
23:56.44*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101| (
23:58.55mjordanset up two Asterisk instances
23:58.57mjordancall yourself!
23:59.25mroemjordan: I'm also testing my NAT, so that will be difficult
23:59.51mjordanwell, you will exercise your NAT settings by pointing two Asterisk servers at each other

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