IRC log for #asterisk on 20140630

00:00.38*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
00:06.14ChannelZIs there any other service that uses chan_motif now
00:20.06fileI don't understand the question
00:26.54*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
00:27.49jpsharpI'm having an issue with a combination of faxing and A2billing.  I don't know if it is an A2B issue or Asterisk or a problem with the nut behind the keyboard.
00:29.29[TK]D-FenderWhat's the issue?
00:29.37jpsharpI can terminate a ulaw-based fax directly onto the A2B server (skipping A2b, just going through extensions) with 100% reliability.
00:30.14jpsharpBut if I run the call through a2b and direct it to another machine via an A2B destination, I can't get the call to complete at all.
00:30.18[TK]D-FenderSo now there are 2 servers?
00:30.35[TK]D-Fenderthis is not an A2B billing issue
00:30.50[TK]D-Fenderbecasue that is just a dumb AGI & billing system
00:30.54[TK]D-Fenderit doesn't make calls fail
00:30.56[TK]D-Fenderyour path does
00:30.56jpsharpI didn't think so.
00:31.46[TK]D-Fender"I can't get the call to complete at all." <- go look at that call.
00:31.47jpsharpI'm not sure where my path is falling apart, though.
00:32.11jpsharpI should have been more clear...I can't get the fax to connect and receive.
00:32.32jpsharpThe call connects, ReceiveFAX answers the line, but the modem portion never gets itself together.
00:43.25mjordanfile: I'm guessing a 'google-voice replacement that uses XMPP + Jingle for signaling'
00:44.03fileI wish.
00:44.12jpsharpSo I'm not sure where my audio path is falling apart.
01:02.04ChannelZfile: chan_motif was primarily for Google but they threw the switch on that. I just wondered who/what else is using the protocol for voice.  Custom applications?
01:02.42fileIt's possible, I don't know of any.
01:03.53jpsharpI'm still making and receiving calls on * via GoogleVoice.
01:03.57*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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05:37.54qakhanwhat is wrong with this CUT exten => _X.,n,Set(foo=${CUT(dial,,1-4)})
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07:00.40[TK]D-Fender[01:37]qakhanwhat is wrong with this CUT exten => _X.,n,Set(foo=${CUT(dial,,1-4)}) <- you diodn't specify a delimiter
07:01.08[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: And based on what I see you trying to use it on you aren't even using the right tool for the job.
07:01.25[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Before asking what's wrong you should be clear on what you are trying to DO.
07:39.59*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@unaffiliated/liuyan)
07:43.38*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:17.24r00fat each reload of sip, asterisk says that nat=yes is deprecated
08:17.38r00fwhile grepping for nat=yes in sip.conf gives nothing
08:17.46r00fwhere does asterisk get that from?
08:20.31*** join/#asterisk ketas (
08:21.05afournierr00f: maybe your files contains "nat = yes" instead of "nat=yes"
08:22.51*** join/#asterisk workingcats (~workingca@
08:23.44*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:24.20Faustovor it loads a sample file due to file permissions...
08:25.34*** join/#asterisk meital (
08:26.23meitalhi all, I'm running asterisk with portbind=5060, however it seems that it doesn't bind to it (according to netstat)
08:26.50meitalthe only thing that is connected is: unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     218296   /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl
08:27.10meitalI tried googeling it, but I didn't find anything relevant
08:27.52Chainsawmeital: You're looking for UDP sockets?
08:28.50Chainsawmeital: I see UDP & TCP, but then I've configured my system that way. Two results for netstat -a -n | grep 5060 | grep
08:32.06meitalChainsaw: I get an empty output for netstat -a -n | grep 5060 | grep
08:33.02r00fafournier grepped for "nat =", still nothing. the file loaded is correct, for it loads all peers from it
08:33.11Chainsawmeital: That's suspicious.
08:33.32meitalChainsaw: I know, that's why I'm here ;)
08:33.34Chainsawmeital: I'd look into what interface you're binding to and what your firewall setup is.
08:33.51Chainsawmeital: Well, Asterisk is very good at binding to whatever port & interface you tell it to, unless you put roadblocks in its way.
08:34.04Chainsawwould suggest that meital clear the roadblocks
08:35.14meitalChainsaw: firewall is "allow all". where can I check the interface? bindaddr= ? what is roadblocks?
08:35.42Chainsawmeital: Well, there could be all sorts of roadblocks. You could be running Red Hat Expensive Linux with some sort of SELinux enforcement.
08:36.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:37.59meitalChainsaw: the only weird thing that I see is that it has some warnings about loading some modules, but I don't think that it should affect the port binding...
08:38.13Chainsawmeital: It could, without a SIP channel driver not much is going to bind to that 5060 port.
08:38.29udp`what is the difference between a channel and a route ?
08:38.32Chainsawmeital: Can you stick those error messages up on a pastebin of your choosing please?
08:38.52Chainsawmeital: It'll probably include the version number by default, but just in case... manual compile or distro-supplied?
08:40.02Chainsaw[Jun 29 19:18:45] WARNING[7149]: loader.c:423 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_websocket_write
08:40.53*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
08:40.53meitalChainsaw: is this the problem? because it's only a "WARNING"
08:40.54Chainsawmeital: My previous question is becoming increasingly relevant... where did you source this Asterisk from? A native distro-supplied package? Some custom repository? Did you compile it by hand? Or some unholy mixture of more then one of these?
08:41.17Chainsawmeital: Your SIP channel driver is not loading. This is deathly serious, because from the sound of it, you're wanting to use SIP. That's what lives on port 5060.
08:41.53Chainsawudp`: Going to need to see that in context please.
08:43.48Chainsawmeital: Okay, so your answer is: "some unholy mixture of more then one of these".
08:44.17Chainsawmeital: Did you install Asterisk through apt-get first?
08:44.44meitalChainsaw: lol, ok, so I can create a new vm and install asterisk again, just tell me please how to install it ;)
08:50.50Chainsawmeital: Do a Gentoo VM and emerge asterisk?
08:52.24meitalChainsaw: really? but I hate gentoo! I haven't used it in ages!
08:55.03Chainsawmeital: It's an environment where I can guarantee the distro packaging makes sense.
08:55.35meitalChainsaw: ok, will try
08:55.43Chainsawmeital: In other environments, I cannot. And since you seem to be struggling in this area... I thought I would short-circuit things and get you a quick fix.
08:56.45meitalChainsaw: r u the maintainer or something? :)
08:57.30Chainsawmeital: In Gentoo? Yes.
08:58.07meitalChainsaw: cool :) ok, I'll download and install gentoo, will update later. thanks!!!!
08:58.19udp`meital: good luck :)
08:58.31meitaludp`: thanks!
08:58.44udp`meital: ;)
08:59.00udp`Chainsaw: bro, i didnt get you before about the context
08:59.35Chainsawudp`: There's a sentence out there that is using channel & route. Maybe even a paragraph.
08:59.59Chainsawudp`: I'd like to see the whole thing, rather then give you all possible meanings of the words.
09:00.05udp`mmmm ok
09:00.19Chainsawudp`: Not to mention after all that work be told that in your specific sentence/paragraph, none of them make sense.
09:00.40udp`im using PowerPBX v11
09:00.55udp`the config files are a little bit different than the usual
09:00.58ChainsawRight. And that has some documentation that uses those words.
09:01.21udp`in the sip.conf
09:01.29udp`there are only headers
09:01.55udp`defined, and to add stuff you need to edit those headers instead of the sip.conf file directly
09:02.24udp`anyway, to use a sip trunk channel
09:02.31udp`i have to define first a route
09:04.19Chainsawudp`: So you're using the PowerPBX documentation to install a FreePBX, right?
09:04.39udp`what is the purpose of the route, other than handle the dialed number to the correct channel ?
09:06.23ChainsawYou have not answered my question.
09:08.51udp`Chainsaw: im using just powerpbx
09:09.19udp`Chainsaw: or i didnt understand you question
09:10.56*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
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09:37.10udp`Chainsaw: ?
09:37.34Chainsawudp`: If you are unable to answer that question I am unable to assist you.
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09:38.35udp`Chainsaw: mmm ok
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09:45.58udp`Chainsaw: another question, i have a sip trunk provider, he gave me an account, under that account i have 10 virtual numbers
09:46.23udp`how do i define them in the system ?
09:47.20Chainsawudp`: Again, if you will not answer my questions I cannot answer yours.
09:47.39udp`i didnt understood your question amigo
09:48.10Chainsawudp`: When I look at this "PowerPBX" website you mention, there are guides. Guides to install FreePBX, guides to install FreeSwitch...
09:49.15udp`auhhh ok
09:49.22udp`yes im using it with freepbx
09:55.46ChainsawThen you need to ask your questions in #freepbx
09:55.51ChainsawNot #asterisk
09:56.07Chainsaw(This explains why you're asking about terms that are not used in Asterisk)
10:02.35udp`auhhh ok ! :)
10:02.47udp`thanx :)
10:05.49*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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10:10.29*** part/#asterisk DigiDaz (~quassel@
10:11.00r00ftoday i was trying to grab some variables from ${CHANNEL()} and was getting lots of errors. it's so stupid that all those variables were renamed ages ago, but documentation still has old names, even xmldoc in func_chan.c
10:11.42r00fare we all supposed to search inside the source code to get the real var names?
10:12.55Chainsawr00f: Are you referring to or is it a different problem?
10:14.43r00fChainsaw: looks like. my 11.10 still has old names in xmldoc, i was confused
10:15.22Chainsawr00f: The patch still applies, and I've been carrying it in my downstream patchset for many years.
10:15.41Chainsawr00f: Perhaps you can help show the importance of it to Digium by adding yourself to the watch list and commenting.
10:16.02r00fokay, i will, thanks for pointing
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10:24.54r00flol, they call it minor issue.
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10:43.55r00feirirs )))
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12:37.27meitalChainsaw: did I mention how much I hate gentoo? No network for me... =\
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12:58.07Chainsawmeital: Did you emerge dhcpcd?
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13:10.07r00fi've found the culprit. a2billing was generating config in old format
13:19.09meitalChainsaw: no I did, and it worked! you are my hero! ;)
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13:41.22meitalChainsaw: even asterisk works now! thanks you so much!!!
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13:41.37Chainsawmeital: Any time :)
13:44.24estrangerFilling out a SIP pre-sale questionnaire for asterisk from a provider, got one last question: "Sends INVITESs with SIP URLs (no tel URLs)"?  that's verbatim .. I assume that is "Yes"?
13:47.12estrangerthanks :)
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13:51.36wdoekesmultiple INVITESses?
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13:55.44estrangerI dunno, there are a few things on the form that are quite ambiguous
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14:30.05Stefan27Hello, im using to make a new installation of asterisk 12.3. I noticed there are around 300 modules, many of which may not be needed, in which case one should add noload => in modules.conf ? ... is there a clever way of finding out which modules i really need other than going through each one and reading about what it does? which modules are the most
14:30.06Stefan27important? how many modules are needed for a minimal asterisk-setup with chan_sip?
14:31.20WIMPyNo. Either you enable all, you read through all of them and hope you understand what they do, or you disable aoutoload and add them as you miss functionality.
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14:35.52Stefan27ok thanks i guess i can just enable all while testing: adding or removing module X does not change the behavior of module Y?
14:36.27WIMPyIt can.
14:36.49WIMPySome modules depend on others.
14:37.48Stefan27ah, those with common prefix, like and
14:38.07*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
14:41.50Stefan27ill just start experimenting to get a grip
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15:37.48mjordanStefan27: res_ari is the basis of most of the ARI related modules. res_pjsip is the basis of most PJSIP related modules. Disabling both of those will nuke out most of the ARI/PJSIP features.
15:37.54mjordan(I say most, it really is "all")
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17:52.31c0rnoTaHello everyone!
17:52.33c0rnoTaI have Asterisk installed from the source, it is working installation with mysql realtime connectivity. I'm trying to use REALTIME_STORE function, but cannot. Asterisk always return that "ERROR: ast_func_read: Function REALTIME_STORE cannot be read" I'm already found example of usage in source of patch for this function. But it doesn't work too with the same error. Family is configured, table exists. When I change REALTIME_STORE to REALTIME funct
17:52.33c0rnoTaThanks for Attantion.
17:53.58c0rnoTaOr should I create issue in JIRA?
17:58.31newtonrc0rnoTa, what exact backend are you using?  Looking at the documentation of REALTIME_STORE, it sounds like that function is only for *setting* new values in a field
17:58.51newtonrc0rnoTa, did you try reading REALTIME_FIELD ?
17:59.18newtonrc0rnoTa, and also yeah, REALTIME
18:02.12newtonrc0rnoTa, take a look at the "core show function <function name>" help text for each..
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18:04.07c0rnoTanewtonr, REALTIME works fine. it update and read values from the table. I have not try realtime field but as I see i's like from help text, it's only updating value. I think, it should work, but I can try. newtonr, but it does not solve my task. I need to insert row, not update value.
18:04.20c0rnoTathe backend is mysql
18:06.10c0rnoTanewtonr, don't you think, that this backend could not insert rows?
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18:08.30c0rnoTanewtonr, I wrote an AGI script until I can find solution. Because function is so simple and frequently used that agi is too heavy for this.
18:09.45newtonrc0rnoTa, I don't think there is an issue with the backend.  I think you should be able to do what you want with REALTIME_STORE
18:10.23newtonrc0rnoTa, I'm just going by the documentation. I haven't used any of these. :)
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18:19.20c0rnoTanewtonr, yes, I think so too. I read documentation about this function and found source code (where found example of usage ) So, may be it's better tol create an issue in jira. I thought, that this function is not widely used, that's because bug in function is possible....
18:20.49newtonrc0rnoTa, if you file a bug, make sure to include dialplan showing how you call the function, and an Asterisk debug log showing the action.
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18:21.32bulliumAnyone have a quick way to export a list of all extensions on the system?
18:21.56WIMPydialplan show
18:22.02c0rnoTanewtonr, sure! Thank you for your suggestions.
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18:25.55newtonrc0rnoTa, np
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18:31.43bulliumWIMPy, that's not the kind of output I'm looking for. Basically I'd like to have a list of extensions to print out and use it as a check list
18:34.02bulliumWe only have SIP peers, so asterisk -rx "sip show peers" almost gives me what I want. I want extension and name
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18:50.44WIMPyMaybe you should define what _you_ mean by "extension".
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19:05.37[TK]D-Fenderbullium: parse "sip show peers" and "sip show peer X" for each.  And stope calling SIP device definitions "extensions"
19:05.48[TK]D-Fendercan't type....
19:06.56mbowieTyping is overrated on a medium like IRC anyhoo.
19:11.00carrarIRC over SIP
19:16.59drmessanoIRC <> SIMPLE <> IRC
19:17.02drmessanoMake it happen
19:17.09drmessanoWhy arent we funding this?
19:17.51drmessanoAsterisk 14 should have an integrated IRC server
19:17.58NivexSIP <> XMPP <> IRC  :)
19:18.01drmessanoWhy?  Because Microsoft had it in Exchange once
19:18.05drmessanoand we should be better
19:19.28drmessanoThe only problem with having IRC integrated into Exchange was that it was FREAKING IRC RUNNING ON AN EXCHANGE SERVER AND CODED BY MS
19:19.29bulliumThis does it for me awk '/username|fullname/' /etc/asterisk/users.conf | awk '{ if ((NR % 2) == 0) printf("\n"); print; }'
19:19.31drmessanoBy other than that
19:19.44mbowieI'm not sure that's a yard-stick everyone can all agree on.
19:19.46drmessanoBut other than that*
19:20.28drmessanoI miss the MS CHAT client
19:20.47drmessanoNothing like telling someone to GFY in comic form like an A-HA video
19:21.45drmessano"Johnson, did you just change your MS Chat character to Garfield and tell me to *** last weeks report *** my ****?"
19:21.50drmessano"Yes, sir"
19:21.55drmessano"Oh, well that was much LULZ"
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19:54.28anonymouz666nice news from atlassian... conquering the world
20:10.38TazzNZwhat news that be ?
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20:25.30mjordandrmessano: actually, that would be kind of funny. And doable.
20:25.36mjordandrmessano: I wouldn't write an IRC server
20:25.45mjordanjust an IRC client. And tie into the messaging in Asterisk.
20:25.50mjordanSo you could SIP MESSAGE requests to IRC and vice versa
20:25.59drmessanoThat would be awesome
20:26.10drmessanoMakes more sense
20:26.13drmessanoBut yeah
20:26.30fileI'd use it for signaling session establishment
20:26.58mjordanfile: FUNNY
20:27.13drmessanoI'd love to send call notifications to users via IRC
20:27.29drmessanoU HAV A CALL FM UR MOM LULZ
20:27.49drmessanoU R MOM LEFT ME A VOICEMAIL
20:28.19filemjordan, hey man - it would work!
20:28.24mjordanevery time you go on the phone, it sends a message that "hey, don't bother talking to me"
20:29.16drmessanoAn Asterisk IRC service would be neat.  Set AWAY for users.. let them for messages via a bot
20:29.25drmessanowell not a bot, if its an IRC service
20:29.41filemjordan, omg
20:29.47filemjordan, DCC as the data channel
20:30.21drmessanoWait, DCC as the data channel.. so call establishment would now involve genital pics?
20:30.31filedrmessano, it could!
20:30.38drmessanoBecause thats what some.. err... I hear some people used DCC for.... ummm
20:31.35mjordannot that I do. I just ... hear. Things.
20:31.50mjordanjpeg of certain size is "Ringing"?
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20:32.14drmessanoTo hangup a channel you send a goatse
20:32.30anonymouz666freenode is exception of the rule, IRC was killed by MSN, then Orkut, then Facebook, now Whatsapp.
20:33.37drmessanoIRC as a protocol is alive and well.  There were new extensions added almost 12 years ago.  Thats newer than most RFCs we use with telephony!
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20:37.42TazzNZhey hey hey - we can then use IRC for distrubuted states
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20:38.47TazzNZno more XMPP
20:38.54anonymouz666no more corosync
20:39.02anonymouz666no more app_queue
20:39.24drmessanoWe could use IRC to replace AMI
20:39.28anonymouz666Build your own queues for fun and profit
20:40.19TazzNZthat would be SO cool
20:41.15drmessanoThey did that years ago with Trixbox and HUD
20:41.42drmessanoEach HUD client was an IRC client.. connected a channel on an IRCD running on the PBX
20:41.58drmessanoThey had some bot that resided in there that was used for control
20:42.18drmessanoI made my own script to interact with it.. Could do the call notifications in channel, place calls, etc
20:42.20TazzNZyou could join the chaneel and see what your users are doing on phones :)
20:42.36WIMPyProgramming for non-programmers?
20:43.25drmessanoThe neat thing was they actually had params for the server address and port, which defaulted to localhost, so I made their script connect to an IRC I had running on another box
20:43.29TazzNZmjordan: we all know you have tons of spare time - make it so ! :D hehe
20:43.35*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
20:43.48drmessanoThat was kinda fun for a week
20:44.00drmessanoEspecially when I put triggers in channel
20:44.03drmessano!call 102 from 103
20:45.21TazzNZROFL - that would even solve the monitoring "issue" - "server_1 ping timeout" <-- oh cr** - server is down !!!! RUN !!!!!!!!!!!
20:45.55drmessano"PBX has left IRC"
20:45.58drmessanoAwww crap
20:46.48drmessanoBut you know querying the server would be fun
20:46.57drmessanoHey PBX, are you busy?
20:47.08drmessanoI have 7 concurrent calls
20:47.24drmessanoIs Joe on the phone again
20:47.32drmessanoYep, that idiot is always on the phone
20:48.29drmessanoOh man
20:49.39drmessanoMAHMI - Matrix Asterisk Human Manipulation Interface
20:49.49drmessanoI even have the name
20:50.38drmessanoNope, need more markety
20:50.54drmessanoMAHMI - Multilingual Asterisk Human Manipulation Interface
20:51.05drmessanoThere, now it speaks N+1 languages
20:51.11TazzNZAII - Asterisk IRC interface
20:51.38rrittgarnpronounced AYEEEEE ?
20:51.47TazzNZLOL - yeah - like IAX
20:53.08*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
20:56.00drmessanoI want to be speak to Asterisk
20:56.06drmessanoNeed to work on that
20:56.10drmessano"Hangup on Joe"
20:56.29drmessanoI want to be ABLE TO speak to Asterisk
20:58.24*** join/#asterisk TazzNZ (
20:58.26_0x5eb_hi! speaking of XMPP... and gtalk, anyone's been experimenting chan_motif on Asterisk 12?
20:59.49_0x5eb_(esp. with gtalk users, who unfortunately represents the vast majority of XMPP users)
21:00.15WIMPyNot for long.
21:01.29WIMPyThat IRC discussion was evil. Now I have to think about how much sense it would really make to use IRC vor VOIP. I mean it could easily replace SIP. But would you even need a PBX, or could IRC do it?
21:03.34_0x5eb_well as a matter of fact, IRC is one of the world's most used signalling protocol
21:03.46_0x5eb_not for the good cause thought
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21:05.11_0x5eb_and Skype could be abused to achieve the same goal btw
21:05.39WIMPyMaybe. Noone knows what it does. So that's disqualified.
21:07.51_0x5eb_I love to point out EADS' excellent study on it, btw that (could) help promoting regular IPBX instead of Skype as a voice communication platform
21:09.27WIMPyWell, skypes success comes from the fact that it works without haveing a network engeneer next to you to help you get through NAT.
21:09.48WIMPyOff course Asterisk could do the same with IAX, but noone seems to care about that.
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21:11.02_0x5eb_too complicated for the average business user
21:11.34WIMPySo why do people think that SIP could do it?
21:12.01_0x5eb_a softer alternative would be to make them start using Jingle without them knowing it (i.e. gtalk)
21:14.02anonymouz666"just works" is the "secret" of skype
21:14.10anonymouz666audio codec
21:14.11anonymouz666etc etc.
21:14.17_0x5eb_and then try to convince them to switch to a (well designed) SIP network with real IP phones
21:15.05_0x5eb_... and breaking through most of the firewalls
21:15.21anonymouz666G729 is not even close to be a good codec for all kinds of network
21:15.39WIMPySomeone sould make IAX phones again. Preferrably better ones.
21:16.22anonymouz666WIMPy: there are very good techniques you can use with SIP to make it more reliable through NAT
21:16.43_0x5eb_why are we moving so slowly to IPv6?
21:16.56TazzNZWIMPy: according to "digium" IAX is a "trunk only protocol"
21:17.03WIMPyMaybe, but chances of it just working are far to small.
21:17.16TazzNZ_0x5eb_: the world is moving too slow :(
21:17.20*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (~textual@
21:17.26Nivex_0x5eb_: because the people who have made all their money off the Internet don't want to spend it to upgrade
21:17.26QwellTazzNZ: those aren't the words I'd use to describe it
21:17.34WIMPyWell, they don't know what great technology they own.
21:18.12WIMPyInstead they seem to prefer to play buzzwordbingo.
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21:18.25TazzNZQwell: I can't remember the exact words they used, but that was it in a nutshell :)
21:18.40coppice_0x5eb_: arrogance and incompetence by the IPv6 developers. They stopped, job finished, when there was still much to do.... like a solid migration scheme
21:19.01TazzNZeither way - I can't see the reason behind using IAX vs SIP
21:19.05NivexI tried to turn on IPv6 for SIP in Asterisk 11 and my v4 SIP broke. I haven't investigated further.
21:19.30QwellNivex: Do you run Asterisk on BSD?
21:19.34WIMPyIAX just works.
21:19.40NivexQwell: no, Debian.
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21:19.43WIMPyAnd it's a defines protocoll.
21:19.48QwellNivex: then a bindport of ::0 should "just work"
21:20.00_0x5eb_coppice: this is esp. when I look at Japan: once leader in IPv6 experimentation (kame project/wide) and test deployment, now among the last to actually deploy it to the homes
21:20.11Nivexyes, it bound, but then things coming through the NAT got wonky.
21:20.17QwellNivex: err, sorry, bindaddr
21:20.19WIMPyUnlike SIP which is just some useless basics with everyting else being implemented in various incompatible ways.
21:20.55Nivexthe only IPv6 SIP client I have to test with is cSIPsimple on Android, which is an abomination on v6 anyway, I just put it back to v4 only
21:21.35_0x5eb_Nivex: why abomination?
21:21.38TazzNZhhhmmm v6 - I wonder......
21:22.30Nivex_0x5eb_: android itself has crap support on wifi and then csipsimple's chosen SIP stack also doesn't handle it
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21:22.34coppice_0x5eb_: much of what is said about IPv6 deployment is rather bogus. Various information from IPv6 proponents says that we here in HK have one of the highest levels of IPv6. In reality there is no option for consumer IPv6, either wired or wireless.
21:24.38_0x5eb_coppice: here in France, I have native IPv6 at my home on my residential DSL connection for... 10 years
21:25.02*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (~textual@
21:25.05_0x5eb_coppice: Asia was once leader for IPv6 research; problem is that broadband ISP were never really involved
21:25.50anonymouz666_0x5eb_: congratulations for the victory today 2x0
21:26.29_0x5eb_anonymouz666: thanks ;)
21:26.42coppice_0x5e6_: even our LTE networks, which are all less than 3 years old, have no support for IPv6.
21:27.07_0x5eb_another way to cope with NAT issues: openvpn tunnel, natively supported by some major brand of IP phones
21:27.39WIMPyYes. That does work.
21:27.48WIMPyBut that's just a work around.
21:28.19[TK]D-Fenderadds "King Of Wishful Thinking" to his playlist...
21:28.19_0x5eb_sure; IPv6 should be (I said should, not that it will be) the right solution
21:29.07WIMPyI'd rather see IPv7 or whatever.
21:29.27coppice_0x5e6_: problems with IPv4 keep showing up for years. I donm't think IPv6 has seen enough use to really flush out how well it works.
21:29.50Nivexcoppice: so what are you doing to help find those problems?
21:29.55_0x5eb_(Snom and Yealink natively support OpenVPN, maybe others?)
21:30.18coppiceNivex: until I have access to native IPv6, nothing
21:30.39_0x5eb_Nivex: actually using it is the best way to deal with problems :)
21:30.46Nivex_0x5eb_: amen
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21:33.25[TK]D-Fender[17:29]_0x5eb_(Snom and Yealink natively support OpenVPN, maybe others?) <- no "majors"
21:33.54coppiceYealink is the global number 3
21:34.28[TK]D-FenderAe they?  Guess the volume cheap market is ""something"
21:34.47[TK]D-FenderThat was a fast track to #3
21:35.39anonymouz666Yealink are very good phones
21:36.48WIMPyI haven't seen one, yet, but when I looked close last week, looking for phones with (the option for) enough buttons and other must haves, I got the impression they might be more like top end.
21:37.27coppiceI think Yealink have abandoned all their low end stuff
21:37.41anonymouz666now people are using phones with android!
21:38.00WIMPyAnd touchscreens instead of keys.
21:38.41Qwellall the touchscreen deskphones I've used have annoyed the crap out of me.  really insensitive/inaccurate
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21:39.06coppiceQwell: there have been lots of resistive touch screens, but they are going capacitive now
21:39.25anonymouz666why developers thoughts are always incompatible with the customers? heheheh :-)
21:39.41Qwellcoppice: that's a start
21:40.00WIMPyIt's usually not developers. It's the evil Marketeers.
21:40.10coppicein a year or two I think all but the entry level IP phones will be android machines
21:40.22WIMPyThey know better what the customer wants than the customer himselv.
21:40.25_0x5eb_Polycom's good old hard buttons are nice :)
21:41.10coppicethere's nothing like real buttons for people who do a lot of dialing
21:42.24*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
21:43.35anonymouz666even grandstream phones they got much better. From what I saw in 2005... now are totally different products
21:44.14coppicepeople are very positive about the new grandstream android phones
21:45.00anonymouz666I just installed about 50 GS android phones in a customer last week
21:45.32anonymouz666they tested the phone for 1 month and loved it
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21:48.19coppicewas the the touch model, or the one with buttons?
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22:21.52smd75jr_Hi, I finally managed to get my system half working. I can dial out but I cant receive any calls. All of my settings seem to look correct (as far as I can tell that is) but I just can't seem to get it to work. The log of an incoming call is here:    Can anyone help me?
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23:24.08syadnomhi all.  anyone know of a decent CDR analysis software?  google is no help
23:27.37[TK]D-FenderI see SIX within the first page of my 2-second search alone...
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