IRC log for #asterisk on 20140620

00:06.56josefigi'm trying to setup an outgoing call rule : but no luck, someone can help me please?
00:10.54X-RobSo, file. This -is- your fault. You don't have an asterisk-sounds rpm for .sln16.
00:11.10X-RobHow am I meant to have wideband audio, if I've got crappity ulaw soundfiles?
00:11.49X-Robps: crappity. It's a word.
00:19.48*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtj0@unaffiliated/gtj)
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03:14.58txt23Hey guys. I have a very small website and when my customers call I want them to press different numbers for different things. And also want to record conversations, whats my best option for it?
03:16.04txt23Right but how much of an investment am I looking here?
03:16.25litnmoney wise?
03:30.33*** join/#asterisk infobot (
03:30.33*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.10.2 (2014/06/13), (2014/06/13); Standard: Asterisk 12.3.2 (2014/06/13); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
03:32.57*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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06:18.37txt23I just installed asterisk on a VPS. Does it have a web UI to access and configure it from?
06:22.17*** part/#asterisk txt23 (
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06:29.10*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
06:29.51_omerIs there a way to turn off Queue "announce-position" for a specific caller through dialplan?
06:30.49_omerIs there a way to turn off Queue "announce-position" for a specific caller through dialplan? .... Turning off "announce-position" in queue settings, turns it off for all the callers. any suggestions?
06:31.59*** join/#asterisk Draecos (~Draecos@
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09:38.59*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (~michaeld@
09:39.35Blashyrkhi have a problem with an old asterisk version that used to be connected to PSTN lines, but was disconnected now and handles only sip calls
09:39.44Blashyrkhbut when using playback it sounds really awful
09:39.58Blashyrkhi guess its a timing related issue, but iam completely lost here
09:40.48Blashyrkhit still uses zaptel drivers
09:48.29*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
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10:26.11alexwWhat is the cleanest way to install asterisk?
10:26.20alexwDoes asterisk have it's own config console
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10:56.34Dpunktif i divide a call using dial(x,y,G(z)), how can i reconnect this call later in the dialplan
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14:02.07*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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14:17.11WIMPyCool questions so far today.
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14:46.57*** join/#asterisk elenril (
14:48.07elenrilis there any documentation on how codec negotiation in asterisk (and sip in general) works
14:50.05mjordanelenril: There is a plethora of information on how codec negotiation is achieved using SDP offer/answer inside SIP requests/responses.
14:50.26*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
14:51.20elenrilanything about how it works in asterisk specifically?
14:51.31elenrilgoogle is rather vague on the subject
14:52.01mjordanelenril: as for Asterisk, you're most likely best served by reading the book.
14:52.10mjordanelenril: a specific question would probably be appropriate here
14:52.31mjordanelenril: Depending on what you're trying to find out, the answer may be very straight forward, or very complex.
14:53.13elenrili want to understand how it works so i can configure it to use other codecs than *law pcm automagically
14:53.28mjordanDefine "automagically"
14:53.46mjordanDo you want Asterisk to Offer codecs other than ulaw/alaw?
14:54.03mjordanThe chapter on SIP configuration in A:TDG describes the disallow/allow options
14:54.55elenrilthe problem is that i don't have pretty much any idea how are codecs negotiated; so i cannot really ask any specific questions
14:55.10mjordanDo you understand SDP offer/answer?
14:55.11elenrili suppose each client connected to asterisk has its own set of supported codecs
14:55.32elenriland "automagically" for me means that the best codec will be selected for each connection
14:55.53elenrilno, not really
14:56.05mjordanGo read up on SDP Offer/Answer. Google will return many hits for you there.
14:56.42mjordanThat would be the definitive answer, yes
14:56.51mjordanThe first codec listed in an SDP offer is the preferred codec.
14:57.00mjordanWhat a device offers is up to the specific devices.
14:57.18mjordanWhen Asterisk calls a device, the order of your codecs in your allow settings determines the preference order
14:57.48mjordanWhen negotiation happens between an offer/answer, Asterisk picks the best matching codec between what we offered/they offered and what we believe their capabilities to be (based on what you configure in sip.conf/pjsip.conf/iax.conf/etc.)
14:58.18mjordanSo, if a UA offers g722,ulaw,alaw but you configure the UA with allow => ulaw,alaw - we'll end up with ulaw
14:58.23elenrili have to configure each client's capabilities in asterisk itself?
14:58.33elenrilthe client does say which codecs it can receive?
14:58.36elenril*does not
14:58.46mjordanThe client says which codecs it is willing to offer
14:58.55mjordansome of which Asterisk may or may not support.
14:59.00mjordanSome you may not want Asterisk to use.
14:59.16mjordanWhat's more, when we call a UA, we have to know what to offer them
14:59.26mjordanAnd that is determined on a UA by UA basis
14:59.58mjordanA trunk may only support a limited subset of codecs. A more modern SIP soft phone may support celt, speex, silk, and who knows what else
15:00.05mjordanSo yes, you have to configure Asterisk
15:02.27*** join/#asterisk drale (~drale@unaffiliated/drale)
15:03.40elenrili mean can i set asterisk to "use the best of those codecs that the client supports"
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15:03.58elenrilso e.g. i enable opus globally, but it will get used only with clients that actually support it
15:04.09mjordanand doing so is not recommended.
15:04.14elenrilwhy not
15:04.31mjordanYou should know what is connecting to you, and what you want them to use. There's ways to use templates to build out configuration to use for all your endpoints
15:04.41mjordanAnd if you want to specify opus as the primary codec for all your UAs, that's fine
15:04.49mjordanIf a UA doesn't offer it, Asterisk won't use it.
15:05.07mjordanAgain, reading the book would help here, particularly the sip configuration chapter.
15:05.09elenrilwell that's pretty much what i was asking
15:08.05draleSometimes the asterisk service just stops. I simply run cmd 'asterisk' and everything is ok again for weeks/months. Im not sure what is going on.
15:08.51draleProbably has something to do with this being the third server of same spec that the HDD has put in as the other server PSU failed. But never seen this symptom before
15:09.43elenrilok, looking at the book now
15:09.46elenrilthanks for your help
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15:27.40dralei might try running  safe_asterisk
15:30.06[TK]D-Fender[11:08]draleSometimes the asterisk service just stops. I simply run cmd 'asterisk' and everything is ok again for weeks/months. Im not sure what is going on. <- never run it direct it should be run as a daemon using a proper startup script that sets the proper user/group, etc
15:31.39dralelike inittab used to start safe_asterisk during power up?
15:31.52WIMPyErr. For me Asterisk is doing that itsef just fine.
15:40.39*** join/#asterisk MarcoZink (
15:44.11WIMPyCan someone recommend phones that support transfer on onhook and (can) have at least 20 BLF buttons?
15:51.29*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (7c06ecfc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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16:12.19dralewe have aastra 57i with  M675i (560M) sidecar. i can't say on preferences because its always been here and my only other experience is a cisco system
16:17.05draleconfiguring aastra with asterisk is not difficult either. plaintext configs based on MAC filenames and a common template also.
16:19.32draledhcp gives the aastra phone a boot server (asterisk) and the phone pulls the config
16:21.00draleit was funny when i took a phone from another location that ran on a trunked asterisk server, the old configs for the phone when it used to be in this building got picked up
16:21.34draleand it reconfigured itself and started ringing as part of a group of phones that ring from yet another building's number
16:22.56*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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16:34.28WIMPyWould be nice if any phone would allow to push new key descriptions.
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19:54.45*** join/#asterisk gmalsack (~gmalsack@
19:55.04gmalsackhello all. can someone remind me how to determine which call leg disconnected the call?
20:01.21dralei havent done it before. have you been able to do it before?
20:02.03draleim googling, stuff about HANGUPCAUSE and SIP_CAUSE
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20:56.41[sr]hi WIMPy
20:58.33WIMPyHi [sr]
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21:49.03gmalsackdrale: Thanks! works good...
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23:46.30*** join/#asterisk alexw (~textual@unaffiliated/alexw)

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