IRC log for #asterisk on 20140618

00:04.18*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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02:00.12[[thufir]]we use cloud based Asterisk (is that what it's called?) and Cisco hardphones.  We could switch to softphones quite easily, correct?
02:01.52WIMPyAsterisk doesn't care if the phone application runs on a PC or some appliance that looks like a phone.
02:04.07[[thufir]]ok, thanks.  what's the terminology for this, cloud based Asterisk?
02:04.34WIMPyhosted pbx
02:11.40[TK]D-FenderI hate everyone's throwing "cloud" around everywhere today.
02:12.00WIMPyEverything has become cloudy.
02:12.20coppicesoon it will rain
02:13.32WIMPyAin't no sunshine
02:13.59coppiceWhen she's gone
02:16.32WIMPyTelephony is gone.
02:16.46WIMPyIt's so funny how we don't talk any more.
02:17.20tuvok302{tablet}Hey all, i've got a feeling I'm about to ask a very stupid question... but I've run out of google-fu.  I'm trying to setup asterisk for the first time, and I've followed the instructions up until the end of the hello world test and I don't get any audio
02:18.08WIMPyWhat kind of phone are you using and how is it connected to your Asterisk?
02:18.13*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
02:18.15tuvok302The asterisk console says it runs just fine
02:18.42tuvok302I'm using the zoiper soft phone,
02:18.58WIMPyOn the same LAN?
02:19.15WIMPyOn the same PC?
02:19.39WIMPyok, sounds good so far.
02:19.42tuvok302I've got asterisk installed on another machine
02:19.49WIMPyAny firewall on that PC?
02:20.04tuvok302no firewall on either machine, or firewall between them
02:20.34WIMPyAre you sure your sound devices are configured correctly?
02:21.16tuvok302Relatively.  When I run the audio wizard in zoiper I can hear the noises, and my mic works
02:22.53WIMPyDid you enable any kind of NAT support, like a STUN server.
02:24.02WIMPyis running out of ideas.
02:27.45tuvok302Haha, thanks for the suggestions WIMPy. I'll keep prodding google, see if it can shed any more light
02:34.41WIMPyJust wait for the SIP/RTP guys to wake up.
02:35.18WIMPyAlthough, being on zoiper, you could use IAX2 instead. Known for a lot less networking trouble.
02:35.34WIMPyAnd with that I'm off to bed.
02:46.07tuvok302Whelp, IAX2 worked beautifully.
02:49.15*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
02:53.58[[thufir]]is it possible to connect (cluster) a local Asterisk version with an online PBX?  Or would that not make any sense?
02:59.53*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
03:08.40NivexI have a bunch of disallow=all allow=... directives from way back in the day. Do I still need those or does Asterisk pretty much figure things out on its own now?
03:29.37Nivexahh, ok, I refreshed my memory
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12:56.46*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.10.2 (2014/06/13), (2014/06/13); Standard: Asterisk 12.3.2 (2014/06/13); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
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13:40.40DigiDazHi all, I'm having a problem trying to call from a freeswitch box to an asterisk one. I don't want to authenticate, I am just direct dialling a did using a sip uri. Asterisk keeps asking for authentication. I have already added a trunk with insecure=port,invite but to my untrained eye, what apperas to be happening is that asterisk is mationg the peer, ie: "Found peer '601' for '601' from xxxxx". Anyone any idea how to make this happen?
13:53.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
13:59.46[TK]D-Fenderis [601] the one it should be matching?
14:04.33KattyI"M ALIVE.
14:04.48ChainsawKatty: This is great news!
14:05.06Kattyand my dad's alive too. that's also great news.
14:05.25ChainsawKatty: Let's celebrate. There can be pie.
14:05.47Kattyi should make a pie, it'd be theraputic.
14:05.48bewbsas opposed to being not alive?
14:06.26Kattyme, or my dad?
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14:29.51DigiDaz[TK]D-Fender: Sorry was AFK, no 601 is the remote extension on freeswitch but also there is an extension 601 on the asterisk too, the invite is being sent to 44161xxxxxx@asteriskbox the from line is 60a@freeswitch box
14:33.35*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
14:34.33[TK]D-FenderDigiDaz: then you did your peer on * wrong
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14:36.04DigiDaz[TK]D-Fender: I though it was simply hostname=ipoffreeswitch, type=friend,port=insecure,invite and that would be enough?
14:36.20DigiDazand context=from-trunk
14:37.20DigiDazIs ther a way of getting any more debug info, I have core set verbose 9  and core set debug 9 but I get no output
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14:39.40[TK]D-FenderDigiDaz: HOST... not HOSTNAME
14:39.58[TK]D-Fenderand "type=peer"
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15:08.05alamican't start conference with app_meetme.c:1228 build_conf: Unable to open DAHDI pseudo device
15:08.32[TK]D-Fenderdahdi is not loaded...
15:09.32alami[TK]D-Fender: do you mean
15:10.12[TK]D-Fenderthat's the config... there is also the entire package itself
15:10.18alamiloader.c:840 load_resource: Module '' already exists.
15:10.24[TK]D-Fendergo prove that DAHDI is installed.
15:12.18alamii have asterisk 1.8
15:12.34alamiinstalled befor dahdi, can that be the Problem?
15:13.33[TK]D-Fenderit can
15:13.48alami[TK]D-Fender: any suggestions?
15:13.55[TK]D-Fenderstop *
15:14.10[TK]D-Fender"dahdi_cfg -vvvv"
15:14.15[TK]D-Fenderand PB the output
15:18.00alami[TK]D-Fender: on /etc/dahdi/ i have only xpp.conf
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15:23.58alami[TK]D-Fender:any idea?
15:36.02DigiDaz[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, my bad, it was already host and also I've tried peer
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15:46.23[TK]D-FenderDigiDaz: show your peers & the call
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17:03.44*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TheVoicer@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
17:03.48DelphiWorldhi asteriskers
17:03.52DelphiWorldanyone use jssip?
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17:20.50infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
18:06.11TazzNZDelphiWorld: what do you want to do with jssip or what is wrong
18:06.31TazzNZor are you simply wanting to know how many people are using it
18:06.40DelphiWorldTazzNZ: i have been trying to click a click to call button for month but no luck using jssip
18:07.36TazzNZok - so it's broken - what parts are broken ? Do you see anything on Asterisk that can help us help you debug it ?
18:07.48TazzNZwhat about the logs or debug info created by jssip
18:07.56DelphiWorldTazzNZ: not ast issue but javascript i'm not well on that are aware that you are in an Asterisk channel, not a JavaScript channel
18:09.05DelphiWorldTazzNZ: i knowthat. but asterisk have a web socket, so discution is not limited to sip.conf
18:09.22fileerm that's a stretch
18:10.51TazzNZyeah...quite a stretch - you still not telling us what is wrong, or giving us any debug info to help you
18:11.19DelphiWorldTazzNZ: i want guidance on what do i need to create a simple click to call button
18:11.57TazzNZI am going to say you are in the wrong channel for that
18:12.06TazzNZWe can tell you what you need done on the Asterisk side
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18:12.22DelphiWorldTazzNZ: ...
18:12.58TazzNZbut it seems that your issue is related to the Web site of things (e.g. the button, the jssip lib etc)
18:16.40qakhani am getting followin message when i run .php script from dialplan
18:16.42qakhanutils.c:1328 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
18:17.14TazzNZqakhan: how are you running this file, agi ?
18:18.09TazzNZyour agi is either dying before asterisk is done writing data to it or you are closing stdin
18:18.51qakhanhere is my .php
18:19.17qakhanand extensions.conf
18:19.55TazzNZyou know that stdin/out/err is opened by default in PHP ?
18:20.19qakhanno i dont know
18:20.35TazzNZthey are STDIN/OUT/ERR
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18:21.21qakhancan you give me a link which cover this topic?
18:21.29*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TheVoicer@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
18:21.46TazzNZqakhan: - search for IO Streams
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18:24.03TazzNZqakhan: if you put verbosity at 5 (or above) what do you see in the Asterisk console when a call is made that calls this agi
18:29.22qakhanERROR[11430][C-00000025]: utils.c:1328 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
18:29.27qakhansame thing
18:29.37TazzNZthere should be more
18:29.45TazzNZlike *way* more
18:29.51qakhanAGI Rx << SET VARIABLE agent3 Local/9303@agent
18:29.51qakhan<SIP/3289-00000046>AGI Tx >> 200 result=1
18:29.51qakhan[Jun 18 14:28:52] ERROR[11430][C-00000025]: utils.c:1328 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
18:31.55TazzNZand your debug log from the php script - does that show any reason why it died ?
18:33.39qakhanwhere that log saves?
18:34.48TazzNZthat might be the issue....
18:35.14TazzNZwhat do you set $log as?
18:35.18qakhanwhere is that debug log file locates?
18:35.45TazzNZqakhan: uhm, this is *your* script hey, not mine
18:37.51qakhani know but is there any specific location where php log file creates?
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18:38.17TazzNZqakhan: no
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19:14.48jeffasingerI'm trying to call an asterisk box using pjsip, however I keep getting a 404 response. I'm assuming I need to do something to my sip.conf to fix this, any ideas of what to check?
19:15.21WIMPyOr your extensions.conf.
19:17.13jeffasingerI think my extensions.conf is okay, as other clients are able to call in fine
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20:12.07litnhow sensitive is voip traffic in terms of network quality? the sip provider pings at around 80 miliseconds. I'm pinging 20 packets every minute and I see a 1/20 packet loss every few hours
20:12.20litncould that small of packet loss affect call quality or cause dropped calls?
20:14.31litnor let me put it another way- if I'm having some call quality issues and dropped calls, can I rule out the network based on the above analysis?
20:17.24WIMPyPing doesn't mean much.
20:17.40WIMPyAnd it's very unlikely to be related to calls dropping.
20:18.12litnour network connection is unlikely to be related to calls dropping?
20:18.17litnor ping rates
20:21.07WIMPyIf you have audio issues, keep an eye on jitter.
20:23.12litnbut not dropped calls? that would be totally unrelated?
20:24.04WIMPyThe network situation needs to be pretty bad for calls to drop.
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20:33.25cosmicwombatAnyone know a CLI method of determining if a Hardware EC board is installed on a Digium TM800P card ?
20:34.10cosmicwombatsorry.. TDM800P ^
20:34.42WIMPyOnly in dmesg when loading the driver.
20:35.09cosmicwombatdmesg showed dahdi_echocan_oslec: Registered echo canceler 'OSLEC'
20:35.23cosmicwombatSo I am guess no EC card
20:35.25WIMPyThat's software.
20:35.29litnWIMPy: so this leaves the sip provider, the phones themselves, and the asterisk server then?
20:35.51WIMPyYou can have multiple ECs.
20:36.15litnI have heard about duplicating rtp/sip traffic to another server so you can record the traffic there as to not affect your production resources, do you know what term I can google to see how to do that so I can get a capture of a dropped call?
20:36.20WIMPylitn: Look at your logs and if they don't help start debugging.
20:37.08WIMPyIt's unlikely that you have to look at RTP.
20:38.44litnto begin debugging, would I first grep the asterisk full log file for the phone number that dropped, or is there another way?
20:39.28WIMPyHave you looked in to the logs?
20:40.01WIMPyIf you're lucky, you can find the channel IDs.
20:41.01litnif I'm so lucky, what do I do with that?
20:41.09WIMPyIt helps to have some Verbose() at strategic laces in your diallan, like the h extension.
20:44.57litnso when I get the channel ID, with that, I would grep for the channel ID to get the full details in the logs?
20:45.10litnI;ll start with that
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21:11.39jeffasingerIs there any logging done by asterisk when it rejects a call with a 404
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21:14.05[TK]D-FenderDepends what 404
21:15.20jeffasingerI just get 404 (Not Found) back
21:16.46mic_barely related, but maybe someone: VoIP + D-Link switches - good mix?
21:19.11[TK]D-FenderWork fine
21:21.30[TK]D-Fender[17:15]jeffasingerI just get 404 (Not Found) back <- to WHAT......
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21:52.40litnWIMPy: I was able to get the channel for a dropped call, and compared the grep o f that channel id side by side with a normal call hangup, and there were no differences
21:52.47Greek-BoyBy default Polycom phones use DNSnaptr as transport in their config files. Should I change this to UDPonly for asterisk?
21:53.00litnWIMPy: could this be a case of the logs not being verbal enough?
21:55.02WIMPyEither that or there is no problem at your end.
21:55.28WIMPyIf one of the other parties thinks there's an issue, it might just cause a normal hangup.
22:00.09litnWIMPy: the situation is that we switched from a broadsoft hosted voip system to an inhouse asterisk system and upon switching have experienced around 15 dropped calls a day. I think this is maybe 1% of our calls but we didn't have this before switching
22:00.42litnwe got a new sip host, new internet connection for it, and new phones, so there are a lot of variables I guess
22:02.11WIMPyThe what has changed question usually has the best success rate when trouble shooting.
22:04.54litnWIMPy: but you believe if it were the asterisk system itself causing the issue, then it would be evident in the logs, so I can rule that out?
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22:11.31WIMPyIt might. You never know for sure unless you debug the signalling traffic.
22:12.36litnand to do that, I need to put Verbose() in the dialplan?
22:13.02WIMPyNo, that just helps you find your way in the logs.
22:13.28WIMPyUse Asterisks debugging facilities or those of e.g. wireshark.
22:14.21litnso at this point in debugging I need to dump sip/rtp traffic? I heard there was a way to send rtp/sip to another server to do the logging. I tried once to tcpdump all of the traffic but it was resource intensive
22:15.16WIMPyLeave out the rtp part unless you need it.
22:18.29litnalright... and then once I have these logs, I'm looking to see if I received a normal BYE from the other end when the call "drops", right? And if so, I should I guess show these logs to my provider?
22:18.34litnthank you for being patient with me btw I really appreciate it
22:23.41mic_in wireshark
22:23.49mic_there is a cool function called "Show VoIP calls"
22:23.56mic_then you can just pick them
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22:24.03mic_and it will even draw the flow for you.
22:25.21WIMPyFirst of all, you want to find out who terminated the call.
22:39.49Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender you around?
22:39.57Greek-Boymaybe you're watching some football... lol
22:48.09Greek-Boyjust wanted to let you know I resolved the problem with Polycom config. Was a syntax error. :D
23:03.00[TK]D-Fenderwas what I was expecting...
23:15.33Greek-BoyYeah well, what can I say... I'm a complete Polycom newbie
23:15.56WIMPyDon't they have a log?
23:16.15[TK]D-FenderShouldn't have had a syntax error when I asked if you reprovisioned with stock configs and said "yes"
23:16.23Greek-BoyThey do but funny enough it wasn't showing in the log
23:16.41Greek-Boysyntax error was my fault
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