IRC log for #asterisk on 20140616

00:11.36*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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02:18.22*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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02:33.14*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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03:48.59*** join/#asterisk Tod|Home (~TodWulff@unaffiliated/todwulff)
03:54.58Tod|HomeHey all.  Happy Father's Day to all daddys.  I'm running v11.8.1 on a router.  I'm seeing this in my console:  I can't figure out where to config to be sure that there aren't extra slashes - have looked in asterisk.conf (directory section), cdr.conf, etc.  No joy.  Any ideas on what file I need to edit to resolve?.
03:56.04Tod|Homeit presents that the .../asterisk//cdr-csv//Master.csv is the issue (note the double slashes).
04:05.26*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
04:09.13Tod|Homewas a moron (& non linux savvy)... multiple slashes are treated as a single slash.
04:09.20Tod|HomeI manually created the file and all is good.
04:10.12Tod|Homeerr, created the folder AND the file.
04:10.36Tod|Homethank you, however.
04:13.35*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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06:24.36*** join/#asterisk tehrabbitt (~tehrabbit@unaffiliated/tehrabbitt)
06:25.03tehrabbitthey i'm running freepbx and I can't seem to get my inbound calls to go through to my SIP device, however outbound calls work fine
06:25.18tehrabbittI've forwarded 5060, 10000-20000 to the FreePBX server
06:25.29tehrabbittoutbound calls, I get 2-way audio
06:25.35tehrabbittinbound calls, I dont' get audio on either side.
06:26.58Tod|HomeI am totally ignorant, but do you have stun enabled on the client?  I had that kick my butt earlier today.
06:27.06tehrabbittno stun
06:27.12tehrabbittor at least i'm not using it
06:27.25tehrabbittthe PAP device STUN is set to "no"
06:27.28Tod|Homeyeah, it was enabled by default on one of my soft clients.
06:28.25tehrabbittI can't figure out why outbound works fine but inbound breaks
06:28.26Tod|Homethat is the extent of my knowledge on the matter... ;)  sorry to be of no help.
06:28.30tehrabbittno worries
06:44.03tehrabbittanyone able to make a test call for me?
06:44.39*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
06:46.22tehrabbitti figured out what the problem is i think
06:46.30tehrabbittI had to enable advanced nat on pfsense
06:46.34tehrabbittand set to "STatic Port"
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08:03.18*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:03.36TazzNZtehrabbitt: did you set externip in the settings ?
08:08.19*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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09:46.39*** join/#asterisk Ibrahim22 (57d5a71c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
09:49.33Ibrahim22Hi everyone, I'm trying to make calls between 2 webrtc peers. I have setup their sip accounts with transport=udp,ws,wss. I have set avpf=true and encryption=yes. I have done everything in every guide I could find, but I'm still getting a "process_sdp: Rejecting secure audio stream without encryption details". Every forum post on the first 10 pages
09:49.34Ibrahim22of Google have no conclusive answer, so I thought I'd ask here. I'm using JsSIP as my JavaScript library.
09:51.09Stefan27My s300 snom phone registered in asterisk 12 in sip.conf gets error chan_sip.c:10663 process_sdp: We are requesting SRTP for audio, but they responded without it! when it tries to make a call. (But when the same device registers at pjsip.conf there's no error.) 'sip show peer myphones300' shows Encryption:no so why does asterisk request SRTP?
10:02.53*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:04.43*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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10:12.01beaniehello, I am having a problem whereby I cannot hear people calling me but they can hear me...please could somebody help :-)
10:12.01beanie<beanie> it's the same on external and internal IP's and I cannot hear freepbx system prompts
10:22.00*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (
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11:11.59Chainsawfile: The fixes for the recent HTTPS DoS have addressed ASTERISK-18345, so you can close that with fix versions, 11.10.2 & 12.3.2
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12:04.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:51.04phpboyHey all, I recently upgrade from 1.8.* to 12.3.0 and it seems it's logged all calls twice in CDR (100% identical)... anybody got an idea of why this would be?
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13:03.08malcolmdChainsaw: you tested and it worked for you?  re: ASTERISK-18345 and the recent security fixes?
13:03.33Chainsawmalcolmd: They're still reeling from your 11.10.1 attempt I'm afraid, it'll be after hours before I get to try again.
13:03.44*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (~dan@nat/digium/x-pbjsumhvbabvszit)
13:03.49Chainsawmalcolmd: But seeing what your fix does and seeing what the original patch did... it's fairly obvious.
13:04.38[TK]D-Fenderphpboy: Redundant CDR backend entries
13:04.46malcolmdChainsaw: whurps ;)  drop a note on the issue please once you've confirmed.
13:05.39Chainsawmalcolmd: Will do.
13:07.22phpboy[TK]D-Fender: where would this be? cdr.conf?
13:07.32phpboyit's only since the upgrade :\
13:07.35malcolmdChainsaw: many thanks
13:08.39phpboyI only have an entry in cdr_mysql.conf
13:09.59[TK]D-Fender"CDR <tab>"
13:10.08[TK]D-FenderDon't forget ODBC, etc...
13:13.06phpboy[TK]D-Fender: as I've come to expect from you 95% of the time, you are right!
13:13.23[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
13:13.25phpboyalthough, it's quite lame that ODBC also logs to CDR when it's not set up? :\
13:13.45phpboyI'll be an ass
13:13.47phpboyit is :(
13:13.47[TK]D-FenderIt shouldn't.
13:14.11phpboyweird that I didn't have this issue with 1.8 but I do with 12.30
13:14.54*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:21.02[TK]D-Fenderprobably noload-ed it in modules.conf or removed. the .so
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13:40.18phpboythanks a lot man
13:43.06[TK]D-FenderWhich was it?
14:06.03phpboy[TK]D-Fender: I commented out the config in cdr_odbc.conf
14:06.10phpboywill clean up properly later
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14:33.55*** join/#asterisk Ibrahim22 (57d5a71c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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14:35.33Ibrahim22Hi, anybody have any tips on solving my websockets problem in which I get 'Rejecting secure audio stream without encryption details' even though I have set everything correctly in my sip.conf
14:39.14newtonrdo you have "encryption=yes" for that peer?
14:39.16[TK]D-FenderYou'd need to provide real details for us to work with.
14:40.17Ibrahim22What kind of details? sip.conf? sip debug?
14:41.18[TK]D-FenderClearly those are the minimum starting point
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14:44.13Ibrahim22just a moment, im preparing it now on
14:49.48Ibrahim22 for sip.conf
14:50.52Ibrahim22 for sip debug
14:51.33Ibrahim22i have removed my ip and other real references to my actual install, but the settings are real
14:51.41Ibrahim22i am running asterisk 12.3.2
14:52.50Ibrahim22I have installed libsrtp, which is also recognized by asterisk during make menuselect during last update this afternoon
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14:54.46Ibrahim22And I am using as my JavaScript library
15:17.29*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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15:20.10vedicHi, I have freshly installed dahdi. After 'make' step, it showed that make was successful and should go ahead with make install. I have done make install but dahdi_cfg -vvvv is giving error: Unable to open master device /dev/dahdi/ctl
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15:23.29WIMPyload it.
15:23.36WIMPymodprobe dahdi
15:23.46WIMPyAnd the driver you need for your card as well.
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15:31.31vedicWIMPy: got dahdi_cfg -vvvv working
15:31.47vedicWIMPy: I had not changed user and group for dahdi config file
15:32.03vedicWIMPy: But device driver for TDM card is not giving error
15:37.38vedicWIMPy: I am using sangoma wanpipe driver and its giving error: af_wanpipe_src.c 1740:33:error: macro "sk_for_each" requires 3 arguments, but only 2 given
15:38.19tuxx-vedic: sangoma is releasing a new wanpipe driver specifically for that compilation error
15:39.15vedictuxx: Do you know from where to get that? I just download the driver from here:
15:39.31tuxx-its still in QA, so i hope within a couple of days/weeks.
15:40.08vedictuxx: Ah! thats very bad
15:40.22vedicI see people posting this error since early January 2014
15:40.36tuxx-you can just add the `node` parameter to the sk_for_each function in the af_wanpipe_src.c files
15:40.58tuxx-it will compile after that :)
15:41.09tuxx-i think i even have a patch somewhere, lemme check
15:41.09vedictuxx: Will the older version of dahdi work or older version of wanpipe?
15:41.15tuxx-im not sure of that vedic
15:41.48vedicI think I will have to stay live with patch then
15:53.54*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
16:00.28vedictuxx: Any other way then the patch? For me previous series will also do fine
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16:00.50vedictuxx: I just need to run asterisk today. May be next month when I will run production I can get new drivers
16:03.08*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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16:39.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:39.39rrittgarn(for my own linking purposes)
16:47.01*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
16:48.44tuxx-vedic: sorry, was commuting home. Anyway, if the old drivers work for you now i'd suggest get those :)
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20:02.39pringlescanhello all, I'm new to dialplans and am having an issue. I need to conditionally do something when the caller presses 0. if a variable is set to -1, this is a no op, and nothing should change state wise (they're in a queue)… if the variable is not -1, it needs to execute a macro. no matter what I do, even a noOp or a verbose, the call gets disconnected on 0… any ideas?
20:03.59[TK]D-Fender"core show application Gotoif" <-
20:08.13DovidIs there anyone here from Germany?
20:08.46WIMPyYes, and even more in #asterisk-de
20:09.31WIMPyApart from that,
20:09.36infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
20:10.05DovidWIMPy: Are you in de?
20:10.25Dovidmay i Pm?
20:10.48WIMPyDid you read what infobot wrote?
20:11.34DovidWIMPy: I need a test call done from a German Mobile phone. I have special routign for Mobile and PayPhone and nee to see if I set it up right in my Asterisk system
20:13.07WIMPyWhat kind of number?
20:13.13Dovidlocla number
20:13.22WIMPychecks his balance.
20:13.42DovidWIMPy: I pm'd the number
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21:05.23*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.10.2 (2014/06/13), (2014/06/13); Standard: Asterisk 12.3.2 (2014/06/13); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
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21:46.43TazzNZthat was a quick trip home Dovid  :)
21:47.17DovidTazzNZ: Didn't notice my computer decided to re-connect. gona try this once more ;)
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21:55.51mbrithi people, im using an asterisk server to communicate using a custom softphone, i've noticed that i can't receive video because asterisk sends my packets to the port i'm using as a source and not to the one specified in the SDP, do i need to configure something to avoid that behavior?
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22:09.13ipengineerIs there a way from the CLI to list all channels with mixmonitor running?
22:22.14TazzNZipengineer: not that I know of
22:22.18TazzNZyou will have to script that
22:22.58ipengineerTazzNZ: That is no problem. Is there a command that shows all channels and if they are currently being monitored or how would I access that data
22:24.12TazzNZsip show channels, then sip show channel <chan_id>, then mixmonitor list <owner_channel_id>
22:24.32TazzNZwill show something like this
22:24.34TazzNZgsr1sip01*CLI> mixmonitor list SIP/90072-00002b61
22:24.36TazzNZMixMonitor IDFileReceive file Transmit File
22:24.57ipengineerAhh. Ok Makes sense
22:25.29TazzNZthis will show something like
22:25.45TazzNZmixmonitor list SIP/94336-00002b71
22:25.47TazzNZMixMonitor IDFileReceive file Transmit File
22:26.00TazzNZthe ID got cut off
22:26.06TazzNZsorry - filename
22:26.16TazzNZbut you get the idea
22:26.21ipengineeryea I do thanks
22:26.55jmmillsDoes anyone have any links to benchmarks on Asterisk running on bare metal vs lxc vs vmware?
22:27.12TazzNZjmmills: that question is way to general
22:27.25TazzNZand, tbh, I wouldn't run it inside a VM
22:27.33TazzNZbut that is me
22:28.02jmmillsI'm just trying not to repeat work, I have some IT manager that is trying to say I can run this deployment in virts, I'm doing 40k calls a day, and I want to shove a benchmark in his face
22:28.06cuscowhat is lxc ?
22:28.10jmmillslinux container
22:28.20cuscoand baremetal ?
22:28.24jmmillslike a chroot in a kernel
22:28.36jmmillsbare metal == running directly on the host kernel
22:28.39ipengineerWe run on xenserver and have around 400 active calls peak per day
22:28.50cuscoin lxc the kernel is the same in case of a chroot
22:28.50jmmillsI'm doing about 40k calls a day
22:28.53TazzNZjmmills: are you doing direct media ?
22:29.01jmmillsI'm not sure what my peak concurrent is right now
22:29.22jmmillsTazzNZ: G729 and G711 from handsets to asterisk
22:29.26jmmillsmulti-tenant pbx
22:29.27cuscowonders about how many he's doing
22:29.36jmmillsso no transcoding at that level
22:29.53jmmillsuplinks via sip to some audiocodes hardware that distributes over PRIs
22:30.10jmmillsI guess one could say the audiocodes hw acts as an SBC
22:30.18TazzNZjmmills: yeah - you *could* in theory do it in VM's
22:30.41jmmillsIt's a horribly designed system, a bunch of agi (not fastagi)
22:30.44TazzNZbut the problem with VM's are time slicing
22:30.47jmmillsI don't want it on a vm
22:31.00jmmillsI'm trying to push for bare metal running inside docker as a migration scenario
22:31.12TazzNZso, when you are dealing with *anything* real time (like....funny that....RTP) a VM is not a good idea
22:31.17jmmillsthat way I can push it around like it was on a MaaS
22:31.29jmmillsthere is definitely a lot of media going on
22:31.45jmmillsjust not a lot of transcoding from what I'm seeing
22:31.49TazzNZyeah - all your * box is doing is "flipping" the packet on the NIC
22:31.50cuscowell if a call is a line in cdr, i'm on 25.000 today
22:31.58cuscoso thats about 12.000 calls :p
22:32.17jmmillscusco: how many registrations?
22:32.19jmmillsi.e. sip users
22:32.24cuscohow plenty
22:32.31jmmillswhile we are comparing muscles :)
22:32.41cuscono, we're weak
22:32.56TazzNZflex's......yeah....ok.......maybe not :)
22:33.47cuscoand you?
22:33.49jmmillsI've got some plans to do some cool stuff, but currently I'm just trying to get this platform to a place where it's not so annoying to manage
22:34.05jmmills~70 active channels perl host
22:34.06jmmillsper host
22:34.12jmmills5 production hosts
22:34.17jmmillsjust doing asterisk
22:34.35TazzNZjmmills: nice
22:34.47TazzNZwe doing 24k of calls/day on our office *
22:35.01jmmills7 in total, federated using dundi, with kamailio running as a proxy/packet mutator between a couple audiocodes mediant 2000s
22:35.07jmmillsthat's not bad
22:35.26TazzNZwe have another cluster of * boxes doing about 2k of calls per day.....for now....there is major plans for them
22:35.27cuscoWe would like to implement something like kamalio
22:35.30jmmillsI could make this junk scream if I ever get a chance to upgrade the OS
22:35.35cuscoif I had the time to read about it ...
22:35.41jmmillsand then off load agi to dedicated hw
22:35.55jmmillskamailio is dark magic :)
22:36.04jmmillsthey didn't set this up the way it should be
22:36.31TazzNZjmmills: any call recording going on ?
22:36.52jmmillsit should be kamailio in front handing phone registrations, and then lightweight asterisk (or FreeSWITCH) acting as an SBC, then asterisk cluster for dialplan features, and another asterisk cluster for voicemail and conferencing
22:36.59jmmillsTazzNZ: yeah, some - but not that much
22:37.10jmmillsmajority of channel->disk I/O is voicemail
22:37.21jmmillsstored on a dumb nfs server
22:37.21TazzNZI still don't understand why people want to offload the reg's to another box
22:38.01TazzNZyou could have used that to avoid VM's - since it will (iirc) transcode the audio to record it
22:38.02jmmillsbecause it's signaling traffic
22:38.07TazzNZit does however
22:38.11TazzNZdepend on the format
22:38.32TazzNZjmmills: ok....but you could do that with Asterisk too
22:38.37TazzNZwhy openSER
22:38.57jmmillsTazzNZ: that's the current setup
22:39.13TazzNZjmmills: it's not an un-common one is what I am saying
22:39.23TazzNZand I don't understand why
22:39.38jmmillsbecause it's thinner, and (I think) allows you to handle phones that don't do things correctly more easily - also it's just basic load balancing theory - I don't want my * boxes selected via SRV
22:39.55jmmillsThere are a couple presentation that give some good theory on it
22:40.04jmmillspersonally I've never implemented it
22:40.08TazzNZlink them ? :)
22:40.21TazzNZI am not attacking you, but just talking in general :)
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22:41.17jmmillsIt seems like the right path for me to go if I want "elastic" scaling of asterisk, so I can bring up more instances or drop them as media processing load goes
22:41.38jmmillsFor example, I don't need all of my instances during the middle of the night
22:41.49jmmillshigh traffic is 8am-12pm
22:41.58TazzNZsure - but if you are doing that with openSER, why not Asterisk
22:42.01jmmillsbut then, what if a customer runs a popular ad campain?
22:42.04TazzNZthat is the part I don't get
22:42.27jmmillsWell, your phone registrations are staying pretty consistent, but your media volume is in flux
22:42.51jmmillsso it makes sense to separate them, also if you end up having an asterisk box crash, the phone registration doesn't drop
22:43.12cuscohow do you bring up more instances? like more asterisk boxes?
22:43.21jmmillsThe theory jives with the same idea as running a lightweight HTTP server in front of a cluster of FastAGI boxen
22:43.28cuscoor more resources to the current one?
22:43.48TazzNZjmmills: but if that box crashes, you loose all of the reg's
22:44.00TazzNZsame problem as *if* asterisk crashes
22:44.23jmmillscusco: that's the part I'm working on - I've been doing more and more research on it, and I'm thinking that tieing in coreos+etcd+confd with dundi, so I can use an orchestration tool with openstack to just say "gimme 3 more asterisk nodes" and then they automatically enroll themselves into dundi, and then SBC dispatch
22:44.28jmmillsand start taking calls
22:44.49jmmillsTazzNZ: it's a lot more lightweight, like I said only signaling traffic
22:44.59jmmillsand I've been thinking about that as well
22:45.11jmmillshow to share registration session information between kamilio
22:45.22jmmillsthen you can just use layer 2/3 HA in front of that
22:45.29TazzNZright - so the "only" reason is that openSER will handle say 10000 reg's per server, while in the same space/hardware, Asteisk will do say 4000
22:45.38jmmillsI'm not saying it's a solved problem, but certainly an interesting one
22:45.59jmmillsTazzNZ: and those registrations won't impact media performance
22:46.02TazzNZjmmills: see - that is where I would use Asterisk Realtime
22:46.11jmmillsyou don't want a misbehaving group of phones impacting other customers call quality
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22:46.32jmmillsI use realtime static for sip users and dialplans et cetera
22:46.40jmmillsI don't write registration information to the database
22:47.07jmmillsand I'm in the process of porting all the dialplans to use dundi lookups so phones can be registered to any pbx and still find each other
22:47.23TazzNZhave you looked into DUNDi ?
22:47.33jmmillsIt's currently implemented :)
22:47.40jmmillsjust a lot of dumb dialplans need to be fixed
22:47.56TazzNZand on DAHDI, I am currently looking into SS&
22:48.03jmmillsthat's one of my hurdles into making this a service I can run in a docker container
22:48.09jmmillsNo SS7 :)
22:48.16jmmillsleave that to legacy switches works :)
22:48.46jmmillsOur switch engineering team has been talking to me about implementing a SS7 service
22:49.10TazzNZyou know that * supports SS7 right ?
22:49.23jmmillsYes, via TDM circuits
22:49.53TazzNZyou are looking at linking all this via DAHDI right ?
22:49.56jmmillsthe idea is that I would be writing a caching CID proxy/dispatcher that accepts SIP info requests and then delegates to other services
22:50.31jmmillsTazzNZ: yes that would be a part of it - but you'll have to excuse me - I haven't finished reading my SS7 book
22:50.42TazzNZjmmills: all good :)
22:51.02jmmillsI guess it's always interesting when you throw a DevOps guy at a voice platform :)
22:51.31TazzNZjmmills: yip - there is that :)
22:52.31TazzNZjmmills: when you finished your reading, talk to me again about SS7
22:52.46TazzNZwould be good to get your take on it
22:53.05jmmillsWill do.
22:54.05WIMPyHow well does it work?
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22:56.32TazzNZWIMPy: most telco's use it these days for signalling, every time you port a number, chances are, SS7 is doing it
22:56.53WIMPyWith Asterisk, off course.
22:57.15TazzNZah - still researching that :)
22:57.38WIMPyAnd I don't know how things work in your area, but for porting numbers that's be a temporary thing here.
22:58.37TazzNZhhhhmmm - didn't know that
22:58.43TazzNZfor us, it's "perm"
22:58.59TazzNZit's almost like a 301 in http
22:59.30TazzNZwhat I want to do with SS7 is what jmmills is looking for
23:00.05TazzNZI want phones to register on an * server, then use SS7 to route the call from the provider to the correct server
23:00.14WIMPytries to find out what that is.
23:00.20jmmillsSS7 is pretty much defacto signally for legacy circuits
23:00.26jmmillsit's still a big part of the PSTN
23:00.46WIMPyFor what's left of the PSTN?
23:00.49jmmillsTazzNZ: that only makes sense if you are interlinking with TDM circuits
23:01.14TazzNZjmmills: welllllllll - you can run cross-overs between servers
23:01.16jmmillsWell, lets just say that the carrier I work for is phasing out SS7 internally
23:01.38jmmillsWell, if you are using SIP there isn't much need for SS7
23:02.06jmmillsespecially not when you have DUNDi and Enum
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23:02.41WIMPyIf there weren't those evil side effects.
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23:49.59jmmillsTazzNZ: another use case for kamailio that I wasn't thinking of, policy based routing of calls like LCR
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23:55.31TazzNZjmmills: yeah - I would have thought those would be in your asterisk configs
23:55.46TazzNZthe way I see things, if I must user openSER, is something like this
23:56.13jmmillsDo you really want to manage say 15 different peers with different cost structures from each asterisk instances?
23:56.19TazzNZopenSER (reg's) --- call ---> Asterisk --- LCR/Other routing/etc ---> Provider
23:56.31TazzNZyou going to do that in openSER
23:56.45TazzNZand I would AGI it
23:57.20WIMPyAGIs are evil
23:58.08TazzNZWIMPy: only when they break or "you don't know what they do
23:58.23WIMPyNo. Always.
23:58.30TazzNZwhy are they evil ?
23:58.32WIMPyThey fork and forks are evil.
23:58.36ChkDigitJust installed my AEX2400, and it is not hanging up incoming lines.  I've checked my ring and tip, and also made sure my carrier is a loop starter...  Where do I look next?
23:59.23ChkDigitincoming = FXO for me... sorry.

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