IRC log for #asterisk on 20140612

00:14.16*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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00:54.47ruben23hi guys
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02:47.08burnbrighterCan anyone tell me if the cisco presence patch wipes out your existing configurations?
03:00.37*** join/#asterisk Qwell (north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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03:06.32*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
03:31.14*** join/#asterisk XandriX (xandrix@gateway/shell/
03:35.28[TK]D-FenderWhat patch is this?
03:51.50*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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05:01.38*** join/#asterisk maani (maani@
05:02.14maanihi,Is it possible I call A put it on hold and then call B , and hang up myself but A and B continue speaking with each other?
05:02.59[TK]D-Fendermaani: Not by putting them on "hold"
05:03.50[TK]D-Fendermaani: Some SIP phones support taking a 3-way call and re-inviting the ends on hangup.  Polycom does, perhaps some others.
05:04.17maanido you know softphone doing that ?
05:05.00[TK]D-FenderYou could get just about the same effect by parking the first call, and then transferring the other caller to that lot
05:05.11TazzNZyou could make a conference....but that doesn't have the "same" effect
05:05.54maaniactually I want to test this feature of Asterisk :
05:06.53TazzNZfirstly - that is ISDN
05:08.11maaniI want to test it on ISDN(PRI) but at first asterisk should bridge A and B and then try ECT
05:08.14*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
05:09.17TazzNZand, imho - you do that with transfer
05:09.23TazzNZnot hold
05:09.27TazzNZbut !!!
05:09.38TazzNZI do recall this working like this when we had an ISDN PBX
05:10.10TazzNZI don't quite understand the second part of the testing
05:11.11TazzNZbut, from what I can see - this should "just" work if you on a version that has this patch
05:11.14TazzNZand the calls are isdn
05:11.26TazzNZthe patch, imho, shows nothing about any other tech
05:11.32TazzNZlike SIP/IAX/etc
05:11.36maaniI used transfer with many softphones, transfer is ok and A and B can talk but when I hangup A and B also disconnect
05:12.42TazzNZI think you are doing a softphone conference
05:12.46TazzNZnot a transfar
05:13.00TazzNZeither way - imho, the patch clearly shows pri
05:13.08TazzNZwhich means that it won't work on a softphone
05:13.19TazzNZbut I think it's best if one of the dev's clears that up
05:13.29TazzNZor atleast, confirm what I am saying
05:27.09[TK]D-Fendersetting "transfer=yes" in chan_dahdi is enough to take 2 channel bridged and ....
05:27.11infobot[~2BCT] 2BCT (2 B-Channel Transfer) allows a call coming in over DAHDi and back out again to the same telco to be handed off freeing the channels from your circuit.  To enable this (if your carrier supports it) add "transfer=yes" to your channel configurations.
05:33.20maaniinfobot : thx, my carrier support it, according to your comments it seems all bridged calls should be bypassed( may be for some calls we need still monitor channel) I want to more control ,manually do A and B bridge, hangup myself to see Asterisk will initiate ECT ? so I asked a softphone doing this
05:35.44*** join/#asterisk billu (b64722fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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07:54.45*** join/#asterisk Nunne (
07:55.04*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
07:55.51NunneI'm having some troubles getting my ssl-certificate to work with sip.conf. It's a wildcard SSL-certificate, so maybe the problem is there? I get "error loading certificate" on a sip reload.
07:56.58Nunneit's a .pem file contaning both private key (on top). and crt below and below the crt it contains certificate chains (gd_bundle/godaddy).
07:57.44NunneI have also downloaded godaddy ca root certificate and added to the tlscafile
07:59.38Nunneanyone have experience with using wildcard ssl certificate for asterisk? the certificate was first created with openssl for use with apache.. but i'm successfully using it with both apache and iis/exchange so it shouldn't be anything wrong with the cert it self.
08:00.15ChainsawNunne: Asterisk until very recently did not load certificate chains correctly.
08:00.29NunneI'm using asterisk 11.10
08:00.59NunneBut do I even need to load the chains? Because I have tried both with and without the chains in the .pem
08:01.46*** join/#asterisk BlackDex (
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09:06.16NunneI got it working by adding all chains + cas into the .pem and just not using cafile.
09:07.56Nunne(trying to get WebRTC with sipML5 working). Now i get "process_sdp: Rejecting secure audio stream without encryption details" - anyone have any ideas?
09:13.03*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (
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09:28.29Nunneapperantley ssl is not working.. I just thought so because sip reload didn't give me an error once. but it gave me an error now :(
09:35.35ChainsawNunne: And you're using the correct port?
09:36.34NunneChainsaw: sip reload shows an error on loading ssl certificate. So i guess this is the reason I see the "Rejecting secure audio stream...." as well.
09:37.02NunneBut I just don't get why it doesn't like my cert. Opening it on my computer shows that it's a valid cert and I can see the CA, chain + my cert in there.
09:37.44ChainsawNunne: My PEM has the certificate, the intermediate certificate and then the private key.
09:38.00ChainsawNunne: You shouldn't need the CA/root.
09:38.14ChainsawThat's in the root store, after all.
09:38.15NunneChainsaw: I have tried just having the key, cert. key, cert, intermediate and key, cert and ca.
09:38.29ChainsawNunne: Order matters. Certificate, intermediate, key.
09:38.40ChainsawNunne: All in one PEM.
09:38.42Nunnekey last?
09:38.53Nunneall other info I have seen on this puts the key on top
09:38.58ChainsawNunne: Key last.
09:39.12ChainsawNunne: And you only use tlscertfile
09:40.38NunneChainsaw: putting the key last might have worked for me :) (but not toooo hopefull yet).. Because once before it didn't give me an error on sip reload.
09:41.02Chainsawpink*CLI> sip reload
09:41.02ChainsawSSL certificate ok
09:41.06Nunnebuuut. reloading the http module and accessing that through https gives me no tls error: 5 like I got before.. so I'm hopefull :)
09:41.09Chainsawhas certificate, intermediate, key
09:42.13NunneChainsaw: I had to touch the sip.conf file for it to reload.. still ssl error :(
09:42.41ChainsawNunne: Suggests that either you don't have a valid certificate (i.e. self-signed) or you haven't done what I asked.
09:43.01file"openssl verify" might tell you stuff
09:43.58Chainsawfile: Moans about the lack of root in mine, so that isn't perfect.
09:44.54NunneChainsaw: I removed the CA part from the .pem. I only have crt,chain and key.
09:44.57filemoan moan moan
09:45.03Nunnethe certificate loads perfectly for the http module
09:45.13Nunneand I use the certificate elsewhere for apache and iis
09:45.22Nunneit's from godaddy so it's not self signed
09:45.30Nunnebut it's a wildcard certificate, however.
09:45.31eirirs/exec -o file moan
09:45.51ChainsawNunne: Mine is a GlobalSign wildcard.
09:47.11ChainsawNunne: And I just rebuilt it from a newer (issued later) version of it to prove a point. Still loads fine.
09:47.59NunneChainsaw: well, I have no idea why it should work on my other servers.. on the same server in http.conf (ssl loading ok). but not in sip.conf :/
09:48.09*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (
09:48.34ChainsawNunne: Well Asterisk previously did it wrong, but it was patched for the version you tell me you're running.
09:50.02NunneChainsaw: downloaded the lastest version last night. Uninstalled the previous version (11.2.1). The only remaining part of 11.2.1 should be the config files.
09:50.14NunneAsterisk 11.10.0 built by root @ antares1 on a x86_64 running Linux on 2014-06-11 18:56:08 UTC
09:52.26Nunneholy crap... i'm a retard :D
09:52.57Nunneno wonder loading a certificate called wild_on.pem doesn't work if you try to load on_wild.pem. to little coffee today
09:53.36ChainsawNunne: More coffee will make it better.
09:53.41fileor fire
09:53.43ChainsawNunne: Did you get the "OK" from it?
09:54.08NunneChainsaw: yup.. been staring blind in to it for like 2 hours.. and it was a "blindness" misstake
09:54.22fileFun fact: the PJSIP support in Asterisk 12 is going to get the ability to persist subscriptions across restarts in a bit - meaning if you restart Asterisk it will remember the subscriptions from phones!
09:54.36Chainsawfile: That is pretty neat.
09:56.10*** join/#asterisk stasdizzi (~stasdizzi@
09:57.09NunneChainsaw: I sip reload should do it? Or will I need to restart to get SRTP to work?
09:57.39ChainsawNunne: sip reload should suffice.
09:57.48ChainsawNunne: Keep in mind that the encrypted SIP is on TCP port 5061
09:58.16ChainsawNunne: Which you can confirm as open using netstat -a
09:58.29NunneChainsaw: Still getting errors trying to use WebRTC. But not lunch so will look into it after :)
09:58.40ChainsawNunne: Yes, you deserve a break. Enjoy :)
09:58.42skrustyfile: nice, not used pjsip stack yet in 12
09:58.55fileskrusty, it goes vroom
09:59.10Nunnei have sip-tls on LISTEN :) well, off to lunch :)
09:59.12Chainsawskrusty: But why would you bother with 12 if not to use PJSIP? It's where all the innovation is.
09:59.25skrustyari framework development
09:59.27fileit's also getting resource list subscriptions, so a phone can send a single subscribe to Asterisk and actually subscribe to multiple things
09:59.29Chainsawskrusty: Ah, okay.
09:59.46skrustyChainsaw: :)
09:59.49file(which scales better)
09:59.58skrustyfile: nice
10:02.04skrustyreminds me, need to play with talk detection this weekend, still not pulled the latest and had a play :)
10:03.23fileskrusty, :D
10:09.32*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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11:33.44eirirstell me when therre are speech to text plugin
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11:46.00filethe change... is in, persisted subscriptions yay!
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12:01.14NunneChainsaw: Do you know any good method for finding what might be wrong with srtp? :D getting "Matched device setup to use SRTP, but request was not!".
12:01.39ChainsawNunne: I do not use SRTP at this time, sorry.
12:02.27NunneGetting some weird 401 Unauthorized.. hmmm.
12:03.01NunneChainsaw: I get the feeling i need SRTP. Otherwise WebRTC shouldn't work? Am I thinking correctly? :)
12:03.14ChainsawNunne: I do not use WebRTC either, that's the thing.
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12:20.28NunneChainsaw: Seems like my SRTP is "working". But lastest Chrome (and i think Firefox) uses DTLS-SRTP which support in Asterisk seems to be shady at the moment? Because I can use a sip client with SDES but not DTLS-SRTP
12:20.58*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:20.58ChainsawNunne: I do not use WebRTC so I will not be able to advise you on this subject.
12:21.44fileChainsaw is wise.
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12:41.23aursa bit off topic, but I'm looking for DID number in Serbia, anyone know where I can find that?
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13:18.42sekilcan one use ReceiveFAX with digium card in 11 ?
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13:54.55newtonrsekil, yes
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14:19.10qakhanif i statically add (member = Agent/9301) agent in a queue i dont get calls
14:20.19qakhani have to add agent in queue using AddQueueMember(washingtonflyer,Agent/9301@agent)
14:20.45qakhanthen i get calls.
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14:22.53qakhanwhy i have to add queue member?
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14:23.21newtonrqakhan, when adding statically, does "queue show" show the agent in the queue just the same as when adding dynamically?
14:24.17qakhanAgent/9301 (ringinuse disabled) (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet
14:24.28qakhanAgent/9301@agent (ringinuse disabled) (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
14:24.51qakhanyes it shows both
14:26.57[TK]D-FenderAdding what you did was wrong and changes nothing for the other one working
14:28.35qakhanso AddQueueMember(washingtonflyer,Agent/9301@agent) syntax is wrong?
14:29.23[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: I would think that " (Invalid)" would be enough of a clue
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14:31.41qakhan[TK]D-Fender i statically added agents in queue. but i dont get calls on agent ext. until i use addqueuemember()
14:32.18[TK]D-FenderDoubt that highly
14:33.19[TK]D-FenderYour your actual proper member "(Unavailable)" ... is clearly telling you "Unavailable".
14:33.52[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing you showing any call attempts or actually getting that Agent logged in in the first place.
14:35.27*** join/#asterisk RikusW (~rikus@
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14:46.14qakhan[TK]D-Fender here is my configs
14:46.44[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Didn't ask for configs...
14:47.19[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Go show me your agent logging in, a queue status dump to prove it,and a caller going to to the queue
14:48.58qakhanit has all
14:49.00qakhanplease check
14:52.25[TK]D-FenderCheck what?
14:53.31qakhanthings which you are asking
14:54.02[TK]D-FenderYou didn't provide a pastebin with everything I jsut asked
14:56.41lordz_mdhi guys
14:56.54lordz_mdmy asterisk won't play MOH
14:57.06lordz_mdit says in logs that there is no file
14:57.13lordz_mdbut the file is in place
14:57.29lordz_mdcan some one please advice where to look at?
14:57.30[TK]D-Fenderlordz_md: Pastebin is your friend... show us the configs & files
14:58.32[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You are missing 2/3's of what I asked you for
14:59.46qakhan[TK]D-Fender this is how i am try to add agent in queue
15:00.14[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: new pastebin with everything I asked for....
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15:01.22[TK]D-Fender[11:00]qakhanqueues.conf <- did not ask for.  don't care.
15:01.33[TK]D-Fender[11:01]qakhanextensions.conf <- same
15:02.27[TK]D-Fender[10:47][TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Go show me your agent logging in, a queue status dump to prove it,and a caller going to to the queue <-----------------
15:02.46[TK]D-FenderYou STILL haven't shown 2/3 of what I asked for there.
15:03.01qakhanhow i login agent?
15:03.17[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: If you don't know the answer to that then you are dead in the water.
15:03.31[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You clearly don't understand chan_agent
15:03.55qakhanyou mean AgentLogin() ?
15:04.51[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Yes.
15:05.08qakhanok let me try this one
15:07.43qakhanagent lgged in but call is not going to queue
15:08.12qakhanthere is music playing
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15:09.17[TK]D-FenderI asked you for 3 simple things to provide IN-ORDER.... and I'm still not getting them.
15:09.42[TK]D-Fender[11:02][TK]D-Fender[10:47][TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Go show me your agent logging in, a queue status dump to prove it,and a caller going to to the queue <-----------------
15:09.56[TK]D-FenderDo them. in-order at CLI.
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15:14.20qakhan[TK]D-Fender i am sorry, it is always hard to me to provide you info
15:14.45[TK]D-FenderSTILL missing 1 piece
15:15.53qakhannow which noe?
15:16.04[TK]D-Fender[11:02][TK]D-Fender[10:47][TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Go show me your agent logging in, a queue status dump to prove it,and a caller going to to the queue <-----------------
15:16.23qakhanit has all three
15:16.33[TK]D-FenderNo,it doesn't
15:17.45qakhanthere is agent login,
15:18.37qakhanthere is queue show washin... which is showing agent is available.
15:18.57[TK]D-Fenderand a caller going to to the queue <------------------------------------------
15:19.08qakhani placed a call to queue but call is not goint to queue
15:19.14qakhanthat is the problem
15:19.14[TK]D-FenderWhere's the caller going to the queue and FAILING?
15:19.23[TK]D-FenderWEHERE"S THE CALL?
15:30.41PenguinThat's not how Queue() works.
15:31.26PenguinThe call stopped at AgentLogin() like it should.  Nothing else will happen.
15:32.51Penguinqakhan: ^
15:33.28[TK]D-FenderWhere is the caller that ENTERS the queue?
15:33.53PenguinHe doesn't know how chan_agent, AgentLogin(), and Queue() are supposed to be used.
15:34.38qakhan[TK]D-Fender caller will enter after agentlogin, but call does not go after agentlogin
15:34.44[TK]D-FenderHe doesn't understand "show me a caller going into the queue"
15:34.52Penguinqakhan: You aren't paying attention.
15:34.52[TK]D-FenderCaller != agent
15:35.00[TK]D-FenderAgent is ONE persone
15:35.04[TK]D-Fendercaller is ANOTHER
15:35.09PenguinAnd Agent never enters Queue().
15:35.22PenguinThat is NOT how it works.
15:35.48[TK]D-FenderWhere is your SECOND person who is going to go into the queue?
15:36.06[TK]D-FenderYou can't have a person being a memeber... AND going into the queue waiting to be answered
15:36.30PenguinLet's summarize how it works.
15:36.38[TK]D-FenderYou aren't both the person calling the complaint department AND the person answer those calls
15:36.57[TK]D-FenderJohn is a MEMBER of the queue
15:37.11[TK]D-FenderMark is the CALLER that goes into the queue looking to talk to someone
15:37.24PenguinYou create a queue in queues.conf.  Make an agent channel a member of the queue.  Log in the agent with AgentLogin().  Then callers will enter Queue() where Agent is a member.
15:37.59PenguinFirst problem: your dialplan is wrong.
15:38.23PenguinSecond problem: you don't have dialplan for callers.
15:39.17[TK]D-Fender <_ he used to and just doesn't get it
15:39.26[TK]D-Fenderhe turned it into the login
15:39.57PenguinOh, interesting.
15:41.14qakhani alreay made a queue. what i am try to do is. when caller calls, Agent get login into queue and then call go to queue
15:41.16[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: AgentLogin is for your AGENTS to dial into and wait for callers.
15:41.25*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
15:41.31Penguinqakhan: That isn't how it works.
15:41.43PenguinA call has to go to the queue only.
15:41.47[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Your CALLERS are the ones who have to reach Queue() to ENTER the queue to try to be answered by a member
15:41.55PenguinAt a different time, the agent must be logged in.
15:42.13QwellPenguin: I don't know...  guy may have just come up with a brilliant method of handling support calls, by accident.
15:42.34qakhanbut i am tryig to do it from caller end
15:42.37QwellPenguin: 2 people need support, right?  They get connected to *each other*.
15:42.37[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yes, just send the caller to Echo() so they can talk the problem out with themselves
15:43.07qakhanagents doesnot pay attention to login before their shift
15:43.13[TK]D-Fender[11:42]qakhanbut i am tryig to do it from caller end <- you need TWO PEOPLE
15:43.14Penguinqakhan: The caller's only responsibility is to make a call and enter Queue().
15:43.16QwellFire them then.
15:43.41[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: someone who is a member that is WAITING for the call, and someone ELSE to call in and go to the queue
15:44.15mjordanQwell: here at ITSolutions, we help *you* solve your own problem. You are the agent!
15:44.31[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Where is your SECOND call for that person coming in and trying to ENTER the queue()?
15:44.40mjordanQwell: even better would be to alternate callers. First caller is an agent... second caller goes into the Queue... you can help each other out!
15:44.42PenguinIf your agents won't log in and wait for callers, change the type of channel from Agent to something else that will ring their phone when it is on-hook.
15:44.48Qwellmjordan: That's what I'm saying.
15:45.09mjordanQwell: we never get bad reviews! All bad reviews are *technically* against our customers
15:45.29[TK]D-Fendermjordan: That is precisely what is happening right here...
15:45.37[TK]D-FenderThe customer is always WRONG.
15:46.27[TK]D-Fendermjordan: If you didn't link that... I was going to have to :)
15:46.53[TK]D-Fendermjordan: I archived all of theirs over a decade ago for posterity :)
15:47.03[TK]D-FenderPOSTERity ;)
15:47.31mjordanI still have one of theirs on my bookshelf
15:47.41qakhan[TK]D-Fender i am using asterisk 1.4.x AgentCallbackLogin() to login agent before call go to queue. now i am moving to asterisk 11.x
15:48.00qakhanand i am try to do the same thing in asteisk 11.x
15:48.16[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: AgentLogin is NOTHING like AgentCallbacklogin from 1.4
15:48.44[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: I told you before you need to add LOCAL CHANNELS as memeber if you want something that resembles that
15:48.46PenguinJust use a local channel as the queue member.
15:49.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: And you don't even seem to understand the concept of a caller ENTERING the Queue in the first place.
15:49.13mjordandigs up leifmadsen's post
15:49.29PenguinLocal channels will send calls to phones that are on-hook rather than to an agent who is waiting on a queue.
15:49.33[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You cannot test with ONE user trying to be both the CALLER *and* the MEMBER
15:50.00[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Stop doing ridiculous tests like this
15:50.12mjordan(ew, he used chan_agent)
15:50.14[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Queues are for connecting TWO different people.
15:51.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: chan_agent is ONLY for AgentLogin now when means those memeber have to SIT on that actual call to answer incoming requests
15:51.17Penguinmjordan: Tried to use it, anyway.  He doesn't understand how i works or what it is for.
15:51.23Qwellmjordan: You never got to see just how awesome agentcallbacklogin was.  You're really missing out.
15:51.27[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Which is not what you want and not what we told you you would need to do.
15:51.42mjordanQwell: All I know is we killed chan_agent
15:51.46Qwelldid we?
15:51.50mjordanQwell: we did!
15:51.56[TK]D-FenderQwell: AQM specifying the "named device" to use for logging is so much better
15:52.04Qwellmjordan: replaced with putnopvut's stuffs?
15:52.06mjordanTotally removed. Dead. Finite.
15:52.11mjordanputnopvut + rmudgett
15:52.19mjordanAgent pool bridges
15:55.24qakhanso i have to use addqueuemember()
15:58.09[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: It's what you were told ages ago
15:58.18[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: AQM + Local CHannel
16:01.14qakhanthanks [TK]D-Fender
16:14.35TazzNZtime to go play with SS&....w00t !
16:14.43TazzNZSS7 even
16:14.50PenguinGood ol' ss&
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16:44.46leifmadsenmjordan: I'd suggest pointing at the or even the 4th edition link which are more updated from that post
16:44.55leifmadsenI used that post as the basis for what is in "the book"
16:44.56leifmadsenjust fyi
16:46.23mjordanI used Google, and alas, its top result was voip-info
16:46.29mjordanno way was I linking _that_
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16:54.11PenguinIt won't help qakhan anyway.  He wants the first caller who is headed for Queue() to login his agent because the agent is too lazy to login on his own.
16:54.49PenguinBecause of that, I'd rather just have static members which are local channels leading to devices on-hook.
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16:57.00mjordanor fire your agents
16:57.15mjordantechnology only solves so many problems!
16:57.18Qwell<Qwell> Fire them then.
16:57.22Qwellway ahead of you!
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17:02.00[TK]D-FenderPenguin: That's not what I read from him.... he just wants a functional equivalent to AgentCallbackLogin for * 11
17:02.38[TK]D-FenderPenguin: While failing to understand that Agent's only have AgentLogin neft and is nothing like that
17:03.04Penguin(1043.07) <qakhan> agents doesnot pay attention to login before their shift
17:04.07PenguinThat dialplan he showed us where AgentLogin() was right before Queue() was an attempt to login his slacking agent when the caller is on his way into a Queue().
17:04.48PenguinWhat he failed to realize was that the application cannot pick up the headset and put it on the agent's head.
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17:05.24PenguinHence the suggestion to dial the phone while it is on-hook.
17:06.10PenguinI suspect that the agent will pick up if the phone rings.  Even if they were too lazy to login and wait in the queue for someone to call.
17:06.58[TK]D-FenderYou know he reverses his terminology every few minutes...
17:07.04PenguinThe other alternative is that you use the agent's login/logout for the time clock.  If he doesn't log in and take calls, he doesn't get paid.
17:07.19[TK]D-Fender[11:47]qakhan[TK]D-Fender i am using asterisk 1.4.x AgentCallbackLogin() to login agent before call go to queue. now i am moving to asterisk 11.x
17:12.17TazzNZanyone from digium here that happens to deal with your RPM repo ?
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17:15.23TazzNZ(or someone that can poke that person with the sharp side of a truck :D )
17:17.07mjordanTazzNZ: Well, that's one way to get support for something you want.
17:17.44TazzNZhehe - yeah - I am about to phone it in
17:18.03TazzNZI was taking a fat chance anyways :)
17:18.42mjordanWhat actual issue are you having?
17:19.42TazzNZthe firmware for the wcte13xp is old on the repo
17:19.46TazzNZOct 2013
17:20.12TazzNZwhch is generating : wcte13xp 0000:06:00.0: Existing firmware file dahdi-fw-te133.bin is version 6f0017, but we require 780017. Please install the correct firmware file.
17:21.44TazzNZwhich - unconfirmed - will make this card stop working in AsteriskNOW v3 installs
17:21.55mjordanwe can take a look at that - thanks
17:22.51TazzNZI'll log it via the official routes ?
17:23.04TazzNZor...more official :)
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17:28.32TazzNZok, mjordan - the "dahdi" version and firmware version seems way out of sync on the repo
17:30.29TazzNZand the firmware can be a later version....dunno why I am finding that odd
17:35.41TazzNZright - got it loading
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17:45.10paulcis possibly too exciteable this morning
17:47.09puzzledmore espresso!
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18:22.17lcxhi, I have a weird issue with a carrier and asterisk.
18:22.43infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:22.57lcxthe invite should look something like this: does not resolve
18:23.38lcxif I enter the IP, then the carrier rejects the invites as they expect
18:24.03lcxI tried setting and outboundproxy=ip of carrier
18:24.29navaismodid you add the host and ip via /etc/hosts?
18:25.02lcxyes. that also didn't help. let me check the logs.
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18:27.31lcxERROR[23544] netsock2.c: getaddrinfo("", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known
18:27.48lcxWARNING[23544] acl.c: Unable to lookup ''
18:28.40lcxor could I send the invite to ?
18:31.15*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
18:32.44fireman_biffWhen my PBX attempts to start an IAX2 call the remote PBX sends a calltoken, but my PBX doesn't send it back. Any ideas on troubleshooting this?
18:33.02Qwellfireman_biff: What version of Asterisk are you using?
18:33.58fireman_biffQwell: locally, should be that version or similar on all remote PBXs
18:34.23fireman_biffI have another PBX with same asterisk version that's working
18:35.47fireman_biffactually the specific remote PBX I'm testing with right now is, let me try another test against a remote 1.8
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18:40.14TazzNZlcx: I would double check that host entry - I use that currently
18:40.38fireman_biffQwell: yeah, same problem with a remote
18:40.47lcxyou mean the for the peer?
18:40.57TazzNZno, the entry in /etc/hosts
18:41.08lcxor is asterisk caching something?
18:41.11fireman_bifflocal PBX sends a NEW message, remote response with a CALLTOKEN, but local sends another NEW without a calltoken
18:41.14TazzNZif you do "ping" what do you get ?
18:41.22fireman_biffthey just repeat that a few times then the call ends
18:41.35lcxping works.
18:41.39TazzNZlcx: I don't recall ever having a caching issue on asterisk
18:41.49TazzNZbut it might have been that I didn't look
18:42.07TazzNZif you do a "core reload" in asterisk CLI ?
18:42.31lcxI just did a restart. will try a new call.
18:45.24lcxweird. looks better now. but somehow I am receiving a retransmission timeout now.
18:45.38fireman_biffis 'module reload' the most you can do to reset IAX2 without actually stopping asterisk?
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18:48.10fileit reloads the configuration, it doesn't "reset" it - it's not the same as an unload/load or a restart
18:49.23qakhanthere any app or function in dialplan which can find string in multi-value veriable, like $var=newyork,Boston,Delaware
18:49.32fireman_bifffile: thanks, so is there anything I can do to "reset" iax2 without stopping asterisk? (or does that question not even make sense?)
18:49.46filefireman_biff, define reset
18:49.59fileunloading and loading it is the same as restarting Asterisk pretty much
18:50.26fireman_bifffile: IAX2 is not working and reloading doesn't make a difference, but if I restart the PBX it will work. I'm hoping for something less disruptive
18:50.39fileit may or may not let you unload it
18:50.52filedepends on the internal state of chan_iax2
18:52.00fireman_biffok, I'll try the unload/reload, if it doesn't unload does it tell me it didn't unload?
18:52.11TazzNZqakhan: have you looked at
18:52.38qakhanyes but could not find any
18:52.47TazzNZI can see CUT
18:53.02TazzNZCUT: String parsing, based upon a delimiter. (1.2)
18:53.06filefireman_biff, yes although depending on the internal state it may get... unhappy
18:54.32fireman_biffalright, well it just told me what it was unregistering, no errors or anything
18:54.41fireman_biffnow that I've reloaded it I can make IAX2 calls again
18:55.12fireman_bifffile: this seems to be happening every day or two now though... how would I go about troubleshooting to prevent it from reoccurring?
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20:01.21gustoWIMPy: hi
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20:40.54WIMPyHmm. Looks like I should stop using chan_alsa. It seems to have triggered something evil :-(
20:41.14gustowhy are you using that in the first place?
20:42.44WIMPyBecause I still try to use Asterisk.
20:45.58gustono, that alsa channel
20:46.06gustowhat is it for? i am not using that
20:46.42WIMPyTake a guess.
20:47.25gustoso you are using asterisk as a telephone?
20:47.29gustoisnt that a bad idea?
20:47.44WIMPyDon't know.
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20:54.15*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.10.1 (2014/06/12), (2014/06/12); Standard: Asterisk 12.3.1 (2014/06/12); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
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21:50.17beaniehello, please could you give me some pointers as to why I can hear anything when I 1) Dial my voicemail or any other feature 2) Receive a call but yet, callers that call me can hear me (I cannot hear them)
21:50.30beaniepointers to find out what is wrong :)
21:50.33TazzNZbeanie: NAT ?
21:50.55beanieyeah I struggle with NAT - I mean what things might need changing relating to NAT?
21:51.10[TK]D-FenderYour settings.
21:51.13TazzNZyou need to set external ip in sip.conf
21:51.50[TK]D-FenderWhich he shouldn't be touching....
21:52.06[TK]D-Fender...because he's using FreePBX
21:52.50TazzNZwe should have an auto kick on this channel if people are in #freepbx too
21:53.06TazzNZnot that that would have helped :)
21:53.55beaniequite a lot of the time the lines between whether a question should be asked in #freepbx or #asterisk are blurred depending on who you speak to so it is very easy to end up getting referred between the two for the same problem
21:54.14TazzNZUnder Settings/Advance SIP Settings, do you have the External IP set ?
21:54.32beanieah bugs
21:54.37beanieI have no access to freepbx currently
21:54.43beanieas I am away from home
21:54.51[TK]D-FenderSSH doesn't care where you are
21:54.57TazzNZyeah - I have had that too.....I have had Digium point to schoomecom and back again
21:55.20beanieTazzNZ - yeah its gets people a bit downhearted
21:55.35[TK]D-Fender[17:54]beaniequite a lot of the time the lines between whether a question should be asked in #freepbx or #asterisk are blurred depending on who you speak to so it is very easy to end up getting referred between the two for the same problem <- When 99% of things depend on basic configuration... FreePBX is doign your stuff for you and you have to play by its rules
21:55.48[TK]D-FenderYou should never start here unless you do specifically know
21:56.09beanieTK -D-Fender - I've not had much luck with setting up tunnelling which I think was the idea for getting access to freepbx admin away from home
21:56.38[TK]D-FenderForward SSH rto your server.  Ass 1 setting to puptty.  HTTP to your local port.  DONE
21:58.59beaniehmmm - I followed these instructions:
21:59.02beaniebut I got a timeout
21:59.45[TK]D-FenderWe aren't going to get to see exactly what you put it, are we?
22:00.15beaniehow do you mean :-D I'll do it again and produce a screenshot if it's any use :)
22:00.28TazzNZinformation is always usefull :)
22:00.35TazzNZmight not seem so to you
22:00.36beanieI see :)
22:00.43TazzNZbut we might spot something :)
22:00.45beanieTazzNZ - whatever works
22:01.33beanieok, i'll just follow these instructions again - TK Defender - not being pedantic, there were a few typos there - Ass1?
22:02.07beanieby "http" to local port, do you mean typing the address in the web browser :)
22:02.23[TK]D-FenderCorrecte4d rigfht after
22:02.34beanieoh yeah - woops sorry man :)
22:02.35TazzNZi hate days like that
22:02.54[TK]D-Fender[18:02]beanieby "http" to local port, do you mean typing the address in the web browser <- just go set it up and show us
22:03.02beanieok :)
22:03.38beaniewill the source port be 8080 again?
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22:05.52beanieare those settings right so far ->
22:07.29[TK]D-FenderIs that your server IP in the destination
22:07.36[TK]D-Fenderas in an ip DIRECTLY on that box?
22:07.40beanieyes :)
22:07.58beaniethe box is on
22:08.02[TK]D-FenderDid you clear your whitelist firewall junk out of the way?
22:08.13[TK]D-FenderSo yout server has 2 NIC's?
22:08.19beanieyes :) stopped the chronjobs restarted it
22:08.33beanieso it doesn't kick back in with a box reset :)
22:08.41[TK]D-FenderGo prove the rules are gone
22:09.12beaniealthough your question i'm sure is perfectly reasonable, I don't understand it about the NIC's :)
22:09.16[TK]D-Fenderand your destination should not be that IP anyway.
22:09.23beaniesure i'll go into the ip tables
22:09.25[TK]D-FenderYou should point it to the localhost redirect
22:09.35beaniewhat the goodness is that?
22:09.48[TK]D-FenderNetworking 101
22:09.58[TK]D-FenderI still don't see that rule added
22:10.14[TK]D-FenderSo go actually add it
22:10.23[TK]D-Fenderand show us
22:12.52beanieTK Defender -
22:13.42[TK]D-Fenderwaiting on new putty screen, and attempt to use....
22:13.47[TK]D-Fender2 SS)
22:16.32beanieTK Defender - I'm in :)
22:21.51beanieTazzNZ -
22:22.46beaniethank you to you D-Fender :)
22:23.15[TK]D-Fenderas I said, this was 1 tiny little setting
22:24.07beanieso the issue now is I cannot hear anything on calls :)
22:24.51beanieit might be a good idea to do a test call at this point and share the output?
22:25.10[TK]D-Fenderdo it
22:25.15beaniedo what sorry?
22:25.27[TK]D-Fenderfrom your shell
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22:26.13beanieTK D-Fender - :)
22:27.06[TK]D-FenderI asked you if your server had 2 NIC's and if that ip was directly on our server and you said "yes"
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22:27.22[TK]D-Fender[18:07][TK]D-FenderIs that your server IP in the destination [18:07][TK]D-Fenderas in an ip DIRECTLY on that box? [18:07]beanieyes
22:27.31[TK]D-Fenderthat server does NOT have a public IP
22:27.47maanihi, Is it possible to play custome ringback tone in asterisk?
22:27.51[TK]D-FenderIn your asterisk sip settings, make sure you set to DYNAMIC, not STATIC
22:27.51beanieoh right...sorry I misunderstood you - I thought you were talking about what I put in the putty settings
22:28.09beanieI have a static ip D-Fender?
22:28.16TazzNZmaani: for the person making the call ?
22:28.16[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: And make sure you have "directmedia=no" and "nat=no" in your trunk settings.
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22:28.36beanieI have a static IP D-Fender :)
22:28.41[TK]D-Fender[18:27]beanieI have a static ip D-Fender? <- you put a host there.. is the IP actually static?  Or is the domain name a "bonus"?
22:29.06[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: If it is really static on the WAN side, then you can leave it as static.
22:29.13TazzNZmaani: as in - I am making a call, and I hear ringing - you want to customize that ?
22:29.14[TK]D-Fendermake the trunk settings, retest
22:29.22beanieah yes - I can see the confusion - I think that, because the radio button is set to static, that address is ignored?
22:29.23[TK]D-Fenderheads to the shower
22:29.30maaniTazzNZ: yes , for example play music, crbt
22:29.35[TK]D-Fenderremove the hostname
22:29.41[TK]D-Fenderjust use the IP field.
22:29.41beanieok :)
22:29.50[TK]D-FenderAnd add the trunk settings
22:30.05TazzNZmaani: you can play on hold music instead of rining
22:30.05beaniewhat do you mean static on the WAN Side :) thanks as always D-Fender
22:30.23TazzNZbut I don't think you can play, say a .wav file
22:30.35beanieyou'd have to convert it if I remember correct TazzNZ
22:30.41beanieI have a custom hold music
22:31.02maaniTazzNZ: I want to play it im early media befor answer, like crbt service in mobile network
22:31.03TazzNZyeah - barring the convert, I don't think you can replace the rining with X file
22:36.15maanione solution is just play a custome wav in early media and originate another channel to destination if destination answer then bridge two channel
22:43.23[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Have you done the trunk changes yet or not?
22:43.29[TK]D-FenderI asked you to retest...
22:43.42[TK]D-FenderWAN-side = your internet connection.
22:44.29fileoriginate all the things!
22:47.05TazzNZlol file
22:50.05TazzNZmaani: yeah - imho, it's a lot of work for little gain ?
22:50.28beanieahahaha - D-Fender - that was already set up as you asked because you were the one that helped me originally with that :)
22:50.41beaniedirect media = no nat =no
22:50.48beaniebut its internal calls that are affected to
22:51.08[TK]D-Fenderwhat dfo you have forwarded to your server?
22:51.25[TK]D-Fenderwhat PORTS & PROTOCOLS from your ROUTER
22:51.26beanieall of the asterisk ports
22:51.37[TK]D-FenderGive me specifics.
22:51.41beaniethey were set up originally - it used to work
22:51.46beanieand hasn't been changed since
22:51.47[TK]D-FenderBecause I'm not going to trust any of this blindly
22:51.53beanie:-D probably wise
22:51.55[TK]D-Fender[18:51][TK]D-FenderBecause I'm not going to trust any of this blindly <-
22:52.14beaniealthough, I can't get access to my router being away from home unless you're aware of a way?
22:52.30beanie5060 comes to mind
22:52.37[TK]D-Fenderguess what you just succeeded in doing?
22:52.42beanieand there was another
22:52.43[TK]D-FenderSSH TUNNELING <-
22:52.56beaniesure :-D but i have no idea how you connect to the router
22:52.57[TK]D-Fenderso make one that points to your ROUTER's internal IP:80
22:53.08[TK]D-Fenderthe same web-admin I'm sure you use while local
22:53.15[TK]D-Fenderforward ANOTHER port
22:53.17beanieok my router is at
22:53.32[TK]D-FenderSo go make the dest : thatip:80
22:53.40[TK]D-Fenderfor another local port #
22:53.45[TK]D-Fenderthen you can get to it
22:55.11beanieTK Defender - can anything go in the server port?
22:55.18beaniesource port*
22:55.55SpaceInvadersI found AsteriskDialer by Daniel Tryba searching Google Play.  Is that a good dialer to start with for my first attempts at connecting to my new Asterisk server?
22:56.24TazzNZSpaceInvaders: I think you are looking for a softphone ?
22:56.39SpaceInvadersYes that runs on my droid
22:56.54SpaceInvadersIs AsteriskDialer not a softphone?
22:58.19TazzNZSpaceInvaders: not quite
22:58.30TazzNZit uses the AMI to start a phone *on* you Asterisk server
22:58.38TazzNZlook for linphone
22:58.41TazzNZor sipdroid
22:59.16*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
22:59.23TazzNZs/phone/phone call
22:59.25[TK]D-FenderbeaYou are defining ports on the CLIENT PC.
22:59.28[TK]D-Fenderaim sensible
22:59.32[TK]D-Fenderfollow alon.
22:59.49beaniein putty, can you only have one added at a time?
22:59.52[TK]D-FenderAnd hurry up, I'm here for only a few more minutes
22:59.58[TK]D-Fenderno, you can add 50
23:00.06[TK]D-FenderAdd your new one save your profile.
23:00.17SpaceInvadersThank you, TazzNZ
23:00.42TazzNZnp SpaceInvaders
23:02.30SpaceInvadersHey TazzNZ, do you use the interface to Asterisk Manager?  I just downloaded it to see what it does but I'm not sure what id/pw it needs
23:02.40SpaceInvadersthe app on droid
23:02.58TazzNZSpaceInvaders: what are you trying to do ?
23:03.20SpaceInvadersJust see what it does.  It says it displays the status of your Asterisk server
23:04.40beanieTK-Defender -
23:05.27SpaceInvadersI was curious what details it would show regarding my server (and maybe learn something as a result).
23:05.28beanieTK-Defender also
23:06.52[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: pastebin /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf and all the INCLUDE's
23:07.11TazzNZSpaceInvaders: in that case, create a user in manager.conf
23:07.43SpaceInvadersThanks.  When you said linphone... is that Linphone Video?
23:08.03TazzNZSpaceInvaders: uhm.....I think it's the same thing
23:08.10TazzNZI don't have andriod anymore
23:08.17TazzNZor look for 3cx
23:08.24TazzNZI think they have an andriod version too
23:08.33SpaceInvadersheh it's the only linphone listed I just wanted to check given my mistake w the Asterisk Dialer :)
23:09.01beanietk defender -
23:09.27SpaceInvaders3cx Phone for Phone System v12?
23:09.35TazzNZnope !
23:09.48SpaceInvadersyeah just read that :)
23:10.13TazzNZI think it's just called 3cxphone
23:10.16TazzNZor 3cxphone6
23:11.03[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: AND THE INCLUDED FILES
23:12.14beanieTK Defender -
23:12.33SpaceInvadersIt may be gone.
23:12.57TazzNZwell that sucks - it's quite neat
23:13.16beanieTK D-Fender -
23:13.19[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: You have 10001-20000 forwarded
23:13.25[TK]D-FenderbeaYou MISSED a port
23:13.31beanieoh right...
23:13.34[TK]D-Fender10000 <-------------
23:13.59[TK]D-FenderFix retest, and then start showing calls with SIP debug enabled if that didn't clear it up.
23:14.05TazzNZunless your rtp.conf starts at 10001 - *duck* :D
23:14.07[TK]D-Fenderheads out for the night.
23:14.46[TK]D-Fender[18:51]beanieall of the asterisk ports <- now you see why I never trust that.
23:14.52[TK]D-Fenderheads off
23:15.35*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
23:16.30*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
23:16.36beaniethanks D-Fender :)
23:18.49SpaceInvadersdo you have to restart Asterisk after changing manager.conf or can you tell Asterisk to reload the configs?
23:19.15SpaceInvadersI just added an id in my manager.conf
23:20.07TazzNZSpaceInvaders: core reload should do it
23:20.15TazzNZI think there might be a manager reload
23:20.18TazzNZnot 100% sure
23:26.00SpaceInvadersI found a reference in the Definitive Guide--reload gets it
23:27.02beanieah damn - just altered that port but I am being disconnected when I try and dial into voicemail *98 cannot hear anything
23:34.25SpaceInvadersHey, I need enabled=yes in manager.conf for this to work, right?
23:34.51SpaceInvadersotehrwise it blocks everything that wants to talk to the ami, am I right?
23:35.53SpaceInvadersyep, that was it :D
23:39.47TazzNZSpaceInvaders: yip :)
23:40.25beaniei understand that rtp issues can often be to blame for what i'm experiencing, anybody have a natural affinity with this kind of stuff to guide me further?
23:42.27*** part/#asterisk kayatwork (
23:42.29*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
23:45.20TazzNZbeanie: what version of asterisk ?
23:46.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (

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