IRC log for #asterisk on 20140610

00:00.05mrjazzmanChannelZ: if that q was to me, Basically i think i need a queue that is in round robbin but rather than stations, i need the calls to go to external SIP calls (as in make a call through my provider to an external number).
00:00.42*** join/#asterisk Wiktor (wiktor@2001:470:9a06::1)
00:01.05Wiktorhi, anybody online and have some time to help me out ? :)
00:01.22beanieTazzNZ - it says to change the date format but does that mean replicating it then by way of adding the new format in the custom file?
00:01.38beaniesorry was just getting the oven pride out as you do at 1am ha
00:04.51Wiktorwhat are the possible reasons of situation when my [incoming] call from outside isn't handled by the dialplan instructions ? in sip.conf i have context=incoming in [general], and in extensions.conf under incoming i have exten => s,1,Answer()?
00:08.04TazzNZWiktor: try exten => _X.,1,Answer()
00:08.46TazzNZbeanie: if it goes under [general], you can only have 1 of them
00:09.23Wiktori have very basic configurations, written from zero. Something is down with them, because changing them to default ones works like a charm. here are them
00:09.28WiktorTazzNZ: thx, ill try it now
00:12.12*** join/#asterisk AdrianoOliveira (~adriano@
00:12.13WiktorTazzNZ: still nothing, i'm not getting through. SIP debugs shows me that i'm getting to asterisk, but no stuff in console, and telefon goes "network busy"
00:13.45Wiktorand also when i'm trying to call my cellphone from sip client it searches that number in internals
00:14.49*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
00:25.14beanieTazzNZ will it cause any problems if i edit that file - i have been told it would
00:25.26beaniei.e. the logger.conf
00:26.05*** part/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
00:32.04mrjazzmanquick one - i think what i want is queues and i've setup a test one but i can't make the Sip member dial. Any suggestions?
00:35.43beanieis anybody around who can help me get my fail2ban up and working - im scared of leaving the server insecure when i return to my mums down south later today
00:36.57mrjazzmanbeanie: for asterisk or ssh?
00:39.37PenguinDid you read the fail2ban guide on
00:39.41Penguinbeanie: ^
00:39.50WIMPymrjazzman: Do you want RR or rather just call the whole lost for the fastest one to pick the call?
00:40.29mrjazzmanWIMPy: RR is preference as it's a list of mobiles which may go t o voicemail if one of them is on the phone
00:40.49Penguinbeanie: The guide should be pretty reasonable.  I remember a time when I followed it and got fail2ban working without too much trouble.
00:40.50WIMPyVM is evil.
00:40.59mrjazzmanyes yes it is
00:41.20mrjazzmanWIMPy: i have a queue, i can see the 2 sip members , i call the number and get the on hold music, but it doesn't seem to dial the members
00:41.42WIMPyLook at your console.
00:41.51mrjazzmanmembers show up as "Not in use" but not sure if that is they don't have any calls or they aren't logged in
00:41.54mrjazzmanWIMPy: that's from the console
00:42.08beaniemrjazzman - i'm currently trying to secure my server as im very scared - im going back down to care for my mother later today for another couple of months
00:42.15beaniei want to leave the server secure but accessible to me
00:42.48beaniepenguin - thats the guide im really struggling with :)
00:42.49mrjazzmanbeanie: Penguin has linked you to the asterisk side but fail2ban comes pre-configured for ssh on ubuntu/debian
00:42.51beaniei am trying though!
00:42.52WIMPyAnd what do you see while you have a call?
00:42.58mrjazzmanbeanie: happy to throw you the config if you want
00:43.30beaniewell the question i have os as follows:
00:43.37PenguinThe necessary configs should be on the fail2ban guide.
00:43.45WIMPyAnd (Not in use) just means idle.
00:43.45beanieon there, it says "Likewise, you willl also need to ensure the date format has been changed in logger.conf to "dateformat=%F %T"."
00:44.00PenguinI've tried to keep it updated when possible.
00:44.02beanienow ive been told time and time again not to edit the original files
00:44.02mrjazzmanWIMPy: call enters the queue, (sorry trying to deal with this box being live for DR also so getting a lot of other calls coming through that i need to filter through)
00:44.07beaniebut i dont see how it is otherwise possible
00:44.27mrjazzmanWIMPy: ok get the ring, answer and queue
00:44.37mrjazzmanand then a bunch of SIP RTP COS updates but that's it
00:44.44beaniemrjazzman - thanks for the offer but im not quite sure what id do with it
00:44.45mrjazzmandoesn't seem to dial the other sip members
00:45.16WIMPyThat SIP COS stuff comes up when aSIP channel is created, so that looks like something IS dialled.
00:45.27Penguinbeanie: My dateformat is commented out, therefore default.
00:45.39mrjazzmanWIMPy: hmmmmm ok thanks i'll chase a little more
00:49.30*** part/#asterisk Wiktor (wiktor@2001:470:9a06::1)
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00:58.28Penguinbeanie: If you are following the guide and run into a specific problem, I'll try to help you through it if you'll just tell me what the specific issue is.
01:02.58mrjazzmanOk this is annoying me.... I can get a call into a queue, but can't get it to ring a SIP agent... Any pointers?
01:03.21WIMPyTurn up verbose if you don't see anything.
01:04.03mrjazzmanWIMPy: k trying
01:07.45TazzNZbeanie: if you edit logger.conf, the next time you apply changes it will be overwritten
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01:39.13mrjazzmanWIMPy: ok verbose is up to 99 - i see it go into hold
01:39.15mrjazzmanbut nothing else
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01:51.32Penguinmrjazzman: How many members are in the queue?  What is your member type for the queue member(s)?
01:53.35mrjazzmanPenguin: 2 members, trying to set them to be external numbers called through my sip provider
01:53.44mrjazzmanPenguin: stratergy is now ringall (was rrmemory)
01:53.54mrjazzmanre member type, whatever is default
01:54.23Penguinmrjazzman: How are you defining the members?  There is no default.  The members use whatever channel you set up.
01:54.40mrjazzmanthat's my queues.conf
01:54.59mrjazzmanPenguin: thanks for the assist. Still getting my head around all of this
01:55.33PenguinSIP/1234567890@exetel is an invalid channel.
01:55.59PenguinIf you are trying to dial an external number, I'd recommend using a Local channel.
01:56.00mrjazzmanso i have a sip partner called "exetel"
01:56.13mrjazzmanso LOCAL/123456780@exetel?
01:56.21WIMPyWhy is that invalid?
01:56.40PenguinFor example, if you have a context used for outbound calls that is named 'outbound', you could use Local/1234567890@outbound.
01:57.23PenguinIf you must use a DEFINED SIP PEER, try using the correct syntax:  SIP/exetel/1234567890
01:57.33WIMPydoesn't see why you can't use sip/itsp/number as member.
01:57.57WIMPyThe other syntax should do the same, shouldn't it?
01:59.35mrjazzmanif i define SIP/exetel/123567890
01:59.38PenguinI seem to remember having problems using SIP channels as queue members, so I switched to using local channels a long time ago.
01:59.41mrjazzmani get (unknown) when doing a queue show
01:59.53mrjazzmanwhen i do SIP/36248783244@exetel it shows "not in use"
02:00.05mrjazzmanalso tried Local/12783791@exetel and it came up as "invalid"
02:00.29PenguinIf exetel isn't a valid dialplan context, it should have shown that.
02:01.07mrjazzmanexetel is a sip.conf definition
02:01.22PenguinThat doesn't make it a dial plan context.
02:01.53PenguinIf you can't "dialplan show exetel" and get a good response, it's not a dial plan context.
02:03.14PenguinIf you have configured a dial plan context where you do outbound dialing through that peer, use that context in a local channel.
02:04.08*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
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02:05.50mrjazzmanPenguin: i get extenion information
02:06.01mrjazzmanGuessing i need one for the queue?
02:06.33PenguinYou can create a new context for putting queue extensions if you want, but it's not necessary.
02:06.41Penguin<Penguin> If you have configured a dial plan context where you do outbound dialing through that peer, use that  context in a local channel.
02:06.45PenguinTHIS ^
02:08.34mrjazzmanPenguin: ok i'll go RTFM on trhat part
02:09.05PenguinDid you not already write some dialplan?
02:09.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:10.17mrjazzmanPenguin: i have stuff in extensions.conf that handles incoming
02:10.25mrjazzmanPenguin: part of that is using SIP/<Number>@exetel
02:10.26mrjazzmanand it works
02:10.39mrjazzmanbut i'm guessing i'm missing a default outbo8und dialplan
02:10.55PenguinI advise you to read the book on how to form a proper dial string.
02:10.57infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
02:10.57mrjazzmanis new
02:12.08mrjazzmanPenguin: thanks I do mean to get myself a book on this. TBH we use asterisk only in a limited fashon and have been able to fudge our way through so far. I would love to get it to do more but time & effort is being pushed on other things. It's only that we're using it to deal with ISDN outages that htis requirement has hit the fan
02:12.17mrjazzmanPenguin: thanks for your help
02:12.31*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
02:13.44PenguinI'll give you a tip.  The format you should use is SIP/peername/number2call.
02:14.08Penguinperhaps SIP/exetel/${EXTEN}
02:18.43zopsipjsip usernames can be alphanumeric right?
02:20.17[TK]D-Fender[20:44]beanienow ive been told time and time again not to edit the original files <- beent hrough that 50 times as well.. you can change the CUSTOM ones.
02:20.38*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
02:52.19mrjazzmanPenguin: thanks for your help
02:52.22mrjazzmanmanaged to get it working
02:52.31mrjazzmanWIMPy: thank you also for your help
02:52.33mrjazzmanappreciate it
03:02.46*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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03:32.25ledoktrequick question fellas -- is there a way to store a devstate (Custom:Test123 for example) to astdb?  Saving it there I suppose is not hard, save it when you set it.   But what about when the system reboots and reloading the devstate back?
03:41.57[TK]D-FenderOn start-up run a refresh based off of the AstDB to reset them
03:45.17*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:46.15ledoktre[TK]D-Fender - Greetings.  That sounds like just what I need.  Is there a link handy for that?  You've fed me the help bot thing on here a few times in the past ;- )
03:46.33*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
03:47.09[TK]D-FenderRead the sample extensions.conf.  You'll see something highly triggerable there...
03:49.45ledoktrethanks :)  No matter what anyone else says.  You're okay ;-D
03:58.10[TK]D-Fenderunappreciated by the lazy and deaf.... such is my lot in life.
03:58.39ledoktreWell, make sure no one is looking, and go ahead and pat yourself on the back.
04:03.28stevePearPearhi i noticed in the SIP Invite SDP sent by Asterisk, when it was sent from Asterisk to the SIP provider, there was no a=rtcp:port IN IP4 where xxx should be Asterisk public IP address
04:04.02stevePearPearis that normal? cuz I saw this field when my SIPML5 sent an INVITE to Asterisk
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04:11.26ledoktre[TK]D-Fender: I saw `#exec /path/to/file` which I could probably use to reload that one thing.  But from what you wrote, I got the impression you could have it refresh everything, not explicitly set things.  ?
04:12.16[TK]D-Fenderbecause it COULD be hit with a "reload" and not just a "first load" ... you'd have to reset EVERYTHING in each pass
04:14.54ledoktreright now I'm only storing maybe 5 things in the astdb.  reset everything isn't a big deal - I'm just trying to do this the "asterisk" way.  I/m just not sure exactly what that is.  I'm googling on it and Ive read that sample file a couple of times.  I'm trying :)
04:17.29[TK]D-Fenderin your script.... set everything "off" then back on if AstDB is set for it
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04:29.04[TK]D-Fenderbedtime, checking out...
04:36.00ledoktregood night.  I think i did it just by setting a global variable with its value loading from the DB.  I *think*.
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04:38.44stevePearPearhey is sip_nat.conf still used in asterisk 12?
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04:55.16x86ok... so is there no longer an option to run chan_motif to Google, without the requirement of ICE support?
04:55.51x86I rebuilt my home general purpose server completely, but I made a backup of the entire /etc/asterisk first
04:58.06x86the server had been running 11.3, and now I'm trying to get 11.10 running, but every time I try to make a call it gives me reorder tone right after bitching about lack of ICE support (which, is enabled in rtp.conf as well as sip.conf... not sure why it wont actually enable, even though explicitly configured) -- how can I disable ICE support completely, short of reverting back to an older release?
04:58.51x86because "icesupport=no" in rtp.conf and sip.conf appeared to have no effect at all after asterisk was restarted, still instant reorder tone
04:59.30x86where is the "FOAD ICE" option? ;)
05:02.05x86alternatively, if I could get asterisk to actually enable ICE somehow (~@$T!#%Y!<#%YL#%Y<), that would probably work also
05:03.34x86Jun 10 01:03:48] WARNING[29205][C-00000001]: chan_sip.c:10103 process_sdp: Declining non-primary audio stream: audio 2240 RTP/AVP 0 8 18 101
05:03.38x86[Jun 10 01:03:48] ERROR[29198][C-00000001]: chan_motif.c:821 jingle_add_google_candidates_to_transport: Unable to add Google ICE candidates as ICE support not available or no candidates available
05:04.09x86(icesupport=true in rtp.conf)
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05:04.56x86meh I'm going to bed... hopefully no one tries to on-call call me ;)
05:06.44stevePearPeari was having ICE support not enabled too few days back and seems like Asterisk requires pjproject for STUN/ICE
05:06.48stevePearPearnot sure if it helps
05:07.35stevePearPearhey can I check for those with 2 ways audio, when you check rtp debug, do you always have from and to for both ways?
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05:12.10stevePearPearright now all i have is only Got RTP packet from and Sent packet to yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
05:12.25stevePearPearthere isn’t GOT RTP packet from yyy.yyyy.yyy.yyy SENT packet to
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05:29.39maaniHi, with "dahdi show channels" I can see just incomming calls on pri not outgoing calls is there a way to see all calls on pri link ?
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06:10.38ChannelZmaani: actually I don't think 'dahdi show channels' is showing you anything except all the configured channels.  To see actual channels in use, try 'core show channels'
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07:58.09ruben23anyone familiar with this error after install ---> Illegal instruction (core dumped)   <--- asterisk 1.8
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08:33.39KNERDruben23: you on a virtual macine?
08:34.59KNERDand what exact vesion you using?
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08:45.27stevePearPearHi I’m just curious if this was an issue with anyone else:
08:45.39stevePearPearusing Asterisk hosted on AWS had that problem where its one way audio
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09:22.25michael_workstevePearPear, did you tried to run wireshark on server and on computer?
09:23.15michael_workdo you use stun?
09:31.51*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
09:34.14stevePearPearyeah i used wireshark
09:34.22stevePearPearand there’s stun, I could see it too
09:35.15stevePearPearis it weird eg. if there are 2 set of ip, and yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, when i do rtp set debug on, i only see SENT rtp packet to and RECIEVE from yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy and there’s no SENT rtp packet to yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
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09:49.23michael_workdid you try to run wireshark on the end that needs to send?
09:49.37michael_workmaybe it's sending but to the wrong ip?
09:49.49michael_workyou need to run wireshark on 3 points
09:49.59michael_workand check what's wrong
09:50.08michael_workcheck in SDP what ip they use
09:50.13michael_workcheck NAT settings and so on
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13:26.08defsworkIntermittent one way audio on internal only calls ?  any suggestions for what it might be ? we've ran out of ideas
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13:49.06jameswfdefswork: are your phones and users on the same LAN
13:51.09defsworkjameswf, yes
13:51.18defsworkjameswf, all on the same switch also
13:51.58defsworkevery now and then I see high ms in the sip peers list (1sec+)
13:52.11defsworknot sure if thats related though
13:52.46jameswfdefswork: try splitting your networks. You probably have user(s) streaming media or pulling down torrents or doing some other intensive tasks
13:54.08defsworkjameswf, we've put the majority of the handsets on their own switch
13:55.06jameswfmove em all to their own switch and subnet
13:57.21Kattyoh where is my hairbrush
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13:58.42Kattyyou turn that frown upside down.
13:59.18Mattif you can assist with the magic incantation to make * behave with my upstream provider's Nortel box I will :)
13:59.40WIMPyKatty: Use more Asterisk and you won't need a hairbrush any more.
13:59.52Kattyi love you, WIMPy
14:00.03MattI've got it registering, and incoming calls seem fine, but the upstream box is rejecting outbound calls with a 404
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14:00.47WIMPythinks he's not as bad as Asterisk.
14:00.54WIMPy.. most of the times.
14:01.08Mattcomparing packet dumps between * talking to $provider (which isn't working), and a GXP2000 talking to $provider (which does work), it looks like it's the domain on the destination address in the INVITE
14:02.11Mattthe GXP2000 sends an INVITE From: To: to
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14:02.28KattyWIMPy: i'm not entirely sure what you're trying to tell me lol
14:02.31Kattyhugs sruffell
14:02.36Mattwhereas * sends an INVITE From: To: to
14:03.02Mattand I'm not sure how to change that behaviour
14:03.02Kattyhow're you dear
14:04.14WIMPyMatt: Set the host to what you want in the to and outboundproxy to the proxy.
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14:07.05Mattok, lemmie have a poke at that
14:09.28Mattso when I set, it starts sending packets to, not
14:09.50Mattand as is out webserver, and doesn't run any SIP services, that doesn't work :)
14:11.26[TK]D-FendermattPB your peer.
14:11.31infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:11.54Kattyhi fender bender.
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14:13.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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14:19.53Mattone mo
14:20.04Matt(I'm kinda tinkering with this in between real work)
14:22.07Mattyou want the one that was working for incoming, but fails with outgoing, or the one I just changed that's not registering (cause it's talking to the wrong endpoint)?
14:23.52*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
14:24.45[TK]D-Fenderyour peer to your provider has nothing to do with your regsitration to it
14:25.19[TK]D-FenderYou were discussing calls to them not being formatted properly, so show us our peer entry
14:26.43*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
14:27.40Mattthat what you're after?
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14:31.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
14:31.48[TK]D-FendermattWhy are the outboundproxy & host the SAME?  You jsut said they were supposed to be different.
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14:32.14[TK]D-Fenderhost ad fromdomain should be the same.
14:32.20[TK]D-FenderNot the outboundproxy
14:32.34[TK]D-Fender"say I'm from X, send to Y"
14:33.28Mattif I change the host entry to read '', then the peer goes unreachable, and tcpdump shows it trying to talk to the IP that resolves to
14:34.22Mattthe box I'm talking to here is odd
14:34.37[TK]D-Fenderdisable qualify for it and test
14:35.20Mattso and qualify=no ?
14:37.21Mattahha, that might have done the trick, thanks
14:38.45Mattnow I just need to deal with codecs
14:39.17[TK]D-Fenderdisallow=all <- before your allow
14:39.30MattI have no idea what the other end accepts
14:39.40[TK]D-Fenderbecause if you don't everything else may be allowed from [general], which could mean "everything"
14:39.50[TK]D-Fenderlook at the call.... you'll see.
14:41.56*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
14:42.36Mattexcellent, looks like I may have this working
14:43.08Mattthanks muchly
14:43.21MattI really need to read more into this stuff
14:45.32[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
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16:09.15SpaceInvadersHey, in sip.conf when it says "With the current situation, you can do one of four things:" and one of the four things is "a) Listen on a specific IPv4 address.      Example: bindaddr=" what is it "listening" for?
16:09.54pabelangerSpaceInvaders, a SIP packet
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16:22.25Kattysafe travels, leifmadsen
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16:52.39zopsimjordan: so I was able to get everything working except the digium phones. For some reason the extensions work fine if I use a softphone, but anytime I dial on the digium phones I get failed immediately with little information in the cli. Any ideas?
16:52.40*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
16:54.01mjordanzopsi: not enough information :-)
16:54.16zopsimjordan: I'll dig into the logs.
16:54.28mjordanzopsi: pb your res_digium_phone.conf
16:54.36mjordanzopsi: also, check the CLI to see if you have any sessions
16:54.43mjordandigium_phones show sessions, IIRC
16:55.05zopsiI have one active session for the one phone I have configured for now.
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16:57.04zopsimjordan: see above
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17:18.33zopsimjordan: I'm heading off to work, but let me know if you have any ideas as I really love the new chan_pjsip and DPMA module
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18:35.43qakhanhi all, i am getting following message when i try to run agi
18:36.30[TK]D-Fenderclearly thte module offering the app is not being loaded
18:37.24qakhanWARNING[11488]: loader.c:908 load_resource: Module '' already exists.
18:38.15[TK]D-FenderShow us your modules list, an attempt to reload the module, an actual full call attempt, etc
18:41.14qakhan[TK]D-Fender this module show like
18:41.43Qwellqakhan: just 'module show'
18:42.51andiIs there an easy way to get VoiceMail() to not say the digits of the exten which was called?
18:46.09qakhanok i got it. there was , after AGI
18:48.43*** join/#asterisk modesto916 (
18:51.34[TK]D-Fenderandi: record an actual message
18:52.36Qwellwrong channel
18:56.52*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:00.57VendigrothHi everyone, Is it normal for asterisk to take up to 5 seconds to reply to an OPTIONS message? Is there a reason why it could be happening? (it does seem to happen under load but still.. 5 is a lot)
19:01.53ChainsawVendigroth: DNS delays come to mind.
19:02.09ChainsawVendigroth: Asterisk 11 and below will not entertain such delays. Provide a local resolver if you have to.
19:06.13zopsimjordan: sorry I'm back. Did you get a chance to look at my res_digium_phone.conf?
19:06.28VendigrothChainsaw: We're on  11.6.0, and have a local dns, but you still might be right. i'll see if that's the cause. thanks.
19:06.59ChainsawVendigroth: It will deal with DNS problems worse than words can describe. One peer can in fact hold up the other.
19:07.27ChainsawVendigroth: Should that not be it, if you have STUN (or ICE) configured, ensure that the STUN server in question is responsive.
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19:18.44qakhanwhen we need asterisk licenses? is it not free?
19:21.33[TK]D-FenderWhat licenses?
19:22.12ChainsawI can only think of G729 transcoding licenses.
19:22.33Chainsawjust bought a DSP card
19:22.36[TK]D-FenderI can think of all sorts of things...
19:22.41ChainsawIf I have to pay money I want hardware offload.
19:22.59[TK]D-FenderBut second-guessing a vague & unusable question like that is a waste of time.
19:23.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: What licenses?
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19:27.54qakhan[TK]D-Fender look at this
19:30.29[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: That page explains it all by itself
19:31.15qakhanif you setup an asterisk for a company then do i have to take license?
19:32.09[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You clearly have not read that page
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19:34.13qakhani read it but i could not understand it. i sent mail to digium and asked the same question. and they said yes i have to buy license
19:35.38[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Are you looking to MODIFY the Asterisk source code and REDISTRIBUTE it?
19:35.58[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: "An Asterisk commercial license provides customers the legal means both to modify Asterisk and to incorporate it into a product, without the obligation of providing the resulting code under the GPLv2 license." ,_ because this is VERY clear
19:36.14malcolmdthey may not have understood your question, or perhaps they did.  asterisk can be used freely under the terms of the GPLv2.  if your usage of Asterisk runs counter to the GPLv2, then it can be licensed, for a fee, from Digium as an alternative.
19:37.24qakhanok if i integrad asterisk with my app then do i need license?
19:38.24malcolmdif your usage of Asterisk runs counter to the GPLv2, then you cannot use Asterisk under GPLv2.  you'd have to instead license it from Digium.
19:39.16[TK]D-Fender[15:35][TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Are you looking to MODIFY the Asterisk source code and REDISTRIBUTE it?
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
19:40.47qakhanno modification in asterisk
19:41.10[TK]D-FenderThen you obviously don't need to buy a license for it
19:41.41ChainsawThe Fender has decided. This decision is binding.
19:42.20malcolmdunless you're not distributing the source code of Asterisk along with your end-application, or if you create code that links to Asterisk that's also not distributed in source-format and also under GPLv2 or less restrictive licenses
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19:46.45Kattyi blame Qwell.
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20:21.30DigiDazHi all, I have a problem I'm trying to understand. We have an asterisk PBX that is doing direct media with the carrier via a freeswitch billing box. To compensate for any missing BYEs, etc we have enabled session timers on the freeswitch box. We have what just appears to be a single extension on the asterisk box, a speedtouch 2030 that is causing problems. Whenever the reinvite occurs between the asterisk and freeswitch the call gets hung up. Anyone any
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20:25.56newtonrDigiDaz, do you know who hangs up the call? freeswitch, asterisk , the phone?
20:26.33newtonryou say "the call gets hung up". you should be able to determine who is hanging up by looking at a packet capture from the Asterisk and freeswitch systems and then running it down
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20:27.05DigiDaznewtonr: Thanks for replying, this is an old issue I'm just kicking back to life so I cannot remember exactly.
20:27.55newtonrsounds like your first step would be getting packet captures at each point to see what is hanging up first
20:28.29DigiDazI've replaced the extension with a Yealink already and all is well but it has been haunting me for a while why the session timer between asterisk and freeswitch would be affected by a single extension
20:28.56DigiDazI did have captures at the time, I wonder if I can dig any out
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20:49.45Kattyso. what'd i miss?
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21:20.30jormunI’m having some trouble with getting an extension working on Asterisk 11.10
21:22.20[TK]D-FenderShow us
21:22.22infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:24.51*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose@nat/digium/x-iwjfvizilednhoic)
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21:31.53jormunwell ultimately it’s a problem with the contact address being sent to my extension from Asterisk
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21:32.24jormunthe extension is receiving a private IP in the contact, when it should be getting a public IP
21:32.44[TK]D-FenderShow us
21:33.05jormunI have the following lines in the [general] secion of sip.conf to set external and local info
21:33.05[TK]D-FenderNext, that is a device comm issue, not an "extension" issue
21:33.09[TK]D-Fenderextension = extensions.conf
21:33.27[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN the actual SIP debug from your call or other comm attempt
21:33.53[TK]D-Fender[17:33]jormunexternaddr: <- ":" != "="
21:33.59jormunwelp, I just saw the problem upon pasting it here.
21:34.09jormunand you are right it’s that damned colon!
21:34.53jormunturns red and tries to sneak out quietly
21:46.51leifmadseni prefer to sneak out loudly
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23:43.50chris349When I send a call to a SIP peer Asterisk replaces the callerid with the name of the SIP peer, is there any way to instead pass the recieved callerid?
23:46.53[TK]D-FenderOnly reason it'd override is if you set "fromuser"
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