IRC log for #asterisk on 20140609

00:02.38*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
00:13.22SpaceInvadersI have a question on the documentation.  The docs say runuser= rungroup=asteriskpbx but the .conf files say runuser= rungroup=asterisk.  Is it arbitrary as long as I've created the ID?
00:13.48SpaceInvadersI just installed on Fedora 20 so I'm referring to the default .conf files I see with that installation just having completed via yum.
00:15.50[TK]D-FenderIt should match...
00:16.34SpaceInvadersSo there *should* be no problem running with the defaults (the ID being asterisk rather than asteriskpbx)
00:17.00SpaceInvadersand if everything dies I'll reformat and try again :D
00:17.07SpaceInvadersit's a fresh, sandbox install
00:19.05SpaceInvadersThank you, TKD
00:19.52[TK]D-FenderJust make sure the owner fo the files matches
00:20.01[TK]D-FenderThat aside you can call it FRED if you feel like....
00:20.15SpaceInvadersIt doesn't check that on 1st-run?
00:20.29SpaceInvadersI'll check it
00:22.04*** join/#asterisk theron (
00:23.47[TK]D-FenderNo, it just does what you tell it and then the smoke starts pouring out....
00:24.02*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
00:34.24SpaceInvadersSometimes I love that.  Other times...
00:35.29SpaceInvadersOK, the yum install on Fedora 20 seems to have taken care of that--at least everything I've checked has owner:group as asterisk:asterisk
01:04.47*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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01:49.25*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
01:53.51ruben23hi guys
01:57.25*** join/#asterisk theron (
02:01.33ruben23guys what does this means..? --->  -- Called DAHDI/g0/0433305715 <---------dialing using VoIP..? trunkline or any idea..?
02:01.59[TK]D-FenderObviously a call over DAHDI...
02:02.06TazzNZthat means that a call was sent to DAHDI, group 0 and the number dialed was 04333.....
02:02.40[TK]D-FenderThat sure doesn't say SIP/IAX/PJSIP/H323/ooH323/MGCP or SCCP
02:03.07[TK]D-FenderSo no.. not "VoIP"
02:03.20ruben23so what type of connection are being used..?
02:03.44ruben23maybe analog lines..? or digitial lines..?
02:03.50TazzNZhard to say
02:03.55TazzNZbut yes - either of those
02:03.57TazzNZnot IP
02:04.54ruben23dahdi are being used only for analog line or digital lines with hardware being plug into asterisk server to interface with those media right..?
02:05.31ruben23what device si use for digitial lines like PRI and BRI..?
02:05.45TazzNZalso dahdi
02:05.53TazzNZunless you want to know what *hardware* ?
02:07.40ruben23yes what hardware types used by dahdi to interface with digitial lines
02:08.17TazzNZthere is quite a few - the most common (imho) is Sangoma and Digium
02:08.28TazzNZ(if I understand the question)
02:09.00ruben23yes you got it, is it plug and play..?
02:09.22[TK]D-Fenderthose are PCI(?) cards
02:09.35[TK]D-Fenderther are some USB DAHDI devices, but they are relatively rare
02:09.56TazzNZI would love to get my hands on a USB device [TK]D-Fender
02:10.25ruben23ok when i have them - i plug on PCi cards..what would be the next step..?
02:10.46[TK]D-Fenderplug your LINE into it.
02:11.05[TK]D-FenderConfigure it.  Use it.  Fight.  WIN.
02:11.51TazzNZruben23: I am are placing calls via DAHDI, do you need to extend what you doing ?
02:13.16*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
02:18.20ruben23imtrying to learn from an existing asterisk with Dahdi in used already adn plan to replicate the setup on another box.
02:30.18TazzNZok - I see
02:31.03TazzNZ <-- start there
02:31.21TazzNZ <-- sorry - there :)
02:33.39ruben23ok thanks let me check on this
02:34.27ruben23but how about the configuration side..?
02:36.01TazzNZthe config is stored in /etc/dahdi/
02:36.46TazzNZyou can run dahdi_genconf to generate a sample config
02:36.49TazzNZfrom your hardware
02:39.17*** join/#asterisk viro (
02:40.47[[thufir]]offtopic I know, but what is a "skypebot"?
02:47.14stevePearPearhi inside sip.conf, we could do register => sip1222:pw:sip_provider_domain to recieve call from sip provider
02:47.29*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
02:47.31stevePearPearis there any chance I could load this like dynamically through Asterisk realtime?
02:47.47TazzNZstevePearPear: look into Asterisk Realtime
02:47.54TazzNZit will pull that info from a database
02:48.09TazzNZbut it will need a "core reload" when a register is added
02:48.16stevePearPearyeah cuz I was reading this mailing list
02:48.39stevePearPearit must do a sip reload? It says this would lose all current registration :( does calls get hanged up?
02:48.59TazzNZcurrent calls will carry on without interruptions
02:49.51stevePearPearany idea, if I have 500 register, would it take very long?
02:50.12TazzNZyou are registering to 500 ITSP's ?
02:50.25TazzNZor you have 500 devices that register to *you*
02:51.01stevePearPeari have 500 devices that registered to me, however they have their own sip provider account which would thus be 500 register too
02:51.22TazzNZdevices registered to you will not be removed
02:51.44TazzNZif that was the case, my phones (550+-) would be lost on every reload
02:51.49TazzNZand we do several a day
02:53.04stevePearPearbut your phone would initiate a re-register right? Im concern if sip reload would take a long time if there’s 500 register => :(
02:53.32TazzNZthey don't
02:53.41TazzNZthe phone doesn't know that asterisk was reloaded
02:53.50TazzNZso it will try to register again at the timeout
02:54.22stevePearPearic, thanks :) I will try and see how Asterisk Realtime could do for register=>
02:56.25TazzNZhow often are you changing register's that you need to put that in Realtime ?
02:57.06TazzNZimho, these should not change that often....maybe 2-3 times a year
03:07.40*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
03:15.38ruben23Jun  9 03:11:34] NOTICE[2614]: chan_sip.c:14983 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2 <---any comment on this guys
03:17.09*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
03:17.59ruben23i see this evey 5 minutes
03:20.23stevePearPearmy register’s could change a few time per day as I’ve no controls over the account. i know this sound weird but my users have their own sip trunk accounts with the providers. I am somehow a middleman in order to support webrtc
03:24.38TazzNZstevePearPear: I see :)
03:24.50TazzNZruben23: can you ping that IP ?
03:25.07TazzNZfrom your asterisk box
03:28.07ruben23TazzNZ:  yes, its registerd, i can do mtr and ping it..but this message still appears- the source carrier IP is reachable
03:28.36TazzNZto me, that shows that you are not registered
03:28.40TazzNZand it is trying
03:28.51TazzNZand it can't do it, so it's retrying
03:29.08TazzNZwhat does "sip show register" show ?
03:32.53ruben23it show the IP is registered..
03:33.54ruben23but the latency changings in a period of time
03:33.55TazzNZthat doesn't make sense
03:34.10TazzNZby how much does the ping change ?
03:34.17ruben23ms 35, ms24,ms43,ms26
03:34.30ruben23when i do ship show peers
03:34.37TazzNZthat is ok - I wouldn't want rtp to run over than, but hey
03:35.26TazzNZruben23: you are saying that it *is* registered, but the error you pasted shows that it timed out - that is *very* weird
03:35.56TazzNZare you sure you are looking at the same IP's ?
03:36.01ruben23its appearing every 5 minutes..always atetmpt #2...but i check sip show peers - its registerde with latency
03:36.13TazzNZoh right
03:36.21TazzNZso after 5 mins, it shows this
03:36.29TazzNZand then after the 2nd try, it registered ?
03:36.35TazzNZit is*
03:37.22ruben23its always registered- it does not disconnect - but this stil appears like 5-6 minutes interval..
03:37.49TazzNZI would talk to the provider and find out what your register time out should be
03:38.06TazzNZalso find out if they have a limit on the number of sip messages that you can send to them per second
03:38.21TazzNZ(i had a provider black list us for exceeding a limit like this)
03:56.52*** join/#asterisk [[thufir]] (
04:02.24*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:04.10*** join/#asterisk wolrah_ (~wolrah@
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04:44.48[TK]D-Fender[23:15]ruben23Jun 9 03:11:34] NOTICE[2614]: chan_sip.c:14983 sip_reg_timeout: -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2 <---any comment on this guys <--- No, we'd need to see the actual full attempt to have something to comment on
04:45.08[TK]D-Fender[23:36]ruben23its appearing every 5 minutes..always atetmpt #2...but i check sip show peers - its registerde with latency <- peer has nothing to do with registration attempt
05:00.00*** join/#asterisk zopsi (
05:32.01zopsiCan anyone take a look at the attached log, pjsip.conf, and extensions.lua and see if you can help me out with what seems like a basic pjsip configuration problem?
05:32.19zopsiI get the no endpoint when I have incoming calls as well.
05:33.33*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
05:34.02*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
05:35.25zopsiAlso just adding that I'm running Asterisk12 from SVN with chan_pjsip and no chan_sip.
05:38.04*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
06:43.18*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
06:50.37stevePearPearhi im having a problem with audio in asterisk :( The call went, my asterisk in inside AWS. and I used rtp set debug on I noticed this
06:50.39stevePearPearSent RTP packet to (type 00, seq 007779, ts 1794783912, len 000160)
06:50.53stevePearPearwhere is my PC internal IP
06:51.08stevePearPearits not sending to my public ip :(
06:52.02ChainsawThen you need to declare what your public IP is.
06:58.17stevePearPearsorry, but do u know where can I declare it ?
06:58.24stevePearPeari dun see the config from x-lite :(
06:58.27stevePearPearnor SIPML5
06:59.14ChainsawIf you cannot predict your external IP, then you need NAT handling like STUN (or ICE to automatically set up STUN).
06:59.26*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
06:59.45ChainsawICE you would set up on the Asterisk side, if you cannot or will not do that, then you will need STUN manually configured at the client end.
06:59.51stevePearPearyup I just gave it a try after I’ve asked the question, SIPML5 does use ice to automatically set the IP
07:00.03stevePearPearSent RTP packet to (via ICE) (type 00, seq 010567, ts 3217404536, len -000012)
07:00.12ChainsawThat'll help yeah.
07:00.23stevePearPearbut just that there’s isn’t voice, could there be any chance the router or somehow is blockign it?
07:00.39ChainsawHard to say, you're not giving me much to go on.
07:01.22stevePearPearthis is my environment: Asterisk at AWS with public IP. My house with SIPML5, my office with SIPML5 and a SIP provider end point configured at Asterisk.
07:01.38stevePearPearMy house could use SIPML5 to call Asterisk to call out through the SIP provider (both way audio is fine)
07:02.03stevePearPearhowever my office’s SIPML5 is not working both way. office can hear the audio, but the other part couldn’t
07:02.44stevePearPearboth have the message of sent RTP packet to ( VIA ICE)
07:04.04stevePearPearI could only think of my office network being the problem :(
07:04.28*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
07:04.54ChainsawstevePearPear: If it's a "clever" router that thinks it understands SIP, turn that functionality off.
07:05.44*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
07:06.25stevePearPearwhat if I do not have access to my router? can I try to debug using wireshark on my end?
07:08.44*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
07:09.24ChainsawstevePearPear: Yes, you can see whether addresses appear to get rewritten.
07:09.42ChainsawstevePearPear: Particularly if you capture on your AWS instance and on your machine past the office router.
07:10.02*** join/#asterisk stasdizzi (~stasdizzi@
07:10.03Chainsawwould expect to see "sudden" changes in SIP invites
07:13.44stevePearPearwhat you are saying is that in the SIP invite message, i would see a change in the address cause of the router ‘cleverness’ which resulted in no audio ?
07:14.14*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
07:22.35ChainsawstevePearPear: That is normally what it does, yes.
07:40.17*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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08:09.40VarazirHello, can I use a e-mail adress as username when I regitrate to a sip server?
08:12.20*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
08:16.35*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:35.45*** join/#asterisk Geek-Linux (~mubbashir@
08:36.59Geek-LinuxHi to All of you. can i use Dail application and only hangup the call to the called party and the play files to the calling party. ? Any help would be appriciated..
08:37.51*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:39.34TazzNZGeek-Linux: not sure I understand 100%
08:39.44TazzNZyou want to dial a number, and play files ?
08:40.39TazzNZVarazir: yes
08:43.15VarazirTazzNZ: Okay, I tried on my Phone apps towards my ISPs SIp server but they translate the @ as %20 (or somthing like that)
08:44.14TazzNZthat will be an app issue
08:44.18TazzNZnot an asterisk issue
08:45.08VarazirTazzNZ: my quetsion was more general SIP question, but I'll try to conf a SIP trunk with my e-mail adress as username
08:47.03VarazirTazzNZ: data I have recived is: gatewayname = my e-mail adress, a proxy server adress and a password
08:49.45VarazirI'm just confused how the conf it all
08:50.30Varazirwell I just need to keep reading wiki
08:50.45Varazirthe wiki
08:54.46*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
08:55.33*** join/#asterisk jaflong (5bec7504@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:56.38jaflongHi, if I have such a string "Local/66@stream-00000013;2 Local/66@stream-00000013;1" How can "Local/66@stream-00000013" be extracted?
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08:59.29*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
09:02.09VarazirTazzNZ: So registration string would be ?
09:02.40VarazirTazzNZ: err ?
09:08.36*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
09:09.13*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
09:26.53Varazircan someone just please point me to the documentation I need to to read to set up my SIP connection from my asterisk to my ISPs IP-phone system
09:30.38TazzNZVarazir: yes - that looks correct
09:31.18TazzNZVarazir: you need a register in sip.conf under the general section
09:31.49TazzNZthen you need a "peer" section in sip.conf, I normally make it the same as the username
09:32.09TazzNZthis will set stuff like the username and secret, along with what codec to use
09:33.09VarazirTazzNZ: Okay thanks, then I'm on the correct way
09:33.23Geek-LinuxTazzNz: No i want to dial a number and set its duration to 60 secs after that the dialed number disconnects and the diler listen to the file.
09:34.26TazzNZGeek-Linux: if you disconnect the call it will "die" and hangup on the user
09:34.47TazzNZunless, what you want is
09:35.14TazzNZI dial a number, via your asterisk box, I am connected for 60 seconds, then the remote side is hung up and you play me a file ?
09:35.29*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
09:35.34TazzNZ(this sounds like a card calling implementation ? )
09:40.14*** join/#asterisk iulhk (iulhk@
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10:14.16VarazirI get
10:14.18Varazir11:32 < TazzNZ> this will set stuff like the username and secret, along with what codec to use
10:14.54VarazirTazzNZ: I get this [2014-06-09 11:05:56] NOTICE[7411] chan_sip.c: -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2)
10:30.29*** join/#asterisk TechAdam (c27dc475@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:32.50TechAdamhey guys, does anyone have a good website that teaches troubleshooting skills(specifically for conferencing but in general too!) Or is Asterisks wiki and voip-info the best there is? :L
10:33.50*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (~dan@nat/digium/x-zecxkeimdwoagtrp)
10:35.19infoboti guess voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
10:35.34wdoekesit should state something about it being very old and wrong at times
10:35.50wdoekesTechAdam: did you check the book?
10:35.53infobotPlease see ~thebook for more information about Asterisk: The Definitive Guide
10:35.57infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
10:38.17*** join/#asterisk bhavikpatel6842 (~root@
10:38.22bhavikpatel6842Hi Guys
10:38.41bhavikpatel6842Can any one have latest Asterisk manager php script.
10:39.01*** join/#asterisk fisted__ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
10:39.04bhavikpatel6842I want to connect asterisk manager using latest php class file.
10:39.24bhavikpatel6842Can any one give me suggestion how can I find in. ?
10:39.46TechAdam@wdoekes: I downloads Asterisk: Future of Telephony but was hoping for a broken down guide on a website
10:40.08Geek-LinuxTazzNZ: yes exactly i want the same:
10:48.03VarazirI can't get the SIP trunk towards my IP telephone SIp server to Work :(
10:59.46*** join/#asterisk Torenn (
11:07.35Geek-LinuxTazzNZ: yes exactly i want the same:
11:11.58TorennHello I'm having a great deal of issues, using the XMPP module in component mode in Asterisk 12. Did experience issues on this regard?
11:14.42*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
11:16.57Torenn...[Jun  4 21:02:59] ERROR[27596]: res_xmpp.c:3832 xmpp_client_config_post_apply: Jabber identity 'asterisk.domain.tld' could not be created for client 'asterisk' - client not active ===> this is mainly the error the if statement above checks that the user member in the jid struct set by iks_id_new() isn't empty but that will be the case for components. And even patching it so the check won't be done if the XMPP_COMPONENT flag is set will have
11:16.57Torennthe component connect but not perform authentication after it opens the stream to the server.
11:17.09*** part/#asterisk bhavikpatel6842 (~root@
11:28.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
11:33.48*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
11:34.23Ice_StrikeHow do I find out what the total active calls and also currenly rining calls on a sip trunk?
11:35.02phpboyIce_Strike: start with core show channels
11:35.15Ice_StrikeYea I did core show channels
11:35.31WIMPysip show inuse
11:36.08Ice_StrikeI just see * User name               In use          Limit
11:37.14WIMPyYou have no sip users?
11:37.43WIMPyI'm pretty sure you need call counters enabled. No idea if other users aren't shown.
11:40.47Ice_StrikeI do have sip users
11:40.55Ice_StrikeWill check call counters.
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11:43.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o newtonr] by ChanServ
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11:53.20TechAdamis there anyway to view the sip call set up/tear down of a call thats already happened? i know it shows in realtime in asterisk cli but not sure how to find it from a few mins ago
11:53.42beaniehello - I have a problem whereby when I call a particular IVR internally (it has a short code associated with it for transferring calls) it cuts off half way through but it doesn't do it when the call is coming in internally, if the problem is obvious that's great but I suspect that you are going to want the debug information to move forward, i'm a little rusty on making sure I get the right parts though...
11:54.01beaniedoesn't do it when the call is coming in externally**
11:54.33beanieTechAdam I think there is a more/less command that I'm not very good at...
11:55.03beanieI also believe that there is a file that keeps a running log although I may be wrong on this point
11:55.48TechAdami was thinking a log file stored somewhere, im looking for the ack, bye 200 etc for a call that dropped
11:57.45WIMPybeanie: Is that IVR answering the call?
11:58.07WIMPySIP debug is not written to any file. If you want that use the usual network debugging tools.
11:58.21*** join/#asterisk gusto (
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11:59.35beanieah Tech Adam - it may be a case of capturing the output as soon as possible - are you actually copying from the terminal itself or, like me using Putty on Windows?
11:59.45beanieif so you need to go into the settings and change the amount it captures
12:00.06beanieWIMPy - thanks for picking up on my question, yes the IVR is answering the call when the outside world calls in
12:00.10beanieand it works fine
12:00.29beanieit's an ivr that routes to further ivr levels - each ivr level has its own shortcode for transferring calls
12:01.12WIMPyWell, I'm done guessing then. Give use some debug.
12:03.21beanieok, what way do you prefer it - I use putty and I struggle to know which bits you need without overloading you and whilst making sure everything thats needed is included :)
12:03.53WIMPycore set verbose 3
12:04.26beaniesweet :)
12:04.32beanieand what website do you prefer for the output?
12:05.02WIMPyWhichever works.
12:05.19beaniefair play :) brb
12:05.40TechAdamim using putty and freepbx is installed on top of asterisk, im new to voip and my new job is training me in, i want to solve a problem without asking my co workers for help though :L im checking through the full.log file now so many lines :o
12:06.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:07.00WIMPyTechAdam: You know that you're in the wrong channel since installing FreePBX?
12:07.54TechAdami figured cause i was looking at asterisk logs they would be stored in the same place
12:07.58TechAdamim using cli for this
12:08.19TechAdamthe freepbx reports dont deserver to be called reports :/
12:08.33beanieWIMPy -
12:09.31WIMPy'd rather like to find out if FreePBX deserves to be called PBX.
12:09.48WIMPyWell, if I ever have too much time....
12:11.46WIMPybeanie: I see a rtp timeout.
12:12.03WIMPyThat means Asterisk killed the call because the remote end seemed to have gone.
12:12.16beanieyeah i noticed this yesterday - it made me hang my head in despair - rtp packets have made my life miserable
12:12.41WIMPyI think that's what they are there for.
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12:13.00beaniewell, im still connected at this point and hearing it, it's an ivr reading out a recording so it doesn't require my input so i'm a bit lost
12:13.12beaniei just then get cut off
12:13.53WIMPyI'm not sure I get the full call. There was other stuff in there.
12:14.14WIMPySwitch off the sip debug next time.
12:14.22beanieah i set the debug on before i made the test call for the purposes of the log
12:14.24*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
12:14.31beanieoh I did switch it off - did I switch it off too early?
12:14.48WIMPySo the question remains: What does your dialplan do? Does it Answer() the call or use Playback?
12:15.08[TK]D-FenderWe don't see the call come in or any of the processing up to the supposed bridge at all.
12:15.21beanieI don't know how to answer that other than to tell you how I set it up...
12:15.51beaniethe IVR is set to divert to other IVR levels further down
12:16.34beaniedepending on the option pressed (1-9) on the main ivr it will then route the call through to the corresponding IVR and eventually the IVR routes to respective call queues
12:17.09beanieTK D-Fender - i've set the verbose to 3
12:17.12[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Descriptions aren't going to get you much.  You should start with showing a complete call...
12:17.15WIMPyIt does not help to know what could happen if you got past your issue.
12:17.33WIMPyGive us the complete call.
12:17.49beanieok - sure - It worked before though, just not sure why it has stopped working
12:18.02beanietried restarting everything
12:18.02WIMPyBefore what?
12:18.15beaniebefore I come to do a test just to see if everything was ok
12:18.23beaniei had done a test previously and it was fine
12:18.28beanieok - let's get a complete call
12:18.39beaniewhat do I need to do differently to the test before?
12:18.48beanieto get what we are looking for
12:19.49[TK]D-Fenderget the complete call.
12:20.22beanieyes, but how - last time I did sip set debug on, then I set core set verbose 3 - ran the call and then turned sip set debug off
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12:20.33beaniei can run it without verbose
12:20.59Greek-BoyWould it anyone be so kind to give me a working example of Polycom config files for distinctive ringtones?
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12:22.03TechAdamwhat is "endmixmoncheck" mean in the log files?
12:22.33[TK]D-Fender[08:20]beaniei can run it without verbose <- You should not be trying to show us LESS....
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12:23.07[TK]D-FenderTechAdam: Perhaps you should show us the line before asking what it means.
12:23.13KOPRajshi, what is the correct syntax for (if first 3 letters from caller id match xyz?true:false) please?
12:24.02TechAdamahh i thinks its mix monitor
12:24.23TechAdam[Jun  9 12:30:48] VERBOSE[22201] pbx.c:     -- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("SIP/222-00000194", "1?endmixmoncheck") in new stack
12:24.35TechAdam[Jun  9 12:30:48] VERBOSE[22201] pbx.c:     -- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:9] NoOp("SIP/222-00000194", "End of MIXMON check") in new stack
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12:25.03TechAdamsorry im semi-talking aloud, trying to get my head around this ^.^
12:25.30[TK]D-FenderTechAdam: that is a dialplan label which is specific to freepbx and tells us nothing
12:25.55KOPRajssomething like IF(${CALLERID(number):0:3} = "xyz"?true:false)
12:26.23TechAdamim guessing its this guy:
12:27.12[TK]D-FenderTechAdam: No... that is some dialplan logic around a part of your call meant to decide about using it.
12:27.19beanieok people -
12:27.50[TK]D-FenderTechAdam: And that is in the cleanup phase of a call anyway
12:28.43[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Why have you turned off verbose?
12:30.24WIMPyTechAdam: Ask in #freepbx
12:30.29infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
12:30.47beanieTK-Defender - [TK]D-Fender> [08:20] beanie i can run it without verbose <- You should not be trying to show us LESS....
12:30.54TechAdamyes masters! :)
12:31.23[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: beaYou ARE now shoing us less.  We had verbose before...
12:31.30beanieDo you want me to do it with verbose set to three?
12:31.36[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: And now we DON'T.
12:31.53[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: 10 <-
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12:32.22beanieok so will core set verbose 10 suffice
12:34.59beanieso are you saying set it to 10 or less
12:35.07beanienot sure about the <- bit
12:35.31WIMPySetting it to 3 or 300 probably makes no difference.
12:35.55beanieok - just trying to get this right by D-Fender's request :)
12:38.30*** join/#asterisk ivan` (~ivan@unaffiliated/ivan/x-000001)
12:40.34beanieok - this is better I now realise -
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12:41.38[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0   To: "600" <sip:600@>
12:41.55[TK]D-FenderI'm seeing local IP reads for things targeting a WAN IP all over the place
12:42.07[TK]D-FenderThis reeks of hairpin-NAT issues
12:42.40[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:7772@ SIP/2.0
12:42.59[TK]D-FenderAnd this actual call we're looking at looks like it comes from the server's IP itself
12:43.12[TK]D-FenderAs though it were looping back in (hence hairpin)
12:43.12beanieyeah thats 80.... is the static ip here
12:43.17[TK]D-Fenderthis is a recipe for disaster
12:43.27WIMPyThat's a big pile of ... stuff. Was that hand written?
12:43.51beanieah right - my softphone is currently logged in through the external ip even though im currently on the home network - could that be the issue?
12:44.27beanieok you get to slate me now :-p
12:44.35beaniei feel like a prat
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12:47.29beanieoh im ever so sorry - issue seemingly sorted - so with hairpin nat - is it always about that or in a nutshell what other issues could there be causing hairpin nat
12:48.09[TK]D-FenderThere isn't an issue causing hairpin NAT.
12:48.16[TK]D-FenderHairpin NAT *IS* the issue
12:48.24[TK]D-FenderYou are phoning your cell phone... FROM you cell phone.
12:48.51[TK]D-FenderDon't point to your public IP while behind the router that it lands on.
12:51.08beaniethanks point learned :-D
12:51.18beaniethank you D-Fender and thank you WIMPy :)
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13:07.20Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls thx
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13:10.13wdoekesKatty: ask getafisk to make him some potion
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13:23.15leifmadsenKatty: step 1) get really really drank
13:23.23leifmadsenKatty: step 3) woooo party!
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13:34.10Kattywoo, party.
13:36.47[TK]D-FenderStep 5) find out what happened during step 2.
13:36.58[TK]D-FenderStep 6) Deny.  Deny.  Deny.
13:38.21jameswfleifmadsen: she didn't ask the agenda for Astricon
13:40.43Kattyi don't /need/ the agenda for astricon ^_^
13:41.03Kattyi bring the party with me!
13:41.50jameswfwhat happens at *con stays at *con... except herpies
13:42.20Kattyrolls eyes
13:43.44jameswftechnically not even vegas psssshhhhh
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13:52.25beanieI have a problem whereby an extension user behind their own router is able to login and call me but she can hear me and I cannot hear her - the output is here
13:54.45beanieok i have posted way too much from there - the call is from kirsty fowler
13:54.55beaniesorry about that - should be easier to find with her name as they keyword
13:56.09[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:048665@ SIP/2.0 <-- why would we be seeing a local IP on this?
13:57.08beaniethat'll be the old stuff - if you "find" "Kirsty Fowler" that's where the fun starts - i've already logged in to the internal ip as i'm behind my router - she's logged in to my static ip from behind her router
13:57.46[TK]D-Fender874 <-----
13:57.48[TK]D-Fenderthat is her
13:57.53[TK]D-Fenderlook at the packet
14:01.32beanieher ip ends 128
14:01.38beaniei'm not sure where i'm looking
14:01.44beaniefor the packet
14:01.58beanieare you hinting at it being the nat settings on the extension
14:02.00[TK]D-Fender[09:57][TK]D-Fender874 <-----
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14:13.50gustodoes anyone here have an idea if one can adjust the ATAs in a way that they distribute their time to a DECT phone?
14:14.08gustobecause everytime i loose my time on the phone i have to manually put it in
14:14.20[TK]D-FenderYou should probably read it's manual.
14:14.33[TK]D-FenderAnd never assume that one model will work exactly like another.
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14:16.33gustoyes, there is nothing in there about time and date setting in the manual
14:16.46gustothey just say that when it does not already have its time, i can put some in
14:18.18sgriepentroggusto: usually the presence of time in CID is either coded or not coded into the ATA - in my experience some models send time always, others never do.  Modifying the code of course is not something you can expect to do, unless you build your own adapter with Asterisk and an FXO port.
14:19.05gustoso you mean that it sets the time when a call comes in?
14:19.59sgriepentrogThe CID signal (sent between the first and second ring) MAY contain the time, and nearly always the phone will store that.
14:20.49sgriepentrogNote I'm talking bellcore north american caller id, other country formats may not have time.
14:20.50gustothat is good to know, so i have to make a call to test it
14:20.57gustowell, i can try them out
14:22.47gustoheh, it works
14:22.58gustoit did set the time ... after the second ring
14:23.08gustoexactly like you have predicted
14:23.14sgriepentrogYup.  That's when it decodes what it received.
14:23.31gustoso from now on i have to call myself first to set the time when my DECT phone goes out of power
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14:32.42beanieTK Defender - I've been looking through, presumably you were referring to where to read from on the line numbers - I really cannot see the issue being documented - the only thing i can see is "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized"
14:33.05beanieand since she's logged in, im not sure why it's coming back with that error
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14:38.49SuperNullanyone using snmp for channel activity monitoring ? i used a template for Cacti and i think they must have an old mib its showing MGCP calls yet we only use SIP lol
14:45.44mjordanhave you tried the MIB definition on the wiki?
14:50.45SuperNullyeahh looks like this thing template was designed to not explicitly get the channel type name .. so if compiled without mgcp the name order is off.
14:59.09*** join/#asterisk KOPRajs (52638852@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:00.08KOPRajshi, I've got expression like this $[${CALLERID(num)}:0:3=ab-]
15:00.43KOPRajshow do I tell Asterisk that "ab-" is a string and not "ab" and minus operator?
15:01.30[TK]D-Fenderput quotes around both sides
15:01.41KOPRajsdo I simply use doublequotes?
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15:06.49toothethanks all for the hlep last friday
15:06.53toothei was pretty frustrated
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15:18.06beanieTK D-Fender, I'm thinking of dropping the whitelist solution on the server in favour of Fail2ban - is Fail2ban on its own useless or is it accepted as commonplace security?
15:21.17beaniequestion opened to anyone :)
15:21.45tm1000beanie: Its fine but you shouldn’t rely on it 100%. It’s not foolproof
15:22.03beaniewhat other things should i rely on
15:22.13beaniei cant get access to putty which is doing my head in when i am away from home
15:26.19tm1000beanie: well you could change the port of ssh for starters
15:26.26tm1000lock down every port not required by asterisk
15:26.35tm1000setup permit deny lists in asterisk
15:26.51tm1000user strong passwords in asterisk
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15:39.14cuscohi folks
15:39.36cuscowhat is the provider parameter in manager action PresenceState
15:41.31cuscoow its the hint, nvm
15:41.47cuscoaw no its not
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15:43.40KattyPIZZA ROLLS.
15:46.13stasiu7Hi. Is there a way to insert cdr record as soon as the call starts and the update it when it ends?
15:47.29Faustovstasiu7: you can perform db operations from the dialplan if you want to
15:50.20stasiu7ok. do you know if there's a table with all currently connected calls? I want to check if there's a call already being made to given phone number, without creating lock files
15:50.57cuscoI guess I would use ami to show channels
15:52.30beanie@tm1000 - what are permit deny lists?
15:53.55Faustovstasiu7: probably in the return info from "core show channels"?
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16:20.49stevePearPeari only have one way audio, my Asterisk is via AWS. I noticed that the SDP c= IN IP4
16:21.08stevePearPearwhere xxx is my private LAN IP instead of externIP, is that probably the reason for 1 way audio?
16:21.21stevePearPearI’ve already set my externIP in sip.conf [general] section too :(
16:21.52stevePearPearany reason why Asterisk is still using its internal ip?
16:22.28[TK]D-FenderNot having specified nat=, not having defined your localnet rages....
16:23.00stevePearPearmy peers have nat=force_rport,comedia
16:23.05stevePearPearhmm localnet is something i dun have
16:25.12[TK]D-FenderYou have to tell * what's local and what isn't
16:26.43tootheDo SBC's primarily speak SIP? or their own custom protocol?
16:26.46tootheor multiple ?
16:28.02[TK]D-FenderSBC is a CONCEPT
16:28.16[TK]D-Fenderwhat protocols the one you're looking at use... is up to that product itself
16:28.44[TK]D-FenderSIP SBC's... speak SIP
16:28.45stevePearPear[TK]D-Fender, in this case the value inside localnet should be my local address range?
16:29.11stevePearPearthanks, i’ll give it a try
16:33.13stevePearPearoh yes, my c=IN  became my public ip now
16:33.15stevePearPearthanks :)
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17:01.20cuscoI was asking the other day, and I'm asking again: a call placed via originate or a call file, I can Set(CDR(custom)=foo) on the channel (its local) but not on the Exten that answers it ...
17:03.50cuscohere is my example:
17:04.22cuscois there something I can do to set the custom cdr var again when it comes to the second channel leg ?
17:04.57*** join/#asterisk Ichabod (~Arty@unaffiliated/ichabod)
17:05.51IchabodHello, I'm trying to configure Asterisk to work with an LDAP database, while I can login using a softphone (Telephone on OS X), I cannot make calls to another ldap user, as I get 503 errors from Asterisk
17:06.23Ichabodbesides this obvious issue, sip show peers and sip show users returns nothing, even if I have 2 accounts logged in on the asterisk server
17:06.45[TK]D-FenderShow us
17:06.47infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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17:06.58litnis asterisk-biz the right mailing list to e-mail if I need a consultant?
17:07.25fileunless you are using caching in chan_sip the users/peers will not show up if they are stored in realtime
17:07.36newtonrlitn, yeah
17:08.21Ichabodthis is the entire asterisk debug output after I quit the SIP application and restarted
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17:09.03Ichabodthis is the output of sip show peers/users
17:09.25Ichabodfile: ah, that's something at least
17:09.45fileand also in that it says it can't modify the LDAP entry...
17:10.33Ichabodyea, but that appears to not be a major issue
17:10.39Ichabod(as far as I found resources online)
17:11.10*** join/#asterisk ctaloi_ (uid34941@gateway/web/'s probably updating to put the contact information in from the registration, if that fails then you can't call it
17:12.33Ichabodany idea which attribute type that would need to be defined?
17:12.54filenot a clue, never touched it
17:16.22KattyOR DID YOU
17:16.31Kattydusts for file's prints
17:19.56Ichabod # This is the resulting log after a (failed) call
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17:22.07ChkDigitIs there any way to turn off jb warnings on the console?
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17:25.56Ichabodupped verbosity of the CLI
17:26.00Ichabodnow I get:     -- Executing [herpderptest@bogon-calls:1] Congestion("SIP/tstrickx-00000004", "") in new stack
17:26.33Ichabodso it's claiming congestion, while nothing else is using it :s
17:29.03filebecause the call went into "bogon-calls" and that's what the dialplan has it doing
17:29.16fileprobably because LDAP isn't working right so it's not getting the correct information
17:30.03Ichabodaight, looks like I have to relook my ldap stuff as you said :)
17:47.12zopsiis pjsip fully implemented? meaning I can remove chan_sip and rely purely on chan_pjsip.
17:49.14litnnewtonr: do posts to the mailing list require approval before going up?
17:49.35newtonrlitn, asterisk-biz ? no, but you must be subscribed
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17:56.26zopsijust for clarification. How would I make this extensions.lua work with inbound DIDS
17:59.13filezopsi, if PJSIP has all the features you need... yes
18:00.08zopsifile: I can't seem to get my pjsip dialplan working with inbound from Flowroute. Works fine with outbound. I'm fairly confident it is a simple mistake.
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18:04.38zopsiIs PJSIP compatible with DPMA and digium phones?
18:05.12Qwellmalcolmd: ^^?  I was wondering that myself the other day
18:06.19mjordanzopsi: yes - has the information. You'll need version 2.0.0 from the Digium website, and Asterisk 12.3.0
18:06.56mjordanzopsi: examples of the PJSIP configuration (pjsip.conf) is here -
18:08.17ChannelZAre you getting an AOR error or what with your incoming?
18:11.51zopsiChannelZ: I'll post some logs.
18:14.05SpaceInvadersHey, if I have apache installed should enable=no in http.conf?
18:14.15SpaceInvadersthe asterisk/http.conf
18:14.43SpaceInvadersor does asterisk somehow know not to use the built-in if apache is running?
18:14.56SpaceInvadersFYI I'm on a Fedora 20 system
18:15.11mjordanAsterisk has no knowledge of apache
18:15.16[TK]D-FenderSpaceInvaders: What are you hoping to use http.conf for?
18:15.41SpaceInvadersI was following the instructions I found at
18:15.42toothe[TK]D-Fender: Thanks again for your help...genuinely.
18:15.49SpaceInvadersI was hoping to see the GUI it mentioned there.
18:16.00[TK]D-FenderSpaceInvaders: No.. it has been dead for over 3 years now
18:16.41SpaceInvaderswas it replaced by the asterisk-gui I saw when I yum searched on asterisk?
18:16.59[TK]D-Fenderno, that is the only QUI that uses it
18:17.01[TK]D-Fenderand it is dead
18:17.04[TK]D-Fenderforget about it
18:17.12SpaceInvadersgot it.  what's the asterisk-gui?
18:17.44SpaceInvadersasterisk-gui.noarch : Graphical interface for Asterisk configuration
18:18.00SpaceInvadersok both are dead
18:18.06[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "other"
18:18.12SpaceInvadersthey were both the same thing?
18:18.20[TK]D-Fenderthe only thing to ever use it was that singular GUI, and it's dead
18:18.36zopsihere's the part of my log
18:18.42SpaceInvadersok thanks!
18:30.38ChannelZuhm well that looks like a trainwreck.
18:34.16zopsiChannelZ: yeah.
18:34.42zopsiChannelZ: Outbound works fine. Inbound goes to the failover route (through SIP TRUNK not asterisk)
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18:38.23cusco[TK]D-Fender: perhaps I could dare you to take a look at my question?
18:40.38ChannelZI triple-dog-dare you
18:50.53mjordanzopsi: yeah, if you're getting that many config errors, something has gone horribly wrong :-)
18:50.57mjordanzopsi: are you trying to use realtime?
18:51.43mjordanand are you explicitly loading modules via modules.conf?
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18:55.46ipengineerIn asterisk 12 did the delete option in voicemail.conf get changed to deletevoicemail? That is what I am seeing in my realtime db but it does not appear to be working correctly
18:55.50cusco this is my dialplan and test call file
18:56.18cuscocdr custom var doesn't get set to bar
18:59.32zopsimjordan: I don't want to use realtime, but asterisk does.
19:00.30mjordanipengineer: voicemail wasn't touched
19:00.44mjordanzopsi: I'm not thinking that's what's happening here...
19:01.03mjordanzopsi: are you explicitly loading modules in modules.conf? What is your pjsip.conf?
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19:01.23zopsimjordan: no I have autoload on with noloads
19:01.29zopsiI'll paste those
19:01.52ipengineermjordan: Alright Thanks. I didnt think so.. Not sure where that schema came from.
19:04.21zopsimjordan: thats my modules, and here is my pjsip.conf
19:04.35zopsiI'm using bare minimum to see if I can get things to work before throwing everything in.
19:06.43zopsisorry about that pjsip.conf was pasted multiple times.
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19:12.11zopsiany help would be greatly appreciated. I'm still trying to get the hang of pjsip and lua extensions. I do like the lua extensions just don't know if I am doing it 100% correct.
19:13.02filedo be aware the lua stuff is extended support and basically nobody uses it
19:13.31zopsifile: yeah I just wanted to give it a whirl. It still doesn't work with standard extensions.conf dialplans.
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19:17.40ChannelZI'm not sure an identify record makes any sense with no 'match'?
19:18.30zopsiChannelZ: I just commented it. It doesn't change anything in terms of functionality for me.
19:19.02zopsithe client_uri I was a little confused about.
19:19.55*** join/#asterisk huatou (~huatou@
19:22.49fileI know what would cause that... but I don't know why...
19:24.05ChannelZwell I'm not sure what the deal is with all those errors, I listerally just pasted your config into mine and it loads
19:24.20*** part/#asterisk Ichabod (~Arty@unaffiliated/ichabod)
19:24.32zopsiI get a lot of NOTICE logs saying No matching endpoint found.
19:25.06zopsiI think it isn't responding to the SIP Trunks pings so it automatically routes to backup. Does that make sense? ChannelZ
19:25.24ChannelZnot to me no
19:25.35fileit might be module load order with DPMA involved
19:25.45zopsiwell I have it set to failover to my cell phone.
19:25.46ChannelZyeah it has to be
19:25.48filealthough I still don't know why it would do this...
19:26.05*** join/#asterisk voxter (
19:26.07filefull console output with high verbose would show the order of things being loaded
19:26.17zopsiI have that if you want it
19:26.31filepastebin it, sure
19:26.47ChannelZoh cool I just wiped out my own config. FML
19:28.06voxterhey all, I've got an asterisk 11.5 box that is not seeing all DTMF coming in via a SIP Trunk (ulaw/rfc2833) - looking at the pcap using wireshark, and analyzing the call, it sees all the correct digits being received on the interface, yet asterisk is disagreeing.  Any tips/
19:28.45WIMPyHa, the master of pjsip is here. So let me ask that old question again: Is it possible to the th to domain (for invites) to something different than the hostname in chan_pjsip?
19:28.58WIMPyThat has been a PITA with chan_sip so far.
19:29.38WIMPys/the th/set the/
19:30.05fileWIMPy, I don't know what that means.
19:30.08filedomain where
19:30.37WIMPyIn the INVITE messages when placing a call to a peer.
19:30.47filethere's numerous URIs in the INVITE message
19:31.33WIMPyActually the same issue also applies to registering.
19:33.10zopsiheres the full log guys
19:33.40fileWIMPy, the request URI is used as the to URI currently
19:33.44fileso, yes
19:33.47malcolmdQwell: yup, as mjordan said.  managed to get dpma for pjsip & asterisk 12 out last week
19:33.53fileand you can also specify it for registering
19:34.12WIMPySounds good.
19:35.31zopsisorry ChannelZ. Do you have a backup?
19:35.42filezopsi, well that looks better...
19:36.06filezopsi, although your transport-udp-nat transport can't be started
19:36.14zopsiyeah I saw that.
19:37.23zopsiAddress '' provided on ip endpoint identifier 'flowroute' did not resolve to any address
19:37.36filetry removing the port
19:37.59zopsion just endpoint or identify as well?
19:38.17zopsisorry meant aor
19:38.36zopsiaor I also have the port
19:38.45filezopsi, ah yeah... you can't have two transports binding to the same thing like you do
19:38.54fileport is fine there
19:39.18zopsiso delete transport-udp-nat?
19:39.37fileor delete the other one, if you want to actually have it use your NAT settings
19:40.04zopsifile: the client_uri I think is wrong. Mind checking that real quick?
19:40.07ChannelZzopsi: an old one
19:40.30ChannelZoh wait.. I think I rsync to a server at work every few days..
19:41.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:42.04TazzNZvoxter: is your box a VM or physical ?
19:42.49voxterTazzNZ: VM, but also it (seems) to only be happening to people coming from a particular carrier, everyone else is fine. what i mean is its not consistently failing for everyone.
19:43.02filezopsi, just set both server_uri and client_uri to what you have commented out for client_uri and see what that does...
19:43.26zopsifile: with the did included?
19:43.47fileor whatever flowroute wants you to authenticate as
19:44.58fileI don't think they want you to authenticate using your DID, so if you try... won't work
19:46.07zopsiOK now it goes to my software voip client correctly, but I get "Offer contianed no valid media descriptions" when I answer. Is this a client issue or asterisk issue?
19:46.56filepastebin with "pjsip set logger on" enabled
19:47.32marceloamorimguys, anyone install asterisk over debian lately?
19:48.16Chainsawmarceloamorim: You make it sound like some sort of a fancy alcoholic drink.
19:50.15zopsifile: I sent it in a PM as it contains some unsanitized informationl.
19:52.20filewhat is your transport? there's a private IP in the traffic to flowroute
19:52.39zopsiI'm using transport-udp right now.
19:53.10filethen it's likely Flowroute will be broken for calling as the NAT settings aren't there
19:53.30zopsiOkay so I'll switch to transport-udp-nat that has my settings
19:55.23zopsifile: same issue. maybe my NAT transport is wrong.
19:55.33marceloamorimsorry about my english =)
19:55.36TazzNZvoxter: what settings are the other carriers using, rfc as well ?
19:55.37fileotherwise the SDP is fine going to your softphone
19:55.55voxterTazzNZ: yup.
19:55.57marceloamorimI said that because there is some problem when you try to run asterisk if you already started the mysql
19:56.37TazzNZvoxter: how busy is the host running the VM ?
19:56.59voxterTazzNZ: not busy. its not a clock or idle steal issue i don't think
19:57.04TazzNZand how many CPU's did you assign to the VM, and what is the hypervisor
19:57.24voxterTazzNZ: one full cpu assigned, and affinity set so its not shared, and its ivm
19:58.02TazzNZuhm.....ivm ?
19:58.14filezopsi, this won't solve your softphone fyi... I don't know why it is responding how it is
19:58.35TazzNZlol - thought so - just wanted to confirm
19:58.48zopsifile: I think I'm an idiot. the external_media_address is my public IP or the sip providers IP?
19:58.55filezopsi, your public IP
19:59.05filesignaling and media should be your public IP
19:59.49TazzNZvoxter: personally, I would try this via a physical box - I have seen some issue where we had a dedicated host running a single VM
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20:00.26zopsifile: theres the issue. I am an idiot.
20:00.31zopsiwell one issue anyways
20:00.36TazzNZimho, hypervisors and realtime stuff, like DTMF, transcoding and the likes do not mix at all
20:00.54voxterTazzNZ: yeah, i run over 100 asterisk boxes this way, i dont think KVM is the issue here
20:01.12voxterTazzNZ: not to mention its rfc2833, so its not actual audio/transcoding, its a SIP Packet
20:01.47filevoxter, what version of Asterisk on those 100 boxes?
20:01.53voxterfile: 11.5
20:02.03TazzNZoh true - how did I miss that :(
20:03.08TazzNZvoxter: when you did the network capture, was that on the VM or the host ?
20:04.24voxterTazzNZ: Carrier, SBC, PBX, all three.
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20:05.34TazzNZvoxter: have you tried enabling debug on asterisk to see if it shows more/any info as to why it might be rejecting the packet/DTMF ?
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20:05.48CuznerTazzNZ: yea, i lost count of how many * VMs i run w/o DTMF issues in vsphere :P
20:05.56voxterthe pcaps all show in wireshark that the correct dtmf was received at each spot.
20:06.07Cuznerenable inband on the peer and have it done with :P
20:06.15Cuznerhaha, don't listen to that advice.
20:06.23TazzNZCuzner: yip - KVM "is the best" out there, but even there it sucks :(
20:06.42TazzNZfor inband stuff etc
20:06.55mjordanvoxter: check the RTP timestamps and the seqno
20:07.40mjordanvoxter: If the seqno isn't sequentially increasing and the timestamp isn't increasing appropriately - and if the DTMF End packets aren't maintaining the same timestamp - you may get interesting behaviour
20:07.41TazzNZoh Cuzner to note on my comment, "when using a redhat based guest"
20:07.54mjordanvoxter: I'd also enable RTP debug on Asterisk. See if the RTP stack at least is happy with the DTMF
20:08.03CuznerTazzNZ: just ignore me, i'm a nubcake
20:08.18mjordanvoxter: it may be that the RTP stack is getting the DTMF and passing it up the chain, only to have the core get unhappy due to DTMF digits arriving too close together (or something like that)
20:08.42TazzNZmjordan: even with rfc2833 dtmf ?
20:08.44mjordanYou may also want to turn on the DTMF logging in logger.conf
20:09.12mjordanyes. There's code in channel.c that attempts to handle DTMF arriving on top of each other. And with out of order packets, it is not impossible for that to happen
20:09.27mjordanI've seen pcaps of digits stomping on top of each other
20:09.44mjordanand people probably don't want a digit sequence of 1 - 2 to come out as 1 - 2 - 1 - 2
20:09.46TazzNZcool - so the rfc dtmf is timestamped to match the rtp stream ?
20:09.50voxtermjordan: Ah - thats a good suggestion.  I have enabled DTMF debugging, it definitely does feel like a seqno/timestamp issue although on all of my equipment, times are correct... DTMF logging appeared to show all digits but claimed it was ignoring some, but not for any specific reason
20:09.55voxtermjordan: which implies probably sequence or timestamp
20:10.12CuznerCenturyLink doesn't allow for rfc2833 dtmf in g.711 RTP, which makes absolutely no sense to me... I'm trying to get them to enable it tomorrow so I can stop forcing inband for them.
20:10.57voxtermjordan: Im pretty sure this carrier is sending both RFC2833 + inband at the same time, we're discarding inband by the looks of it, btu it could be contributing to the mess.
20:11.04TazzNZCuzner: I have had some weird requests from "ITSP" when it comes to SIP - I hate it when they run SIP like the old telco's
20:11.06mjordanvoxter: DEBUG logs at lvl 1 will show more 'reasons' when rtp debug enabled as well
20:11.12mjordanvoxter: ew
20:11.19voxtermjordan: hooray pacwest. :|
20:12.11CuznerTazzNZ: dealing with carriers is the worst part of my job, qwest/clink has now taken ~6months now to deal with this DTMF issue for us. They're finally going to try something tomorrow.
20:13.13CuznerLevel3 is by far the worst to deal with though, 2nd only to VZN :P
20:13.31TazzNZCuzner: sounds typical - I have diverted certain calls via ISDN to avoid calling a service on my ITSP because of DTMF issues, I now route from SIP, to ISDN, from there into the ITSP which takes it back to SIP and over to the service
20:14.20TazzNZand this is only one of the issues, don't get me started on the blacklisting issues :)
20:14.43Cuznermost of our TF taffic likes to take the qwest trunk, where you guessed it, DTMF problems. I just force inband, since it's all I can do until they fix their shit.
20:15.49TazzNZso mjordan - do you know what the order of preferance is in channel.c of DTMF ?
20:16.08TazzNZif all the DTMF get's in at the same time that is
20:16.11mjordanchannel.c doesn't care
20:16.25mjordanit gets a control frame that indicates the beginning or end of a DTMF
20:16.31mjordanwhere it came from is a 'meh'
20:16.39mjordanthat's up to the individual channel drivers
20:17.05TazzNZright - I see
20:17.12mjordanchannel.c tries to make sure that a subsequent begin or end doesn't stomp on a DTMF that's currently being played out on a channel
20:17.30TazzNZoh I see
20:17.42mjordanyour settings in sip.conf (or pjsip.conf!) tell you what kinds of DTMF you want to have
20:17.46TazzNZso the first begin "rules them all"
20:18.01mjordanif you don't specify 'inband', for example, there is no DSP set up that will process the audio
20:19.54*** part/#asterisk toothe (~mongolian@unaffiliated/toothe)
20:20.08TazzNZcool - thanks mjordan :)
20:21.32TazzNZCuzner: my ITSP doesn't accept inband DTMF (which will most prob work, since we have a dedicated fibre to them) but then, their stuff doesn't work with rfc DTMF, so kinda a rock and a hard place thing
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20:30.57voxtermjordan: so this is interesting.
20:31.06voxtermjordan: i found that the timestamp on a couple of the broken digits is screwed up
20:31.41voxtermjordan:  Digit 1 timestamp: 58845880.  Digit 2 timestamp: 381.  Digit 3 timestamp: 58853440
20:31.49voxterI wonder wtf is doing that?!
20:32.33TazzNZthat is quite interesting - you learn something new every day hey
20:38.45mjordansince timestamps are supposed to have the same 'wallclock' in RTP ... that's bad.
20:42.23voxteryeah this is going through a freeswitch box in the middle
20:42.42voxteri dont have a clue why it would be screwing up the timestamp so badly... time to investigate!
20:42.52voxterThanks for the pointers! :)
20:43.15mjordannp, good luck :-)
20:53.00*** join/#asterisk beanie (
21:03.58Kobazso, i have a wiggity wack problem
21:04.15Kobazi have a polycom vvx 400 that's asking for 3111-46157-002.sip.ld
21:04.25Kobazwhich doesn't exist in any of the firmware zip files, as far as I can tell
21:04.48Kobazi've searched everything from 4.1.4 to 3.2
21:05.30Kobazand if i put on a combined sip.ld  any version between 3.2 and 4.1.4 it says image not compatible
21:06.53malcolmdthat is wack
21:06.59malcolmdis it a development phone?
21:08.41ChainsawKobaz: VVX is a combined image these days. You should be using UCS 4.
21:09.04ChainsawKobaz: Make sure to select the exact model, the SoundStation/SoundPoint firmware train is not the same.
21:09.31zopsiwhat is a decent softphone for Kubuntu other than Jitsi?
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21:10.54Kobazmalcolmd: i have many other vvx phones set up no problem, i dont think it's a dev phone
21:11.06Kobazthe weird thing is that this was previously set up and working just fine
21:11.19ChainsawKobaz: Did you switch from SIP to UCS?
21:11.24Kobazand one day it was like factory reset, provisioning all gone
21:11.25ChainsawKobaz: Missing the upgrader/downgrader?
21:11.42Kobazi'm using Polycom UC Software 4.0.4 for everything
21:11.54ChainsawKobaz: Okay, make sure you have the UCS upgrader for the hardware type.
21:12.03ChainsawKobaz: And the last pre-UCS bootblock.
21:12.35ChainsawKobaz: Knowing the VVX it'll go for a bootblock first, then the UCS upgrader, then the UCS firmware itself. 3 reboots and it'll be fine. Factory resets are... deep.
21:13.32Kobazwhat's weird
21:13.45Kobazis that the very first file it's asking for after mac.cfg... is 3111-46157-002.sip.l
21:14.43Kobazwhich i can't find anywhere
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21:17.57Kobazand what's weird, is the release notes for 4.1.4 say that it's included:  3111-46157-002.sip.ld SIP application executable for VVX 400
21:19.03Kobazthere's new 5.x firmware
21:19.26Kobazbut still, that doesn't explain why  3111-46157-002.sip.ld is missing from 4.1.4
21:19.53ChainsawThe 5.x is Lync though, isn't it?
21:20.02ChainsawNot sure you want that. That's almost-but-not-quite-SIP.
21:20.15ChainsawKobaz: That's an upgrader, not a UCS core file.
21:20.39ChainsawKobaz: You want the latest non-UCS bootblock, the latest UCS upgrader and potentially the SIP downgrader, even though you won't use it.
21:21.13Kobazthat's upgraders?
21:21.44Kobaz4.62.119.138 - - [09/Jun/2014:17:02:06 -0400] "GET /3111-46157-002.sip.ld HTTP/1.1" 404 300 [FileTransport PolycomVVX-VVX_400-UA/ Type/Updater]
21:21.57ChainsawKobaz: VVX400 you say?
21:22.15Chainsawis on a train held up by a jumper
21:22.23ChainsawSo I shall have a look for you fortwith.
21:22.53Kobazi just downloaded 5.0.2 and i'm checking if that firmware file is in there
21:23.05Kobazthere it is
21:23.15Kobazthat was a hell of a lot of searching
21:23.42ChainsawKobaz: Otherwise 4.1.4 split may have it.
21:23.53Kobazit doesn't
21:23.55ChainsawKobaz: I do apologise, I was applying SoundPoint IP thinking there. There is no SIP firmware for the VVX400/410.
21:24.27ChainsawKobaz: Must be fairly new.
21:24.37Kobazso weird
21:24.44Kobazlike, in a group of three vvx 400 phones
21:24.50Kobazthis one just randomly stopped working one day
21:25.00Kobazand it got power cycled and lost its settings and firmware
21:26.58*** join/#asterisk sbrath (~sbrath@unaffiliated/sbrath)
21:27.18sbrathAnyone have experience with a Sangoma Vega 100 unit?
21:27.41ChainsawKobaz: NVRAM checksum failure. It takes that very seriously.
21:27.43infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:28.35sbrathI can't seem to get DTMF to transmit from an inbound call over my Sangoma to Asterisk via SIP.   I have tried RFC and INFO modes on the Vega, and the peer is configured for RFC on Asterisk? Any sugestions?
21:28.54beanieDoes anybody rate this
21:29.31KobazChainsaw: ah
21:29.59ChainsawKobaz: Brown-out on the power supply, particularly on 48V PoE.
21:30.06ChainsawKobaz: Seen it happen once or twice on our IP670s.
21:31.26Kobazah, interesting
21:33.22gustoanyone an idea how to get rid of this one: tcptls.c: SSL_shutdown() failed: 5 ?
21:36.36beaniehow do I know whether I have Asterisk Security Framework (Asterisk 10+).
21:39.14ChannelZI don't think you have a choice
21:39.43ChannelZIt's basically just a new means of logging
21:40.11ChannelZYou just need to turn it on in logger.conf (security)
21:41.44beanieoh right, how can i be sure that i have a version with it contained within the logger.conf
21:42.00beaniei suppose i need to find the version of asterisk im using
21:42.16ChannelZcore show version
21:43.46beanieyep just got it
21:43.48beanieim on 11.6
21:43.50beanieso that'll do!
21:44.09beanieand is it not turned on by defaul?
21:45.46ChannelZI'm not sure if the security log is on by default
21:46.01ChannelZI don't think so
21:46.23ChannelZIt's commented out in v12 anyway
21:46.43beanieThis is what is contained within the file - [general]
21:46.43beanie#include logger_general_additional.conf
21:46.43beanie#include logger_general_custom.conf
21:46.44beanie#include logger_logfiles_additional.conf
21:46.46beanie#include logger_logfiles_custom.conf
21:48.48beanieChannelz - im not sure which one it is?
21:49.46ChannelZyou could/would maybe put it in logger_logfiles_additional.conf
21:50.01ChannelZwhatever that means to your setup
21:50.47beanieoh is this not something that will already be in one of these files
21:50.53beaniei thought it would just be commented out?
21:51.12[TK]D-Fenderis that ... a question?
21:51.14ChannelZwell it's in the default one, but yours obviously is not default because all of those #includes aren't
21:51.32ChannelZ(aren't default that is)
21:51.48beaniewell i haven't edited it :)
21:51.55beanieits just what was installed
21:52.00ChannelZyou basically want "security => security" somewhere under [logfiles]
21:52.10ChannelZSo this is probably FreePBX or something then
21:52.51beanieyep freepbx - i thought that this would just be an asterisk thing
21:53.07beanieadditional has this in it - logger_logfiles_additional.conf
21:53.26beaniefull => debug,error,notice,verbose,warning
21:53.27beanieconsole => debug,error,notice,verbose,warning
21:54.31ChannelZwell I have no idea if it'll write over one or the other or not
21:54.40beanie:) thanks though
21:54.47beanieTK Defender - the question was how do I know whether I have Asterisk Security Framework (Asterisk 10+).
21:55.00ChannelZby having Asterisk 10+
21:55.04beanieim trying to follow this -
21:55.27ChannelZI'd just add it to that 'additional'
21:55.54ChannelZIf it stops working, you'll know where to look..
21:56.43beaniewell i thought it was either something that was there or not depending on the version of asterisk
21:56.56beaniei didnt think you would need to reference it
21:57.05beaniemore likely delete any commenting out
21:57.08ChannelZboth logger_logfiles_additional.conf and logger_logfiles_custom.conf get read so either will work, I just don't know if it's UI overwrites one but not the other.  There's some "logical" FreePBX reason why there are 2..
21:57.30beanieargggghhhh how confusing
21:57.39beaniei just want to bloomin secure my pbx
21:58.03beaniewithout a bloody "solution" that causes more problems than it seems to solve
21:58.42ChannelZI'd figure there's a checkbox somewhere in FreePBX to turn on the security log so it does it in its own preferable way, but I don't run FreePBX so I dunno
21:59.03beaniebut is there not more than one security log?
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22:58.29gustoi have a theory why ppl are bithing about this problem with tcp tls bla bla when the ressource goes offline, it comes around every minute so i think it is the qualification
22:58.55gustowhen ppl disable qualification on server (only client needs to keep the connection open) then those messages would disappear
23:18.07*** join/#asterisk fisted__ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:27.24beanieim following the guidance after a massive coffufall where i have established that you only edit custom files
23:27.32beaniethe instructions im following advise "Likewise, you willl also need to ensure the date format has been changed in logger.conf to "dateformat=%F %T"."
23:27.48beaniedo i somehow change these in a custom file to or so I have to change these in the original?
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23:37.43mrjazzmanHi All, Need some help getting the right terminology to find the right docs. I have an asterisk server which is being used as a DR system for landlines. Basically when a fault on our ISDNs happen I diverto to an extension on this Asterisk service and then use the extensions.conf to divert to a range of mobile phones. My issue is that I am using "DAIL_GROUP" to do this and it doesn't keep track of which connections are currently
23:50.04ChannelZDo what now?
23:51.23TazzNZbeanie: do you have freepbx installed ?
23:52.44beanieyes TazzNZ :)
23:55.52TazzNZbeanie: ah yes - then it's all _custom

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