IRC log for #asterisk on 20140608

00:32.56*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
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01:57.03*** part/#asterisk toothe (~mongolian@unaffiliated/toothe)
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04:50.46*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
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05:28.28stevePearPearhi anyone met this error when they tried SIPML5 with Asterisk (v12)? Failed to set remote offer sdp: Called with SDP without ice-ufrag and ice-pwd.
05:33.38*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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08:59.01*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
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09:07.11stevePearPearhi, i tried pulling from the latest Asterisk v12, however res_pjsip seems to be lacking dependencies no matter what I do :(
09:07.13stevePearPeari followed this
09:10.00*** join/#asterisk fisted__ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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11:01.00wdoekesstevePearPear: you should try to be more verbose when describing your problem
11:01.26wdoekeslook at config.log, look near HAVE.*PJ
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11:19.25stevePearPearwdokes: the only part I’ve seen is this few statement
11:19.27stevePearPearchecking for pg_config... no
11:19.27stevePearPearchecking for PJPROJECT... no
11:19.27stevePearPearchecking for pjsip_tsx_create_uac2 in -lpjsip... no
11:38.27*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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12:04.53*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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13:18.09*** join/#asterisk aandrew (
13:18.21aandrewmorning everyone... been ... years... since I've been here
13:18.47fileoh dear, it's a tzanger
13:19.02aandrewjust a question about dealing with the phone fraud attacks that seem to hit servers everywhere
13:19.10aandrewyep it is, glad to hear you're ok there in Moncton
13:19.20aandrewinsanity, can't imagine what it was like in the middle of all of it
13:19.27fileit was quiet.
13:20.42aandrewI bet...
13:20.43*** join/#asterisk digiv (
13:20.54aandrewmind you you've got a fearsome guard dog there to help protect you
13:21.09fileyeah ... fearsome
13:22.29*** join/#asterisk mlhess (
13:22.37*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
13:23.12aandrewso.. dealing with the toll fraudsters.  I know there's things like fail2ban but I was thinking something a little different. what if I accepted any call and just routed it to a 10 minute wait()? It'd consume next to no resources on my end and from what I'm seeing they don't actually give a shit whether the call succeeds or not
13:23.20aandrewthey're likely billing their client regardless
13:23.39fileit'll consume 2 ports and bandwidth
13:23.52fileoh - and not answer?
13:23.52aandrewit's kind of like the same method to waste time/resources for the spammers... instead of rejecting it outright they just delay for a long long time
13:24.05filethen yeah, effectively nothing
13:24.08aandrewfile: yeah, not ansewr... but even then I can still answer, 10 minutes of gsm bandwidth is nothing
13:24.14fileor do a ringing and then a wait
13:24.33filegive them false hope instead of nothing
13:24.34*** join/#asterisk mlhess (
13:25.13aandrewmaybe if you raise the bar just a little on completing the call it'll make it an ineffective way to run a business
13:25.39aandrewI'm also probably just being naive that it'll make any difference whatsoever
13:25.45filethe con is if their stuff treats that as success and sends you more traffic you may end up with an attack
13:26.26aandrewwell Ic an always restrict the number of calls to something I'm comfortable dealing with as the cost of dealing with these idiots... say 100 simultaneous calls in the 'garbage' group
13:26.52aandrewI'm okay sustaining an "attack" if it hurts their pocketbook in the end, but again one guy, one server.. not gonna do much
13:27.49fileattack the gibson!
13:27.56aandrewshakes his head.
13:28.03aandrew*hack*, my friend, *hack* the gibson
13:28.16filethat didn't work though with your message
13:28.25filesince you said attack and not hack
13:28.34aandrewmaybe I should change the name of that machine from wallace to gibson
13:28.49aandrewthe original image was part of a two-machine setup, wallace and gromit
13:30.18*** join/#asterisk mlhess (
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13:33.42*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:35.54puzzledTrying to setup a TLS reg from an iPhone with Linphone to an Asterisk 11.10.0 box. Registration fails and I see this in the Asterisk console:   == Problem setting up ssl connection: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
13:35.54puzzled[Jun  8 15:33:39] WARNING[8555]: tcptls.c:274 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!  Anyone know what that error means? Source code does not tell me much
13:36.20puzzledfwiw the same setup works fine with an Android phone
13:57.13*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
14:02.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
14:11.14*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
14:12.14*** join/#asterisk TechAdam (6d4e9bb4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:12.47*** part/#asterisk aandrew (
14:13.51TechAdamanyone know of a good website to read up on the message Send() function? ive read voip-info and on but wanna know more.. like do i need the extensions port num etc..
14:15.30*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
14:17.48[TK]D-Fenderonly if sending the a direct URI
14:17.53[TK]D-Fenderif you use a peer... it uses the peer
14:21.32TechAdamok and the URI is extension@IP? sorry im still learning asterisk :P
14:27.38stevePearPearhi, I was following this isntruction until step 6 where I did ldconfig -p | grep pj
14:27.49stevePearPeari got nothing on my end, im running a 64 bits linux
14:27.55stevePearPearany idea?
14:28.31stevePearPearin step 2 I did ./configure --prefix=/usr/lib64 --enable-shared
14:28.51filestevePearPear, do you have pkg-config installed?
14:30.07stevePearPearsudo apt-get install pkg-config? I think i didn’t
14:30.36fileif you don't then the configure script in Asterisk won't find pjproject
14:31.52TechAdamdoes this look right to you guys: exten => s,20,Set(MESSAGE(from)="Voicegrid Monitoring System") exten => s,21,Set(MESSAGE(body)= The number of queued calls is currently exceeding the recommended level. exten => s,22,MessageSend(sip:1001@IP:PORT) exten => s,23, Verbose(1,Message has been sent to manager. Message status: ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS})
14:32.30TechAdambar the bracket missing at 21
14:32.48stevePearPearic, i will give it a try again, is pkg-config required in order for ldconfig -p | grep pj to show something?
14:33.15stevePearPeari’ve installed pkg-config however when I did ldconfig -p | grep pj, i still see no pjproject
14:33.53[TK]D-FenderTechgo try
14:33.59fileno, it shouldn't be - you may have put the libraries into the wrong place
14:34.00[TK]D-FenderTechAdam: go try
14:34.11filestevePearPear, what distro?
14:34.28stevePearPearUbuntu 64 bit v12.4
14:34.37filethen you want ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared
14:34.41filenot /usr/lib64
14:35.20stevePearPearactually when do I use /usr when do i use /usr/lib64?
14:35.34filedepends on the distro.
14:35.57stevePearPearearlier for srtp, i did ./configure prefix=/usr/local/lib64, asterisk cannot find srtp too
14:37.35fileuse --prefix=/usr for that as well and it'll probably be detected and used...
14:37.46filethere's also an Ubuntu package
14:38.53*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
14:38.59stevePearPearyeah i only managed to solve it when i used /usr/local/lib, thanks :)
14:42.09stevePearPeardoes Asterisk automatically go for pjsip instead of chan_sip if both are installed?
14:43.13[TK]D-Fenderit goes for the one you load, configure and use
14:44.27stevePearPearicic thanks, found it
14:45.46stevePearPearactually i wanted to try pjsip as it seems that Asterisk is not using ICE, there was this particular error: Failed to set remote answer sdp: Called with SDP without ice-ufrag and ice-pwd.
14:46.41fileICE support is a core thing, switching to PJSIP won't make that work - the very act of installing pjproject though, will
14:46.47fileas pjproject is used for the ICE/STUN/TURN support
14:48.26stevePearPearic! that may solve my problem :) Been having an issue with that error in SIPML5 for quite a while
14:49.06fileI feel the need to link this:
14:50.48stevePearPearinteresting :)
15:10.06*** join/#asterisk theron (
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15:20.26stevePearPearnow there’s this error Error sending STUN request: Invalid argument, anyone tried SIPML5 with Asterisk v12 before?
15:20.33stevePearPeari tried applying this patch, but the error persist :(
15:22.33*** join/#asterisk stasdizzi (~stasdizzi@
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16:15.57*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
16:28.49*** join/#asterisk malachi_constant (~paul@unaffiliated/malachiconstant/x-837457)
16:29.23malachi_constantWIMPy: Thanks for the push in the right direction. Much happier working on vanilla asterisk than I am on freepbx.
16:37.43*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
16:44.15*** join/#asterisk theron (
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17:39.27*** join/#asterisk TazzNZ (
17:41.40WIMPymalachi_constant: Well, good luck with it then.
18:12.03*** join/#asterisk TechAdam (6d4e9bb4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:08.14SpaceInvadersHey, how do I know if I need asterisk-alsa.x86_64 : Modules for Asterisk that use Alsa sound drivers
19:08.43SpaceInvadersI understand (from reading) that for voicemail I need audio support
19:09.00WIMPyYou know what ALSA is?
19:09.29SpaceInvadersLinux sound.  I'm installing on Fedora 20
19:10.58malachi_constantSpaceInvaders: asterisk-alsa is for using the audio device in your computer to make calls; like, if you have a headset and want to make calls directly from the server.
19:11.17SpaceInvaderswhat about voicemail?
19:11.42SpaceInvadersIf I install asterisk-voicemail will it need audio support installed on the server?
19:11.46WIMPyDo you think you need sound I/O hardware for Voicemail?
19:11.57malachi_constantasterisk-alsa is for hardware as far as I know.
19:12.26malachi_constantSpaceInvaders: I'm setting up voicemail for the first in over a year today so I guess we'll find out together. ;)
19:12.53SpaceInvadersI'm still researching and reading before attempting my 1st install
19:14.02*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:15.25SpaceInvadersmalachi_constant are you on Fedora?  If so did you disable selinux?  I found a reference that recommends disabling
19:16.24malachi_constantSpaceInvaders: I'm on CentOS, and I did disable selinux.
19:16.48SpaceInvadersthanks!  I'm using a dedicated server so I'll disable it, as well.
19:17.29malachi_constantNo problem. Somebody else in here who knows more might be able to tell you whether selinux and asterisk can live with one another.
19:18.03SpaceInvadershmmm it's a bare system maybe I'll just give it a shot and see what happens :D
19:18.32SpaceInvadersas long as it isn't something really cryptic I should recognize selinux errors
19:19.55malachi_constantIt may well be something really cryptic.
19:20.09malachi_constantI can't remember what happened when I tried leaving it on last time.
19:21.06SpaceInvaderswas that more than a version ago?
19:21.32SpaceInvaderson f18 I'd expect selinux problems.  On 20 I'm seeing everything I use smoothing out
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19:53.11*** join/#asterisk Slagwag (
19:53.37Slagwaghmm voice provider is the right term when you need to find a carrier for asterisk yea?
19:54.06Slagwagah thanks
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20:11.32malachi_constantSpaceInvaders: Current version of CentOS.
20:11.35malachi_constant6.5 iirc.
20:11.50malachi_constantBut I don't remember clearly what the issue was.
20:16.29*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (7c06ecfc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:47.23*** join/#asterisk malachi_constant (~paul@unaffiliated/malachiconstant/x-837457)
21:47.34malachi_constantHi folks.
21:48.17malachi_constantI'm trying to log in to voicemail on one of my extensions but I get 'password incorrect'. The console confirms that asterisk is receiving the digits I specified in voicemail.conf. What gives?
21:48.56TazzNZis it only 1 ext ?
21:49.05TazzNZthat is having the issue* :)
21:49.20malachi_constantI haven't tried the other ones yet but the configuration of all of them is identical.
21:50.42malachi_constantThis is the relevant portion of my voicemail.conf.
21:51.28malachi_constantTazzNZ: Yeah, it happens on the other ones too.
21:51.52malachi_constantMy console confirms that it's getting the right digits.
21:52.37*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
21:53.32TazzNZwhat does your dialplan look like - the part that goes to voicemail
21:53.48TazzNZit looks like a context issue
21:54.31malachi_constantTazzNZ: The phones start in context myphones when they dial, which includes 6500, which is my voicemail extension.
21:54.46TazzNZI meant voicemail :)
21:54.55TazzNZyou have contexts in voicemail too
21:55.04malachi_constantHm. One sec.
21:55.13TazzNZso, all your VM's are created in vm-default
21:55.36TazzNZyour call to VoiceMail (the app) needs to show that
21:55.44malachi_constantYep, it looks like this:
21:55.47malachi_constantexten => 6500,1,Answer()
21:55.48malachi_constantexten => 6500,n,VoiceMailMain(vm-default)
21:56.04TazzNZright - so it does :)
21:56.24TazzNZcan you paste the output of the cli when doing a test ?
21:56.28TazzNZverbose set to 9 please
21:56.35malachi_constantCan do, thank you. :)
21:57.38TazzNZI think that command *might* need to read VoiceMailMain(@vm-default)
21:58.35malachi_constantHmm one sec.
22:00.22malachi_constantIT WORKS!
22:00.26malachi_constantTazzNZ: THANK YOU!
22:00.40malachi_constantIt did need the @
22:06.11TazzNZnp :)
22:06.32TazzNZI thought it would - otherwise it thinks you talking about a mailbox
22:06.50TazzNZ(I am still waking up :) )
22:33.22*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2601:7:6200:1362:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
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23:08.23malachi_constantthanks again TazzNZ.
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23:49.58*** join/#asterisk Dovid (

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