IRC log for #asterisk on 20140605

00:06.12*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
00:06.18slackieunignore 1
00:07.16ruben23guys any idea on this error when i dial-out ---> Got SIP response 603 "Declined" back from - congested.
00:08.56*** join/#asterisk NoobSaibot (
00:14.31[TK]D-FenderThe other end turned you down.
00:14.49[TK]D-FenderAs to why ... could be many reasons
00:15.50ruben23[TK]D-Fender: can you site some of it..?
00:16.01[TK]D-FenderWhat's the point of guessing?
00:16.08[TK]D-FenderHow about you show us the entire actual call...
00:16.34*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
00:22.27[TK]D-FenderTime's up on my side...
00:22.32[TK]D-Fenderheads out for the evening...
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00:49.38TazzNZruben23: my best guess is - you have exceeded the number of calls allowed
00:49.50TazzNZor they themself don't know how to get to that number
00:51.06ruben23TazzNZ: im just dialing oen at a time
00:51.28TazzNZthen the second sugestion is more likely
00:58.12*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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06:17.30D30hi all, Im experiencing a weird issue with my asterisk particularly with its IVR,  during a call to a local pstn number,  i can see that asterisk plays the IVR but still on the other end its still ringing.
06:18.27*** join/#asterisk kalz (~kalz@2602:fff6:f:29c9::2c33)
06:18.32D30somebody with the same issue with me, can you tell how did you able to sort out your issue :)
06:32.59*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
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07:03.25ChannelZWhat exactly is the call path?
07:04.14*** join/#asterisk giesen (~ggiesen@2001:4900:2:650:20c:29ff:fef5:4836)
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08:31.26*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
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08:37.31_omerwhat is the right way to run asterisk?     just "asterisk" command on linux shell or "service asterisk start" ?
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08:47.53*** join/#asterisk bitwize (
08:48.29bitwizeHello! I need to configure multiple IP-adresses on a peer in sip.conf (incoming calls comes from multiple ip's)
08:48.42bitwizeis this possible or do I need to define multiple peers for each ip?
08:59.15*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
08:59.26_omerwhat is the right way to run asterisk?     just "asterisk" command on linux shell or "service asterisk start" ?
09:06.19*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
09:07.07phpboy_omer: anyway that makes you happy
09:07.13phpboyyour own happiness is what counts
09:09.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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09:24.23*** join/#asterisk alami (~ialami@unaffiliated/alami)
09:25.34alamihello, is there any GUI tool that show me the number of participant in a conference?
09:28.27*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
09:32.20*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
09:35.27*** join/#asterisk Wolfie293 (~ShapeShif@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
09:36.41KNERDLoading DAHDI hardware modules:
09:37.06KNERDHow can I dereference this from DAHDI?
09:43.21*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
09:44.13KNERDalami: flash operator panel
09:44.31phpboyoh hi stevePearPear
09:44.51stevePearPeari just started with asterisk today and been reading the 4th edition, really informative :)
09:44.57stevePearPeari have a query though
09:45.35stevePearPeari managed to connect to my sip trunk provider by writing down the host, defaultuser and secret in sip.conf
09:46.26stevePearPearis there anyway that I could dynamically use different defaultuser/secret? For example one user can pass me the credential and I will create a call to the sip trunk provider based on the credential
09:50.19TazzNZstevePearPear: no, you need a "peer" definition
09:50.53TazzNZunless you use something like Asterisk Realtime
09:52.04stevePearPearI saw a recommendation for Asterisk Realtime too, stating that it can allow me to load dyanmic config from database
09:53.11stevePearPearI am checking if there’s any other alternatives Just want to check if I would be able to extrapolate the userid and password that the user has passed me and create a peer instead
09:54.50TazzNZstevePearPear: not that I am aware of - unless you have something that creates the file for you, and reloads asterisk
09:55.24WIMPystevePearPear: What's your idea?
10:01.36stevePearPearI have a group of users who have sip trunk accounts with a provider
10:01.52stevePearPearhowever the provider doesn’t support websocket and I am creating an application
10:02.43stevePearPeari would like my user to key in their sip credentials (through JSSIP) and communicate to Asterisk where I could be a relay between the provider and the users and potentially adding other features such as call recording
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10:05.45WIMPyI don;t see any way other than the user "dialling" all the information every time.
10:06.37stevePearPearcan you help elaborate what is it by user dialing all the information everytime?
10:07.53WIMPyThey will have to put hostname, username, password and the destination all together in the destination field.
10:08.12WIMPyWoudn't be very userfirendly.
10:10.02stevePearPearic, that can be resolve as I could use JSSIP to append those information
10:10.31stevePearPearhowever doing that, it would mean that my user wouldn’t be able to recieve a call since there’s no registration is it?
10:11.34stevePearPearwhat you said is actually this? Dial(technology/user[:password]@remote_host[:port][/remote_extension])
10:12.02WIMPyYou need spme way to register them to you and then passing on both the registration and calls.
10:14.08stevePearPearyeah I was researching about something called outbound proxy, which could relay all messages (something like Kamailio)
10:14.12stevePearPearcan Asterisk simply relay?
10:14.45WIMPyAsterisk is a
10:14.50infobothmm... b2bua is a Back 2 Back User Agent. Additional information is available on wikipedia:
10:15.42stevePearPearwhen you mentioned passing on registration and calls, can you give some direction (libraries) that I could look into to perform it?
10:16.12WIMPyTo do it what way?
10:16.40WIMPyYou might want to do it in another way, another channel.
10:16.48stevePearPearwhen the user registers with me, how could i pass on the registration
10:17.33WIMPyMaybe you should do that part via http?
10:20.52stevePearPearsomething along the line on my asterisk forward the registration by a http request
10:21.04*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
10:21.21WIMPySet up the user via http
10:21.48WIMPyThen use whatever to configure Asterisk to use that information.
10:23.12stevePearPearic, I am actually flipping Asterisk book furiously now :)
10:23.20stevePearPearis it something to do with AMI?
10:23.28stevePearPearI read on how we can talk to Asterisk using http
10:24.09WIMPyIt's something that you have to write an application for.
10:25.06stevePearPearis it something like the application that I’m writing will store the user into a database where Asterisk could use that information?
10:25.24WIMPyFor example.
10:32.17stevePearPearyeah?  ;)
10:34.38*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:39.50cuscoI'm looking at the options of CDR()
10:40.11cuscooption r .. I'm a bit dubious as of what it means
10:40.19cuscosuposed to be recursive ?
10:41.03*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:42.14cuscoso if I Set(CDR(customField,r)=something);
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10:52.22snmpcore show function CDR
10:52.25snmp> r: Searches the entire stack of CDRs on the channel.
10:53.24snmpisnt clean,pardn me
10:54.05snmpneed examples?
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11:00.59cuscosnmp: yes, when setting, not retrieving
11:01.17cuscowill it set it on sub sequent cdr records?
11:31.46cuscoand.. another question... originate places a call in queue (local channel) and goes to a context, exten when answered.. that exten is basically a dial ... but before the dial we're setting some cdr values... they're not being stored
11:32.21cuscoI'm reading in that values cannot be modified after a call being bridged? so we should modify them before dial()
11:33.22cuscoso... can't I set a cdr value there ?
11:36.10alamiKNERD: ok thanks
11:38.32cargillhow can I subscribe to a different mailbox than my own? when trying to subscribe to a different mailbox, asterisk sends me my mailbox info, not the one for my mailbox
11:38.54cargill*not the one for the mailbox I subscribed to
11:40.26*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
12:00.19*** join/#asterisk sted (
12:00.25stedhey guys
12:02.34steddo you know how can select a context before a call in ip phones?
12:02.44stedusing programmable buttons?
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12:45.48malcolmda context?  you can't select an asterisk diaplan context from the phone; the "context" is just an asterisk concept for organizing endpoints into groups that have common dialing capabilities.  the context is defined by the channel driver, whether it be chan_sip or chan_pjsip
12:47.15stedok then to select trunk
12:49.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:14.35*** join/#asterisk MKEbrew (4581b2fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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13:28.59MKEbrewheya, anyone around?
13:29.37MKEbrewwondering if anyone can talk to me about sending DTMF during early media.  having a hard time finding what I'm looking for via Google
13:30.36[TK]D-FenderAny audio set during early media would make it an actual call...
13:31.43MKEbrewhmm.. what I'm trying to do is send a 4 digit access code for long distance calls.  the carrier prompts us for a PIN before completing the call.
13:32.11[TK]D-FenderNot sure since I've never had to mess with it myself
13:33.02MKEbrewalright, no worries.  I'll hang around for a bit.  maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
13:34.33cuscoso I'm using ForkCDR() to be able to set some values on cdr
13:34.44cuscocan I make the previous cdr not be written?
13:35.07cuscocan I use NoCDR() and just after, ForkCDR
13:42.07michael_workMKEbrew, did you try to use DTMF in Dial() ? or it is sent only after call is connected?
13:45.32MKEbrewI have tried somethign like Dial(Local/${EXTEN},,D(www1234)) but I still am prompted for the tone
13:45.58MKEbrewI think becuase it has not connected yet - or I'm just doing it wrong
13:47.29MKEbrewI also tried putting a SendDTMF() command on the next line in the dialplan, but I'm guessing it doesn't get to that until it's connected?  and it doesn't connect until the PIN is dialed
14:01.08r00fyou could connect call to some extension, which executes SendDTMF before DIAL. so its sends DTMF and after that calls your SIP. but you will have to find a way to ask * to originate that call. so it is only as a last option, i guess
14:01.28*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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14:03.05michael_workas early media is not connected yet it's little bit confusing. As you could use marco or sub on connection or to use G(newdualplan^${EXTEN},1)
14:03.15MKEbrewthat's interesting r00f.  We are using a PRI and the reason I am trying to automate this is for our fax lines that are connected to * via analog card
14:04.02Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls is urgent thx
14:04.40r00fKatty paste your /etc/passwd to somewhere and don't show us, it could help
14:05.36Kattywhat is etcpasswd pls???
14:05.44KattyNugget: holy shoes batman.
14:05.55KattyNugget: size 5 by chance? ;>
14:06.18*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
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14:07.19fullstopHi.  Silly question here, but how many 729 licenses do I need to have to record VM?
14:07.32fullstopThe incoming call is in g729
14:08.18fullstopI have one license today, but my voicemails all seem to be 0s long
14:09.14r00fMKEbrew you could achieve that with a dirty hack in call routing . I don't know how to do that with early media
14:09.51MKEbrewThanks for the suggestions, r00f
14:14.09r00fconsidering you are using fax, it could be as such: fax calls some extension, it answers and reads dtmf. fax enters the long distance number it wants to dial, and it hangs up. then it calls that number, sends the dtmf needed, and after that calls the fax back and connects them
14:14.50r00for, as it is fax, even easier - extension receives fax, and then just sends it with SendFAX. no need for callback
14:15.25r00fi'd fall for the second option, as callback may confuse oldschool users
14:16.14jameswfThey updated fax... its now called email :-/
14:16.38r00fi know. personally i hate faxes. but people somehow still use them
14:16.42*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-fjoaiegsmdcxmwnr)
14:17.38r00ffor my users, i created dynamic feature - press 9 during call and fax received will get delivered to your mailbox
14:17.43r00ffirst they hated me
14:17.49r00fbut now they love me
14:17.59r00fno moar faxes
14:21.20MKEbrewinteresting.  we are in the insurance industry and faxing is still as regular today as it was years ago.  We don't use Asterisk fax, we are using a fax server that integrates with our line of business application.
14:22.04[TK]D-Fender[10:08]fullstopI have one license today, but my voicemails all seem to be 0s long <- codec isn't why otherwise your call would have dropped
14:22.33fullstopI'll look at the logs, then.  It all started when I switched to g729, so I likely broke something else.
14:22.52alamiany one know some thing like MeetMe-Web-Control, this one is old and don't work with new Asterisk version
14:23.14anonymouz666GS is moving toward android land
14:23.17filefalls into existence
14:23.28anonymouz666GXV3240 it seems to be nice equipament
14:23.53anonymouz666android 4.2
14:24.31anonymouz666you can use also lync, skype, hangouts, etc.
14:24.31MKEbrewr00f, even using SendFAX whow/when would I send the dtmf as the call doesn't "connect" ubntil dtmf is sent.
14:24.51r00fMKEbrew just wondering why is fax better than "email as pdf" option. there are lots of free pdf printers, and manager could as well print to pdf from crm, instead of creating hard copy and then faxing it. it would save alot of trees
14:25.12MKEbrewI almost need to bridge the call and send the dtmf that way or something.
14:25.30MKEbrewfax vs email is an industry thing.  trust me, I have been banging my head on it for years now
14:25.59*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
14:26.07MKEbrewcertain things are required to be faxed, other thigns can be emailed, then other thigns need to be emailed securely
14:26.15r00fi c
14:26.51MKEbrewalso, even thogu hwe are "faxing" it is a paperless process on our end and very likely on most recieving ends as well
14:27.36MKEbrewprint to fax server print driver (same as print to pdf) - receiving side probably emails same way ours does
14:27.37*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
14:28.00r00fso basically you transfer email without internet )
14:28.34MKEbrewlol, basically, yes
14:29.14MKEbrewlike I said, it's an industry thing and the insurance industry moves slow.
14:30.33r00fso, imagine that you have some exten, which answers and reads dtmf. after that it hangs up the call and runs some script, which crafts the call file. that file calls the remote party and connects it with some context, which can have something like this
14:30.36r00fexten => _X.,1,Answer()
14:30.36r00fexten => _X.,2,SendDTMF(1234)
14:30.36r00fexten => _X.,3,Dial(DAHDI/faxnumber)
14:31.15r00fso it will send dtmf and then call your fax. i have this working good for me (without dtmf, for other purpose)
14:32.02MKEbrewI think I understand that.  I will give it a try
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14:37.49wasanzyI have asterisk setup alright but when I make a call with mobile phone, am getting this error from tcpdump: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
14:38.48wasanzyamazingly, asterisk is not producing the debugging logs for me to see even though I put asterisk in debug. So I had to use tcpdump before I see the error
14:39.12Kattylooks in
14:39.44wasanzyWe have a media gateway which connects to MNO's ss7 network so media gateway sends the request to asterisk, the same error is on media gateway
14:40.14r00fso maybe it is not authorized?
14:40.35Kattytugs on [TK]D-Fender's sleeve
14:41.38wasanzyr00f: the username and password is correct so how else should I authorize?
14:42.51MKEbrewKatty, what specifically is the problem you are having?
14:44.25r00fif it is peer, try adding insecure = port, invite
14:46.05KattyMKEbrew: well...
14:46.21KattyMKEbrew: i got my hair re-dyed yesterday and they kind of got it everywhere
14:46.31wasanzyr00f: it is not
14:46.38KattyMKEbrew: that's clearly a problem.
14:47.00Kattyhmm what else.
14:47.18wasanzyshould I past my sip.conf?
14:47.19KattyMKEbrew: oh! my drink is nearly empty.
14:48.06KattyMKEbrew: and it's not friday. that's a problem too.
14:48.34r00flucky me. i have weekend on friday and saturday :-p
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14:51.15MKEbrewmakes sense
14:54.43Kattyfeels like friday
14:56.02r00fcya, gtg
14:58.16wasanzyanymore help?
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15:00.30Kattywasanzy: well i'm not a therapist, but i'll listen
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15:29.26*** join/#asterisk matthew-moretalk (~matthew@
15:30.40matthew-moretalkHi Guys strange one for you all. I have a rasberry pi machine as an SSH CLIENT and I ssh into my pbx and run asterisk -r but the ssh session completly locks up every time it hits a Goto in the verbose???
15:30.42matthew-moretalkany ideas??
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15:35.23Kattylooks in
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15:36.10jameswfWhat goto
15:36.19Kattyhi jameswf
15:37.10matthew-moretalkHi Jameswf the pbx runs the GoTo statement absolutly fine but the output crashes the ssh connection which I just dont understand
15:37.42jameswfWhat is the goto
15:40.02matthew-moretalkoutput runs absolutly fine in Putty on my windows 7 box and the server excutes the command and other stuff fine
15:40.08jameswfmatthew-moretalk:  what do you see from a real computer
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15:41.40matthew-moretalketc etc
15:44.31infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:44.35ChannelZDon't flood the channel like that
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15:46.26cuscoI've been trying to set CDR values on the second call leg from originate ...
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15:47.56matthew-moretalka pastebin of my issue
15:48.30cuscoI'm not understanding how I should overcome this
15:50.34navaismoif this a ssh connection to the raspberry? Maybe packet lost, what happen if you attach a monitor to the pi and see the cli still happen?
15:51.01matthew-moretalkthis is with a monitor to the PI
15:51.19matthew-moretalkthe Pi is a SSH Client to an asterisk Virtual Machine
15:51.30navaismook, happen on all ttys?
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15:52.22matthew-moretalkwhat do you mean by ttys? sorry my linux knowledge is a little rough
15:52.27cuscohere I'm testing with a .call file, and test dialplan ...
15:52.45cuscoI can't get it to write the 'bar' value, on CDR
15:52.53cuscohow can I overcome this?
15:53.21navaismomatthew-moretalk, if you open another terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+f2(or f3 or f4) and then connect to the asterisk still happen?
15:53.38jaflonghi, is it possible to share a variable containg a channel name ascross contexts. Tried to use group but cant find a solution so far
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15:54.07navaismojaflong, didi you tried with double underscore: __MYVAR
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15:55.10jaflonggoes that add to sip header?
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15:55.33davlefouhi, i have to use ami to made clicktocall?
15:55.36navaismouh? sorry i think you only need to pass variables not sip headers
15:55.59navaismodavlefou, ~lmgtf
15:56.06navaismodavlefou, ~lmgtfy
15:56.55jaflongno I dnot need sip header I want to avoid it. I am looking for most efficent way
15:57.07davlefounavaismo, have allready look google, all seems use ami to made clicktocall,
15:57.26navaismono the hype now is webrtc LOL
15:58.39navaismomatthew-moretalk, dont pm me stay in the channel please, sounds like a shell issue what distro are you using?
15:59.19matthew-moretalkhappens on all ttys
16:00.20navaismoweird, I not use that but never experimented that on fedora for pi so who knows
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16:00.47matthew-moretalkintrestingly if I do it from full console mode it kills the whole pi and I have to hard reboot it. if I do it from a terminal window from desktop it locks that terminal
16:00.47navaismobut i dont think this is an asterisk issue
16:01.03matthew-moretalkcould it be the syntax hightlighting in asterisk CLI?
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16:02.00navaismodont think so but you can try to disable and see if fix it
16:04.03navaismocusco, that values inside the CDR function are in asterisk 12? in asterisk 11 i cant see it or is like odbc magic, or patched cdr?
16:04.26navaismobut anyway you can enable the debug and see what happen when it try to query the db
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16:07.58cusconavaismo: asterisk 11
16:08.57cusconavaismo: I'm querying the db, the queue exten record has the value set
16:09.02cuscobut the dial, doens't
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16:09.31cuscoI also read in that values cannot be modified after a call being bridged? so we should modify them before dial()
16:09.44cuscomaybe because of a originate or .call file this call is bridged?
16:09.48cuscoI'm not understanding
16:10.09navaismoneither do i
16:10.12cuscoI was also trying to play around with NoCDR() and ForkCDR
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16:11.03cuscoin the verbose I see the Set() and the query does not have the value
16:17.03cusconavaismo: what did you mean by odbc magic vs patched cdr?
16:18.23navaismoi usually use a pacthed version of the cdr adding new variables so I just can call the set(CDR(mynewVAR)=foo) and that write using crd_mysql, but the line is to use odbc
16:18.29navaismosince mysql is deprecated
16:20.11cusconavaismo: at the moment we're using both :p, but never had to patch cdr
16:20.20cuscomysql can also add custom values
16:20.37cuscobue yes, I'm looking at odbc (mssql) only
16:20.45cuscolet me see in mysql
16:21.15TazzNZI'd say odbc can
16:21.39TazzNZthe whole reason behind odbc is that it takes away the specific's of a DB - like MySQL or MSSql
16:22.02TazzNZand I doubt that Digium would allow a feature like that to be dropped from the source
16:22.13cuscoanyway, I'm troubled trying to find a solution to my issue :/
16:24.41TazzNZcusco: only with the .call file ?
16:24.49cuscoalso with originate
16:24.55cuscoI just set this call file for testing
16:25.06TazzNZwhat are you going to use in production ?
16:26.03cuscoits already in production
16:26.09cuscoI was trying to add a custom cdr field
16:26.15malcolmdyeah, ODBC support isn't going away, it's the preferred way
16:26.16cuscoso it writes on the first call leg
16:26.19cuscobut not on the second
16:27.52cuscojust tested it
16:27.56cuscoon mysql the same happens
16:28.00cuscofoo get written
16:28.01cuscobut not bar
16:28.26TazzNZcusco: what does the cli show when you do that call ?
16:28.28cuscomalcolmd: care to take a look? :P
16:28.57cuscoTazzNZ: the verbose shows the Set(), but the query does not contain the column/value to be added
16:30.14TazzNZcusco: and turning up debug ?
16:30.21cuscoer ...
16:30.30cuscook... let me see..
16:31.00*** join/#asterisk glphvgacs (~glphvgacs@unaffiliated/glphvgacs)
16:31.27glphvgacsis sms defined in sip protocol?
16:32.53TazzNZglphvgacs: as in messaging or SMS - Short Messaging service ?
16:33.46TazzNZ vs
16:37.44cuscoTazzNZ: I don't see anything relevant, shows setting the variable to 'bar' but cdr query does not have it
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16:38.42cuscolet me look better
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16:40.42TazzNZglphvgacs: using that - to answer your question, no, it's not
16:43.57wasanzyI still have the problem
16:44.03wasanzywhat can I do?
16:44.16wasanzySIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
16:48.19TazzNZwasanzy: authorize to the peer ?
16:49.39wasanzyis friend not peer
16:50.11cuscothe debug log: has: Result of 'CUSTOMID' is NULL
16:50.16cuscoline 277 on the paste
16:51.09cuscoah no
16:51.12cuscothat is another thing
16:56.11cuscoso I was wondering if I could forkCDR() to achieve disired effect
17:05.32TazzNZwasanzy: ok then - authorize to the friend...
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17:15.41wasanzyTazzNZ: Yes
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17:49.50matthew-moretalkjust so people know it was console colors that were crashing the console on rasberry pi!
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18:04.02navaismohmm check your versions since you are the first person with that "bug"
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18:12.06BooeyOHI couldn't find a recommended hardware list for AsteriskNOW.  I am creating it as a VM and am wondering what sort of cpu/memory/hd I should use, any suggestions?
18:15.18QwellBooeyOH: It's Linux.  It'll use practically anything you can throw at it.
18:15.43BooeyOHso 2cpu/4gbmemory/100gb would work?
18:16.23QwellIf you need to expand later, it's a VM, so that's trivial.
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18:18.28BooeyOHgood point
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18:46.19leifmadsenBooeyOH: start smaller and expand if required
18:46.24leifmadsenusually you can make bigger, but not smaller
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19:38.37TazzNZBooeyOH: also note - that unless you are doing direct media, you will run into timing issues with a VM
19:38.52BooeyOHTazzNZ, what do you mean?
19:39.55TazzNZwell - a VM is never 100% assured it will get CPU resources when needed. This leads to the VM not always being around when it needs to to flip the RTP packets
19:40.12BooeyOHTazzNZ, what if you reserve cpu usage for it?
19:40.21TazzNZsame issue
19:40.33BooeyOHok, thanks
19:40.37TazzNZwe have tried it with almost any of the VM stuff out there
19:40.47TazzNZand we found KVM on Redhat the "best"
19:41.07TazzNZit still has the issue when the host is under load
19:41.17TazzNZimho, a VM for testing/dev is fine
19:41.37Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls? is urgent thx
19:41.48TazzNZa VM where directmedia=yes is set will be ok for prod
19:41.59TazzNZother than that, I would get physical boxes
19:42.06TazzNZKatty: we need *way* more info
19:42.18Kattyok what info do you need??
19:42.30TazzNZwell - to start with - what is broken ?
19:42.36TazzNZor what doesn't work
19:42.42Kattythe lock button on my iphone is broken.
19:43.09Kattyleifmadsen: how did the zoo go?
19:43.25leifmadsenvery zooery
19:44.06Kattyleifmadsen: he's gettin so BIG!
19:44.25leifmadsenhe's huge now
19:44.47leifmadsenhe was 20lbs like 3 months ago :)
19:44.52leifmadsengetting closer to 30 lbs now I think
19:45.00Kattygosh, what are you feeding him?! rhinos?!
19:45.12TazzNZthat is why he was at the zoo right ?
19:45.19leifmadsenmostly kittens
19:45.22Kattymmm kitten ears, my favorite.
19:48.03Kattyleifmadsen: we're taking the miniture hooman to the zoo next weekend, me thinks
19:48.20Kattyhe likes the penguins.
19:48.54leifmadsenmine wasn't really that interested in the animals, he just wanted to run around
19:49.11Kattyan admirable goal!
19:49.25Kattynot too many bumps and bruises i hope?
19:50.17leifmadsensooooo many
19:50.25Kattypoor thing
19:50.29leifmadsencuts, scrapes, bruises!
19:50.31leifmadsenall self inflected
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21:06.27pjensen00When using PJSIP, none of the sip headers seem to be populated on the called channel when I do a "Dial".  I'm executing the "U" option to do a Gosub on the called channel and trying to see the "To" and "From" headers but none seem to be there
21:06.55pjensen00I definitely see them in the pjsip debug on the asterisk console, but I'm trying to access them in a dialplan to no avail
21:07.50pjensen00Anyone got any ideas?
21:11.18whizziDoes anyone have an explanation why a Reg. Contact/Def. Username and IP-address would suddenly change to something completely random (other username) while in sip.conf the defaultuser is set to the username and the connecting phone hasn’t changed a bit ?
21:11.45whizzithis problem’s been bugging me a full week now and I just can’t seem to figure it out
21:25.32pjensen00if it helps, the line that I"m seeing when I can't access any headers.res_pjsip_header_funcs.c:269 read_header: There was no datastore from which to read headers.
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22:05.33whizziHow can I empty the Def. Username cache in Asterisk 11
22:06.09whizzireloading chan_sip doesn’t help, changing defaultuser doesn’t help, reloading sip doesn’t work.. rebooting server doesn’t work…
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23:25.05pjensen00I never see any PJSIP headers attached to an outbound leg unless I manually set them.  Even the "From" and "To" are missing.  Is this expected behavior?
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23:40.14Greek-BoyAnybody here have an idea why my Polycom SoundPoint IP335's can not accept 2 ringtones? I've followed howtos to the tee and am able to get the phone to show one ringtone in the menu but when I try to provision more than 2 ringtones then it will still only show the first one.
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