IRC log for #asterisk on 20140529

00:08.21*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
00:18.49*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
00:31.37Cubberit seems that the yum update in asterisknow udpated php5.1 to php5.3 which has seriously broken my amportal and freepbx so now asterisk will not load.
00:31.48Cubberany suggestions on how I can fix this?
00:32.14Cubberdowngrade will not work becuase dependencies are missing for php5.1 and freepbx will just be uninstalled
00:32.14TazzNZCubber: check the log files for permission errors
00:32.30TazzNZthe other option is check the sessions directory's permissions
00:32.36TazzNZI recall something broke that
00:33.25Cubberthis is what an amportal restart produces:
00:33.52Cubberalong with the following on the freepbx web portal:
00:33.58Cubberall permissions look fine
00:34.10TazzNZuhm - there seems something big wrong there
00:34.37TazzNZI can't spend time on it now, maybe someone else can help, I have to run
00:34.58Cubberyah I have been working on this for over 3 hrs now and it is a production system
00:35.07Cubberneeds to be online by 7 am
00:35.17Cubberdamn updates
00:35.53TazzNZI suspect there is something more than updates wrong here
00:36.01Cubberthat is all that changed
00:36.17Cubbersystem has been running solid for months.  I just did a yum update and rebooted
00:36.18TazzNZI run AsteriskNOW too and am fine on php5.3
00:36.50Cubberasterisk will start if I clear out /etc/asterisk
00:36.54Cubberotherwise it segfaults
00:36.56TazzNZNO !
00:37.01TazzNZdon't do that
00:37.05CubberI did it to a backup directory
00:37.08Cubberthen put it back to test
00:37.25TazzNZanyways - have to run
00:37.27CubberI usually use CLI only asterisk and never have an issue but this customer wanted teh GUI
00:37.28WIMPycouldn;t start rasterisk earlier today because some lib had bben upgraded. I seriousely hate that kind of shit.
00:39.43CubberI can I migrate all of my current settings to a new install if necessary?
00:39.50Cubberjust backup DB?
00:53.27*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
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02:16.54cdrakkaI'm running asterisk 1.8 on ubuntu 12.04, mix of SIP and Dahdi. Everything has been working pretty smoothly. The other day tried to dial into a conference. Called the number, no problem. Enter the code for the conference, and it registers every number I dialed, except for '0' ... ex: I type 220333 and it tells me I dialed 22333. Any idea why this might be happening? is 0 special?
02:57.31[TK]D-Fenderno, you just have poor DTMF detection
02:57.37[TK]D-FenderAnd the 0's are iffy
02:57.42[TK]D-Fenderhold it longer to test
03:09.45*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:10.05ChannelZWas that over a DAHDI channel?
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07:23.58Guest65603morning all
07:25.14jmlslooking for a good source of docs for the agentpool stuff in 12
07:25.36jmlsI found an example dialplan earlier, but now (of course) I can't refind it .. ;)
07:36.13*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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07:43.39*** part/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
07:44.20WIMPyDoes pjsip allow me to use a to-domain that is different from the hostname?
07:57.53*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:55.24*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (~uros@
08:57.04Ast001Hello I have Asterisk 1.8.27 with load of 0.50 or above when noone calls. As soon as I turn off Asterisk load come back to 0.00 which lead me to conclusion that Asterisk is doing something. Can you help me to find out what is going on ?
08:57.13*** join/#asterisk spditner (
08:58.11*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:04.25Ast001here are options I use to start it
09:06.17Tim_ToadyAst001: monitor your system, use top, iotop, iptraf etc to see what causes the load
09:06.54Ast001yes I am monitoring them for days  turn off everything else except asterisk and has load. As soon as I turn off Asterisk load drops to 0
09:07.02Tim_Toadyif it is asterisk see whats going on, check the logs, login to the console with verbocity set to 3 and see if there is anything going on
09:07.40Ast001I did that to and did not see anything on CLI. I turned on verbosity to 3 debug to 3 also but nothing. Core show calls showed me 0 calls.
09:07.50Tim_Toadyyou have port 5060 accessible from the internet? have you taken any measure to prevent sip attacks?
09:07.58Tim_Toadythey are pretty common these days
09:08.17Ast001yes 5060 is running sip, I use fail2ban to block any attacker on 5060
09:09.44Ast001I don't see anything in /var/log/asterisk/messages, in case of attacks I would see some ip try to register.
09:13.38*** join/#asterisk dumby (~dumby@
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09:18.25Ast001I can try to disable sip and restart and check if it is because of sip.
09:19.55Ast001now load falls to 0.08 after I unloaded sip module. It seems it is connected with sip.
09:20.08*** join/#asterisk cw1972 (~cw1972@
09:20.27Ast001but I can't see any message regarding false registration attempt on messages.
09:21.25Tim_Toadyconfigure the logger properly
09:21.54Tim_Toadyalso get a network trace with tcpdump or ngrep to check whats going on with SIP traffic to 5060
09:22.42Ast001/var/log/asterisk/messages => notice,warning,error that writes me NOTICE and false registration in NOTICE I should see those if any.
09:27.13Tim_Toadyif the attacker was trying to register, he might just trying to guess extensions by sending INVITE or OPTIONS messages
09:27.25Tim_Toadythats why i suggested a network trace
09:28.41Tim_Toadyalso dont yet rule out other causes for this increased load, a sip attack is just one possible cause
09:41.24*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
09:51.06Ast001ok i will check trace
09:51.14*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (~uros@
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10:57.30skrustydoes asterisk support sip uri headers? e.g.
10:59.08wdoekesskrusty: what are those headers supposed to do?
10:59.49*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
10:59.58*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
11:00.12skrustywell, reading voip-info im trying to work it out... im trying to figure out how to pass some information to an AGI that gets dialed via a SIP uri
11:01.49skrustyit mentions that ? is considered as sip headers, but i am unsure what converts them to sip headers and if that's true at all. passing something via ?header=value does not appear in the SIP_HEADER func
11:02.58Tim_Toadyskrusty: pass some custom SIP headers, have asterisk read them and pass the values over to AGI
11:03.27skrustyi can only use a uri, i.e. i have no control over the device sending the call
11:03.53skrustyor initiating the call should i say, i just get to give it a SIP Uri
11:04.23skrustyi was hoping that the schema for it would support adding the headers via that stated above... or maybe im just being crap! :)
11:05.03skrustyi can see the uri is being passed to asteisk with the ?header=value in the "To" field
11:05.46skrustyoddly, when i do Get Varialbe SIP_HEADER(to), it returns nothing
11:10.26wdoekespbx_builtin_setvar_helper(tmp, "SIPURI", i->uri);
11:10.35wdoekes@ skrusty
11:12.09*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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11:13.10*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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11:26.13skrustywdoekes: sorry, was afk
11:27.09skrustyit's not in the sip uri, that seems to return the contact header
11:28.08*** join/#asterisk Joel_re (~jr@
11:28.58Joel_rehey, does anyone know whats the expected latency for voice data over a gsm network?
11:29.10Joel_reIm seeing around 700ms to 1 sec latency
11:29.13Joel_reis that normal?
11:30.15Tim_Toadynormal for a congested network i guess
11:30.39ChainsawJoel_re: There is pretty hefty echo cancellation and compression involved. Hundreds of milliseconds would not surprise me.
11:32.32Joel_redamn hmm ok, I built this interface/game which would accept input from asterisk<->gsm
11:32.56Joel_rebut the latency is the killer, and I havent been able to fix it
11:33.01Joel_reor probably will never
11:34.28ChainsawAh, you're doing in-band DTMF over GSM?
11:34.52Joel_reChainsaw: yes
11:35.00ChainsawJoel_re: I am impressed that it works at all.
11:35.28Joel_reChainsaw: well it works with around ~1 second latency, so its not too much fun
11:35.41Joel_rethe only good part is anyone with a mobile phone can call in and be part of it
11:35.51ChainsawJoel_re: You playing tetris on the side of a building? :)
11:36.39Joel_reChainsaw: heh, in this case it was just multiple characters scrawling around for a burger kinda thing
11:37.05Joel_reworks fine over sip, but getting random people to install a client isnt fun :p
11:37.58ChainsawJoel_re: WebRTC may be a useful halfway house between SIP and a browser?
11:38.24ChainsawJoel_re: Now granted, it's probably going to take Asterisk 12 to run that side of things and it isn't the most mature technology in the world...
11:38.44Joel_reIm using the AGI, nodejs, HTML5 for this setup
11:39.01Joel_rebut yeah webRTC is one option, I guess
11:39.13ChainsawJoel_re: Just to reduce your audio latency.
11:39.45ChainsawJoel_re: And be able to get at the audio circuitry without tedious things like Flash, if that is part of the game. I presume if you have DTMF input there is audible confirmation of some actions.
11:40.00*** join/#asterisk jaflong (5bec7504@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:41.11ChainsawJoel_re: That it circumvents call costs is just a side effect and not something I can officially encourage.
11:41.42Joel_reah, let me look into webRTC, do most mobile phone browsers support webRTC though - something I should read up on
11:41.50Joel_rethanks for the suggestion!
11:41.56jaflongHi, Is it possible to create a outgoing  connection on a channel as a  video call. The Dail app with video support maybe
11:45.29skrustywdoekes: looks like SIP_HEADER doesn't return anything inside <..>
11:45.33ChainsawJoel_re: I would expect an effort, as it means reducing the reliance on Flash. Both Android & Apple feel this way.
11:46.57skrustywdoekes: i take that back, looks like it's a bug in AsterNET :/
11:48.39Joel_reChainsaw: In this case Im playing with Phasejs and the HTML5 canvase - no flash
11:50.52ChainsawJoel_re: Yes, that sounds like enough of the new & cool stuff that WebRTC won't phase you :)
11:51.54ChainsawNearing Kings Cross station, back later.
11:52.21wdoekesskrusty: ok
11:52.52skrustydebug time! :)
12:04.57*** join/#asterisk mistahT (~mistahT@gateway/tor-sasl/mistaht)
12:06.35mistahThow do i solve this, when i have a dialplan context _.1, and _.n, and in the same context i have h,1. What happens is that next step from h,1 is _.,2
12:07.47mistahThow do i solve this?
12:08.15WIMPyDo as the warning says and don't use _. .
12:08.39mistahTi can't use anything else but _.,1 for start because i never know the extension
12:08.40WIMPyThat's exactely why it warns you.
12:09.06WIMPyIt's not numeric?
12:09.07mistahTi just want all to go through here
12:09.22mistahTit is. but prefix can be different always
12:09.41WIMPyUse X.
12:09.43mistahT[0-9] right
12:09.46WIMPyWhat prefix?
12:10.01mistahTfirst number
12:10.12mistahTcould be any from 0-9
12:10.26WIMPyOr if it can be a single digit, use X! .
12:10.36WIMPyX = [0-9]
12:11.39mistahT_[0-9]. should work
12:11.49mistahTi see
12:12.17mistahT_X! right
12:12.34mistahTthanks, sometimes i need help to wakeup
12:13.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:13.14WIMPyDoes pjsip allow me to use a to-domain that is different from the hostname?
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13:46.29newtonrWIMPy, I don't believe so. What exactly do you mean?
13:50.38newtonrWIMPy, you can do something like   Dial(PJSIP/mytrunk/sip:blah@x.x.x.x) , if you don't want to use a host that is set in the endpoints AOR/contact already..
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14:56.06kodomoHi folks - is there someone who could help me debug an issue between my snom m9 and * (TLS related, I'm afraid)?
14:57.09kodomoI've got the odd problem that my first call after rebooting the snom goes through (deterministically), but all subsequent calls fail...
14:58.45*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
14:59.58kodomoFrom the snom's perspective, I see the INVITE-Unauthorized-ACK-INVITE(new CSeq) sequence for all calls... but there's no reaction to the second INVITE (except for the first call)
15:01.55*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (~darkdrgn2@
15:02.06darkdrgn2khwo are RTP ports assigned in sip
15:02.22darkdrgn2kINVITE packets (m=audio 5394 RTP/AVP 0 8 18 5 99 102)  are there any othe rplaces?
15:03.11kodomoodd enough: on the * side (verbose, debug 9, sip set debug...), I see a parse request for the second INVITE upon the first call (but not for the ACK), and a parse request for the ACK on any subsequent call (but not for the respective second INVITE)
15:07.53*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
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15:11.15slykensHello all - anyone have experience with dahdi modules running very high cpu servicing IRQs to the point that asterisk and the rest of the system struggle to function?
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15:29.38jameswfslykens: dahdi modules run at 1000 interrupts/sec
15:29.58jameswfslykens: more specifically each device
15:33.38slykensI have a wct4xxp that is generating 160,000 interrupts per second, sometimes more, sometimes less.
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15:41.11rahulr92Hi. I'm running a test instance of Asterisk 11.8 on an Amazon Ec2 Linux Ami. I'm unable to get my asterisk manager to listen to port 5038.
15:41.57rahulr92I've added tcp/udp 5038 to security groups in ec2 console.
15:42.16rahulr92Any help is really appreciated.
15:42.39jameswfslykens: how are you calculating this?
15:43.34slykenscat /proc/interrupts; sleep 1; cat /proc/interrupts - then doing the math.
15:44.23jameswfslykens: pastebin the output of 2 iterations
15:48.34slykensjameswf: fwiw, i also have a problem where sometimes on startup the kernel will disable the ira (even with irqpoll set) because it generates 100,000 interrupts immediately before the module services it.
15:50.16jameswfslykens: assuming those are a second apart you probably have a hardware issue (motherboard or card)  I would move the card to a different slot then maybe try in a different system. Also unload the module and make sure 25 doesn't continue to increment.
15:52.07slykensjameswf: i've done those things and had similar problems in other systems too, even with new hardware. :/ This system is an Ubuntu 14.04 box but I'm going to build different FreePBX distro system tonight for testing on different hardware. Thanks.
15:53.15jameswfslykens: you may wish to poke tech support on this incase there is a known issue with a certain platform
15:54.07slykensjameswf: I think I might if I can't have joy with testing tonight. This platform had been working fine for about three years prior to an upgrade about a month ago and it's just been a lot of trouble since.
15:54.51jameswfslykens: I assume you are using genuine hardware and not some a clone
15:55.31slykensjameswf: Yes, both cards I have are genuine Digium. I've tried clones in the past with NO success.
15:59.08kodomoDoes anyone have a clue as to why asterisk should parse once the 'INVITE', but not the preceding 'ACK', and then the 'ACK', but not the following 'INVITE' in an identical sequence of messages?
15:59.45adeelnis this a valid pattern in asterisk, _45020[0-3,5-7]XXXXXXX ?
16:00.16Qwelladeeln: remove the comma I believe, but yes
16:00.24[TK]D-Fenderno "," between the 3 and 5
16:00.52adeelnok, so can't do multiple ranges in a single rule
16:01.12Qwellnobody said that
16:02.17adeelnah, keep forgetting that the comma is a literal comma in that pattern
16:10.19leifmadsenyou can do [0-35-7]
16:10.22leifmadsenthat is valid
16:10.38leifmadsenevery position is 1 char long, so it won't try to match like 35 or something
16:10.53leifmadsen[a-zA-Z0-9*#] is valid for example
16:10.56leifmadsenI use that all the time
16:11.24leifmadsenalso, remember that [ ] is a single matching position in the pattern match too
16:11.33leifmadsene.g. [0-9] would be the equiv of X
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16:42.59jameswfJust _. #yolo
16:47.02Qwellamateur :p
16:49.38*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
16:51.56navaismoalways change the context of amateur word (thanks-internet)
16:59.42leifmadsenQwell: match zero or more chars!
17:02.31Qwellleifmadsen: I don't remember exactly what it was, but Tilghman fixed some bug with:
17:02.39Qwellexten => ,1,SomeApp()
17:03.21mjordanfor some reason, that makes me sad
17:03.26Qwelleveryone was like "wait, what?"
17:03.37paulc.."no extension"?
17:03.59Qwellpaulc: No, no, that was the beauty of it.  There *was* an extension.  It was just zero length.
17:04.00leifmadsenrun all the things
17:04.07leifmadsenalways run all the things
17:04.22leifmadsenthat totally sounds like a bug Tilghman would fix :)
17:04.45mjordanI'm trying to think of a channel driver that will send a channel to a context but not provide an extension
17:05.03mjordaneven chan_sip will default things to 's'
17:05.17QwellI don't recall
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17:05.28mjordanwonders if Local/@default would work
17:05.37QwellThere was some weird semantic where s was the wrong thing to do.
17:05.45leifmadsens is always the wrong thing to do
17:05.50mjordanuntil it isn't
17:05.54leifmadsenthen it is
17:06.17leifmadsenunknown until it has been viewed
17:06.36mjordanWarnings be damned, man the torpedoes and _. ahead
17:06.47QwellAll of the 'shit' extensions are silly.
17:07.02mjordanyeah. Yet another thing to go back in time and undo.
17:08.00paulcI remember an issue ages ago using AMI to transfer a channel to a different extension, and the h extension firing.. which was weird, and unexpected.. we got round it by having an h-less context that just GoTo'd the right place.. kludgey fix but it worked.. I wonder if that still happens.. I should try sometime..
17:08.23paulc(and test that CURL in the dialplan still blocks, as per - personal favourite of mine)
17:08.26mjordansuspects masquerades, in the library, with the wrench
17:10.03mjordanpaulc: fairly confident that redirects no longer ever execute the 'h' extension on the masqueraded channel. We fixed a bunch of that stuff about a year or two ago. It _definitely_ won't happen in 12+.
17:10.48paulc@mjordan: yeah, I figured it was a bug.. not a big deal but I'd test it again out of curiosity, during a "quiet period" (I'm having a few of those lately)
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17:21.59*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou) problem's very much like this issue... ... except that it works exactly once before breaking down...
17:23.34kodomo(I do have enabled the compact headers)
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17:48.04anonymouz666anyone using asterisk with MS LYNC?
17:48.12anonymouz666LYNC 2013
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17:48.54matthew-moretalkHi Guys really strange problem im having and its been driving me crazy. trying to setup a console monitor which will run asterisk verbose all the time in our office. I ssh into one of our asterisk boxes and run asterisk -r and set verbose to 4. But the console and SSH Connection crashes every single time there is a goto statement in the verbose!
17:49.40matthew-moretalkp.s the ssh client is a raspberry Pi. If I do it from my desktop with putty its fine
17:51.08paulcmatthew-moretalk: specifically a goto? as opposed to gosub or any other command/app? that's.. weird..
17:51.16paulchow about running the console through screen - any difference?
17:51.26TazzNZanonymouz666: we PoC'ed it
17:52.27anonymouz666Takapa: did you make the TRANSFER work?
17:53.21matthew-moretalkif I run console though screen (on Pi) it crashes the whole Pi! and specifically a Goto
17:53.59TazzNZanonymouz666: So a call came into Lync 2013 and transfer it to Asterisk ?
17:54.43roxluI've been reading up on STUN and understand the process but the RFC doesn't really mention what to do with the data you receive (or I missed it). Therefore I was wondering, lets say I receive the reflexive address/port, what does stun expect me to do with it? (Create a listening socket?)
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17:56.31anonymouz666TazzNZ: you call from lync. lync sends to asterisk. asterisk sends to pstn.
17:56.44anonymouz666then your transfer from lync, to another pstn number.
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18:03.28andiIs there an easy way to check if I can connect to a remote pbx? Maybe something like tcptraceroute for udp? I don't know if this is technically possible.
18:04.21matthew-moretalkif you know the Sip Port the pbx is running on you could try telnet?
18:04.21Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
18:04.50andiMy provider is telling me that his server cannot reach my asterisk, but I opened up my firewall and I do not have a router in my setup. Therefore the server with asterisk running is at the moment directly connectable from the internet.
18:04.54matthew-moretalkyou said that before id even wrote my comment Nugget!
18:05.23matthew-moretalkso I assume you can ping it from the outside world?
18:05.53andiDo I need to use special udp parameters for telnet?
18:06.22matthew-moretalkhave you tried registering a device to the server for example a SIP Handset?
18:06.59matthew-moretalkis it that your provider cant register with your pbx or cant ping it?
18:08.00willwhis it possible to do something like dial in radio with asterisk?
18:08.14willwhuser calls in and gets connected to an icecast/shoutcast feed or something similar?
18:08.31matthew-moretalkyes is the simple answer willwh
18:08.42matthew-moretalkI would suggest google is your best friend :)
18:09.56andimatthew-moretalk: Oh, I'm using another sip provider which is working quite well and I have connected some snom 370 phones. :)
18:10.20andiJust this providers has problems to qualify with OPTIONS packets.
18:11.40andiThey said they can ping my host, but cannot register. But they have a large setup, therefore I do not know if the host from which they pinged my machine is the same as the one which trys to register with my pbx.
18:12.09matthew-moretalkarr okay iv had that. do some researching into qualifying with notify packets
18:12.43matthew-moretalkor the other option is dont register with them at all and get them to use IP Based Authentication for outbound routing and Sip Endpoints for Inbound
18:12.47matthew-moretalkthats what we do
18:13.03andiThey are trying to use ip based authentication, sorry.
18:13.25andiOk, so they do just qualify and do not register at all.
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18:14.15matthew-moretalkfor Outbound if your using ip based auth there should be no need to register or qualify at all
18:14.18hecataehi everyone
18:14.24hecataeany one use Bicom?
18:14.28andiThe strange thing is my pbx says everything is ok. I can qualify their host, but they cannot qualify mine.
18:14.49matthew-moretalkstrange. tried insecure=invite,port?
18:15.00matthew-moretalkin your trunk config
18:15.14andiWhat is it then called if they are sending me options packets to set my pbx active and if it's active they will redirect calls to my pbx.
18:15.39andiSure, I already tcpdumped the traffic. I can see my options packets, but not theirs.
18:16.28andiThey are telling me that my internetconnection is kind of broken, therefore the packets cannot pass through. But I do have a Gigabit Port from my housing provider.
18:16.43andiHmm, I have an idea...
18:16.49matthew-moretalkgo on?
18:17.14andiMy pbx is a kvm host on one of my servers. I'm trying to sniff the packets at the servers physical network interface.
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18:17.45matthew-moretalkarrr try sniffing at your vm then
18:17.59matthew-moretalksee if there getting lost somewhere in between the vm and host
18:18.17andiThat's what I already did. The packets do not arrive at the vm. Now I'll have a try at the physical nic.
18:19.06dan_jHi. When mixmonitor is recording, does it record directly into the destination location? If yes, how can I tell if the recording has finished (from outside of asterisk).
18:19.37kodomoasterisk appears to shut down the TLS connection after the snom sent its second INVITE (i.e., my asterisk machine sends a TCP FIN)... *sigh*
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18:20.44grimzzhave a problem with business Avaya IP Phone
18:20.59grimzzi know its Asterisk here, but i got nothing to loose
18:21.22paulcdan_j: I look for files with a modified time > a few minutes ago
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18:21.39grimzzsomething in conversation, voice get muted for like 10 seconds, then comeback
18:21.44dan_jpaulc: I was worried you were going to say something like that.
18:22.50paulcdan_j: I actually have a PHP script running that talks to AMI and monitors stuff, looking for link and unlink events, so you could tell that way.. but mostly, for the volume that I'm looking at, I just periodically check dates/times on the files
18:25.31dan_jI'm using asterisk 11.5.1 and it seems to be broken. When i start recording, I set a variable __RECORDING=1. But in the h extension, it doesnt appear to have the variable set. Other __variables seem to be listed fine.
18:25.49dan_jThe only difference i can see is that the __recording variable is set within a macro
18:26.09dan_jHas anyone seen an issue setting __variables from within a macro?
18:26.36paulcdan_j hmm.. if you change the variable to __DANRECORDING, do you still lose it in the h extension?
18:27.03paulcgets dragged away by coworkers - back in a bit
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18:38.50kodomohelp!... no one here who's familiar with asterisk/TLS ? This issue's driving me nuts... :-|
18:43.31mjordankodomo: People are familiar with it, they either (a) aren't familiar with whatever you're seeing, or (b) you're running into the issue that occurs when packet sizes get large.
18:44.04mjordanWhile there are patches that work around that issue, no one has solved the root cause of that problem, which is that the TLS implementation in Asterisk incorrectly handles large packets when reading from its FILE pointer
18:44.20mjordanYou can try the patches that work around the issue
18:44.36mjordanYou can try getting the phone/Asterisk to send smaller pickets (hint: reduce the size of the SDP)
18:44.52mjordanOr you can fix the TLS implementation in Asterisk (or pay someone to do it)
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18:55.01kodomomjordan: unfortunately, packet size seems _not_ to be the issue
18:56.21kodomoI actually am looking at the source code... but it would be an immense help to chat with someone who's familiar with it...
18:58.38kodomo(I've been the one reporting abovementioned issue... and the workarounds worked for me with the old version of asterisk... but they don't with
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19:22.22newtonrkodomo, if you are looking at the source code and have questions about it, you can try asking in #asterisk-dev . Thats where development discussions are held
19:27.23dan_jWhen starting recording by using a dtmf code, is there any way to choose the channel that the recording should start on? The reason I ask is that at the moment, if recording is started then the call is transferred, the recording stops on transfer.
19:27.51dan_jIf I can choose the caller's channel, then the call should be recorded till the final call ends.
19:28.43kodomonewtonr: ah - thx - thus 'wrong channel' - thx...
19:31.26dan_jI've set AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT(MixMonitor)=yes but that doesnt seem to help. the recording still ends on transfer
19:35.54dan_jAny ideas how I can diagnose this or what outputs I need to post in order for you to assist?
19:50.52leifmadsendan_j: yes, you choose the channel through the configuration in features.conf to operate on self or peer
19:51.06leifmadsenyou need to start the recording on the channel that is going to continue existing after the transfer
19:51.16leifmadsenif the channel that was performing the transfer goes away, and recording is on that channel, it will stop
19:51.26leifmadsencall recording in Asterisk is a bitch to deal with, especially around transfers
19:52.06*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
20:05.13*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.10.0 (2014/05/29), (2014/05/29); Standard: Asterisk 12.3.0 (2014/05/29); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
20:05.42mjordanleifmadsen: except in 12.
20:05.45mjordanjust sayin'.
20:06.46dan_jleifmadsen: thanks. I'll check it out.
20:06.57navaismofeature request: CRTL+R in asterisk console
20:07.00Chainsawmjordan: Is that a security upgrade? Just so I know whether I handle this tonight or tomorrow morning.
20:07.41leifmadsenmjordan: +1
20:08.05leifmadsenmjordan: thinking about just externalizing it with rtpproxy and keeping asterisk entirely on private IPs and limiting the external entities
20:08.57WIMPynewtonr: Sorry. I was away. The issue I have is that chan_sip uses whatever you specify in the host=line as domain part of the to header.
20:10.18mjordanChainsaw: just a normal one
20:10.33Chainsawmjordan: Ah, good. Thanks.
20:10.33mjordanChainsaw: if was a security release, you'd get a single release announcement stating as such
20:11.17Chainsawmjordan: They're so neatly on the same day on all branches, I got a bit worried.
20:11.27mjordanleifmadsen: for your kind of set ups... yes. Asterisk should be a big old dumb media/bridging engine that does nothing with the outside world
20:11.38mjordanChainsaw: we usually do that :-)
20:11.49Chainsawmjordan: Duly noted :)
20:12.43dan_jleifmadsen: i changed it to peer, instead of self, however now the peer hears the announcement that says "recording", rather than the side that triggered the recording.
20:13.31dan_jIs there anywhere to fix that? IE, can I use peer, but play an announcement to 'self'?
20:13.37leifmadsenwelcome to my nightmare :)
20:15.24dan_jOh dear. A part of me is wondering whether i'm going to start having to look for an alternative solution.
20:15.32dan_jHas it been improved in later versions?
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20:25.10[TK]D-FenderLater than?
20:25.44[TK]D-Fender[15:51]leifmadsencall recording in Asterisk is a bitch to deal with, especially around transfers   [16:05]mjordanleifmadsen: except in 12.
20:26.01dan_jdidnt know that was aimed at me
20:27.19dan_jI think i'm going to have to wait for 13 rather than going to 12 which is EOL quite soon.
20:28.30dan_jI know features can start on either self or peer. I was wondering if its possible to start two separate features using the same dial code.
20:28.48dan_jTherefore I'd be able to start recording on the peer, but playback a "recording started" message to the 'self'
20:29.27[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
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21:00.01kodomoif anyone cares: the issue was a race condition in sip_tls_read in line 3031 of channels/chan_sip.c of asterisk :-|
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21:19.01navaismojira page?
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