IRC log for #asterisk on 20140514

00:00.06[TK]D-Fender[19:58]Razvawell the idea is that after Dial it should be forwarded to...the SIP company, who should call the phone... <- what "SIP company"?
00:00.40Razvawhich I've configured in the iax.conf, I suppose
00:00.52[TK]D-FenderRazva: And what have you fogotton to do?
00:01.18Razvatooo link the dial to the iax?
00:01.51[TK]D-FenderAnd if they are IAX ... they are not SIP.
00:01.57[TK]D-FenderWhich is another inversion...
00:02.15[TK]D-Fender(IAX2 technically)
00:02.56raspberrypifanany idea why i get this
00:02.56raspberrypifanroot@raspbx:~# raspi-config
00:02.56raspberrypifanSegmentation fault
00:03.37Razvaaaaaaaaaa, I should dial IAX not SIP?
00:03.57[TK]D-FenderRazva: what is the protocol you configured for it?
00:04.16johndropperI try to dial into a meetme conf for example and this is what I get [2014-05-13 20:03:29] WARNING[1153][C-00000003]: chan_sip.c:10543 process_sdp: We are requesting SRTP for audio, but they responded without it!
00:04.36Razvaiax but the provider sent me sip (into the activation mail)
00:04.47johndropperthis is extention 121 trying to dial 500
00:04.49Razvaso I should somehow add the provider into the sip.conf also?
00:05.01[TK]D-FenderThen that's what you should configure if they have not said either will work with their info
00:06.09johndropperIf anyone can help that would be awesome
00:06.12Razvagot it
00:06.16johndropperthis one has me stumped
00:06.21Razvaso I've moved the credentials from IAX to SIP
00:06.31Razvabut now I should tell same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) to dial that provider
00:06.46johndropperMaybe [TK]D-Fender can help
00:06.47Razvawhich I really have no idea of how to do :|
00:07.04johndropperhe seems super smart
00:07.14[TK]D-Fender[20:06]Razvabut now I should tell same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) to dial that provider <--- how does that dial KNOW what provider to use?
00:07.32[TK]D-FenderRazva: You could ahve configure a THOUSAND in sip.conf
00:08.05[TK]D-Fenderwaits for the light
00:08.09Razvawait wait, is EXTEN?
00:08.25[TK]D-Fenderthat holds the number you ar currently processing in the dialplan.
00:08.31[TK]D-Fenderthat is the NUMBER... not where it GOES
00:08.40[TK]D-Fenderalmost there.....
00:09.22Razvadial -> protocol SIP -> number
00:09.38Razvaooooh 0 intuition! :))
00:09.54RazvaI need to tell him to dial the second provider in the sip
00:10.37[TK]D-Fenderther is no "second provider".  There is only the one you explicity type right into that command
00:10.54[TK]D-Fenderyou tell it where to go in the dial directly.  No guess, not automatic
00:11.15RazvaSIP/MyProvider/${EXTEM} ?
00:11.24[TK]D-Fenderfor sip, sure
00:11.30[TK]D-FenderAnd fixing the typo, etc
00:12.00viasanctuscan the cisco spa303 use a centralized address book with asterisk?
00:12.08Razva[Netmaster] < the "title" of the entry in the sip.conf
00:12.11Razvaso it should be like
00:12.23Razvan,Dial(SIP/Netmaster/${EXTEN}) ?
00:13.39[TK]D-FenderYou seem to be getting it now...
00:13.45Razvait's ringing
00:13.47[TK]D-Fendervery good
00:14.14Razvaboom chicka boom :D
00:14.46Razvawell...after wasn' complicated
00:15.01Razvanow I finally understand...doooh...
00:16.00[TK]D-FenderA worthwhile process.  the flow concepts are very important.  the dialplan is 90%+ of Asterisk
00:16.18Razvaquestion: can it show a name, not a number?
00:16.37[TK]D-FenderA few SIP peers entered into a config = no big deal.  actually processing calls and doing specific stuf.. that's the real work
00:16.52[TK]D-FenderThere is a CALLERID name .... AND a number
00:17.06[TK]D-FenderNow which if either you are able to actually set... depends on your provider it shows 100
00:17.42Razva100 which would be the username
00:21.30viasanctusdialing # shows the shared address book right?
00:21.35viasanctuson all sip phones?
00:21.52viasanctusis that an option to be supported by the telephone?
00:22.22WIMPyno, no, possibly
00:22.25viasanctusAnd I can create multiple address books in freepbx, how does the phone know in which address to look or which caller name to display?
00:22.26[TK]D-FenderThere is no general concept of a phonebook like that
00:22.37viasanctusi've read it in a blog
00:22.39Razva[TK]D-Fender interesting thing. if I rename 100 with a name (ex. Razva) it'll give "wrong password"
00:22.45[TK]D-FenderAnd this isn't the place for FreePBX config advice.....
00:22.53viasanctusguessing it's asterisk..
00:22.58[TK]D-Fenderit isn't
00:23.08Razvaso auth should be done only based on a number?
00:23.19[TK]D-Fenderdid you change your softphone as well?
00:23.32viasanctusfreepbx isn't an asterisk management application?
00:23.37[TK]D-Fenderperhaps didn't apply all your changes properly
00:23.57viasanctus FreePBX is an open source GUI (graphical user interface) that controls and manages Asterisk (PBX)
00:25.20WIMPy... and is not part of Asterisk.
00:25.29infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
00:25.56*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
00:27.11viasanctusit doesn't really matter if i need to access the asteirsk config files directly or go through freepbx
00:27.17Razvasolved it, I suppose it was a typo. :|
00:27.28Razvaok, so if I do callerid=Webhipo, than the caller on the phone is "Unknown"
00:27.44Razvaif I do callerid="Webhipo" <123456> the caller is 123456
00:27.55viasanctusand to be honest, It's nothing compared to enterprise softwae development we are involved (core of our business)
00:27.57[TK]D-Fenderviasanctus: Asterisk has no phonebook concept.
00:28.02viasanctusok thank you :)
00:28.04Razvamy desire is to have the caller "Webhipo"
00:28.18[TK]D-Fenderviasanctus: Nor do any common VoIP protocols, etc
00:28.21viasanctusi find asterisk one of the most simplest things around tbh
00:28.32viasanctusjust no experrience
00:28.53viasanctusthank you Fender!
00:29.19[TK]D-Fenderviasanctus: If you want to know how to do it for a phone... read the phone's manual to see if there is an option at all.
00:29.31viasanctusa personal address book is described
00:29.32[TK]D-Fenderviasanctus: But it'll be specific to that model
00:30.01viasanctusI do read "Your personal address book is a place to store contact information about people you frequently call and people who are not included in your corporate directory, such as clients, suppliers, friends, and family members. "
00:30.03viasanctushence my q
00:30.31[TK]D-FenderAnd what else does it say as to where a corporate directory might be held?
00:30.41Razva[TK]D-Fender can you please give me a hint of how to accomplish that also? and than I promice I'll not bother you in the next 24 hours! :D
00:30.43viasanctusneed to figure out how to attach a corporate directory :) but I get it now, asterisk is about the voice management, no side services related with user management
00:30.51viasanctusfender, nothing
00:31.07viasanctushave been googling my butts of for the last 1,5 hour
00:31.51[TK]D-Fenderviasanctus: 2 second search on my part seemed to turn up instant solid answers...
00:32.05[TK]D-FenderFIRST result
00:32.13viasanctusfender, sorry, you didn't get my q
00:32.26viasanctusI know it can handle LDAP
00:32.39johndropperany help with my srtp error?
00:32.48viasanctusbut I was wondering if there's something with asterisk (built in) I know now asterisk doesn't ,so perhaps freepbx
00:33.05johndropperWARNING[1153][C-00000007]: chan_sip.c:10543 process_sdp: We are requesting SRTP for audio, but they responded without it!
00:33.10viasanctusI do now freepbx does
00:33.22viasanctusi was looking faultive since I didn't know where to draw the line
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00:36.36johndropperHonestly I would exspect anyone to know
00:36.58johndropperasterisk meesed up big time on this. Its a 11.6 to 11.9 difference
00:37.10johndropperit has to do with rtp encrption’
00:37.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
00:37.42[TK]D-Fendermissed everything since my last line...
00:37.47*** join/#asterisk jhester (~jhester@
00:37.47johndroppermy phones are set as RTP ENCRYTION ON. When I disable RTP encrytion on the phones every works
00:38.12johndroppermy prob is I dont want to go around to 65 plus phones and disable rtp encryp
00:38.36johndropperso I am wondering how I can get asterisk to just work with my phones rtp encryption on
00:39.40[TK]D-FenderSet up the * to match
00:40.17johndropperTK what?
00:40.48[TK]D-FenderIf your phones are using SRTP then Asterisk has to be configured to MATCH them
00:41.03johndroppernope worked in 1.6 all day long
00:41.19johndropperoops meant 11.6
00:41.23johndropper11.9 killed me
00:41.28[TK]D-FenderSomething clearly is not right with the config.
00:41.38johndropperthe config of what?
00:41.40Razva[TK]D-Fender ok, so if I do callerid=Webhipo, than the caller on the phone is "Unknown". if I do callerid="Webhipo" <123456> the caller is 123456. my desire is to have the caller "Webhipo". can you please give me a hint of how to accomplish that also? and than I promice I'll not bother you in the next 24 hours! :D
00:42.07[TK]D-Fenderif I do callerid=Webhipo,  <- where?
00:42.41[TK]D-FenderRazva: callerid = "name" <number>
00:43.14Razvagot it, but is there any way to "force" it to use the name?
00:43.17Razvanot the number
00:44.23[TK]D-FenderYou almost never get to set a NAME when calling the PSTN
00:44.39[TK]D-FenderSo if you'r thinking of pushing that out VoicePulse.... don't hold your breath
00:44.53[TK]D-FenderFor one of your SIP pones to another... sure
00:45.32johndropperanyone smart enough?
00:45.34RazvaI'm using some local provider, Netmaster
00:45.38*** join/#asterisk jhe5ter (~jhester@
00:45.56Razvaso this is a limitation from the provider?
00:45.58[TK]D-Fenderjohndropper: Asterisk and your phone do not agree
00:46.04[TK]D-Fenderjohndropper: Fix them so they do
00:46.15[TK]D-FenderRazva: this is a limitation of almost all
00:46.16johndropperyou dont even know
00:46.21johndroppergreat answer
00:46.32[TK]D-Fenderjohndropper: You can change either side so that it agrees with the other
00:46.38[TK]D-FenderWhich one YOU want to do is up to you
00:46.44johndropperok how do I change the asterisk side
00:46.51[TK]D-Fendervi sip.conf
00:46.52johndroppermaybe disable srtp all together
00:46.58johndropperIm there
00:47.00johndropperbeen there
00:47.10[TK]D-FenderIf your phones ask for and asterisk can't deliver your calls will fail.
00:47.20[TK]D-FenderYou seem to be missing the part about making them "agree"
00:47.32johndropperno it worked great in 11.6
00:47.36johndropper11.9 killed them
00:47.47[TK]D-FenderSo either set up Asterisk properly for SRTP, or disable it in your phones.
00:48.00johndropperi cant disable in in the phones.
00:48.03johndroppernot an option
00:48.09johndropperSo how in asterisk
00:48.12[TK]D-FenderApparently you can... and as you said.,... you just don't want to
00:48.15johndroppermaybe disable srtp
00:48.24johndropperI did on 1 phone to test the theory
00:48.34[TK]D-FenderAnd it worked as you said
00:48.36[TK]D-Fenderso you can
00:48.40johndropperIm not going to drive to every location and change
00:48.53[TK]D-FenderWell don't waste time lying to us at least
00:48.55johndropperthis is a hosted asterisk server
00:49.09[TK]D-FenderIf you want to look at a phone... then look at a phone.
00:49.11johndroppereach phone connected is 100 miles away
00:49.13Razva[TK]D-Fender any idea of a provide who allows this...? I basically want to call clients from time to time, only when they *really* need my call, but without showing my number. If I call from a restricted (unknown) number most of them will not answer, so I was thinking to call them with the company name so they will answer... :|
00:49.40johndropperso should I drive 100 miles to each phone and change
00:49.48johndropperNow what sir?
00:49.52[TK]D-FenderRazva: you might be able to have VoicePulse SET the name for your calls.
00:50.07Razvasounds interesting.
00:50.47Razvaok than, thanks for your time!
00:51.36[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
00:51.50Razvasent you a PM. :)
00:53.00jameswfIf im going to be 100 miles from a phone I may invest in one with a web interface
00:53.21johndropperyeah james great ideaswf
00:53.53johndropperso let me remote into 65 phones and spend 1 month doing that
00:54.51[TK]D-Fendercould issue config changes and force all to reboot remotely right from his server.... if he ever needed to
00:55.00jameswfIf I have 65 phones to manage I may invest in an endpoint manager
00:55.24[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Min'es called "vi".  It's like magic and stuff!
00:55.49johndropperI am in VI
00:55.52johndroppernow what?
00:55.58johndropperagain I say
00:56.14johndropperyou must not know. I am vi sip.conf tell me what to do smarty
00:56.27[TK]D-FenderI never said that would help with the way you set yours up.
00:56.34[TK]D-FenderYou are making assumptions
00:56.41[TK]D-FenderAnd being snarky about it
00:56.42johndropper11.6 works great 11.9 NO
00:56.47jameswf[TK]D-Fender vi is the devil I dont care what you say lalalalalala
00:56.57[TK]D-Fenderyeah, and that version magically breaks everything
00:57.02johndropperit did
00:57.24johndropperI went back to 11.6 and what do you know. it works again .hhhhhmmmmm
00:57.52jameswfStick to 11.6 is there something pressing you need in 11.9
00:57.54johndropperso obviously 11.9 has munked something up with rtp encryption
00:58.18[TK]D-FenderOr maybe there is something about things like the USERAGENT that changed with the upgrade so that previous comms don't match'
00:58.20johndropperI like to stay fresh consdering this server is sitting on the public interent
00:58.28[TK]D-FenderThen again you have not shown anything useful in debugging this
00:58.42johndropperI showed error
00:58.58[TK]D-FenderYou think that is enough to see where the difference is?
00:59.01[TK]D-Fender1 little line
00:59.11johndropperWARNING[1152][C-00000002]: chan_sip.c:10543 process_sdp: We are requesting SRTP for audio, but they responded without it!
00:59.13[TK]D-FenderIs that you idea of "debugging" and "complete information"?
00:59.33johndroppergive advice. Im listening
00:59.39johndropperill try it
01:00.24[TK]D-FenderWe'll start the bidding at 0...
01:00.40[TK]D-Fendertrying shoing a complete call.  Certificate setups, peer setups, etc.
01:00.51[TK]D-FenderYou know the things that actually constitute your configuration.
01:01.01johndroppermy config is fine
01:01.10johndropperthanks for trying help. Im moving on
01:01.35[TK]D-Fenderyup... another one of those...
01:01.39johndropperI can get better results with hard knocks than argueing with you
01:01.53johndropperit has been real tho
01:01.55[TK]D-FenderYou offer nothing
01:01.59johndropperthanks bro
01:02.08[TK]D-FenderResulats are likely to remain proportionate
01:02.15johndropperlol ill get it
01:02.24[TK]D-FenderHopefully so
01:02.36WIMPyjohndropper: None of us have magic glass spheres. Nor as far as I know.
01:02.50johndropperits cool
01:02.52[TK]D-FenderI do, but they are mostly good for burning ants...
01:03.12WIMPyThat's not magic, just optics.
01:03.21[TK]D-FenderAnd when I look inside it looks like it's snowing!
01:03.37[TK]D-FenderIt is sufficiently advanced... it seems like magic!
01:04.21lanningWIMPy: would acrylic work for the sphere? :)
01:05.04WIMPyAccording to the legend it is galss. But we don't know for sure as noone has found a working version, yet.
01:08.23jameswf there is always this
01:10.17[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Well there shouldn't be a functionaly change that would take this out at that poitn... so what might be suspected as a bug would be on the tracker... not in the changelog... otherwise it'd already be fixed and we wouldn't be hearing about this now.
01:10.24[TK]D-Fender... Just sayin'
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01:48.43RaMcHiPWoooohoo, got click to dial working
01:48.57RaMcHiPNow I have only have 1 more question, when I dial into my PBX I dont hear any ringing
01:49.19RaMcHiPhow do I make incoming calls ring while its connecting?
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01:57.14youjellyI call resetcdr() just before I dial a number, but in the cdr its including the time when the phone is still ringing, can that be catered for?
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03:34.57johndroppercan anyone see me?
03:35.29johndropperhow can I get asterisk to default to ftp even if sftp is offered?
03:35.41johndropperoops rtp and srtp
03:37.04johndropperanyone here
03:40.49lvlinuxjust dont enable srtp
03:43.05lvlinuxand it wont use it
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04:10.21johndropperits enabled i guess
04:10.27johndropperhow do I disable?
04:10.45johndropperlvlinux: how do I disable
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04:51.12lvlinuxjohndropper: gtg but i b back tomorrow---ck google should b easy to find.
04:51.27johndropperlol not
04:52.03lvlinuxdisable tcp in ur sip.conf for starter---that might take care of it easy.
04:52.08lvlinuxb back tomoorow
04:52.11lvlinuxgoes to bed
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08:24.29fidividiwhats the best way to shorten the keep-alive and refresh period for peers/trunks/extensions in asterisk, for those devices/peers that go unreachable/lagged?
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08:45.53wdoekesfidividi: qualifyfreq?
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09:19.07bstarekhello all
09:19.28bstarekI have this very weird issue where only conference call works over nat, but not the rest :)
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10:13.58peetaurin Asterisk 11.9.0, how do I get the "console dial" command?
10:16.47peetaurI have chan_oss built and I remarked out the "noload" in modules.conf and restarted asterisk, but it doesn't show the dial command in help
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11:02.28mirela666HI, when doing the         SIP/2.0 181 Call is being forwarded I get the: pp_dial.c:958 do_forward: Not accepting call completion offers from call-forward recipient
11:03.07mirela666is there a way to emove this notice? is some sip header incomplete?
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12:31.48marceloamorimguys I had an issue on monday and I did today again, but I couldn`t find the problem yet, the problem is on my asterisk asterisk 11.6-cert2
12:33.59marceloamorimI have an asterisk in one place and I have tunnel to the local where I have the phones, and run like if was local network, but the phones are being disconected every day on the energy supply
12:34.54marceloamorimevery day on the morning they turn on the phones, but the phones can`t registry on the pbx
12:35.17marceloamorimso I need to do "sip reload" then all phones registry again
12:35.58marceloamorimI look to the log on /var/log/asterisk/full and doesn`t have any log for the phones
12:39.31marceloamorimso I wondering when this problem happen again, because it happened on monday and today, if I should get the debug for this or if I try tcpdump on the ethernet
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13:22.32saint_hi all - is there a way to have some kind of heart bit with asterisk, so when the sip trunk goes down, it attempts to reconnect automatically, instead of having people telling me that "the phone system is not working", and restart asterisk manually ..?
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13:23.08[TK]D-Fendersaint_: Depends on your definition of "goes down"
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13:23.33djhenryaHow can I get an event/message/notification from asterisk whenever an incoming call was handled?
13:23.56[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: define "handled"
13:24.02saint_well.. it happened yesterday, and i did not really have time to troubleshot. All I noticed was that internal calls were working "over the internet". I have digium phones spreaded behind private networks, and it works. The only thing that did not work was incoming / outgoing through the sip trunk.
13:24.30djhenryainet <-> asterisk <-> me
13:24.43[TK]D-Fendersaint_: Lack of details  doesn't help in identifying what if anything can be done
13:24.45djhenryawhen someone calls me I want to be notified
13:24.52[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: How?
13:25.09djhenryahow what?
13:25.25[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: HOW do you want to be notified?
13:25.29saint_[TK]D-Fender I understand and agree with that. but is there something in general that people use.. like a script, an add-on, something else, that will prompt asterisk to try to restart itself if it can't connect to the sip carrier ?
13:25.47[TK]D-Fendersaint_: Restarting * isn't the problem.
13:25.59saint_[TK]D-Fender in my case, restarting was the fix..
13:26.04[TK]D-Fendersaint_: your concept of "connection" is flawed
13:26.07djhenryaI would like a message to be sent to me by socker, or http
13:26.26[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: well it's your dialplan... go call a script before you dial your device
13:26.52djhenryaI searched for an example but couldn't find anything
13:27.14djhenryaI would also like to "click a dial" from my web page...
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13:27.27[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya:Well you have to clearly define how you intend to send it... because this is your job to invent
13:27.29saint_[TK]D-Fender a script for example where asterisk would try to call a number, if it rings back , then it is OK. if there is no ring back, then it tries to restart sip trunk. is this doable ?
13:27.55[TK]D-Fendersaint_: Again your definition of what a "connection" is is flawed.
13:28.23djhenryaFender, look - I want my web application to show who is calling me now
13:28.35djhenryaI also have a sip client to handle the call
13:28.44djhenryahow can I notify the browser about call data?
13:29.00[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: that's for you to code.
13:29.11djhenryacode where?
13:29.33[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: How can someone just throw information at a web browser?  Web browsers tend to pull information... not have it thrown at them
13:29.55djhenryayeah yeah.. let me implement the polling/websocket
13:30.02[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: you make your script on your * server.  You have your dialplan call that script before dialing your device
13:30.09djhenryabut what do I poll? I saw asterisk 12 has REST API
13:30.36djhenryaokay, that's one. Can you give me an example for such a script?
13:30.48[TK]D-FenderIf you want to set something raw I'd recommend using AMI and a Custom Event
13:31.47djhenryaok, thanks.  I am looking into it
13:31.53djhenryaI have another question
13:32.10djhenryaHow can I implement a "click-a-dial" with asterisk?
13:32.19[TK]D-Fenderdjhenrya: AMI Originate <-
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13:34.39djhenryaPERFECT! thanks:)
13:36.01QuastorHi when we try to send from an hardware fax with an ata controller we receive:  "Failed to initialize UDPTL, declining image stream"  and the fax is unreadable with the receiver. Any idea
13:39.14jameswfQuastor: don't fax over IP
13:40.00jameswfKatty: Colorodo and Washington aren't awake yet so no one is high
13:41.41Kattyhugs jameswf
13:44.05Quastorjameswf: well if possible I didn't connect any analog device on asterisk, but ye
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14:03.55MaliutaLapjameswf: it'll be a while until they wake up, then they'll have to deal with the munchies ;)
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14:08.42XandriXi know this is not the proper place to ask but anyone here ever mess around with avaya phone systems ?
14:10.00MaliutaLapXandriX: no, I can't convince people to lend me the kit to play with
14:10.14XandriXMaliutaLap: okies
14:11.01jameswfXandriX: back when they were toshiba
14:11.20XandriXjameswf: o.O
14:11.34XandriXour model used to be nortel not toshiba you must be old :P
14:11.47jameswflate 90s
14:11.55jameswfearly 00s
14:12.33jameswfI have worked on merlins with 5.25 floppy's.... I have seen things
14:13.37MaliutaLapjameswf: things you can never unsee ... we've all been there :)
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14:17.58XandriXjameswf: no offense was intended btw :)
14:19.57jameswfXandriX: part of my job description is punching bag, I don't offend easy....
14:22.06XandriXi hear ya
14:22.22XandriXim stuck with a bcm450 at work and i need to find a way to actualy access root without mounting the hdd in another machine
14:22.27XandriXso far quite frustrating xD
14:23.19MaliutaLapwould mounting the drive in another system be _that_ bad ;)
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14:38.41XandriXMaliutaLap: yeah it means down time cuz its our only phone system and they dont like overtime here but we must fix things and do as they ask xD
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14:39.55MaliutaLapXandriX: people need to learn they can't have it both ways ... do you want it fixed? or do you want to avoid paying overtime/time-in-lieu
14:40.32MaliutaLapmostly my contracts have time-in-lieu ... so they really don't mind, mainly because they have no intention of giving me the time back anyhow :(
14:41.28XandriXill figure something out
14:41.54MaliutaLapI suggest threatening the disk with a super magnet ;)
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14:45.51alamii want to secure an asterisk server that i'm using only for conference, i want only that Active directory or people that have smartcard can start conference
14:46.01alamiis there a way to secure this server?
14:46.15jameswfXandriX: why not reboot in to single user
14:46.34jameswfalami: AGI
14:49.44fidividiwdoekes: thanks a lot for pointing out "qualifyfreq" to me. Do they go on PEER settings or is there a way to generalize it on sip.conf? I am interested in the latter.
14:50.49[TK]D-Fenderalami: How do you start a conference at all?
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14:51.42XandriXjameswf: still gonna kill our only current running phone system xD
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14:52.05jameswfXandriX: yes but for 5 minutes rather than 30
14:52.11XandriXjameswf: maybe one night when there is overtime ill sneek into that room with a usb to serial adapter and the proper cable for it
14:52.31XandriXjameswf: that bcm450 takes about 45 minutes for everything to be back and fully running its a piece of crap xD
14:52.37LemensTSAnyone know why asterisk does not announce the 3rd digit of parked lot extension?
14:52.59alami[TK]D-Fender if a call start with the number 5, for example 5555 it will ask for a password , and the make a conference
14:53.27[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: I'd be wondering if they were waiting long enough beofre finalizing the attended transfer or not.
14:53.45[TK]D-Fenderalami: That's up to you and your dialplan.
14:53.50alami[TK]D-Fender : my Problem i want to make this conferencebridge connect to the pstn, so that i can call from home and from outside
14:54.07[TK]D-Fenderalami: That idea is backwarks.
14:54.20alami[TK]D-Fender: and i don't want that everybody can dial and start a conference
14:54.25XandriXjameswf: also there seems to be a private key for the root user on the file system if i could get my hands on it maybe i could do something
14:54.29[TK]D-Fenderalami: It doesn't connect to the PSTN ... your PSTN connection leads to that dialplan
14:54.39LemensTSTKD-Fender: I call in to sip phone, wait 5 seconds after I answer, I press park and listen to it say 70 and then it hangs up. CLI also shows it does not play the 1
14:54.50XandriXcuz for somereason they give you access to a logfile that is essentialy ls -al / but that traverses all directory
14:54.53LemensTSPolycom 321 btw
14:55.00[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: I'd elaborate on this "press park"
14:55.12jameswf70 is the lot 701 is the pickup
14:55.13[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: and I'd try doing it the NORMAL way for comparison
14:55.21infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
14:55.59alami[TK]D-Fender: but at the moment any body can call and start conference, and i want to limite that
14:56.11jameswfalami: AGI
14:56.41alamijameswf: can i make a use of smartcard authentication with AGI?
14:57.07[TK]D-Fenderalami: Again, it's your dialplan.. if you don't want 1 place to be able to start it.... don't put the apps there to do it
14:57.13LemensTSThats odd. I press transfer then 700 and it says 701...its probably my Call Park code in polycom cfg:  efk.efklist.1.action.string="$FTransfer$$FDialpad7$$FDialpad0$$FDialpad0$$FDialpadPound$$Cp3$$Chu$"
14:57.16jameswfalami: you can make anything with agi
14:57.57jameswfalami: I have only been skimming but I think you want DisA
14:58.14[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Cp3 = "pause 3 seconds" by any chance?  Perhaps not quite long enough?
14:58.26[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: He doesn't
14:58.52[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: just authing a caller I wouldn't pump through a secondary channel like that.
14:59.21[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: And it dies fast on timeout....
14:59.39jameswf[TK]D-Fender: I thought I saw he was passing calls through his phone system by calling in
14:59.58[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: We're only talking about a confbridge here...
15:00.27jameswf[TK]D-Fender: I thougt he was doing some voodoo to use a confbridge as disa
15:00.41jameswf[TK]D-Fender: stranger things have happened
15:00.59[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: jameswf No, he doesn't understand the concept of separating your dialplan in contexts and actually configuring dilaplan flow to demand auth where you want it, etc.
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15:04.06leifmadsenfuggit! auth all the calls!
15:04.34XandriXjameswf: apparently i haveto either hookup a laptop with a crossover cable to access it properly on the OAM port or use a serial cable hehe
15:05.55jameswfleifmadsen: minutes are cheap
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15:07.06jameswfI feel old... I had to stare at that for like 45 seconds
15:07.26leifmadsencrazy kids and your acronyms
15:07.28leifmadsenget off my lawn!
15:08.07jameswfI was the good parent reading my kids text messages.... After a few weeks of that I couldn't afford to lose any more IQ points so I stopped
15:09.07LemensTSThat did the trick TK-FENDER, thanks
15:11.40leifmadsenjameswf: lolz
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15:21.14[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: You're welcome
15:21.53wdoekesfidividi: you could just test it in general and see if it works
15:23.15wdoekesspoiler: the option is parsed in the global reload_config()
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15:33.10alami[TK]D-Fender: can i make only user with Active directory account can start a conference in my dialplan?
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15:39.07[TK]D-Fenderalami: Asterisk knows nothing of "active directory".  Any lookups you do is in a script of your making
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15:41.09alami[TK]D-Fender: that's why i was asking because you have sure more experience then me, and my question is quite simple
15:41.35jameswfalami: google "<Linux scripting language of choice> Active Directory" then google "asterisk AGI"
15:41.38alamiand i want only to authorize some ppl to call the conference bridge and start a conference
15:41.46[TK]D-Fenderalami: I have no experience with Active Directory.  I just know that Asterisk has NO functionality for talking or caring about it, so it's up to you to code.
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15:42.17alamiok allright, thanks a lot
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15:57.08MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: all you need to know about MS-AD is that it's a borked LDAP implementation :)
16:02.11jameswfMaliutaLap: all you need to know about MS-AD is that it's a Microsoft implementation FTFY
16:04.25MaliutaLapjameswf: you're right any MS implementation is borked - I shouldn't have been redundant in my use of language. It's just that I'm used to building redundancy into any system I can ;)
16:04.54johndroppertk at it again
16:08.13boom^timeHey is there a good way in an asterisk dial plan to be able to dial an extension during a call to xfer the person you're talking to to an extension and places the operator on hold until they are finished and then brings them back together?
16:10.44jameswfboom^time:  why would you want the operator to hold
16:11.17boom^timejameswf, I suppose they could follow along and be muted.
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16:11.47jameswfboom^time: couldn't you set the hangup destination back to the operator so they could move on
16:12.43LemensTSConnected Line ID: 12129991111    Eff. Connected Line ID: 12129991111    if i do show core channel channelname during a call it shows these 2 stats. Can I get those via the dialplan?
16:12.45boom^timethe operator is part of a queue from a different system accessible by a single number
16:13.05boom^timeno guarantee it'l get back that operator, who ever is next in line will get it
16:15.41marceloamorimguys, can I make my asterisk insecure for one ip? like I have an interface gsm and this interface to send me the callerid I need to receive this call "without registration" but now I have this message "Sending fake auth rejection for device 03799841120 <sip:03799841120@;user=phone>;tag=c17f3a26f3234e877d1ab71c72c1ad8c"
16:15.54marceloamorimbut I need this just for this
16:16.01marceloamorimis it possible?
16:16.53jameswfboom^time: I guess I don't understand the call flow or locking 2 people up.    It can be done but your best bet is probably a conference call unless you keep a table of "busy agents" once the call transfers out the agent is technically availible
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16:21.07boom^timejameswf, I see. What method do you use to have asterisk allow a transfer or conference during a call?
16:22.37jameswfboom^time: google "asterisk features.conf"
16:22.53boom^timejameswf, thank you
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16:26.09marceloamorimI set alwaysauthreject=no and allowguest=yes, but I wish to open just for this device
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16:32.26Mango45Using the dial plan, is it possible to find a list of codecs that a peer wants to use?  I can see it in the invite if I look at sip debug, but not sure how to use it progmatically.
16:33.05jameswfMango45: explain "codes"
16:33.18Mango45like g.711, g.722, g.729, gsm, and so on.
16:34.21jameswfMango45:  this is handled by the protocol. You say what you are willing to use. They say what they are willing to use and the protocol negotiates
16:34.35jameswf1st match wins I believe
16:34.50Mango45The purpose of the exercise is to disable transcoding.
16:35.16Mango45If one peer allows G.711, and the other allows G.722, G.711, Asterisk will transcode instead of using the first common.
16:35.18jameswfMaliutaLap: then only offer G.711
16:35.34Mango45I want to use G.722, if both peers support it.
16:35.59Mango45I know I can set the SIP_CODEC variable, but not sure how to determine what codecs are available for an incoming call.
16:36.16jameswfso dissalow all, allow g722, g711
16:36.29jameswforder matters
16:36.53jameswfthen it is in the hands of the sip gods
16:37.17Mango45I want it to be in my hands ;)
16:37.22Mango45I disagree with the sip gods.
16:37.58jameswfMaliutaLap: write your own sip stack
16:38.28Mango45Sure, that'll only take me 15 or 20 minutes.  :)
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16:40.51jameswfMango45: maybe you should learn to accept the decisions of the sip gods :)
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16:41.48jameswfMango45:  to get a clear understanding of everything going on do a tcpdump on a call
16:43.16fidividislaps fidividi around a bit with a large trout
16:44.21fidividiwdoekes: how can i verify once the settings are in place?
16:44.34jameswffidividi: no paraphyletic abuse
16:45.20fidividijameswf: im new to all this, i was seeing how to put usernames in beginning instead of manually writing it..
16:48.10fidividijameswf: apparently it is all done manually, right?
16:49.26marceloamorimanyone knows if its possible?
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17:08.08otuboHello guys, I have a question: If I use a chan_dongle with a GSM modem with voice feature enabled, can I simply call the modem and redirect it to an extension? Is it possible?
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17:51.02igcewielingI'm getting the following error in the CLI, if it was a NAT or firewall issue I'd expect the error to be dest unreachable or something like that.  Using Asterisk 11.  Error: "[May 14 13:50:29] WARNING[2408]: chan_sip.c:3907 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x7f7e901987d0 (len 610) to returned -2: Interrupted system call"
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18:13.14marceloamorimotubo: I've never used the chan_dongle, but I did a research some days ago and yes, you can do this
18:14.19marceloamorimthis page help me with this dongle thing,
18:15.16marceloamorimit is in portuguese, but the samples are in english, so I think you may understand
18:15.47marceloamorimlook for [dongle-incoming]
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18:17.12igcewielingvery very few people use chan_dongle so you won't find many people who can help
18:17.57otubomarceloamorim, na verdade eu sou brasileiro :) então documentação em pt_BR é OK :) Thanks a lot!
18:18.59marceloamorimvocê cometeu uns erros em ingles que eu geralmente cometo tambem, mas não esperava que fosse brasileiro =) mas tudo bem =)
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18:58.11navaismoThe ${MACRO_EXTEN} should be available at the beginning  of any MACRO or i need to set up first somewhere?
18:58.30navaismoa NoOp(${MACRO_EXTEN}) show nothing :(
18:58.54[TK]D-FenderShow us
19:03.34[TK]D-Fender-- Executing [90455530501800@from-service-level:1] Gosub("SIP/6001-00000015", "permiso,~~s~~,1(7)") in new stack <- do you see the word "macro" in there?
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19:08.16navaismobut no gosub in the dialplan, this is a AEL dp
19:08.55[TK]D-FenderAEL gets parsed back to standard dialplan.
19:09.02[TK]D-FenderAnd you didn't look at what that was
19:10.53navaismook so the line  _9045ZXXXXXXXXX => &permiso(7); is tranated to Gosub(permiso,~~s~~,1(7)), but the wiki has as an example the &macro-name to jump at
19:11.50[TK]D-FenderSee that giant yellow block in the middle of the page?
19:12.49navaismoactually in my pc is light-yellow but how in the hell i pass that information with that bold and warning icon
19:13.13navaismosometimes i say to myself(what...) i need to change profession
19:14.15navaismostarting the migration to normal dialplan
19:18.31navaismoThank you for open my eyes
19:19.30marceloamorim[TK]D-Fender: do you know how can I fix the sending fake auth rejection for device?
19:19.50[TK]D-FenderDon't auth your peer
19:20.36*** join/#asterisk Corey84 (~Corey84@unaffiliated/corey84)
19:20.41marceloamorimI don`t want auth this peer
19:21.25marceloamorimbecause I don`t know why when I use sip peer the callerid didn`t repass to my asterisk
19:21.35marceloamorimit is a gsm gateway
19:21.45[TK]D-FenderYou configured your peer wrong
19:22.02[TK]D-Fenderinsecure=port,invite <-------------------------
19:22.52marceloamorimI should set this insecure for this peer?
19:23.41marceloamorimty I´ll try again
19:40.58navaismoDone! [TK]D-Fender was easier add another argument to the macro and to the gosub lol
19:41.19[TK]D-Fenderusually is....
19:43.14[TK]D-Fender${MACRO-EXTEN} is practically worthless crap since it's always best to tell your macros what they need to know vs trusting that where you call it from is always relevant.
19:43.27marceloamorimomg, I found a problem that give me the problem for this callerid thing
19:43.44marceloamorimI just remove from sip.conf the callerid line o.O
19:44.51[TK]D-FenderForcing a callerID on your inbound peer... would be a horrible mistake as you'd be overriding whatever the device sends.
19:45.52marceloamorimyeah, I didn't know that, how bad I'm, I shouldn't try to be like autodidact, I don't have skills for that
19:46.28marceloamorimasterisk will give me white hair
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20:56.30fidividiguys I am using XenServer and my voip box is a VM in there, by networking is done through routed-networks internally, but my VM has public IP. My peers go unreachable/lagged/... Can anyone help me figure this out?
20:58.48fidividiI tried playing around with "qualifyfreq" and "qualify" and "keepalive", but i just don't know what is causing it to fix it... I appreciate any help.
21:00.21woleiumlo all :)
21:00.44woleiumIn device and user mode how do i allow a handset to makecalls if it's not logged in?
21:00.55woleiumI'm getting "your concurrent call limit has been reached" :(
21:01.56woleiumoops, wrong channel
21:02.00marceloamorimyou can look if the phones need to pass through the internet to get your ip of pbx
21:02.13woleiumthis is asterisk, I meant freepbx...
21:04.30fidividimarceloamorim: everything is on internet, all phones/peers/pbx are all on internet
21:07.18marceloamorimyou can try ping and traceroute to see if the problem is on the internet, and try to identify if there is a "bottleneck" ( sorry I don't know if this word mean what I want to say)
21:09.38marceloamorimwhen I use the internet to register a phone, in Brazil I set qualify to 10000
21:10.04marceloamorimsometimes I use 25000, because the bottleneck is huge
21:10.17fidividimarceloamorim:And the only thing you set is qualify? do they ever go UNREACHABLE or LAGGED?
21:11.08marceloamorimwhen the hit above this set up, 10000 or 25000
21:11.17fidividimarceloamorim: What do you have for NAT? yes, no, route, never?
21:11.21marceloamorimbut 25000 is just when the network stopped
21:12.21fidividimarceloamorim: And do you use keepalive or qualifyfreq or anything else?
21:12.42marceloamorimI think the parameters was changed for no, force_rport, yes and comedia
21:12.49marceloamorimbut I don't have sure
21:13.26marceloamorimbut I'm not sure**
21:14.56*** join/#asterisk jonno11 (
21:15.19fidividimarceloamorim: for instance, from my home IP to PBX IP, if I ping, I get 40ms, but on asterisk, "sip show peers" shows for my peer something like 200~300ms, and sometimes it changes to 1000ms even.. which is not normal, because i tried pining the time when it is showing 1000ms, and my ping is still 40ms
21:16.01*** join/#asterisk RaMcHiP (
21:16.13fidividimarceloamorim: all my accounts have good internet connections, so it doesn't make sense at all...
21:16.50marceloamorimthis is normal to have ping like 40ms and peer 200~300, I have ping like 1ms on localnet and I have peer with 74ms
21:17.09RaMcHiPThanks to all that helped me
21:17.14RaMcHiPI have Click to dial working through Vtiger
21:17.22RaMcHiPMuch appreciated!
21:17.35marceloamorimbut I don't know why =( sorry
21:18.21fidividimarceloamorim: thanks anyway, do you use keepalive or qualifyfreq or anything else except qualify?
21:19.37marceloamorimI used this qualify=25000 because I want to check the device, but I set qualify=no when this makes me have headache
21:19.58marceloamorimI'm not sure what is the better option when you have qualify
21:20.25marceloamorimmaybe another person can help us on that
21:20.51TechSmurfwifi phone or android/ios device with app?
21:24.27fidividiTechSmurf everything really, corded ip phones like snom or escene or atcom, ios device with bria, android with bria
21:24.51fidividiTechSmurf: sometimes (rarely) even my provider trunks go unreachable
21:24.59TechSmurfsorry, that was a question
21:25.05TechSmurfnot an attempt to help
21:25.55fidividiTechSmurf: ok, my bad, sorry.... definitely device with app...
21:26.23*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe0:c310:8b20:e5ab:b5cb:fecd:77c9)
21:28.57RaMcHiPNow that I have all of this working what kind of fancy stuff can I do?
21:29.27RaMcHiPDoes anyone know how to make it ring on the callers side before we answer the phone?  Its just dead silent and I would like a standard ringing sound.
21:31.55marceloamorimI don't know if the indications.conf help you on this RaMcHiP
21:33.32RaMcHiPIt cannot hurt to look!
21:33.47RaMcHiPI am loving this, having the most fun I have had in years playing around with elastix
21:42.12igcewielingI use qualify=10000 and qualifyfreq=120
21:45.57*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (~Ice_Black@
21:46.11Ice_StrikeAnyone used nagios to monitor asterisk?
21:48.26navaismoo/ icinga a long time ago
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21:54.51fidividiigcewieling: Do u ever get lagged/unreachable devices?
21:57.01fidividiigcewieling: Have you customized anything else? Like: registertimeout registerattempts minexpiry maxexpiry defaultexpiry ?
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22:12.43RaMcHiPI looked in the indicationss.conf and couldnt really decypher it :)  It was saying that all of those variables should be set through the UI
22:12.59RaMcHiPis there a setting on my inbound trunk that will ring while it connecting?
22:13.13RaMcHiPWhen I get incoming calls the caller does not hear ringing or anything
22:13.44*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
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22:43.39RaMcHiPPerfect, got ringing working now.
22:43.56RaMcHiPSo what fun stuff can I play around with now?
22:51.37*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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22:55.05swiss__hey all, how can i get a macro to hang up and or stop running the dialplan?
22:56.18swiss__dialplan and macro here:
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23:05.37navaismoset the macro result to abort
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23:05.59navaismoABORT: Hang up both legs
23:06.16swiss__i was searching for hangup both legs but coudnt find that
23:06.19swiss__than you good sir
23:17.02*** join/#asterisk ralphmazio (
23:17.28ralphmazioHow do you enable srtp in asterisk.  I'm not concerned with tls.
23:19.34navaismoin the sip peer settings
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23:57.15igcewielingfidividi: I seldom get lagged or unreachable devices unless there is an actual problem.    I do not normally change the registry and expiry settings.   For devices behind NAT I usually set the qualifyfreq to 30
23:57.54fidividiigcewieling: what about keepalive
23:58.03igcewielingfidividi: never used it
23:58.39igcewielingwe have a somewhat unique setup where almost all sites are on dedicated IPs
23:59.04fidividithen you don't really have NATing isses
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23:59.51igcewielingThat depends.  The majority of our sites have no NAT for voice, but we have a number (about 20 or so) sites which use NAT

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