IRC log for #asterisk on 20140513

00:03.31*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@2607:5300:60:5475:a9d7:583:99b:a901)
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00:49.34*** join/#asterisk fidividi (fidividi@
00:49.56fidividiI need some advice regarding my setup and issue with peers being unstable
00:50.01fidividican anyone help please?
00:52.11infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:52.59fidividiI moved from one datacenter to another, and all my sip peers/trunks/extensions keep going unreachable/lagged
00:54.26fidividipublic ip address, same exact machine, i moved the VM from one XenServer to another
00:56.15fidividion the xenserver, I am using network-routed method to use my additional subnet of IPs, and the VM is part of it
00:57.16*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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00:59.25fidividiby network-routed xen, this is what i mean:
01:09.37*** join/#asterisk edong23 (
01:11.48*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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01:35.20woleiumlo peeps :)
01:35.40woleiumdoes anyone happen to know if * supports far end camera control?
01:36.25woleiumSpecifically, I have a couple of polycom HDX units that support H.281/H.224 and H.323 Annex Q
01:36.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:36.42woleiumall of which have been eaten by H.323
01:37.41woleiumoh, actually it seems just annex Q was.
01:37.45WIMPyIf that's a RTP thing, it might just not care. It it's messages, I wouldn't have any hope.
01:37.59woleiumthat's what I thought too
01:38.08woleiumbut no dice.
01:38.18woleiumI've not done a full debug capture ywt
01:38.25woleiumis being lazy
01:38.54woleiumthought I'd ask first - polycom hdx must be pretty popular
01:40.01*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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01:41.35*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
01:56.02*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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02:08.33*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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02:24.47*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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03:06.14*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
03:07.33*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
03:08.03*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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03:24.55*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (
03:28.33raspberrypifanso is google voice completly dead now?
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03:40.22ghotiraspberrypifan: I think as of the 15th.
03:41.15raspberrypifanwell i just got the incredible pbx on the pi and i wanna test try it
03:41.26raspberrypifanbut u need a new account on there i think, but is it worth if there gonan takae it down in like 3 days
03:42.14ghotican incredible pbx work with a normal SIP provider?
03:42.19ghotithere are plenty of those around...
03:42.35raspberrypifani suppose but i want a free one to leanr how to use it
03:43.31ghotiAnd then you'd pay for service?  Or do you just want stuff for free regardless?
03:43.57raspberrypifanim not sure, if i find asterisk useful then maybe
03:44.20ghotiThere may be providers who give you a discount, perhaps even a free month, if you sign up for a period like a year.
03:44.42ghotiBut I doubt you'll find a lot of companies who are keen on the idea of giving you something for nothing in return.
03:44.48ghotiThat kind of thing puts a company out of business.
03:45.11raspberrypifanwell what about this iptel thing
03:45.14raspberrypifani had one of thsoe for a while
03:45.17raspberrypifanbut i dont remember what it did anymore
03:45.48*** join/#asterisk roentgen (~none@openvpn/community/support/roentgen)
03:46.35ghotiI don't know anything about iptel.
03:47.00ghotiBut if you're serious about wanting to learn, why don't you just set up *two* asterisk boxes, and figure out how to have them call each other?
03:47.34ghotiMake one register with the other.  Then get a couple of softphones, connect one to each VM, and see if you can have the phones call each other.
03:47.44raspberrypifanhmm id need anotehr phyiscal object to run asterisk i guess, and i cant seem to get it to run on a VM on mac, only the pi one is working
03:47.50raspberrypifanalso i have no idea about sip trunks
03:47.51raspberrypifanor any of that
03:47.55raspberrypifanso id like to learn how to make that work
03:48.00ghotiSeems like a great learning experience, costs nothing, and doesn't cause some other company to bleed for your education.
03:48.50ghotiSetting up a sip trunk in Asterisk is seriously a no brainer.  When you need it, buy the service, then spend 5 minutes googling example configuration.
03:49.05ghotiIn many cases, the sip trunk provider will tell you exactly what to add to your asterisk configuration anyway.
03:49.21raspberrypifanwell where cna i set up a second asterisk box at
03:49.31ghotiWhat VM software are you running?
03:49.56ghotiI set up multiple FreePBX Distro VMs in VirtualBox a while back, for testing.
03:50.08raspberrypifanive tried two, virtualbox and vmware fusion and they both crap up no matter what version of asterisk or freepbx i try
03:50.10raspberrypifanthey wont boot
03:50.11raspberrypifanat all
03:50.30ghotiYour experience appears to be different from mine.
03:51.01ghotiFreePBX is just centos.  It runs on the most basic of hardware.
03:52.00ghotiIf you're having trouble getting virtualbox running, there is a #vbox channel where folks can help.
03:52.01raspberrypifanwhat iso did u use on what vm
03:52.11raspberrypifani know how to use VB for other things
03:53.48ghotiI tried both the PIAF-Green OVA to test an appliance, and FreePBX-5.211.65-11-x86_64-Full-1397332174.img to test the install process.  Both worked flawlessly.
03:54.08raspberrypifanwhats an appliance exactly?
03:54.25ghotia pre-built VM, dedicated to one task.
03:54.51raspberrypifanhm would u recommen i download the green or the freepbx.img
03:54.52ghotiPIAF has problems. If you want a gui, FreePBX Distro is probably the way to go.
03:55.38ghotiIf you don't need the GUI, just grab a CentOS install image and DIY from packages.
03:55.53raspberrypifanprobably freepbx for now
03:56.08raspberrypifanhow do you boot with a .img
03:57.25raspberrypifancan you use it like a .iso
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04:00.14raspberrypifanghoti you still around
04:02.04ghotiI'm trying to remember what I did.  I either treated it like an ISO, or I used an alternate boot loader to get it in.
04:02.39ghotiGoogle "virtualbox boot usb" and check out some of the links.  VBox doesn't support booting from USB directly, but people have developed workarounds (as they always do).
04:03.12raspberrypifanwell aparently u can convert a .img to a .vdi
04:03.14raspberrypifanfor direct use
04:03.16raspberrypifanin vb
04:03.22ghotiBut you don't need to use the USB image. includes ISOs.
04:04.25ghotiCome to think of it, that's what I used in the VM.  But I also downloaded the USB image when I eventually installed it on hardware.
04:04.36raspberrypifanwhat did u use?
04:04.41raspberrypifanone of one from that page?
04:05.06raspberrypifanif im gonna virtualize it does it matter 32 or 64
04:06.21ghotiI suspect it doesn't matter much; I can't see that differences between 32 and 64 bit emulation would impact performance enough to affect your ability to learn how the tools work.
04:06.34*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
04:06.54raspberrypifanright, so do u by any chance know how one would set up an ITSP to provide SIP trunking
04:06.55ghotiNote that if you go with FreePBX, if you stick with the GUI, you'll never really learn about Asterisk.
04:08.44ghotiraspberrypifan, a quick google search gave me this:
04:08.55ghotiI can google more things for you if you like.  :)
04:09.19[TK]D-Fenderghoti: Careful... that's my bag as #asterisk's resident Google-proxy :p
04:09.54raspberrypifanwell this is besides the first question
04:09.59raspberrypifanwhat hardware do u need to set up an ITSP
04:10.26ghotiIf you really want to provide a gateway to the PSTN, you need whatever hardware will connect you to the PSTN.
04:10.47ghotiBut there are so many options...
04:12.02raspberrypifanwell this is a question for a country where SIP does not yet exist
04:12.06ghotiAt the small scale, you could get an FXS device to talk to a POTS line.  At the larger scale, you can get ISDN PRI cards from Digium, Sangoma and others.
04:12.30raspberrypifanhow do you get the DIDs?
04:12.51ghotiThat's up to the local regulators in that country.
04:13.22ghotiIs this hypothetical country open to the concept of having new competition in the phone industry, or is its phone company state-run?
04:14.48raspberrypifanwell, im not sure where things stand now. Up until recently the only phone company was the state run one. Now the cable provider does give you phone service.
04:15.53ghotiAnd they're *not* state run?
04:17.07raspberrypifanthe cable provider isnt
04:21.05*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
04:32.30ghotiwell, you probably approach the government regulator and ask them what the process is.  Every country is different.  Here in Canada, the CRTC makes new blocks of numbers available as new area codes come in to play.
04:33.06raspberrypifanhm so the government would have to say this block of numbers can be used by y'all, then how do u actually connect the numbers to the equipment?
04:33.43[TK]D-FenderBuy equipment.  Hook into upstream telco equipement.
04:33.56ghoti^.  You maintain trunks with other providers.
04:34.09ghotiIt's not cheap.  And neither is the expertise that will set it up and maintain it for you.
04:36.20raspberrypifanim not sure i understand lol
04:38.12ghotiOkay, if you set yourself up as a telco, you might need to provide a "class 5 switch", which connects directly to subscribers.
04:38.43ghotiYour upstream telco uses "class 4" switches to route calls from telco to telco (or to other providers in other countries).
04:38.53ghotiI haven't thought about this stuff in years.
04:38.57raspberrypifanhm idk that they would allow a new telco
04:39.02ghotiA class 4 switch used to be called a "tandem", I'm not sure why.
04:39.28ghotiIf they won't allow another telco, then you'd need to appear to the incumbent telco as a "subscriber".
04:39.57raspberrypifanso i would be buying minutes from them i suppose?
04:40.07ghotiYou would need to get probably ISDN PRIs to connect to them.  That's either 23 or 30 channels per trunk depending on where you are.
04:40.21ghotiHow you get billed is up for negotiation.
04:40.32ghotiAnd out of scope for this channel.
04:41.57ghotiAnyway, once you get your PRI, you can connect it to an Asterisk box using Sangoma or Digium hardware.  OR you can get a dedicated border controller.  Something like a Sangoma SBC.
04:42.11raspberrypifanhm well i magine if the cable company is doing it then its possible to do it to provide ITSP service, because the phnoe company gives u a cable modem with a phone ata
04:42.37ghotiHmm, actually, the Sangoma SBC doesn't talk PRI I think, so you'd need other hardware to act as that gateway.
04:42.48*** join/#asterisk stasdizzi (~stasdizzi@
04:44.04ghotiIf you want to claim to provide telephone service, you'll also need to learn how to comply with emergency requirements.  In Canada, we use "911" to dial for fire/police, etc.  A VoIP provider needs to provide battery backup on an ATA in order to be able to provide reliable 911 service.
04:44.09ghotiThere's lots to consider.
04:44.24*** join/#asterisk jhester (
04:44.49raspberrypifanwell honestly those things are probably not really issues where im going. Its more of an issue of getting a phone company to agree to do it at all
04:44.54raspberrypifanso this PRI would come from the phone company?
04:44.54ghotiIf you want to avoid dealing with that stuff, then I'd recommend selling this as an "Internet service" where people can set up an optional telephone number.
04:46.03ghotiYes, a PRI comes from the phone company.
04:46.10ghotiYou need hardware on your end to handle it.
04:46.26ghotiIt will have either 23 channels or 30 channels depending on whether it's delivered on a T1 or an E1.
04:46.51ghotiI have to sleep.
04:47.19raspberrypifanoh well, come back tommorow. I really appreciate all the info your providing
04:47.23*** join/#asterisk MrJoshGeddes (storm3y@unaffiliated/storm3y)
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04:52.02ghotinp. nn.
05:23.03*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
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06:12.29raspberrypifani instatled freepbx in a VM, and it is giving me an ip address, how do i make it so i can use it
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06:24.55anon9002Anyone knows how to remotely force reboot an SPA-3000? PSTN is stuck in answering state.
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06:37.45ChannelZtry x.x.x.x/admin/reboot
06:37.52ChannelZoh he left
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07:52.25mushroomedHi, when I write "core show application ConfBridge"
07:52.35mushroomedI don't get it listed, I'm using Asterisk 1.8
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08:21.44bstarekHello All
08:22.23bstarekI am still with the same problem as yesterday, when i can send SIP message, but cannot reply back :)
08:22.45bstarekI am willing to re-post my config files if needed :)
08:22.55bstarekthank you guys.
08:32.36*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
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08:38.07bstarekWhen i send an SIP message from a user, in the CLI mode it says it is send by "asterisk" user.
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09:14.10bstarekCould I please show you my extensions for SIP messages, and you would give me your thoughts?
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13:07.57dkakotihello everyone
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13:10.19dkakotiI need help regarding asterisk 11 with webrtc support
13:10.59infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:14.56dkakotiwhich asterisk version is better support for webrtc?
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13:59.25slykensHI all - anyone have experience with a T1 card not working properly after the kernel disables the IRQ (the "nobody cares" message)? I've enabled irqpoll on the kernel to no avail and spent time with Google, also to no avail
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14:47.31DefrazHey all! I have a PRI and a few DIDs that come across that PRI and I use the exten=> _96XX,1,Dial(SIP/208236${EXTEN}@ dial plan to forward it to my other Asterisk server but I am trying to find an example to pass the caller ID along with the call. I receive the Caller ID name and number from incoming calls but I know I need to forward that on as well.
14:47.40DefrazCould someone point me in the right direction?
14:48.06DefrazNumber shows up of course but the name is lost.
14:49.23WIMPyAs long as you don't explicitely change the CallerID it is always transferred along.
14:49.50DefrazThe CallerID seems to be that way but the Name does not move along.
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15:13.42Defrazhmmm my pri isn't delivering name is there a setting to process that in Asterisk?
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15:17.08slykensdefraz - you might need a Wait(1) in your diaplan before answering the call from the PRI. Sometimes Name comes "late".
15:17.40sekilname should come in setup
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15:23.31dipanjanI need to get the duration of a call in Perl AGI. The ANSWEREDTIME variable is returing blank. Can anyone please help?
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15:26.19slykenssekil - I agree, but most times I have set up PRI I needed the Wait(1) to get cnam working properly. I think it has been this way for >10 years?
15:27.40sekilI don't know what you're on about...I'm in Europe though..
15:28.10sekilSETUP message should have IEs with all the info...
15:28.23sekilif you're using some cnam server..that's another thing..
15:28.40filesome telcos will asynchronously do the CNAM DIP so it comes later
15:28.51file(thus why the Wait mentioned above)
15:28.54slykensIt should come in the setup IEs, yes, but on this side of the pond the caller name doesn't always come in the initial setup signaling.
15:29.30sekilkewl..good to know then
15:29.35*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
15:31.46fileknowledge is power!
15:33.18navaismomoney is power
15:33.25slykensspeaking of knowledge - any ideas regarding a dahdi device that suffers a disabled IRQ with the "nobody cared" message? I think it's breaking a PRI circuit I would very much like to use. :)
15:34.32WIMPyPut the card in another slot and hope it helps.
15:35.31slykensTried that, didn't do any good. It's the only device on the IRQ fwiw. The disabled IRQ message comes immediately on DAHDI loading.
15:36.46WIMPyThe only device on the IRQ or the only device on that IRQ that has a driver loaded for it?
15:37.47*** join/#asterisk toothe (~mongolian@unaffiliated/toothe)
15:37.55toothewhen I try to run asterisk, I get this
15:38.10toothe"Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
15:39.03*** part/#asterisk dipanjan (671b082b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:39.43navaismoasterins not running or the user cant use asterisk or selinux enabled
15:40.17toothenavaismo: Its not running...
15:40.29navaismothen start the service
15:40.37navaismoor start with asterisk -vvvvvvvvcg
15:40.39toothethere it goes
15:41.10tootheim actually brand new to asterisk
15:41.22toothei just need to learn some basic stuff about it
15:42.11slykensonly device on the IRQ according the lspci - irq 25. Also the only device listed in /proc/interrupts
15:43.13WIMPyLooks like somethign is broken then.
15:44.17slykensyes, discovering exactly what has been painful so far.
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15:59.17toothecan I setup a SIP server just does calls internally?
15:59.21tootheie, doesn't touch the actual phone system
16:03.29tootheokay, that's what I'll do for this test.
16:04.00*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
16:06.04toothethis generic guide is talking about having a line that's like this:
16:06.13toothe[9993] ; And then it says to have this fit my dialing structure.
16:06.20tootheI don't know what it means by dialing structure.
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16:14.11[TK]D-Fenderdepends where you got that [9993[ from
16:14.20[TK]D-Fenderit means different things in different places
16:15.08toothethink I got it working...
16:15.12toothei got it from this document:
16:15.30tootheI'm not trying to become a SIP expert, just do some basic testing for security purposes.
16:15.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:15.58[TK]D-FenderAsterisk is not just a "SIP server", nor is it at-all complete in that respect
16:16.50tootheI would love to read the entire book, but I just don't have time.
16:16.59tootheI might just learned the tools that come with this project instead
16:17.00*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
16:17.16[TK]D-Fenderthat "guide" is also ANCIENT.  To the tune of about a DECADE and that syntax wo't work as-is on anything remotely modern
16:17.53toothecan I give you a very small small list of what I want
16:17.58tootheand you can tell me how quicka nd simple this might take?
16:18.11*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
16:18.12toothei was tasked with learning a few tools that "exploit" flaws in SIP.
16:18.28tootheand i just wanna setup two SIP clients that talk to each other
16:18.30toothenothing more.
16:18.48[TK]D-FenderDo you hae a alcom device?
16:19.20toothethere,was able to register onto asteriks running on my Kali Linux VM
16:19.31[TK]D-FenderThen you should trash that PDF now
16:19.37*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
16:19.44toothelol, okay
16:20.05tootherecommendations in the interrim? I really don't have time for a dense book.
16:20.10[TK]D-FenderGo read the book I linked
16:20.32[TK]D-FenderYou need to have a minimal understanding of dialplan, and to set up SIP peers, etc.
16:20.42[TK]D-FenderYou'll also need to know how to use CLI to watch things
16:20.58tootheI can' time.
16:21.01toothethanks though.
16:21.59toothelooks like im in trouble.
16:22.58[TK]D-FenderWithout understanding the bits you'll be using you won't have any basis for the evaluation you wanted it for.
16:23.33toothei know, its an impossible task. I agree with you 100%
16:24.04toothemy task isnt to setup asterisks, its to learn some testing tools
16:24.31SuperNullHey [TK] how have you been
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16:26.53[TK]D-Fendertoothe: Guess they expected that first part to be handed to you then and that only 1 set of circumstances was valid.
16:27.07[TK]D-Fendertoothe: Sounds like a terrible testing assumption.
16:27.55*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
16:28.04tootheby testing tools, these are security tools designed to exploit flaws in the protocol.
16:28.11toothesuch as authentication downgrades
16:30.48tootheits okay, i'll get them a product that works hopefully
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16:40.34Kattyhi kiddos
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16:52.24LemensTSHello, I am having an odd issue. When I transfer or park a call, all the phones that are on that network go unreachable for ~20-30 seconds then come back as reachable. Phones at different locations are fine. Here is just a shot of the cli without debug on
16:52.33LemensTSPolycom 321's btw
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18:05.10tootheI'm trying to setup linphone to connect to my asterisk server.
18:05.15tootheBut I can't seem to get the cofiguration done correctly.
18:06.56toothewhen I enter my information in the wizard, the "Apply" button does not light up.
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18:12.52youjellyhi guys, my asterisk is segfaulting, it starts successfully with no errors/or warnings, when I go to the console, and issue the exit command it segfaults, or if it processes a call it segfaults
18:14.34infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
18:14.36pabelangeryoujelly, ^
18:15.07youjellywhich directory does asterisk dump its core in?
18:15.16pabelangerthat is OS specific
18:15.19Qwellyoujelly: either the directory you were in when you started it, or /tmp/
18:15.21pabelangerusually where you launched it from
18:15.41QwellThat's also assuming it was started with -g
18:17.34newtonryoujelly, be sure you compile with the BETTER_BACKTRACES compiler flag
18:18.55newtonryoujelly, if you have a crash and you are running on the latest version for your branch of Asterisk, then file an issue on the tracker.
18:21.13youjellyIts not the latest version
18:21.37*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
18:21.46youjellylast time I fixed it by loading some module
18:22.42youjellyI've generated the backtrace file
18:24.49youjellyshould I pastebin it?
18:35.02youjellyanyone there?
18:36.22*** join/#asterisk oatha (~oatha.inf@unaffiliated/athayde)
18:37.26newtonryoujelly, you can pastebin it to see if any developers here will take a quick look. otherwise you'll need to file a JIRA issue.
18:37.57newtonryoujelly, you never mentioned what exact version of Asterisk you are using?
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18:41.22youjellyAsterisk built by root @ yuave-dev on a x86_64 running Linux on 2012-11-12 08:01:30 UTC
18:44.08filethis has a third party module
18:44.24cjhey folks
18:44.37youjellywhich one
18:44.39oathacj o/
18:44.41youjellyI can just unload that
18:44.43fileno idea, but it does
18:45.00fileMRCP related methinks
18:45.05cjhave any of you set up VIC-4FXS modules and had them routed back to an asterisk server?
18:45.36cjI'm new to SIP on cisco gear
18:45.54cjso I assume that I have to have the router register with the asterisk SIP server
18:46.13cjand that I need to route all outbound calls through the SIP server
18:46.40cjand need to tell the router which inbound numbers to route to which ports on the module
18:47.19cjbut my cisco IOS-fu is weak
18:47.37*** join/#asterisk dan_j (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
18:48.45dan_jHi, any idea why company_202!54321@dundibridge doesnt match the extension _company_202!X.   ?
18:49.13youjellyjust unloaded the module res_speech_unimrcp and app_unimrcp
18:49.19youjellystill segfault
18:49.44youjellyI'm not even using that app in the extension I'm calling
18:49.47cjyoujelly: did you blacklist the module?
18:50.01youjellyits just answering, printing something on console using verbose and hanging up
18:50.05cjis there anything useful in /var/log/kern.log or equiv?
18:50.10youjellyas soon as it hangs up, it segfaults
18:51.42dan_jThe CLI says  Rejected connect attempt from, request 'company_202!54321@dundibridge' does not exist
18:52.59dan_jIs it an issue with the ! symbol?
18:53.32youjellyjust blacklisted both mrcp modules at least it stopped segfaulting
18:54.09*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
18:54.11tootheI just setup two simple asterisks accounts and was able to have my two clients register. Great. Can I have them call each other now?
18:54.29toothewhat would be the process to having them calling each other? Surely that is a simple configuration.
18:56.01[TK]D-Fender[14:48]dan_jHi, any idea why company_202!54321@dundibridge doesnt match the extension _company_202!X. ? <-- you've forgotton ! is a PATTERN char
18:56.03cjtoothe: what is there context?
18:56.19cjis there a rule in the dialplan to call the client when a number is entered?
18:56.54cjogod.  I just spelled their as there.  I feel so ashamed.
18:58.21youjellythe weirdest part is
18:58.30dan_j[TK]D-Fender: ah. thanks. I'll try to delimit the exten with something else.
18:58.37youjellyI've blacklisted it, I start asterisk, load the module manually
18:58.41youjellyit starts working again
18:58.42[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: That'd be the best start to it
18:58.50toothecj: No specific context. Just setting up a VERY simple test environment.
18:58.53toothecj: The simpler the better
18:59.43dan_j[TK]D-Fender: hmm. doesnt seem to work with a # either.
19:00.03[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: show all the backup
19:00.25*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:00.32cjtoothe: well, you need a context for your calls to land in
19:00.46toothecj: What do you mean by a context?
19:01.27cjtoothe: in sip.conf, you have entries for your clients, no?
19:01.36toothejust two so far.
19:01.48tootheactually, it'll probably only ever be two :-)
19:02.55[TK]D-Fenderrequest 'keshersiptrunk_202!01618268771@dundibridge' <_ I still see !
19:04.17toothecj: What do you recommend I do?
19:04.27dan_j[TK]D-Fender: sorry. old cli. didnt realise.
19:05.47[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: You've got some serious cross-eye issues today....
19:06.03[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: exten => _kesher_201#X.
19:06.12[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: 'keshersiptrunk_202#01618268771@dundibridge'
19:06.21dan_jArgh. Youre right. Let me get the right dialplan.
19:06.25[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: kesher != keshersiptrunk
19:06.35dan_jThe right plan is exactly the same but with keshersiptrunk.
19:06.49cjtoothe: sorry for the delay.  was over on #cisco
19:07.18cjtoothe: in each one of those client configurations, add a line that says "context=default"
19:07.22dan_j[TK]D-Fender: third time lucky!
19:07.34cjin extensions.conf, set up a [default]
19:08.14cjunder that, put something like
19:08.21[TK]D-Fenderexten => _keshersiptrunk_202#X. <-- the letter "n" is ALSO reserved.   Grab a coffee.  nix that.  Grab the whole POT....
19:08.58dan_j[TK]D-Fender: argh. any way to escape the n character so it matches an 'n'?
19:09.12[TK]D-Fenderread your basics...
19:09.21[TK]D-Fenderyou're mashing one violation after another here...
19:10.09cjexten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/<first user>,5)
19:10.32dan_jOk. back to school.
19:10.35cjexten => 4321,1,Dial(SIP/<second user>,5)
19:11.14cjthen when you dial 1234 from your second user's phone it should dial your first user
19:11.23cjand when you dial 4321 from your first user's phone it should dial your second user
19:11.30*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
19:11.37cjof course you'll need to issue 'dialplan reload' from your console before that works
19:20.04toothecj: Puting all that in right now....
19:20.50tootheit appears to be dailing, but the other side doesn't seem to be ringing.
19:27.52*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
19:30.28tootheA pastebin of my setup so far:
19:30.34toothehow do I have 9993 and 9991 calle ach other>
19:30.36toothecall each other*
19:30.53toothethey're both registered, but I Can't seem to dial th eother.
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19:55.00dorphalsigHello :). Does anybody know if you can create a dial plan using ale and traditional extensions.conf?
19:58.55dorphalsigJust found you actually can :)
20:00.29Qwelldorphalsig: ael just gets converted into normal dialplan
20:04.31fidividiwhats the best way to shorten the keep-alive and refresh period for peers/trunks/extensions in asterisk, for those devices/peers that go unreachable/lagged?
20:04.55fidividifrom the server side i mean, not peer side, as i have no access to that.
20:05.42*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (
20:06.23swiss__Anyone familiar with the GotoIf syntax? I've been having some trouble with mine no matter how many variations on it i try
20:08.02dan_jswiss__: don't ask. just post your code. otherwise no one will help you. use pastebin or similar.
20:08.31*** join/#asterisk areisp (~quassel@unaffiliated/areisp)
20:22.52navaismoswiss__,  GotoIF($["EXPRESION" ="value"]?ifresulttrue:ifresultfalse)
20:23.08navaismochange = for <,> != anything+}
20:30.08swiss__thats what i've been lookign at, so here is my exten.conf lin
20:30.12swiss__exten => s,n,GotoIF($[${DIGIT} = 1] ?30:40)
20:33.32swiss__i had tried quotes before with no luck but of course now that i asked and changed it it works
20:38.47*** join/#asterisk RaMcHiP (
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20:41.42swiss__my next question is even though this part works, when i leave the gotoif in the extensions.conf i dont see my dtmf data in the cli, if i remove the gotoif the dtmf data shows up, any ideas
20:43.05*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (~t15@
20:50.41navaismoamm gotoif has nothing to do wih dtmf you may check your dialplan
20:51.53swiss__i believe you, but thats whats happening. if i remove the gotoif then i get dtmf data back, with it there i dont.
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21:40.02johndropperhere is my question
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21:53.42johndropperok thanks
21:54.11johndropperMy name is John and we have 165 phones that connect to asterisk via sip in a cloud (Hosted) environment. We are running Asterisk ver 11.6 raw on centos. We recently updated to the latest ver 11.9 asterisk and now the phones will not connect. It seems they are not connecting because rtp encryption is set to ON inside the phones themselves. I can set the phone to rtp OFF and they connect and work fine. They seem to have a valid sip
21:54.13johndropperconnection via SIP SHOW PEER but when we try to dial out into a meetme conference we get the message: [2014-05-13 17:28:21] WARNING[24884][C-00000000]: chan_sip.c:10543 process_sdp:
21:54.14johndropperWe are requesting SRTP for audio, but they responded without it!
21:54.15johndropperAny Ideas on how we can update to asterisk 11/9 and keep our phones working?
21:54.16johndropperThank You so much,
21:55.17*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
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22:52.02*** join/#asterisk Razva (Razva@unaffiliated/razva)
22:52.27Razvahey folks! I'm struggling here to setup CallerID but I'm stuck
22:52.51Razvathe idea is simple: I want to setup a specific caller ID for any number with 07XXXXXXXX
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22:54.22[TK]D-Fender"setup a specific caller ID" <- doesn't mean anything clear.  Please rephrase what it is you are loking to do.
22:55.08*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@2607:5300:60:5475:a9d7:583:99b:a901)
22:55.55Razvaexample: if I call 0712345678 the SIP should use a specific caller id (example.: MyCompany). yes, the provider allows this.
22:57.18[TK]D-Fenderthat is yor dialplan.
22:57.34[TK]D-Fender]make a match for that number.  Set the callerid.  Do whatever else you want
22:57.42*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
22:57.48RazvaI'm using this (got it from a tutorial):
22:57.51Razvaexten => _07XXXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(2024561111)
22:57.51Razvaexten => _07XXXXXXXX,n,Dial(IAX2/MyProvider/${EXTEN})
22:58.16Razvabuuut seems that SetCallerID returns No application 'SetCallerID'
22:58.25igcewielingHas anyone seen this before?   If the nat translation was closed shouldn't it be getting connection refused or something like that?   "[May 13 18:49:29] WARNING[13017]: chan_sip.c:3907 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x7ff5540060e0 (len 610) to returned -2: Interrupted system call"
22:58.52igcewielingI *think* it happened when I moved the endpoint to sip/tcp.  Using Asterisk 11
22:59.17igcewielingRazva: Stop!
22:59.17[TK]D-FenderRazva: that command has been dead for YEARS
22:59.25[TK]D-FenderRazva: "core show function CALLERID"
22:59.34igcewielingRazva: any documentation which refers to that application cannot be trusted
23:00.36igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: do you recall when the SetCallerID app was deprecated?  Maybe around 2003 or so?
23:00.53[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: Little later than that.  with 1.2
23:01.45Razvahah. great.
23:02.00Razvasooo any idea where can I find an example, but without reading 100 pages? :)
23:02.21Razvayes, I know that I should, but I just want to see if this thing works :|
23:03.12[TK]D-FenderRazva: I just gave you the exact command to get the instructions for the function to use
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23:06.00RazvaCommand 'core show function CALLERID' failed.
23:06.26navaismoswiss__, and which asterisk version
23:06.43*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
23:06.58[TK]D-FenderRazva: Show us
23:07.01infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:07.08[TK]D-Fenderand don't flood the channel with it
23:08.11Razva[TK]D-Fender sorry for bothering you, which file? the iax, or extensions? ore the core show?
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23:15.19RazvaI'm doing something very wrong there...
23:16.07igcewielinglooks good at first glance, other than that screwed up dial line
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23:17.23Razvathat's my best effort... :| baaah I hate when I don't understand where something is broken
23:17.54navaismoeveryone... and is frustration not hate
23:20.09igcewielingIt is lack of taking the time to learn enough to accomplish something
23:20.13infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
23:20.43Razvarefresh please:
23:21.09Razvasmashes his head on the table
23:21.17*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@2607:5300:60:5475:a9d7:583:99b:a901)
23:21.45igcewielingHas anyone seen this before?   If the nat translation was closed shouldn't it be getting connection refused or something like that?   "[May 13 18:49:29] WARNING[13017]: chan_sip.c:3907 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x7ff5540060e0 (len 610) to returned -2: Interrupted system call"
23:22.01navaismonot me
23:22.31navaismoyour fancy installation never met my asterisk installations :( day
23:22.48Razvaok I'm out of ideas folks, can you please point me to what I'm obviously doing wrong (like a 1000% newb, which I am)
23:22.51igcewielingnavaismo: "automated" not "fancy" 8-|
23:23.01Razvayes, I'm reading
23:23.29igcewielingnavaismo: I've been wrestling with hanguphandlers.
23:24.05igcewielingRazva: Read up on the Dial applliction
23:24.22navaismoigcewieling, yeah i still use extension h and Agis
23:24.55RaMcHiPWhile people are chatting let me see if I can toss my question out there
23:25.47navaismoigcewieling, Razva , seems like some modules arent loaded, right?
23:26.13Razvanavaismo I have no idea and I'm ready to drop this dead.
23:26.30navaismook first of all which asterisk version?
23:26.30RaMcHiPI am trying to get click to dial to work.  I am using 7940 cisco hardphones.  I have configured an asterisk extension and a vtiger user pointed to that extension.  I have setup the PBXManager in vtiger to connect to asterisk.  I have modified the $source variables to be "from-internal" and I cannot get click to dial to work.  It acts like it is and tells me to pick up my extension but does
23:26.31RaMcHiPnot dial out.
23:26.35RaMcHiPI am not getting any errors or anything
23:26.58igcewielingnavaismo: looks to me like he installed from a package
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23:27.09navaismoRazva, which version of asterisk?
23:27.13Razvayup. centos.
23:27.17Razva11, from repo
23:27.47[TK]D-FenderRazva: Connection issue here.  Show me where you got the error for the command I gave you earlier
23:27.49igcewielingThen you should contact the packager to find out why those applications are not available
23:29.20igcewielingRazva: never put a space after a comma in the dialplan.  your verbose line would have logged that Verbose as starting with a space
23:30.04Razva < just loaded some modules, the verbose is gone (wooohoo) but now I get  Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)
23:30.47*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
23:30.54Razvaok, space after comma removed
23:32.01Razva[TK]D-Fender I've rewrote everything (scraps from other tutorials + my own not-so-bright ideas), please take a look here
23:32.41[TK]D-Fender{$CALLERID(all)} <- this is not how you reference a function
23:32.47navaismosip peer is not registered
23:32.55[TK]D-FenderHinst: It's just like variables
23:33.39Razvanavaismo the module?
23:34.15navaismono the device
23:34.21navaismothe phone
23:34.29*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@2607:5300:60:5475:a9d7:583:99b:a901)
23:35.01Razva[TK]D-Fender well the booboo is that I'm no programmer and no expert, I'm just a regular Joe who knows how to install a CentOS machine, so I suppose you understand my frustrantion. :)
23:35.25[TK]D-FenderYou still need to read your variable & function basics.
23:35.34[TK]D-FenderWe're all regular joes
23:35.46Razvayeah I suppose, or pay somebody and keep my sanity. :|
23:36.09navaismoRaMcHiP,  sorry if i saw cisco 94XX in the same phrase I ignore that automagically, and you need at least provide logs of asterisk or how works that vtiger thingy, it use AMI call file or what?
23:36.47Razva[TK]D-Fender I suppose that we're talking about the Verbose line?
23:37.13Razvasame => n,Verbose(1,Outgoing Caller ID: ${CALLERID(all)})
23:37.14*** join/#asterisk sawgood1 (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
23:37.49[TK]D-FenderRazva: Your Dial command also looks wrong
23:37.57[TK]D-Fendersame => n,Verbose(1, Outgoing Caller ID: {$CALLERID(all)})
23:38.02[TK]D-Fenderwas clearly wrong here
23:38.26[TK]D-FenderYour dial... is not referncig a peer entry in sip.conf, specifying a valid host, etc
23:38.29*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
23:38.50Razvathe $ was after the { => bad?
23:39.04Razvaaha, ok, let me take a look
23:40.08Razvais thinking at how to rewrite that line
23:41.01Razvaok but the function is already in another ()
23:41.21Razvaso it should be like ( ${FUNCTION(arg1,arg2,etc)} )
23:41.39*** join/#asterisk theron_ (~theron@
23:42.03*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (
23:42.05[TK]D-Fenderthat function reference needs to be whole regardless of where it's inside of
23:43.14Razva${FUNCTION(arg1,arg2,etc)} == ${CALLERID(all)}
23:43.43[TK]D-Fenderas far as similar syntax goes, yes
23:43.58[TK]D-FenderSo onto phase 2.. your dial is not good.
23:44.16Razvahorray, so same => n,Verbose(1, Outgoing Caller ID: ${CALLERID(all)}) == ok
23:45.18Razva < added the sip.conf also
23:45.28Razvabut I think it's missing the valid host
23:46.30[TK]D-FenderThe thought process you skipped:  Where is it supposed to SEND that call?
23:46.52*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@2607:5300:60:5475:a9d7:583:99b:a901) the number I'm dialing from the softphone?
23:48.10Razvaoh, and another thing
23:48.18[TK]D-FenderYou dial a number USING your softphone..... which matches [100].  Well... Asterisk accepts your request and starts processing it..
23:48.26[TK]D-Fenderone of those step is to DIAL something
23:48.34[TK]D-FenderWhere is it supposed to SWEND that to?
23:48.53Razvajust a sec
23:49.17Razvaif I'm renaming my number 0731blahblah to 07XXXXXXXX I get Call from '100' ( to extension '0731059660' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
23:49.40Razvaexten => 07XXXXXXXX,1,NoOp()
23:50.47Razvaaha, forgot the _
23:50.47[TK]D-FenderI need to see accurate current configs & call output...
23:51.00[TK]D-FenderYou are chopping bits up and I can't prove what actual condition anything is in...
23:51.13Razvaok, just a sec to make a decent pastebin
23:52.48raspberrypifanwho was the nice guy i was taking to yuesterday
23:55.19Razva[TK]D-Fender please take a looksy here:
23:55.55[TK]D-FenderRazva: same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) <- this has nowhere to go.
23:56.00*** join/#asterisk johndropper (
23:56.10[TK]D-FenderRazva: You have to send a number.... to a place.  You left out the place
23:56.10johndropperhey guys I need some help
23:56.23johndropperis anyone available to listen?
23:56.26infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
23:56.40johndropperok infobot
23:56.56Razvais pondering
23:56.57[TK]D-Fenderjohndropper: that's just a channel bot
23:58.05Razvawell the idea is that after Dial it should be forwarded to...the SIP company, who should call the phone...
23:58.26johndropperWe have 65 plus phone that are connected to our hosted server. The sip connections are remote. We upgraded from 11.6 to 11.9 and now the phones wont dial out. I go to the phone itnerface adn turn rtp off and then it dials out. Any ideas on how to get this working without logging into each phone and turning off rtp?
23:59.17[TK]D-Fender"turn rtpe off" doesn't make any sense....
23:59.27[TK]D-FenderRTP = VOICE
23:59.35[TK]D-FenderHow do you turn that "off" on a phone?
23:59.58johndropperRTP Encryption

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