IRC log for #asterisk on 20140509

00:00.02[TK]D-FenderCould be
00:00.12[TK]D-Fenderthe phone answered... and it says "no can do"
00:00.16[TK]D-FenderSo look at the phone.
00:00.27[TK]D-FenderEither it can't handle more.. or is being more actively rejected
00:00.54mushroomed[TK]D-Fender: I have an option named "Disable DND Button" and it is set to "No"
00:01.00mushroomedShould I set it to "YES" ?
00:01.00ChannelZ-WkThe Retransmissions are a bit of a bother as well
00:01.06leifmadsensounds like the DND is not disabled then :)
00:01.19[TK]D-Fendermushroomed: that disbles the button.... that doesn't say if you're USING it or not.
00:01.46mushroomed[TK]D-Fender: When I pick up the handset I have no sound
00:01.46[TK]D-FenderSo DND has not been "prevented"... and it is refusing the call... so it COULD be set....
00:02.00[TK]D-Fendermushroomed: that's possibly another matter entirely
00:02.19mushroomed[TK]D-Fender: I'm going crazy
00:02.26[TK]D-Fenderswiss__: Looks like DTMF is arriving late....
00:02.43[TK]D-Fenderswiss__: because we see it run out of time.. and then seem to get them.
00:02.48swiss__im not worried about the softphone results, thats more just a sanity check for me than an actual use case
00:03.04swiss__this is going to only call cell phones
00:07.23[TK]D-Fendermushroomed: restart the phone and lets look at the registration process and test immediately after
00:07.25ChannelZ-Wkit just sounds like it's not entirely really configured correctly
00:12.32swiss__welp thanks anyway, ill be back tomorrow with the same questions.
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09:12.41cuscoso.. using realtime queue_members configuration, member has 'interface' and 'state_interface'
09:13.59cuscosetting state_interface to hint:ext@context should be ok, right?
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09:32.45*** join/#asterisk bhavikpatel6842 (~root@
09:32.50bhavikpatel6842Hi all
09:33.35bhavikpatel6842I want to integrate Webrtc and for that I am using asterisk 11.9.3 version.
09:33.41bhavikpatel6842but getting issue.
09:34.15bhavikpatel6842like not able to call using two parties.
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09:39.12bhavikpatel6842SORRY my asterisk version is Asterisk 11.9.0
09:41.37bhavikpatel6842you can check my configuration.
09:46.22aursbhavikpatel6842, you have "deny=" but no permit? will that work?
09:47.29bhavikpatel6842okey I remove that line
09:47.33bhavikpatel6842let me test
09:48.02aursI didn't catch what the problem was, but that didn't look right :)
09:48.21bhavikpatel6842Yes I remove so now able to register.
09:48.35bhavikpatel6842I am using SIPm5 demo for testing webrtc calls
09:50.05bhavikpatel6842call is pass but when I accept call that time showing like call rejected.
09:51.12bhavikpatel6842Got SIP response 603 "Failed to get local SDP" back from ip:18934
09:51.23bhavikpatel6842this error showing in asterisk
09:53.17cuscocore set verbose 15
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09:58.05bhavikpatel6842showing same not extra line of error
09:58.48aursperhaps you can find something here
09:58.58aursdidn't read it for you though ;)
10:00.31aursanyone else here using Aastra 675xi phones? I get "No service" on them on the first register, but it's ok on the re-register. (asterisk 1.8 and aastra fw 3.3)
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10:11.55bhavikpatel6842I checked this link but still have issue and getting same issue.
10:12.09bhavikpatel6842is this issue by asterisk side or Browser side ?
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10:17.51bhavikpatel6842Can any one have idea about how to solve  Got SIP response 603 "Failed to get local SDP" back ?
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11:48.54peetaurHow can I tell which file and line number causes this error?
11:48.56peetaur[2014-05-09 13:45:56] WARNING[16983][C-00000041]: ast_expr2.fl:470 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '>', expecting $end; Input:
11:52.01Chainsawpeetaur: I'm going to bet it's the dialplan in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
11:53.00peetaurin that file, is this good syntax?      exten => 5001,1,Set(__RINGTIMER=${IF($[${DB(AMPUSER/5001/ringtimer)} > 0]?${DB(AMPUSER/5001/ringtimer)}:${RINGTIMER_DEFAULT})})
11:53.20peetaurthere is another line with 5701 instead of 5001 which looks the same other than the ext number, and doesn't cause that error ... so I don't have a clue
11:54.39Chainsawpeetaur: Comment out the line you're not sure about and reload.
11:54.57Chainsawpeetaur: That is how you find faults. You make a single change each time and that makes it worse or it makes it better.
11:55.09peetaurand here are the only 2 other lines with "> 0" on them     exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${INPUT})} > 0]?${INPUT},1:t,1)            exten => s,n,GotoIf($[ ${TTL} > 0 ]?continue)
11:55.55peetaurthe problem came from using FreePBX of one version, doing an upgrade, then a backup, then restoring to another server... the old extension I have is broken (anyone calling gets UNAVAIL error), but new extensions work fine
11:56.15peetaurso I think if I simply remove that line, it might just never reach the other line that has the problem
11:57.44*** join/#asterisk jwwwww (
11:59.13Chainsawpeetaur: If you're using FreePBX to create a dial plan, you need to talk to them in #freepbx
12:05.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:31.34peetaurFYI my issue was fixed by going in the FreePBX gui for the bad extension, then hitting save without any changes.
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12:36.34Chainsawpeetaur: Exactly, so Asterisk was not at fault.
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12:38.49peetaurI didn't think it was, just wanted to understand the syntax error.
12:40.39peetaurbut might I suggest an improvement of printing the config file name and line number for errors?
12:49.51marceloamorimguys, I wish to know, and I´ll be honest, I never do any search about this, but anyone knows if exist any addon or functionality that makes me call through the usb connection
12:51.52Chainsawmarceloamorim: USB telephony adapters do exist. It would help to know what kind of line you wish to connect to.
12:51.53WIMPyThat question is extremely vague, but so far the answer is yes.
12:54.01marceloamorimI wondering if I can substitute those gsm gateway when I have only one chip
12:54.25WIMPyGoogle for chan_dongle.
12:59.32marceloamorimnice guys, ty
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13:22.50woopstarHi. I'm trying to enable encryption on a sipfriend, and then use webrtc2sip to do a call from a browser. I'm connecting fine, but when doing a call, the asterisk is saying: "Matched device setup to use SRTP, but request was not!". If i disable encryption for the friend, everything works.
13:23.07woopstarAny clues?
13:25.55woopstarIt comes from a problem, where we get this error: SetRemoteDescription called with a session description without crypto enabled when trying to transfer a call
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13:34.33jwwwwwI'm trying to setup asterisk so a user call in, enter a phone number that is called for him.I think I succed in reading the phone number, but the call doesn't ring the phone, and I get a sip error 'nobody picked up' . can somebody help please ? here are my sip.conf and part of extensions.conf and sip debug :
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14:06.46[TK]D-Fenderjwwwww: Retransmitting #5 (NAT) to <- they're not answering
14:10.40jwwwww[TK]D-Fender: I asked their support earlier, they told me my account got 1 channel in and 1 channel out.
14:12.10jwwwww[TK]D-Fender: do you by any chance see something problematic in my setup ?  I'm not sure at all it's ok.
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14:17.22[TK]D-FenderRetransmitting #5 (NAT) to <- is that the right IP you resolved?
14:17.36[TK]D-FenderINVITE SIP/2.0 <- you also aren't even dialing a NUMBER
14:17.49[TK]D-FenderTo: <>
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14:21.09jwwwww[TK]D-Fender: no this ip doesn't seems to be the right ip. doesn't resove to this.
14:21.38[TK]D-Fendertaht doesn't say at all.
14:22.00[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,n,Dial(SIP/${NUMBER},30) <- looks like you didn't pay attention to the URI you're dialing
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14:22.12[TK]D-Fenderipp != ippi
14:22.54jwwwwwI correct this, and make a new try.
14:26.10jwwwww[TK]D-Fender: off course this help a lot. I cannot call yet, but it's going further. thanks !
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15:11.43Mango45Is there a way to make a CLI shortcut for a series of commands so I don't have to type them out each time?
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15:19.13newtonrMango45, I don't think so.  You can edit cli_aliases.conf to configure an alias mapped to a single command
15:20.03newtonrMango45, I'm sure there are probably terminal software that would let you make macros for text-based commands
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15:22.54Mango45Thank you; I will check out cli_aliases.conf.  :)
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15:38.37marceloamorimguys, simple question, is it possible to do more than once call for iax trunk? simultaneously
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15:40.21pabelangerenable trunking=yes
15:40.27pabelangeror trunk=yes
15:40.30pabelangersomething like that
15:40.58marceloamorimnice, ty pabelanger
15:41.10cuscohey guys .. so I'm trying to set up hints
15:41.18cuscousing real time queue members ...
15:41.26cuscostate_interface is set to hint:ext@cotnext
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15:41.55cuscoI have done so, and in queue show .. member is Invalid
15:42.04Tujuis there a plugin that could be used to ban ip after unsuccessful attempts?
15:42.30cuscothere is fail2ban and you can find on the interwebs several hints for configuring its regural expressions
15:42.42cuscoalso there is a security log in logger.conf
15:42.56Tujui look into those
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15:47.30pabelangercusco, we've had good success using custom device state with local channels for queue members
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15:48.40cuscopabelanger: we haven't set any custom states yet ...
15:48.59cuscowe use ale, and set up a list of interfaces with hint in the subscribed context
15:49.04pabelangercusco, right, it just gives more flexability when the phones are not attached directly to asterisk
15:49.25cuscobut now in the realtime queue member, I have
15:49.54cuscoand on the state_interface where I had 'SIP/150' now have: 'hint:150@agents'
15:50.12pabelangerYa, not sure about realtime, we don't use it.  We wrong something ourselves using AMI commands for queueadd / queueremove
15:50.23pabelangercusco, that should be right
15:50.36cuscoerr I looked at core show hints
15:50.40pabelangerwe use Custom:exten@something
15:50.44cuscothat _
15:50.51cuscook ok
15:50.59pabelangerso, maybe DB is adding it?
15:51.07cuscono I set it that way
15:51.33pabelangerso do hint:_150@gents in state_interface
15:51.56cuscothanks for your input pabelanger
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16:06.26cuscopabelanger: I changed the hint back to 150
16:06.40cusco150@agents              : SIP/150               State:Idle            Watchers  0
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16:06.51cuscobut still shows as invalid
16:07.00cusco150 (Local/150@agents) with penalty 10 (realtime) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
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16:07.20sorresseanDoes anyone know of anything that offers good minute rates for outbound calls to vietnam?
16:09.10cuscotried google voice? :p
16:09.25cuscopabelanger: how could I debug this situation?
16:10.08sorresseanI need it through asterisk. :|
16:10.29cuscoasterisk can connect to googlevoice
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16:11.15peetaursorressean: what is the best you found?
16:12.53sorresseanpeetaur:  nothing so far.
16:14.34peetaurk... well the one I use has it for 10 cents
16:14.36scouturecusco: that 'queue show' line doesn't say you're using that 150@agents hint. are you sure you've specified 'hint:150@agents' as the state_interface?
16:15.31sorresseanscratch that. turns out the best is 47 cents.
16:16.22scouturecusco: you'd see something like.. "150 (Local/150@agents from hint:150@agents) with penalty 10 (realtime) ..."
16:18.12scouturecusco: add it manually from the cli as such: queue add member Local/150@agents/n to your-queue penalty 10 as 150 state_interface hint:150@agents
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16:50.14woopstarHi guys. How do you get the channels for an extension from asterisk using agi/cli something...
16:51.01WIMPyMaybe you should clarify what you want to do before we try to answer.
16:54.42woopstarSure.. Im trying to do an API that's able to park a call for an extension simply. Currently im using the "core show channels concise" and then extracting the extension from the information. But concise is deprecated and I dont think it's a good solution if you have thousands of channels.
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17:00.35WIMPyThe best way is usually to use AMI.
17:01.01WIMPyBut that extension thing is still rather unclear.
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17:07.14woopstarwell.. im trying to code an api, where you just use the extension number and then it parks the active call
17:07.24woopstarso i need to grab the active channel for the extension
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17:16.21BKhanI am using asterisk 11.9 but hangup function is not working
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17:18.38[TK]D-Fenderhangup isn't a function.
17:19.29SuperNullis the manager interface capable of providing a statistic for active call channels ?
17:19.47SuperNulltrying to find a unified way to pull max concurrent call stats for our systems
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17:24.30BKhanD-Fender> did u check pastebin
17:25.08WIMPyBKhan: That URL requests a username and password.
17:25.18WIMPySuperNull: You have to count yourself.
17:26.57BKhanWIMPy: please check now
17:27.49WIMPyBKhan: The log is not for the same extension as the dialplan snippet above.
17:28.03WIMPyAnd I don;t see anything not working, either.
17:29.18BKhanoh sorry but using same code for *1 and *3
17:29.42BKhanthats also amazing for me that apprently no error found
17:29.45QwellThose are not the same at all.
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17:41.12[TK]D-FenderYour *3 extensions all start with "n".  We have no proof where thos priorities fall at all
17:41.27[TK]D-FenderAnd no proof of what *1 looks like short of what we see executing.
17:41.57[TK]D-FenderYou also say "hangup doesn't work", yet we don't see a single line after the hangup is called in your debug to prove that it didn't
17:47.09*** join/#asterisk Geriatrix (
17:47.36Geriatrixhey guys - i need to set up bluetooh on my box to get asterisk working with it - can anyone give me a hand
17:47.44Geriatrixi amhaving issues with pairing password
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19:03.23ipengineerDoes anyone know if ringinuse=no works with queues in Asterisk 12? The device is showing up as inuse in queue show but the call is still being sent to that device
19:03.37[TK]D-FenderShow us
19:08.32ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: I got it.. Dynamic agents apparently need to be logged out/logged back in if that option changes.. Whats weird is the device that had (ringinuse disabled) had been logged in the longest.
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19:32.47vlad_starkovQuestions: 1) Is it possible to check whether current channel is being recorded? 2) If I call Monitor() multiple times for current channel how it will influence on current channel call recording?
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19:37.22Mango45I would like to know this too.
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19:59.32kukuI'm running 1.4 and have polycom phones. For some reason certain order polcyom phones when they try to login to get their voicemail, asterisk can't read their password - as if it wasn't entered
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20:03.32Qwell~upgrade asterisk
20:03.32infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
20:03.43kukuQwell: 1.8 ok ?
20:07.29[TK]D-Fenderkuku: Almost cerrtainly wrong DTMF mode set
20:07.37[TK]D-Fenderkuku: Just fix that first to be sure
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20:08.05[TK]D-Fenderkuku: And then still plan to migrate to something that isn't a huge security risk & filled with bugs that will never be fixed
20:12.01Geriatrixok - i got bluetooth to "work" but my blackberry notsamsung cannot wonnect
20:12.08Geriatrixonly the old nokia for which i dont' have a sim card
20:12.33SuperNulldoes 'sip show channels' show both calling party and called party audio channels or does it put both as a single channel ?
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20:14.30kuku[TK]D-Fender: I plan to - but I can't upgrade them mid day - would like to solve hte dmtl issue somehow.
20:14.54kukudtmfmode = rfc2833 is set in sip.conf
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20:21.52swiss__hello again all
20:22.27swiss__but especially [TK]D-Fender
20:22.48[TK]D-Fenderkuku: Where?  It's a big file.
20:22.57[TK]D-Fenderkuku: Show us the peers & the call with SIP debug enabled
20:33.24kuku[TK]D-Fender: thats in the [general] of sip.conf
20:33.47kukuTried inband as well. Also tried setting dtmfmode on the extension itself, auto as well.
20:33.56kukuok - ill try to get a log
20:34.45paulcJoseph: Short of a court order we have no means of getting that detail. I have checked even with my supervisor just to confirm. And its the same result there is nothing we can do here to get those numbers. Even if I was to do a ticket to our admins they would just come back with the same result as I am currently providing. I will credit it for you then for this one time adjustment due to your tenure with us.
20:34.52paulcoops.. that'd be the wrong window then..
20:40.09[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
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22:16.14mushroomedHi, is there any way to record every call without pressing my automixmon feature key(s)?
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22:49.55RaMcHiPHello everyone!  I have gotten my trunk setup now with all my extensions and all the trimmings.  I am trying to integrate VTiger into the PBX so that I can use click to dial.  In vtiger I have went under tools -> PBX Manager and added in my asterisk information.  I created a user with an exension associated to it and when I click it number it says pick up the extensions receiver to dial but
22:49.56RaMcHiPwhen I pick up that extensions receiver, I do not get anything
22:50.08RaMcHiPAnyone able to assist me with this functionality?
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22:50.43RaMcHiPPS I am using cisco 7940's
22:51.47[TK]D-FenderRaMcHiP: "I created a user with an exension associated to it" <- where, how?
22:52.08[TK]D-FenderAnd we know nothing about vtiger or whatit asks you to enter
22:52.13RaMcHiPIn Vtiger under settings when logged into admin
22:52.31RaMcHiPI was just hoping someone had integrated it :)
22:52.36[TK]D-FenderYou should refer to their docs as to what those are
22:52.38RaMcHiPI got asterisk working fantastically
22:52.46KNERDnot since they make it closed source
22:52.51KNERDtime to move onm
22:53.12RaMcHiPWhat do you recommend KNERD
22:53.12[TK]D-FenderLast I heard vTiger was OSS
22:53.49KNERDwell...they no longer will release any more open soure. Just like SugarCRM has done
22:54.16RaMcHiPouch :)
22:54.20RaMcHiPWell then...
22:54.41RaMcHiPAny advice on a replacement open source CRM?
22:54.42KNERDi dont know what else is out there
22:54.54KNERDthey were the 2 major ones for linux
22:54.57RaMcHiPIt seemed like just sugar or Vtiger :)
22:56.11KNERDmaybe   ?
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23:01.42RaMcHiPThanks KNERD!
23:04.20KNERDRaMcHiP: they are trying to say SugarCRm Community Edition will be continued, but not at the moment...they wont give a release time for version 7.x CE.
23:04.31KNERDbut nobody seems to believe them
23:05.08KNERDonly a paid version of 7 is available now
23:05.14KNERDyou may want to lok at that
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23:16.21RaMcHiPI really want to stay away from licensing.. Especially per seat :)
23:16.39RaMcHiPI am thinking that we can still use VTiger and just modify as we see fit
23:16.48RaMcHiPand fix any document security issues as they come along
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23:23.31vlad_starkovQuestions: 1) Is it possible to check whether current channel is being recorded? 2) If I call Monitor() multiple times for current channel how it will influence on current channel call recording?
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