IRC log for #asterisk on 20140508

00:12.17haroldpthanks for your help
00:12.29*** part/#asterisk haroldp (
00:13.49*** join/#asterisk julgr (~julgr@
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00:38.43*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
01:04.07*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
01:05.08*** join/#asterisk theron_ (~theron@
01:10.55*** join/#asterisk RaMcHiP (
01:13.10raspberrypifani cant get asterisk now to boot in a VM
01:13.13raspberrypifanit says things are missing
01:13.20raspberrypifanadn hten it hangs on the printer
01:14.03*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
01:15.40raspberrypifanyes it says loading printer driver or something to that and it doesnt do anything
01:15.41raspberrypifanafter that
01:15.46raspberrypifanim gonna try rerunning it right now
01:16.04raspberrypifani just downloaded the asterisk now 64 bit, im on a mac running vmware fusion
01:19.07raspberrypifanfirst issue it says that GCC does not exist
01:22.13*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
01:29.43raspberrypifanis my dvd corrupt?
01:31.20WIMPyI have NFI what it needs GCC for, but not having a working GCC can be related to virtualisation and an OS that doesn't cope with your configuration.
01:31.59raspberrypifanits stuck at starting virtual printing demaon again
01:32.42WIMPyN idea what that's good for either.
01:33.13raspberrypifanim gonna try the 32 bit version
01:33.20WIMPyWhy don't you just install your favourite OS and then install Asterisk on it?
01:33.29raspberrypifanmy favorite os is os x
01:33.33raspberrypifanhwo do i install it on os xlol
01:33.35*** join/#asterisk julgr (~julgr@
01:34.06WIMPyFrom source, I guess.
01:34.24raspberrypifanbad idea
01:34.44raspberrypifanits gonna leave files all over my drive
01:35.18WIMPythat's the idea of installing software.
01:36.02raspberrypifanbut its gonna have file dysentery
01:36.39raspberrypifanspread all kinds of files al over the place
01:36.42raspberrypifanand be unable to delet all of them
01:36.48raspberrypifanwhy isnt there a package for os x
01:37.27WIMPyHave you checked if there is one?
01:38.26raspberrypifanyes ive looked
01:44.03*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:52.30*** join/#asterisk jameswf (uid27319@gateway/web/
01:57.55*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
02:25.54*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
02:32.42ChannelZYou're only allowed to use Facetime on OSX
02:35.08*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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05:03.59KNERDdo faxes go over IAX2, or is it SIP only?
05:25.01*** join/#asterisk fahmad (~fahmad@unaffiliated/fahmad)
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05:31.48ChannelZDepends as what
05:32.53ChannelZIf you're talking bleepy bleepy standard fax as audio, it'll go across pretty much anything so long as the codec doesn't destroy it (so, ulaw/alaw) or your jitter/packet loss doesn't destroy it
05:34.18ChannelZIf you're talking t.38, I think that aught to work as well.
05:52.02*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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08:03.46*** part/#asterisk bhavikpatel6842 (~root@
08:09.40*** join/#asterisk neeby_goosey (~chatzilla@
08:11.25*** join/#asterisk michael_work (
08:21.41neeby_gooseyHow do I control asterisk behaviour in case of failed blind transfer?
08:23.38*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:23.43neeby_gooseyI mean what place in dialplan is triggered by that?
08:26.34michael_worki think there is some parameter or value of callback or something. i use my own dialplan for that to i'm free to implement it as i want, same to you
08:27.44michael_workbtw if you transfer without answering it would be forward and asterik do not allow to call back same exten it was forwarded from
08:28.14michael_workwhich is logic as it might create infinitive loop in case if phone is set to forward and not person doing it
08:29.46neeby_gooseyBy transfering without answering you mean that the device we tried to transfer to doesn't answer? Or device that triggered transfer?
08:30.00michael_workdevice that trigger
08:30.04michael_workA calls B
08:30.13michael_workB transfer C without answering
08:30.20michael_workB => forwarded
08:30.52michael_workA calls B, B answer and transfer to C without talking to C => blind transfer
08:31.14michael_workin second case B can call A as well and after B transfer
08:31.54neeby_gooseyThanks, I get your point now. But still, I don't understand how to keep the call between A and B in case B->C transfering fails.
08:33.00neeby_gooseyBy default, the call ends.
08:33.01*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
08:33.35neeby_gooseyDo you know the solution?
08:36.22*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
08:36.48michael_workyour own dialplan?
08:37.42*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
08:39.23neeby_gooseymichael_work, I have my own dialplan, what's next?
08:39.46michael_workset some parameter
08:40.06neeby_gooseyMy problem is I have no idea where the call goes in dialplan after it has been unsuccessfully transfered (
08:40.23michael_workafter you use Dial() check the DIALSTATUS and if it's one you want to trasfer back goto callback dialplan or something like that
08:40.39michael_workuse g option and check DIALSTATUS
08:40.47neeby_gooseyThat's something, thank you.
08:51.04*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:51f1:a5a8:c01a:37e2)
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09:40.37*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:54.26*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
10:01.44neeby_gooseyI noticed that System('curl <some-url>'); command freezes the dialplan when <some-url> is inaccessible. So is there any failsafe way to 'curl' from dialplan?
10:09.48*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
10:36.16*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
10:48.32*** join/#asterisk dirt_diver____ (sid25018@gateway/web/
10:51.34*** join/#asterisk fling_ (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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12:18.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:22.53*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
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12:36.06neeby_gooseyOk, it seems that a CURL function with a bunch of timeout CURLOPTS will do just fine.
12:40.21*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
12:41.03marceloamorimGuys, yesterday I was wondering if I can handle it better with my codecs, I`m working at an ISP and bandwidth never was a problem, so I always used ulaw and alaw, but if I have any an sip account when the internet isn´t good enough, I should try to work with some codec that use less bandwidth?
12:41.57bulkorokyou can try it with g729 (some costs usually…)
12:42.25neeby_gooseyWhat about free gsm?
12:42.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:43.05marceloamorimMy think about this is, if I have one ip-phone set with g726 or gsm or anothe codec and I tried call to another phone with ulaw, I´ll have issue with the audio?
12:43.52neeby_gooseyDepends on what are codec preferences on PBX and another phone.
12:46.07marceloamorimI usually set on phones ulaw and alaw, and on my sip.conf I set all codecs avaiable
12:47.12neeby_gooseyThen, provided you have all the neccessary asterisk modules loaded, asterisk would convert one audio format stream to another in real time.
12:48.05marceloamorimso its fine if one phone I have gsm and another phone I have ulaw
12:48.34neeby_gooseyYes. Here are the modules used:
12:48.41marceloamorimasterisk will works fine and convert the audio
12:49.15neeby_gooseyBut the convertion is generally not recommended because it takes you machine's resources.
12:49.23*** join/#asterisk phix (
12:49.38neeby_gooseyBetter set everything up to use the same codec.
12:49.44[TK]D-FenderThat's very generic...
12:50.05[TK]D-FenderUnless you have a tragicall weak server or process a lot of simultaneous calls it hardly matters
12:50.16neeby_gooseyWell, yes.
12:53.41marceloamorimmy phone just have g711A(alaw) g711U(ulaw), g723, g726,g729 and iLBC
12:53.56marceloamorimso I usually set just ulaw and alaw
12:57.50*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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12:57.54*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:00.52marceloamorimMOS for g729 is 3.92
13:01.18marceloamorimbetter than g726
13:01.43marceloamorimnice, maybe I should try, less bandwidth and good MOS
13:02.44*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
13:02.51bulkorokg729 is espacially developed for low bandwith and high rtt
13:03.11bulkorokit can be used with rtt up to 300ms !
13:03.24bulkorokfor one direction ;-)
13:03.43marceloamorimcool, I´ll try this
13:04.03bulkorokdo it… sounds way more better than gsm
13:05.09neeby_gooseyI wish g729 was free...
13:05.58neeby_gooseyThat is a really good codec.
13:06.07marceloamorimgsm is used for most teamspeak that I used, for like 100 users on the same room
13:06.10bulkoroksome years and he is...
13:06.17marceloamorimg729 isn´t free?
13:06.30bulkorok10$ per en/decoder
13:06.41marceloamorimbut, I have this codec on my phone
13:06.55marceloamorimmaybe they pay for this
13:07.53*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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13:08.00bulkorokthey do
13:09.14marceloamorimso I can use for "free", because this price is built-in on the value of the phone
13:09.23bulkorokyou can
13:10.26marceloamorimnice, I should use this because I paid for this without know =)
13:11.09bulkorokusually all hardware phones can do g729
13:11.18neeby_gooseyA better link:
13:19.01*** join/#asterisk jameswf (uid27319@gateway/web/
13:21.57*** join/#asterisk As001 (~uros@
13:23.07*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
13:23.57As001Hello I saw strange behavior of Asterisk 1.8.23. It emit multiple Bridge events in AMI for one call. I saw 1000 of them for one single call and I don't know why is that happen.  That does not happen always but few times a day. Is it connected with dtmf and ?
13:24.43As001Can agent who press numbers on xlite softphone to trigger leave and new bridge for the same connection ?
13:27.31*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~vencuga@
13:29.24*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:30.51[TK]D-FenderAMI bridge doesn't listen for DTMF
13:31.35[TK]D-FenderAnd the versions listed in that report are really bad, and you are 4 releases behind on your own branch which isn't the same
13:35.31StaRetjihello, what is default setting for ;maxcalls = 10; Maximum amount of calls allowed.
13:35.38StaRetjii hope it is not 10?
13:35.58StaRetjiis there cli command to print this value?
13:38.13As001[TK]D-Fender why then so many Bridge events for same call ?I will consider upgrade in 1.8 branch as soon as I am sure it will work with our software.
13:39.16*** join/#asterisk wouter (
13:39.28wouterI'm trying to figure out why asterisk isn't logging failed logins
13:40.14wouterwhen I did 'asterisk -r', I was immediately swamped with failed login attempts, to the extent that my console was useless in trying to debug anything
13:40.19wouterbut nothing is showing in the logs
13:40.32wouter(offending IP has been firewalled away now, but still)
13:40.46wouter(asterisk as packaged by Debian, fwiw)
13:41.02infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:41.20wouteris that to me?
13:41.40snmpwouter: what doyou know of logger.conf
13:41.56wouterdidn't know it existed... looking at it now :)
13:42.32[TK]D-Fender[09:23]As001Hello I saw strange behavior of Asterisk 1.8.23 <--- THIS is 4 versions out.  I did not suggest to change branches
13:42.50[TK]D-FenderAs001: And 1.8 doesn't get new features so it shouldn't change compatability
13:44.17marceloamorimyeah, I didn´t find codec_g729 on the codecs, doesn´t matter if the phone has the option, the asterisk doesn´t have =( thx for the link guys
13:45.04As001yes I understand what you meant to change to newer 1.8 version but I tried with 1.8.25 and had problems for some reason I couldn't find, while 1.8.23 is working without problems.
13:45.21As001except this Bridge...
13:45.38As001I will try 1.8 current in few days.
13:47.29*** join/#asterisk BlackDex_ (
13:47.38BlackDex_Hello there
13:48.10BlackDexI want to have a specific sip client to call out with a dedicated outgoing number
13:48.14BlackDexhow can i configure that?
13:49.10StaRetjiis it possible that asterisk drops calls with 503 when is overloaded? Need to know that, thanks
13:51.13neeby_gooseyBlackDex, you must inform your provider about this intention, and if they accept it then simply use one of the appropriate Dial application options, e.g. Dial(SIP/VoIP-provider/88003001020,,f(<dedicated-outgoing-number>));
13:51.45neeby_gooseyIs that what you want?
13:52.06BlackDexwe have an ISDN card and a number range from 00 till 99 to use
13:52.38leifmadsenStaRetji: unless you setup a call counter or something, asterisk doesn't know what "overloaded" means
13:52.48BlackDexi can set the caller-id for forwarded calls and such, but i can't get it to have a specific sip client to use a dedicated outgoing number
13:53.01[TK]D-FenderBlackDex: "core show function CALLERID" <- set it before you dial
13:53.25BlackDexand how to do that for a specific SIP client?
13:54.42StaRetjithanks leifmadsen, I am getting lot of 503 calls while isp trunks ha 1000 connetctions free
13:54.55[TK]D-FenderBlackDex: Its your dialplan.  It does what you tell it to
13:55.02StaRetjiand I have just about 100 calls
13:55.46*** part/#asterisk As001 (~uros@
13:56.10BlackDex[TK]D-Fender: i think i have found it thx
13:56.36StaRetjipeers uses g729 while I use g729 codec ( are these codec same, or maybe asterisk is doing codec translation? sorry if question is stupid :(
14:00.08jameswfStaRetji: Are you in a room staffed by the nice folks who you are stealing from asking about pirated software?
14:00.54StaRetjijameswf: what do you mean? is not legal? If you are saying that, i am removing it right now
14:01.46jameswfStaRetji: g.729 is licenced software. You may buy a licence and download the proper binaries from Digium
14:02.40*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-crrfawvmpdnazjfw)
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14:03.53StaRetjiomg, I thought the ones i used are free mate, ok, removing it right now, going back to ulaw/alaw
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14:38.01dan_jHi, how do I reload the dundi keys without a full reload?
14:38.51*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~vencuga@
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14:42.57*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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15:04.36*** join/#asterisk rhineheart_m (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/rhineheartm/x-283746)
15:05.19rhineheart_mhello.. after changing the codecs in asterisk sip settings.. I can no longer make an outgoing call.. but I can call sip phones within the network without any problem.. any idea? thanks.
15:07.25MaliutaLaprhineheart_m: the ITSP doesn't support the codecs you are allowing out to it ... that's my thought
15:07.41newtonrrhineheart_m, should be easy to tell with a SIP trace
15:08.03MaliutaLaprhineheart_m: or check the support info from your ITSP and check what codecs they support
15:09.31rhineheart_mI tried calling the ptsn using another landline and I can hear the IVR...
15:10.01rhineheart_mmaking outgoing calls will show up "hang up" message only..
15:16.55[TK]D-FenderLook at the actual call and see what is actually happening
15:17.15rhineheart_mhow to do that exactly?
15:17.43[TK]D-Fender* CLI with SIP debug enabled.
15:18.12*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:18.48*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@ *cli now.. what to issue command to read the logs to determine what causes the termination of outbound route?
15:24.07[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10"
15:24.11[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
15:24.13[TK]D-FenderPlace a call.
15:24.20[TK]D-Fenderpastebin the entire thing from beginning to end
15:24.22infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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15:44.47[TK]D-FenderI don't see it terminating you...
15:44.55[TK]D-FenderI see your SIP device choosing to end the call
15:51.38rhineheart_myeah.. I just noticed it too.. it allows using my csip in my android...I'll try using an ip phone
15:52.11*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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15:58.13rhineheart_mlastly, what's the difference of this.. NAT yes no never route (under the NAT Settings) ?
15:58.13rhineheart_mif the server is located in the same lan segment with the sip clients... do I still need NAT to be in yes?
15:58.13*** join/#asterisk workingcats (~workingca@
15:58.13lvlinuxrhineheart_m: NO! only set NAT if there is NAT
15:58.49[TK]D-FenderDoesn't really matter
15:59.17rhineheart_mas far as I know.. please correct me though if I'm wrong... NAT usually should be enabled if the sip server is connected directly to a modem right?
15:59.40*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
15:59.49rhineheart_mor let's say..if firewall is enabled?
16:00.00[TK]D-FenderNAT is specified on multiple levels, under [general] and under your individual peers
16:00.21[TK]D-FenderAnd leave the term "firewall" out.. that only implies filtering rules.
16:00.29[TK]D-Fendernot transforms
16:01.08*** part/#asterisk hecatae (
16:02.17rhineheart_mok.. why did you say it doesn't matter?
16:02.46[TK]D-FenderBecause it doesn't on that level.
16:03.52rhineheart_mso in my case.. can I just choose never?
16:04.42rhineheart_mdoes it has effect to call quality esp on a bw restricted environment?
16:05.03rhineheart_mwhere some of the sip clients are connected to the network wirelessly?
16:05.35[TK]D-FenderNo effect at all
16:07.13*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
16:12.05rhineheart_mok. Thanks for the clarification.. I thought it has something to do with the natting/hopping..
16:12.28rhineheart_munlike making it like in a bridge mode
16:14.06[TK]D-FenderIf they are on the same boring subnet it doesn't cause * to do anything any different if you did the rest right
16:23.23lvlinuxyeah maybe not, but it will confuse you later if you look at your config and see nat=yes :-D
16:23.58*** join/#asterisk mbrit (~miguel@
16:24.49rhineheart_mthanks for your time guys.. I appreciate it :)
16:24.58rhineheart_mwill go ahead now.
16:28.39*** join/#asterisk cusco (~tralala@2001:41d0:1:6caf::cafe)
16:33.26cuscoa queue has members configured with local interfaces but SIP/xyz state_interface
16:33.38cuscowhy does a queue tries to ring a member that is in_use
16:33.41cuscofor instance ..
16:33.49cuscowhat settings should I look at?
16:33.56cuscoor a member that is paused
16:33.59[TK]D-FenderShow us the queue and device states
16:34.08cuscoby show you mean...
16:34.12cuscoqueue show?
16:34.23[TK]D-Fenderyes, as well as hint dumps, channel dumps, etc
16:34.36[TK]D-FenderWould also be nice to know what version you're even running...
16:34.57*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
16:35.03cuscowell :( i'm afraid to answer that one... heh
16:35.08cuscostill on 1.6.2
16:35.48cuscowe tried migrating to 11 a few months back, had to rollback, and haven't had time to plan new migration
16:36.19cuscoso.. can I still provide those details you mentioned, or should I stop asking now?
16:36.46[TK]D-FenderDon't make me ask and then give nothing....
16:36.56cuscohold ...
16:38.21cuscowe're not using hints but how to check that?
16:38.32cuscois there a cli command to dump hint?
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16:39.24[TK]D-Fendercore show hints
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16:42.18cusco691 was not in use at the time of queue show
16:42.46cuscoin the Local dialplan we do a ChanIsAvail()
16:42.59cuscoand return busy()
16:43.08cuscoif other than not in use
16:43.27cuscoqueue is real_time
16:43.31[TK]D-FenderI don't see a confirmation of state devices used, code to set those, the actual device state proving what's going on.
16:44.11[TK]D-FenderAnd go set up hints for the devices so I can prove what * sees for them at least
16:44.40cuscook let me read about that.. meanwhile would you like a select to the table that holds queue_members?
16:44.56[TK]D-FenderBring it all at once in one pastebin
16:47.00*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
16:50.33SuperNullAnyone using Cisco Routers as a registrar /sbc  with asterisk ?
16:50.38cuscook I'm having trouble to understand hints .. I should use hints instead of SIP/xyz in state interface?
16:50.52cuscohint:xyz@context ?
16:53.25cuscothen shows as invalid in "queue show"
16:54.06cuscoah modules loaded before .. ok
16:54.10*** join/#asterisk scouture (~scouture@unaffiliated/scouture)
16:54.54cuscohmm.. still shows invalid
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16:58.31[TK]D-Fenderchan_sip, etc should be loaded before app_queue
16:58.35[TK]D-Fenderpreload <-
17:01.03*** join/#asterisk wolrah_ (~wolrah@
17:04.57cusco[TK]D-Fender: so I can just reload app_queue
17:05.12cuscoI'm missing something regarding hits
17:05.19cuscoits probably not just set the state interface
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17:36.53navaismostupid earthquakes
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18:02.02leifmadsenpreload should almost never be needed; the modules have ordering controls
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18:06.14darkdrgn2kim looking for a way to find a "vanity" 10digit dial nubmer, whats the best way, services etc about looking for one?
18:06.32ChkDigitAny reason why a hangup() would leave a sip phone "on hook"
18:06.43ChkDigitErrr off hook.
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18:14.31BCrookAtRAI'm trying to play a recording to my callers that contains all ten touchtones (the goal is to trick autodialer robots into thinking we pressed whatever digit they say to press to be removed).  But the touchtones always come out sounding clipped as if they were too loud, no matter how quiet I make them, or howlong i play them.  Does asterisk 'intercept' touchtones somehow?  CIT tones play normally as expected even though they are significntly lo
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18:28.34[TK]D-Fender[14:14]BCrookAtRAI'm trying to play a recording to my callers that contains all ten touchtones (the goal is to trick autodialer robots into thinking we pressed whatever digit they say to press to be removed). But the touchtones always come out sounding clipped as if they were too loud, no matter how quiet I make them, or howlong i play them. Does asterisk 'intercept' touchtones somehow?...
18:28.35[TK]D-Fender...CIT tones play normally as expected even though they are significntly lo <- your audio file is what it is.
18:29.00[TK]D-Fendereither your file is too loud or it's getting amplified out of your channel
18:29.08filewhat what oh
18:32.14*** join/#asterisk chaosman (~chaosman]
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18:45.12lvlinuxif i downgrade my dahdi version, do i need to recompile asterisk?
18:45.34BCrookAtRAI've halved the volume of the touchtones several times now, and they are nearly indistinguishable when plaid as an mp3 or looked at as a waveform
18:45.44[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux: depends on chan_dahdi
18:45.47BCrookAtRAthey still crackle though and sound like they're clipping when asterisk plays them to a caller
18:46.21[TK]D-FenderMP# is alrady 1 lossy level and you've not given us any detail what you're sending it over
18:46.52lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: i compiled and installed dahdi 2.9 and asterisk 11.9, then tried to compile wanpipe, and I had to go with a version of wanpipe that only supported dahdi 2.7, so I had to go down to 2.7.
18:47.23[TK]D-FenderMight have to recompile... go try
18:47.44lvlinuxif * loads dahdi fine and doesn't complain about anything, can i assume it's ok?
18:47.53[TK]D-FenderIf it works... it's OK
18:48.02lvlinuxk thanks
18:48.11lvlinuxi'll just try it and see
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19:29.24cuscoso.. I've been reading on the hints.. I'm using AEL... I created a test extension: hint(SIP/${EXTEN:3}) _999XXX ... Im checking that it is not valid.. how do you go around this?
19:37.33*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
19:47.15cusco[TK]D-Fender: do I have to create a hint for each queue member?
19:48.34[TK]D-FenderI don't do AEL
19:48.39cuscoI understand
19:48.48cuscoif it were in extensions.conf tho
19:48.58cuscohow would you go about it?
19:51.08[TK]D-Fenderyou don't do "variableRead the docs, I do't knwo the syntax, except to ssa you should be doing each EXPLICITLY, not with variables & patterns
19:52.14cuscook.. the subscribecontext can be a completelly different context from the rest of my dialplan
19:52.54cuscoso I need to decleare each hint explicitly for each device
19:57.36[TK]D-FenderI don't even care about subscriptions, it's a case of proving * CAN track the device at all
19:59.12*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
20:00.50dan_jIf I want to match any character or number for an extension, is there anything better than _.   ?
20:01.08dan_jI seem to recall that you get warnings when using _.
20:01.50dan_j_[a-zA-Z0-9].     ?
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20:07.50[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
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20:33.12dan_jJust using dundi for the first time. When using a dialplan to perform a lookup, it seems to take a long time till the dialled extension starts ringing. But when I perform a lookup using the CLI, I get a result straight away.
20:33.19dan_jAny ideas what it could be?
20:33.29dan_jI'm connecting the two asterisk servers via IAX
20:33.36dan_jThe other calls are sip
20:36.05*** join/#asterisk oatha (~oatha.inf@unaffiliated/athayde)
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20:43.29gushiHey all -- can anyone tell me how I can get asterisk to give me more context on this error?  "[May  8 11:16:08] WARNING[27869] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)"
20:43.47gushiI'd love to know, for example, where in my dialplan it's trying to do that?
20:44.02gushior what peer it's trying to dial?
20:44.19lvlinuxgushi: core set verbose 9
20:44.27navaismosip set debug on
20:48.49gushilvlinux, that helped...apparently it's because some of our extensions (softphones, mainly) aren't connected, so it's harmless, apparently.
20:49.17lvlinuxgushi: yep that'll do it :-)
20:49.55gushiThere's no syntax to specify the dial in that will prevent that error, is there?
20:50.05dan_jWhen dialling a peer normally, you can do Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}/${DID}), but when dialling a peer using dundi, all you can do is Goto(lookupdid,${EXTEN})
20:50.07gushiwell, warning, properly speaking
20:50.15dan_jIs there any way to get the ${DID} passed through too?
20:50.27dan_jOr any other variables like timeouts etc.
20:52.12lvlinuxgushi: there probably is a way to check if a phone is there, and adjust the dial string, but I don't think it would be worth messing with just to get rid of the warning.
20:52.51gushiOkay -- we migrated from 1.4 to 1.8 recently, and I've been grepping for all the various WARNINGS, and any I can make go away are nice.
20:53.27gushiand most of our extensions dial like five different clients (desk sets, home numbers, cell forwards, softphones, etc).
20:53.55dan_jIt will usually mean that one of the sip phones you are trying to dial is currently offline.
20:54.04gushiso there's kinda a lot of this error.  Especially because I tend to insist on "if you have two devices, like a smartphone and an iphone, that's two different identities"
20:54.31dan_jinsist? its necessary if you want both to ring
20:54.47dan_jbut if one is offline and you try to dial it, you'll get that warning
20:55.00gushinot everyone does.  Some people just want it so they can call home when they're at a conference.
20:55.17gushibut I'm being a jerk because I want to avoid the problem.
20:55.55gushiit also lets me be more safe about the "stolen laptop problem"
20:56.16gushiso yeah, net result, a lot of this warning :)
20:56.32dan_jyes. basically
20:58.10gushiAnd yeah, I suppose I could handle all the dialing through a macro or even an agi that explodes the original string and checks if they're all online, and only dials the ones that are...but eww.
20:59.59gushiadds a grep -v to his nightly cronjobs
21:01.29gushiSo, is there any way to shut off the warning about mismatched NAT and NONAT settings?  That prints itself ONCE PER PEER?
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21:04.39lvlinuxyeah, change the config so they aren't mismatched :-)
21:07.54gushiI can maybe understand that paranoia if my sip identities are simple 4-digit extensions (which I already see people trying to register as, and which I'll be solving with fail2ban)
21:08.46gushiI can even understand printing the warning once if any extension mismatches the standard, but in my case, things are set that way for a reason.  Cisco 7960's are touchy behind NAT, and when settings mismatch.
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21:22.37dan_jI'm trying to use a gosub but depending on the exten that passed to the gosub, i get this  'Attempt to reach a non-existent destination for Gosub'
21:22.55dan_jI've tried using the 'i' extension to execute a 'return' but that doesnt appear to be supported.
21:23.01dan_jwhats the correct way of doing it?
21:25.14dan_jalternatively, is there any way to get a gosub to automatically return, even when return is not executed?
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21:55.25swiss__hey all, trying to use Read() to get a dtmf key press from a user and i cant get it to recognize a key press, any ideas?
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22:00.17swiss__the one i set in sip.conf correct?
22:00.49navaismolet me use my magicians powers to know which one you are using
22:01.08navaismofocus pocus
22:01.14swiss__no need just want to make sure i understand the question
22:01.29navaismorfc2833 maybe?
22:01.35swiss__if you mean the one in sip.conf ive tried auto and inband
22:01.43navaismooh wait!
22:02.11navaismoi forgotten to ask-->from where you are dialing, sip internal device, pstn or..?
22:02.24swiss__sip internal device
22:02.36navaismook try to use rfc2833
22:02.44swiss__let me give that a shot
22:04.41swiss__allow me to send you my various file through the magic of pastebin unless you can use your telepathy on those as well
22:04.47navaismotime to see the cli with the dtmf debg enabled
22:05.01navaismoyeah via pastebin
22:08.40navaismodont you love that?
22:08.50swiss__to no end
22:10.17navaismook now a call with the dtmf log enabled, you can enable the dtmf log via logger.conf adding dtmf to the console line, then reload the logger in the cli with logger reload
22:12.42swiss__done, now to call
22:16.20*** part/#asterisk hecatae (
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22:20.16swiss__no luck
22:20.27swiss__i dont get anything no matte how hard i push buttons
22:20.35swiss__usually doing things harder fixes it
22:26.55navaismodidi you get the cli output? pastebin it if so
22:27.14swiss__cli didnt return any dtmf i mashed
22:27.31swiss__also tried inband in addition to rfc
22:27.31navaismodid you enabled the log?
22:27.55swiss__nothing there either
22:28.29navaismoenable that in the full log and see if there is the dtmf record
22:28.40swiss__did that and negative
22:28.53swiss__whats odd is i had this working yesterday for a brief time
22:29.02navaismosip device right? like softphone
22:29.08navaismoor is an ata
22:29.29swiss__one is softphone the other is a cell
22:31.50*** join/#asterisk rhineheart_m (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/rhineheartm/x-283746)
22:33.45navaismonot sure if in the rtp debug you can see if the dtmf is coming to  asterisk
22:34.08rhineheart_mhello.. I have this issue. Making outgoing calls using an ip phone after changing the codecs in sip settings is no longer possible. I can make outgoing call using csip softphone in android only.. Here's my pastebin. Thanks..
22:36.26swiss__on a lark i also tried fiddling with the Read() setup but no luck. let me check the rtp
22:37.03navaismorhineheart_m, lines 770-772 hangup cause 58-->BEARERCAPABILITY_NOTAVAIL do you have g729 licenses?
22:37.10swiss__hmmm i cant find anything related to rtp
22:37.35navaismortp set debug on
22:37.42swiss__ah that
22:37.42navaismowhich asterisk version
22:38.11rhineheart_mnavaismo: do I need to purchase it?
22:38.21navaismog729 isnt free
22:38.29infobot[~g729] G.729(.a /.ab /.b) is a patent-encumbered ITU-standard voice codec operating at 8kbps offering quality similar to GSM.  For Asterisk to transcode G.729 licenses (per channel) must be bought from
22:39.47rhineheart_mwhat does it mean with per channel?
22:39.54rhineheart_mis this the one?
22:40.14navaismoyep, each channel use a licence
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22:40.49swiss__no luck
22:41.03*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (~u0m3@
22:41.21rhineheart_mnavaismo: per channel means per ip phone?
22:42.02infobothmm... channel is This refers to the group of resellers that supply most companies with software, hardware, and support. The channel is a force to be reckoned with, and it competes directly against companies like Gateway 2000 and Dell. A channel can also be a content container, like a television channel. You may be watching TV channels on the Internet someday.
22:42.25rhineheart_mlol.. I like you infobot
22:42.36navaismoa normal call use two channels,
22:43.11rhineheart_mDigium's G.729 Codec for Asterisk is licensed on a per-channel basis. A channel is defined as a single connection from an endpoint to an Asterisk application, or a bi-directional call between two endpoints attached to Asterisk.
22:44.56navaismook that
22:45.11navaismowhy not only disable the codec?
22:46.23rhineheart_mof this following codec..which is free and considered to only use a small bandwidth? G711u
22:46.30rhineheart_msorry for the multiple lines..
22:47.13swiss__anger! if i disable the GotoIF line then it works, i can get dtmf feed back
22:47.22navaismoim on a test? because im feeling nervous
22:48.00rhineheart_mnavaismo: is that supposed for me?
22:55.49rhineheart_mnavaismo: I disabled g279 and enabled ulaw.. I can now make outgoing calls.. thanks. :)
22:59.24swiss__so ive got it narrowed down
22:59.55swiss__if i include the GotoIF line it doesnt work, remove that and i can get dtmf back
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23:00.50navaismocli output please
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23:07.26navaismovoip,ms use rfc2833 too thst weird really
23:08.09swiss__i set it back to inband on a hunch and thats where we are
23:09.14rhineheart_mof this following codec..which is free and considered to only use a small bandwidth? G711u G711a G722 G723 G726. Thanks,
23:12.15rhineheart_mthanks but it didn't show any bandwidth comparison..
23:13.42infobot[~bandwidth] This is a measure in bits per second of the amount of data that can be sent over a particular cable, interface, or bus.
23:13.47rhineheart_mthat helps.. thanks..
23:14.53infoboti heard lmgtfy is
23:15.10navaismoI never get it :(
23:15.35navaismogive up
23:16.11infobot[~sudo] Better than su, according to talon. It allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the sudoers file. Or can allow you to do silly things like run X11 apps with root privileges; also good in scripts with "username ALL = NOPASSWD: /some/program", or, or good for ordering sandwiches, or not pseudo
23:16.37navaismo~sudo make me sandwich
23:16.37infobotmake me sandwich: sudo make navaismo a sandwich.
23:17.49rhineheart_myou're great navaismo. :D
23:18.01rhineheart_mI will make sandwich for you..
23:18.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
23:18.49navaismono im not, [TK]D-Fender is fabulous
23:19.04swiss__so any ideas on the macro issue?
23:19.29navaismonot me
23:19.53[TK]D-FenderYeah, I'll look.... psatebin it all up
23:20.02infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:21.53[TK]D-Fenderthen you hav a DTMF mode issue, not a macro issue
23:22.15swiss__but it has to be macro because thats the only change that makes a difference
23:23.03[TK]D-Fender"core show application read" <-
23:23.39rhineheart_m[TK]D-Fender: thanks for helping. I appreciate it :D
23:23.53[TK]D-Fenderrhineheart_m: Can't remember the issue... but you're welcome
23:24.26swiss__yeah ive read the documentation
23:25.27swiss__more than once
23:25.47swiss__and im fairly certain the syntax is correct
23:27.04[TK]D-Fenderpastebin it....
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23:29.55mushroomedHi, I have my devide registered already but when I pick up the handset I have no tone
23:30.14RumblesHi :)
23:30.15mushroomedAlso when I call that extension I get --> Everyone is busy/congested at this time
23:30.44Rumblesjust wondering, is there a limit to the number of remote UNIX conenctions asterisk would accept? and if so, can it be increased? specifically in 1.2.x :(
23:31.34ChannelZ-WkHow do you know it's properly registered?
23:32.10ChannelZ-WkAnd the dialtone is locally generated on the device so if it's not providing it then it thinks something is wrong I guess
23:32.14mushroomedChannelZ: Because I see it in my *CLI as a connected peer
23:32.48ChannelZ-WkAt the right IP?
23:32.53mushroomedChannelZ: Yes~
23:33.39ChannelZ-WkThen without seeing some SIP debug, it sounds like your device is horribly confused about something.
23:33.47mushroomedIt's a Grandstream GXP1405
23:33.57mushroomedChannelZ: How can I make SIP debug?
23:34.04ChannelZ-Wksip set debug on
23:44.33[TK]D-Fender[19:22][TK]D-Fender"core show application read" <-
23:44.39[TK]D-Fender^ Paastebin
23:45.56filelooks around
23:46.57mushroomedChannelZ: Any news?
23:48.04[TK]D-Fenderswiss__: Ok, your call description in thre looks wird, could you place those as 2 calls....
23:48.31[TK]D-Fenderswiss__: the comments are worrded oddly and you broke up the debug in pieces with it
23:50.50swiss__alright hold on
23:51.03swiss__let me do a fresh test and send that along
23:52.30mushroomed[TK]D-Fender: Can you help me please?
23:54.49[TK]D-Fendermushroomed: I don't see "congested" anywhere in that pastebin
23:55.00mushroomed[TK]D-Fender: -- Got SIP response 486 "Busy Here" back from
23:55.07mushroomedThat's what I get
23:55.17leifmadsenlooks at file. Intently.
23:55.23mushroomedAnd this -->  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
23:55.42[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't in this last pastebin
23:55.59[TK]D-Fender[19:38]mushroomedChannelZ: <- not here....
23:56.28fileleifmadsen, hi
23:56.34leifmadsenfile: well hello to you sir
23:56.43*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
23:57.42fileleifmadsen, would you like some mushroom and cognac risotto?
23:57.57leifmadsenfile: is it a trap?
23:58.04fileleifmadsen, might be
23:58.09ChannelZ-Wksorry I had to wander off
23:58.10leifmadsenI'll pass, just in case
23:58.12leifmadsensounds delicious
23:58.17leifmadsenI will obtain a beer instead
23:58.29mushroomed[TK]D-Fender: ChannelZ-Wk: --> Line 419
23:58.34leifmadsenI suppose you were not offering, but rather just asking if I wanted some
23:58.42leifmadsenASSUME NOTHING WITH MR. FILE
23:59.26ChannelZ-WkSee line 398
23:59.39ChannelZ-WkYour phone is rejecting the call.  Is DND on or something?

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.