IRC log for #asterisk on 20140505

00:03.14*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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00:42.57lvlinuxcan i have asterisk mark BOTH CoS and ToS values? Or is it one or the other?
00:44.35*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
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00:51.05fornaxWIMPy: When I do not load the module from the kernel, dahdi does not stop since it does not find the device. So I assume it uses the driver from the kernel
00:51.52WIMPyNo. You need to disable the linux driver for dahdi to work.
00:52.19WIMPyDAHDI has its own driver.
00:53.33lvlinuxhey WIMPy by "Linux driver" do you mean like what is part of libpri? or is that something else?
00:54.34WIMPyNo. What is part of the linux kernel.
00:54.43WIMPyAnd that doesn't use libpri.
00:56.28lvlinuxoh ok I see.
00:58.13fornaxWIMPy: Before I installed kernel 3.12 I did not have to install a kernel driver. But when I rebooted dahdi did not start because it did not find the driver for the bri card anymore. I had a look into the kernel and there was an entry marked as new in the kernel for the isdn card. I enabled the driver, compiled it as module, made a modprobe and after it was listed with lsmod dahdi was able to start. So is dahdi not using the kernel driver?
00:59.36WIMPyMaybe it's still not clear: DAHDI are kernel modules and incude driver modules, but they are not related to the drivers supplied in the Linux Kernel.
00:59.52WIMPyAnd they don't use them, either.
01:00.05WIMPyIf you have one of them loaded, you can't load the other.
01:01.22fornaxWIMPy: But why does dahdi say /dev/dahdi not found when I do not load the driver from the kernel via modprobe? the node is not available when I do not select the module
01:01.56WIMPyYou have to load the dahdi modules to get that device.
01:03.08WIMPyThe dahdi driver is wcb4xxp, the linux driver is hfcmulti.
01:04.12fornaxWIMPy: Ah, okay, but why does it not work when I set n for misdn_hfcmulti?
01:04.36fornaxWIMPy: even when wcb4xxp is in my dahdi modulesß
01:05.02WIMPyI dont know. But I know that dahdi will NOT work if you have hfcmulti loaded. So you don;t need to enable it.
01:05.06WIMPyOr shouldn;t have to.
01:06.15fornaxWIMPy: Strange, very strange, because before dahdi worked without recompiling the kernel, 3.12 was the first kernel that did only work with enabled kernel driver
01:06.17WIMPyI had the issue with an older version of dahdi that the card I used didn't work, unless I loaded hfcmult _and_unloaded_it_again_ before loading wcb4xxp.
01:06.32WIMPyBut that issue should be long gone.
01:06.52fornaxWIMPy: I will investigate that tomorrow, you have the same timezone and know how late it is ;-)
01:07.22WIMPyWork gourts ar til 4 :-)
01:10.09fornaxWIMPy: Yes, you are right, it’s almost the same for me, but I have done my work today and can have a good night
01:26.34*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (
01:34.27raspberrypifanhows it going wimp
01:34.54WIMPyNo news
01:38.19WIMPySometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad.
01:38.25raspberrypifanyea true
01:40.50*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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03:16.38linociscofrom someone's extension on another desk, how can we call using own extension? for example, I am john and I have to use Tom's phone on his desk, I would like others to see I am calling using my extension, not Tom's extension
03:22.18ChannelZJust fudge the CID
03:22.46ChannelZmake some extension code
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04:56.32linociscofrom someone's extension on another desk, how can we call using own extension? for example, I am john and I have to use Tom's phone on his desk, I would like others to see I am calling using my extension, not Tom's extension
05:00.18r00fyou were answered. just make some extension prefix for that
05:02.04*** join/#asterisk dddh (~Zumu@pdpc/supporter/active/dddh)
05:02.24dddhr00f: hi
05:02.48r00fdddh: hi
05:02.53dddhI have a strange dialplan with MixMonitor and StopMonitor
05:03.31dddhit seems to me that StopMonitor doesn't stop MixMonitor, but StopMixMonitor should be used instead
05:04.34r00fso why don't you try?
05:12.12*** join/#asterisk zerick (~Erick@
05:13.21dddhr00f: I'll just change this one line ..
05:14.35r00fwell, it's been a while since i used mixmonitor, and besides i didnt use stop, channel hangup was ok for me. but wiki says that you are correct about stopmixmonitor
05:15.40dddhr00f: there are endless loops in this dialplan with MixMonitor and StopMonitor
05:16.21dddhand every time it starts new MixMonitor a new file is created
05:41.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:42.46dddhr00f: and when call is finished I see 20-30 files there :)
05:43.53r00fdddh: so may be the source of problem are loops, not the wrong stopmonitor application? )
05:45.06dddhr00f: yes, it should stopmixmonitor before next cycle(where new mixmonitor will start)
05:47.43dddhseems like the problem was that it started new mixmonitor(with different filename), but didn't stop previous one
06:02.47*** join/#asterisk fahmad (~fahmad@unaffiliated/fahmad)
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07:48.46*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
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07:54.46ZogotCould anyone know of any reasons why all phones wont ring when called to an IVR. Out of the 9, 2 dont ring.
07:59.24*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:8d68:d33c:e1b3:ba9c)
08:01.32Zogotis there a limit to the number of FastAGI calls?  The 2 phones that dont ring get a FastAGI errror: Couldn't connect to any host.  FastAGI failed
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08:41.09*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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10:19.49*** join/#asterisk vedic (~V@
10:21.36*** join/#asterisk DeviantPeer (
10:22.30DeviantPeerhi all. Can anyone tell me how reliable the res_fax is? (faxes by normal are unreliable anyway...)
10:22.48DeviantPeerin the issue list there are only 4 minor bug open
10:23.06DeviantPeerbut is that as the re_fax is a good module? or noone is using it?
10:23.09vedicIs there any way to read a live audio ? I am using IVR to record user's message but I would like to access it as soon as I can (before the complete file gets saved to the system). What is the suggested way?
10:24.59DeviantPeervedic: I think you have to look at EAGI
10:25.37vedicDeviantPeer: Could you point me to such an example?
10:25.39DeviantPeervedic: EAGI is like AGI but provides the script with file descriptors of the audio channels.
10:25.55DeviantPeerI never tried it...
10:26.31DeviantPeerbut looks simple enough
10:27.54vedicDeviantPeer: What if multiple calls are coming at the same time?
10:28.04vedicFile descriptor 3 will get shared?
10:28.23DeviantPeerI don't think it's shared
10:28.44DeviantPeerI think asterisk will write PCM data to that pipe
10:28.47DeviantPeerand you can read it
10:29.11vedicDeviantPeer: But will it differentiate from one call to another call?
10:29.31DeviantPeerthe pipe fs will be diferent
10:29.54DeviantPeergood bot.
10:31.11r00fDeviantPeer: by reliablility you mean fax delivery or module itself?
10:31.44r00freliability of fax-over-voip is very vast topic to discuss. alot of articles over internet
10:31.46DeviantPeerfax delivery
10:32.10DeviantPeerr00f: yes... it's not a simple subject at all.
10:32.20r00ffor me, via 711 over PSTN it works almost 99% times
10:32.35r00fover via 711 over SIP - at least 80%
10:32.44r00fT38 hates me completely
10:34.44r00fhowever, recently Samsung guys were trying to connect MGI card with my asterisk. we achieved like 100% over T38 (in tests), but client needed 711
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10:35.07r00fand they just could not configure it for 711. some bugged card, i guess
10:35.43DeviantPeerinteroperability is always a darn thing... :)
10:36.15DeviantPeerbut if g711 works well.. :) that should be enough for the old people to send faxes around. ;)
10:37.46r00fyeah, for me 711 is good. we switched to it everywhere, thanks god nowadays internets are fast enough
10:38.00DeviantPeerI asked because it seems to be a much simpler solution than using iaxmodem and hylafax (or something like that).
10:38.11r00fmaybe it is because i dont understand T38, it's not for me to decide
10:38.17r00fbut still
10:39.30DeviantPeerthe problem might not be on your side..
10:39.34r00fjust give it a try, i havent used any of those
10:39.55DeviantPeerI think I will and then I'll come back here and share the experience.
10:40.29r00fhowever, via 711 i can send a fax to my desktop even over voippro. who make no promises about faxes, and god knows how they are routing call to my pstn operator
10:41.11r00fit simply works
10:41.24DeviantPeerthat's not bad at all...
10:41.59DeviantPeervoippro must be taking some care with faxes nevertheless
10:42.01r00fyep. i was surprised tbh
10:42.23DeviantPeerthey just don't promiss anything.. because it's really a very "jaggering" solution :)
10:45.26DeviantPeerr00f: thx for sharing your experience. I'll go and play asterisk config and sending some faxes to see how well I can get it to work.
10:47.04r00fhave fun
10:48.40*** join/#asterisk CommaCrazy (57fa2535@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:50.23CommaCrazyhi all, question, is there a way to patch OpenVox A1200 card into already running asterisk or does it really have to be recompiled with it for it to work?
10:52.56*** join/#asterisk Rovanion (
10:53.17RovanionMust every user have their own entry in extensions.conf?
11:57.13*** join/#asterisk alami (~ialami@unaffiliated/alami)
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14:13.02*** join/#asterisk YAVoiper (
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14:16.18YAVoiperIs this the proper place to ask questions about yum installs for asterisk?
14:16.57Qwellprobably, but it depends
14:17.51*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
14:19.00YAVoiperwell, I'm new here so pls let me know if I err.  We have installed asterisk 11 via yum for easier updated (always compiled in the past).  Everything was great EXCEPT we are unable to execute CURL or SYSTEM dialplan commands.  I was wondering if there was an additional yum install for those or if it is possible to use the those commands with the yum install packaging.
14:19.57QwellThat's where the "it depends" comes in.
14:20.43*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
14:21.50neeby_gooseyThere was a problem with my asterisk system when (VoIP provider => asterisk => VoIP provider) calls were all silent and no RTP was sent either way. I asked about this here and user 'scouture' suggested adding 'Playback(silence/1);' before the outbound call and - voila - everything works. The question is - how does this workaround works?
14:22.22Qwellneeby_goosey: It takes time for those audio paths to be setup.
14:22.46neeby_gooseyWow. That is really all?
14:23.38QwellPlayback also causes an answer to happen.  Were you answering the call?
14:24.23YAVoiperYou can also take a tcpdump with/without & observe the differences
14:25.14neeby_gooseyQwell, yes, and that was the first #asterisk's suggestion.
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14:28.10YAVoiperQwell, can you elaborate on the dependency regarding yum install * 11 & SYSTEM commands?
14:28.56QwellYAVoiper: not without knowing anything about the packages you're using
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14:33.41YAVoiperQwell, here is the yum list of installed packages for asterisk:
14:33.53YAVoiperasterisk.x86_64       11.7.0-1_centos6  @asterisk-11
14:33.55YAVoiperasterisk-core.x86_64  11.7.0-1_centos6  @asterisk-11
14:33.56YAVoiperasterisk-dahdi.x86_64 11.7.0-1_centos6  @asterisk-11
14:33.58YAVoiperasterisk-doc.x86_64   11.7.0-1_centos6  @asterisk-11
14:34.07YAVoiperdahdi-linux.x86_64    2.9.0-1_centos6   @asterisk-current
14:34.08*** kick/#asterisk [YAVoiper!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (pastebin)
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14:40.33YAVoiperQwell, I'll say again, I am new here.  Is it not proper etiquette here to list *short* lists?
14:40.55infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:41.25YAVoiperok.  Thanks Qwell
14:41.26*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
14:42.01QwellYes, there is a curl package, no, system does not require anything special.
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14:47.08YAVoiperOk, thanks.  We'll dig a bit more then.  Just wanted to confirm that it was included with yum.  It looked like it was.  Thanks again...
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15:51.26[diecast]may not be relevant to this channel, but anyone know if you can pass SS7 via audio cable on a phone device like iPhone
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16:48.21igcewielingI'm looking for some guidance with hangup handlers.  Previously (when using "h" exten and "g" option to dial) when one side hangs up first, then the OTHER call leg either continues in the dialplan or jumps to the "h" extension, depending on which leg hung up first, and an audio message is played to the non-hungup leg.   I am NOT having a problem with that.   My issue is when using hangup handlers it seems the leg which hangs up gets
16:49.18[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: If you want to do it the "good" way
16:49.42igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: Um, that is what I'm using.
16:49.54igcewielingI'll pastebin some CLI output showing the issue.
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16:54.12igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: In fact it looks like that page is the only documentation in the universe for hangup handlers
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16:56.46paulcI never knew about hangup handlers! Much easier than having an h extension in every context that goto's our "hangup handling" post call processing.. interesting!
16:58.47igcewielingpaulc: That's what I thought until I ran into this issue.
16:59.45paulcThat said, the "h in every context" bit worked well - ours is a big IVR app, and it mirrors our legacy system a bit..
17:00.09paulcI remember AGES ago, the h extension would fire if you used AMI to transfer a call to a different context/extension.. in the previous context I think..
17:00.35paulcwe kludged around it by transferring to a context with no h, that then did a goto to where we wanted to be. Not pretty, but it worked. And the channels no longer got hung up on.
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18:11.39cmendes0101In an attended transfer I can't seem to get the callerid to change after the transfer. I have sendrpid=yes but not happening on the device. Its with asterisk 1.6 but I thought this was possible in that version
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18:27.22eduardonunesphello everybody
18:28.51eduardonunespi have a asterisk 1.4.44 installed, ok i know that needs upgrade, but some very strange is happening, the number of calls for channels is very wrong
18:29.14eduardonunespsometimes the asterisk get 100 channels and 400 calls
18:29.42eduardonunespi think that calls don't hung up properly
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18:33.45Zogotis there any limit on the number of AGI calls?
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18:36.27[TK]D-Fendereduardonunesp: The counter is simply wrong.
18:36.35[TK]D-Fendereduardonunesp: And that version no longer supported at all
18:37.17[TK]D-Fendercmendes0101: 1.6 isn't a branch, nor is 1.6.x supported any more either...
18:37.20eduardonunesp[TK]D-Fender, yeah, i know it, but the server is in production
18:37.40[TK]D-Fendereduardonunesp: You'll have to live with it until you're off of it.
18:37.54eduardonunesp[TK]D-Fender, agree
18:38.09eduardonunespZogot, i will check
18:38.29[TK]D-FenderZogot: Your system resources.
18:38.36Zogoteduardonunesp: thanks
18:38.53Zogot[TK]D-Fender: some of my phones are not all calling, seems to be random
18:39.05Zogotand i get a timeout on agi on those phones
18:39.08Zogotthat dont call
18:39.22[TK]D-FenderZogot: What does "some of my phones are not all calling" mean?
18:39.32Zogot[TK]D-Fender: they dont ring
18:39.43[TK]D-FenderZogot: We know nothing about what your AGI is doing.
18:40.09[TK]D-FenderZogot: You should be showing us the call and the code and better describing where this "call" is supposed to be happening.
18:40.10eduardonunespZogot, my agi is limited at 120
18:40.14infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:42.51Zogot[TK]D-Fender: they are communicating with a mysql, perhaps that is being the problem with mysql blocking the usage, causing the agi to time out
18:43.05Zogotil paste in a sec, on phone with manager
18:47.31eduardonunespi'll continue with the monitoring, thanks guys
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19:38.12tom_wStrange issues.  I just upgraded to trunk current.  When a call comes in now it goes to privacy manager and prompts for a name.  I do not have P or p set.  What would cause this
19:38.28Qwellrunning trunk
19:39.41tom_wasterisk-11-current.tar.gz  would you recommend another version/
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19:56.26twanny796could someone give me a dialing rule to dial 9xxxxxxxx and asterisk dials 00356xxxxxxxx ?
19:59.54Penguintwanny796: exten => _9XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(DAHDI/00356${EXTEN:1},60)
20:01.26twanny796Penguin, ok, very good 10x
20:01.39navaismotranny just add the X
20:01.50navaismoor that was like the +10?
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20:30.03greenlavahi there - anyone have any good resources for understanding DTMF?  my phone system for a small business works in most cases, but I have 2 customers whose IVR's won't accept my keypresses for some reason
20:39.28*** join/#asterisk Curs0r (46b85355@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:39.33Kobazgreenlava: use sip info or rfc2833 for dtmp
20:40.23Curs0rHi all. Is there some magical permission setting I need to set on /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing to have a php script move a .call file to that folder from /tmp?
20:41.01Kobazmagical? no
20:41.19Curs0rOk, arcane (to me) setting then? :)
20:41.37Kobazchmod/chown to proper ownership/permissions so your php script can write to the directory *and* asterisk can read/write it as well
20:43.57Curs0rSo in this case I'd want to like, make a new group, add apache and asterisk to said group, then make that group the owner?
20:44.20Kobazthat's one way, sure
20:44.32Kobazyou'll need to restart apache and asterisk so that they become members of the new group
20:45.04Curs0rObie kabie. I will give that a shot. Thanks
20:48.14*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
20:48.22Nuggettree times a mabey.
20:49.16fileNugget, shhhhhh
20:49.24fileNugget, or I'll throw butter at you
20:50.13Nivexpoutine is nasty stuff
20:51.17Curs0rHrmm, either I didn't do that right or it didn't work. Probably didn't do it right
20:51.33Kobazls -al /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
20:51.58Curs0rdrwxrwxrwx 2 asterisk callinit 4096 May  5 13:31 . drwxr-x--- 9 asterisk asterisk 4096 Jun 18  2012 ..
20:52.10Curs0rcallinit is the group I added asterisk and www-data to
20:53.55Kobazso your group ownership is read and execute
20:54.04Kobazer, group permissions
20:55.32Curs0rOh, it read to me as if it had full read/write for the callinit group
20:56.11Kobazit's user/group/world
20:56.42Kobazwell i was looking at the end actually
20:56.45Kobazwhich is asterisk
20:57.02Kobazthis is what happens when doing 5 things at once
20:57.22Kobazokay your . directory which is  /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing, is 777 all access to everyone
20:57.31PenguinSounds dangerous.
20:57.39Kobazthat works too, but it's not at all secure if you have multiple users on the machine
20:58.05Penguinchmod o-w /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
20:58.39Curs0rdrwxrwxr-x 2 asterisk callinit 4096 May  5 13:31 is what it says now
20:59.26Penguinasterisk can read, write and search, any user in the callinit group can do the same.  Anyone else can only read and search in the directory.
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21:01.46Curs0rwww-data still seems unable to move the file though
21:03.29PenguinIs that a uid or gid?
21:03.41*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
21:03.56PenguinIs www-data in the callinit group?
21:04.19Curs0rls -lg /tmp/ returns: --rw-r--r-- 1 www-data 116 May  5 14:01 /tmp/
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21:06.35Curs0rwoops, using -al I get: -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 116 May  5 14:01 /tmp/
21:07.31*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
21:14.34Curs0rI definitely restarted both services... it's a puzzler haha
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21:21.48Geriatrixcan someone point me in the right direction with coding a php interface that  interacts with Manager - to display line status - ringing status etc
21:23.21dfighterhow would such an application work? I mean if you want it to show stuff real time
21:24.10infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:24.15infobotsomebody said asteriskwiki was
21:24.56Geriatrixmy developer is having issue receiving the events - i need to point ihim in the right direction for help
21:25.16[TK]D-FenderThe docs are there.
21:26.21Curs0rsudo chown -R :callinit /var/spool/asterisk/ <-- that worked
21:26.55dfighterGeriatrix, I'm still wondering how and what application you are building exactly
21:27.21*** join/#asterisk supersoaker (45a958c4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:27.37dfighterbecause ofc you can use PHP to connect to the manager, but while you are connected and are receiving the events, you can't render the webpage afaik
21:28.00dfighterthat's why I myself built a java applet instead for our client
21:28.37*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@2607:5300:60:5475:64c2:903:2ab1:7d43)
21:28.45supersoakerYo! I have a very interesting issue, when I dial out to most numbers it works great, if i dial out to a certain number it decides to setup a bridge and there is no audio
21:28.49supersoakeranyone seen this?
21:30.51*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@2607:5300:60:5475:64c2:903:2ab1:7d43)
21:31.28Geriatrixit woudl be similar to fop
21:31.33Geriatrixbut not to that extent
21:31.47[TK]D-FenderGeriatrix: You wouldn't do this on code that hits a web-page direct
21:31.50Geriatrixi jsut need a small windows that shows stauts of the phone
21:31.58[TK]D-FenderGeriatrix: This isn't a "background" thing
21:32.00Geriatrixkind of like a side cart for the receptionist
21:32.09*** part/#asterisk tom_w (
21:32.14[TK]D-FenderGeriatrix: If you expect live, then it's the wrong approach
21:32.23[TK]D-FenderGeriatrix: There's a reason FOP was flash...
21:32.24dfighterGeriatrix, I think you didn't understand what I was telling you :)
21:32.45Geriatrixdfighter: i guess not
21:32.59QwellIt's no longer 1995.  PHP for something live like that is fine.
21:33.01[TK]D-FenderPHP on a flat page is BLOCKING.  this is not for an interactive page
21:33.26dfighterQwell, ok but how do you render and communicate at the same time?
21:33.28[TK]D-FenderYou could have a back-end part that uses it, but it can't be in the live display page
21:33.43[TK]D-Fenderdfighter: You don't within a single process like that
21:33.45Qwelldfighter: Very basic webpage design.
21:34.01Geriatrixhow can you do something like that ?
21:34.05[TK]D-FenderQwell: Point was that he can't get live updates pushed like that normally....
21:34.13Qwell[TK]D-Fender: *shrug*, not hard
21:34.15[TK]D-FenderGeriatrix: Your programmer should aready know better
21:34.19dfighterQwell, I am not a web developer :)
21:34.24dfighterQwell, so please elaborate!
21:34.29[TK]D-FenderGeriatrix: AJAX, etc
21:34.49Geriatrixajax can subscribe to ami ?
21:35.01QwellOh look, my bus is here.
21:35.09dfighterwell I sure wouldn't like that, that would basically mean you need to log in every time, and poll the statuses, wouldn't it?
21:35.14Geriatrixi need to tell him where to look to figure it out :)
21:35.29QwellGeriatrix: If he's a web developer, he'll know all about it.
21:35.32dfighterinstead of just getting the events to update the status
21:35.42[TK]D-FenderDev already seems less than competant...
21:35.42Geriatrixwell he is and he doesn't :)
21:35.53Geriatrixi know asterisk - but i am not good at web stuff
21:36.12[TK]D-FenderHim neither I'm suspecting.
21:36.49Geriatrixcdr stats logs in all the tiem for "real time" graph
21:37.08Geriatrixi dont' liek that abotu cdr stats - but it doesn't seems to be much of a performance hit to manager
21:38.54hecataesomething that reads the asterisk cli and outputs meaningful information would be useful
21:39.42hecataexima chronicall does this for avaya ip office, reads the cli and outputs to a webpage or agent widget
21:40.26hecataeof course I comparing proprietary to opensource but still
21:41.47[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
21:42.02Geriatrixlooking in the book - ami over http seems to be the way to go
21:42.12Geriatrixbut they do mention flash use in fop2
21:43.19dfighterGeriatrix, I don't know cdr stats, but I suppose that has no interface to work with like AMI :)
21:43.22dfighterso no other choice
21:44.16Geriatrixseems liek ami over https is the way to go for outbound calls etc
21:44.21Geriatrixwe already have call files for that
21:44.37Geriatrixi need to subscripbe to hints like ringing - status - etcccc.
21:44.56Geriatrixthat is dynamic contents  and i am not sure how that can be delivered to web
21:45.03Geriatrixajax may be the way to go ?
21:46.12dfighteras I said I used an applet for my monitor application
21:46.19dfighteryou could probably go with websockets too
21:46.23Geriatrixjava applet ?
21:46.51Geriatrixgoing to google webcsockets real quick :)
21:47.03*** join/#asterisk jonno11 (
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21:47.15tdonahuehi all, any digium guys around?
21:47.16navaismoonly for 12
21:48.27supersoakerOkay, Here is the logs of my issue:
21:52.41supersoakerWhen i dial one outbound number is get: Packet2Packet bridging SIP/cisco7940-00000641 and SIP/outgoingphone#-00000643
21:52.41*** join/#asterisk gavit (~gavit@
21:52.41supersoakerverses all other outbound dials i get : SIP/outgoingphone#-00000640 is making progress passing it to SIP/cisco7940-0000063e
21:52.41supersoakerAsterisk 1.4.30
21:52.41supersoakerWhen the Packet2Packet bridging happens I have no audio on the channel
21:53.39gavitis there a iscsi/diskless version of asterisk/freepbx?
21:57.22*** part/#asterisk hecatae (
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22:00.42Qwelltdonahue: Now that's a domain I haven't seen for a very long time.
22:06.18*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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22:19.30tdonahueQwell, was just wondering since i couldn't find an email address for them and part of their website was down at the time
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22:47.02newtonrtdonahue, what website was down? who are you trying to E-mail?
22:47.06*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
22:47.45newtonrtdonahue, I'm about to step out, but I'll PM you my E-mail if you need help trying to reach a specific Digium address.
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23:39.37mushroomedHi, is there anyway to call an internal extension from my extension and then Playback(telephone-number), then Read(phone_number) and make asterisk call that number and when it answers asterisk Playback(one-moment-please) to the callee and then transfer that call to my extension?
23:40.10*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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23:41.07[TK]D-Fendermushroomed: First, don't call the device you're talking on an "extension".  Next, for teh call-bnnack : "core show application originate"
23:41.19mushroomedFor example, I call my internal *99 and it asks for a number so I enter 12345678 and then it says 'one-moment-please', hangs up and call 12345678. When it answers, asterisk plays 'one moment please' and transfer that call to my extension
23:43.30[TK]D-FenderDo you read.  Push that number somewhere.  Then originate the call-out.
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23:56.14navaismoor disa maybe?

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