IRC log for #asterisk on 20140502

00:06.19*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
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00:22.44lvlinuxok i need some help here---i have faxdetect=incoming in chan_dahdi.conf
00:23.00lvlinuxi have the fax machin connected to an FXS port
00:23.41lvlinuxreceiving faxes work great---Asterisk detects them, sends them to the fax extension, which calls the FXS line (where the fax machine is connected)
00:24.19lvlinuxbut i went to send a fax using the fax machine, and of course that's an incoming call, so Asterisk detected the fax and sent it to the fax extension, before the fax machine could dial the number.
00:25.08lvlinuxso can i disable fax detection within a context or something? or is there a correct way to handle outgoing faxes?
00:25.16WIMPySo switch off fax detection for that FXS channel.
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00:25.37lvlinuxoh ok that should work
00:27.18lvlinuxi didn't know i could enable/disable it on certain channels, thoght it was the whole card for some reason.
00:27.40WIMPyI don;t ssee why it should be.
00:28.01WIMPyBut as always: Any idea is pure hope that needs to be verified.
00:37.44lvlinuxyeah it worked fine. Thanks!
00:44.07*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
00:57.49lvlinuxhow do i NOT send ringing tone back through to the caller?
00:58.05lvlinuxis there an option to Dial() that i can use for that?
01:04.05*** join/#asterisk Selloper (~vicente@
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01:06.14ChannelZyou don't necessarily have a choice, if via SIP for instance asterisk reports ringing to the device, it its self might be generating the ringing tone.
01:07.34lvlinuxit's between two dahdi channels---pstn line answers, then dials FXS channel. I'd like silence while it's dialing if possible.
01:07.39ChannelZI guess you could use a silent MOH and pass m to Dial
01:08.03lvlinuxi thought about that but hoped there was a little easier way lol.
01:08.12lvlinuxor rather an "official" way.
01:08.24Selloperis there a way to pass DID from 1 pbx system to another?
01:08.51ChannelZwell I guess you could fudge up indications.conf and make a silent ring but that will affect everything
01:09.04lvlinuxyeah definitely don't want that...
01:10.05ChannelZWell you could make a 'nothing' indication I guess and use r(nothing)
01:10.38ChannelZassuming you can make a silent indication.  Hmm.
01:11.08ChannelZ0/1000 or something probably
01:11.19ChannelZor just 0 might work.
01:11.38lvlinuxi'll need to read about indications.conf---never messed w it before
01:16.55*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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03:10.31spicyramen_hi all, im trying to setup and outbound dialer, that dials contact center agent and customer at specific time. Is there some module available today ? or needs dev work
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12:00.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:21.55zafuhi, is there a .gsm audi player for android? (to listen * voicemail)
12:24.02[TK]D-FenderVLC should be able to play them
12:25.33zafujust found a non-free app that does it WavPlayer
12:26.13zafusupports all voip codecs, nice
12:27.37zafuon another subject, does latest * support shared sip line registration?
12:27.51zafuseveral devices on the same sip accounts?
12:28.29[TK]D-Fenderchan_sip = no, pjsip = yes
12:28.37[TK]D-Fenderfor multiple registration.
12:28.42[TK]D-Fenderneither supports SLA
12:29.02[TK]D-Fender~slacareful on your us
12:29.06infoboti guess sla is service level agreement, or shared line appearances
12:29.31zafuis pjsip stable?
12:29.44[TK]D-Fenderhaving a registration on another device that can track held calls, etc
12:29.53[TK]D-Fenderseems to be from the sound of things.
12:30.15[TK]D-FenderNot sure what shortcomings it may still have at this point but it is looking like it's going to be the future...
12:30.24zafuaha, interesting
12:30.47zafuis it a transparent migration from chan_sip? (sip.conf )
12:31.01zafuor new conf format
12:33.58[TK]D-Fenderquite new
12:34.10[TK]D-Fenderit breaks things into pieces... which is a good thing
12:34.38[TK]D-FenderI've only glossed over it... but it's simple enough..
12:38.18leifmadsenzafu: totally different channel driver with different approach to configuration
12:38.36leifmadsenso it'll require a migration plan. It's not a straight drop in replacement
12:38.59zafuok, thanks
12:42.53zafujust installed WavPlayer in his android phone and it reads .gsm files from email attachements fine
12:44.49filethere IS a Python script in the contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip directory which will try to configure a sip.conf configuration into a pjsip.conf configuration
12:45.40fileconfigure? convert
12:47.45leifmadsenfile: orly, I was unaware of this script. Very cool
12:47.59leifmadsenif I had been writing a book I'd probably have known this :)
12:48.12leifmadsenfile: want to write a book with me?
12:48.40filesure! because I don't have tons to do as it is
12:48.45leifmadsenme either
12:48.57leifmadsenit's obvious since we're chatting in #asterisk
12:48.59carrarneed some work?
12:49.08carrarassigns some tickets
12:49.26leifmadsenlottery tickets?
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12:49.36leifmadsenconcert tickets?
12:49.47filespeeding tickets?
12:49.54carrarI get those dropped
12:50.01leifmadsenI just don't speed
12:50.25carraryeah not speedign tends to help too
12:52.04leifmadsenfor some reason I keep adding stuff to my car to make it go faster though
12:52.16leifmadsenI just end up accelerating to the speed limit faster and faster :)
12:52.17*** join/#asterisk Kattyroo (
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13:07.50dan_jHi. I'm working on an auto dialler that integrates with SalesForce. Ideally, I want the agent to have an active channel already open, and receive audio from the auto-dialled calls as soon as they start ringing. Is that possible? If yes, what manager API commands should I be looking at?
13:10.00carrarhi KattyRooo
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13:16.43Kattyroohugs carrar
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13:22.22carrarhugs Kattyroo back!!
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13:25.50dan_j[TK]D-Fender: This question is based on the fact that I think that a channel must always be connected to another channel. When using bridge to join two channels, what happens to the old channels?
13:26.59[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: there is also Redirect".
13:27.08[TK]D-Fenderdan_j: Read the instructions for each
13:30.02dan_jFinally, at the end of a successful call, i dont want the agent's channel to be hung up. I want it to go back to a waiting state. Is there any way to do that?
13:30.26*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
13:30.50dan_jdialplan still applies even if the call path has been altered by the manager api?
13:31.00Ice_Strikeexten => _60.,1(Name),Chanspy(Agent/${EXTEN})
13:31.05Ice_StrikeWhat does _60. mean?
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13:31.28dan_jIce_Strike: anything beginning with 60
13:32.24[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike: Need to read up on your dialplan basics.....
13:32.26infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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13:34.45Kattyrooread?! ain't nobody got time for that
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13:42.27WIMPydan_j: No, channels need not be bridged to another channel. And if you Bridge a cahnnel via AMI, it will return to the dialplan where it left off, when the bridge is broken.
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13:47.08dan_jWIMPy: thank you
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13:52.11dan_jWhats the easiest way to retrieve a specific channel id if i know what the sip peer name is?
13:54.26filea SIP peer may have multiple channels
13:54.44dan_jTrue, however if the client is instructed only to have one?
13:55.10*** join/#asterisk Corey84 (
14:00.33[TK]D-FenderInstructed means nothing.
14:00.40[TK]D-FenderScan the channel list.
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14:00.56dan_jChannel id always contains the sip peer name?
14:07.36*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
14:10.55GreenlightHowdy folks. So say I did something silly and tried to MixMonitor with the argument File: / (Just the slash) then any chance the recording is going to be kicking around somewhere (I've checked on / and also in the spool dir)... I'm perhaps clutching at straws..
14:12.49filejust the slash? doubt it
14:13.41GreenlightYea, I'm following app_mixmonitor.c through at the moment, and that seems to be the case ;(
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14:16.12filealthough it doesn't fail, huh
14:16.33GreenlightYea, it checks for zero length, a check that it passes..
14:17.33filegimme a sec and I'll see where it goes...
14:17.38GreenlightIt may have thrown an error further down. I called it via AMI
14:18.13fileGreenlight, what is your Asterisk running as?
14:18.18fileuser wise
14:18.26Greenlightasterisk user
14:18.37filehum it probably failed due to permissions
14:18.40GreenlightHeh, this the time I wish it was running as root ;)
14:18.55filecheck if /.raw exists though
14:19.09fileif it doesn't then it is gone
14:19.26GreenlightNope, unfortunatly not
14:20.58GreenlightThanks for taking the time to check it out though
14:21.08fileyou're welcome
14:21.44GreenlightI'll give the customer the news, and fix the race condition in my code
14:30.16jameswfmalcolmd: is still valid
14:31.08jameswfokie dokie :)
14:37.10*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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14:49.24*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
14:49.36anonymouz666I am in
14:50.08anonymouz666WIMPy: very nice stuff from polycom called micro browser and web kit
14:50.10anonymouz666very powerful
14:51.27WIMPyDon't konw the Polycom stuff.
14:51.51WIMPyApart from the conference phons they seem virtually non-existant on this continent.
14:52.41*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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14:54.07anonymouz666WIMPy: what do you have there?
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14:55.00WIMPyI prefer the old Snoms.
14:55.12anonymouz666Snoms are very rare here
14:55.18anonymouz666never saw one
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15:11.33*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:13.43vlad_starkovQUESTION: Is it possible to check whether an inbound call has been answered already? (to prevent unnecessary Answer() call)
15:14.01*** part/#asterisk Kattyroo (
15:14.10leifmadsenvlad_starkov: I pretty much never use Answer()
15:14.14leifmadsenand it won't hurt having extras
15:14.46leifmadsenif you plan to playback a prompt, then just use Playback(silence/1) before your initial prompt to answer the call
15:14.50leifmadsenand get the RTP flowing
15:15.12filecalling Answer() multiple times won't do anything
15:18.56vlad_starkovleifmadsen: I'm currently implementing call queues. It turned out that calling Queue(support) on incoming call doesn't provide RTP flowing, so that I added Answer() before Queue(...)
15:19.16vlad_starkovfile: thanks
15:19.23leifmadsenvlad_starkov: right, you do need that
15:19.33leifmadsenqueue won't answer for you
15:19.37vlad_starkovleifmadsen: ok, thanks
15:21.48anonymouz666vlad_starkov: the only side effect not calling answer before queue, is that telco will hangup in 90 seconds (at least here)
15:22.28leifmadsenanonymouz666: that's probably because you're getting early media, in most of the carriers I've used I don't get early media, so the result is just no media at all (no-way audio)
15:22.54vlad_starkovanonymouz666: I got no media at all as leifmadsen said
15:23.29vlad_starkovQuestion: How rare should I reconnect to #asterisk so that it won't be considered as too often and I'm not to be banned?
15:23.56leifmadsennever disconnect?
15:24.10vlad_starkovthat would be awesome :-)
15:24.21leifmadsenunless your link is flapping, you'd have to be trying pretty hard to connect/disconnect/connect/disconnect
15:25.33Qwellvlad_starkov: Your connection was very bad that particular day.  It's usually bad, and it would be preferred that you just not idle, if your connection just can't handle it.
15:25.43vlad_starkovleifmadsen: I'm using IRC on my macbook so it reconnects too often as I think now.
15:25.59vlad_starkovQwell: oh, I see
15:26.38vlad_starkovConsidering to setup ZNC to be never disconnected :-)
15:26.46leifmadsensetup a server somewhere and use a bouncer like znc
15:26.51leifmadsensomething with a more stable connection
15:26.52QwellThat would be a good alternative.
15:26.57leifmadsenlike on digital ocean
15:27.39*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (
15:28.03vlad_starkovleifmadsen: that a good idea to use digital ocean for this kind of stuff
15:28.29GreenlightDamn your connection must be bad if it can't even keep an IRC session open
15:29.28*** join/#asterisk stasdizzi (~stasdizzi@
15:30.36vlad_starkovGreenlight: I think it was that day when I was working in coffeeshop with broken wifi
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16:09.21ipengineerWhen trying to send a call to a queue I am getting “Unable to join queue queue_1”. Could it be because: “agent_5 (PJSIP/204 from PJSIP/204) (ringinuse disabled) (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet”? I am not sure what the INVALID means
16:10.19navaismois not available and propably you have the joinempty setting =no
16:10.27[TK]D-Fenderodds are pjsip was loaded after app_queue so it doesn't know about that type at all
16:10.44[TK]D-FenderAnd nothing to do with "unavailable"
16:10.44ipengineerI do have join empty set to no
16:10.51[TK]D-Fendernor that
16:10.57[TK]D-Fenderthe device itself is not valid
16:10.59ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: Let me look at the load order
16:11.32navaismoipengineer, so fix your way to add your agent and then you can join the queue
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16:12.10ipengineerahh yea ok that makes sense
16:13.49[TK]D-FenderNothing wrong with the way the agent is added...
16:14.07[TK]D-Fenderin terms of the tool
16:15.28navaismoif he can show us the dialplan and thec li
16:16.12ipengineerIt was the way I was adding agents the device is PJSIP/200_a not just PJSIJP/200 cant believe I missed that
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16:57.57ChkDigitWho can recommend a decent 4-port FXO to ethernet SIP device?
16:58.27ChkDigitI need to replace some Mediatrix 1204s that are... misbahaving.
16:59.00[TK]D-FenderThey hve newer models.  Audiocodes is pretty solid as well.  Many other broands out there as well
17:01.36KobazChkDigit: audiocodes
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17:01.44KobazChkDigit: if you want cheaper but still good, cisco
17:01.54Kobazless features
17:02.19KobazChkDigit: did you firmware update the mediatrix?
17:02.43ChkDigitOne popped in an electrical fault...
17:02.55ChkDigitThe other randomly makes calls in.
17:03.43ChkDigitWhich means I have no spares left.
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18:01.19navaismohow a good promising technology like webrtc convert into a PITA for all users :'(
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18:06.08marceloamorimguys, I have a problem with chan_sip.c, __sip_autodestruct autodestruct on dialog .... in place Method BYE, Rescheduling destruction for 10000ms
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18:07.18marceloamorimI call from PSTN, when I hangup the call the cli show me this warning and the SIP wasn't hangup
18:08.49marceloamorimthe command hangup request shows me 2 options SIP/a-000000027 and Local/100@context
18:12.20marceloamorimbut I couldn't hangup with this CLI>hangup request.
18:14.23[TK]D-FenderShow us
18:14.26infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:14.34[TK]D-FenderThis means a complete call with full SIP debug.
18:14.42[TK]D-Fenderthat warning line is basic verbose only...
18:16.35marceloamorimbut the sip side does´t hangup
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18:35.03marceloamorimI´m try to rebuild the problem
18:36.25marceloamorimI called sometimes and didn´t happen again
18:38.10navaismothats why im try to be always here
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19:00.00ipengineerIsnt the timeout for queues supposed to be in seconds? Queue(queue_1,tn,,,300)? The queue times out at 30 seconds with this setting
19:17.04[TK]D-FenderWhat timeout are you describing?
19:17.09[TK]D-FenderThere are multiple.
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19:39.37ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: The 5th option here says timeout that the queue will fail after X seconds.
19:41.39[TK]D-Fenderwill depend on other things to including retries, agents being available, etc
19:52.25ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: Ok. So if I have one agent in the queue it wont ring that agent for 300 seconds it will stop at 30? I have retry set to 5
19:53.44[TK]D-Fenderpastebin the whole thing.....
19:54.40marceloamorimI used tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full and I have
19:55.20marceloamorimmaybe is a clue about that sip destroying problem
19:57.27navaismomarceloamorim, the destroying message is a normal message that notice about that, its not an error
19:58.54marceloamorimIĺl ignore, thx
20:03.06ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: I am going to get you the queue config from the db real quick too..
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20:06.08navaismowhat happen if you add the following 5 commas?
20:07.23ipengineerI just updated the config
20:07.34ipengineerOr the gist with the realtime info
20:07.46ipengineerLet me try to add the rest of the commas
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20:08.06anonymouz666I am back
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20:14.43ipengineerI see there is a timeout in the queue table.. I guess that overrides the timeout on app_queue. I need to test that theory
20:18.41marceloamorimI copy the /var/log/asterisk/full and paste on pastebin, can you guys see any problem with those informations?
20:20.36navaismodo you have an specific question
20:20.51marceloamorimI look to this var log asterisk full and can´t see anything wrong. but I never analyze those files
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20:22.20navaismowell the debug information is like a very detailed diary
20:22.37navaismoso you will find when the pbx farts and the color of the shit
20:23.00marceloamorimthis logs is about a call from pstn, I wish to see something wrong that I could understand and help me with the pbx in general
20:23.06navaismobut if you disable the debug and only leave the verbose you will find only stuff like "Oh i popped"
20:23.19navaismowhats your issue
20:24.13marceloamorimthe issue that I talk early about destroying channels, I afraid that happen again
20:24.41marceloamorimIĺl disable the debug
20:25.41navaismoi missed that so your pstn call is stcuk even if you hangup the phone, is this an analog or digital trunk?
20:25.56marceloamorimanalog, fxo trunk
20:26.10navaismoah that is a common issue
20:26.34navaismotry adding the busydetect=yes and busycount=4 into your chan_dahdi.conf
20:26.54navaismomostly caused by the lack of answer supervision in the analog trunks
20:27.11marceloamorimuhmm, nice tip
20:27.25marceloamorimI didn´t think about it
20:28.13marceloamorimI changed for 4
20:28.34navaismoand also setup your indications.conf and the system.conf to your country
20:29.37marceloamorimI did on system.conf but I didn´t realized about indications.conf
20:32.38[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
20:36.25marceloamorimthx navaismo, I did those tips that you said, probably will help me, I totally forget about indications.conf
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20:45.28ipengineerOk so that timeout on the realtime queues tables is for the agent timeout. So ring each agent for 30 seconds but ring the queue for 300 seconds. I am not sure why the queue is timing out at 30 seconds
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21:31.41ipengineerIn queues when the ring strategy is set to leastrecent how do we set a timeout to progress to the next agent?
21:32.12ipengineerIf I set a timeout it ends up timing out the entire queue instead of progressing to the next available agent.
21:34.32navaismopastebin or didnt happen
21:38.55ipengineernavaismo: Here is one example with ring all. When I send the calls to the queue I have the timeout set at 300 seconds but that seems to not be acknowledged.
21:46.54ipengineernavaismo: I think my issue with the ring all is that I was passin the “n” option in the queue. Amazing how I can search for something for 30 minutes post on here and it jump out and slap me in the face
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