IRC log for #asterisk on 20140429

00:19.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:47.23*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
01:01.50lvlinuxhow do i setup BLF for parked calls?
01:03.59*** join/#asterisk dumby (~dumby@
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01:12.41*** join/#asterisk dumby (~dumby@
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01:17.29mjordanlvlinux: features.conf, set parkinghints=yes
01:18.29*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
01:21.08lvlinuxah ok thanks
01:23.00ipengineerI noticed that the voicemail table has a field for email. Is there a mechanism for sending voicemails as attachments?
01:23.22lvlinuxyes you put attach=yes in the options
01:24.24lvlinux100 => 1234,Bob Smith,,attach=yes|tz=pacific|maxmsg=100
01:24.34lvlinuxso your voicemail line would look something like this ^^^^^^^
01:25.41ipengineerAhh.. Nice thanks
01:25.45ipengineerCan I specify a template?
01:26.12ipengineerDo I have to put the email in the dialplan or can it pick it up from voicemail table?
01:27.30lvlinuxeverything it needs comes from the voicemail.conf file
01:27.44lvlinuxand yes u can specify a template
01:27.48ipengineerOk I will take a look. Thanks
01:28.01ipengineerI saw some scripts and was hoping that wouldnt have to be the case
01:28.05lvlinuxlook at the voicemail.conf sample config file---it has the template in there already that you can modify
01:28.59lvlinuxno you shouldn't need any kind of scripts at all---just set your voicemail.conf file with the template, add attach=yes in it, and make your voicemail box lines like what I showed you above and it should work great.
01:32.04lvlinuxmjordan: what do I have the phone subscribe to then?
01:33.41ipengineerlvlinux: If I am sending calls to voicemail like this what would be the best way to do that? The voicemail.conf makes sense to me.
01:33.41mjordanlvlinux: off the top of my head, can't remember. 'core show hints' should tell you
01:33.59lvlinuxmjordan: oh ok thanks
01:34.35lvlinuxipengineer: yes?
01:34.37mjordanlvlinux: let me know if you don't see it in the list and I'll spin up an instance and take a peek
01:35.39ipengineerlvlinux: nevermind. Too late for me. If the voicemail is configured in the voicemail table it will send it.
01:36.02lvlinuxipengineer: yep
01:37.12lvlinuxmjordan: ok i see all of them as 701@parkedcalls, 702@parkedcalls etc....
01:44.06*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:48.04lvlinuxwhen i write a dialplan macro, does it need to be put above wherever it's used in the dialplan, like a variable?
01:48.15lvlinuxor does it matter?
01:49.44*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
01:52.50KavanSI'm trying to get a tdm400p card to answer w/out any delay when it detects an incoming call.  right now, the best I've been able to do is adjust chan_dahdi.conf  to immediate=yes, and that makes it so it rings SIP phone on 2nd ring of regular POTS telephone plugged into POTS line splitter (other side is TDM400p)
01:53.00KavanShow do I reduce the answer delay?
01:54.00*** join/#asterisk Corey84 (
01:54.44lvlinuxdo you have callerid enabled?
01:54.52lvlinuxor rather do you need it enabled?
01:55.47lvlinuxcallerid is sent between the first and second rings here in the US, so if it's enabled, then the TDM400 is waiting to get the callerid info before answering the line.
01:56.46KavanSyep, in USA.
01:56.47lvlinuxif you set usecallerid=no it will answer immediately
01:57.03KavanSanyway to get callerID later on in the process? (stupid question)
01:57.08lvlinuxbut of course you lose callerid
01:57.20lvlinuxtelephone company won't send it if the line is off hook
01:57.53*** join/#asterisk Corey84 (
01:58.41lvlinuxwhy do you need it to answer asap?
01:59.46KavanSjust trying to test * limitations
02:00.04KavanSguess it's really a limitation of the whole standard
02:00.09lvlinuxhehe well it's not an * limitation---more of a PSTN limitation
02:00.19KavanSyeah I'm def. a noob in that regard
02:00.23KavanSonly know enough to get in trouble
02:01.22lvlinuxI think w a T1 line it sends callerid immediately w the call, but on an analog line, you have to send it after one ring so a phone/device will be ready and listening for it.
02:02.34KavanSwhat about SIP?
02:03.15mjordanlvlinux: in general, I'd recommend not using macros. In sufficiently complex dialplans, they cause problems. The preferred mechanism are subroutines (GoSub)
02:05.20lvlinuxreally? i didn't know that. It's a simple dialplan. I'll have to look into doing stuff w gosub instead.
02:05.41lvlinuxbut in any case does it matter where it's actually located in the dialplan?
02:09.36lvlinuxa macro i mean
02:15.53*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
02:18.11lvlinuxhey slav3_kitten! did u ever get ur audio problem straightened out?
02:18.41lvlinuxwas it ur ISP's fault?
02:18.59slav3_kitteni uh
02:19.13slav3_kittenit works when the ISP isn't sticking their dick in the rack and waving it about
02:19.39slav3_kittenif that helps answer your question
02:20.05lvlinuxyep if i remember correctly that's what u suspected before
02:20.22*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:20.25slav3_kittenthey regularly stick their dick in things though
02:21.09slav3_kittenand despite my contract saying they need to inform me of maint windows.... totally the rand() maint window game all last week
02:22.47slav3_kittenyea... i called up after the 8th short outage like "what the fuck is up with this" and got "oh we are upgrading equipment here in the home office"
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
02:28.57ruben23hi guys any one have idea how to setup voicemail on asterisk will be automatically be emailed recepient emails..please help
02:29.06*** join/#asterisk mKn0wt (~mtv@
02:36.05[TK]D-Fenderruben23: it's all in the sample voicemail.conf
02:36.48[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Fill in the address.  have an MTA setup for the standard "sendmail" shell script.  The end.
02:38.38slav3_kitteni'll remember this [TK]D-Fender
02:38.59[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten: You couldn't afford the therapy it's cost to forget ;)
02:53.07*** join/#asterisk ralphmazio (
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04:10.42Penguinkatty: Oh yeah.  We only had gobs of rain yesterday and only strong wind today.
04:28.02*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
04:31.49*** join/#asterisk hebber (
04:37.32neeby_gooseyCould anyone help me with clarifying the difference between host, externhost, permit?
04:56.54hebberin sip.conf?
04:59.34hebberexternhost is used if you need to tell asterisk what external IP if its placed behind NAT and need to communicate on public IP
05:00.23hebberhost and permit is used to define peers
05:02.50hebberFor host and permit check in sip.conf under DEVICE CONFIGURATION
05:03.38hebberfor externhost check in sip.conf under NAT SUPPORT
05:03.45hebberits all there :)
05:07.08r00fhi there
05:12.38*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
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05:20.44*** join/#asterisk neeby_goosey (~chatzilla@
05:20.52neeby_gooseyChecked those, but couldn't find what RTP, SIP and SDP fields are affected by 'externhost' option. :( And I don't quite get, if I want to tell Asterisk that a local ATA will always stay at and only there, which one should I add - 'host=' or  'host= deny= permit='.
05:21.42r00fhost alone should be enough. deny/permit are used for host=dynamic mostly
05:24.04*** join/#asterisk amizraa4 (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
05:27.44hebberexternhost is for asterisk - host and permit is for devices
05:29.52neeby_gooseySo, in the end, 'host' is where the connected device is, 'deny/permit' controls the 'host=dynamic' range, and 'externhost' is something that will be injected into SIP and RTP packets so that the connected device could see Asterisk behind NAT, right?
05:32.24hebberyes, great summary
05:33.46*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
05:37.55hebberApplication RetryDial: the voice file exists, but there is no sound from the file or ringtone - just dead sound.
05:39.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:43.41hebberI think I will revert to Dial instead, can't get RetryDial to work as intended
05:56.06*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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05:59.31neeby_gooseyArgh. Configuring Asterisk behind NAT is tough as hell.
06:00.41hebberYes, but not to many parameters needed hang on
06:04.07hebberon EC2 I used: localnet, externaddr, nat and media_address
06:04.47hebberalso read the NAT SUPPORT section in sip.conf
06:19.18*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
06:20.11neeby_gooseyOh, thanks, seems like I missed the "media_address" option - somehow I was sure it was included in 'externaddr'.
06:38.06*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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07:07.36hebberneeby_goosey: I figured externaddr is for SIP and media_address is for the SDP
07:08.26neeby_gooseyWoah 0_0 and what about RTP?
07:14.57*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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07:17.01hebberIsn't SDP to establish RTP stream?
07:18.33hebberif not replace SDP with RTP
07:20.42*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
07:49.29*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:57.51neeby_gooseyBy the way, anyone here ever worked with HyberTone GoIP series? I have a fully configured and working GoIP4, but still one thing bothers me - in Line Mode each channel must have a Routing Prefix. I have contacted Hypertone support, trying to explain this is an overkill feature, but they are chinese... and... erm... we didn't have a productive conversation. So I want to hear from other users,...
07:57.53neeby_goosey...what they think about this feature.
07:59.41r00fi have experience talking to chinese support, at Draytek. it's not easy to explain them why their features are not features )
08:03.13neeby_gooseyI even tried using Google translate, trying to make my statements more convincing by converting them to chinese. It worked a little - responses to my emails were still in english, but at least contained more than "yes, sir" or "why? no why"...
08:04.25neeby_gooseyAnd still the support continued feeding me with "reed the manual and do like that without any questioning".
08:05.12neeby_gooseySo, any GoIP users here?
08:11.05*** join/#asterisk neeby_goosey_ (~chatzilla@
08:18.55*** join/#asterisk wolrah_ (~wolrah@
08:36.09flashdelhi @all! I got a fritzbox 6360 and i am trying to register my asterisk (11.9) as sip client to it. It works for  two sip clients for 1-2 hours, but after that time i get a timeout :-( If i register five numbers or more, i am getting this timeout faster... Can somebody help me please? Here is a trace and my sip.conf:
08:38.47*** join/#asterisk roentgen (~irc@openvpn/community/support/roentgen)
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09:29.26flashdelis there anybody who has got a hint for me? :S
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11:48.09mjthello.  What you guys recommend as a softphone for windows?  I tried 3cx but that one appears to require their own PBX, does not work with asterisk anymore.  Tried linphone (several versions), but it just crashes on first startup so does not work at all.  Something else?
11:49.50r00fi like bria or eyebeam as a more lightweight version
11:50.06r00for even xlite if you need it free
11:50.25mjti also tried zoiper, but can't even download it (the d/load link doesn't work) :)
11:51.00r00fxlite doesnt support g729 if i am correct
11:53.44mjtis it important?
11:53.53mjti dunno really what g729 is
11:54.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
11:54.16r00flow-bandwidth codek
11:55.21mjtheh. xlite doesn't start
11:55.32mjtthat's just _lovely_ :)
11:57.53mjtso far, there's just one softphone which _starts_ (but is useless): it is 3cx.  All the rest fails to _start_.
11:58.03mjtit is a fresh install of windows7
11:58.16r00fmaybe all get blocked by firewall
11:58.27r00flog in with admin account and it will offer to unblock
11:58.32mjtit's an interesting firewall which prevents applications from _starting_
11:58.33*** join/#asterisk As001 (~uros@
11:58.48mjt(local firewall is turned off)
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11:59.07r00fmaybe av, or....
11:59.14mjtno av, just fresh win
11:59.16r00fwindows )
11:59.27mjtthe same is on another pc
11:59.41mjtwith diffferent windows (32 vs 64bits)
11:59.43r00fi've used xlite and eyebeam for more than 5 years, never had problem
12:00.00r00fright now i'm writing from win 8 pro
12:00.07r00fand have bria up and running
12:00.12mjtok. it looks like i know what's going on
12:00.36mjtlemme try to run one of them using local console, not using rdp
12:01.20mjt..and all of them works
12:01.28r00fyeah if it has no audio devices to detect it will not work
12:01.31r00f(i guess)
12:01.34mjtit has audio
12:01.48r00fthen why it hates rdp? strange
12:01.56mjtlack of audio is not a reason to crash at startup anyway
12:02.19r00fhas no ideas
12:02.24As001Hello is there an option in Queue application which will tell Asterisk 1.8 to go on next extension in dialplan after client from Queue hangs up call to queue agent not by * but  by hangup of his phone ? I found out c option but but with that turned on I couldn't see that call goes to next extension after client hangup.
12:02.31mjtwell, that's programming errors, aka bugs. in the mentioned software.
12:04.46r00fi've found only one support ticket for bria in rdp, but it's about citrix and it is not answered
12:06.15*** join/#asterisk jbassett_ (
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12:08.45jbassett_Hello folks, having problems with DTMF being passed.  Softphone client PhonerLite is working but other softphones such as Bria are not.  Using rfc2833 across the board.  Any similar experiences?  Never had this issue before.
12:12.41r00fjbassett_ never had problems with bria
12:13.23r00ftry to change to INFO and test
12:14.54jbassett_I have not had problem with Bria in past, works fine on my other box,
12:15.38*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:15.52r00fgoogle finds one similar problem, changing to INFO worked for them. you could just try
12:18.41jbassett_tried that and inband but no luck
12:19.23jbassett_using ISDN line for calls
12:19.57r00fdoes asterisk see the dtmf from phone?
12:20.16[TK]D-Fender[08:02]As001Hello is there an option in Queue application which will tell Asterisk 1.8 to go on next extension in dialplan after client from Queue hangs up call to queue agent not by * but by hangup of his phone ? I found out c option but but with that turned on I couldn't see that call goes to next extension after client hangup. <- the call is on the client's side.  There is no continuing...
12:20.18[TK]D-Fender...for the agent normally.
12:21.35jbassett_r00f:  /var/log/asterisk/full shows dtmf from the working client but not any other
12:21.59jbassett_all clients set to use the same moderfc2833
12:23.06jbassett_codecs in use are alaw/ulaw
12:23.23As001Ok thanks [TK]D-Fender
12:23.44r00fmaybe ask overminds. i don't know what else could you try
12:23.48[TK]D-FenderAs001: if you DIAL them yourself you could try that dial's option for it
12:25.00As001At the matter of fact I want to achieve that when client hangup in Queue I emit some sound at agent who talked to that client like beep so he knows call has been hangup.
12:25.51r00fmaybe beep it at h extension? but i dislike doing stuff with h
12:26.27As001I want beep on channel like SIP/238-ancdege if agent is 238 and he is LoggedIn he has channel SIP/238-something.
12:27.33jbassett_r00f:  overminds?  I assuming that is an irc user?
12:27.56As001I think when call comes channel Agent/sip has been created but when any side hangup that channel is gone, only SIP/sip_number exist and I would like to beep on that channel.
12:28.32r00fjbassett_: i mean more experienced residents of this cavern
12:28.42jbassett_aha, cheers
12:30.23[TK]D-Fender[08:24]As001At the matter of fact I want to achieve that when client hangup in Queue I emit some sound at agent who talked to that client like beep so he knows call has been hangup. <- the call ENDS.  is that not enough of a sign?
12:33.31mjordanjbassett_: if the mode is RFC 2833, the DTMF should be arriving via RTP. You should be able to capture the DTMF sent from Bria either via 'rtp set debug on', or by getting a pcap
12:33.50As001not for my agents I need to playback something to them so they know client side hangup.
12:34.09r00f[TK]D-Fender: agent could fall asleep with boring client, so we need to wake him up with a sound
12:34.42jbassett_mjordan:  Yes has set rtp debug on on and can see DTMF from the PhonerLite client but nothing from Bria or other phones
12:34.42As001because when they start to talk like on horserace for 4-5 minutes and realise noone is listening they think it is some system error but I think client hang up. :)
12:35.01As001I am sure client hangup
12:35.03eirirssilent hangup
12:35.16[TK]D-FenderAs001: They can't look at their phone and see the call ended?
12:35.26[TK]D-FenderAs001: You need better employees
12:35.54[TK]D-FenderAs001: Or crappier phones like Linksys that give a reorder tone when a call terminates
12:35.59mjordanjbassett_: if you don't see it, it's because Bria didn't send it.
12:36.31As001They are logged in and can see xlite and minutes and seconds they are logged in.
12:36.39mjordanjabassett_: The RTP Debug shows the RTP packets as they were received from the socket, with extremely minimal decoding. If you don't see DTMF at that level, we didn't get it.
12:37.11[TK]D-FenderAs001: Have them use their eyes, or us a local channel to dial the agent and use the Dial() option to do your dirty-work
12:37.46As001i can either do in java script rotation to signalise hangup state in browser or playback something to them.
12:38.18As001So it's not possible to playback something on SIP/sipnumber channel who is logged in ?
12:38.35r00finstalled 14 version today, it's great
12:38.43r00fsry wrong window
12:39.06*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
12:40.26[TK]D-FenderAs001: What doe "logged in" actually mean in your case?
12:40.28*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
12:42.58As001They log in and wait for calls and calls come to queue one by one with beep before every call. It means they did AgentLogin on their sip they logged in in Queue.
12:43.27[TK]D-FenderAs001: Are they literally sitting in that queue app ON CALL wiaintg?
12:43.52As001they wait for calls in queue yes.
12:46.41[TK]D-FenderAs001: Ok, then I don't know of any options for you at all if they don't get standard calls like almosts everyone uses app_queue like
12:48.24As001I tried to catch up agentlogin channel like SIP/sip_number and to playdtmf via manager interface but without success.
12:49.31As001ok if it's impossible to playback or playdtmf at least after client hangup/call ends then I will try to signalise them hangup on web browser via java script or something.
12:49.52As001thanks for help
12:49.58*** part/#asterisk As001 (~uros@
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13:14.52r00fneeby_goosey hi
13:31.04neeby_gooseyCould anyone please help me with troubleshooting the connection of a behind-the-NAT-Asterisk to a VoIP provider?
13:31.40neeby_goosey`sip set debug peer mcn-out` logs here:
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13:41.02neeby_gooseyWith some details:
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14:37.42M4dH4TT3rdoes anyone know how to setup asterisk to use google voice
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14:38.41M4dH4TT3rincluding as the sip gate
14:38.55M4dH4TT3rdont I know you yano?
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14:40.45M4dH4TT3rhowdy r00f
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14:50.20malcolmdsetting up asterisk to use google voice, at this time, wouldn't be a very fruitful endeavor, what with google shutting down things on may 15, 2014
14:50.28[TK]D-FenderGV = DEAD
14:51.55r00fguys, any experience on befriending TDM410P 4FXO and Panasonic TSE824 ?
14:52.16r00ffor some reason panasonic does not give me the callerid
14:53.02M4dH4TT3rany other alternative thats not shutting down? (sip gate has been shutdown a while now)
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14:54.46[TK]D-FenderM4dH4TT3r: Any of the thousands of other providers out there
14:57.38[TK]D-FenderFree = going away everywhere
14:58.02[TK]D-FenderSomebody is paying for it... and the market isn't there for it not to be you.
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15:03.13litnI'm trying to make it so that when the user dials *76 it also changes the device state to busy. In the examples I've seen of changing device states, it has the device name hardcoded into the config. How do I make it set the state to busy for the user calling *76?
15:03.22litnor make the device state unavailable or anything else
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15:04.16[TK]D-FenderUse a custom device state
15:04.32[TK]D-FenderYou do not ever set the state of an actual device.
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15:04.38[TK]D-Fenderthat is read-only
15:06.30litn[TK]D-Fender: Set(DEVICE_STATE(Custom:lamp1)=BUSY
15:06.37litnin this example, isn't lamp1 the "device" ?
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15:07.18[TK]D-Fenderlitn: that is a custom device, and not a literal ie: "sip/fred"
15:07.28[TK]D-Fenderlitn: So use those for your state
15:09.36litnI'm still not understanding, maybe if I explain what I am trying to do- I have a light on my phones that I can set to BLF. I am attempting to make it so that when they dial *76, the button for DND, it will reflect in the BLF light that they are busy
15:10.03[TK]D-Fenderlitn: So go set a device specific for that user
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15:11.33litnright but if I want *76 to work for everyone, how would I dynamically set it for their device?
15:12.16[TK]D-FenderPick a name specifc to each
15:14.53litnin the extensions though when they dial *76, how would I define their device name there, so that *76 works for everyone? Would I check what their extension is or is there a way to get the device name for that given extension (hint right?), or something like that?
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15:30.17mirela666Hi, has anyone encountered with VoiceMail unavailable message braking or loosing (like you hear 3s and then silence, sometimes whole msg, sometimes, half...)
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15:30.54loggiewguys, my users are complaining that when they transfer calls to another phone there is about a 3 - 5 second delay before the new phone rings. Is this something I can adjust or a result of normal delays associated with SIP?
15:31.36[TK]D-Fenderloggiew: Probably not SIP... but possibly networking
15:31.44[TK]D-FenderBecause mine are instant on LAN
15:32.09loggiewOk. So possibly something more along the lines of replacing the 10/100 switch with a 100/1000?
15:33.00[TK]D-FenderYou should probably be looking at your calls a lot closer
15:33.16[TK]D-FenderHow are you transferring the call?
15:34.32loggiewErm. Im about to sound like a retard I know it. I just started working with this system for them. There is just a transfer button on the SIP phones.
15:34.39loggiewHit the button, type the extension
15:36.26[TK]D-FenderThe it's probably the phones LOCAL DIALPLAN that is creating the pause as it's waiting for more possible digits
15:37.23loggiewThat's logical. Thanks for the suggestion
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15:40.06loggiew[TK]D-Fender, perfect. I think you are right.
15:40.14loggiewThanks dude.
15:41.40[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
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15:55.44litn[TK]D-Fender: ok I think I am closer, still no go though- do you see what I am doing wrong? Here is the show core hints for the device,
15:55.54litn645@ext-local           : SIP/645               State:Idle            Watchers  0
15:56.04litnin the extentions for *78, I have this,
15:56.14litnexten => *78,n,Set(DEVICE_STATE(SIP/${AMPUSER})=NOT_INUSE)
15:56.20brendan`anyone able to recommend a good resource for learning asterisk?
15:56.33litnstill no change in the status when I do core show hints though
15:56.35brendan`i saw on amazon there's the asterisk 'the definitive guide' but not sure about ppl's opinion on it
15:57.53paulcbrendan`: It's a great book.. lots of pointers in the right direction to help you figure stuff out.. well written, easily read..
15:58.29infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:59.30brendan`paulc: awesome
15:59.44paulcno worries :)
15:59.47infobotYou can buy "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
16:07.42litn[TK]D-Fender: also, in the logs, it shows the variable is correct,
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16:13.18litn[TK]D-Fender: so I tried doing devstate change from cli, and it complained that I can only change states on Custom: devices. I think I am closer?
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16:18.20fileyou can't arbitrarily change channel driver device states because the channel driver determines that
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16:24.30onixxhello all. I have tried restricting udpbindaddr in sip.conf to only be on my local lan while tlsbindaddr to be on
16:25.29onixxit is causing issues and I end up getting one way audio. as soon as I re-enable udpbindaddr to it works again
16:26.40onixxtransport is set to tls and encryption =yes for the peer
16:27.08onixxlooks like it still needs udp somewhat ?
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16:44.27navaismolitn, did you checked this--> ?
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16:49.08lodac$3k to setup a ANI/ALI database for 911 for two numbers on a PRI. We should be able to send our own information.. of course, I suppose that could be abused and they are trying to prevent that... $3k though.
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18:09.47pabelangeranybody have dialplan to extract remote-party-id from sip header and setup callerid?
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18:13.11pabelangersorry, P-Asserted-Identity
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18:31.25navaismonope not me
18:59.09*** join/#asterisk Scott0_ (~Scott0_@unaffiliated/scotto/x-4000254)
18:59.25Scott0_I wish switchvox didn't require subscription
18:59.35Scott0_is asterisk my best option?
18:59.47Scott0_getting tired of ringcentral
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19:04.54Scott0_paying a subscriptiont per extension is crazy talk
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19:11.24[TK]D-FenderScott0_: Depends what you want.
19:11.52[TK]D-FenderScott0_: Remember that Asterisk is just a telephony toolikt.. it is what you make of it.  That's what Switchvox is.... a front end over asterisk
19:12.03Scott0_I need a phone system where I don't have to pay monthly fees that are outrageous
19:12.20Scott0_I don't like paying for hardware as a monthly cost
19:12.23Scott0_that's silly
19:12.36Scott0_that's like some cisco devices where you pay a subscription
19:12.48Scott0_if I own the hardware, I shouldn't be having to pay a monthly
19:13.05Scott0_especially if I buy the $6000 switchvox
19:13.11Scott0_that's a lot of money
19:13.30Scott0_im stuck on ringcentral if there's no better option
19:13.39Scott0_its too cheap
19:13.52Scott0_im just exploring alternatives
19:13.59[TK]D-FenderFreePBX <---
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19:14.15Scott0_because ringcentral does not support multiple auto receptionists on a single account
19:14.19[TK]D-Fenderthey make a web admin frontend for Asterisk as well as supplying ready to use ISO's
19:14.27Scott0_I have 2 companies im trying to serve under one roof
19:14.39[TK]D-FenderMulti-tennent is it's own problem
19:14.39Penguin[TK]D-Fender: its
19:14.48Scott0_not multi tennant
19:14.48[TK]D-FenderAnd there are almost only commercial GUI's for it
19:14.57Scott0_this is a conglomerate company
19:15.02[TK]D-FenderCould be depending on how you run things
19:15.06Scott0_so im trying to share resources
19:15.16[TK]D-FenderYou want them having the same #'s on both sides?
19:15.25[TK]D-FenderA has a 100 and so does B?
19:15.30Scott0_different numbers but still beaing able to trasnfer in between
19:15.32[TK]D-Fenderthen that is definiately multi-tennent
19:15.52Scott0_we are all in the same office
19:15.53[TK]D-FenderIf you just want separate menu's, the that could be done with FreePBX
19:16.11[TK]D-Fenderit's a question of logistical separation.
19:16.21Scott0_different incoming numbers
19:16.46Scott0_but it would be nice to have a users extension work from both companies
19:16.55Scott0_and just server different menus and greetings
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19:20.20[TK]D-FenderGo try it
19:20.27Scott0_with freepbx?
19:20.46Scott0_and I can use my existing IP phones
19:20.50[TK]D-Fenderyes.  With Asterisk itself you can do whatever you want.... but you also have to configure it all....
19:21.08[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm suspecting you might not have much of a clue as to quite what would be involved in that...
19:21.14Scott0_I do]
19:21.30Scott0_I've dealt with some phone system linux stuff before
19:21.40Scott0_I thnik I had a fax server that was linux
19:21.43Scott0_its been some years
19:22.21Scott0_ah avantfax
19:22.49Scott0_will freepbx handle faxes and forwarding to mobile devices?
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19:28.29[TK]D-FenderIt can receive fax and then e-mail
19:29.45Scott0_yep fax email
19:30.08Scott0_can it send faxes too or will I have to setup a analog converter to use a local fax machine for outgoing?
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19:39.45onixxHello, I have recently upgraded to asterisk 12 and noticed the following error message when a call is established: [2014-04-29 15:38:51] WARNING[8476][C-0000003e]: features_config.c:1301 ast_get_chan_applicationmap: Unknown DYNAMIC_FEATURES item 'automon' on channel SIP/2216-00000069.
19:40.58lvlinuxHow do i have a phone subscribe to a mailbox with BLF? Or rather how do I get * to set a hint for a voicemail box?
19:41.18[TK]D-FenderScott0_: there are addon's for sending, some paid, but cheap
19:41.29[TK]D-FenderScott0_: Or run hardware interfaces
19:42.08lvlinuxonixx: sounds like you have something configured in your dialplan for automon but not in features.conf
19:42.10onixxthe error message appears 3 times for some reasons. *1 to reocrd works as expected
19:42.15[TK]D-Fenderonixx: Like it says..... there is no feature with that name.  Go look at your features.conf
19:43.10onixxin extensions.conf I have DYNAMIC_FEATURES=>automon . is it still required ?
19:43.56[TK]D-Fenderdo you have an entry NAMED "automon"?
19:44.48onixxin features.conf, all I have under [featuremap]
19:44.59onixxis automon => *1
19:45.28[TK]D-FenderI'd restart *
19:46.52*** part/#asterisk lodac (~lodac@unaffiliated/lodac)
19:47.22onixx[TK]D-Fender: did that a few times, still the same
19:47.53[TK]D-Fenderpastebin actual configs and your actual call
19:48.20infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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19:55.50Kattyhi kids.
19:55.52lvlinuxHow do i set a subscribe hint for a mailbox? I have a phone that needs to monitor two boxes, one with it's builtin MWI, the other with BLF.
19:55.58lvlinuxhi Katty
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19:58.22Kattylvlinux: howdy.
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21:06.27t4nk793quick question for anyone with a free moment. I am looking to create a hunt ring group without using the gui, any pointers or terms to look up as i havent had any luck as of yet
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21:09.33lvlinuxt4nk793: define exactly what you mean by a "hunt ring group"
21:09.57lvlinuxt4nk793: each phone rings 4 times, then next one, or only one phone rings per call?
21:10.38lvlinuxt4nk793: then the next call another phone rings?
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21:13.23t4nk793sorry user came to bothe rme
21:13.29t4nk793the first one is what i am looking for
21:13.48t4nk793each phone rings a few times before moving on to the next number
21:14.30lvlinuxok in ur extensions.conf where you have the incoming call, have it dial one phone for xx seconds, then next priority dial another phone, then next priority another phone.
21:14.56lvlinuxthen if you want to start over, do a Goto to go back to the priority where the first phone gets called.
21:15.08t4nk793i see
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21:15.40t4nk793can you point me somewhere with an example or the syntax for such a thing, im new to the command line side of asterisk
21:20.52lvlinuxt4nk793: i made you up a little example here:
21:24.08t4nk793awesome, thank you.
21:24.32lvlinuxor here w voicemail after:
21:25.49t4nk793ah one wrinkle i forgot to mention, this will be calling external devices (cell phones)
21:26.24lvlinuxover a PSTN line or SIP trunk?
21:26.40t4nk793SIP trunk
21:27.43lvlinuxk then you just change what is called. instead of "SIP/phone1" you would put "SIP/myprovider/12223334444"
21:28.04t4nk793ah, excellent, thank you
21:28.09t4nk793really appreciate the help
21:28.45lvlinuxcheck out the * book too---it will help you with your dialplan skills. You'll never go back to the gui lol
21:28.50infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:31.09lvlinux^^^^ starts the dialplan basics part---step by step
21:34.58t4nk793one more question, i know in asterisknow and the liek there is an option to have the user confirm the call (ie tts says "press 1 to accept this call") it would be cool if it would stop calls once someone answers the phone and presses 1 to accept
21:35.07t4nk793how can I go about doing that?
21:35.15t4nk793or where would i look for info on it
21:36.06lvlinuxwhat exactly do you mean by "stop calls"?
21:37.18t4nk793so when it calls an extension if someone presses 1 in respons to the prompt it stops hunting, rather than stopping the hunt when the phone picks up
21:37.48lvlinuxoh ok hmmm...
21:38.29t4nk793so basically it is confirming that a human answered and understood the call
21:39.33t4nk793the overall idea for this is for nagios to be able to run a script to generate a call to the IT department and make sure someone answers and responds to the issue
21:39.45lvlinuxah i see.
21:40.00t4nk793and to stop calling once someone acknowledges the issue
21:40.38t4nk793right now our system calls a script and just spams the hell out of the IT departments cell phones until nagios is happy again
21:40.40lvlinuxyou can do it, i think you use followme for that.
21:42.49lvlinuxwell actually you could use all dialplan but followme would probably be simpler
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21:43.17t4nk793ok ill look into that
21:44.44lvlinuxi think followme will do your ring hunts too.
21:46.28lvlinux^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this might be helpful to you
21:46.52vslapI'm having some MWI issues. I'm not sure if I have done it all correctly. Whats going on is if I get a vm left for me, I don't see the MWI update. If I reboot my phone, MWI is flashing. If I then delete the VM, it doesn't go off, unless I reboot the device again. GXP-2160 w/ Asterisk 12.1.0.
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21:56.46malcolmdnavaismo: stickied!
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21:58.03malcolmdthank you :)
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22:02.13ledoktregreetings y'all.  A quick question regarding webdav.  Is there a reasonable way to run webdav accounts under the virtual host user, rather than the web server user?
22:02.26vslapYea my phone are subscribed for MWI & their mailbox=### entry is set. I see asterisk removing/touching /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/200/INBOX/msg0000.txt
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22:05.42theqkashhello guys, I'm new to asterisk and I have some problem with configuring it in simple way - eg. to answer incoming call and play something (like music or anything) - at the moment I'm stuck at this thing: asterisk is registering to sip (I see registered in console and on sip provider panel) but when I'm trying to call my number added to this account there is information about "service unavailable"
22:06.02theqkashCould you please help me?
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22:07.09paulctheqkash: so you have a line in sip.conf registering with your provider? and "sip show registry" shows it successfully registered?
22:08.15theqkashExactly - it is registered fine, but I cannot call number connected with this login here. When I have normally logged this number into any sip client like X-Lite I can call it without problems
22:08.39theqkashI have set verbose to 5 when connecting to cli and even when I call there is nothing in console.
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22:10.27paulcI'd do "core set debug 5" and "core set verbose 5".. then I'd check the default "context=..." line in sip.conf - out of the box I think it's "default". I usually set it to "in-sip" or something similar.. then in that new context (in extensions.conf), make sure you have an extension that matches.. either the DID specifically, or do _xx. as a catch all (in case your provider is sending it full E.164 vs 10 digits only etc)
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22:14.24lvlinuxtheqkash: is your * box behind NAT? that could be the problem too.
22:14.40theqkashNope it isn't
22:14.51lvlinuxoh good :-)
22:15.01theqkasheven when I set nat in config there is still the same problem
22:15.19lvlinuxif it's not behind nat, then you don't want it set in the config.
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22:26.34theqkashso at the moment these are my config files:
22:27.00theqkashif somebody have some idea, please just tell me
22:30.55lvlinuxtheqkash: try changing your 12345 extension in the incoming context to "s" and see if the call goes through.
22:31.28theqkashI have recently changed from s to 12345 - not working
22:32.02lvlinuxk then i run a sip debug during incoming call and PB it
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22:33.28theqkashsadly there is nothing in console when calling
22:33.48theqkashonly > doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''
22:33.54theqkashbut this happens more times
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22:41.46navaismosip set debug on then call then pastebin the output
22:41.51lvlinuxtheqkash: do "sip set debug on"
22:42.07lvlinuxyes what navaismo said.
22:43.33theqkashonly this
22:43.38theqkashand when I'm calling there is nothing
22:45.28navaismothere is no invite in that paste, did you redirect your service to your PBX or something?
22:46.03theqkashI'm not sure what you're talking about... I have set no redirections at all.
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22:47.19navaismofor example in my account i have  a setting to send all callss to my PBX or my phone
22:48.26theqkashso then nope, it isn't. As I have said before, I have set it in the same settings using X-lite and I was able to call my number
22:51.21lvlinuxtheqkash: pb ur sip.conf
22:53.01theqkashokay guys, done this thing
22:53.09theqkashthere was some weird thing
22:53.16theqkashI have changed password on my sip provider's panel and in asterisk
22:53.22theqkashand it have worked like a charm
22:54.27vslapHow does MWI work? Does it get sent over normal SIP messages? Does asterisk send a packet to the phone when it changes, or does the phone request the status at certain intervals? I'm trying to verify functionality because my mwi isnt working so I want to see whats going on under the hood or not.
22:57.17lvlinuxtheqkash: heh sometimes that's all it takes---maybe provider password was buggered up and changing it reset things.
23:03.03lvlinuxvslap: yes it is standard SIP notify I believe
23:03.48lvlinuxvslap: * sends to the phone when it detects cahnge in vm, but i think phones can sometime be set to subscribe too
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23:04.00lvlinuxvslap: have u run sip debug to see what comes accross
23:04.04vslapmine is set to subscribe to MWI
23:04.13vslapMy sip debug is really verbose.
23:04.27vslapIts constantly hitting my sip provider back and forth.
23:04.52vslaplots of 401 unauthorized sip stuff and 404 not found.
23:07.13lvlinuxvslap: is this a production system or personal?
23:07.22vslapProduction but its afterhours.
23:08.10vslapI was responding to an * ticket I put in a few weeks ago, figured id clean up the config a bit.
23:08.16*** part/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
23:09.22lvlinuxwell i would run a sip debug and leave a voicemail, wait for the pollinterval (set in voicemail.conf) and see what messages come across.
23:10.04vslapok I just added pollinterval recently, but it was my understanding that could be uneccesary
23:10.37lvlinuxyeah it may be, mine updates immediately
23:24.41vslapThis log is a mess.
23:41.06vslapHow would I see the server sending a notify MWI sip message?
23:42.06vslapI see the MWI subscription
23:48.26*** join/#asterisk jpoz (~jpoz@
23:51.01*** join/#asterisk jpoz_ (

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