IRC log for #asterisk on 20140421

00:00.10*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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01:35.29*** join/#asterisk makubi (
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01:46.26*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
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03:09.29*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
03:33.52*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
03:35.02linociscoanybody who has tried asterisk external paging with grandstream phones? I tried according to Asterisk definitive guide 4th edition. ended with problem.
03:40.06*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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04:18.13*** join/#asterisk tulga (cb5b710a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:18.25tulgamultiple asterisk can use 1 E1 trunk?
04:21.01*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
04:25.39WIMPytulga: You can't connect multiple devices to an E1.
04:26.56tulgaWIMPy: install 10 asterisks on 1 server with 1 E1, then share 30 concurrent calls?
04:27.39WIMPyWhat kind of sense does it make to install multiple Asterisks on one server?
04:31.21tulgaWIMPy: I have 1 server with 1 E1, then I want service for install 3-4 companies
04:31.32tulgacan I use 1 asterisk for multi tenant?
04:31.41WIMPyYou don't need multiple Asterisks for that.
04:36.40*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:38.37tulgaWIMPy: great. I was checking thirdlane multi-tenant PBX and MIRTaPBX. is it what I want?
04:43.14linociscoanybody has done calling cards solution using asterisk?
04:44.18WIMPytulga: I don't know what YOU want.
05:15.31*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
05:18.52[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Tons of people
05:20.43linocisco[TK]D-Fender, If it is the call between only two countries and i am ok only with one originating countryand the other destination country has no easy negotiation
05:21.26[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: That is a mangled question.
05:22.33linocisco[TK]D-Fender, thanks
05:22.56[TK]D-FenderRephrase it.
05:23.06[TK]D-FenderI can't make sense of what you're trying to ask there.
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07:01.59*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
08:10.22*** join/#asterisk simpleTon` (~ck@
08:11.05simpleTon`hi i am building an asterisk based ip-pbx system with 10 incioming lines and 20 extensions.. how many ports trunk card should i buy
08:18.28linociscosimpleTon`, what 10 lines? landlines?
08:38.41linociscohi all
08:39.46linociscohi all, I tried to put this line exten => *723,1,Page(MulticastRTP/basic/ under "internal" dialplan and calling from one extension to another doesn't work anymore though that line was removed and asterisk and phones are restarted
08:40.02linociscoI tested with grandstream GXP1405 and zoiper
08:42.10*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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08:50.30*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
09:17.25*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
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10:16.55*** join/#asterisk Geek-Linux (~mubbashir@
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10:17.40Geek-LinuxHi All, i want to know about asterisk video support and what would i need to implement the setup. ?
10:19.15*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
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10:34.28*** join/#asterisk boratynskikamil (5032e462@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:35.34boratynskikamilHello. I am preparing cluster based Call Center. How would you recommend. Divide 4 ISDN lines to 2 independent Asterisk PBX and each one is checking the state of devices on another one?
10:35.56gustoi just made asterisk 12 run with my custom set of modules
10:38.08gustoseems that all this pjsip replaced the modules which were asterisk-own ones and do not exist any more like callerid seems to be a part of pjsip now along with some SIP RFCs
10:38.21gustothen the bridges are extra
10:38.24gustoand now it works
10:38.43gustobut there are a lot more modules now
10:39.35gustowill chan_sip disappear completely now, or what?
10:39.59gustoi still have it in, and it does not seem to work without it, but it is somehow redundant now
10:42.38filechan_pjsip and chan_sip do not have feature parity, and can co-exist on the same system if they bind to different ports
10:42.43fileso both will continue to exist
10:43.08gustothere is no chan_pjsip to me
10:43.16gustoi have only res_pjsip in there
10:43.24fileit exists.
10:43.37filethe PJSIP stuff is broken up into many many many modules
10:43.55gustoah, i can load it, i just noticed it
10:44.11gustohowever, i have pjsip not loaded now
10:44.20gustoyou say that i can get rid of that pjsip res stuff?
10:44.31fileif you aren't using PJSIP support you don't need to load any of the modules.
10:44.54gustoand will my callerid work? because the old asterisk 11 callerid module is not there any more
10:45.08filewhat "old asterisk 11 callerid module"?
10:46.19filethat's been deprecated for, oh, 5 or more years now?
10:46.36fileit's still in the tree, though
10:46.40gustoso all this functions are now implemented into chan_sip, or where?
10:46.45fileit's just not built by default
10:46.48linociscohi all, for asterisk to asterisk over ADSL, what is the maximum bandwidth requirement for uplink speed /downlink speed for how many users
10:47.08linociscohi all, for asterisk to asterisk over ADSL, what is the minimum bandwidth requirement for uplink speed /downlink speed for how many users
10:47.14fileif you need that module then go into menuselect and enable it, it is not enabled by default because everyone has moved on to using func_callerid
10:47.28gustoyou can count ... like 64kbps per user x 2 (up , down)
10:47.54gustofile: aha, so func_callerid is it, ok
10:48.05filefunc_callerid REPLACED it but it is not used in the same way
10:48.30gustohowever, i have it in, so it must be right
10:49.13gustoi never checked that modules one by one, i moved from 1.8 with a list that i found on openwrt router package, because that one was good and fully functional
10:50.07gustoso basically the only difference now to the asterisk 12 is that they moved the bridge functions out
10:50.25gustowithout that modules i was not able to make a call :D
10:50.33filewe completely rewrote bridging.
10:51.00fileand yes, you wouldn't be able to bridge calls without the modules to bridge them
10:52.32gustook, i kicked out that pjsip and it works
10:52.57gustonow i have only 55 modules
10:53.01gustothat is better readable
10:53.46*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
10:56.08*** join/#asterisk r00f (
11:23.06Geek-LinuxHi All, i want to know about asterisk video support and what would i need to implement the setup. ?
11:33.14*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
12:07.43gustois there a possibility to tell him some kind of priority for the codecs so that he does not go and transcode something while there is a codec that could be used instead that would not need transcoding for making a connection
12:07.45*** join/#asterisk jansiva (~janaki@
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12:36.54davlefouhi, somes thing is strange, i need to put canreinvite=no and nat=force_rport,comedia on my asterisk who is under server host.
12:41.38*** join/#asterisk brendan`_ (
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12:57.36gustoa very brutal way, but i proved it to be functional is to just remove every codec module that you do not want to be reencoded (into,out-to) and he is then taking the next best one
12:58.11gustobut i wonder if this causes some problems, for example because of retransmiting some messages through sip and so on, i ll have to debug that as well
12:58.59*** join/#asterisk brendan` (
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13:10.43gustoeh, as of before asterisk 12 he told me if he is locally bridging or remotely bridging, i even looked now at the bridge show command and not even there i can read if it is a local or remote bridge, the only way i see it is either over rtp set debug on or sip set debug on
13:10.52gustothere must be some other way to look into it
13:11.46gustoor local show channels, that may indicate something, i ll have to try a local bridge, maybe it will show up there
13:13.42gustolocal show shows nothing
13:14.09gustobut there is a difference in the technology in native bridge being directmedia and simple bridge locally bridged one
13:15.14*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:28.18*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
13:31.46gustois the asterisk wiki down or something?
13:32.12gustoit does not seem to work, however
13:41.53Qwellgusto: It's working fine.
13:42.29gustonot to me
13:42.39gustois it somehow ipv6 enables w/o ipv6 delivering?
13:45.30gustook, i just installed w3m, because on graphical browsers you can not put an option which ipv protocol he should use and really, it loads under -4 but does not with -6
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13:45.48gustow3m says that he is stuck while opening socket using ipv6
13:46.03gustoand somehow that crashed my w3m :-D
13:46.30gustoi can put it in a list of ipv4 only websites
13:46.34gustoon firefox
13:47.30gustook, i put it in ipv4 only domains, now it works, however, that is a quirk, one should fix that ipv6 connectivity
13:47.50gustoit looks like a firewall issue there
13:48.41gusto2001:470:e0d4::ee answers to icmp, so that can not be the problem, maybe misconfiguration on a webserver?
13:52.13gustoa ssl problem maybe ... that he wants to redirect on ssl port and recieves no answer there, that's my unproven theory now, lol
13:52.15*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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13:54.38gusto... https://[2001:470:e0d4::ee]/ here, for those who are curious
13:55.28gustoport is open and responds, but fails somewhere at ssl
13:55.40gusto443/tcp  open     https
13:56.38*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-lrgdempgcskujqjv)
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15:31.14ipengineerfile: Are you around?
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15:33.14ipengineerI was talking to one of my developers about this dialog-info issue and I am not sure we can easily do this without spending a LOT of time getting them up to speed with the asterisk core itself. That is where the breakdown will be.. We got to talking and we have Kamailio as a proxy between Asterisk and the UA. Could we just have kamailio look for a certain Notify event and add the dialog-info payload to that? If so that ma
15:33.15ipengineera simple solution for us until this can get done correctly and implemented the correct way
15:33.43fileI don't know Kamailio to that extent and can't answer that question.
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15:34.06fileProbably not, though.
15:37.36mjordanAsterisk wouldn't know to raise the NOTIFY event
15:38.18ipengineerCan kamailio not subscribe for notify events? Maybe not dialog-info but some other format?
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15:51.17ipengineerfile: I can post a bounty for this.. I know we discussed that initially. If someone picks it up that will save us both some work. I am more than willing to pay to get it done.. Do you have “rough” time estimates so I can come up with an offer?
15:51.34filethat's a complicated question
15:51.58ipengineerI tend to be on a role with those here lately..
15:52.27fileyou should ask mjordan! he's good at making up fictional numerical values
15:52.35ipengineerHaha ok..
15:53.52ipengineermjordan: Do you have any thoughts on how long it may take someone that is familiar with asterisk to build out this dialog-info functionality?
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16:59.43jeffspeffi'm getting the following sip debug output when a call is sent to a new sip trunk.
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17:01.06mjordanipengineer: familiar with the pjsip stack, not long. Not familiar with the pjsip stack, a bit longer. Particularly if they don't ask for help :-)
17:01.35[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: that has nothing to do with a call.
17:01.42mjordanas for fictional numbers... let me see if I can't find a corollary
17:02.39mjordanfile: does this only need a body generator?
17:08.27mjordanlooks at file
17:10.05mjordanipengineer: so my guess is (since file has gone 'dark') is that this is two modules, both approximately a few hundred lines of code. It's not super hard, as there are (a) examples of modules that do this already and (b) a review with a rejected approach available
17:10.42mjordanipengineer: you'd need a module that subscribed for the dialog state in Asterisk (or otherwise monitored the state) and hooked itself onto res_pjsip_pubsub
17:10.43filemy IRC disconnected for a sec :P
17:10.57mjordanipengineer: and you'd need a module that was a body generator for the NOTIFY requests and file can correct me if I'm wrong
17:10.59filemjordan, no - it requires slight modification to allow body generators to store state
17:11.09*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
17:11.13mjordanah, so a bit of work in res_pjsip_pubsub then too
17:11.31fileand a body generator
17:11.35mjordanfile: can it use res_pjsip_extenstate?
17:11.38fileand preferably not duplicating the res_pjsip_exten_state module
17:12.34mjordanfile: so you'd want to base the dialog state off of the device state subscription?
17:14.09filedialog-info+xml is unlike other contents because it has an incrementing numerical value
17:14.28file(per subscription, must start at 1 if I remember right)
17:14.53mjordanbut if it is per subscription, that's not terrible.
17:15.12mjordanStore a void * to some user defined ao2 object that they can pass via the body generator on subscription
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17:15.51mjordanalthough that could get a bit messy, since you'd have to have the body generators consume subscription state so that they could interpret the current state of the counter
17:16.16mjordanipengineer: SO. Revision #2: it's one module (not a very large one), with some tweaks to some existing APIs in res_pjsip_exten_state and res_pjsip_pubsub
17:17.09filemjordan, the slightly annoying part is that subscriptions have datastore support for this already
17:17.16file(that's what I used last time)
17:17.19filebut body generators are generic
17:17.24mjordanfile: but we didn't expose them up through the API?
17:17.54fileputnopvut kept body generators generic - they aren't sub specific
17:21.25putnopvutCorrect. Body generators need to be usable for requests outside of subscriptions, such as PUBLISH and unsolicited MWI.
17:23.17davlefouhi, i have that error : chan_sip.c:4343 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data
17:23.25davlefoui try to use sql
17:23.26filewalks home
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17:37.15fileawww I missed nothing
17:44.35ipengineerfile: mjordan Sorry.. I just got back from a meeting. Ok I think that clears it up a little bit
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17:58.37tm1000can feature codes be detected in app_meetme or app_confbridge
17:58.46davlefouit seems an problem with sip.conf put un static
17:58.48tm1000such as *<dtmf>
18:15.55*** join/#asterisk willwh (~willwh@unaffiliated/willskills)
18:17.14filetm1000, no
18:17.21filetm1000, not unless you front end your call with a Local channel
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18:37.36moywillwh: did you get wss working?
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18:45.00willwhmoy: ! zomg
18:45.02willwhno :(
18:45.07willwhI didn't have time to file a bug
18:45.23WIMPyYou get used to that.
18:45.52willwhit's interesting, in a js console; conn = new WebSocket('http://blabla:10060/ws','sip')
18:45.59willwhconn.readyState = 1
18:46.17willwhbut if I go, https://blabla:10060/ws - no dice
18:46.28willwhmy cert is ok, I enabled the AMI http interface with tls in manager.conf
18:46.33willwhand it is a kosher cert
18:47.01willwhand oops, the WebSockets are like (ws://server:10060/ws) and (wss://) respectively
18:47.13willwhwhen trying wss I just get "3" which is closed
18:47.49willwhmoy: what timezone are you on? I'm at work atm, and I don't have much time to chat
18:48.04willwhI'm on Pacific Standard Time
18:48.28willwhI'm running the very latest 12.2.0-RC-2 from svn
18:48.32willwhwhich I am pretty sure has your changes
18:48.43willwhI didn't bring my laptop to work or I could fire up my dev env
18:49.00willwhmoy: ^ :)
18:52.38willwhmoy: when issuing 'http show status' - should I expect to see anything about Secure ws?
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19:42.54willwhmoy: give me a shout when you can, I'll idle in here :) (woot irssi on a vps)
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19:52.08davlefoui find the problem, ip error
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20:43.31lordvadrIs there a version of "core show channels" that lists the full channel names?  Longer channel names gets truncated by the output formatting.  From a different perspective, I'm writing a script and I need to find all the channels that are up and have called some number.  "asterisk -rx 'core show channels' | grep <number>" kinda gets there, but often times part of the channel names are truncated.
20:44.54WIMPycore show channels <tab>
20:45.20lordvadrWIMPy: Can't script that.
20:45.54WIMPyHave you tried doing it yopurself?
20:46.30lordvadrdoing what myself?  Actually, "core show channels concise" appears to be exactly what I want.  I've used the verbose version but didn't know that "concise" existed.
20:46.52WIMPySee, that's why you should press tab.
20:46.59willwhyay tab completion >.>
20:47.29eirirstab symbol on my tab are gone.
20:47.33eirirstab abuse <3
20:47.35lordvadrI've hit tab after that several times, but when a server responds with a couple hundred channels, the "concise" part always got lost.
20:48.06eirirscore show channels c<tab> works too
20:48.23WIMPyThat would have been core show channel <tab>
20:48.41lordvadrWIMPy: Yeah, that's exactly what happened.  Thanks for that.
20:52.53*** join/#asterisk saint__ (
20:59.20moywillwh: you should at least see HTTPS server enabled
21:00.14moywillwh: you should read the troubleshooting hints on this presentation:
21:00.48moystarting from slide 16 particularly
21:02.38moywillwh: regarding tz, I am on EDT
21:10.13*** join/#asterisk shuggans (
21:10.48shuggansHi all - Wondering if anyone can help me out with getting nortel 1110 phones working with asterisk/freepbx
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21:23.22newtonrshuggans, depending on the issue, yes, someone can likely help.  If you are using FreePBX. You may get a better answer in the #freepbx channel
21:23.30infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
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22:19.06willwhmoy: cool, well, I will crank on this tonight, you'll probably be sleeping :)
22:19.27willwhmoy I should say, I have gone through that :)
22:19.42willwhIf I don't get it, should I bug report, or just mailing list?
22:20.35willwhmoy: thanks so much for reaching out to me though :)
22:20.47willwhI'll write up my configs / deps installed etc
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22:22.10willwhah, moy I see my prob
22:22.38willwhI guess it helps to read, re-read, then come back another day and read it again, haha, I don't have tlsenable/tlsbindaddr set in the http.conf
22:22.42willwhshoots himself
22:22.56willwhI'd imagine this will work when I get home, but I'll ping you and let you know
22:23.06willwhthank you for all your work, just awesome! :)
22:26.13willwhthis needs an update: :)
22:26.16willwhI'll try and do that too
22:27.33navaismothat is ok for WS only
22:27.47willwhnavaismo: yeah, but it should have a section for wss
22:27.58willwh'cause I think all that I need is tls details in http.conf, and 12.2.0-rc2 will work
22:28.16navaismoand just to be curious did you know soon chrome will not work with asterisk because the recent change with chrome
22:28.22willwhI did not\
22:28.28willwhwhich is what?
22:28.39willwhnavaismo: got a link?
22:28.51navaismo1 sec
22:28.58willwhappreciate it thx
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22:31.35navaismoso if you are "investing" time creating an app you need to consider or a MediaGateway or wait for an official RFC for Webrtc this days the hype is mess
22:32.38navaismothe Guys from Jssip wants to rule the world with their RFC, in the meantime others are stuck in a battle between SDP or not SDP and finally others with VP8 and open-H264
22:32.57navaismoso basically webrtc turns in a Lego kit for recreation
22:33.28navaismook let me rephrase that... WebRTC apis
22:48.23*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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22:57.25joobiehey guys, what variable can i use to identify the dialling (src) extension ?
23:01.38[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: "core show function CDR" <-
23:02.17joobieta [TK]D-Fender
23:08.15marceloamorimguys, I'm installing the asterisk on the debian, and I'm following the wiki.asterisk.og, I'm on the install_prereq unpackeg and I don't have subversion installed, so I installed and do the command "./install_prereq isntall-unpackeged", but now it takes so long
23:08.19marceloamorimthis is normal?
23:09.09marceloamorimI was checking the the install_prereq and this script is so simple, just svn the nbs-trunk, make & make isntall
23:15.10marceloamorimnever mind, I killed the process and run again, now it did faster
23:15.12sectechNot interested in starting a flamewar, but is there really that much different between Asterisk and Freeswitch?
23:15.35sectechI kinda need to dedicate my efforts towards one... not both
23:15.51sectechI know asterisk fairly well, not much about freeswitch though
23:17.32sectechIf you try and google the differences, you just find the pissing matches that have gone on in the past... Not very much useful info
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23:24.07filefalls into existence
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