IRC log for #asterisk on 20140419

00:09.11gustoi have it running now
00:09.30gustopjproject was that package that was needed for it
00:10.11gustonow: that looks better
00:31.33*** join/#asterisk Kattyroo (6023e60a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
00:31.53Kattyroodevelopers developers developers developers developers
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00:59.54gartralhas google voice been broken for anyone else for a while?
01:00.56[TK]D-FenderGV is going away period
01:01.49gartral[TK]D-Fender: wut
01:02.13[TK]D-FenderAncient news.  Google is moving everything to "Hangouts" which has no outisde support.
01:02.26[TK]D-FenderEverything using GV iss going to stop, and has started to in waves
01:02.32gartraloh for fuck's sake
01:02.40[TK]D-FenderNo more free lunch
01:03.11gartraldamnit.. hasn't google heard of the maxim "If it aint broke, don't fix it"?
01:03.29Nivexthat's counter to "If it isn't making us money, fix it."
01:03.42gartralwait, never mind, that's a legitimatly stupid question
01:05.15gartralok.. is there any free/decently affordable for a broke-person VoIP provider?
01:07.53[TK]D-FenderWhat real usage?
01:09.42gartral[TK]D-Fender: 3-5 people, maybe 2000 minutes/month between them
01:09.50gartralall I need is a damn DID
01:10.22[TK]D-FenderWhere are you calling?
01:10.54gartralUS only.. primarly the state of Ohio
01:11.50Juggiedids are super cheap (99cents in most places)
01:12.09Juggieif you register all the sip phones to one account, all the calls between them are free
01:12.12Juggietreated as local extensions
01:12.29Juggieonly if you dial out to PSTN or someone calls the did
01:12.33Juggiethat you get billed
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01:13.35gartralJuggie: I have an asterisk server, all i need.. ALL I need.. is a did so that me and my family can use a damn phone
01:13.53Juggiethen is cheap
01:15.39gartralthere's a problem.. they require a working phone number... guess what I don't have?
01:16.44Juggiea working number?
01:17.00gartralJuggie: exactly
01:17.46Juggieno you dont
01:17.52Juggiemake an account, add a balance, order a DID
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01:19.23Juggieyou dont even need a did on the account to make calls i dont think
01:19.25Juggiejust a balance
01:20.00gartralJuggie: I don't have a phone number to sign up with.. they want a number that they can call.. I don't have one
01:20.41infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
01:20.57[TK]D-Fenderthe last 3 are pretty solid choices
01:21.27[TK]D-Fenderin common use by many of the more experienced members of this channel
01:21.44Juggieyou can get a free number
01:22.03gartral[TK]D-Fender: well is out, because of circular logic..
01:22.38[TK]D-Fendergartral: Namely?
01:23.13Juggiei dont understand how you cant have a business number, cell number, friends number you can use to validate your account.
01:23.13gartral[TK]D-Fender: need phone number to obtain phone number.. wtf?
01:23.33[TK]D-Fendergartral: How so?
01:23.45Juggieput a fake number in when signing up? :P
01:24.16gartralJuggie: simple, I live on $600 a month.. cell service is at minimum $60/mo in my area
01:25.11Juggieic... if you just put in a fake number, do they try to call it?
01:25.20gartralyes, I'm a cheap ass... I'd say "sue me", but you can't get blood out of a turnip! :P
01:25.34gartralJuggie: yep
01:26.46Juggiegartral, try to get a free DID
01:26.48Juggieand use that
01:27.14gartralJuggie: I never could get ipkall to work right..
01:27.23gartralany tips on that?
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01:28.21Juggiegartral, nope.. but go to a friends, sign up for validate and move on ;)
01:29.20gartralJuggie: lol problem, most of my friends don't have phones either
01:29.38gartraland the ones that do, aren't in ohio, let alone my city :P
01:30.55gartralcircular logic sucks
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14:23.14pbxmanI'm looking for information on IVRs. I'm planning to migrate from VoiceXML to another system. Any ideas?
14:33.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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14:56.10MaliutaLappbxman: extensions.ael :) handwrite them :)
14:59.32pbxmannot bad... The thing I hate the most about asterisk is the extensions.conf systax, Anyway I don't think that would be enough, I need to call Webservices, Databases, etc. thank you MaliutaLap
15:00.17MaliutaLappbxman: so IVR combining AEL and AGI :P
15:01.53pbxmanVXML is the future.... ;)
15:05.00WIMPyIf you like XML you can try Freeswitch.
15:05.26WIMPyThe extensions.conf syntax does need getting used to, but it's not bad for what it's there for.
15:06.16WIMPyThere must be a reasy why FS accepts that as well.
15:09.21MaliutaLapWIMPy: I prefer the extensions.ael syntax ... more programmatic in how it does things
15:09.45MaliutaLapWIMPy: it does then confuse me when I look at the dialplan from CLI
15:12.30WIMPyBut AEL is only translated so by definition can only be worse.
15:26.34MaliutaLapWIMPy: meh, I find it easier to express in AEL
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15:30.22pbxmanAEL...they wouldn't let me use it , at least not until it remains experimental
15:30.54MaliutaLapsince when is AEL experimental?
15:31.53pbxmanfirst line here MaliutaLap
15:32.39[TK]D-FenderPage Created: Wed 07 of Sep, 2005 (20:56)
15:32.49[TK]D-FenderThat wiki is decrepit crap
15:32.56WIMPyIt ma give good inspiration, but never trust voip-info.
15:33.02MaliutaLapyeah, needs cleaning up
15:33.11pbxmandamn voip-info site...
15:33.12[TK]D-FenderWith napalm
15:33.47pbxmanI still don't know when it ceased to be experimental...
15:34.08[TK]D-FenderWho says that claim was even really valid?
15:34.14[TK]D-Fenderit's a **WIKI**
15:34.37[TK]D-FenderI've seen plenty of pages on there written by idiots.
15:34.50[TK]D-FenderRiddled with code errors and misconceptions
15:35.05MaliutaLapidiots? on a wiki? never!
15:37.28*** part/#asterisk frek818 (
15:38.29[TK]D-Fender[11:12]WIMPyBut AEL is only translated so by definition can only be worse. <- I continue to stand by this as well
15:39.35[TK]D-FenderCan only do worse, introduce a new point of failure.  Allow even more spagetti code by those who take artistic license with their spacing, especially those who forget * has no strict data-types.
15:40.12pbxmanwell that's not always the rule, Are you familiar with JQuery and Javascript?
15:40.23[TK]D-FenderAnd then what you see in CLI doesn't resemble too much of what you thought you did.
15:40.49[TK]D-Fenderpbxman: Others being worse or better is besides the point.
15:46.46[TK]D-FenderThen again.. I can't imagine much worse than *'s use of data types...
15:47.28WIMPyWhat data types?
15:47.31MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: and your feelings on the lua extensions?
15:47.59[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: Never looked at in detail, but the feeling I got was that was actually real & useful by comparison
15:48.14MaliutaLapI don't count on data types or anything - I generally just don't feel like writing endless GOTO's :)
15:48.23WIMPyThe lus thing is completely different. But I can't make any sensible comments on that one.
15:48.58[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: Not sure on the interaction of certain dialplan apps that have return points based on standard dialplan.
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15:54.09pbxmanI'm with you on that one MaliutaLap I don't concieve an extensive IVR with asterisk syntax. I'd rather use VXML + Java or PHP
15:55.08MaliutaLappbxman: java??? php?? are you a mad man?
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15:55.28MaliutaLappbxman: even perl or *shudder* python is better than that
15:56.23MaliutaLappbxman: I don't like many languages, but Java and PHP are at the top of the list
15:56.49pbxmanMaliutaLap: Most IVRs I have worked with use PHP or Java. Java is powerful as hell, you can integrate with almost any service
15:57.21WIMPyIf you can afford the resources.
15:58.57MaliutaLapJava is slow as hell and has really bad garbage collection - I prefer to manage my own memory
15:59.44pbxmanthe Idea Is to use another machine and you call an external agi, so the PBX and the IVR work separately. The Asterisk call centers I have worked for are not that big maybe 150-300 concurrent users max.
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15:59.50[TK]D-Fenderpbxman: What's your idea of "extensive"?
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16:01.13pbxmanMaliutaLap: Java is not that slow and certainly not slower than Javascript, LUA or any interpreted language. Besides what is the alternative? C programming? too risky I think.
16:02.04WIMPyBut Java has a known tendency to just stall everything for a few seconds when it's least comfortable.
16:03.08*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
16:05.07[TK]D-FenderAnd having updates ever second day to install :)
16:05.39pbxmanI don't know WIMPy  that would depend on your coding skills I think, there are big corporations that use java, besides you have plenty of tools to monitor what is going on inside the JVM, like any other language you are not exent of memory leaks, excesive memory heap fragmentation, etc..
16:06.19WIMPyWell, maybe Java progrtammers are just less capable than others then.
16:07.33MaliutaLapPerl (even though it's not my favourite language) can be faster than equivalent C
16:07.42MaliutaLapif done properly
16:08.45pbxmanlook on the bright side a few seconds taken by the garbage collector to collect all the garbage is not worse than a core crash,and as for Java Project you have JBoss or Tomcat which are very reliable java projects
16:09.28WIMPyIt makes it completely unusable for anything that's not just running in the background.
16:10.29MaliutaLapJava lovers are just as bad as the Ruby and Python crowds
16:11.06pbxmanLOL MaliutaLap I think it's a common misconception,
16:11.15MaliutaLapcan't really discuss the merits of various langs with them, not with any efficiency anyhow
16:12.05MaliutaLappbxman: I had a discussion with someone who's PhD was writing a new Java garbage collector ... she agreed with me :P
16:12.28WIMPyOn Unixoids it's easy: "If you can't do it as a shell script, do it in C. Anyhting in between is just a waste of time."
16:12.53pbxmanhow about android phones?
16:12.55MaliutaLapshell is everywhere, makes things easily portable
16:13.09WIMPyErr, no.
16:13.13MaliutaLapperl is the next best option to shell or c
16:14.04MaliutaLapone of the things I like about perl (and there aren't many) is the ability to inline code from things like C
16:15.16MaliutaLapI also heavily dislike OO - even though my first 2 years at uni were spent writing OO code
16:15.30MaliutaLapcome to think of it that may have something to do with it
16:16.28WIMPyA colleague always says, he used to write OO code for decades, even back when it was called lists and pointers.
16:17.43MaliutaLapWIMPy: well if that counts then I have to re-think my stance on OO ;)
16:18.18WIMPyWell, I'd say that was the time when OO used to actually work :-)
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17:43.29lvlinuxhey, what was the vulnerability in 11.7 that was fixed with 11.8? Is it serious?
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18:49.12DruidZperks up his ears - "Vulnerability?"
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19:28.02lvlinuxwell i can't remember if it was a vulnerability or just a bug. It's one thing if my box crashes, another if I get a $45k bill from calls to 1900 numbers in Somalia lol.
19:28.43[TK]D-FenderAnd are you now sleeping better?
19:29.41carrarCould just upgrade
19:30.21carraror write something that will alert on excessive whatever calls
19:30.27lvlinuxwell it's on Astlinux, and not sure if they have 11.8 yet and didn't want to build a custom image.
19:30.48carrartime to install asterisk from source
19:31.00carrarFREE YOURSELF
19:31.20lvlinuxwell i do that on desktops, but it's a lot of trouble to do it on an embedded system.
19:32.04carrarWhats it running on?
19:32.10lvlinuxand I have done it before with Astlinux, just don't want to again lol...
19:32.21lvlinuxa thin client with a CF card
19:32.37lvlinuxit is x86 though.
19:34.02lvlinuxno i take that back, this one is a standard desktop (w 2 PSTN cards), but still on CF card.
19:35.12lvlinuxnevermind, looks like they put 11.8 in the 1.1.6 custom build engine versions so I'll just use that instead of the release version.
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20:54.25iulhkdo we have any dimensioning available, scope: sip2sip call. no transcoding , for 10000 concurrent calls, how many asterisk box will be required for kamailio proxy etc ?  what should be the server specs, for sip to sip call, with 1 kamailio server how many asterisk servers i can attach ?
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21:08.51TriJetScudoops wrong term
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