IRC log for #asterisk on 20140416

00:15.18bitvilagi should install fail2ban too then
00:15.28bitvilagI must go now
00:15.33bitvilagthanks for the info
00:15.44bitvilageverytime i come up you always have an answer for me:D
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02:55.44xaristaxHi for me is impossible to get CURL working on Asterisk12 have someone know an alternative to this im just trying to send and HTTP GET request to a page i dont need to get info of it
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04:34.18[TK]D-Fenderxaristax: So just call curl from CLI
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07:36.35*** join/#asterisk Manu18 (56ddaf8b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:36.56Manu18J'ai un serveur dedié chez ou j'ai installé mon serveur asterisk. Depuis chez moi avec ma Freebox tout fonctionne parfaitement.
07:37.11Manu18Par contre de mon magasin derrière ma Livebox pro rien ne fonctionne. Le telephonne ne s'enregistre même pas. Cela peut venir de la livebox ou d'un soucis de paramétrage de mon sip?
07:52.50Manu18personne pour m'aider?
07:55.05bulkorokManu18: english would be better…
07:55.21Manu18no speak english
07:57.15Manu18I aiPar against my shop behind my Livebox pro nothing works. The telephonne does not even register. This can come from a box or concerns setting my sip? a dedicated server at where I installed my Asterisk server. From home with my Freebox everything works perfectly.
08:20.21Manu18please help me
08:20.36*** join/#asterisk KaR]V[aN (~root@
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08:24.25KaR]V[aNI have a question regarding callgroups/pickgroups: I would like to limit pickup only if a call comes from my trunk (ie external call)
08:25.50KaR]V[aNi've been reading about the callgroup/pickupgroup properties but they only seem to apply to extensions
08:26.03KaR]V[aNcant apply them to queues or trunks
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08:43.24KaR]V[aNso, is possible to limit call pickup just to external calls? thanks
08:47.58*** join/#asterisk mzb (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
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08:57.19robscowon Dial(), to be able to use transfers, do I need to use the r flag?  I had it before, had to remove it (my new provider doesn't like it), but now transfers don't work
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09:42.12pppingmeanyone have opinion on the grandstream gs-dp715 phones?
09:45.29mjtwhat's the point in using phone hardware when there are sip softphones which are integrated with everything and can give presence information and other stuff, has built-in bluetooth support, unlimited addressbook and lots'a other goodies?
09:45.36mjtjust.. curious, really.
09:46.39mjtmodern phones costs about the same as an average office computer
09:52.58KaR]V[aNhardware phones doesn't have crash problems, neither virus. People can answer calls even if their computer is not working properly
09:53.31KaR]V[aNI've faced that when deploying call centers
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10:11.54davlefouhi, some one use goautodial?
10:12.34davlefouI have put it in predictive mode but call is very slow
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11:08.04sammoershi, any body here ?
11:10.29sammoersI have written a new resource module which listens on a tcp port
11:10.53sammoersfrom this module I need to get ip address of a sip peer
11:11.07sammoershow to do so ?
11:17.58davlefouis it agi or asterisk module?
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11:24.49ipalmerAfternoon all, I have * 11.5 and need to do the follwoing queue a call > agent1 rings for 10 seconds no answer > agent2 rings for 10 seconds no answer > call requeued into overflow queue.  I can't seem to get the agent2 ringing I have set the timeout = 10 and retry = 10 in queues.conf  am I missing something?
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11:30.22sammoerssorry davlefou, I thought my connection to irc is facing a problem
11:30.28sammoersI did not notice your answer
11:30.36Ice_StrikeHas anyone use Asterisk VM (Asterisk) and DC VM on a same host ESXi?
11:30.58sammoersthank you replying me, it is asterisk module
11:31.23sammoersI have created as a new resource module, it gets loaded
11:31.32sammoersbut if I want to be more specific in my question
11:32.33sammoersI should say that because the sip peer table is static to chan_sip module, I do not know how to access this table to fetch ip address of the sip peers which are currently registered
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11:44.43Kobazwhat companies do polycom phone repair?
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12:05.18xaristaxHey im trying to install CURL on asterisk but at some point in most tutorials tell me that i have to run ./configure from the asterisk source folder but i cant manage to find this folder im using centos version 6.4 and asterisk 12 install with yum im very newby on this one can someone point me in the right direction to find this folder or install CURL with other method
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12:19.01Guggexaristax: if you want to compile asterisk yourself, you should not use packages
12:19.14Guggeand if you use packages, only what is in the package is supported
12:27.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:31.22Manu18Est ce que qqun pourrait m'aider pour un leger soucis de config?
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12:36.44jkroonhi all, i was wondering whether there is a subscribe: type hint.  For example, I'd like to create a hint like exten 3XX,hint,SUB/SIP:peername/${EXTEN}, now, if we get a subscribe for eg 305, we need to subscribe to SIP/peername to receive events for 305, which we then just send back to whomever subscribed for the hint.
12:37.36jkroonis this possible and I'm just being blind or possibly a useful feature?  Keep in mind I can't in my particular use-case cluster-style share hints with the remote peer - but I can subscribe to events there.
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12:52.22filejkroon, that functionality does not currently exist
12:53.10jkroonfile, crap.  any ideas how easy/difficult it would be to implement?
12:53.30fileif chan_sip is involved the answer is an automatic "hard enough"
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13:29.36ipengineerDoes anyone know of a way from within a macro to run a given context and come back to the macro if macroExit isnt encountered on that given context? Something like this:
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13:35.17[TK]D-Fenderyoru sample looks messed up and circular
13:35.56[TK]D-FenderAnd cryptic over-use of pseudo code.
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13:37.57ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: how so? Let me better explain what I am trying to do.. I am wanting to be able to set monitor-times once. The macro will be called several times from different locations in the dialplan but I dont want to have to define those times in the macro. I want the macro to be able to look at the monitor-times context and if the time is not matched it exits the macro because we dont need to record during hours other
13:37.57ipengineerthose specified
13:40.18ipengineeralmost like if the times are matched we “return” to the macro else we exitMacro
13:40.56[TK]D-Fenderlooks like your "monitor times context... show BE a macro.
13:41.47ipengineerWell I am wanting to store them in realtime is the problem.. We have several different departments that have different times and they change so I am wanting them to be able to update that in realtime.. That is why I have it outside of the macro
13:42.25[TK]D-Fenderso have it do a lookup
13:42.47[TK]D-Fenderinstead of hard-coding
13:43.00ipengineerhave the macro do a lookup?
13:43.35[TK]D-FenderQuery the "times I care about" and cycle through them
13:44.15*** part/#asterisk ipalmer (
13:44.26ipengineerShould I still use the gotoiftime method and put that in the realtime db or are you saying create a new table and query that table?
13:44.44[TK]D-Fenderany way you want
13:45.15[TK]D-FenderOr you could just make duplicate contexts for each dept
13:45.51[TK]D-FenderI don't see multiple accessesw in yrou sample so that make it hard to see the end scenario you are having trouble with
13:46.18ipengineerOk.. Makes sense… I have no issue creating the records my problem is from the macro I do not know how to query the dialplan for a specific context.. Is there a function for that?
13:46.33[TK]D-FenderWho said query it for a CONTEXT?
13:46.40[TK]D-FenderQuery for the TIMES
13:46.58[TK]D-FenderMake a better sample....
13:47.19[TK]D-FenderPretty sure you are overcomplicating this
13:48.30etc5000Hi. Where is better to ask a question related to writing/developing a DSP chip driver? at #asterisk-dev?
13:49.29*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
13:50.28volga629Hello Everyone, is there way supply multiply public ip for asterisk in sip settings ?
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13:54.13[TK]D-Fenderetc5000: yup
13:54.17ipengineerProb so.. Let me explain it like this because maybe my example isnt helping.. I am creating one macro that can be called from anywhere in the dialplan and will set monitor on a channel.My problem is I only want monitor to be set during certain hours.. I would ideally create multiple timeframes and if the call falls in those time frames the macro would proceed and set monitor on the channel… So one macro with indefinite
13:54.17ipengineernumber of time frames. I would pass the timeframe context or identifier into the macro as an argument so it would know which time frame to check… If that doesnt help I will go to the drawing board again and try to find a better way to illustrate this in an example
13:54.24[TK]D-Fendervolga629: No.
13:55.21volga629That what I though. Will be nice to have to have this feature.
13:55.51[TK]D-Fenderipengineer: Multiple time frames "names" is easy... that is a value you can check ALONGF WITH  the time itself
13:56.20[TK]D-Fenderipengineer: Or use as LABEL names for your macro's exten
13:57.26[TK]D-Fenderchecking times should be a macro itself
13:57.33[TK]D-Fenderand easily dynamic in realtime
13:59.53Kobazdo de do
14:00.00Kobazmaybe everyone has had their coffee by now
14:00.10Kobazanyone know of companies that do polycom repair?
14:01.16jameswfMaybe Polycom
14:02.16ChainsawKobaz: We do it ourselves, turning 3 or so "bad" ones in a single good one.
14:03.06Kobazresolder the headset jack and etc?
14:03.09Kobazthat's generally what goes bad
14:03.29ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: Sorry I am having a hard time grasping this.. Should be simple IDK what my deal is over here.. I think my biggest issue is HOW to query times from the db from within a macro
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14:04.42[TK]D-Fenderoops caps
14:04.54ipengineerThey may be in order!
14:05.03[TK]D-Fenderipengineer: You have not specified how you expected to change those hours in the first place
14:05.19anonymouz666hi ipengineer
14:05.24[TK]D-FenderHow is this not just dumbe striaghtforward dialplan with a single exten with labels, etc?
14:05.45[TK]D-FenderIf you're going to edit it in realtime.... you should know what you're doing for this.
14:06.07[TK]D-Fenderpass it the dept to check and use that as the label to Goto the portion of the macro that pertains to them
14:10.59ipengineerSo the times will be in the macro itself. Each department will have a label and the times willk be under there. IF this going to be dynamic I am assuing the macro can be placed in the realtime db?
14:12.08WIMPyMacros are deprecated.
14:13.14Kobazyeah dont use macro
14:13.20ipengineerI am using macros all over the place.. If I use a gosub on this.. Which I could see working. Will that not create an issue as long as it is not called from within another macro? I have read that mixing macros and gosub is not advised
14:13.36Kobazjust don't use macro at all
14:13.38Kobazand you'll be fine
14:15.14anonymouz666the old does not work anymore. I need to download the ilbc codec :/
14:16.07ipengineerI am not at a place I can change everything over.. That is why I have avoided gosub. At some point I am going to have to redo all of this but for the time being I am stuck with them. Can gosub and macros co-exist as long as they are not being called one from the other?
14:16.12*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
14:29.11[TK]D-FenderMacros work fine, Gosub works fine
14:29.17[TK]D-FenderAll the same really for your needs
14:29.30[TK]D-FenderAnd "deprecated" doesn't mean anything and hasn't for years
14:29.42[TK]D-FenderDigium gave up REMOVING functionality pretty much.
14:33.15ipengineerI would prefer to keep using the macro since everything else is.. If they get rid of them at some point I will have to cross that bridge but we are not doing anything overly complicated that has caused us a problem with them. I am going to go back to the drawing board and try to think about this again. [TK]D-Fender I appreciate your help and you have given me some things to think about.
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14:35.21jkroonfile, not sure if chan_sip is directly involved.  but in order to be able to subscribe via sip would probably require support from chan_sip - in which case yes - it becomes insane.  ok, for now the answer is going to be no inter-server BLF.
14:35.39[TK]D-FenderOne easy hack they should create is a "macro function" in the dialplan so that there is an inline return value that is stacked
14:35.46[TK]D-FenderIt'd be a pretty easy hack.
14:37.20ipengineerYes.. That would make this a heck of a lot easier.. That is my issue now I cant GoTo anyting becasue I cant return to where I was in the macro if the conditions arent met.
14:40.08[TK]D-FenderWhy not?
14:40.17[TK]D-FenderYOU choose when to return.
14:40.37[TK]D-FenderYou wouldn't "goto" anyway.. you'd GOSUB
14:40.56ipengineerBut I cant gosub from within a macro.. Or so I have read
14:41.07[TK]D-FenderNews to me.  Have you tried?
14:41.34ipengineerNo. I know it works.. I have read in the wiki and somehwere else that they shouldnt be mixed because it can cause asterisk to crash
14:41.50ipengineerIf that is not the case then this is an open and closed issue I can have it fixed in 2 minutes
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14:44.11[TK]D-Fenderif it caused a crash.. that'd be a bug and would have been fixed
14:44.13[TK]D-FenderWhich wiki?
14:44.36ipengineerI am looking for it to send you the link. I know I have seen it atleast two times
14:50.35ipengineerWell either I cant find it or I dreamt that up and am confusing the macro depth problem with mixing gosub/macros and need to have my head examined.. The way this day is starting out I would bet money on the latter
14:51.34[TK]D-FenderThere was an old quoted macro depth of around 7 or so I recall...
14:51.39[TK]D-FenderNot sure if it still applies.
14:51.42[TK]D-FenderI would doubt it
14:52.40ipengineerYea and I have never been concerned with it because I never exceed a depth of two.. I have caused myself a world of hurt avoiding gosub if that is in fact not an issue
14:55.43fileit depends on stack depth, Macros execute within... themselves
14:56.03fileGoSub uses clever logic to not execute within itself, but to jump around accordingly
14:57.38ipengineerI will use gosub inside the macro and see if any issues arise.. That will def make this issue simple to fix
14:58.27ipengineerfile: While you are here did you ever check with Mark on the dialog-info/xml implementation?
15:00.26fileipengineer, I did - there's some work to be done with the new pubsub stuff to add support for what is required to implement it again
15:00.55fileright now there is no way to store stuff persistently from the modules which generate the payload (ie: dialog-info+xml) and that is required
15:01.25fileit's all doable - just needs to be done
15:01.46ipengineerDo you have any thoughts on when that might happen?
15:01.46filemy *goal* is to get it done before 13
15:02.44filebut I have no timeline as it's just a side project
15:03.05ipengineerOk sounds good. Like I said let me know if there is anything I can do.. I have two developers here with lots of C experience that may be able to take a look if I could point them in the right direction
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15:32.05Manu18Il y a des franacais pour un soucis d'enregistrement de tel?
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15:34.14Manu18Je n'arrive pas a enregistrer mon tel
15:34.19Manu18mon sip est configuré
15:34.25Manu18est ce que je te le paste ?
15:34.55navaismo[TK]D-Fender, is your call ^
15:35.20navaismo only see some letters
15:36.31ageis[TK]D-Fender: can enabling callcounter and counteronpeer result in peers being deemed busy?
15:36.55[TK]D-Fenderageis: Dpends on your definition of "busy"
15:37.35ageis[TK]D-Fender: definition of busy... "SIP/peer is is busy.. Everyone is busy/congested at this time"
15:37.43[TK]D-Fenderthat means nothing
15:37.49[TK]D-Fenderageis: and no
15:38.21ageis[TK]D-Fender: our client is receiving busy signals which does not mean nothing at the momoent
15:38.37[TK]D-Fenderageis: Wheres the sip debug for it?
15:38.50ageis[TK]D-Fender: ill return when I have it :)
15:39.15[TK]D-Fenderageis: Yeah "I didn't reeally actually look at the call" bit doesn't help much :)
15:39.23ageisit is hard to replicate
15:39.30ageisseems to be working fine right now
15:39.42[TK]D-FenderIt's a miracle!
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15:42.34Manu18[TK]D-Fender:  tu as regardé mon sip.conf?
15:42.56ageis[TK]D-Fender: [2014-04-14 15:06:49] VERBOSE[3799] chan_sip.c:     -- Got SIP response 486 "Busy Here" back from <local network ip>
15:43.23navaismoyour phone return that
15:44.46ageisI wonder if it's just a connectivity problem between the SIP provider and PBX
15:44.52ageiscause this msg then goes to voicemail as it should
15:45.00*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (~darkdrgn2@
15:45.01ageisbut they are reporting busy signals sometimes when calling in
15:45.12darkdrgn2kwhat field in an invite is used to provide the OUTBOUND call disply on an outgoing call?
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15:47.05[TK]D-Fenderageis: What you showed is a SIP client SAYING that it is busy.  What device... you haven't told us
15:47.54[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: Depends.  "from:", "Remote Party ID", "p-asserted identity", etc
15:48.01ageis[TK]D-Fender: I realize that, and I am saying this log message is unrelated to the separate report of busy signals
15:48.20ageis[TK]D-Fender: it's probably a network issue between the phone server and SIP provider
15:48.24[TK]D-FenderManu18: cPis la reste?
15:48.47ageis[TK]D-Fender: because all of these extens are programmed to go to voicemail when they are busy
15:49.07[TK]D-Fenderageis: The "probably" game is my favourite.  You can volley it back an forth for hours!
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15:49.54ageis[TK]D-Fender: I say that cause there is nothing in the full verbose logs. so it likely means Voips cannot contact the PBX.
15:51.11[TK]D-FenderCould be a SIP issue... could be networking, could be a lot of things.  A better guess is still a guess, but hey... we work with what we've got...
15:51.42[TK]D-Fendercould be a "max channels allowed reached, call = busy"
15:52.33Manu18pour l'enregistrement des telephonne, il ne faut pas que ca ?
15:53.25ageis[TK]D-Fender: how would I know if we reached max channels?
15:54.19ageis[TK]D-Fender: welp. I just pulled the CDR and there are no calls of disposition 'BUSY' or failed. all either ANSWER or NO ANSWER.
15:55.02Manu18[TK]D-Fender:  pour l'enregistrement des telephonne, il ne faut pas que ca ?
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15:56.02[TK]D-Fender[11:52]Manu18pour l'enregistrement des telephonne, il ne faut pas que ca ? <- montre pas just un photo de votre auto quand il etait neuf et nous demande pourquoi que t'as eu un accident avec.
15:56.27Manu18une photo de quoi  je n'ai pas compris desolé
15:56.52Manu18ok j'ai compris
15:57.22Manu18dans asterisk il ne me dit rien du tout pas de messages d'erreur ou autre [TK]D-Fender
15:58.38*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
16:05.23[TK]D-FenderManu18: Tu nous donne AUCUN description de la reseautage de votre serveur NI votre telephone.  Aucun confirmation que vous etes au CLI ave "sip set debug" en attente d'arrive des donnes, etc...
16:05.48Manu18j'ai un telephone thomson st2030
16:05.53Manu18et je lance un debug
16:08.19Manu18voila [TK]D-Fender
16:11.28[TK]D-Fender[12:05][TK]D-FenderManu18: Tu nous donne AUCUN description de la reseautage de votre serveur NI votre telephone. <--------------------------
16:11.33[TK]D-FenderDescription NUL
16:11.57Manu18Que veux tu savoir exactement ? je suis sur un dedié dedibox
16:12.05Manu18ou est hebergé asterisk
16:12.10[TK]D-FenderJe voit aucun communicate d'origine de votre telehpne dans le debug, aucun essaye d'appel, etc
16:12.17Manu18je suis de mon magasin derriere une livebox pro
16:12.34[TK]D-FenderCes noms de marque me dit riens
16:12.35Manu18[TK]D-Fender: le telephonne ne s'enregistre pas....
16:12.53*** join/#asterisk zamba (
16:12.59[TK]D-Fenderaucun traffique = problem de reseau
16:13.13[TK]D-FenderLes paquets arrive meme-pas
16:13.27Manu18La est le sousic
16:13.34[TK]D-FenderOu un telephone mal-configure
16:13.44Manu18de chez moi ca fonctionne parfaitement
16:13.59[TK]D-FenderCa nous dit rien
16:14.39Manu18soucis de routeur alors?
16:15.08[TK]D-FenderOn sait pas.
16:15.16[TK]D-FenderY-a DEUX cotes
16:15.27[TK]D-Fenderpis plusiers pieces entre-eux
16:16.55Manu18de mon mobile ca fonctionne en creant un compte peer
16:19.13[TK]D-FenderAlors ce soit la configuration du telephone, our le reseau entre la telephone & votre serveur
16:19.23*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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16:37.33anonymouz666someone sets [TK]D-Fender channel to language=FR
16:37.39*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose@nat/digium/x-dwlfmcgcporhksax)
16:39.13[TK]D-FenderWhen my french is is suitably better than their english.... I switch :)
16:39.34[TK]D-Fendergit 'er done!
16:41.29*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
16:46.17mjordanI've just been impressed over the past few days that you know french.
16:46.52[TK]D-FenderI'd be more impressive if it wasn't the norm here....
16:47.20*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
16:47.29mjordanI'm rather mono-linguistic unfortunately. Always impressed by people who are fluent (or conversational) in more than one.
16:50.07anonymouz666I am trying to improve my english to join the next astricon
16:50.12ageis[TK]D-Fender: what can be done to stop random IPs from sending SIP invites and stuff to my server?
16:50.31[TK]D-Fenderageis: Obviously... FIREWALLS <-
16:50.42ageisah yes
16:50.56anonymouz666and share some experience about what we do with asterisk here in brazil
16:52.10*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101| (
16:52.12[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Your english is already pretty good....
17:18.19*** join/#asterisk Joel (~Joel@unaffiliated/joel)
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17:28.11fileipengineer, my train of thought came back re: dialog-info+xml
17:29.28fileipengineer, has some documentation about core pubsub support, and is an implementation for extension state
17:30.20fileipengineer, those are what needs to be changed some to make it so a body generator (what produces the payload) has a way to store information persistently about the subscription
17:30.59fileipengineer, if you have a developer who can look those over and get an idea and is willing to go down that road that would be awesome and we could discuss on the -dev list to hash out the details and make sure everyone is on an agreed upon right approach
17:32.45ipengineerfile OK I will sit down with them and see if they can make some sense out of whats going on and let you know what I find out.
17:33.59fileipengineer, the general premise is: res_pjsip_pubsub takes care of the generic pubsub stuff, res_pjsip_exten_state interfaces with the Asterisk core to receive extension state information, it then uses body generators which produce the body (dialog-info+xml) that is sent to devices
17:34.32fileipengineer, every other body doesn't require state so that functionality does not exist ... but dialog-info+xml does need to store state
17:34.57fileand that's where we are.
17:37.25ipengineerfile: Ok.. For reference, because I have your previous implementation for 12.0.0 what changed? The move over to res_pjsip_pubsub?
17:37.48fileipengineer, stuff was pretty much rewritten and body generators were added
17:38.49filepreviously the modules which produced the body were more tightly coupled with the extension state module, allowing the needed access to store state information
17:40.13*** join/#asterisk jansiva (~janaki@
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17:41.01ipengineerfile: Ok Ill engage them this afternoon and touch base with you on twitter or here if that works for you
17:41.26fileIRC, asterisk-dev mailing list, hallucinations, all good
17:57.51*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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18:20.06*** join/#asterisk ryan_turner|MTW (Ryan@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe69:f4ab)
18:21.29ryan_turner|MTWI have two asterisk servers, with sip friends able to connect to either one. Is there a way I can setup some sort of dynamic routing to make it such that the extensions route properly, either internally or through the other sip server?
18:22.17ryan_turner|MTWSo, both asterisk servers are connected, but they're able to determine if they should route the call to the other server or keep it internal?
18:23.37*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
18:25.56WIMPyWhat is dynamic about your setup?
18:27.36ryan_turner|MTWwhich asterisk server the clients are connecting to
18:28.23ryan_turner|MTWThe more I think about this, the less value there is in it...
18:28.47WIMPySo you have the same announts on both and do some DNS rr or something?
18:29.01WIMPySorry, but my magic sphere sems to be broken again.
18:29.30WIMPyYou can use DUNDi for that.
18:30.16ryan_turner|MTWWIMPy, thanks much!
18:30.25WIMPyTogether with regcontext.
18:31.25WIMPyOr just try yourself and fail over to the other server.
18:31.40ryan_turner|MTWYeah, fantastic
18:32.15ryan_turner|MTWI wonder if many ip phones support certificate authentication
18:32.25WIMPyBut if you have more than 2 servers in total, the first option would make sense.
18:33.08ryan_turner|MTWYeah, idea here is to get a "mesh" going
18:33.40WIMPyThen DUNDi is your friend.
18:34.17ryan_turner|MTWHow does DUNDi handle authentication?
18:34.50WIMPyDifferent levels. See the sample config.
18:35.02ryan_turner|MTWI guess what I mean is, do I need to handle syncing sip.conf on each server, or does DUNDi have some built in method
18:35.10ryan_turner|MTWAlrighty, will do.
18:35.35WIMPyNo. They are completely different things.
18:35.57WIMPyBut you could take an additional look at dynamic realtime.
18:37.02*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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20:28.37*** join/#asterisk Katty (
20:29.09Kattyhello, cupcakes!
20:29.30Kattyi've come to be sarcastic! and annoying!
20:29.48[TK]D-FenderNobody here but us muffins...
20:30.20[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
20:30.25Kattybye fender.
21:02.07*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
21:05.33dc3been at this problem for a few days, dropped a testing PBX with a TDM800P 4 FXO next to the desk and ran my existing FXS DID PSTN line to FXO_1 and experiencing incredible echo
21:05.59Kattyyou shouldn't drop pbxes.
21:06.01Kattythat's not very nice.
21:06.15dc3echo training and tuning with conventional software means unsuccessful, OSLEC manages it but it sounds overall bad, and random clicks and pops.
21:06.51dc3I am wondering about impedance mismatch but beyond building a balan myself to impedance match or xformer couple this, I am at a loss I could be experiencing such bad echo
21:07.08Kattyi'm wondering if i should make broccoli or carrots to go with dinner.
21:07.24Kattybut my brain is fried at this point of the day.
21:07.28WIMPyAnalog is evil!
21:07.34Kattyhello, WIMPy!
21:07.50WIMPyBrain with broccoli?
21:07.53dc3I have read as many tutorials or posts as I can but starting to think I am dealing with something more sinister like the PBX FXS I am tied to is fighting me with its own echo cancellation, etc. I am only 50 feet from the PBX
21:08.12KattyWIMPy: know what else is evil?
21:08.16KattyNugget: telnet
21:08.22dc3are these battling bots?
21:08.26KattyNugget: aww :<
21:08.33WIMPyKatty: SIP
21:08.37KattyYES! SIP is also evil.
21:09.09Kattyinfobot: WIMPy
21:09.20Kattyinfobot: how do you not have an entry for WIMPy!?
21:09.55Nuggethuggles Katty anyway
21:10.00Kattyinfobot: WIMPy is <WIMPy> Analog is evil!
21:10.00infobotKatty: okay
21:10.06Kattyinfobot: WIMPy
21:10.07infobotfrom memory, wimpy is <WIMPy> Analog is evil!
21:10.18Kattyhugskwishes on Nugget
21:10.50KattyNugget: how're you dear? did you survive biking eleventybillions miles?
21:11.10Nuggetcrashed two miles from the end, but still managed to finish
21:11.15Nuggetbike's sort of banged up though
21:11.25Kattydid you break anything?
21:11.55Nuggetjust some bruises and a little blood, nothing serious
21:12.07Kattywell i'm glad you didn't get hurt too bad.
21:12.14Kattydo you feel accomplished?
21:22.49*** join/#asterisk serkanTan (d983cebb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:23.56serkanTanhi, i need a consultant to help me with price. I have a problem about asterisk configuration
21:25.25serkanTanAre there anyone to help me :(
21:25.49infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:27.30serkanTanwhen i create a call file for example to call an extension for example extension 100 its working good
21:28.02serkanTanbut when i want to call not local number for example my mobile phone
21:28.31serkanTanthere is an error : chan_sip.c:23031 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"Unknown" <sip:Unknown@>;tag=as50de4d1c'
21:29.15WIMPyWell, "Forbidden" seems like a good indication to me.
21:29.36serkanTanChannel: SIP/101 Application: Playback Data: hello-world
21:29.46serkanTanthis is my call file for local extensions
21:29.54WIMPyCheck that peers configuration.
21:31.14serkanTani notice that my peer which use for outgoing calls is rejecting my connection
21:31.21serkanTanive tried everything
21:31.39WIMPyDo you use it at all?
21:32.34serkanTanive only one outgoing trunk
21:32.39serkanTannamed Fernus
21:33.00serkanTanChannel: SIP/Fernus/0532xxxxxxx
21:33.07serkanTanApplication: Playback
21:33.13serkanTanData: hello-world
21:33.21serkanTanFernus is my outgoing trunk
21:33.40serkanTani think there is a something wrong my peer settings
21:34.24serkanTani can paste my settings if im not disturbing
21:34.31serkanTanreally im very bored
21:35.24serkanTaninsecure=very dtmfmode=info&rfc2833 allow=ulaw&alaw disallow=all username=90312xxxxxxx secret=xxxxxxxxxx sendrpid=yes trustrpid=no context=from-trunk canreinvite=yes
21:36.00serkanTanthis is my peer details content
21:36.58WIMPyHmm. isn't 'username' incomming only?
21:37.25WIMPyI think that might have to be 'fromuser' instead.
21:37.48serkanTanmy USER Details and user  context fields are empty
21:38.07serkanTanin peer configuration
21:38.13WIMPyWhat user details?
21:38.25WIMPyAnd context if for calls TO Asterisk.
21:38.27serkanTanin freepbx
21:38.37serkanTanwhen i configure a peer
21:39.06serkanTanthere is a user details field empty
21:39.15WIMPyUh. You should ask there, then.
21:39.20infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:39.49serkanTanthank you
21:39.51WIMPyIt won;t like it if you change it's config files.
21:40.00serkanTanbut freepbx users ca not understand call files
21:40.08WIMPyOr it will just overwrite them on the next opportunity.
21:40.14serkanTanthey are only interface users
21:41.37serkanTanthank you
21:41.43jameswfwriting a whole interface around Asterisk including complex dialplans and scripts while having 0 knowledge of Asterisk
21:44.05serkanTani think so. Asterisk fans dont li FreePBX, m i right?
21:46.58infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
21:47.12anonymouz666still valid statement?
21:50.21jameswfserkanTan: You are misinformed.  Not supporting it because it is a "specialty thing" is not the same as not liking it. You will find many folks both here and in #FreePBX but you are directed there because it is off topic here.
21:51.10jameswfanonymouz666: I think you will either love or hate grandstream it is a personal preference thing.
21:52.08*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
21:52.19Mhaddogevening all
21:53.47newtonrserkanTan, FreePBX is a GUI for configuring Asterisk.  If you are a fan of FreePBX, then you are an Asterisk fan. :)
21:54.01*** part/#asterisk Mhaddog (
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21:57.12lanningHi.  Does anyone know if there is some trick to get the Polycom SoundPoint IP 335 (sip.ld v3.3.3) to register correctly?
21:57.22lanningI keep getting "wrong password"
21:57.40jameswflanning: enter the correct password :)
21:58.13newtonrjameswf, double check your user name, probably trying to auth against the wrong peer/endpoint
21:58.19lanningI stripped the password down to just "hello"
21:58.20newtonrlanning, ^
21:59.00lanningnope, sip debug shows the correct sip user
21:59.24lanninghold on, let me put together a posting
22:01.39newtonrlanning, be sure you have verbose and debug messages going to console and both turned up to 5 in addition to the SIP trace so we can see everything
22:04.31*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
22:06.06lanningthat has everything except for the verbose.
22:08.05lanningactually with verbose set to 5, I don't see anything different from what I posted.
22:09.25newtonrlanning, try changing the type to friend instead of peer
22:10.50newtonrlanning, you can run "logger show channels" to see what debug channels you have going to the console.
22:11.13lanningstill get "wrong password"
22:11.35*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
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22:12.48sethhurstThe asterisk interface is not accessable on the windows vertion is there a way I can use a alternative interface for the windows version?
22:17.41newtonrlanning, grab another output, verify verbose and debug log channels are showing, "logger show channels" to verify that, and "core show settings" to verify your verbosity levels for both verbose and debug log channels
22:19.42lanningok, hold on
22:20.40*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
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22:28.18newtonrlanning, also, show the output of "sip show peers" and "sip show users"
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22:32.28newtonrsethhurst, what "windows version" are you talking about?
22:41.21sethhurstThe windows 32 version of asterisk
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22:42.39lanningSorry, got called off to support someone... :)  here is the new snapshot:
22:43.59newtonrsethhurst, No one maintains the windows port since many years ago. You are only going to find problems trying to use that.
22:44.10moikmellah_Anyone know if there's still a spot I can find a comprehensive Changelog for dahdi-linux?
22:44.38moikmellah_Seems it's no longer included in the .tgz downloads, since around v2.6.2.
22:44.56sethhurstI did use it on a virtual server it worked because I was using piaf green.
22:45.23newtonrlanning, your 'logger show channels' output shows you don't have the 'verbose' or 'debug' log channels going to the console...
22:46.21sethhurstI'm trying to setup a chat line system is there a way I can have people press 0 and have them sent back to the last menu such as the rooms menu. Then if they want to go back to the main IVR they can press 0 again?
22:48.00[TK]D-Fendersethhurst: Yes, you can do something like that with *
22:48.17sethhurstI can't seam to find a good thing to run the rooms.
22:49.13sethhurstI want it to anounce how many callers are in the room and have star codes for navagating.
22:49.35sethhurstI can give you a number to a line that uses this system.
22:49.45sethhurstThat is what I'm looking for.
22:49.47[TK]D-FenderFirst go learn how *'s 2 conferencing apps work before getting too picky
22:50.03[TK]D-Fender"MeetMe" and "ConfBridge"
22:50.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:50.26sethhurstHow do you setup conf bridge?
22:50.57sethhurstI am using a virtual server for a small volume of calls and am running under SSH connection.
22:51.13[TK]D-FenderGo read the book, the sample configs, and try it out
22:51.42sethhurstWare can I find this?
22:52.14[TK]D-Fenderread the link above
22:52.30[TK]D-Fenderand go install Asterisk.  It comes with sample configs that ARE documentation
22:53.18sethhurstI am having 10 rooms five are live rooms ware the other five are up to two people.
22:54.55[TK]D-Fender"up to 2 people"?
22:55.23[TK]D-Fenderthat's a regular "phone call".... not really a "conference"
22:55.25sethhurstIs it possable to have star codes for each of the rooms?
22:55.42*** join/#asterisk KOPRajs (c3272c1a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:55.47sethhurstWell this is how the system is setup.
22:55.57sethhurstCaller calls in main greating
22:56.06sethhurstgos to main IVR
22:56.19sethhurstoption 1 goes to live rooms.
22:56.37sethhurstoption 2 goes to private rooms.
22:57.09lanninganonymous 1on1 chat
22:57.29sethhurstWhen caller presses 1 it takes him to live rooms then when caller presses the room number and * they will be put in to the room with the other callers.
22:57.39[TK]D-FenderLike Chatroulette..... without the random dongs ;p
22:57.53sethhurstSo when a caller wants to leave they will press *0 to go back.
22:57.56[TK]D-Fendersethhurst: Sure.  Go do it
22:58.10[TK]D-Fendersethhurst: Just don't get to picky on the EXIT KEYS necessarily
22:58.34*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
22:58.39jameswfthose ae the keys that have already been recorded in a sexy voice...
22:58.41sethhurstSort of like the late night chat line and the 712 432 numbers.
22:59.06KOPRajshi, I'm running Asterisk 1.8 od Debian behind NAT... my incoming calls are dropped after about 3 minutes with these messages in CLI:
22:59.20KOPRajs[Apr 17 00:48:15] WARNING[38815]: chan_sip.c:20457 handle_response_invite: just did sched_add waitid(2260028) for sip_reinvite_retry for dialog 1c62bba55b870ec97373f3900be9c7b4@ in handle_response_invite [Apr 17 00:48:22] WARNING[38815]: chan_sip.c:3656 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 1c62bba55b870ec97373f3900be9c7b4@ for seqno 105 (Critical Request) -- See https://wi
22:59.31infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:59.42*** part/#asterisk Joel (~Joel@unaffiliated/joel)
23:01.25sethhurstis it possable to setup conf bridge using a web interface like freepbx?
23:01.51sethhurstI only see a modual for meetme and not conf bridge.
23:01.55KOPRajsany ideas on what am I doing wrong?
23:02.06[TK]D-Fendersethhurst: You want a custom menu setup... this is not what FreePBX is for
23:03.48KOPRajsis this problem with the NAT or is the service provider not handling some re-invites correctly?
23:04.49moikmellah_KOPRajs: Likely a NAT issue.  Try playing with timeout/expiry values in sip.conf.
23:06.16*** part/#asterisk moikmellah_ (
23:09.18sethhurstFreepbx is the web interface witch I can use to run the system like setuping up ivr's and roots.
23:09.25KOPRajsto connect the asterisk to the service provider should I set type peer or friend?
23:09.31sethhurstsetting up
23:13.12lanningsethhurst: using a GUI (like FreePBX) will massively limit what you can do.  The custom menus and conferences are not supported via a GUI.  They need to be hand coded in the configs.  Learn extensions.conf
23:14.55jameswf~book @ sethhurst
23:14.55infobotACTION smacks @ sethhurst upside the head with a book
23:15.04jameswfthat didn't work
23:15.07jameswfor did it
23:15.13infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
23:18.03*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
23:18.56*** part/#asterisk sethhurst (
23:39.04lanningok, here it is with the debug channel et al.

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