IRC log for #asterisk on 20140414

00:28.48*** join/#asterisk binary110 (50002375@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:29.42binary110hey guys hoping someone could help me help myself.. i have a simple Linksys SPA921 phone behind a NAT (no port forwarding or dmz) and today it said "Calls forwarded".. i checked the phone's web-admin and it's forwarding my calls to an Israli mobile number (what!!!)
00:37.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
00:47.25binary110i think it's related to me configuring a STUN server on my phone
00:47.32binary110certainly since then
01:08.06*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
01:10.44Juggiesounds hacked
01:11.46binary110yeah for sure.. my port 80 on public ip loaded my phone's web-admin without any password
01:12.02binary110the only thing i've changed lately was add a STUN server to the phone settings
01:12.19Juggieid reset it to defaults, flash a good firmware
01:12.29Juggieand start over with the phone firewalled
01:12.34Juggienot on a public ip
01:12.47binary110i will do, thanks
01:13.01binary110but what confuses me.. is phone is behind NAT.. no DMZ.. no port forwarding
01:13.32binary110i've unplugged my phone now but port 80 loaded the phone's webadmin from the internet side
01:13.32Juggiethen it makes no sense why port 80 on your public ip would load your phone admin interface
01:13.44binary110i'm so stumped
01:13.59binary110my only suspicion in STUN
01:14.14binary110STUN is new to me but i didnt think it does it would do that
01:14.30binary110or would*
01:14.36Juggieim not famaliar with stun really but that would be a suprise
01:15.27binary110i know upnp can open ports..but not stun
01:16.37Juggiewell not sure if this is an accident on your part (or not)
01:16.47Juggiebut i would investigate the router as well
01:18.01binary110will do, thanks
01:18.06binary110it's an ISP-supplied one
01:18.15binary110but i have to use it, annoyingly, as it's a cable router
01:19.40Juggiemost isp supplied stuff support bridge mode
01:19.45Juggieand then you can use your own
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02:06.37michoelcbinary110: I would check that your router is not vulnerable to the rom-0 attach -
02:07.46michoelcbinary110: if so someone could easily get your password and set up port forwarding
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04:31.05*** join/#asterisk Omnipotent (~Josh@unaffiliated/the-intel/x-1526920)
04:31.26OmnipotentIs there anyway to configure asterisk for SIP client to client calls
04:31.53ChannelZAsterisk isn't a proxy
04:32.06OmnipotentI am not going to register VOIP i.e. I am not going to call physical phones
04:32.20OmnipotentThe way I am achieving client to client skype like calls is, giving extentions to each number
04:32.24OmnipotentChannelZ, proxy?
04:32.38OmnipotentI have no idea, where you got that idea.
04:32.48ChannelZwell using Asterisk isn't predicated on having an ITSP
04:33.09ChannelZIt's also PBX. The P being Private
04:33.53OmnipotentWhat I am trying to ask is, Currently, I gave my friend an extention and me one, so we have to remember those extensions to call each other (or have to add in client as contact of course)
04:34.01Omnipotentbut, what I wanted is, "account" to account calls.
04:34.04ChannelZas opposed to what
04:34.22ChannelZAn extension doesn't have to be numbers.
04:34.36OmnipotentYou register accounts in SIP.conf so you should be able to say, Call ChannelZ
04:34.44Omnipotentsimilar to what skypename is
04:34.57ChannelZFirst, separate SIP peer names from extensions, they are unrelated
04:35.26OmnipotentYes? They go in SIP.conf and the latter in extensions.conf
04:35.33ChannelZIf you are using SIP softphones, you can use "barf" as an extension to dial if you want.
04:38.14ChannelZI'm not really sure how you want it to work differently if you don't want to dial numbers or add a contact in your phone that dials something.
04:38.34ChannelZ(Is it supposed to read minds?)
04:39.03OmnipotentIt is supposed to know Account names.
04:39.10OmnipotentThat is what I mean.
04:39.35ChannelZexten => joe,1,Dial(SIP/JoesDevice)
04:39.36OmnipotentReading mind could be a possibility, sure, why not...
04:39.56OmnipotentChannelZ, I gotcha, when you said "<ChannelZ> An extension doesn't have to be numbers."
04:40.01ChannelZHey everone, call me at
04:40.01OmnipotentThanks a lot :)
04:40.41OmnipotentChannelZ, except there is a small problem in there, in most of softphone client softwares (esp. made for smart phones) there are only dial pads
04:40.49OmnipotentNo characters :P
04:40.51ChannelZYes, I can't help that
04:41.00OmnipotentJust saying
04:41.11Omnipotentbut  thanks a lot :)
04:42.18ChannelZCSipSimple for Android will let you dial by text
04:43.46Omnipotentaye, even Zoiper does it seems, except that you have to CLICK where it shows you the dialed numbers
04:44.11OmnipotentI tried using Ekiga for my desktop, it seems to have that "registering" timeout very short
04:44.23OmnipotentIt registers, unregisters, registers, unregisters and then shows unregistered
04:44.43OmnipotentIf I increase that time out, the cycle repeats and if it gets on registered before the timeout, then yay
04:45.22OmnipotentI chose Zoiper instead for the desktop as well, but it seems to be that, I can talk from my phone zoiper to a friend, but can't from desktop zoiper
04:46.15ChannelZthat's some other problem
04:48.24*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
04:49.09Omnipotentmm yeah
04:49.13OmnipotentLinphone looks promising.
04:49.25OmnipotentIt works in current configurations at least
05:17.50*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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07:31.41ChannelZYou seem to be having trouble operating your telephone machine.
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08:07.32robscowI think someone replied but  I didn't have enough scrollback :( so here goes again... I'm trying to play a wav file while waiting between 100 Trying, and 180 Ringing.  I can do this with Playtones, but not with Playback or Background.  is this possible?  I can play the sound file, but it waits until it's finished playing before trying the call (even with Background), I'm trying to fill the 2 second delay when calling out,
08:18.06*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
08:21.38ChannelZI think the closest you can come without rigging up something completely custom is to use the MOH argument of Dial
08:21.57ChannelZbut that plays through until the channel is answered
08:26.29robscowChannelZ, thanks, i'll try that one too just to see it in action
08:26.34kaldemaror r, but that screws up real progress.
08:28.09robscowkaldemar, yeah, was using r originally but my new provider doesn't like it anyway
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09:37.31*** join/#asterisk Manu18 (56ddeaa8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:37.49Manu18je viens d'installer asterisk
09:37.58Manu18Mon telephonneest bien enregistré
09:38.13Manu18par contre j'ai un message d'erreur quand je lance un appel exterieur
09:38.47Manu18chan_sip.c:20366 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"09538902xx " <sip:0953890201@mon ip>;tag=as554587eb'
09:39.08Manu18Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider?
09:47.59*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
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10:38.14*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
10:38.17MilosHow am I still getting these?
10:38.30Milos[Apr 14 22:34:37] NOTICE[484] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"14034" <sip:14034@IP:5060>' failed for '' - Wrong password
10:38.38MilosI don't have inbound 5060 open...
10:42.00davlefouhi, i have seen serveral syntaxe for realtime extension, like that switch => Realtime/@ or switch => Realtime/@extensions, what is the good?
10:42.53davlefouand that : switch => Realtime/mycontext@realtime_ext
10:49.31*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
10:55.59kaldemardavlefou: switch => Realtime/[context]@[family][/options] <-- if context is not given, the current context is used. if family is not given, "extensions" is used.
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11:01.23davlefouand family, what is it?
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11:31.49*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
11:33.59qakhanwhen i try to make outbound call through SIP trunk i hear music and when callee accept the call we both cannot hear each other.
11:34.06qakhanhere is my sip debug
11:42.11kaldemarqakhan: what did your service provider have to say about the contact data header in SDP?
11:46.44qakhankaldemar plz paste that line here i could not find it
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12:02.14kaldemarqakhan: the same o= line i told you to ask about 4 days ago.
12:02.15davlefoukaldemar, is it better to user serveral switch or include?
12:02.52kaldemardavlefou: you be the judge. i don't use realtime extensions at all.
12:03.37davlefouthis sort of information seems secret on internet
12:05.21qakhankaldemar here is the problem. if i use same sip trunk on ther elastix it works fine with same config
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12:06.04kaldemarqakhan: show proof of that.
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12:10.42davlefouqakhan, you use alaw/ulaw codec, is your internet accés good?
12:11.57davlefouyou asterisk was local?
12:12.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:12.27kaldemarqakhan: in that laste pastebin which you said is a working example, your service provider answers with c=IN IP4
12:12.43kaldemarqakhan: in the one that does not work, they have
12:13.18kaldemarowners (o=) do not match either.
12:14.20kaldemarand the port in the m header is 0 also.
12:14.33kaldemargo blame them and their HuaweiSoftX3000.
12:18.21*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
12:18.37qakhankaldemar i know that and i am worried out it why it is happening with same config
12:20.23*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:20.25[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: Could you relink those 2 PB's?
12:23.27kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: sure,
12:24.06kaldemarqakhan: don't be so sure there is something wrong with your configs.
12:26.00[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: Well it's not the same peer being used for one...
12:26.26[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: So 2 peers to the same device
12:26.42kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: not even the same box.
12:27.04[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: ?
12:27.14[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: Different server's too?
12:27.15kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: the latter is an elastix provided by "them", the first that does not work is an asterisk box configured by "him".
12:27.25kaldemarthat's how i understood it.
12:27.47[TK]D-FenderFrom: "device" <sip:2847801@>;tag=as0865f8e1
12:27.49[TK]D-FenderFrom: "MMA" <sip:2847801@>;tag=as233f5b17
12:27.56[TK]D-Fenderrthen why do they have the same IP ADDRESS?
12:29.21kaldemarredundant boxes, i guess.
12:29.26qakhan[TK]D-Fender i use same sip trunk at a time in both boxes
12:29.56kaldemarand both boxes are using the same ip address? really?
12:30.09qakhanfirst i tried in elastix it worked then unplugged cable and plugged in asterisk
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12:30.18[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: no, your SERVER IP is the same on both
12:30.39qakhanyes i use at a time
12:32.59qakhandid you guys noticed this line o=HuaweiSoftX3000 12608159 12608159 IN IP4
12:33.00kaldemarone at a time, that should be.
12:33.02[TK]D-FenderYeah, that "owner" deal looks off
12:33.09[TK]D-Fenderlike one is a prxy'd call targeting it
12:33.40[TK]D-Fendero=HuaweiSoftX3000 25703702 25703703 IN IP4
12:33.46kaldemarc header has & m header has 0 as port => "Peer doesn't provide audio"
12:33.52[TK]D-Fendero=- 14922548 14922549 IN IP4      s=SBC call
12:34.35qakhansip trunk ip is but why it is going to
12:35.13[TK]D-FenderCodecs being offered is not the same, etc
12:35.43[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: Was this a "no-audio" issue?
12:35.55kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: yes.
12:36.38qakhan[TK]D-Fender so it is codec issue?
12:37.05[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (NAT) to  INVITE sip:0537707501@ SIP/2.0 <--- THEY ARE NOT BEHIND NAT.
12:37.42[TK]D-FendergUESS WHAT... THEY ip IT TELLS YOU TO USE IS not THE ONE YOU DIALED.  aND YOU ARE overriding it.
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12:44.56qakhanwhat its mean
12:46.09[TK]D-FenderWhat part is unclear?
12:46.33[TK]D-FenderOne of your servers is treating that device as though it were behind NAT.  It. Is. NOT.
12:47.11[TK]D-FenderYou set your peer to believe that it isn NAT'd.  So when they send a DIFFERNT IP for audio, asterisk IGNORES IT
12:48.18dwellqakhan: asterisk -rx 'sip show settings' | grep Externaddr
12:49.39[TK]D-Fenderdwell: No...
12:50.01[TK]D-Fenderdwell: this isn't an ASTERISK IP issue, it's a PEER IP issue
12:50.16dwellwhy not?) he will see the difference between natted and lan adddr
12:50.54[TK]D-Fenderdwell: You didn't read the debug.  And the IP the PEER is reporting back is not the same.
12:51.01dwellplus - yep - peer option
12:51.03[TK]D-Fenderit's the REMOTE AUDIO that * is ignoring.
12:51.22[TK]D-Fenderdwell: externaddr is for ASTERISK's IP which is not the problem.
12:51.34[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: FIX YOUR PEER
12:53.36*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
12:53.42qakhan[TK]D-Fender but in sip.conf i did nat = no
12:53.58[TK]D-Fender[08:46]qakhanReliably Transmitting (NAT) to INVITE sip:0537707501@ SIP/2.0 <--- THEY ARE NOT BEHIND NAT.
12:54.01[TK]D-Fender^^ See this?
12:54.10[TK]D-Fenderit says NAT.  Fix your peer
12:54.57kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: it is the (NAT) paste that works.
12:54.59[TK]D-Fenderyour peers are different
12:55.08[TK]D-FenderSo make them match
12:55.28kaldemarthat does not affect what the service provider sends in SDP.
12:55.48[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: It affects if * cares about the IP in SDP or not...
13:00.19qakhani made nat=yes in my ext but i am still get Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to on asterisk box
13:00.36[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Make your peers match.
13:00.52[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: kaldemar says it's the other box that works, so make it match
13:01.28[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Which is to say that by that thought you CAN'T trust what it is telling you to use.
13:01.37[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: So set it to "yes"
13:01.41[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: And test
13:02.36qakhan[TK]D-Fender i copied 1 ext config from elastix and pasted in asterisk but it didnt work
13:02.48[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: One says NAT, the other doesn.t
13:02.59[TK]D-Fenderif the peers are the same then a GLOBAL setting is not.
13:03.13[TK]D-FenderSa make the end result match
13:05.31qakhanis there any setting in sip.conf related to nat?
13:07.17[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Apparently your WORKING one is saying "nat=yes".  Make your NON-WORKING PEER say it as well.
13:07.50dwellqakhan: yes externip and localnet
13:11.41*** join/#asterisk Manu18 (56ddeaa8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:11.46Manu18Re bonjour
13:11.51[TK]D-Fenderdwell: You have not been reading.  This is all on a local LAN with local subnets, not with a server with a public IP.
13:12.01Manu18J'aurais besoin d'aide svp pour un soucis sur Asterisk
13:12.09[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: "nat=yes" <- put it in your non-working peer and test.
13:12.20Manu18French ?
13:12.30MilosI have a queue configured for Asterisk. If the caller calls up and then hangs up while waiting in the queue, CDR logs this as "BUSY" instead of "NO ANSWER". The queue_log does have ABANDON, so why is the CDR showing BUSY?
13:12.38[TK]D-FenderManu18: vas-y
13:12.46qakhan[TK]D-Fender i already tested that nat=yes
13:12.59[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Show us the new peer and the new call
13:13.34[TK]D-FenderMilos: You'd have to look at the full call-flow of the dialplan.
13:14.00Milos[TK]D-Fender, as in, -vvv etc?
13:14.24Manu18chan_sip.c:20366 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from
13:14.32Manu18Cela a chaque fois que je fais un appel externe
13:15.19[TK]D-FenderMilos: yes
13:15.30Milos[TK]D-Fender, I've got it here. Doesn't show anything relating to busy.
13:15.36Milos[TK]D-Fender, would you be able to take a look?
13:15.48Manu18[TK]D-Fender:  veux tu que je paste mon sip.conf
13:15.53KattyYOU ARE IN TROUBLE.
13:15.54Manu18et extension.conf
13:15.58[TK]D-FenderManu18: votre peer n'est pas bien configurer et l'authorisation inclus est refuse
13:16.28Manu18je paste mon peer alors
13:16.31Miloson parle francais? lol
13:16.33Manu18car je ne comprends rien
13:16.37[TK]D-FenderMilos: PASTEBIN is your friend.  make a complete call in to test, show the call and the queue log & CDR
13:16.41davlefou[TK]D-Fender, vous parlez français?
13:17.00Milostoute le monde parle francais
13:17.00[TK]D-FenderManu18: demontre tout sauf masquer le secret.
13:17.04infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:17.45davlefouC'est plus facile!
13:17.48[TK]D-Fenderdavlefou:  Pas de tout...
13:18.12Milos[TK]D-Fender, ca suffit?
13:19.16Milos[TK]D-Fender, in that scenario I hung the call up prematurely before anyone on the other end answered. So that should mean 'NO ANSWER' but the CDR shows 'BUSY'.
13:19.21[TK]D-FenderManu18: j'ai dit de tout montrer sauf le secret.  Veuiller le refaire et inclure le debug du CLI ave "sip set debug on".
13:19.53[TK]D-FenderMilos: Again with the log bits I asked for....
13:20.03Milos[TK]D-Fender, sorry I missed that part.
13:21.54Milos[TK]D-Fender, voila
13:22.02Milosmerde I left the number in the second paste
13:22.04Milosoh well ;p
13:22.43*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:23.21[TK]D-FenderMilos:  -- Executing [numero@incoming:4] Queue("SIP/vibe-0000003c", "default,TtKk") in new stack
13:23.29qakhan[TK]D-Fender here is
13:23.34[TK]D-FenderMilos: "SIP/vibe-00000034","","Queue","default,TtKk",
13:23.43[TK]D-FenderMilos: Clearly not the same channel number
13:24.06[TK]D-Fenderqakhan:     -- Executing [0537707501@internal:2] Dial("SIP/801-00000016", "SIP/STC-Outbound/0537707501") in new stack
13:24.14[TK]D-FenderqalDoes that say [801] to you?
13:24.21[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Does that say [801] to you?
13:24.36[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Why are you showing me [801]?  I told you to fix the peerk your are dialing from
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13:26.58Manu18voila =====>
13:27.56[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 403 Wrong login or password
13:28.06qakhanwho you are calling peer? to ext?
13:28.29*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:28.36kaldemarqakhan: [peer] in sip.conf
13:28.36[TK]D-FenderTel que avertit... mauvais usager ou mot de passe
13:29.08kaldemarqakhan: in this case, [STC-Outbound].
13:30.17qakhankaldemar do i put nat=yes under [STC-Outbound]?
13:30.55Manu18[TK]D-Fender:  tu as regardé?
13:31.00kaldemarqakhan: yes. and "sip reload" in CLI.
13:33.06[TK]D-FenderManu18: Je regarde....
13:33.15*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
13:33.17Manu18ok Merci
13:33.49[TK]D-FenderManu18: Je t'ai repondu deja... SIP/2.0 403 Wrong login or password
13:34.00[TK]D-Fender[09:28][TK]D-FenderTel que avertit... mauvais usager ou mot de passe
13:34.30Manu18je ne vois pas ou par contre
13:36.57Milos[TK]D-Fender, any idea about the BUSY? I appreciate the help regardless.
13:37.21[TK]D-FenderManu18: nat=yes <- devrait etre "no", et utilise "defaultuser=USERNAME" en place de "username="
13:37.34Manu18ok je teste
13:37.39[TK]D-FenderMilos: Not sure on this one....they all do it consistently?
13:37.49Milos[TK]D-Fender, yeah, consistent.
13:38.42QwellManu18: omelette du fromage
13:38.44Manu18Cela ne change rien
13:39.04*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
13:39.20Manu18Qwell: ???
13:39.32[TK]D-FenderQwell: <--- looks like a CDR bug.  the call is hard-answered 3 different ways, never calls "busy" or any kind of override yet still results in "busy" in CDR
13:39.42[TK]D-FenderManu18: PB <--------
13:39.55Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I haven't been paying attention.  It's all French, to me.
13:40.03Manu18Jene comprends pas [TK]D-Fender .
13:40.06MilosQwell, I've been speaking in English.
13:40.10[TK]D-FenderQwell: just check the PB.
13:40.16[TK]D-FenderManu18: PASTEBIN <-
13:40.23Milosle bin de paste
13:40.38Milos-> BP
13:40.39[TK]D-FenderQwell: He's pretty bilingual.
13:40.52[TK]D-Fender(or more)
13:41.21Kattyhugs Qwell
13:41.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:41.45Milosquel horreur
13:41.46*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:41.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh i see how it is. NOW you say hi.
13:42.26[TK]D-FenderManu18: Je ne voit pas votre nouveau configuration, ni le "sip debug" qui s'appartient a l'appel
13:42.38Manu18:( je le paste
13:42.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: Multi-tasking a half doezen plus conversations.... you know how it is...
13:43.04QwellQueue updates the CDR when it hits a queue member.
13:43.05Milosall this french is making me hungry
13:43.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: Across multiple languages no less...
13:43.22QwellBUSY is the correct state.
13:43.43[TK]D-FenderQwell: How so... they memeber didn't report it back, and the call was answered... this isn't like dialing a device direct...
13:44.10[TK]D-FenderQwell: they were ringing.....
13:44.12QwellThere are no timestamps here, but I suspect that the ring time is very low.
13:44.36MilosWhat does the ring time have to do with anything?
13:44.40QwellThat, or they're hanging up before the queue member has a chance to answer.
13:44.47MilosThat doesn't mean it's busy.
13:44.47Qwellthey == caller, who abandoned the queue
13:44.50QwellSure it does.
13:44.53MilosThat means it's NO ANSWER.
13:44.55*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
13:44.56MilosSo why does it say BUSY?
13:45.07qakhankaldemar did you check my PB
13:45.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: i certainly do!
13:45.24Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
13:45.26[TK]D-FenderQwell: and the call has an explicit answer at the start plus a forced-answer playback...
13:45.36Qwelldoesn't matter - the queue is changing the CDR
13:45.42KattyQwell: my father is in the hospital )=
13:45.45KattyQwell: heart problems.
13:45.48QwellKatty: eep!
13:45.50[TK]D-FenderQwell: that is messed up....
13:46.55Qwell[TK]D-Fender: search app_queue for ast_cdr_busy - there are a few ways it can happen
13:47.04MilosQwell, that is messed up. This should not be expected behaviour.
13:47.05[TK]D-FenderQwell: Still messed up....
13:47.26QwellThere were no free queue members.  That's different from no answer.
13:47.28MilosWhy are you arguing your way into making that expected behaviour?
13:47.30[TK]D-FenderQwell: like all weather reports saying "currently raining" with clear skys.....
13:47.36qakhan[TK]D-Fender here my sip debug after net=yes under peer
13:47.41QwellI'm telling you what the code does, and has done for many many years.
13:47.47Manu18Je vois bien qu'il y a wrong password mais je ne vois ou ce trouve ce mauvais pass
13:47.55MilosHeartbleed was unnoticed for many years.
13:48.11Qwellrolls his eyes
13:48.37Kattyif i hear one more thing about heartbleed.
13:48.39MilosAh well, good to know it's normal at least.
13:48.41Kattyi might start gigglign uncontrollably
13:48.50[TK]D-FenderQwell: Well I've never noticed it personally, so I can't comment there.  However... it was calling multiple members.  They were free, AND ringing.
13:49.01kaldemarqakhan: let me guess, still no audio?
13:49.42qakhani hear music on my end but when calle accept call then no voice on both end
13:50.10Qwell[TK]D-Fender: The caller hung up.  At the time of the hangup, the queue was busy.
13:50.12Manu18[TK]D-Fender:  l'erreur est mauvais pass au niveau de mon client freephonie ou asterisk ?
13:50.25kaldemarqakhan: so, what did your provider say about the SDP?
13:50.54MilosQwell, saying something has been 'happening for years' doesn't mean it's been happening most appropriately for years. So I may submit a bug, because reading the logs should allow the ability to distinguish between BUSY and NO ANSWER even if it was in a queue where the original caller hung up prematurely.
13:50.59[TK]D-FenderManu18: Freephonie vous dit qu'une des deux n'est pas pareil.
13:50.59qakhanwhere is that SDP?
13:51.54kaldemarqakhan: in the SIP messages. c=IN IP4 and m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 8.
13:52.07QwellIf you want better information, use CEL.
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13:52.13MilosCEL is?
13:52.29Qwellable to track more than a single line for a complex call.
13:53.07MilosSo... cdr is deprecated?
13:53.34QwellNo, it just isn't useful for a call that is more complex than A calls B.
13:54.00MilosIt's actually pretty simple.
13:54.06MilosA called B, and A hung up.
13:54.09MilosBefore B answered, that is.
13:54.15QwellB is not a single entity.
13:54.15MilosI don't see the complexity.
13:54.26MilosRegardless, nobody at B answered.
13:54.31MilosTherefore the call was unanswered.
13:54.33QwellA called B, B on behalf of A called C and D
13:56.27*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
13:57.59Manu18D'ou peut venir cela : SIP/2.0 403 wrong password
13:58.11qakhankaldemar they didnot say any thing on it
13:58.17[TK]D-FenderManu18: Freephponie <-
13:58.22*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (cc3624f5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:58.40Manu18[TK]D-Fender:  le mot de pass est bon j'ai verifié.
13:58.56[TK]D-FenderManu18: Il ne sont pas d'accord
13:59.23Milosverifié encore 3.000 fois
13:59.28Milosje vais dormir
13:59.31Milosau revoir
13:59.38*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
13:59.42Milos+ merci
13:59.45Manu18[TK]D-Fender:  il faut que je le change d'apres toi ?
14:01.05[TK]D-FenderManu18: From: "0953890201 " <sip:0953890201@>;tag=as758e3116 <- pas certain pourquoi, mais je vois une espace d'extra ici....
14:01.26[TK]D-FenderManu18: Vrevalider toute... et essay de le changer apsres
14:03.28qakhanyes kaldemar
14:03.56Manu18[TK]D-Fender: "<- pas certain pourquoi, mais je vois une espace d'extra ici.... [16:01] <[TK]D-Fender> Manu18: Vrevalider toute... et essay de le changer apsres" je n'ai pas compris
14:04.23[TK]D-FenderManu18: "0953890201 " <- esace apres le "1"
14:04.47*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (
14:05.54[TK]D-FenderManu18: "sip show registry" <-                     N      0953890201        1785 Registered           Mon, 14 Apr 2014 16:05:42
14:06.50*** part/#asterisk happy-dude (
14:09.02[TK]D-FenderManu18: faire une nouveau PB avec votre config courant et une autre appel
14:09.19Manu18je refais une nouvelle config?
14:09.55davlefouManu18, tu es chez freephonie?
14:10.16davlefouTu veux utilise la ligne sip free?
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14:10.55davlefouAs tu été dans ton web gestionnaire de box pour activer l'option sip?
14:11.06Manu18oui davlefou
14:11.13Manu18ca a deja fonctionné
14:11.26Manu18Cela peut pas venir de iptables?
14:11.59davlefouManu18, as tu ouvert les ports su r ta freebox et tu l'a redémmarré?
14:12.12Manu18je suis suir un dedié
14:12.49[TK]D-Fender[10:11]Manu18Cela peut pas venir de iptables? <- non.  il dit que t'es pau authorisee....
14:13.15Manu18je te repaste une nouvelle fois cela a chnagé dans les logsd
14:14.23*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
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14:15.55SuperNullguys i have an ATA that is to dtmfmode of RFC2833, the sip.conf explicitly says RFC2833 on asterisk, yet other servers in our network seem to only recognize inband dtmf and ignore the out of band stuff..
14:18.30*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
14:18.59qakhan[TK]D-Fender here is my sip debug
14:19.16*** part/#asterisk volga629_ (63e06bde@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:19.55davlefouManu18, es que tu es autorisé à appeler hors du réseau free?
14:20.08Manu18ouibien sur
14:21.35*** join/#asterisk labmis (81cec8de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:23.31labmisgot a question concerning the presence state support since version 11. Does this work with the PUBLISHed presence state that snom hardphones support?
14:23.47davlefouPourrais tu me dire quel est le probléme?
14:23.54davlefouPourrais tu me dire quel est le probléme Manu18 ?
14:24.18Manu18Je ne peux pas faire d'appels vers l'exterieur
14:25.07mjordanlabmis: No. Asterisk does not initiate PUBLISH requests when presence or other state changes occur.
14:26.34davlefouEt tu peux en recevoir?
14:26.48Manu18je ne l'ai pas configurer pour en recevoir
14:26.52*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-vghrbklbvllhmdkk)
14:26.53labmis@mjordan: but can I read the state from asterisk? The state info from the phone in the PUBLISH is encoded in xml inside a "im"-tag. Don't really know which standard this is. XMPP? SIMPLE?
14:27.52mjordanlabmis: PUBLISH is simply a SIP method. Asterisk has limited support for inbound PUBLISH requests, and generally won't process most event packages it receives from other devices. Generally, the only PUBLISH requests we'll process are those related to call completion
14:27.57davlefouManu18, pourquoi?
14:28.24Manu18je dois avoir un soucis dans mon extension.conf
14:28.29Manu18pour cela que je ne recois pas.
14:28.30labmis@mjordan: ahhh! thanks a lot! :)
14:29.20davlefouManu18, pourrais tu me pastebin tes comptes sip/iax et ton diaplan?
14:29.37Manu18avec l'erreur
14:31.34Manu18 davlefou
14:34.18Manu18davlefou:  les appels ext fonctionnent
14:34.43Manu18les appels interne aussi
14:34.54Manu18tout fonctionne en fait
14:34.59Manu18Merci à tous pour viotre aide
14:35.13davlefouc'est bizzare d'avoir deux comptes un peers et un friend pour ta freephonie
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14:36.16[TK]D-Fender[Apr 14 16:28:57] WARNING[9969]: chan_sip.c:5498 create_addr: No such host: freephonie-out
14:36.21[TK]D-FenderT'as change le NOM
14:36.42[TK]D-Fender[freephonie-out] N'existe plus.
14:36.57[TK]D-Fenderpis t'as pas adapter ton extension
14:37.12Manu18Par contre des que je decroche ca raccroche...
14:39.01Manu18La, je comprends pas trop
14:43.20Manu18davlefou: ???
14:43.28davlefouTu es parti de quel tutorial?
14:44.00Manu18plusieurs lol
14:44.08davlefouQuel asterisk utilise tu?
14:44.10Manu18davlefou:  Pv c possible?
14:44.44Manu18quand je f un appel ext ca sonne je decriche
14:44.49Manu18et asterisk raccroche
14:45.29Manu18par contre quand j'appele de l'ext vers asterosk ca ne raccroche pas
14:46.05*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-wzhdymlyohpbewga)
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14:51.30bitvilaghey everyone
14:51.45bitvilagI was wondering if anyone did play around with spa3102?
14:52.03bitvilagI would need some help with it. Everything works fine except the caller id.
14:52.16[TK]D-Fenderbitvilag: show us screenshots of your config for it.
14:52.23Manu18galere galere l'histoire
14:52.41bitvilagwhich part?
14:52.50[TK]D-Fender <-
14:52.55[TK]D-FenderAll of the PSTN side of it
14:53.17davlefouManu18, déjà rationnaliser tes comptes,
14:53.46davlefouun pour free en friends et un pour toi,
14:54.39davlefouManu18, Tu es sur un serveur dédier?
14:54.59davlefougenre ovh?
14:55.07Manu18pour moi je me met en peer?
14:55.26davlefoufriend tout le monde,
14:55.34Manu18ok c'estfait
14:55.38davlefoupour les appels sortant, c'est user
14:55.59Manu18appels entrant et sortant ca fonctionne
14:56.14Manu18par contre des que j'appele et que ca decroche asterisk raccroche
14:58.18davlefouTa box, elle est en ip fixe?
14:58.42davlefouQuel linux utilise tu sur ton dédier?
14:58.49Manu18debian 7 ip fixe
14:59.14davlefouOption sip reg désactivé?
15:01.49davlefouta dernier conf sur le server avec les mises à jours?
15:02.48bitvilagso D-Fender? Any ideas?
15:02.48davlefouSi c'est pour une seul ligne chez free, que tu as téléphone voip, pourquoi utilise tu un pbx asterisk?
15:04.05Manu18c'est pour ma societe
15:04.23Manu18on va acheter 3 ou 4 tel
15:04.27Manu18je dois faire la mise enplace
15:04.38davlefouet une seul ligne?
15:04.49*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-dfgmzbisoisolhzb)
15:05.07Manu18non on va prendre un abonement
15:05.30davlefouun abonement?
15:05.48Manu18oui chez un fournisseur
15:07.28[TK]D-Fenderbitvilag: Change your PSTN Answer Delay to 5 seconds and retest.  Also make sure your mode is set right for your country as the standard varies
15:08.29bitvilagI tried 5s did not help. About the mode. actually not sure if it right or not. No idea where to look for
15:09.26davlefouAutre que free?
15:10.35Manu18oui bien sur free nepropose pas plusieur lignes
15:10.42Manu18surement OVH je pense
15:11.57davlefouManu18, ovh, je maitrise la conf,
15:12.19Manu18Vu que sa raccroche a chaque fois que mon interlocuteur decroche
15:12.20davlefouManu18, prend tes lignes et aprés tu configure,
15:12.23*** join/#asterisk navaismo (
15:12.27Manu18cela peut venir des codecs?
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15:13.03[TK]D-FenderC'est une problem d'authorisation.
15:13.33Manu18quand j'appele sur la ligne asterisk ca fonctionne
15:13.41Manu18je peux te paste le cli ?
15:13.42davlefouManu18, Tu perd ton temps, car chez ovh les configuration seront différente
15:14.16Manu18par contre la sa peut venir d'iptables?
15:14.43[TK]D-FenderManu18: NON
15:14.54[TK]D-FenderManu18: T'ecoute pas.  Leur serveur te REFUSE
15:15.24[TK]D-FenderManu18: Soit votre peer n'est pas correct ou il y a une problem avec votre compte chez freephonie
15:15.36Manu18la, il ne me refuse plus vu que je peux emmettre des appels
15:16.03davlefouManu18, tout ce que va faire se a jeter quand tu changera de founisseur!
15:16.57Manu18mais d'un point de vu personnel je veux que ca fonctionne
15:17.13Manu18car j'utiliserais toujours maligne free pour emettre des appels
15:18.32davlefouAlors du dois tester du côté des ip et du fichier configuration.
15:18.56*** join/#asterisk ageis (kevin@
15:19.03ageiswhats preferred method of forwarding a call to another number within the dialplan?
15:20.21[TK]D-Fenderageis: What is this "forward" you're referring to?
15:20.37[TK]D-Fenderageis: So far this sounds like you just want to Dial out.
15:20.53[TK]D-Fenderageis: elaborate on the scenario
15:20.57ageisincoming call to a verizon GSM number
15:21.40[TK]D-Fenderageis: How is that "GSM number" arriving at *?
15:21.55davlefouManu18, déjà commencer par utilise la dernier version, 11.8.1
15:22.00[TK]D-Fenderthat was not a complete sentence
15:22.20[TK]D-Fendergive a proper linear description of the call flow you want to have happen
15:22.39davlefouAprés tu fais des essayes, je te dis amicalement, cela peut te prendre plusieurs semaine,
15:23.20Manu18je m'en doute
15:23.23Manu18merci de l'aide
15:23.29Manu18je vais faire la MAJ
15:23.36ageis[TK]D-Fender: incoming call to DID --> Asterisk box --> SIP user --> User's personal cell phone not running a SIP client
15:24.27[TK]D-Fenderageis: So go dial out to your cell via a peer you've set up to dial out with
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15:25.06ageis[TK]D-Fender: Dial() alone will connect the channel?
15:25.47[TK]D-Fenderageis: that is what Dial() does... have you not been using it all this time?
15:26.05ageis[TK]D-Fender :P
15:26.15[TK]D-Fenderageis: You already Dial() this "SIP user".
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15:31.23catphishis it common to be able to configure sip handsets to only allow calls from servers they're registered to?
15:32.02bitvilagi am talking with my provider. what questins should i ask?
15:32.35bitvilagi guess dtmf mode
15:32.36[TK]D-Fenderbitvilag: "What is our CallerID standard?"
15:32.50[TK]D-Fenderbitvilag: No.  There is no such thing as "dtmf mode" for FXO
15:32.59bitvilagi c
15:33.01[TK]D-Fenderbitvilag: it's CID signalling
15:33.15[TK]D-Fenderbitvilag: Some use DTMF, others use FSK, etc
15:33.30[TK]D-FenderTiming involved (between rings, etc)
15:34.23bitvilagi c
15:34.39*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (bd5ac048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:37.07ageis[TK]D-Fender: do outside lines give the same ${DIALSTATUS} as SIP users?
15:37.15mjtis there some summary of the default/sample configuration, what is enabled in there and what should be disabled for a simple sip gateway?
15:37.29[TK]D-Fenderageis: "outside lines" doesn't tell us what you're talking to....
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15:38.03[TK]D-Fenderageis: SIP has status codes, so does ISDN.
15:38.22ageisyes thats what i mean
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15:46.39bitvilagD-Fender: I went through like 4 people and noone knew the answer lol
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17:32.26davlefouDid there are several g729? I have g729 under my soft and my asterisk and ovh. if i don't use g729 with ovh son is good
17:33.49[TK]D-FenderG729 is compressed and obviously sounds worse than G.711
17:35.55*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
17:36.26coppiceG.711 is compressed, just not as much
17:38.31[TK]D-FenderWell technically "companded" as I've read
17:39.08davlefou[TK]D-Fender, yes but : Softphone ---G729/gsm--> Asterisk server dedier ovh ----alaw--> ovh sip, this is better than : softphne ---g729---->asterisk server dedier ovh ---g729---> ovh sip
17:39.33coppicecompand means compress + expand
17:40.08[TK]D-FenderI should read up on the fine print of that...
17:40.49davlefouit is non sens for me!
17:40.57coppicethe key thing is its far lossier than many people realise.
17:41.36davlefoui have by from digium my g729 liscence
17:42.47rrittgarnhaving a brain fart, there an easy way to invert a time range when using GotoIfTime, eg, looking for all hours that are !(05:00-17:00) for example
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17:44.55[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn: if you are looking for specific "not" hours for other specifc days, then wrap the order
17:45.30[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn: But there is no logic inside of that timespec
17:50.58rrittgarnso do (17:00-5:00,mon-fri,*,*) essentially?
17:52.39[TK]D-Fenderpretty much
17:52.50rrittgarnk thanks
17:53.06mjtwhy almost every asterisk cli command given on pages does not work on asterisk?
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17:54.35Qwellmjt: voip-info is awful and should not be used.
17:55.21mjtoh well :(
18:03.10*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
18:11.05[TK]D-Fendermjt: Because it is poorly maintained and syntax is version specific.
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18:29.02josefigHi, is there a way to forward the traffic and outbound by a certain IP ? I mean I have 2 ips and I want some traffic going out by 1 ip and the other by the other ip, is it possible ?
18:29.31*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
18:29.49anonymouz666I am back on
18:30.44[TK]D-Fenderjosefig: "man iptables"
18:30.59anonymouz666iptables -F
18:31.06[TK]D-Fenderjosefig: * does not multi-home well
18:31.14josefig[TK]D-Fender: mmm I see
18:31.34anonymouz666kamailio does a good job on this
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18:40.13mjtis autoload=no in modules.conf not generally recommended?
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18:47.55[TK]D-Fendermjt: Depends on your concept of security & responsibility
18:48.55mjtactually i thin my current probs has nothing to do with modules, because with autoloading it still doesn't work :)
18:50.59[TK]D-Fendermjt: You could try the reverse approach....
18:53.23mjtAnswer(500),Playback(hello-world),Hangup() -- that's a tutorial, debug console says it is executing them correctly, but the phone is 100% silent.
18:54.13mjtinter-phone call is sort of working, but again, the callee phone is completely silent until the other end picks up the phone
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18:54.35mjtis a complete newbies...
19:00.26josefiganonymouz666, you said kamailio ?
19:06.44[TK]D-Fendermjt: SIp has several networking considerations, especially where NAT is concerned
19:07.01mjtthere's no NAT, eveerything is on a GigE LAN
19:07.09[TK]D-Fendermjt: You should probably better describe What you are calling in from, and how it connectes to * exactly.
19:07.33[TK]D-FenderIf you have no audio local you should check your firewalls
19:07.44[TK]D-Fender5060 + rtp.conf's ports, all UDP
19:07.54mjti'm using 2 softphones -- csipsimple from android and ekiga from linux.  No firewall is set up anywhere.
19:08.54[TK]D-FenderI'm sensing more than just "eveerything is on a GigE LAN"
19:09.15mjtwell yes. android is on wifi which is bridged to the same net
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19:12.52[TK]D-Fenderfirst prove each to * direct
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19:14.11mjtshould local sip client work on the same machine as the server?
19:15.25lvlinuxmjt: yes but you'll have to set the SIP port on the client to something other than 5060 if * is using that port
19:16.40mjtsuspected that much. and ekiga does not allow to set sip port ;)
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19:17.37lvlinuxyou could change your * port if you really wanted to go that far (but you'd have to change the destination port on all the clients too)
19:18.02lvlinuxwhy not use linphone instead of ekiga?
19:18.57lvlinux(it allows you to change the local port)
19:19.13mjtheh. i wasn't sure why i ditched linphone.  now i remember.
19:19.25mjtit crashes on startup here finding a tv-tuner card as /dev/video0
19:19.50lvlinuxunload the tv card module then
19:20.00mjtyeah, already did
19:20.21lvlinuxhmm --- then delete the linphone config and try it again
19:20.46mjti mean, it works after rmmod
19:20.53lvlinuxoh ok
19:21.12lvlinuxthen can probably go into the prefs and disable video
19:21.44lvlinuxand set the input device as static picture or something and I wouldn't think it would look for the tv card then?
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19:29.52mjtquite good expirience with linphone. When it's configure wizard - which meets you at startup - does not let you to actually _save_ the config ("Apply" button is inactive) :)
19:30.31davlefoumjordan, sflphone is good to
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19:30.49lvlinuxor get the yate client---it's nice and works well
19:32.56mjtnah. linphone is also silent
19:32.59mjton the local machine
19:33.24mjt..and it just crashed when i tried to hit "Hangup" button
19:38.47mjtdemo ext. echotest (600) is working from all clients (but linphone which crashes)
19:39.13lvlinuxlol ditch linphone...
19:40.06mjti just tried the same echotest when going from gsm network to external IP using ipsec
19:40.08mjtit also works
19:40.17mjtfrom android + csipsimple
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19:53.49[sr]does anyone has a linksys 3102, 1x fxs 1x fxo ?
19:54.47ledoktregreetings.  a quick question related to SipAddHeader --- any way to change one thats already set for an existing call?   I set the ring style for calls coming in.  Someone gets parked.  I want it to ring a different ring if they sit on hold for 45 seconds and get routed back in.
19:56.17anonymouz666[sr]: me
19:56.40anonymouz666ledoktre: I am afraid to say...that this is not possible.
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19:57.07anonymouz666at least I can't think a way to do that
19:57.19anonymouz666(easy way)
19:58.12ledoktreanonymouz666 - I use the SIPAddHeader to set Alert-Info and pick  a ring tone.  That parts fine.  But when they come back from the parked queue, I can't set it again is the problem.  I am just wondering if you can modify the variable :)    Im sure you understood that from my previous post but (hoping) clarifying ;)
19:58.32[TK]D-FenderWhen they get routed back in... is that NOT via the dialplan?
19:59.03[sr]anonymouz666:  having some trouble connection the pstn line and make it act like a trunk
19:59.12[sr]but still reading :)
19:59.48anonymouz666[sr]: everybody has problems with spa3102. you should be lucky. I got some echo problems that is not fixable
20:00.33anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: it looks like atxfer behaviour, lots of things are done only in features code.
20:00.34[TK]D-Fender[sr]: Thre are dozens of easily google-able guides for this...
20:00.35[sr]echo thats fine for me, just want the trunk working
20:01.10ledoktre[TK]D-Fender - yes via dial plan.  But looking for a distinctive ring so you answer it accordingly
20:01.34[TK]D-FenderWell when your dialplan calls a device... that is a NEW call to that device..
20:01.38coppicemost people would say an echoy trunk is not working
20:01.39[TK]D-Fendernot an "existing" one
20:02.05[TK]D-Fendercoppice: It's working TOO well... I can hear them.... TWICE!
20:02.33anonymouz666ledoktre: well if hits dialplan than add another sipaddheader
20:02.39anonymouz666calls again with different value
20:03.33anonymouz666sipaddheader only works for INVITEs if you wanna modify other headers, you should be using a sip proxy
20:03.58ledoktre[TK]D-Fender:  I understand.  But copied the original dial plan for the incoming calls and just changed the Alert-Info but not working.   You clarified what I needed -- I'll verify the ring itself is working on the phones.
20:04.27anonymouz666paste the CLI logs
20:04.31ledoktreanonymouz666:  Thats what I was doing.  in the [parkedcallstimeout] section, I just set another SIPAddHeader line, but it is defaulting to the regular ring.
20:05.37ledoktreokay will do
20:06.07lovesroot2014Hi -> Can anyone recommend a professional asterisk support/consulting service?  I've got an existing legacy setup but need help locking it down.
20:07.25[TK]D-Fenderledoktre: And is it going out?
20:07.36anonymouz666ledoktre: the alert info value is valid? did you see the header in sip invite?
20:07.39[TK]D-Fenderledoktre: And is the the specific way those devices require it to be?
20:07.54[TK]D-Fender[16:07]anonymouz666ledoktre: the alert info value is valid? did you see the header in sip invite? <- Of course he didn't ... neither did we
20:08.11ledoktre[TK]D-Fender - yes works fine.  Rings back just fine -- just uses Low Trill instead of Low Double Trill.  Originally tried using Ringback Style, but it didn't work either
20:08.38[TK]D-Fenderledoktre: Perhaps you should verify the legal values
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20:09.13ledoktre[TK]D-Fender - I am using the names from my polycom sip-interop.cfg file.  I use these same variables in other areas, like internal calls to give a distinctive ring.
20:09.23ledoktreAnd they work fine there.
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20:09.59ledoktrePhone just requires Alert-Info to be set before dial - nothing too special there.
20:11.26ledoktreI'll run some debug - thats fine.  I also just noticed the channel name is the same -- perhaps the Alert-Info is already set (and sticks) from when the call originally came in
20:11.52lovesroot2014Can anyone tell me why the from is null?:  chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension 'REMOVEDNUMB' rejected because extension not found.
20:14.05[sr]anonymouz666: one info i cant find is, for the trunk, is there a default user+pwd, or i can set it? been searching and dont see any conf for this
20:14.43[sr]i see alot examples with different usernames
20:14.53[sr]and others with any user/pass
20:16.04mjtlovely.  So, re-installing asterisk-core-sounds-en package (debian) re-registering some sound alternatives and *finally* my asterisk produces some sounds.
20:16.44anonymouz666I don't remember my friend. You have to configure FXO port to register the account in Asterisk. then you dial out to that ID and send the DTMFs (D option) forward
20:16.57anonymouz666I used that way
20:17.09anonymouz666the other ID is the FXS port
20:17.28mjt[TK]D-Fender: i think that's enough to prove that network is not a problem... ;)
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20:19.45mjtgosh. those gsm-format sounds are of very low quality, i don't understand about 80% of what she's saying...
20:20.07anonymouz666isn't that bad
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20:21.34Qwellwoah, it's a malcolmd
20:21.37ledoktre[TK]D-Fender, anonymouz666:  Figured out it WAS the same channel.  Had to run SIPRemoveHeader(Alert-Info:) before trying to set it again.  Workin' like a peach now
20:21.44malcolmdQwell: weird, eh?
20:21.46anonymouz666mjt: opus is the way
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20:22.16mjtopus can have bad quality too
20:22.18davlefousome one knows the soluce? chan_iax2.c:4459 realtime_peer: Failed to parse sockaddr '(null)' for ipaddr of realtime peer 'ipaddr'?
20:23.34anonymouz666mjt: opus can go from narrowband to fullband
20:24.00mjtyeah, and can use different encodings/algorithms too
20:24.37anonymouz666ledoktre: congratulations
20:24.53mjtnot a lot of clients supports opus however, and my packaging of asterisk doesn't support it either
20:25.27anonymouz666is asterisk working fine with webrtc clients?
20:26.26anonymouz666I am very interested in webrtc stuff and also IMS networks
20:27.16ledoktreanonymouz666: thanks!
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20:27.35davlefouanonymouz666, did you have install opus under your asterisk?
20:27.47davlefouanonymouz666, sflphone can use opus.
20:29.59anonymouz666nice to know
20:30.06anonymouz666jitsi too?
20:30.08mjtdoes asterisk 1.6 support opus?  Somehow I don't think so..
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20:30.41anonymouz666the patch i saw is for asterisk 11
20:30.46anonymouz666didn't try yet
20:31.04mjtit went with asterisk12
20:31.11mjti've 1.6 ;)
20:32.55mjti've 11.6 not 1.6 ;)
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21:04.33WeezeyI've disabled "tk" in the dial string but when I am receiving inbound calls and press #, the transfer menu still comes up, how do I shut that off?
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21:05.06c|onemanmight be offtopic, does anyone know the difference between provisioning a polycom phone via Switchvox, or manually entering the SIP information on the phone?
21:05.07[TK]D-FenderShow us
21:05.44[TK]D-Fenderc|oneman: There is a lot more that just SIP information in provisioning....
21:06.09c|onemanassuming you didn't care about features and wanted most of them to be default
21:06.47[TK]D-Fenderc|oneman: "default" may not be what you want it to be
21:07.10[TK]D-Fenderc|oneman: Provisioning lets you configure all of that without messing with Polycom's web interface
21:07.29c|onemannot to mention some of the features are outright not changeable in that web interface
21:07.45Weezeyc|oneman: also, you can do it remotely, in bulk.
21:07.59c|onemanI mean, what if I self provisionned using my own FTP, but then used switchvox SIP information, what would I lose?
21:08.14c|onemanbasically my switchvox is pushing old bootroms and I want a new one
21:08.15[TK]D-Fenderc|oneman: More like "most" of the features
21:08.38[TK]D-Fenderc|oneman: Then I'd say you should go provision them yourself
21:08.59[TK]D-Fenderc|oneman: Are you sure it's the BOOTROM you're after?
21:09.14c|onemannope, I'm very confused by all these layers of software :)
21:09.22c|oneman4.0.6 is the latest of whatever.
21:09.43[TK]D-Fender"whatever" is VERY important.
21:09.59[TK]D-FenderTypically what users really care about is the SIP APPLICATION
21:10.03WeezeyGonzo is a whatever.
21:10.23c|oneman4.0.6 I think is the bootrom
21:10.28[TK]D-FenderNo, Gonzo is a Muppet :)
21:10.45[TK]D-Fenderc|oneman: I think you should verify what it is you want exactly...
21:10.54[TK]D-FenderOr think you want...
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23:30.56jlntQwell, I see you are still roaming the Asterisk world
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