IRC log for #asterisk on 20140409

00:38.28*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:38.28*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.8.1 (2014/03/10), (2014/03/10); Standard: Asterisk 12.1.1 (2014/03/10); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
00:38.47DevWork_I see it is a sample. I don't understand the sample. I get that if I dial 7015, it does some stuff based on the DND script. I get that the BLF key is linked to DND_7015 and toggles the state variable. I don't know why I have that first line, or where it goes.
00:38.56DevWork_exten => DND_7015,hint,Custom:DND_7015 what is this doing.
00:39.10[TK]D-Fenderthat IS the difinition of the BLF
00:39.19[TK]D-Fenderhint = BLF
00:42.10DevWork_Do I need anything in the sip.conf to allow BLF's or is it all device configuration
00:42.57digitalironywell, im making progress
00:43.16digitalironySV now accepts the call, but I can't tell that it actually does anything lol
00:44.48DevWork_hmm it looks like it works actually without any further config
00:45.02DevWork_just add the entry in the phones config.
00:48.15[TK]D-Fenderdip.conf entry specifies what context to lok for hints when the phone tries to subscribe.  From there it's up to the phone to ask for it
00:56.08*** join/#asterisk P5ych0 (~P5ych0_@fuduntu/communications/psych0)
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05:51.29zpotoloomhi, anyone using Sangoma W400 GSM card with asterisk ( libwat ) ?
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07:03.21michoelcHi all, wondering if someone can help me with getting call pickup working for queues? Basically want to be able to dial an extension to pickup the next call from a queue..
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07:06.24michoelcThis is what I have got so far but not working yet:
07:07.06michoelcI get app_directed_pickup.c:302 pickup_exec: No target channel found for s@incoming
07:11.54kaldemarmichoelc: what does core show channel <channel> tell you about the channel's extension and context?
07:13.48*** join/#asterisk frederik_jensen (~frederik_@
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07:15.32michoelckaldemar: it says context: "incoming", extension: "s"
07:17.22ChannelZInteresting. I don't know that you can't, but I'm not sure if you can snatch a call out of a queue like that.  Pickup generally only works on a channel currently ringing AFAIK
07:19.09michoelcChannelZ: from what I've found here someone's gotten it to work
07:20.16michoelcChannelZ: I'm assuming that this was eventually merged in as I the hint part of it is working fine on 11.7
07:24.40*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:cca6:cb75:a005:e0b)
07:25.23frederik_jensenHello! I am new to Asterisk
07:25.23frederik_jensenI am supposed to use a headset and just make calls by running AMI actions - this will be the easiest for me i think - and i dont want to touch my Cisco 502g at all
07:25.23frederik_jensenIs it possible to make a call by sending a series of AMI actions to a Cisco 502g phone - without pressing the headset button in order ot initiate the call?
07:27.15ChannelZmichoelc: without screwing around with it myself which I don't have time to do, I have to wonder if this is somewhat of a hack and that using Goto into the separate context that just does the Queue is intentional.  The example is either bad or is tricky on purpose.
07:27.44michoelcfrederik_jensen: You can use the Originate action from ami to initiate the call
07:28.10ChannelZfrederik_jensen: not sure on AMI specifically but you can use SipAddHeader and make the 502g auto-answer
07:28.33ChannelZSIPAddHeader(Call-Info: \;answer-after=0)
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07:28.48ChannelZat least I think that still works on the 5xx's
07:29.29frederik_jensenthank you for replying
07:29.30kaldemarmichoelc: try changing the answer in your queue extension to Ringing.
07:29.54ChannelZgood luck everyone, off to bed.
07:31.29*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
07:36.02michoelcChannelZ: thanks, but tried that and no luck :-(
07:36.17michoelcsorry, I meant kaldemar
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07:54.15michoelcAnyhow need to go now, will try again tomorrow
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10:59.10davlefouhi, where i can find the iax sql file for postgresql?
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11:01.38kaldemardavlefou: contrib/realtime/postgresql/postgresql_config.sql
11:05.10davlefoukaldemar, i get that file but there no iax_conf sql file
11:05.49davlefouin my asterisk 11.8.1
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12:26.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:27.23davlefoukaldemar, it is an very intereting table,
12:30.15davlefoukaldemar, can we use materialized view for sipregs?
12:30.30*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
12:31.37ZogotQuick question: sip context names, email is a valid one eh? []context=default type=friend secret=exampleSecret
12:31.48Zogotfor example
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12:44.20[TK]D-FenderThat'll probably pose parsing issues somewhere.
12:45.06[TK]D-FenderI'd recommend just giving it a regular name... and remember that that doesn't have to imply the username it auths
12:46.40Zogot[TK]D-Fender: oh? how could you define a different username?
12:47.09[TK]D-FenderZogot: you should really read the sample config...
12:47.19Zogot[TK]D-Fender: thanks, il take a look
12:47.30[TK]D-FenderZogot: that's the normal one.  username / defaultuser
12:49.21Zogot[TK]D-Fender: and the values in under the [] can just be directly related to the database columns if i were to use func_odbc
12:50.21[TK]D-FenderI don't see where you are drawing an automatic association of FUNC_ODBC ... and sip.conf
12:51.53Zogot[TK]D-Fender: Well they go into the sip table in mysql for example, i would preferably be using that over the conf files
12:52.48Zogotah it is :)
12:52.50[TK]D-FenderLots of things become more painful like getting info at CLI.  I'd reserve that method for when there's a real payoff for doing it
12:53.35Zogot[TK]D-Fender: aye, this is for a multi tennant system im working on. Im quite fresh to asterisk so you must excuse any of my stupid questions :p
12:54.07Zogottheres someone else here who has significantly more knowledge than I on asterisk
12:54.28Zogotbut i just wanted to verify something
12:55.55[TK]D-FenderZogot: Most platforms I see still run on the concept of using DB's for conceptual PBX constructs and just generate * configs to match
12:56.25[TK]D-FenderZogot: Reduces latency, load, and dependency on other services to keep it running.
12:56.40Zogot[TK]D-Fender: Requires doing a sip reload though for every change right?
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12:59.30Zogot[TK]D-Fender: I will look into the latency/load though. That could be something. I'll have to check with my colleague
13:00.04*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
13:00.38[TK]D-FenderZogot: Or at a time when you're ready to "batch" them.
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13:03.34Zogot[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your responses
13:05.29*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
13:08.16[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
13:09.12Zogot[TK]D-Fender: You work at Digium?
13:10.10[TK]D-FenderZogot: Nope, just been around the field a long while and have seen many * platofrms, multi-tennent and all
13:11.18Zogot[TK]D-Fender: ah fair enough. Not that Im challenging what you are saying or so, just making conversation
13:13.21Zogot[TK]D-Fender: Well, I'll be around more often, I may sometimes have additional queries.  Plus IRC is a great resource to learn from, see what other people run into and then seeing how/if they solved it or so
13:14.11*** join/#asterisk valeech (~valeech@
13:14.31fileI have a blog post about why I personally dislike realtime :D
13:14.39[TK]D-FenderZogot: DB losing comms takes out your PBX, is one more thing to secure, etc
13:14.50Zogotfile: oh? would love a read
13:15.28Zogot[TK]D-Fender: supervisord should help with that eh?
13:17.44[TK]D-FenderZogot: Not something I have experience with
13:18.44Zogotfile: How do you generate the configs? Some seperate script that runs every so often?
13:19.41*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
13:20.12Zogotfile: Thanks for the article.
13:20.31fileeverything has pros and cons but if you understand the pitfalls then you can make an informed decision
13:20.58Zogotfile: aye indeed. Nah its some good points from you and [TK]D-Fender. I will bring them up
13:22.28ghost75is pjsip having a features for matching multiple hosts instead a single peer?
13:22.56*** join/#asterisk dar123 (dar123@
13:27.06dar123i want to connect asterisk with mysql, for user database and CDR's.
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13:30.33[TK]D-FenderdarGo for it
13:30.37[TK]D-Fenderdar123: Go for it
13:32.20ghost75*deep voice* do it
13:34.19dar123unable to find any good tutorial or doc so far
13:34.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:34.40Zogot[TK]D-Fender, file: what happened to this guy to explode like that :p
13:34.49Zogotpretty funny stuff
13:34.51infobothmm... asteriskwiki is
13:35.24Zogotfile: did you go on skype with him? please tell me you recorded it :p
13:35.28[TK]D-FenderZogot: * comes with sample configs for this, SQL setup scripts and is well documented in the book & wiki
13:35.36[TK]D-Fenderdar1 : * comes with sample configs for this, SQL setup scripts and is well documented in the book & wiki
13:35.44[TK]D-Fenderhas targeting issues this morning...
13:37.23[TK]D-FenderZogot: Yeah... he was a "special" one...
13:37.49ghost75i hope now banned
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13:40.12[TK]D-Fenderghost75: You could see what he flung at file there, and he did as much and worse to other ops as well, made threats to pirate and distribute Digium products, etc.
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13:41.39jameswfDigium grows produce now?
13:42.36fileoh that
13:42.38fileno, I did not go on Skype or anything with him
13:43.23ghost75those are just trolls
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13:44.37Zogotdid you know, that the word troll(when refering to an internet troll or so) is in reference to the fishing technique
13:44.41Zogotand not the thing under the bridge
13:45.23Zogotaye :p, trolling
13:45.37ghost75see me trollin they hatin
13:45.42Zogotto leave many lines out and hope to catch fish, not to be confused with trawling
13:45.42Zogotwhich is a giant net
13:46.22Zogotso there go you, TYL
13:46.32whizzionly in England >:)
13:46.37ghost75trolling the bait
13:47.26ghost75i want this
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14:00.28[TK]D-FenderActually he wasn't technically a troll, just a rude, ignorant, delusional asshole with a tragically disproportionate sense of self-entitlement.
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14:27.09tomodachihi is there a way to see what part of the dialplan im currently in , line by line? im trying to debugg som trange message i get when pressing # in a conference
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14:28.05WIMPycore set verbose 3
14:28.33tomodachiWIMPy: thnxk ill give it a shot  :)
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14:34.16tomodachiexten => _0046X.#,1,Macro(dial_iax_trunk,0${EXTEN:4})
14:34.33tomodachiwhat does # do here? i cant find it in the pattern matching documentation
14:34.37tomodachior does it just mean #
14:34.49WIMPyThat is not a valid extension pattern.
14:35.15tomodachiyeah thougt it could be what was causying my problems :) a typo perhaps
14:35.27WIMPyYou can't have anything after . or ! .
14:36.28[TK]D-FenderWell... you can... but it won't do anything...
14:36.51[TK]D-Fendertomodachi: and "#" means .... "#"
14:36.58tomodachi[TK]D-Fender:  i recongnice your nick , you have been here for years! , when i first started looking into asterisk >:)
14:37.01WIMPyYeah, it's probably just ignored.
14:38.21tomodachii migrated this dialplan from a an old 1.2 asterisk god knows what elese there is in there
14:41.20tomodachihmm my problems seems fairly global, whenver i call into an application and press #  a voice says transfer
14:42.07[TK]D-FenderDTMF transfers is for chumps :)
14:42.07WIMPyAnd you have t and/or T as option to Dial().
14:43.32tomodachithat was it,
14:44.27tomodachiso that flag just ads a transfer message to wherever i call?
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14:44.37tomodachiwhy would anyone want that!
14:45.08WIMPyBecause they use a phone that can't do a transfer via Asterisk.
14:45.32*** join/#asterisk yoavz (
14:45.51tomodachimust have been something legacy, since it seems to work at least :=) thanx a bunch guys!
14:47.49*** join/#asterisk VinceF (
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15:11.50whizzican somebody explain where the defaultuser is needed for on a trunk ?
15:12.36[TK]D-Fenderwhizzi: If your inbound caller's username is not [whatyouputinhere]
15:13.55whizziok, so it’s only needed for incoming
15:14.51[TK]D-FenderMay apply to outbound as well
15:15.11[TK]D-Fenderusername / fromuser do (in different ways)
15:16.02whizziaye, that I know.
15:20.29whizzitnx :)
15:27.24PenguinI doubt it is used for incoming at all.
15:31.36ghost75somebody know if its possible to use multiple hosts on sip peer section
15:31.56[TK]D-Fenderit is not
15:33.44filePJSIP support in 12 has that... I purposely did it as many people have said so in the past
15:34.09ghost75thats great news
15:34.42ghost75how they are added? just multiple host lines?
15:35.15fileright now they primarily exist for matching incoming calls, and you can specify multiple hosts or ranges and map them back to an endpoint
15:35.34fileie: everything from should be treated as coming from "dave"
15:35.45ghost75matching incoming calls what exactly what i was looking
15:36.38ghost75because many isp are using load balancer
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15:49.48ghost75file: how is it to be entered in sip.conf?
15:49.58fileit's not, that is chan_sip
15:50.13ghost75wooza :>
15:50.32filePJSIP is a completely new channel driver and architecture
15:52.16ghost75but pjsip.conf is similar to sip.conf ?
15:55.23fileno, it's vastly different
15:55.30fileconceptually at least
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16:46.50willwhso who is trying to get working secure websockets going with asterisk 12? ;)
16:46.56willwhif you are, I want to talk to you
16:47.24willwhI've read some people have had success with 12.2.0-rc1 (moy, for example, whose /team/moy/webrtc-12 branch is in rc-1
16:47.32willwhI have not had any luck though :(
16:47.35Kattyclears throat
16:51.46willwhsquints at Katty
16:53.17Kattyoh, nothing.
16:53.21Kattysinus drainage.
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16:56.47willwhah, 'tis the season
16:56.53willwhsneezes for good measure
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17:46.48ghost75file: is external_media_address and external_signal_address working also with ddns ?
17:46.53ghost75like externhost
17:47.37ghost75so there is whatever refresh inteval
17:48.55ghost75and here in the example:
17:49.04fileI think we may actually treat it strictly as a string right now
17:49.06ghost75why there are 2 entries for 6001 device
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17:49.43filebecause they are of different types and represent two conceptually different SIP things
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17:51.41ghost75so endpoint is like a phone and aor is like user
17:52.14filean endpoint is a physical device, an aor is an address of record in SIP land and is a mapping of an identity to a way of contacting the device or devices
17:52.24filewell - I say physical device... could be a softphone
17:52.26fileor a trunk
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20:13.12FlipZTechGuyQuick question. What flavor of asterisk is most recommended?
20:14.58file will tell you how long the various versions will be supported for
20:15.23fileAsterisk 1.8 goes security fix only this year, 11 in 2016
20:16.03fileso 11 is a pretty safe bet, and you can then migrate to 13 if you desire
20:22.23*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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20:29.55SuperNullWhat takes priority in an asterisk realtime configuration, sip.conf or realtime database ?
20:31.06SuperNullalright. ty.
20:31.22filePermission Denied.
20:31.35SuperNullyou must be female, that was quick.
20:31.50SuperNullsudo fclose(file);
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20:39.13SuperNullis there no way to just reload the peers without dropping all sip sessions ? (real time involved)
20:45.15SuperNulllooks like leif answered this on the forums. 'no' seems to be the answer.
20:46.22filedefine sip sessions...
20:46.34filedoing a sip reload won't kill calls
20:46.50SuperNullkills registration for all realtime peers. (possibly all peers)
20:47.05fileany cached realtime peers are expunged
20:47.29SuperNulli forget why i have caching on but i know i needed it.
20:47.34SuperNullperhaps it was MWI
20:48.25SuperNullultimately asterisk is the wrong solution for our 'problem'.
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21:23.16SuperNullif you guys use 'info' dtmfmode do you expect to hear audio tones on the call also if its an ATA ?
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21:26.07filegenerally no
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21:31.13SuperNullwell oddly.. we did a firmware upgrade on our GPON gear which has integrated ATA, and there is quote 'a bug' keeping them working.. which allows inband+info at the same time. problem is .. they fixed 'the bug' in a different model and now in-call DTMF doesnt work at all.
21:31.29SuperNullthey expect info, asterisk is explicitly set to info on the peer.. no workie.
21:31.37dan_jHi. Has anyone got any experience with auto-diallers and asterisk? Are there pre-made modules which can be added to asterisk to make the process simpler? Its for a call centre which calls new clients, but they are finding that some data is bogus.
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22:00.24JeffC_NNDoes anyone have experience with dialplan application DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility()?
22:00.43JeffC_NNNo matter what I try I get "PRI Span: 1 Could not schedule facility message for CallRerouting/CallDeflection message."
22:01.53JeffC_NNUsing Framing/Coding ESF/B8ZS
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22:08.48JeffC_NNThe problem I'm trying to fix is that my PRI provider doesn't have a way to forward DID's to different numbers when I run out of channels, so we're going to check if we're almost out of them, and use the last channel to redirect away to other nubmers. DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility seemed like the best/only solution, but either I'm not using it right, or my provider doesn't support it....?
22:09.26JeffC_NNMy dialplan looks like exten = 7598,1,DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility(19710000000,19711111111,1)
22:09.38JeffC_NN(I changed the phone numbers, but the # of digits is the same)
22:10.13JeffC_NNI've tried with only the deflecting number, aka exten = 7598,1,DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility(19710000000)
22:10.14JeffC_NNand it still gives me the same message
22:27.24rmudgettJeffC_NN: DAHDISendCallreroutingFacility is only valid on EuroISDN(ETSI) and Q.SIG.
22:28.52JeffC_NNok, thanks :/
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