IRC log for #asterisk on 20140331

00:05.14JamesJRHThis 3rd party website appears to be more useful than the official Digium website:
00:06.18[TK]D-FenderExcept realizing that it's talking all about * 1.2 which is over 5 years old...
00:06.26[TK]D-FenderMore like 7 really
00:06.42[TK]D-FenderAnd things have changed.
00:06.57[TK]D-FenderLive CLI gives you at least the syntax relative to yours
00:07.14fileas will the wiki
00:07.58[TK]D-FenderYup, *'s official wiki does seem active...
00:08.07[TK]D-FenderWhat was the previous website issue scope exactly?>
00:08.38filewww is completely separate
00:09.10[TK]D-FenderIt does look like it's back no so far as I can see...
00:10.03fileyeah I'm going to poke the relevant people tomorrow just in case
00:10.55[TK]D-FenderJamesJRH: <- far better  place to start
00:11.35[TK]D-FenderJamesJRH: voi-info is mostly dated and needs to be taken with a brick of salt
00:12.13JamesJRH[TK]D-Fender: Aah! Thank you.
00:12.26JamesJRHfile: I did search the wiki before but got lost.
00:14.50[TK]D-FenderStart with the BOOK... then use the official wiki as reference for the technical bits
00:14.53infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
00:14.55JamesJRH[TK]D-Fender: The www seems to come and go. Different pages seem to be mangled at any one time. I tried back a few times over an hour the other day, and it would changed a couple of times.
00:17.04fileI'll nudge tomorrow
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00:20.14JamesJRHAlso annoying, is that many of the things I clicked on on the Asterisk homepage when I could get it to work would lead me to a form (or a mangled dialogue depending on your luck). For example, ‘Watch the Video’ pops-up a form or pops-up what looks like a binary file.
00:20.20ChannelZit is/was spitting out gzipped pages but seemingly without saying it has in the header
00:20.42filelet's look through my email and see if I knew of anything...
00:21.10JamesJRHChannelZ: But it's on and off.
00:21.30JamesJRHMaybe there are multiple servers and only one is affected.
00:22.46ChannelZyeah I never got that far into poking around,  it was like 4am and I had to go to bed. Seemed like the same IP though.
00:23.17fileit is certainly possible
00:23.19ChannelZthough could still be a misbehaving CDN or some caching
00:25.22JamesJRHThough that is still multiple servvers. ;-)
00:25.55ChannelZyeah I just meant 'behind the IP I can see'
00:26.56fileit's interesting
00:27.22fileit is using gzip encoding, HTTP headers are fine, it's hitting the drupal cache, and it's returning an HTML document but the body is nonsense
00:27.56JamesJRHChannelZ: Okay, yes, so you may be seeing multiple servers through one IP. I see.
00:27.59fileunless this is lying to me, which is also possible
00:28.56ChannelZfile: I was doing some wgets last night and the barf it was spewing was definately gzip data, I could unzip it and get the proper html
00:29.06JamesJRHfile: What's “this”?
00:29.23ChannelZbut then pages were working I was trying to check and then I went to bed. ;)
00:29.27fileweb dev tools
00:30.52JamesJRHfile: If the tools are in a browser, it could be due to some dynamic HTML fixup that the browser is doing.
00:31.08filebrowser extensions, actually
00:31.32ChannelZI can't get anything to not work now
00:31.44JamesJRHSo yeah, they'll be affected by the browser's fixup probably.
00:32.01JamesJRHChannelZ: Me neither. :-/
00:32.05filethat does not work for me.
00:32.29ChannelZyup here either.
00:32.53JamesJRHfile: Thanks.
00:33.54ChannelZSo it's gzip data, but I see yes the headers claim so.  I wonder if it's somehow being double-gzipped?
00:34.13ChannelZlike it's getting cached compressed for some reason
00:34.29pabelangerHACK THE PLANET
00:42.11JamesJRHfile: When you said “but the body is nonsense”, that made me initially think that the browser had fixed-up a HTML <head> and enclosed the gzip file with <body> tags. I've seen similar things happen before, but I see no fixup here. I wonder if you were actually talking about the ‘body’ of the HTTP transfer if that's what it's called?
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00:46.00JamesJRHHmm, ‘body’ is also the correct term in HTTP, just to be confusing. :-/
00:46.42WIMPydoesn't see anything unusual.
00:47.27JamesJRHWIMPy: This page seems to be gone now:
00:47.57JamesJRH(The other one is back.)
00:48.26ChannelZThere's a glitch in the matrix
00:50.35WIMPyInteresting. If I use wget, I get HTML. With a browser I get gzipped HTML.
00:51.28WIMPylynx -dump works, but not without -dump.
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04:32.20FennecVoxSo, I've obtained an AA50 from a thrift store.  How obsolete is it?
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06:09.21FennecVox[TK]D-Fender: Like, not worth messing with old, or "don't connect it straight to the Internet" old
06:09.35FennecVoxaw, he left
06:09.50FennecVoxfigured out what files should've been on the missing CF card though!
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08:59.13bitwizeHi guys, does anybody know where I can get hold of audio files with normal beeping ring tones?
09:05.51Chainsawbitwize: Do you mean progress tones?
09:11.31*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
09:13.20*** join/#asterisk andi (~andi@unaffiliated/fr00d)
09:14.02andiI'm trying to setup faxreceive for one of my numbers. I get this error: Cannot reserve FAX session - session limit exceeded (max: 0).
09:14.36andiAfter some googling I found out that there is any license needed. Can you tell me more about this license and what this is and where I can get it?
09:17.40Chainsawandi: You can get a single free license from this page:
09:19.13Chainsawandi: The explanations are further down the page.
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09:31.56Chainsawbitwize: Did you mean progress tones?
09:35.43bitwizeChainsaw: yes - progress tones
09:35.48bitwize(sorry for late reply)
09:36.12Chainsawbitwize: Generally you have Asterisk generate these as required (see indications.conf) rather then playing pre-recorded files.
09:38.29bitwizeChainsaw: Thanks, this setup is a little bit different doh. I need to start/stop playing (progressing) ringtones into a 3rd party conference room (app_konference) with already connected channels
09:40.41andiChainsaw: Thanks, it's working... Until the point where my sipgate trunking refuses T.38.
09:45.42Chainsawbitwize: core show application Playtones.
09:46.03Chainsawbitwize: Or you can use the r argument to Dial.
09:46.44bitwizeChainsaw: Thank, I will look into that right away
09:49.26Chainsawbitwize: That and the Ringing, Congestion & Progress applications.
09:49.39Chainsawbitwize: Between those 5 options I'm sure you'll find one that is just right :)
09:49.55*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:52.52zambahas MeetMe been removed?
09:56.56ChainsawMorning Faustov.
10:04.50kaldemarzamba: no.
10:13.23Faustovmoin mr Chainsaw
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11:18.27*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
11:19.11Ice_StrikeAnyone got experience with PoE switches for the phones?
11:19.16Ice_StrikeIs it stable
11:19.43WIMPyAs stable as your cable :-)
11:19.50WIMPyWhy shouldn't it?
11:20.29Ice_StrikeJust thought power and data going through a cable can be sneeky
11:20.29zambakaldemar: how can i check if it's there?
11:20.30Ice_Strikemaybe not.
11:20.56zambakaldemar: [2014-03-31 13:20:44] WARNING[8268]: pbx.c:4218 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'MeetMe' for extension (sentralbord, 8150, 5)
11:21.07Ice_StrikeWIMPy My understanding that if I get PoE switches, the phones will not longer have power pin connected? :)
11:21.36WIMPyThere are many ways to power your phones.
11:21.47Ice_StrikeI want to reduce the plugs.
11:22.03Ice_Strikepower sockets
11:22.14WIMPyzamba: You need dahdi for meetme. Or you forget about the old MeetMe and switch to the new ConfBridge.
11:22.39Ice_StrikeWIMPy What are other way?
11:23.07WIMPyIce_Strike: My preferred way, although it requires some custom cabling, is to get the power for the phone from the PC.
11:24.16Ice_StrikeWIMPy Is there already made that do that?
11:24.22WIMPyAllthough you can question why you need a phone if you have a PC.
11:24.29WIMPyErr, what?
11:24.44zambaWIMPy: is that a drop-in replacement?
11:25.24WIMPyzamba: No. It's different, but it can do a lot more. And it doesn't need DAHDI.
11:25.25Ice_StrikeWIMPy I meant can I buy cable from somewhere that get the power for the phone from the PC
11:25.45davlefouhi, it works
11:26.29WIMPyIce_Strike: I don't think so. I have seen slot brackets with a power plug being sold.
11:26.46WIMPydavlefou: What works?
11:27.24davlefoumy agi script, i have an question but i find the soluce before i have write it
11:27.48*** join/#asterisk pbxman (501a96d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:29.26pbxmancan anybody get into this url-> how can I download the JAI_core and jai_codec libraries, the maven repos don't seem to have permissions to distribute this libraries? any ideas?
11:30.05pbxmansorry wrong channel
11:30.40*** join/#asterisk bitwize (
11:35.42pbxmanall that was to send a FAX i need to parse pdfs and stuff to tiffs, does anybody know any other alternatives to SendFax that allow other formats than tiff?
11:37.48WIMPyFax is tiff, so it has to be converted.
11:41.03pbxmanI think I'm gonna use GhostScript to convert that PDF into TIFF, I wanted to do it without calling the OS
11:42.00davlefouSomes one have already use SIPAddHeader with an softphone? i try to use it with sflphone.
11:44.39computer22Is there any good website comparing voip phones?
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11:50.40davlefoucomputer22, no
11:51.48Ice_Strikewhat do you think of this switch
11:52.24WIMPyWhy do you need gigabit to connect phones?
11:53.07Ice_StrikeNot just phones
11:53.11Ice_Strikecomputers as well
11:53.53WIMPyYou want to take yourselt the time to make sure they coexist on the same switch?
11:54.32Ice_StrikeWhat do you mean
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11:55.27WIMPyIf you use the same network for phones and PC you will have to do some traffic management.
11:55.50Ice_StrikeYes, we use same network - no vlan.
11:55.57Ice_StrikeWill do traffic management.
11:56.41WIMPyIt's probably a lot cheaper to just use two seperate switches.
11:56.46*** join/#asterisk TSM (
11:57.21Ice_Strike2 x 24 you mean
11:57.33Ice_StrikeI would need two x 48 switches
11:57.36WIMPyWhatever size you need.
11:57.58WIMPyBut one with gigabit and one with POE should be cheaper than one with both.
11:58.19WIMPyAnd you don't have to do the traffic manangement.
11:58.53Ice_StrikeWIMPy Than that mean I would need seperate network for computers
11:59.01Ice_StrikeI like phones to be chained with computer
11:59.32Ice_StrikeSwitch <> A Network Cable <> Phone <Chained> computer
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12:00.58WIMPyGood luck with the phones handling traffic management then.
12:02.44Ice_StrikeWe don't have enough network ports on the wall to keep seperate for the phones.
12:03.13Ice_StrikeWe have about 90 computers and 100 ports.
12:10.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:03.57filefor those who were seeing problems - I've sent an email off to the right person
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13:32.38Groenleeranyone here who could help me with an queue problem on an old asterisk build 1.8 (which i can't upgrade)
13:33.11GroenleerThe queue returns an 'UNKNOWN' status, and i need to reroute the call to an external number which doesn't seem to happen right now.
13:34.00ChainsawIce_Strike: If you're after relatively cheap gig PoE switches I'd look at ProCurve.
13:34.01*** join/#asterisk cusco (~tralala@2001:41d0:1:6caf::cafe)
13:34.05cuscohi folks
13:34.10ChainsawIce_Strike: Rather then NetGear.
13:34.13cuscosay.. in asterisk cli: features show
13:34.15ChainsawGood afternoon Cubber.
13:34.18cuscoshows default and current
13:34.20ChainsawAnd hi cusco.
13:34.30cuscohi Chainsaw  :)
13:34.39cuscoso, that means default is replaced by 'current'
13:34.56cuscoI'm wondering why I'm getting the transfer feature everytime I press # on a outbound call
13:35.18cuscoand it hit me, that it might be asterisk-gw ... checking...
13:35.32ChainsawGroenleer: You're on debug 10 & verbose 10, and still no information on the actual queue event is forthcoming?
13:35.52Groenleerwell the queue is empty (no members) and has leave on empty on.
13:36.14Groenleerso that is why it is 'UNKNOWN'  the verbose is at 39, debug i don't know
13:36.17Ice_StrikeChainsaw Why?
13:36.48Ice_StrikeMissed your msg.. you suggested ProCurve
13:36.54ChainsawIce_Strike: Correct.
13:37.08Ice_StrikeI thought ProCurve is more expensive than Netgear
13:37.17ChainsawIce_Strike: Do you think there is a reason for that?
13:37.33GroenleerI would rather go with ProCurve than Netgear ;)
13:37.34cuscohmm there is no features.conf .. how does one disable features?
13:38.04cuscoonly module with features in its name is
13:38.46[TK]D-Fender[09:37]cuscohmm there is no features.conf .. how does one disable features? <- only reason it's there is because you specified the dial options
13:38.56[TK]D-Fender"core show application dial" <-
13:39.05cuscoright, the T or t option
13:41.27cuscothank you TK
13:43.52Ice_StrikeChainsaw ProCurve POE 48 ports costing £5,279.96
13:44.05Ice_StrikeOr Im I looking at wrong one?
13:44.28ChainsawIce_Strike: You're comparing an unmanaged Netgear against a managed ProCurve?
13:44.49Ice_StrikeDid I?
13:45.15ChainsawIce_Strike: Yes, you did.
13:45.35Ice_StrikeNetgear is Managed
13:45.57Ice_StrikeNETGEAR ProSafe GS752TP Gigabit Smart Switch - switch - 48 ports - Managed - desktop, rack-mountable
13:47.37ChainsawIce_Strike: If you want to buy a cheap Taiwanbox, I cannot stop you.
13:47.49GroenleerOk, made sure debug was at level 10, but does not return any useful information to me.
13:48.14ChainsawIce_Strike: Look at a something like an Extreme Networks X450-48p and get it refurb.
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13:48.43[TK]D-FenderGroenleer: show us the queue dump prior, and the call itself at verbose 10.
13:48.47infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:49.01Ice_StrikeI have a look
13:49.24ChainsawIce_Strike: That's actually better than any ProCurve, but because it doesn't have the brand recognition you might luck out on price.
13:49.37[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike: the netgear will probably work fine.  I've done well with D-Link for PoE switches as well, and there are plenty of Linksys that'll do the job
13:50.11Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Anything involving eternal handset reboots or intermittent packet loss goes to you.
13:50.53Ice_StrikePoE switches will be used for the phones which will be chained to computers
13:51.05Ice_Strikenot a seperate network.
13:51.17Groenleer   <== is this enough? I am quite new to asterisk debugging, so still learning all the commands.
13:51.34Groenleernot sure i have the queue dump etc.
13:51.46[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Never had any issues
13:52.05[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Why do you think a local LAN switch is just going to lose packets out of nowhere?
13:52.10[TK]D-FenderThis isn't the open internet...
13:53.00Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Because he's hanging a whole office on it, and a Netgear doesn't have the backplane to carry all that reliably.
13:53.10[TK]D-FenderGroenleer: that dialplan bit was useless, and I don't see the queue dump...
13:54.18Ice_StrikeChainsaw I found this:
13:54.37Ice_StrikeThis seem to be managed right?
13:54.58[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike: features 24 PoE+ port <----------------
13:55.28ChainsawIce_Strike: Yes, but only half the ports are PoE, and they max out at 100mbit/sec.
13:56.26Ice_StrikeWhat do you think of this:
13:56.31Ice_StrikeZyXel GS1910-48 48 Port Gigabit PoE Smart Switch
13:58.01ChainsawIce_Strike: First non-horrendous one you've posted.
13:58.47ChainsawIce_Strike: It's not a mainstream brand, but I would trust them for an office deployment.
14:00.24WIMPyZyXEl used to be the top end many years ago. Now they feel more like the dollar store of computing.
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14:02.39ChainsawIce_Strike: Value for money is quite good on that one, and it ticks all the boxes. Go with that over a Netgear.
14:04.20Ice_StrikeI need to see if include any type of loop protection.
14:05.37Groenleereitherway, it seems that the queue dump should be written to /var/log/asterisk/queue_log, but it isn't for the calls i am trying to fix. However, when agents are in the queue, the log file is being used.
14:05.41ChainsawIce_Strike: It does.
14:06.51Ice_StrikeIn the past, one of the agent plugged a cable from port to port on the wall.
14:07.12Ice_StrikeWhole network went down, took a while to figure out what went wrong.
14:09.18[TK]D-FenderGroenleer: No... the queue STATUS dump... "queue show" <-
14:09.37[TK]D-FenderGroenleer: And your actual queue config.  Youa re stating probelms with them and we're not actually looking at it yet
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14:15.08Groenleerok, sorry my misunderstanding.
14:16.16*** join/#asterisk valentinmu (~webdev@
14:16.29valentinmuhi guys
14:16.41valentinmuneed help with compiling from source
14:17.13valentinmulock.o:/usr/src/asterisk-11.8.1/utils/lock.c:1239: more undefined references to `ast_bt_get_addresses' follow
14:18.20valentinmuas i understand, "ast_bt_get_addresses" is a part of backtrace structure that is obviously necessary for asterisk
14:18.46valentinmubut i don't know how to fix problem
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14:22.14WIMPy11.8.1? Maybe you should get a sensible version first.
14:22.36WIMPyOh, shit. Cahn't read.
14:22.41WIMPyEven when copying.
14:22.55WIMPyMultitasking broken :-(
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14:27.01valentinmuWIMPy:  m? sensible version?
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14:27.26WIMPyJust forget what I wrote.
14:27.33WIMPyThat wa complete rubbish.
14:27.40Groenleerok, tried to gather some info, still not sure this is all that is needed for the troubleshooting (i am learning).
14:28.30GroenleerThe issue is the queue returns with UNKNOWN status (which seems valid based on the config) and i need to redirect the calls if the queue returns UNKNOWN, or any other error
14:28.41valentinmuWIMPy:  :) so you have nothing to advice?
14:29.14WIMPyDoesn't seem to be a good day to get advice from me.
14:29.23[TK]D-FenderGroenleer: Your queue has NO members and you have "joinempty = no".  Your caller cannot join your queue.
14:29.26WIMPySo I better shut up.
14:29.29valentinmuWIMPy: ok %)
14:31.54Groenleer[TK]D-Fender, true, i need to figure out how to redirect a caller if a queue has no members
14:32.24[TK]D-FenderGroenleer: You aren't looking at your dilaplan near where you call the queue at all.
14:32.26Groenleeractually i should try to prevent them getting in the queue if there is no one, but i have no clue how to.
14:32.37[TK]D-FenderGroenleer: thatIVR context JUMPS to another context.
14:32.42infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:32.56[TK]D-FenderTime to actually learn the Asterisk dialplan....
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14:59.20eth00I am running asterisk 1.8 and trying to use an AGI perl script for outbound calls. I have it calling but it immediately hangs up. I straced the process and when asterisk tries to execve the perl file it gets:  -1 EACCES (Permission denied) . Permissions are fine and using sudo -u asterisk-user works fine. The AGI debug does not give any errors. Any ideas on where to look?
14:59.30eth00I appreciate any help or being pointed in the right direction!
15:07.28alamihello, i want to set the language for asterisk is de, so i have download the language package and place it into /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de, in sip.conf->general i  set Langiage = de
15:07.52alamialso at extension.conf with the Setlanguage func.. but still not work
15:12.17alamii'm using asterisk 11.8.1
15:14.50infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:14.56[TK]D-Fenderalami: Show us
15:26.07*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
15:26.59[TK]D-Fendersame => n,Set(LANGUAGE()=de) <- this is not valid the way you did it.
15:27.15[TK]D-FenderThere is nothing to be the "same" as, and it is in the CHANNEL() function
15:28.23alami[TK]D-Fender>: sorry that was only a copy paste mistake
15:29.41[TK]D-FenderShow actual configs, and actual cal debug.
15:30.47alami[TK]D-Fender: Sorry i'm new to asterisk, wich configs do you mean? and wich debug mode?
15:30.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:31.22[TK]D-Fenderalami: What did you mean by "a copy paste mistake"?
15:31.42[TK]D-Fenderalami: and for debug, show us an actual call at * CLI, "core set verbose 10"
15:31.45*** join/#asterisk jiku (~jiku@
15:34.26alamihere it's
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15:38.05[TK]D-Fender <--- [genereal] is wrong.
15:38.40[TK]D-Fender <--- extend => _.,,Hangup()  extend => _.,,Set(LANGUAGE()=de) <- both never used and multiple mistakes in there
15:39.17alami[TK]D-Fender: when i put at user language = de is working
15:39.39[TK]D-Fenderand broken
15:42.14*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
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15:52.41alami[TK]D-Fender:i can set up language for each user, but not generaly
15:53.58[TK]D-Fenderalami: Ok, I've told you twice, I'm going to try one last time and hopefully it will be clear this time .  ---> YOU SPELLED [general] WRONG <---
15:54.11[TK]D-Fender[11:39][TK]D-Fender[11:38][TK]D-Fender <--- [genereal] is wrong. <-- MIS-SPELLED
15:54.28*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
15:55.27alami[TK]D-Fender: i understand that only if you explain it one time, and i have also change context=users
15:55.36[TK]D-Fenderalami: Your configs are full of spelling and other syntax errors.  You need to pay more attention to what you are doing.
15:56.08[TK]D-Fenderalami: What you've shown should give the results we wee what is a lack of gloabl language settings
15:59.13*** join/#asterisk hellc2 (
15:59.24hellc2Hi everyone!
16:02.01*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:03.30alami[TK]D-Fender: and now
16:03.51[TK]D-Fenderroot@tktest:/etc/asterisk# cat sip.conf
16:03.52[TK]D-Fender[genereal] <- NO
16:04.03hellc2I have a newbie question that I can't fix it: I have created a sample queue with 2 SIP members SIP/A and SIP/B. I'm trying to call to this queue, it rings A during 5 secs, B durings 5 secs, A during 5 secs, and go on forever...
16:04.25hellc2my queue couldn't be more simple..
16:04.54hellc2but always get 5 seconds of wait between A to B... and B to A...
16:05.05[TK]D-FenderSure it could.... remove B from the picture :)
16:05.38[TK]D-Fenderhellc2: PASTEBIN your queue config.
16:05.40infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:07.00*** join/#asterisk navaismo (
16:07.52[TK]D-Fenderhellc2: and the call attempt as well:
16:08.04[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10"
16:08.30[TK]D-Fenderhellc2: While you're at it, the full queue config  file
16:08.46[TK]D-Fenderhellc2: that looks a little thin and probably has general overrides
16:08.51alami[TK]D-Fender: i don't understand what's wrong at [general] on sip.conf
16:09.36[TK]D-Fender[12:03]alami[TK]D-Fender: and now <- LINE # 23 IS STILL WRONG.
16:10.54alamiohhh now i get it
16:11.05alamiohh my god sorry
16:11.56hellc2[TK]D-Fender, queues.conf:
16:12.02hellc2[TK]D-Fender, the log:
16:12.28hellc2You can see the "seconds" between dial SIP/400 and SIP/401
16:12.53hellc2line .116
16:13.47[TK]D-Fenderhellc2:  -- Executing [999@outgoing:1] Queue("Console/dsp", "prueba") in new stack <- this is not [testqueue] that we see in your queues.conf config
16:13.56[TK]D-Fender[queuetest] rather
16:14.07hellc2dialplan reload..
16:14.29[TK]D-Fenderyour CLI output does NOT match the config you showed us
16:14.57hellc2I try to clean sample code...
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16:15.44michael_worki'm using same way to originate call. on 1.8 i use SIP_CAUSE and it works fine, on 11 i se HANGUP_CAUSE and it says that there nothing found
16:16.59[TK]D-Fendermichael_work: "same way" .. as what?
16:17.11michael_worksame way on 1.8 as on 11
16:17.18michael_workon 1.8 with sip_cause and it works fine
16:17.26[TK]D-FenderAh, I did miss the later reference
16:18.30hellc2line 116 : ringing SIP/401.. and wait 5 secs...
16:18.57hellc2line 167: ringing SIP/400 ... and wait 5 secs...
16:20.14*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:25.08hellc2these 5 seconds are the time that I don't understand why happen and how I can remove.
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16:34.44[TK]D-Fenderhellc2: try setting to 1 s
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16:35.37ChannelZis puzzled.. your timeout is 5 seconds
16:36.59hellc2[TK]D-Fender, it will sound SIP/400 during 1 sec... 5 secs waiting... ringing SIP/401 during 1 sec... 5 secs waiting...
16:43.55hellc2I found the problem...
16:44.09hellc2app_queue.c sets DEFAULT_RETRY to 5
16:44.51hellc2although I change retry parameter to 0, it doesn't change..
16:45.18hellc2but I change DEFAULT_RETRY parameter in source, it works.
16:47.41puzzledso how do I upload a patch to the Jira issue I'm filing? My eyes must be getting really bad as I don't see a patch field somewhere
16:48.01hellc2If someone could confirm me it, I will send a patch
16:48.06filesubmit it and then go to More -> Attach Files
16:48.30puzzledfile: thanks. glad I'm not going blind/bonkers :)
16:50.16*** join/#asterisk ralphmazio (
16:50.47ralphmazioIf you modify sip.conf and extensions.conf can you just do a dialplan reload to activate changes?
16:51.00Qwellsip.conf isn't dialplan, so no
16:51.19ralphmazioWhat do you have to do to get sip.conf reread.
16:51.26Qwellsip reload
16:51.38ralphmazioWill that affect active connections?
16:51.52ralphmaziothank you sir
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16:52.50michael_work[TK]D-Fender, found the reason to previous question about HANGUPCAUSE but no idea for a solution yet
16:54.33puzzledfile: do I also need to request a review of a patch I submitted?
16:56.57filedoesn't hurt.
17:06.25navaismo:'( Compiled wanpipe for raspberry pi, but didn't generate the .ko kernel module, wanrouter cant start :'( :'( but wancfg_ utils exists
17:12.48puzzledfile: thanks
17:13.43coppicenavaismo: you have a raspberry pi with PCI slots? :-\
17:14.26navaismocoppice, no, trying to use the U100
17:14.42coppiceI thought they canned that device
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17:23.30navaismoU just need to find the gcc line to generate the kernel module to see the error :'(
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17:25.15drmessano  <-- Lots of RED TEXT
17:25.35drmessano"You might make it work.."
17:25.46drmessanoGlad I sold the one I had
17:26.34navaismoHi drmessano
17:26.48navaismoyeah this like a challenge to do
17:27.38drmessanoAre you using an older version of DAHDI?
17:28.31drmessanoDAHDI 2.6 Currently not supported, please use DAHDI or below
17:28.32drmessanoIMPORTANT LIMITATIONS: The USB FXO drivers are only guaranteed to work on Centos Installations.Due to rapidly changing kernel USB core we have to limit the USB FXO drivers to Centos installations only.
17:28.50navaismoso ar i get the binaries for wancfg_* wanrouter wanpipemon but the .ko module isnt present and cant find where is the compilation section. Yes I have DAHDI 2.6.1 compiled
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17:30.00drmessanoThe note says not only does it not work on 2.6 and above, but CentOS only.
17:30.36drmessanoIf you can't get the .ko module compiled, that kinda agrees
17:31.48drmessanoI never even tried to install the one I had.  I won it.  Sold it for $100, which I guess is $100 more than it was worth
17:31.56*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
17:32.12navaismowell this isnt a normall install i have edited the source file many times, and not using the Setup sangoma script make directly
17:32.59navaismoIm just trying to compile it like a dare, i dont have one MEGALOL
17:33.09drmessanoHopefully you've edited more than s/2.5/2.6/
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17:41.42navaismobut I guess this is the far way i can reached with that, everything started year ago with dahdi compilation and end here :'(
17:45.44drmessanoSOmetimes when things dont work, they dont work
17:46.04drmessanoA Pi probably needs a good SIP FXO ATA or small channel bank
17:46.15drmessanoI doubt the Pi could power the U100 anyway
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17:52.09navaismoyeah thats another thing the crappy usb on the pi
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18:07.20eirirsa SIP Pi only need ethernet :P
18:13.18drmessanoAnyone here using EC2?
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18:24.27navaismonot me to poor for that
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18:25.05igcewieling1Has anyone tried (or even thought about) using MulticastRTP (new in Asterisk 10?) to do a kind of "clustered" condbridge, this might avoid some of the issues with the current way of doing clustered confrences
18:30.50*** join/#asterisk polysics (
18:31.03polysicschacnes anyone knows the status of the ICES app?
18:31.13polysicsthe wiki is not exactly helpful
18:33.47JamesJRHfile, ChannelZ, WIMPy: The www website seems to be fixed, though it's still broken in the sense that clicking ‘Watch Video’ gets a form. :-P
18:33.54JamesJRHpolysics: Agreed.
18:34.09filepolysics, hasn't been touched in years but I used it for AstriDevCon and it worked fine
18:34.39JamesJRHpolysics: I find the wiki really confusing to search or otherwise find what I'm looking for.
18:35.28polysicsthe official wiki is not bad, unless it's missing some thing like in this case :)
18:39.59[TK]D-Fender[14:31]polysicschacnes anyone knows the status of the ICES app? <- It's there.
18:42.07*** join/#asterisk newtonr (
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18:42.40navaismonewtonr, the webrtc bug is fixed in the 11.9.0-rc1
18:43.11JamesJRHpolysics: I guess it's okay once you find stuff; I probably just didn't have much luck with the search function. I can probably make better use of the wiki by using ‘’ in DDG (or whatever general-purpose search engine).
18:43.19newtonrnavaismo, nice, i'll ping the reports of the various issues and ask them all to re-test with 11.9.0-rc1, thanks for the heads up
18:47.55*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
18:48.08JamesJRHpabelanger, WIMPy, [TK]D-Fender, whoever else: Thank you for your help about understanding PSTN channels.
18:48.19twanny796any help with configuring calling out to sipgate with asterisk?
18:49.48navaismohave you tried wiki of sipgate
18:50.44[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: Show us your failure with SIP debug enabled, and your config masking only the secret
18:51.08twanny796[TK]D-Fender, ok
18:52.11twanny796[Mar 31 20:51:41] NOTICE[21863][C-00000003]: chan_sip.c:23018 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"101" <sip:101@>;tag=as668e285e'
18:52.20*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
18:52.51[sr]i have the most wierd situation going on, i have an voip gsm as usual, and it appears call's from nowhere, from a CID 101
18:53.03[sr]the only relation i see is the internal codec number, 101
18:53.27twanny796[TK]D-Fender, are you following ;)
18:53.29[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: PASTEBIN <-
18:53.30infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:53.40twanny796[TK]D-Fender, ok
18:54.38*** part/#asterisk polysics (
18:55.11igcewieling1[sr]: someone is trying to hack your PBX or thinks your phone is a PBX and is trying to hack it
18:56.30[TK]D-FenderOr your description is bad and we have no debug to base a real opinion on.
18:56.40[TK]D-Fenderhedges his bet....
18:59.00[sr]igcewieling1: i have the voip gsm with 2x SIM's, and only happens to one of the SIM's
19:00.23[sr]igcewieling1: there's no external access, only if there's some cleaver guy inside the network
19:00.40[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: Waiting for the CALL DEBUG as requested...
19:01.25twanny796[TK]D-Fender, it? in the first line of patebin?
19:02.02twanny796[TK]D-Fender, no it? not ok
19:02.21[TK]D-FenderASTERISK CLI <-  this should be HUNDREDS of lines show actual comm flow
19:02.36[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
19:02.43twanny796[Mar 31 21:02:28] NOTICE[21863][C-00000005]: chan_sip.c:23018 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"101" <sip:101@>;tag=as5f5819e8'
19:02.45[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10" <-\
19:03.40twanny796Console verbose was OFF and is now 10.
19:03.40twanny796[Mar 31 21:03:17] NOTICE[21863][C-00000006]: chan_sip.c:23018 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"101" <sip:101@>;tag=as3346ccfb'
19:03.51navaismoOr kick
19:08.13*** part/#asterisk igcewieling1 (
19:08.47ChannelZflicks twanny796's nipples
19:09.48[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: [15:02][TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
19:10.23navaismotwanny796, i bet that you need to change your trunk password i already registered on my asterisk test machine
19:12.53navaismounregistered already
19:13.34navaismotwanny796, seriously dude what the.... You are pasting your passwords
19:14.06twanny796navaismo, I will change it no prob.
19:14.31twanny796[TK]D-Fender, cannot catche the output, is there a way to pipe it to a file?
19:15.28navaismo| tee filename
19:16.26[TK]D-Fendertwanny796: What are you using to get to the shell?
19:17.39[TK]D-Fenderno, how are yougetting to the *OS* shell
19:18.19*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:19.40[TK]D-Fenderright click on the bar -> Copy All To Clipboard.  DONE
19:19.49computer22How easy is it to upgrade asterisk if you've compiled from src?
19:20.11[TK]D-Fendercomputer22: wipe modules folder.  recompile.  install.  Done
19:20.21computer22Woo. That's pretty straight forward.
19:20.28computer22If I'm using swift, I have to recompile that too?
19:20.49[TK]D-Fenderdepends if things it relies on changed
19:20.59computer22Alright, sounds good.
19:24.28*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
19:25.05twanny796[TK]D-Fender, ^
19:25.33[TK]D-FenderI am clearly not seeing the SIP DEBUG I asked for 3 times not...
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19:28.29twanny796[TK]D-Fender, thank you for your time, but I am sorry I have to go, maybe I will post in the asterisk forum?
19:29.22joecoolhey, i'm trying to set up 2 IP phones in my office with an external asterisk provider (outside the LAN), one phone has 2 extensions on 2 accounts, the other is just a single extension
19:29.43joecoolphone with single extension always works (swissphone ip10s)
19:30.06joecoolthe phone with 2 extensions (cisco 7940) only one extension works and no inbound calls work
19:30.32joecooldo i need to run a different UDP port for every extension?
19:31.18joecooli've had some weirdness where both phones ring when trying to call an extension and i'm assuming it has to do with packets getting mixed up
19:32.22[TK]D-Fender[15:28]twanny796[TK]D-Fender, thank you for your time, but I am sorry I have to go, maybe I will post in the asterisk forum? <- just come back here withit
19:51.58*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:02.04jameswfjoecool: every active sip channel uses 2 udp ports
20:03.21[TK]D-Fenderor more
20:04.44infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:06.46joecooljameswf: any idea how i can stop this from happening? do i need to switch port ranges?
20:08.10jameswfjoecool: you want it to stop using udp ports?
20:10.24joecooljameswf: no, i described my issue up above, it seems like the regitration is getting confused between phones because i'm using the same server but different extensions from WAN to LAN, i was assuming that it's mapping to the same port and causing things to get confused
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20:17.54infobotrumour has it, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
20:18.46bsdicemy phone... it still works
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20:47.36FuriousGeorgehey all
20:49.07FuriousGeorgeI've been away since 1.4, so it's been a while, and forgive me if this is a dumb question, but:  is this normal output for sip show channels when no one is on the phone?
20:51.23FuriousGeorgei remember in the 1.2 days I would sometimes have issues on another server with sip <-> zap channels that would not hangup, and i'd have to go in there and destroy the channels.  this doesn't look like that though.  plus it's all sip end to end, so maybe this is normal?
20:51.27navaismoyes, SIP dialogs between server and endpoints
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20:52.52FuriousGeorgenavaismo: how does one check to see how many active calls are going on these days?
20:53.21navaismocore show channels verbose at the end it say how many channels and how many active calls
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20:56.02navaismobitcoins please :P
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21:19.07drmessanoI have like 3 of them
21:25.44FennecVoxSo, is anyone familiar with the AA50?
21:28.10FennecVoxhappened into one
21:31.58FennecVoxis about to contact Digium to ask about purchasing a firmware update for it, but is afraid of getting either laughed at or 4 figures demanded of him
21:49.47drmessanoDoesn't seem like it's worth it
21:49.59_Corey_FennecVox: I believe that it's EOL'd
21:50.02drmessanoIt's only going to be based on a much older codevase
21:50.05drmessanoIt's only going to be based on a much older codebase
21:50.23drmessanoAll you're doing is adding newer, insecure code to it
21:50.43drmessano(newer than what it's running)
21:50.58drmessanoThat's like upgrading from Windows 95 to 98
21:54.55FennecVoxdrmessano: I'm concerned about that it seems to have a random reboot issue.  I'm going to keep it inside my LAN and use it as an IAX FXO/FXS gateway, lol
21:55.29drmessanoHow often is it rebooting?
21:56.17FennecVoxdrmessano: mean is 26 hours, min is 13, max is 31
21:56.29FennecVoxaccording to my firewall's dhcp server log
21:57.17FennecVoxI did some googling, and there are a lot of posts about the firmware having reboot issues and not having them
21:57.34FennecVoxbut I can't find's uImage anywhere, and I'd rather not pirate it if I can at all help it
21:57.52drmessanoI would call them.  They may even give it to you
21:57.57drmessanoor tell you where to pirate it
21:58.24FennecVoxtheir support line seemed to be closed when i tried to call earlier
21:58.25drmessanoThat thing is as extinct as an IAXy
21:58.45FennecVoxI could drive over to their office and look
21:58.49FennecVoxit's only like 3 minutes from here
21:59.02FennecVoxknock on the door.  "hey, anyone got firmware for this?!"
21:59.09drmessanoI would
21:59.35FennecVoxTomorrow during business hours.  x3
22:00.03FennecVoxbut yeah, i mainly intend to use it just as a fxo/fxs box
22:00.15FennecVoxbecause my audiocodes gateway has been being "funny" lately
22:01.13FennecVoxand the AudioCodes box is more dead than this bad thing.
22:01.58FennecVoxAudiocodes EOLed the MP-108 2 years before the AA50 was even made lol
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22:28.09FennecVoxSo, any major security problems I should be aware of with this AA50
22:28.29FennecVoxkeeping in mind it's going to be behind my network firewall, and I don't intend to point it at anything Internet-facing
22:28.57[TK]D-FenderFennecVox: plenty of OS vulnerabilities, as wel Asterisk and every single thing on it potentially.
22:29.03[TK]D-FenderIt is YEARS out of date
22:29.21FennecVoxYeah, that's why I have a rule in pfsense saying "deny all from"
22:30.47FennecVoxI intend to use it as a SIP/IAX FXS/FXO box to a newer asterisk VM I already have around my LAN
22:31.08FennecVoxSince my AudioCodes MP-108 is dying, lol
22:31.42[TK]D-Fender[18:29]FennecVoxYeah, that's why I have a rule in pfsense saying "deny all from" sounds like you be resdtricting it TO a single IP (your VM server)
22:32.02FennecVoxThe vm-server and the box are on the same subnet
22:32.06FennecVoxit'd never cross pfsense
22:32.19FennecVoxthis is for my home "play" network
22:32.44FennecVoxbut having a decent FXO would be nice to have, since the current FXO I have is some kind of winmodem, lol
22:33.20*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
22:33.25[TK]D-FenderWell if you lock down the hosts that can get to it it could do the job. (FXS/FXO -> SIP)
22:34.37FennecVoxsecond question: is pbx in a flash a decent pre-assembled asterisk distribution, or should I look for others
22:35.37[TK]D-Fenderwhat do you actually want to do?
22:36.32FennecVoxI got a giant box of polycom phones.  i have a single analog phone line coming into my house now.  I was using PIAF with Google Voice, but I'm going to be able to use the AA50 as an FXO over SIP now.
22:36.48FennecVoxI want to be able to plonk Polycom phones down around my house to confuse my roommates.
22:37.35FennecVox"Why do we have to dial 9 to call for pizza now?"
22:38.00[TK]D-FenderOh, so 1980 is calling.. they want their dialing prefixes back...
22:38.16FennecVoxTHAT is entirely retaliation for them putting a coin box on the toilet.
22:39.21[TK]D-FenderWell if you don't actually care to learn or anything.. then just go with the FreePBX provided ISO
22:52.59*** join/#asterisk ralphmazio (

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