IRC log for #asterisk on 20140325

00:08.40*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
01:17.41*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
01:17.45jzawevenin all
01:18.06WIMPygood morning
01:18.48jzawsay when you set messages => security,notice,warning,error
01:18.55jzawand similar for console
01:19.13jzawis there a way to only have *security* show the failed and warning items
01:19.19jzawnot the successful stuff
01:19.42jzawobivously the error/warning/fails will be hidden in all that *noise*
01:20.12jzawthe messages setting is for fail2ban ofc
01:20.24jzawbut i also always keep a console up on screen
01:24.36*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
01:37.33*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~MIRC@LINBIT/KavanS)
01:38.23KavanSlooking to connect a polycom to a POTS landline in the most simple way possible...suggestions?
01:39.26[TK]D-FenderNo wait.. that requires heat...
01:41.18KavanSwas thinking one of those linksys adapters might fit the bill...I've just never used one before
01:42.54[TK]D-Fendervery old model
01:43.53KavanSgoogling now
01:44.24KavanSany suggestions for a newer model?
01:45.13[TK]D-FenderThere was the 3102, and I'm not sure what the current one is....
01:45.45KavanSyeah the Cisco 3102 is the result that I'm finding on repeat
02:01.05*** join/#asterisk k1ng (~k1ng@unaffiliated/k1ng)
02:01.12KavanS[TK]D-Fender: ever use one of these U4EA Fusion 200 devices?
02:03.00*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
02:03.40[TK]D-FenderGoogle search shows them pretty much exclusively plastered all over ebay..... which means cheap junk
02:04.26KavanSyep, couldn't find a review
02:04.31KavanSindependently speaking...
02:04.41[TK]D-FenderAnd is that where you found them?
02:04.58KavanSgoogled a variety of search terms
02:05.08KavanSfxo voip gateway, voip gateway, pots voip gateway, etc.
02:05.19[TK]D-Fenderbetter tip : see what RETAILERS are actually setting
02:05.29KavanStrue that.
02:11.30*** join/#asterisk cklimos (
02:18.34*** join/#asterisk hebber (
02:21.14KavanSok, looks like I found something.  thanks for the pointers TK
02:21.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:21.57*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
02:22.20*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
02:22.38[TK]D-FenderKavanS: NWhat did you pick?
02:25.32KavanSgoing to use an analog phone in this circumstance :)
02:31.22*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
02:36.06*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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02:55.03*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
05:11.38*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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05:23.24*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
05:40.30*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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06:42.03*** join/#asterisk Tokeiito (
06:42.28*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:42.30*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:02.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:04.49*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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07:21.38*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
07:22.49*** join/#asterisk teo_ (d462a1a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:36.16*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
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07:54.45*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
08:03.02*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
08:39.44*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:53.55*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@
08:57.40*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
09:02.07*** join/#asterisk kW_ (
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09:31.43*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
09:33.37*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
09:36.05*** join/#asterisk Koti (~koti@
09:38.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:41.54*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:54.17*** join/#asterisk Groenleer (~martijn@unaffiliated/groenleer)
10:09.45GroenleerAnyone here experience with the combination of Asterisk on a Synology NAS and Follow me ?
10:32.26*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
10:33.25*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
10:38.50*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
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10:42.48*** join/#asterisk af_ (
11:05.48*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
11:30.47*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
11:38.17*** join/#asterisk jaflong (5bec7504@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:39.21jaflongany ideas what is wrong: ERROR[17656]: pjsip:0 <?>: icess0x7ff3a00 ..Error sending STUN request: Invalid argument
12:07.15*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
12:07.30*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
12:15.39*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
12:17.38teo_jaflong: no server configured?
12:18.07teo_btw there's something in the buglist, STUN related
12:22.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:24.11jaflong<teo_> : stun server is running. I get the same result against a external stun server as well
12:24.20*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (bd5ac048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:29.35jaflongThanks for the info, I am checking the links out. However I am wondering does STUN actually work in Asterisk 12
12:30.45teo_well, AFAIK they've replaced SIP stack with pjproject and STUN code needs debug so that can be a problem
12:31.03filea new channel driver exists which uses PJSIP, but chan_sip still exists
12:31.08teo_I believe it worked fine before
12:31.15filethe underlying code is common between both of them
12:31.36fileand it's working for some people, or at leas twas
12:33.36jaflongI see the stun features are from chan_pjsip.  Does  chan_pjsip and chan_sip work together or is one to be used exclusivly
12:34.34filethey aren't from chan_pjsip
12:35.09filePJSIP is a part of what is provided, but is standalone from the ICE/STUN/TURN support
12:35.27fileand they are completely separate
12:37.25filethe problem is likely environment specific
12:38.55jaflongin terms of config to use stun i have icesupport=yes in sip.conf and in rtp.conf
12:39.10jaflongAre any other config needed
12:42.52teo_jaflong: have you specified the transport?
12:43.40jaflongi dont think so. Where is that set?
12:53.31*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:02.47*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
13:02.57Groenleerdoes anyone know why FollowMe would not work with Asterisk and AsteriskGUI ?
13:03.20[TK]D-FenderAsteriskGUI is dead and has not been supported in a long long time
13:03.21GroenleerIt seems my extension is not triggering the macro for FollowMe, altough everything seems to be set.
13:03.52GroenleerI figured that out, but it seems to be the only Asterisk implementation currently available for Synology NAS.
13:05.07GroenleerAnd the package is not really updated by Synology either cause it is still having Asterisk 1.8...
13:06.11*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:b998:2357:6435:cb43)
13:07.04*** join/#asterisk jansiva (~janaki@
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13:13.02*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
13:15.21*** join/#asterisk cklimos (~Claude@
13:15.57teo_jaflong: I think you need to specify everything including STUN server port and sip.conf shall contain binding instructions, including port value as well as mentioned here
13:16.52teo_in particular, udpbindaddr= and must be set
13:24.00*** join/#asterisk hellc2 (
13:24.12hellc2Hi all
13:24.47ChainsawYou resetting us all?
13:34.44*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:35.38*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
13:42.53*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
13:52.19*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
13:53.58*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@nat/digium/x-ozjipyuzryfulrpn)
13:53.58*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
14:01.11jwr__I read that res_jabber was deprecated in favor of res_xmpp. Does anyone know if res_xmpp does jabber IM notifications? Everything I see on Google shows people using res_jabber for that.
14:01.46Kattyfyi, google is ending support from xmpp.
14:02.01Kattyinfobot: thank you, dear.
14:02.01infobotde nada, Katty
14:02.43jwr__they are ending support for xmpp for google voice. but not for IM, if i recall correctly. i'm only interested in sending an IM to someone when they receive a call.
14:02.44fileres_xmpp exposes the same stuff as res_jabber, it's just internally different
14:02.55fileheck it even accepts the same config file
14:03.29Kattyi think i'd use res_jabber.
14:03.36Kattybut that's just me.
14:04.09Kattyfile: how're you and ms zoe.
14:04.20fileKatty, good! preparing for snow
14:04.34Kattyfile: oh? not a lot i hope?
14:04.36fileKatty, and she's presently just dead weight in my lap
14:04.47fileKatty, 30-40cm tomorrow and potentially another 30-40cm Sunday
14:04.49Kattyexcellent. i see she's doing her job.
14:04.53jwr__res_xmpp uses the same config as res_jabber? so any directions that talk about using res_jabber should also work for res_xmpp, then?
14:04.59Kattyfile: yuck! keep it up there.
14:05.04filejwr__, should!
14:05.18Kattyfile: i trust you have french toast supplies? bread, milk, and eggs
14:05.20jwr__file: awesome. that is what i need. thanks.
14:05.56fileKatty, I do not!
14:06.32*** join/#asterisk kW_ (
14:06.41Kattyfile: oh noes!
14:12.16*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:17.03*** join/#asterisk BeachBall (~eXcAliBuR@
14:17.30BeachBalli get that while trying to do a install
14:17.54BeachBallmake doesn't finish
14:18.02BeachBalland make install doesn't work for make didn't finish
14:21.11*** join/#asterisk kW_ (
14:21.14*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
14:21.57QwellBeachBall: How did you download this?
14:22.43QwellAlso, give us the complete log of: make dist-clean && ./configure && make
14:23.02BeachBallwget using current
14:27.49*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:29.25BeachBalltakin for ever
14:29.27BeachBallmight work
14:29.30BeachBallit worked
14:31.21Qwellmight want to check the disk space on that system, and make sure the time is correct.
14:31.54pabelangeror out of memory
14:32.03BeachBallit's a droplet
14:32.07BeachBallfrom digital ocean
14:32.11BeachBallthe 512MB one
14:32.14BeachBall20GB space
14:32.25pabelangerdo you have a swap?
14:32.27QwellI'm not saying that's the problem - it's just a few potential reasons.
14:32.37BeachBalli don't think it's got swap
14:32.47pabelangerI suspect gcc is getting killed
14:33.10pabelangersetup a 2gb swap
14:33.37QwellOr get a properly sized machine, so you don't utterly tank performance...
14:33.52BeachBallit's only for 1 line
14:33.55BeachBall1 call at a time
14:34.08BeachBallplus my email and website
14:35.01BeachBall16% used space
14:35.06BeachBalldo i really need a swap
14:36.13BeachBallhow big?
14:36.17BeachBalli c
14:36.19BeachBall2 GB
14:37.41*** join/#asterisk serafie (
14:39.52pabelangerafter you compile you can swapoff
14:40.07pabelangerbut, if you run out of memory (512) you have no overflow
14:40.13pabelangerand things will just get killed
14:45.02BeachBalli made it
14:45.41BeachBallyou guys are so smart
14:46.49*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
14:52.16BeachBalli copied all my config files from old server to new one
14:52.22BeachBallthat won't cause problems?
14:52.34BeachBall[Mar 25 10:52:25] ERROR[23333]: chan_sip.c:4343 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data
14:52.44BeachBalli updated the IP address in the sip.conf
14:53.01BeachBallregistration is timing out
14:53.21[TK]D-FenderTime to actually look at the call...
14:55.43*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-sslwuhsqamaydmiw)
14:55.47[TK]D-Fender[10:52]BeachBallthat won't cause problems? <- we know nothing of your previous system, module differences, networking difference, etc.
14:56.02BeachBallhow do i get the debugger on
14:56.08BeachBallso i see everything
14:56.55[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10"
14:57.01[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
14:57.06BeachBalli have verbose at 10
15:04.52BeachBalli had to disable the bing IP lines
15:05.33BeachBallthank you for keeping me calm while i paniced
15:08.30*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
15:08.52*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
15:12.44*** part/#asterisk BeachBall (~eXcAliBuR@
15:17.41*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
15:31.43*** join/#asterisk kemmler (kemmler@
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15:43.16*** join/#asterisk zapphir (
15:45.35zapphirHi! I cannot get device_status for my x-lite software phone to work in asterisk. The device_status is always not_in_use no matter what I try. I am running Asterisk 11.5.1. Does anyone have any tips how to get device_status to work?
15:49.29[TK]D-FenderShow us your peer and your dialplan you're runing for it
15:49.40*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
15:50.12WIMPyDo you have call-counters enabled?
15:50.15infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:51.28zapphirWimpy: yes I have
16:00.47*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
16:01.09zapphirWIMPy: I have tried that too
16:02.43zapphirWimpy: would it be possible to set the device_state manually? I could use a custom variable, but it would be nice to use the built in functions for queue handling with regards to the device_state.
16:08.14*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:4182:578c:971e:a563)
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17:00.43*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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17:14.49*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
17:18.32*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
17:18.37FuriousGeorgehey all
17:20.36FuriousGeorgeim having a heck of a time trying to provision my soundstation 500 with asterisk.  im following this guide:
17:21.13ChainsawFuriousGeorge: It's working talking to jkroon about this later.
17:23.30[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Model doesn't seem right...
17:23.51FuriousGeorgeChainsaw:  I don't understand
17:24.06FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i meant to say "5000" not 500
17:24.54Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Those board room table units, the older ones.
17:25.36FuriousGeorgeChainsaw: they are working and you will be talking to jkroom about it?  i'm a bit confused
17:25.48ChainsawFuriousGeorge: No, I recommend that you, FuriousGeorge, talk to jkroon when he next appears.
17:25.59ChainsawFuriousGeorge: He's very recently done work to deploy them.
17:26.15[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: IP 5000 isn't raelly "old"
17:26.17FuriousGeorgeChainsaw: i understand now, thanks
17:26.25Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: It's not fantastically new either.
17:26.35*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
17:27.10ChainsawFuriousGeorge: I autoprovision my units, at any rate. Over HTTP (using a DHCP option string).
17:30.09*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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17:49.54*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
17:50.15*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
17:56.35marceloamorimHey guys, I used to set on my freebsd-asterisk, the modules dahdi on rc.conf > dahdi_modules="wtcdm24xxp" because I use digium wildcard tdm800p
17:56.52marceloamorimnow I need to use tdm400p, which module I need to set up?
17:56.57marceloamorimanyone knows?
17:58.42*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
17:59.08marceloamorimthere is wctdm.ko and wct4xxp.ko at /usr/local/lib/dahdi/
17:59.52marceloamorimok, thx one more time [TK]D-Fender
18:02.55marceloamorimto complement there is a good documentation about this digium wildcards
18:04.17[TK]D-FenderThat page is ancient
18:04.22[TK]D-FenderZaptel hasn't existed for years
18:04.36[TK]D-FenderIt was replaced by DAHDI in 1.4.20 or 22
18:09.12*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
18:09.20marceloamorimyou right, but still good for which module you can use for some wildcards
18:12.56*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:21.17*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:22.27*** join/#asterisk path (
18:22.33pathhey boys
18:22.37pabelangerAnybody know the syntax in sox to setup a sln audio file (raw asterisk format)?
18:23.01pathis there a way to edit the SIP header? I dont want the ';tag=' on it
18:23.18pathwent through chan_sip.c without any success
18:23.35pathp->tag, p->theirtag, clid_tag, and so on
18:23.39fileuhhhh, that would likely break SIP interop
18:24.25pathhow come
18:24.46pathFrom: sipp <sip:sipp@>;tag=12834SIPpTag00110 I just want to remove the ';tag...'
18:25.29fileperhaps a better question is this - where are you using the From and why?
18:26.28paththe thing is I give this header to an sbc
18:43.35*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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18:50.30*** join/#asterisk R1ppa (
18:51.37R1ppatrying to override callerid so that when calling SALES, at least the sales folks will see that a certain extension was dialed or even changing from to SALES would be nice, tried callerid(name) and callerid(num), error is function callerid not registered
18:51.58R1ppadoing show function callerid shows information, dont want to assume but thought that meant it is indeed registered
18:53.32[TK]D-FenderShow us
18:53.37infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:54.53R1ppasnippet of extensions.conf, or did you mean the error?
18:55.25[TK]D-FenderR1ppa: Functions are CASE SENSITIVE.
18:55.46*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-kgkadzlsyfgcohrw)
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18:56.09R1ppa[TK]D-Fender, so CALLERID(name) ?
18:57.08*** join/#asterisk loggiew (~logan@
18:57.49loggiewi have a server on a public IP (no nat), a DID, a softphone, and my cell with a voip app
18:57.53loggiewall of them get an echo test
18:57.59loggiewnone of them will communicate with each other
18:58.13loggiewand im getting a little frustrated. Not sure where to even look at this point
18:59.00loggiewits almost like the device behind my home NAT is having port issues but Ive been chasing NAT for a while now and it does it over 4g also
18:59.26R1ppa[TK]D-Fender, thank you sir!!
18:59.36loggiewso i dont think its my home NAT per se, I think I have a misconfig. Im just not sure where.
18:59.43loggiewThey all perform the echo test fine.
19:00.00[TK]D-Fenderloggiew: You need to set each of your peers to match their scenario.
19:00.04loggiewthe softphone is sipml5
19:00.14[TK]D-Fenderloggiew: and prevent reinvites (directmedia=no)
19:00.19[TK]D-FenderR1ppa: You're welcome.
19:00.22loggiew[TK]D-Fender: ya :/ Im fairly sure I did
19:00.28loggiew[TK]D-Fender: definitely have directmedia=no
19:00.57[TK]D-FenderR1ppa: and I'd advise you to try to conserve at least a bit of the orignal name rather than ovewriting all of it like that.
19:00.58loggiewand the DID config is correct (its cut and paste what I used previously when I had it working)
19:01.21[TK]D-Fenderloggiew: Telling us it's right isn't confirmation that it is so.
19:01.38loggiewok, would you prefer I pastebin or another method?
19:01.46[TK]D-Fender[14:58]loggiewnone of them will communicate with each other <- this could use a little clarification
19:01.50infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:03.44*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
19:04.07loggiewI am using the sample configs so Im trying to paste the relevent sections and leave out the excess
19:05.02[TK]D-FenderTrash the excess. It will only lead to confusion and then errors when you miss enabling something you thought you had, or the reverse
19:11.15loggiewI know its probably ugly and I tried to make sure I included anything having to do with my changes
19:11.29loggiewI also focused on one device
19:11.40loggiewand included the data for the SIP trunk
19:11.50loggiewbecause working between those two would be ideal
19:12.16loggiewIt rings on phone A but phone B never actually rings to be answered
19:13.56loggiewI always get messages in sip debug saying "Retransmitting" etc
19:14.10[TK]D-Fenderenable SIP debug, pastbein a call.
19:14.20loggiewok, one moment
19:14.30[TK]D-Fenderand you should be setting your peers explicitly and not trying to leave things to [general].
19:15.47loggieware the sip trunk and [100] not explicitely set?
19:16.06[TK]D-Fenderyour ITSP should be "nat=no", and your phone "nat=yes", and allow=all is a BAD idea.  * could permit the first leg to something that a bridge will fail to transcode
19:16.50loggiewinstead of allow=all is there a relatively safe standard I can try to start with?
19:17.22[TK]D-Fenderpick your codec.  disallow=all, allow=ONECODEC
19:17.37[TK]D-FenderSettle on the easiest lowest common denomicator
19:17.52loggiewya, i dont know much about codecs so I wasnt sure
19:18.14loggiewlet me start with those changes and then I'll list a pastebin of the debug if it still misbehaves. Thanks for the response
19:19.06*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
19:21.21loggiewomg dude
19:21.27loggiewyou just got me further than a day of reading
19:21.55loggiewthe phone finally rang but then immediately hung up so Ive gotta go figure that out now
19:24.01[TK]D-FenderRight questions + pastebin = opportunity
19:24.16loggiewI really appreciate it
19:25.56[TK]D-FenderpPB up a call and lets see what's happening...
19:27.24loggiewis there a way to save the output to a file?
19:28.10[TK]D-FenderYou could pipe it I guess... I just grab live.
19:32.24loggiewya, im using `script`
19:32.39loggiewbut now i have to copy it to a location i can easily highlite and paste :P
19:32.42loggiewvirtual servers..
19:32.56[TK]D-FenderAre you SSH'd to the server?
19:33.08[TK]D-FenderIf so, from what platform?
19:33.28loggiewIm on windows and it is centos
19:33.39loggiewim using my brothers laptop. i normally run anything else
19:35.24[TK]D-FenderUse Putty.  Right click.  Copy All To buffer.  Done
19:36.42loggiewim in putty..   i dunno if it saves to the buffer properly like that when Im in screen
19:37.04loggiewi started apache and moved it to a public location and pulled it up
19:38.20rrittgarnloggiew: you can always turn on putty logging... i think that should capture all the output
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19:38.56loggiewcool. Ill keep that in mind
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19:40.11loggiewthose debug logs are really long
19:40.15loggiewtedious to read through
19:40.26Kobazokay so, something new i'm getting into now
19:40.39Kobazwhat does jitter or voip packet loss look like in a packet dump
19:40.48Kobazi'm trying to prove to a customer that it's not the asterisk box that's the problem
19:40.58Kobazthe audio received is choppy on some calls
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19:42.24loggiew[TK]D-Fender: was that PB of any benefit?
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19:46.16loggiewKobaz: Im guessing, obvious retransmits and latency on the connection?
19:46.33*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@2601:2:8800:373:f5ce:2a66:9da:7b47)
19:46.58Kobazwell there's no retransmits on our sending-side
19:48.07Kobazi'm looking for anything interesting on the packet dump at the moment
19:49.00loggiewit seems you would need a dump of both sides? Am I wrong?
19:49.01[TK]D-Fender[15:36]loggiewim in putty.. i dunno if it saves to the buffer properly like that when Im in screen <- it doesn't
19:49.55loggiewits time for a cigarette
19:50.17Kobazi dont have access to the other side
19:50.19Kobazanother tech does
19:50.27Kobazand he's not seeing anything
19:51.00Kobazi'm thinking it's something on the carrier... like we're all sip from asterisk to an avaya (on the same switch), and then out to an ip box from lightpath
19:53.04loggiewbut you aren't really noting TCP retransmissions? Nor SIP resending?
19:53.30Kobazi have a tcpdump of everything
19:53.40loggiewya. sorry. im just sitting here going hmm.
19:54.14Kobaznothing obvious so far
19:54.21loggiewim wondering if it would be dropped packets? Don't notice anything except 1 less packet here or there?
19:54.31loggiewrather somethign that is there, its something thats not?
19:55.44loggiewshould be able to use MTR and such to check latency and packet loss along the path
19:59.44*** join/#asterisk dxd828_ (
20:01.50loggiewwhy does it send CANCEL immediately when I pick up?
20:02.28Kobazloggiew, i'm listening to call recording
20:02.30Kobazand it's like
20:02.49Kobazh-e-l-l-o  t-h-e-r-e
20:02.54Kobazand then resumes back to normal
20:03.03Kobazlike tiny little 10ms audio chunks are missing
20:03.11Kobazand then it doesn't happen for like 20 minutes
20:03.13Kobazand then happens again
20:03.37loggiewdoes it seem to go in regular intervals? And do other calls or other network services notice it?
20:03.59Kobazdoesnt seem to be regular
20:04.05Kobazhere's a sample real quick
20:04.40Kobazso someone is like
20:04.54Kobaz"h--iii, thi---s is john...."
20:04.56Kobazat the beginning
20:05.06Kobazand then it's back to normal
20:05.17loggiewdoes it always do it at the start of the call?
20:05.21Kobaznot always
20:05.26loggiewno, you said it does 20 min later too..
20:05.39Kobazsome call starts are perfectly fine
20:05.50Kobazsee how it's cut up there
20:05.56Kobazand then it's fine after that
20:06.13loggiewwhat is the load like on your network
20:07.20Kobazno idea
20:07.28Kobazit's not actually my network
20:07.41loggiewand, does it do it on the LAN also or only across the intarwebs?
20:07.52Kobazbut everything's on a cisco catalyst with like 600gigabit backplane
20:08.09Kobazapparently there's no reported issues on exten->exten calls
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20:08.33loggiewya, those switches still get bad cards etc
20:08.44Kobazand the other tech who does have access to the cisco is saying it's very very low usage
20:09.05Kobazso like
20:09.15Kobazi can try turning on a jitter buffer?
20:09.32Kobazbut i dont think that's gonna matter if i'm being passed broken up audio
20:09.37loggiewso it suggests its across the internet. Possibly a bogged down router even if the switch is fine?
20:09.48Kobazwell nothing is internet
20:09.59Kobazdedicated fiber from lightpath, with lightpath voip coming in on it
20:10.15Kobazgoing to an avaya, and then going to the asterisk for conf bridging
20:10.33Kobazno reported issues on exten<->exten on the avaya
20:12.12loggiewim not familiar with the avaya devices. Possibly it's external port is fucked or something?
20:14.57marceloamorimoh boy, I`m so confused right now, I have an tdm400p with x100m ( FXO ) modules and my /dahdi/system.conf I set fxsks=1-4 but when I restart my dahdi the message DAHDI_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: invalid argument (22) keep apper
20:15.21loggiewomg, every time my phone rings and i answer/hang up, it rings again. I cant get it to actually accept the call or stop :P
20:15.22marceloamorimthe manual said to do that
20:18.40Kobazloggiew, no idea
20:19.25loggiewok, it can tell i hung up the call. But it hangs up and calls back immediately when I answer
20:20.34loggiewgooooooooooot it
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20:33.30uosiuHi all. I'm trying to diagnose weird problem with asterisk & SIP. When VoIP phone (extension 20) calls 30 or 31, connection is established and both ends hears each other. When 30/31 calls 20 only data stream is passed and no voice stream is send. Asterisk says it's zombie
20:34.35loggiewis one of them behind a NAT and not configured properly?
20:34.55uosiuno, no NAT at all
20:35.19uosiuboth phones run on stock, default setting and only username, password and SIP server is entered
20:35.25uosiuYealink T42G
20:35.47uosiuasterisk and phones run in same local network
20:36.53uosiu rasterisk at "core set verbose 99"
20:38.00uosiuone of example cases - attended forward. Incoming call from upstream SIP provider answered by agent 31 and 31 wants to transfer call to 20
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20:39.20loggiewi was having similar (not the same) problems earlier and I was surprised to find out that not having proper codecs setup contributed to a lot of that
20:42.58loggiewi was told being to general might have allowed it to default to the wrong one on one device
20:45.43uosiuhmmm, both has same enabled setup: pcmu, pcma, g729, g722 :/
20:51.13uosiuOK, fresh, local call from 20 to queue "10" which contains both 31 and 30. 20 calls with silence. After while it responds "Timed out" and hangs connection. Asterisk still calls 30 and plays music on hold for 20, despite fact 20 hanged out :O
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20:57.34Kobazfooooound it
20:57.56Kobazloggiew: i found a thing in wireshark that'll show % of packets out of order  2.4% out of order from this one source so far
20:57.58Kobazthat'll do it
20:58.09Kobazso it is a local problem, or at least... some of it is a local problem
20:58.31Kobazso jitter buffer would fix that if that's the only issue
20:58.53Kobazbut i think they should qos the voice... this is a big customer and the tech said they don't qos, which was mind boggling
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21:00.35loggiewKobaz: niiice
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21:01.11loggiewqos no doubt. do they run qos on the rest of their network?
21:01.18loggiewor is it a blank canvas?
21:03.30*** join/#asterisk nny (
21:03.34marceloamorimguys, I couldn`t fix this problem, anyone could help me?
21:03.46loggiewmarceloamorim: Im not familiar enough with that, Im sorry.
21:04.06nnyI have am trying to use a local phone to forward calls (bypass telco issue) but I get  app_dial.c:901 do_forward: Not accepting call completion offers from call-forward recipient Local/4222394@sip-00000001;1 Do I have a setting off somewhere?
21:04.43marceloamorimdon`t worry loggiew
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21:05.29nny is full output of cli
21:05.44nnythe 302 moved temp precedes it
21:08.51nnytrying promiscredir= yes
21:12.11*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:8d4:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
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21:16.36gustohey, is that a bad thing when i am planning to define nat=yes for only one peer?
21:16.54loggiewgusto: I think that's what I just had to do to get it working properly
21:16.58gustobecause there is this security issue that an attacker could then find out that .. you know what
21:17.00Kattyguess it depends on where your peer is
21:17.03Kattyand if you want rtp to work properly
21:17.23gustoyes, the RTP is the problem behind NAT
21:17.31nnyer ignore me
21:17.42nnyit was working, person I was forwarding to had their cell phone muted ><
21:17.50loggiew:D lol
21:17.54gustodoes someone know how it works exactly? does it wait until the other side starts sending RTP and it is sending back to the same port (comedia)?
21:18.00loggiewgotta love users
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21:19.37loggiewgusto: Im relatively newish to asterisk but isn't that what stun/ice servers and such are for?
21:19.44gustowhen i say that i want to use tcp (or tls) transport for one peer, is it exclusive, so do the udp auth reqests fail then?
21:20.21loggiewgusto: it's my understanding that you can define most things such as that on a per peer basis
21:20.27gustostun only tells you where you are, but you also need something from the clients side to kick a port open where you want to send your RTP data
21:21.06loggiewgusto: I was under the belief that stun was the middle point where both hosts could communicate as an OOB option on what ports and IP's they are on
21:21.22gustoand also limiting the access range of IP addresses for a peer
21:21.27loggiewmy phone is behind a NAT with no open ports
21:21.52loggiewi dunno, it's probably getting outside the area of what Im familiar with pretty quickly.
21:22.23gustoyour phone maybe uses the same port for in and out RTP
21:23.03loggiewregardless, it has to open the port from the inside and indicate which port and IP to the server
21:23.13loggiewit uses comedia etc for 'detecting' things like that
21:23.59loggiewso between comedia and stun you should be able to get accurate data on the machine behind the NAT using the stun server to clear up the confusion.
21:24.07loggiewwhich means any open port behind a nat
21:24.09gustobut theoretically one could also use two (or more) ports ... it would only need to kick that ports open first
21:24.15loggiewis open because the NAT'ed device opened it first
21:24.31Kobazloggiew: i have no idea what they do in terms of qos
21:25.02loggiewthe device registers across a port (mine appears to default to 5060 regardless, im wondering about multiple devices behind the NAT)
21:25.14Kobazloggiew: even in a non-maxed out network packet prioritization is beneficial to guarantee latency.. people dont understand that
21:25.20loggiewonce that port is open, you use things like 'qualify=yes' to keep it open
21:25.28Kobazthey think, oh my pipe is big enough for everything and then some, i dont need to qos
21:25.48gustologgiew: when there are multiple devices on the same port, it should use another port
21:25.52loggiewKobaz: until you drop 100x the load of web traffic on top of your tiny voip traffic
21:26.21Kobazat random and unspecific intervals of course
21:26.41loggiewgusto: that's what I figured, but regardless the cell phone opens up 5060 on the NAT and maintains registration through that open port. It's the control layer
21:28.23loggiewthe rest of the ports opening and closing should be easily detected #1 as it responds on the port it receives from or #2 through the stun server
21:29.02loggiewusing comedia and force_rport to detect oddities it should acount for in the addressing and ports
21:29.38loggiewbut the device behind the NAT, as far as Im aware, must be the one to initiate unless you have ports explicitely opened and forwarded
21:30.36jzawif im accepting guest uri calls to default context ... and have say just one exten in there ... which dials a single internal extension
21:31.12jzawhow might i best handle calls to non existant extensions ... random attempts ... currently ppl tell me they get number busy
21:31.23jzawwouldnt sit tones number not in service be better?
21:31.45jzawsomething like that?
21:31.57jzawin an i ext ?
21:32.08loggiewwouldn't you create a pattern and use it to match anything not the extension you want? Then redirect it to the appropriate sound or back to the original menu?
21:32.37jzawwell it's a v simple context ... just goes to one extension if you call the right uri
21:33.10jzawso EVERYTHING bar 1 call is going to fail
21:34.24jzawi guess you confirmed my own answer ..  except id prefer not to answer ... just to give SIT tones
21:34.40loggiewah. makes sense.
21:34.49loggiewIm not familiar enough to answer if there is a better way
21:34.57jzawi consider it rude (and imposing a potential cost on innocent callers) to answer only to say nahnahahana no one here
21:35.17loggiewagreed. it's a fair point.
21:35.23jzawwill zapateler play over early audio?
21:35.54loggiewnot sure.
21:36.03jzawmind you ... sip uri calls arent normally from pstn ... so there's prob no cost involved
21:36.10loggiewive literally told you probably near everything I know about it at this point :D
21:36.44jzawis cool !    that's what chat is for ... edging forward by sharing even meagre bits of info
21:37.06*** join/#asterisk jansiva (~janaki@
21:37.09loggiewcouldnt agree more
21:37.23loggiewive been teaching some very computer illiterate people about linux and programming
21:37.26loggiewits taken a year
21:37.29loggiewbut i always tell them
21:37.35loggiewthe key, is casual conversation.
21:38.20jzawtiny steps ... even steven hawkin (brain the size of a minor planatoid </hhgttg>) started with zero knowledge
21:39.29loggiewexistance is the presense of knowledge and the lack of existance the lack of information to be known
21:39.38loggiewwe all feel like we start with zero
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21:40.30loggiewwe dont think about the idea that our very existance is proof that it can be learned. whatever it is
21:41.47marceloamorimguys, I don`t know if there was any change on this, but I fix the problem with my dahdi modules on tdm400p with x100m FXO
21:42.26marceloamorimI load other modules and this other modules fix the problem on /usr/local/etc/rc.d/dahdi start
21:42.53loggiewmarceloamorim: Im glad you got it fixed
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21:43.55marceloamorimme too loggiew =)
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21:47.28ipengineerI am having trouple using the Pickup CMD.. I am getting: No target channel found for 200@a_extensions. Do I need to do something special to make pickup work? I am setting __SOURCE_CONTEXT=a_extensions on the extension that is ringing (200)
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21:53.54ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: Notice you just jumped in.. Do you have any thoughts on this?
21:53.55ipengineerI am having trouple using the Pickup CMD.. I am getting: No target channel found for 200@a_extensions. Do I need to do something special to make pickup work? I am setting __SOURCE_CONTEXT=a_extensions on the extension that is ringing (200)
21:54.55[TK]D-FenderShow actual backup and configs
21:54.56ipengineerwait let me clarify on the “on the DEVICE that is ringing”
21:59.16[TK]D-Fenderipengineer: just like it says... there is no CHANNELNAME like that ringing
21:59.29[TK]D-FenderSIP/dispatch2-0000005f <-------------------------------
21:59.43[TK]D-Fender^- Channel
22:00.02[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his second quiver
22:00.52ipengineerHow would I declare that in the dialplan since that channel is dynamic?
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22:06.04[TK]D-Fenderipengineer: Clearly that app is not the right one to target that way
22:07.13ipengineerAlright.. I will do some more digging and see what I can find. Thanks for taking a look
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