IRC log for #asterisk on 20140321

00:00.28alamii'm confused, should i install asterisknow or elastix or just Asterisk on debian
00:12.49alamican some one help me to get a decision
00:14.16PenguinDo you prefer Debian or CentOS?
00:14.29*** join/#asterisk yoyolala (~yoyolala@unaffiliated/yoyolala)
00:17.15alamiPenguin: i have never use CentOS, but i know debian good
00:17.37PenguinThen you should probably install your favorite Debian and install asterisk on that.
00:17.55PenguinAsteriskNOW is CentOS.
00:19.19alamiPenguin: yes that's the best idea i thing
00:19.42alamii thing i can install freepbx or elastix as GUI if i need
00:20.02PenguinThat would be the worst thing you could do.
00:20.34alamiPenguin: rearly?
00:21.11alamiPenguin: you don't like GUI's?
00:21.38PenguinThey obscure the actual system and waste my time.
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00:21.50tm1000alami: and he's a hater
00:21.56tm1000and always says that
00:22.10PenguinFind one time I have ever said that.
00:22.19alamilol :)
00:22.30tm1000Penguin: you always say the same thing, that you hate freepbx because "They obscure the actual system and waste my time."
00:22.32*** join/#asterisk yoyolala (~yoyolala@unaffiliated/yoyolala)
00:22.47tm1000but only about freepbx
00:22.52WIMPyThere might be a reason.
00:22.55PenguinAnd I'm saying find ONE TIME that I ever said it before today.
00:23.06navaismovomit and eat it again
00:23.09tm1000Penguin: that would be a waste of my time, but yes you have said it
00:23.09WIMPyIt's the same for any GUI.
00:23.19tm1000alami: here's the REAL answer
00:23.22navaismoplease stop using e***x word
00:23.26PenguinI'm only asking for one time.
00:23.30tm1000elastix uses freepbx at this moment
00:23.40tm1000asterisknow (the gui part) also uses freepbx
00:23.49tm1000asterisk by itself has no gui
00:24.04tm1000so if you want to learn about asterisk then install asterisk
00:24.10tm1000if you dont want to learn asterisk
00:24.14tm1000then install a gui
00:25.02alamiso i thing no need of gui if i can do lern and do everything without the gui
00:26.30alamibut also the idea of install a gui after asterisk is not a good ideaß?
00:27.14WIMPyThe point in time doesn't matter.
00:27.29filenothing is perfect for everyone.
00:27.31tm1000alami: its up to you and what you want to accomplish
00:27.46alamibecause it obscure the actual system
00:28.07alamii want to make call conference with confme()
00:28.32tm1000meetme? confbridge?
00:28.45WIMPyIs that something that existes somewhere or somethin you want to invent?
00:28.47alamibut i can a little bit asterisk and i want to know some idea from profissional people
00:29.03alamiyes tm1000: soory i mean meetme
00:29.33alamiWIMPy: that exist already
00:29.53tm1000alami: so you dont want to do any dialplan?
00:30.07tm1000I realize there is a language barrier here but we are trying to figure out what you want to accomplish
00:31.01alamitm1000: i can write more
00:31.20alamibut i don't know  a lot about asterisk
00:31.45alamii have just install it more time, and make comunication between two hard or softphone with sip as protocol
00:32.23alamiand now i want to make asterisk for conference between analog phone, or also voipphone
00:32.30alamitm1000:if it possible
00:32.41alamido you understand me now better?
00:34.37*** join/#asterisk yoyolala (~yoyolala@unaffiliated/yoyolala)
00:35.29tm1000alami: It's up to you. If you want to do it by hand then you are in the right channel. If you want something graphical then you are not in the right channel
00:35.47tm1000that is what Penguin and WIMPy imply usually
00:36.21tm1000guis are guis, the take everything and generalize it. if you want something specifically done that works only for you, then a gui usually wont cut it
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00:36.35tm1000if you can work inside of cookie cutter standards then a gui will possibly work
00:37.02filemmm... cookies
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03:56.54linociscohi all
03:57.18linociscois there any asterisk based video intercom door lock system?
03:58.15[TK]D-FenderPretty much 100% sure that's a no
03:58.40[TK]D-FenderWhy would an intercom door lock .... be running Asterisk?
04:01.58ChannelZso we can try to call Palestine through it
04:02.10linocisco[TK]D-Fender, the idea is elevator or guest user will type in keypad at elevator door, that will act as one extension to the desired apartment and through webcam, host can see who the vistor is and can unlock elevator door.
04:03.15[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: the phone is not "asterisk based"  You had a large misuse of words there.
04:03.37[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Anyway, there are SIP videophones out there all over the place
04:05.07linocisco[TK]D-Fender, door unlock will be used by using different unlock switch. asterisk is just for video intercom , between elevator door and room apartment
04:05.36[TK]D-FenderWhich is a completely separate solution for you to pick
04:07.41linocisco[TK]D-Fender, security lock/unlock will be different system , apartment users can have control over it. but video phone with web cam will be installed at elevator door to make phone call to room number. where there is video phone to see who is calling before answering or unlocking the elevator from inside
04:08.41linocisco[TK]D-Fender, the thing is i dont want to use complete proprietary home appliance system. I am thinking from opensource side if there is such app or setup
04:09.11[TK]D-FenderYoua re talking "open source" ... before finding the HARDWARE
04:09.21[TK]D-FenderDo not assume the software side first
04:11.09linocisco[TK]D-Fender, yes. if I buy proprietary system, there are some I have n't check. They would probably sell the whole package where we can't use asterisk
04:11.46[TK]D-FenderAnd how hard have you looked?
04:12.23linocisco[TK]D-Fender, not yet
04:13.02[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Then don't say "probably".  Zero market research = zero right to assumptions....
04:15.14linocisco[TK]D-Fender, i found some china and thai products. that are complete solutions. we can't buy separately
04:16.06[TK]D-FenderKeep shopping
04:17.16linocisco[TK]D-Fender, the reason i am asking here is there might be someone who had experienced this kind of setup. and want to know how. If noone knows, thanks anyway
04:17.18[TK]D-FenderI just found a ton
04:17.41linocisco[TK]D-Fender, tons of what, can we integrate with asterisk?
04:18.00[TK]D-FenderHow do you "unlock" the elevator?
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06:22.31jameswfLocking an elevator seems like something that would piss off the fire Marshall
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06:30.44jzu_Any of you running RasPBX?
06:30.55jzu_I'm thinking of building in-house phone trunk using it
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06:31.17jzu_with few Cisco IP phones on SIP firmware
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07:02.38*** join/#asterisk ThatDamnRanga (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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07:33.08linociscojameswf, I dont lock or unlock using asterisk. it would be done by other devices. My idea of asterisk deployment is just video calling between elevator door and the room
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08:30.19alberteHi All - I need some assistance setting the codec preference
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09:12.12jaflongHi, Any ideas why the a=ice-ufrag, a=ice-pwd in the sdp does not get sent back to the client
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09:54.16alberteJaflong -> what are the ice-ufrag attributes used for?
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10:03.39jaflong<alberte> icesupport for webrtc
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10:23.40*** join/#asterisk Oggu (0596c716@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:24.58OgguWhat kind of hardware would be needed for asterisk to handle 100 calls (200 persons) at the same time?
10:25.05OgguWith recording
10:25.38kemmlercrappy hardware
10:25.42morsingPentium 1?
10:26.09kemmlera raspberry pi
10:26.29morsingRaspberry Pi isn't crappy hardware :-P
10:27.04kemmlerlol, i actually like it quite a bit
10:30.23jzu_yeah I'm about to buy Rasp for running private trunk within my fathers house..
10:30.28jzu_he needs 'in house' phone system, Rasp is enuff'
10:30.37jzu_Rasp + couple Cisco IP phones
10:31.07kemmlerdid you get the camera module on yours morsing
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10:32.07morsingkemmler: I don't have one :-(  Don't have the time to play around like I used to
10:33.48zapphirHi, I can't get device state to work for my sip software phone. I add the x-lite user to a queue, an incoming call gets placed into the queue and connected to the agent, but device state is still "Not in use". I have tried to set callcounter to yes in sip.conf and call-limit to 1 for the agent, but with no result. Does anyone have any tips?
10:40.02OgguI read somewhere about performance problems with many calls in asterisk? (and deadlocks) Is that something of past versions?
10:40.45kemmlersomething will all versions if you shit calls at like my bowel movements after indian food
10:43.13OgguMeaning? ;)
10:44.44kemmlerasterisk has trouble with bringing up loads of channels at once, maintaining them once they're up is easier
11:01.02*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
11:10.26OgguAnd channel equals connection to one persons "phone"?
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11:19.38kemmlerconnection between asterisk and something
11:23.15eirirswhen are PoE powered version of Raspberry Pi coming...
11:27.47jzu_is it easy to setup in-house phone system with Asterisk? :-)
11:28.03jzu_ie. I would be only dialing to extension numbers, phones located within the same building and connected to the same Asterisk server
11:28.50kemmlersi, grab some ethernet phones and off you go
11:29.04jzu_well, I'll be having Cisco's for free so...
11:29.14kemmlershould be a piece of cake
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11:44.03jzu_does RasPBX run on 256MB Raspberry Pi?
11:44.13jzu_or would it require the 512MB model for TWO phones? :-D
11:44.40kemmlerasterisk is on the rpi's debian source if  you just want to use that
11:44.47kemmlerit'll suppôrt two phones without a problem
11:48.26kemmleruses about 60Mb of memory to run
11:49.29kemmlerdon't know what kind of milage you'll get out of a model A, but i do know the model A doesn't have ethernet
11:49.56jzu_it's model B with Ethernet
11:50.00jzu_256MB Model B
11:50.09kemmler512Mb model B
11:50.19jzu_well, model A then but WITH ethernet :P
11:50.21jzu_the first release
11:50.24jzu_nowdays model B is 512MB
11:50.27kemmleractually I think both are 512 now
11:50.28jzu_it used to be 256MB
11:51.07kemmlermodel B is worth the extra $10 imo
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11:54.25alamihello, i have just install asterisk 12.1.1 and i when i run rasterisk i don't have any sip command, what i'm dowing wrong here
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11:58.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:02.55jzu_alami: quite damn hard to tell :O
12:03.11jzu_alami: even though I haven't ever used Asterisk yet your description is not helpful at all
12:03.19jzu_alami: we would need pastebin of logs etc etc
12:06.15alamijzu_: i have just want to try asterisk 12.1.1 and i have install it from source on debian VM
12:07.07alamiafter instllation i make some extentions on sip.conf and when i try to run show sip peers or sip reload at rasterisk
12:07.51alamiNo such command 'sip reload' (type 'core show help sip reload' for other possible commands)
12:12.04snmpmodule show like sip
12:12.07[TK]D-Fenderalami: "ls -la /etc/asterisk", "cat /etc/asterisk/modules.conf", "cat /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf"
12:12.09infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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12:19.57snmp*CLI> module show like sip
12:21.06alamiModule                         Description                              Use Count  Status                Asterisk ADSI Programming Application    0          Running
12:21.12alami1 modules loaded
12:21.48snmpmodule load
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12:29.40snmploooks like the problem solved, nevermind pastebins)
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12:56.42gartraloook.. I'm in a bind here.. there's a slight problem in my networking that I think boils down to a race condition in asterisk.. namely, I have a dual stack network.. and that's causing a lot of issues.. how do I force asterisk to use one or the other stack? (preferably IPv4)
13:00.03*** join/#asterisk ThatDamnRanga (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
13:02.57OgguHow would I go about in asterisk to listen to incoming calls on a SIP number and give them to one of the connected agents who are free?
13:06.59zapphirHi, I can't get device state to work for my sip software phone. I add the x-lite user to a queue, an incoming call gets placed into the queue and connected to the agent, but device state is still "Not in use". I have tried to set callcounter to yes (and counteronpeer=yes) in sip.conf and call-limit to 1 for the agent, but with no result. Does anyone have any tips about this (I am using Asterisk
13:07.29[TK]D-FenderOggu: "core show application queue" <-
13:09.04[TK]D-Fenderzapphir: Show us your queue, and the status dump prior to a call going to the queue and hitting that device
13:09.28[TK]D-FenderOggu: and read the sample queues.conf config
13:10.27alamisnmp:sorry i wasn't here
13:10.29OgguOk. And how do I do the whole "listen to incoming calls on a sip account" thing (from our SIP provider)
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13:11.25alamisnmp: WARNING[3989]: loader.c:523 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
13:12.26[TK]D-FenderOggu: Set up a peer to match them, set up an exten to match what they'll dial towards you.
13:12.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:13.27zapphirD-Fender: Not sure if this is what you meant, but this is the status of the queue before and during an incoming call:
13:17.20alami[TK]D-Fender: can you help please?
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13:50.56kchehabhi ppl
13:52.08kchehabUser A is calling user B  through asterisk ,i there a way in asterisk to  send a BYE to User B and let user A hear a music on hold after 60 seconds for example
13:55.27newtonrkchehab,   Sure, use AMI
13:56.14newtonrkchehab, look at Park,Hangup,Redirect and others
13:57.02newtonrkchehab, there are sections in the book on AMI as well
13:58.11kchehabnewtonr thanks but can you help me more by showing me the code or the function  that can send a bye for leg B and let Lag A up ,since i didnt match any thing related ,i
13:58.30kchehabit seems like meet me ,mute function ?
14:00.31newtonrkchehab, I already mentioned a few to you.   Hangup specifically will result in a BYE being send to an established SIP channel
14:02.31newtonrkchehab, parking A or putting A into a MeetMe conference or a ConfBridge conference could result in Music on Hold depending on how you configure things.
14:02.51kchehabnewtonr yes i got it thanks
14:03.35newtonrI don't build things with AMI much, so that is all I got
14:04.06kchehabnewtonr  i was waundering if it can be bulit by code not my manager file
14:05.08newtonrkchehab, both really require code. I supposed you mean with dialplan (extensions.conf) ?
14:06.24newtonrkchehab, Maybe, what event do you want to trigger B getting hung up and A getting parked/held ?
14:06.28kchehabnewtonr yes extensions.conf
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14:12.27alaminewtonr: can you help please? No such command 'show sip peers' (type 'core show help show sip' for other possible commands)
14:12.56alamii have just i new installation of asterisk LTS 11.8.1 on a debian wheezy
14:13.55*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
14:14.02newtonralami, it is "sip show peers" , not "show sip peers"
14:14.30newtonralami, tab complete works on the Asterisk CLI, start with the first word of a command and hit tab a few times if you are unsure.
14:15.01newtonrnewtonr, you can also do "core show help" to see a list of commands available
14:15.10gartralhey all, after upgrading to asterisk 12-r410949 my gvoice connection no longer works and my cli is flooded with
14:15.46newtonrnewtonr, you can search through those from the linux CLI by doing something like   "asterisk -rx "core show help" | grep -i sip"
14:15.48alamiokay thanks a lot, now because befor i had 12.1 vbersion and i have a lot of problem with it, so i switch to 11.8.1 and now everything work
14:16.09newtonrlol referenced myself in both my last messages, i need tea
14:16.28alamilol yes man
14:16.40Chainsawnewtonr: We shan't interrupt you whilst you are talking to yourself. That would be rude.
14:16.49newtonralami, 12 has a lot of development going on, but if you find bugs in it, make sure to file them on the tracker
14:17.17newtonrChainsaw, thank you kindly
14:18.19alami@newtonr:ok sure
14:18.51newtonrand now i go off to triage stuff on the tracker
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14:23.39gartralseriously guys.. what's going on with my set up here >.<
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14:25.27gartrali also keep getting this error occasionally.. res_xmpp.c:2674 xmpp_client_requested_tls: TLS connection for client 'google' cannot be established. OpenSSL initialization f
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14:39.01gartralPenguin: ctrl-L?
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14:44.55gartralhey all, after upgrading to asterisk 12-r410949 my gvoice connection no longer works and my cli is flooded with i've also downgraded to 11.8.1 and i'm seeing the exact same issue
14:46.46Penguingartral: I don't really know what it is, but my computer sometimes prints that when this window was in focus and I open a new window or change to another desktop.
14:47.14PenguinI figured it was a quirk of the desktop environment.
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15:12.24Kattyhands out cupcakes.
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15:43.21ChainsawThose are the best kind of cakes :)
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17:02.40saint_hi all - is there a reason why a phone setup with DPMA does not ask for the voicemail password, when I press the MSGS button ?
17:04.29[TK]D-Fendergo look at your call.
17:08.53saint_i think it is before the call
17:09.07saint_right when I push the MSGS button, the list of voicemail is displayed on the D70 screen.
17:09.14saint_way before any sip is involved.
17:11.51saint_anyone using DPMA around here ?
17:12.19[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing an option for PW vs none
17:13.12saint_me neither. if I call the voicemail number (Voicemail(xxx@default)) from this user, it asks for the PWD
17:13.45saint_if I call from outside, and get to VoiceMailMain(xxx@default), it asks for the PWD
17:14.04saint_but if I push MSGS , no password .. is this considered as a bug or feature request ?
17:16.51saint_i found this:  .. but I *want* to have visual voicemail. Just with a password, that is it.
17:23.09*** join/#asterisk Vendigroth (18d59c71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:27.09*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (bd5ac048@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:27.42marceloamorimhi guys, I`m having a problem with /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
17:28.51VendigrothIs there a way to make asterisk not play the ring tone when using Dial() during transfer? sip-pstn we use sends back 180 Ringing, and i don't want it to ring.
17:29.27marceloamorimI need to do a callback program and I`m doing great, but I need to call with application Dial and data, but just work if I had Channel: SIP/name I need replace this channel for a Queue
17:29.36[TK]D-FenderVendigroth: Have your dial play MoH instead with an empty class
17:29.52[TK]D-FenderVendigroth: And the only way to detect is if it is a blind transfer
17:30.02*** join/#asterisk makubi (
17:31.08[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: Channel: is what gets called.
17:32.59marceloamorim[TK]D-Fender: but I can call back for the X number with dial application and call for a queue at the same time like Channel: SIP/name?
17:33.37Vendigroth[TK]D-Fender: thanks, might have to MoH, i just thought it was a bit hack-ish. and what do you mean to detect? detect what?
17:33.50[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: HUH?>
17:34.12[TK]D-FenderVendigroth: that e call is the result of a transfer
17:34.13marceloamorimbecause if I put channel calling for X PSTN-number and the application: Dial I call for the queue, the asterisk`ll call for PSTN-number first and then call for the queue
17:34.23marceloamorimsorry about my english, isn`t my main language
17:35.04[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: I don't see where this queue is coming in.  You are talking about too many different things at once, and out of order
17:35.55marceloamorimHow can I explain to you, give me a sec
17:37.30marceloamorimmy outgoing file is and he has Channel: SIP/name, MaxRetries: 1, RetryTime: 60, WaitTime: 60, Applicatoin:Dial, Data: SIP/,60,Ttr
17:38.36marceloamorimit works pretty well, but I need to replace my Channel: SIP/name to Queue: queuenumber, because this way I can put all my callcenter to wait the call
17:42.56*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
17:44.55navaismouse local channel
17:45.09navaismopointing to the queue dialplan
17:45.24navaismoor use application Queue
17:46.21marceloamorimI`m already using application Dial, can I use two parameters to Application?
17:46.46marceloamorimdo you know how can I poiting to the queue dialplan navaismo ?
17:47.05marceloamorimAny suggestion is helpfull
17:47.38navaismolocal/8000@mycontext assuming you dial 8000 to get into the queue
17:48.26marceloamorimI`ll try, thx guys
17:52.16*** join/#asterisk jibone (
18:00.41marceloamorimit works navaismo
18:00.45marceloamorimthx a lot guys
18:00.52marceloamorimsave my day
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18:16.01valeechCan anyone point me in the right direction to get two Video SIP phones to negotiate their resolution higher than QCIF (176x144)?
18:17.04valeechI have max bitrate set to about 10Mbps and still no love.
18:17.19rrittgarnanyone ever have issues using the Voicemail app with multiple mailboxes?  I have it working on one server but not on another. They are both asterisk 11.8.0 Specific syntax is Voicemail(101@Context&102@Context)  - Yields the personal greeting for the first mailbox and thats as far as it goes, doesn't deliver mail to the subsequent VMs
18:18.02*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
18:18.55navaismovaleech with h263p i guess it should accept more resolution
18:19.46valeechnavaismo: it should, I should get at least VGA (640x480), right?
18:21.24filevaleech, what version of Asterisk?
18:22.12*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-olzxrkdvncuxdcfw)
18:22.40valeechIf use a jitsi client to jitsi client I send/recv 630x480. If I jitsi to a desk phone, I recv 640x480 but send 176x144 on the desk phone
18:22.49valeechfile: asterisk 11.8.1
18:23.36filehrm, provided res_format_attr_h263 is loaded the SDP attributes should get passed through
18:24.48valeechfile: how can I check that that is loaded?
18:25.18filemodule show like h263
18:26.45valeechok, it says two modules are loaded:
18:26.46valeechlocalhost*CLI> module show like h263
18:26.47valeechModule                         Description                              Use Count                 Raw H.263 data                           0        H.263 Format Attribute Module            0
18:26.49valeech2 modules loaded
18:27.16valeechsame output for h264 modules
18:27.31Kattyglares at asterisk-stat, apache, and php
18:27.32filewhat is the SIP traffic?
18:27.58Kattyfile: i hope it's beer going to my tummy
18:29.41Kattybeats asterisk-stat repeatedly with something...heavy.
18:30.17fileKatty, try a... cookie!
18:30.22Kattya COOKIE
18:30.33Kattyoh. that means i have to make cookies first :<
18:32.50Kattysadly, i don't comprehend why it's not working
18:33.08Kattyi know that apache is displaying php correctly
18:35.18Kattycdr_pgsql.c:201 pgsql_log: Reason: fe_sendauth: no password supplied <- hmm. file. yes i need more cookies.
18:38.21valeechwould setting directrtpsetup=yes in sip.conf help?
18:40.04*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-fumeievppmbbxwib)
18:40.17Kattywaves to serafie
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18:48.53serafiewaves at Katty
18:49.06Kattyhow're you dear?
18:51.17jwr__anyone have recommendations for a softphone that runs on linux for testing my asterisk setup?
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19:09.00navaismolinphone & zoiper
19:13.40*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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19:20.19jwr__[TK]D-Fender: jitsi works perfectly. thanks.
19:20.29ghost75when a change is done in source, will this be detected if i run only make or do i need to clear anything before?
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20:12.40infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
20:25.34serafieKatty: sorry, was in a meeting!
20:25.59serafieDoing very well. Working on a new project that has less to do with Asterisk, so haven't been active in a long time.
20:26.37fileserafie was banished from the engineering floor even!
20:27.03serafieIt's true. It's all men up there again.
20:27.04*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
20:28.22serafiestill coding thing.
20:28.33serafiestill coding a thing though.
20:40.37Kattycan i bribe anyone to paste the contents of their pg_hba.conf?
20:47.03*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~quassel@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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21:13.05Nuggetwhat are you trying to sort out?
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22:24.47*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (~Ice_Black@
22:27.10Ice_StrikeWIMPy You around?
22:33.05WIMPyWhat do you want me to break?
22:35.33Ice_StrikeWIMPy Other day you told me to touch the computer or something to see if the noise stop. Remember?
22:36.32WIMPyOh, yes.
22:37.18Ice_StrikeWhat i found out that when I touch a computer (full hand) the buzzing/humming noises is gone..
22:37.35Ice_StrikeOther option - put a handset cable on a computer - buzzing/humming noises is gone..
22:38.04Ice_StrikeWhat does that mean?
22:38.10WIMPySounds like you are causing the problem.
22:38.18WIMPyYou need grounded :-)
22:38.26Ice_Strikegrounded on where?
22:38.49PenguinIf he puts his hand on the thing and the noise stops, it sounds more like his body is fixing it.
22:39.10WIMPyNo, on another thing.
22:39.27Ice_StrikeSeriously, it happen to many agents.
22:39.29WIMPySo if he touches the conputer he gets himself a ground connection.
22:39.52PenguinTie your computer case to earth ground.
22:40.12WIMPyis pretty sure that's where it is.
22:40.29Ice_StrikeWhat is strange that it was buzzing for like 15 minutes.. then it stop itself.
22:40.40Ice_StrikeSometime it happen to other desk.. and back for forth.
22:40.51WIMPyAny heavy machinery nearby?
22:41.02PenguinFrom what is the noise emitted?
22:41.35Ice_StrikeNo heavy machinery nearby but there is a tram on the road.
22:42.18PenguinFrom what is the noise emitted?
22:42.20WIMPyTrolley system?
22:43.02Ice_StrikeLike that
22:43.55Ice_StrikeWIMPy No issue on the first floor as far I am aware, only problem on the second floor.
22:44.10WIMPyTrolley systems can radiate severely.
22:44.14PenguinFrom what is the noise emitted?
22:45.08Ice_StrikePenguin I don't know.
22:45.25PenguinThe noise is floating in the air?
22:45.32WIMPyIs it normal mains hum or somethin else?
22:48.40Ice_StrikePenguin I really don't know. I don't know where its interferring from.
23:07.55Ice_StrikeWIMPy normal mains hum
23:08.33PenguinI'm not asking you to identify the source of the interference.  I'm asking what produces the audible noise that you hear.
23:09.36PenguinPossible answers might include: a speaker, the case is resonating, or the sound is so loud that you cannot determine what outputs the sound.
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23:20.48Ice_StrikeIt sounded like that as you can hear
23:20.59Ice_StrikeThere is no speakers on the desk.
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23:25.57Ice_StrikeWIMPy Are you suggesting that grounding (earthing) on the floor might fix it?
23:27.20WIMPyOr on the headset cables.
23:27.47Ice_Strikeover 80 headset :O
23:28.14Ice_StrikeHow to ground on a headset cables?
23:29.01WIMPyI don't know your cables.
23:37.31Ice_StrikeI get a electrian on Monday to look into it and see if they can ground the floor.
23:37.52*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
23:38.47Ice_Strikewhat tool will electrician need to check for ground issue?
23:40.00drbrownI am attempting to compile asterisk certified 11.6-cert2 on a brand new haswell i3 and am getting the following error:
23:40.09drbrown{standard input}: Assembler messages:
23:40.11drbrown{standard input}:596: Error: no such instruction: `vfnmadd312sd .LC5(%rip),%xmm2,%xmm0'
23:40.23drbrownAny idea what compiler flag I need to use to get around this issue?
23:47.13*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (

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