IRC log for #asterisk on 20140311

00:02.31*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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01:33.35sweeperwhat portion of the register line in sip.conf matches it with a peer definition to determine what context it should go in?
01:34.20sweepere.g. register => FOO:BAR:BAZ@host/MOO
01:35.01*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
01:37.12*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
01:38.35volga629Hello Everyone, having problem get JABBER_STATUS properly
01:38.43volga629any help thank you
01:58.55*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
02:00.20*** join/#asterisk Akuma (~Akuma@
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02:32.12volga629Is anybody can explain how JABBER_STATUS working ?
02:32.53volga629this is not mention anything that JID must have resource
02:33.18*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
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03:02.37*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
03:28.33volga629Is possible  join 2 var into string in dialplan
03:29.19WIMPyJust write them one after the other.
03:30.21volga629exten => s,n,Set(JID=${${JID_TO}/${RES}})
03:30.51volga629I am trying string like
03:31.31WIMPyWhat is that extra ${} doing there?
03:32.34WIMPyUnless you're trying to dynamically bild a variable name.
03:33.53volga629yes dynamically
03:35.59*** join/#asterisk issackelly (sid18035@gateway/web/
03:37.38WIMPyYou do understand that you have a double reference there?
03:38.12volga629If I hard code resource id JABBER_STATUS report ok, when use ${RES} same value look like it see as var and not a string
03:38.15*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
03:38.17WIMPyYou're not just concatenating the contents of two variables, you're using the result as a variable name.
03:41.10volga629you mean "${RES}"
03:41.50WIMPyNo I'm talking about the ${} around the whole expression.
03:52.54snadgechan_sip.c:14962 check_auth: username mismatch, have <2001-09541010>, digest has <>
03:53.01snadgewhat does that mean?
03:53.31volga629exten => s,n,Set(JID=${${${JID_TO}/${RES}}}) I tried this way
03:56.41*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:58.31WIMPyA tripple reference. That's even worse.
03:59.04volga629yes, that what I though
03:59.07WIMPyWhy do you use those extra ${}s? Get rid of them.
03:59.19WIMPyAnd I go to bed.
04:00.00volga629exten => s,n,Set(JID=${JID_TO}/${RES})
04:02.58PenguinIf ${JID_TO} is set to a value and ${RES} is set to a value, you'll end up setting JID to those values separated by a forward slash.
04:03.30volga629yes, I am trying join into string
04:06.18*** join/#asterisk JeffC_NN (
04:06.33PenguinWhat do you want to string to look like when it is finished?
04:07.19volga629the problem is /
04:07.33PenguinWill JID_TO = ?
04:08.54volga629JABBER_STATUS return 7 all the time without resource id
04:10.31volga629I can get both values and resource id, but join together with / as string not working
04:13.55PenguinIt works for me.
04:14.21volga629asterisk 11 ?
04:14.57PenguinFor testing, I set the variables to the values you said they would be.  Then I set JID to the values separated with a forward slash.  Then I echoed the value of JID to the console.
04:15.07Penguinsame  => n,Set(;
04:15.10Penguinsame  => n,Set(RES=resourceid);
04:15.16PenguinAnd then
04:15.22Penguinsame  => n,Set(JID=${JID_TO}/${RES});
04:15.22Penguinsame  => n,Verbose(${JID});
04:15.34PenguinOutput was:
04:15.50PenguinNo problem there.  asterisk 1.8.something
04:19.17volga629Asterisk 11 JABBER_STATUS don't see it as whole string, if put hard coded resource id beside JID_TO it working and if I put second var ${RES} it complain that resource not found for
04:20.32volga629tried like this exten => s,n,Set(JID=${JID_TO}/${RES})
04:20.46PenguinThen ${RES} must not have a good value.  Check ${RES} to see what value it has.
04:22.11volga629I am using this bash script to pull resource
04:23.00volga629this whole macro
04:23.57volga629that what I see when dialplan ran
04:23.59volga629Executing [s@macro-missed-call-in:3] Set("SIP/babytel-00000022", "RES=9c32ecc4
04:29.00volga629Here I reproduced error 7
04:30.30volga629If I will hardcode resource id it will work and report user online which is 1
04:36.59*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
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06:51.08zosoHello, I am continuously getting this error of remote end being busy on a particular channel, what am I doing wrong?
06:51.49*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
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07:33.46ChannelZIt's either busy, or unreachable
07:35.46ChannelZIf it's a local configured peer, do 'sip show peers' and make sure it has an IP/the right IP
07:37.30*** join/#asterisk chare (
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08:52.37dinglewhat linux distro does asterisknow run on? is it centos?
08:53.40*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
08:54.53dinglewell, it appears thbat it can be done, i was hoping to use the exact same OS that they use w/ AsteriskNow
08:57.06*** part/#asterisk chare (
09:05.05emaberga81I am testing PATH header support on Asterisk 12, but even if I enable it globally the outbound REGISTER does not have the supported:path header
09:05.11emaberga81any experience?
09:14.53*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
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10:42.04*** join/#asterisk dingle (
10:42.42dinglewhen using asterisk, do i need a special card in the server machine, or can i just run the ethernets from the phone to an ethernet switch?
11:01.31ChainsawJust to talk to SIP phones, ethernet will suffice.
11:01.52ChainsawIf you want to connect to the phone network though, that's going to take money + ethernet (ITSP) or a card to use an existing line.
11:02.36dingleah damn
11:02.55*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
11:03.14dinglei was hoping to use vitelity or whatever for this phone to make calls with
11:03.34ChainsawThat's the money + ethernet solution. No cards required then.
11:04.49ChainsawWhat's unlikely to work is fax. If you don't care about that you're good.
11:05.48dinglei dont fax anything
11:30.39*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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11:44.29*** join/#asterisk banane_ (528bc51a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:45.57banane_hello everyone, could someone please help me with debugging my dahdi configuration? when i try to make outgoing calls i only receive -- Span 1: Channel 0/1 got hangup, cause 27     -- DAHDI/i1/8920603230-4 is circuit-busy and in pri debugging i get PRI Span: 1 Cancel call after data link failure
11:57.05WIMPySounds like you don't have a link.
12:10.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:34.35*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
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13:04.59zosoHi, what does it mean to have entries in the cdr table at the backend with values of column dcontext as default and disposition as either "no answer" or "busy", does it mean that these calls have permanently failed?
13:06.22*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
13:06.41zosoand those fields have no value to the src field.  Which I think is weird.
13:07.11mirela666zoso: check the full/messages log
13:07.22zosomirela666, how?
13:07.36zosoOh you mean in a file?
13:07.49mirela666less /var/log/asterisk/messages
13:08.05zosoand I should check for what in those messages?
13:18.10*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (
13:18.13devil_evoxxxhi all guy
13:19.46devil_evoxxxon asterisk 11.0 , is flash dtmf event supported in features.conf for xfer ?
13:20.32[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx: "flash" != "DTMF"
13:21.14devil_evoxxxi know that, but some gw (GXW 4224 from grandstream) can "translate" the flash into dtmf event
13:22.02mirela666zoso:  search for that channel name and see what happend with that call
13:22.09[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing in *
13:23.04devil_evoxxxif i'm not wrong, the flash is translated to dtmf "F" or "f",event(16)
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13:23.26devil_evoxxxso i'm looking if is possible to change the "*2" directive in features.conf witha "F"
13:23.32devil_evoxxx*with a
13:26.01[TK]D-FenderThat should work.
13:26.07[TK]D-FenderActually... no
13:26.10[TK]D-Fenderthat's A-D
13:27.16devil_evoxxxso, if my gw cannot send other dtmf instead of "F", it cannot work ;) Clear!
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13:52.03ChainsawKatty: I like Samsung better. We had our DVI ports fizzle out on ViewSonic. A lot :(
13:53.30KattyNugget: ping.
13:53.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh i've been meaning to ask about your health
13:57.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: No change, all the energy of a boiled potatoe though... need to get a 3month gym membership and go on a binge....
13:58.18Kattypoor thing :<
13:58.53[TK]D-FenderNO, cash I have... dedication to have done anything over the past 3 months.. not so much...
13:58.58[TK]D-Fenderfood season is over now...
13:59.12Kattyweather is certainly getting nice
14:00.15Kattybeen pretty lazy all winter myself
14:05.13*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-eizjqdfczxhtoyba)
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14:25.59Nuggethuggles Katty
14:26.31Kattyhugs Nugget
14:26.38KattyNugget: how're you dear?
14:26.48Nuggetreally good
14:26.54Nuggetjust got back from austin/sxsw shenanigans
14:26.59Kattyoooh :>
14:27.13Kattydid you take pictures?
14:28.06Kattylikes tacos.
14:37.32Kattywaves to b11d
14:38.32Nuggetno, but a friend of mine did, I'll send you a link when he gets them online
14:38.45*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
14:39.31KattyNugget: got my first run of the season in yesterday!
14:39.46KattyNugget: looks like i'll have to start over around week 6 of c25k.
14:40.04Kattyi was curious to know how much water you put away a day
14:40.14Kattyi've been trying to get about 65ish in.
14:40.27Nuggetmy next event is a bike thing, then I dunno what.  Another marathon in the fall and I'm actually contemplating an ultra in january next year
14:40.37Kattyoh my.
14:40.44Kattyan "ultra" sounds very difficult.
14:40.56NuggetI start the day with coffee, switch to beer around 4pm, then scotch at 10pm.
14:41.02Nuggetwater is for showering  :)
14:41.41Kattyi seem to do very poorly if i drink less than 65ish
14:41.57NuggetI don't go out of my way to drink water, but I drink a bottle before a run (I like adding nuun tablets) and then a little during the run
14:42.06Nuggetmy normal route has two drinking fountains so I don't keep track
14:42.47Nugget is magic for long runs (18+ miles)
14:43.10fileoh, look, Nugget is talking
14:43.36*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
14:43.51NuggetKatty brings all the boys to the yard
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14:47.44KattyNugget: ah right. we need drinking fountains in the park. that'd be great!
14:49.23*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
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14:57.36beanieHello, looks like I may or may not have had a security breach on my linux box - I was doing an iphone software update earlier from my windows laptop and so I don't see as that them communicating with me would have come up on the dedicated linux box for the pbx?
14:58.05beaniemy question is i'm not quite sure where to start with finding out what happened other than the ip is linked to california although **maybe** spoofed
15:01.00*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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15:11.57Penguinbeanie: Does your auth or security file show that someone logged in?  Password accepted?
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15:40.46Neotihi people... if i wanted to have every call recorded to its own PCAP file for diagnostic reasons for later analyst etc... would this be possible ?
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15:41.18beaniehey Penguin - i'm not sure of how to check this and what i'm looking for, but I have uploaded a screenshot of the error alert message :-)
15:42.30wdoekesNeoti: pcapsipdump
15:43.48Neotiwdoekes: ah... excellent..... thanks
15:43.52wdoekesalternatively you could capture large pcaps (rotating, tcpdump -W) and browse the info using tools like wireshark or sipcaparseye when needed
15:48.30leifmadsenNeoti: or look into things like homer:
15:48.58leifmadsenmjordan was working on the HEP stuff to allow native homer captures via Asterisk
15:49.08leifmadsenbut that would be Asterisk 12 or later
15:49.10Penguinbeanie: I don't see the "error alert" message that you mentioned.
15:49.12mjordanleifmadsen: indeed, and I'm pretty sure it even works
15:49.43leifmadsenmjordan: lets not get ahead of ourselves
15:50.00leifmadsenmjordan: pjsip only I assume
15:50.10*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-wzawpuupcbhmzscs)
15:50.33Penguinbeanie: Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing.
15:51.11filePJSIP: Where you can plug stuff in with a minimal thought of "this might cause a regression..."
15:52.45*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
15:59.43beanie@penguin Lines 6, 7, 8 from the bottom :-)
16:00.04Penguinbeanie: There's no error and no alert.
16:00.31Penguinbeanie: It clearly says NOTICE: this is a failed registration attempt.
16:01.29Penguinbeanie: Your original report was a security breach to your Linux host.  This failed registration attempt on asterisk is a very different thing from a security breach on the host machine.
16:02.35Penguinbeanie: You see this NOTICE because someone or something attempted to register a device to your asterisk, but provided the wrong authentication credentials.
16:03.51*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-ujbcraqephgaukoi)
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16:07.54*** join/#asterisk Thulinma (~thulinma@
16:10.29ThulinmaHello everyone - I was hoping somebody has encountered this before and could help point me in the right direction: I have a newly setup Asterisk 12.1.0 server, which works beautifully, except when I originate a call through my SIP provider, it sends a "From:" line ignoring my fromdomain setting, creating something that looks like this, and is rejected by my SIP provider: "Anonymous" <sip:5778183@anonymous.invalid> Any ideas?
16:11.41*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
16:14.47[TK]D-FenderThulinma: "fromdomain" is what you send when you call out.
16:14.56[TK]D-FenderThulinma: you have no control over what they send
16:15.13ThulinmaYeah, that's what I'm trying to do - I'm sending out the wrong domain.
16:15.53[TK]D-Fenderpastebin an actual call along with your configs.
16:15.55infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:15.59ThulinmaI'm calling out through my SIP provider, and the From line it's sending to my SIP provider isn't what I want it to be :)
16:16.11ThulinmaSure, give me a moment.
16:18.36ThulinmaI believe that's all relevant config and output - if you need more, just let me know.
16:19.54*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:20.23[TK]D-Fenderthat is not SIP DEBUG
16:20.23[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
16:20.50ThulinmaAh, sorry, I didn't realize you wanted SIP debug messages. One moment.
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16:23.36Thulinma[TK]D-Fender: Here's the sip debug output of a single attempt:
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16:23.49Thulinma(I edited out my phone number - everything else is untouched)
16:24.39[TK]D-Fenderverify that you have no other entry labelled "ddv-out"
16:25.01ThulinmaYeah, that's the only entry.
16:25.35[TK]D-Fenderreformat your dial to SIP/ddv-out/NUMBER and retest
16:26.50*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
16:27.42*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
16:27.53Thulinma[TK]D-Fender: Here's the reformatted attempt:
16:28.01BakaKunahey all, is the asterisk svn server down?
16:28.53newtonrBakaKuna, nope
16:29.16[TK]D-FenderThulinma: Ok, I'm at a bit of a loss so far
16:29.21wdoekesBakaKuna: no
16:29.22navaismoHi there, I cant reproduce the WAV file in any media player with all codecs, even using Audacity and importing as RAW media. Anyone knows which encoding is using WAV, in the meantinem im switching to wav.
16:29.53Thulinma[TK]D-Fender: I know, right? Same here. I've been stuck at this for hours now, heh.
16:29.58Penguin"except when I originate a call" ...
16:30.01Penguinthulinma: For future reference, if you are sending a call out from your asterisk to your ITSP, that is termination not origination.
16:30.21ThulinmaAh, ok - thanks for the correction :)
16:31.25wdoekesThulinma: sendrpid=yes ?
16:31.26PenguinThat's why [tk]d-fender said you have no control over what they send to you.
16:31.34Thulinmawdoekes: tried that, no effect.
16:31.56ThulinmaAaah, alright. Sorry for the confusion. I thought it was called originating because that's the command I used to make the call.
16:34.38Penguinthulinma: So your problem is that you are creating the call from the CLI which goes to your ITSP... and it isn't obeying your peer settings?
16:35.23ThulinmaYes, exactly that. Though it also happens when doing the same from the extension settings, too.
16:36.10Thulinmathe source code teaches me this happens when "(ast_channel_caller(callee)->id.number.presentation & AST_PRES_RESTRICTION) == AST_PRES_RESTRICTED" but I have no idea what exactly that means, yet.
16:36.42Thulinmathe presence is restricted somehow or something...?
16:37.23BakaKunanewtonr: wdoekes: I must be missing something, but I'm getting svn: E000101: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
16:37.23BakaKunasvn: E000101: Error running context: Network is unreachable. Other svn repo's are working fine.
16:38.10ThulinmaBakaKuna: network is unreachable generally indicates a problem with your local network settings.
16:44.00wdoekesBakaKuna: $ svn info . | grep ^URL
16:44.00wdoekes$ time svn log -r 408200 | wc -l
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16:46.14lordvadrIs there an equivalent to CHANNEL(peerip) in 1.4?
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17:05.29BakaKunaNo luck, i'll check with my isp to find out if they have any special setting regarding asterisk SVN
17:12.17beaniePenguin - it's actually the IP that its come from that is unexpected and not authorised in my whitelist solution, so, for it to get to the extent where it could try and log in to an extension, that is the issue
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17:22.43[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: If you've got things like that in effect you should know to check them first....
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17:33.34volga629Hello Everyone,
17:33.36volga629I am using this bash script to pull resource id for XMPP
17:33.40volga629this whole macro
17:33.42volga629that what I see when dialplan ran
17:33.44volga629Executing [s@macro-missed-call-in:3] Set("SIP/babytel-00000022", "RES=9c32ecc4
17:33.46volga629-- ") in new stack
17:33.48volga629-- Executing [s@macro-missed-call-in:4] GotoIf("SIP/babytel-00000022", "0?unavailable") in new stac
17:33.50volga629Here I reproduced error 7
17:33.54volga629If I will hard code resource id it will work and report user online which is 1
17:36.36[TK]D-FenderStop flooding in here...
17:37.16[TK]D-FenderAnd so far it looks like you're getting back a CR in your return value
17:37.22[TK]D-FenderDo you not see 2 line breaks there?
17:37.38[TK]D-Fender4+ actually
17:37.49[TK]D-FenderYou don't seem to be looking at what you're getting back
17:38.07[TK]D-Fendervalue + special chars != value
17:38.31volga629you mean exten => s,n,Set(JID=${JID_TO}/${RES})
17:39.28volga629forward slash is special character ?
17:41.50beanieTK D-Fender, hope you are well? Its the old solution that apb1963 kindly put in if you remember
17:44.50volga629Is need escape / ?
17:46.43ThulinmaLittle update on my quest to get my SIP provider to work for outbound calls: none of the related settings (looking at the source) seem to matter. I'm going to hardcode the correct settings in the source and see if that makes a difference.
17:47.13[TK]D-Fendervolga629: CR <-----------------
17:47.20[TK]D-Fendervolga629: Actually look at your output
17:47.27ThulinmaBut... my wife is getting angry that I haven't made dinner yet - so I'll be back later to report on the results of that. :)
17:47.37[TK]D-Fendervolga629: No, "/" is clearly INLINE like it's supposed to be...
17:48.00volga629what mean CR ?
17:48.06[TK]D-Fender[13:41]beanieTK D-Fender, hope you are well? Its the old solution that apb1963 kindly put in if you remember <- Ah yes... the Retard Solution :)
17:48.18[TK]D-Fendervolga629: CARRIAGE RETURN.
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17:52.41jmetroAnyone have opinions on the best method to do AMI lookups via webpage? currently doing a PHP page & CURL connection but i can only get one command to run [the login] and the rest seem to initiate a separate connection
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17:53.57jmetroor if no "best" method, "effective" or "kinda works" would be acceptable.
17:58.04[TK]D-FenderThe page itself should be doing the rest... and that would be AMI....
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18:00.30jmetroI'm using CURL to hit the HTTP side , with the rawman protocol so I just get simple text back. When i do one curl connect for action:login&user:user&pass:pass, i successfully login, but my next line of PHP is another curl connect with action:CoreStatus and it fails w/ permission denied, i'm assuming it has to do with being a separate session
18:00.49jmetroas when i do it myself with a web browser, first entering one url and then the other, it succeeds
18:01.28[TK]D-Fendereach CURL = connection.  If you break the connection ... no auth
18:02.10[TK]D-FenderIf you're referring to some web-version of AMI... as opposed to a standard web page with a real socket connection to AMI... then I probably can't help you much.
18:02.21jmetroyeah im not using sockets
18:02.29jmetrofetching HTTP
18:03.21jmetroi figured it would be easier =p
18:04.23jmetroIt was in the book so I thought id try that rather than the socket stuff.
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18:13.43beanieTKD-Fender - can you point me in the right direction as to how I find out how the hack happened?
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18:14.52infobotwell, crittercam is Katty's Critter Cam
18:15.32[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: We haven't proven hack last I checked
18:15.44*** part/#asterisk JustinAiken (~Adium@
18:16.25PenguinI didn't see anything that indicated there was any problem at all.  Registration attempts are quite normal for an internet-facing asterisk.
18:16.52jmetrothat and 100 international calls placed at the same time
18:17.42[TK]D-FenderAll I saw was ONE registration attempt
18:17.58Penguinsame here
18:17.58beanieOk 1) I have a whitelist solution which **in theory** should only allow users I have granted access to - they, by the way, with the exception of apb1963, are in England. 2) I have spoken to my ISP and they have told me that there have been a lot of trogan related complaints regarding the IP address and also bogus Emails
18:18.28beanieand 3) this IP is in California so what business does it have being registered on my system as a failed attempt?
18:18.34[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Just because the person that is looking at you is bad doesn't mean they got through.
18:19.02[TK]D-Fender[14:18]beanieand 3) this IP is in California so what business does it have being registered on my system as a failed attempt? <- they aren't registered.  We saw it fail.
18:19.19[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: You are having some serious issues clearly communicating an actual issue.
18:19.45beanieTK D-Fender, good point re they didn't get through ***But*** it was only for the extension login password not having been cracked *****so far****
18:19.47jmetrobeanie: like we said, i used to see like 10-20 international calls per day come from different ip addresses in china every day. They send the calls to your system but it never gets through. They attempt to register on your system, but they fail because you arent wide open.
18:19.48beanieit's way too close
18:20.14PenguinExtensions don't log in.  They tried to register to your asterisk.  And they failed.
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18:20.50[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: do what everyone else does.... and FIREWALL THEM OUT.
18:20.51beanieyeah but what I want to know is did they log in to the linux box with the root login having been cracked (i have a static ip) or did they attempt to place a call through a compromised users computer and what other information could now have been gathered
18:20.55beaniehow do I confirm any of this
18:21.03beaniewell, im supposed to be on a whitelist solution
18:21.15[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Apparently you have no clue what you're doing.
18:21.17PenguinI already told you.  They tried to register to your asterisk.  Nothing you showed me said anything about the Linux host.
18:21.26PenguinNo clue whatsoever.
18:21.33jmetroThats a different security system.
18:22.15jmetrofail2ban and strong root password
18:22.21[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: Don't go there
18:22.49PenguinYou shouldn't be allowing root logins from remote locations anyway.
18:22.58PenguinNo root password should be fine.
18:23.06[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: We wasted a LOT of time trying to get him to use standard tools, but insisted on a convoluted custom white-listing method.
18:23.33[TK]D-Fender[14:22]PenguinYou shouldn't be allowing root logins from remote locations anyway. <- so far I haven't heard any mention of SSH at all....
18:23.56jmetrogo to your ACL and put "deny any any" at the top of it.
18:25.07PenguinI'm still waiting to see any sign of ANYTHING.
18:25.21PenguinHe's showed ONE SINGLE failed registration attempt on asterisk.
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18:29.09beaniejmetro - thanks for your help, what exactly does the deny deny any do and where am I looking?
18:29.10jmetrowow i cant believe cisco actually bought ""
18:29.24beaniejust been googling myself
18:29.50jmetrobeanie: it was a poke at poor firewall configuration, deny any any blocks all traffic as the first line of your ACL.
18:30.31jmetrobeanie: you did not most likely have a hack attempt, the IP might have been spoofed or the whitelist is improperly configured
18:30.32beanieyeah I suspected so
18:30.46[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: None of us knows how that setup of yours works.. including you.  Go contact the guy who set it up for you.  We can't help you.
18:31.08beaniehugs TK D-Fender :-D - Bad Day :-p
18:31.45PenguinOr at least show us the ENTIRE firewall configuration in a pastebin.
18:31.58[TK]D-FenderPenguin: I wouldn't bother.  It's fed by outside crap
18:34.21beanieI did ask for help from every blimmin' forum and chat space going to set up a vpn, but you for one TK D-Fender did not want to help me. So now, when I'm stuck with the original solution, you can't have the cake and eat it because I tried my hardest to sort out the VPN and I needed help, so pretty much everyone's answer was "go back to reading the materials that you are struggling with and struggle alone because although we look like a help room, we are
18:34.42beaniewell thankfully, I have just as much sarcasm but I do appreciate it when sometimes someone is kind enough to recognise that I am trying but I find this difficult.
18:36.53[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: I suggested VPN first... then a sane way of actually stopping attacks.
18:37.29[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: You're running whatever scripts and other bits you now have and we are not psychic.  You don't understand your own solution and we did not set it up or document it.
18:38.50[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: We quite literally cannot help you
18:40.00jmetroIts kind of like running a FreePBX station. Noone knows how that crap works and its too built up to dig into.
18:41.06beanieseriously, thanks guys, I get your point :-)
18:41.49[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: not "no-one"... but don't expect the ones who do to be HERE :)
18:43.14beanieso how do I move forward save for trying to get hold of apb1963 - the worry I have is that nothing prevented unauthorised access other than the extension password
18:43.32beanieand if they keep brute forcing that, it's only a matter of time until they can access everything
18:44.05jmetrobeanie: you can also fail2ban them, make your passwords strong, and read the book regarding access control
18:44.48[TK]D-Fenderadd a firewall rule by hand.
18:44.59jmetrowhy only have one layer of security?
18:45.06jmetrohave a whitelist AND your own stuff
18:45.18[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: I did warn you "don't go there"....
18:45.22beanieyeah i believe so, root password and whitelist and extension passwords
18:45.39[TK]D-Fender[14:44][TK]D-Fenderadd a firewall rule by hand. <---
18:45.55beaniesure but what and presumably in iptables?
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18:46.09[TK]D-Fenderor something further outward.
18:46.11[TK]D-Fendertake your pick
18:46.24beaniejut not a coder
18:46.48[TK]D-Fendergo goole up the syntax.
18:46.54[TK]D-Fenderthis is taking longer to ask then it is to google up
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18:55.39beaniehow do I change the password for freepbx
18:56.02[TK]D-Fender#FREEPBX <-------
18:57.11beanieno preverbial - come on :-) its only a quick one
18:57.14beaniesurely someone knows
18:57.15[TK]D-Fenderwrong channel
18:57.24[TK]D-Fenderwe don't support it here and the answer is variable
18:57.44beaniecya thanks anyway :-(
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19:03.52Kattythe answer is coefficients.
19:04.44Kattyhow do you FUNCTION without VARIABLES and COEFFICIENTS
19:05.34[TK]D-FenderSome people take all of the the "fun" out of dysfunctional.
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19:22.48nottapasorry if this doesnt quite belong here, but is anyone super familiar with ipitomy systems? my inbound caller id isnt working on my digium PRI card but the lines off my SIP provider (different service) come in correctly
19:24.24[TK]D-FenderWhat exactly are you runing with that card?
19:25.20nottapai have new fiber from at&t with 24 lines on a t1
19:25.54nottapai can send and receive calls but my inbound caller id isnt coming in on those line
19:26.13[TK]D-FenderI'm talking software here.....
19:26.22[TK]D-Fenderwhat software is using that card?
19:26.59nottapai have an ipitomy system
19:27.08nottapawhich afaik is based on asterisk
19:27.48[TK]D-FenderCould you go confirm that?
19:29.04nottapagoogle says it is
19:29.31[TK]D-Fendercan you actually log into it and see?
19:30.20nottapanever tried, lets see..
19:32.18nottapai have no idea what the console credentials are
19:33.16[TK]D-FenderWell without being able to actually look.. you know we aren't likely to really get anywhere
19:33.28[TK]D-FenderEverything is a guess at best
19:34.10nottapawell i only ask because the web interface is just a gui for editing configuration files, and if i knew something to look for i could probably find it
19:35.33[TK]D-FenderThe answer often isn't in the configs but rather how things actually look as they come in.
19:36.01nottapawell, thank you, ill see if i can gain console access and report back
19:36.08[TK]D-FenderYou don't conduct an autopsy based on a high-school grad photo, or inspect a car crash based on the sales brochure
19:36.33[TK]D-FenderCan you at least confirm the signalling on the line?
19:36.58[TK]D-Fenderjust as a starting point of reference.  If you could show other config screen it might offer a clue.
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19:41.50b11danyone know of a 24-port FXO gateway thats good and doesnt need T1?
19:42.12b11dcustomer has 8 pots lines that run $150 a month total and dont want to go PRI as it'd be $600 a month
19:42.55nottapa[TK]D-Fender, the signalling type is pri_cpe
19:44.53[TK]D-Fendernottapa: Well it should be coming in with the call... we'd have to see actual debug to confirm if it's a provider bug, timing, or GUI
19:45.30[TK]D-Fender[15:41]b11danyone know of a 24-port FXO gateway thats good and doesnt need T1? <- pick a SIP gateway then and not a T1 Channel-bank
19:46.30b11dim looking now
19:46.40b11dbut they mostly look like crap
19:46.53b11dand most max out at 4 or 8 ports
19:48.37[TK]D-FenderLook harder. (you shouldn't have to)
19:49.14[TK]D-Fenderlet us know what models you find
19:50.06b11di just dont know if i can trust some of these manufactureres
19:50.21[TK]D-FenderSure get some models and we'll give you our opinions....
19:53.06[TK]D-FenderWhere are you located?
19:53.12b11dMN :)
19:53.20[TK]D-FenderPerhaps you should be looking at what US STORES are selling...
19:53.30volga629[TK]D-Fender exten => s,n,Set(RES=${SHELL(/usr/bin/sudo ${ASTAGIDIR}/AstPostBird ${JID_TO})}) is this line question ? I can' figure out where is value broken
19:53.32[TK]D-FenderAs opposed to random asian websites....
19:53.39b11dperhaps you can find me a US store that sells a 24-port FXO gateway then please?
19:53.42b11dbecause im not finding any
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19:54.15b11di dont even know why im looking at 24 ports when they only need 8....   was just hoping for 'scalability' i guess
19:54.46b11di see 24-port FXS on those
19:54.47b11dbut not FXO
19:54.59b11dlots and lots of 24-port FXS units..
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20:00.27volga629you mean like  \n, \r, like this get return from shell script ?
20:01.34[TK]D-Fendervolga629: YES
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20:01.51[TK]D-Fendervolga629: As I said.. you weren't looking.
20:02.44[TK]D-Fenderb11d: AudioCodes, Media5 (Mediatrix), Patton.  These are the first big 3 to look at.
20:03.04[TK]D-Fendercheck out their line-up and ask the retailer if they can orrder it if they don't list the model you are interested in specifically.
20:03.29*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
20:03.43b11dAhh.. never having heard of those vendors, I was kind of on the fence about looking at their line up...
20:03.47b11dyou'd trust any of those?
20:04.05b11dI did look at the Patton 16-port FXO..
20:04.44[TK]D-FenderThey all have long-standing reputations
20:05.16b11d look pretty solid
20:05.34b11dhave you heard of anyone integrating them with Asterisk successfully?
20:06.07b11dim gonna give them a call..
20:06.07[TK]D-FenderYes, these brands have been commonly used for a long time by people coming through here.
20:06.14b11dah, very good... thank you very much
20:06.42[TK]D-FenderAdtran is another greate choice.
20:07.04[TK]D-FenderQuintum is OK, but rarer to hear about for the range of responses I've seen here
20:10.52volga629ok I will try echo -n
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20:11.43volga629because in script I don't have any -n -r
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20:43.14[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, back later...
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20:46.46ThulinmaHeya - reporting back about earlier - I have it working now, by cheating and sed'ing every instance of "anonymous.invalid" to "" in the chan_sip.c source. Horribly ugly, but works for me.
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21:48.43irreverantcan i get help?
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21:49.06navaismoarent you the same in #freepbx?
21:50.46irreverantyes i am
21:50.47[TK]D-FenderHasn't answered my question there....
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21:52.54navaismono one in a complete way
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22:11.32volga629I tried test the script,  and I don't see where it return \r
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22:26.35[TK]D-Fendervolga629: I'm not seeing comprehensive tests....
22:27.07volga629I tired use printf instead echo
22:27.11volga629printf '%s %s %s\n' "$jid_to$f$resource
22:27.59volga629let me put in paste bin organized manner
22:28.25Thulinma[TK]D-Fender: Don't think you saw my earlier message, as there was a netsplit and all that... I got it working by hardcoding the right domain in the source. Ugly, but it works.
22:28.42[TK]D-FenderThulinma: That really makes no sense....
22:28.49ThulinmaAgreed, but... well, it works.
22:30.41[TK]D-FenderI'd check in #asterisk-dev and have them look at it....
22:33.07ThulinmaYou think so? I figured if this was really a bug it'd probably have surfaced way earlier...
22:34.08[TK]D-FenderCould be... I'd have them look...
22:42.57ThulinmaAlright - I'll report in over there tomorrow then (getting late here). Thanks for the heads-up.
22:57.17*** part/#asterisk irreverant (~irrev@unaffiliated/irreverant)
23:06.14volga629here the change what I tried
23:09.33volga629this what causing  -- ") in new stack, it like extra in value
23:10.20[TK]D-FenderYou still don't seem to understand the word "thorough"
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23:13.23volga629might I  just don't know what look in dial plan which cause it. I don't see any problem of out put from bash no extra spaces no \r or \n or tabs
23:14.28[TK]D-FenderYou aren't looking at enough code and resulsts to matter
23:16.51volga629yes I see this extra space on the end, bit not get from where  " ") in new stack
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23:22.52volga629yes removed extra space in printf and it working right now
23:24.11volga629only this left to fix it not evaluate correctly exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${STATUS}" < 3]?:unavailable)
23:29.44[TK]D-FenderAnd now you are forgetting Asterisk basics as well....
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