IRC log for #asterisk on 20140310

00:02.13*** part/#asterisk socomm (
00:47.14*** join/#asterisk epinky (~epinky@unaffiliated/trismegisto)
00:51.54epinkyHello, I'm very new to Asterisk, the person in charge has set up an schema I'm trying to understand, we have an 8 port E1 card installed in our CAT6500, as I understand we use Asterisk as a PBX  for every building we have, but all the traffic(calls) must go first to Call Manager, then to the E1 to get to PSTN or between Asterisk PBXs. How this schema is called? is there any recipe to make...
00:51.55epinky...this Asterisk integrate with CallManager?
00:55.43*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
01:03.21*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:16.43*** join/#asterisk bpietro (~pietro@
01:23.35*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:32.03WIMPyWe don't know anything about your setup other than what you tell us.
01:36.12*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
01:42.34*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
01:59.20*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
02:02.21*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
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02:13.56*** join/#asterisk gradyo (4aecce65@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:18.24*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
02:22.29*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
02:22.32gradyolooking into some yealink phones
02:23.06WIMPyWhat's inside?
02:24.52*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
02:26.23gradyoplaying with 3cx. and asterisk.
02:26.35gradyotrying to find a pbx that will work for me
02:33.53mjordanvolga629: please don't PM me. It isn't a bug as you aren't specifying a resource for your buddy - which is what the error message is telling you.
02:33.56mjordanor rather, NOTICE message.
02:34.10mjordanIf you need more assistance in how to set that up or looking at it further, you should e-mail the asterisk-users mailing list.
02:35.16*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:36.51volga629this from core show function JABBER_STATUS
02:40.40mjordanxmpp is not a valid resource for that buddy
02:40.47mjordanexten => s,n,Set(JID_TO=${DB(AMPUSER/${DEXTEN}/xmpp)})
02:40.59mjordansince it isn't found for that buddy, you don't get the status
02:41.49volga629this is entry in ASTdb which pull jid
02:42.33mjordanthat isn't what your dialplan is doing
02:45.51volga629I am sure that dial plan is not in question
02:47.24volga629xmpp01*CLI> database showkey AMPUSER/102/xmpp
02:47.26volga629/AMPUSER/102/xmpp                                 :
02:47.28volga6291 results found.
02:52.51*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
03:02.45*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
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03:39.26*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
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03:54.26volga629Matt, in function man it says that possible use without resource
03:55.21volga629and in really must have use resource
04:11.04*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
04:26.58*** join/#asterisk AceFrahm (
04:28.18*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
04:42.37snadgeyou should be able to match non numeric chars with a dial plan yeah?
04:45.30*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~a@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
04:55.43snadgei think i may have run into a freepbx issue then ;) .. its documentation doesn't mention it.. matching non numeric chars in a dial plan, seems to be an unusual thing
04:59.34snadgecollegue is writing a plugin which will be used for call screening on pbxes
04:59.53snadgeand it returns "ok-"number   (without the quotes)
05:06.20snadgeblacklists based on dialled number or ip address
05:45.58volga629in dial how to do or in GotoIf
05:46.00volga629GotoIf($[$["${DIALSTATUS}" = "ANSWER"] | $["${DIALSTATUS}"="NOANSWER"]]?notifyinanswer:notifyinnoswer)
05:50.39PenguinClarify what you are wanting to achieve, not how you intend to get there.
05:59.17volga629I trying if statement if dial status answer or no anwser.
06:00.51volga629based on if statement answer jump not notification
06:00.55PenguinYou want to test if it is ANSWER first, and then test if it is NOANSWER if it wasn't ANSWER?
06:02.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:03.16volga629close if ANSWER send notification with one template and if NOASNWER then send another notification, but different template
06:04.22PenguinGotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "ANSWER"]?notifyanswer);
06:04.22PenguinGotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "NOANSER]?notifynoanswer);
06:05.17PenguinOops.  Missed a quote.
06:05.21PenguinGotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "NOANSER"]?notifynoanswer);
06:05.39PenguinGotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "NOANSWER"]?notifynoanswer);
06:05.42Penguinand misspelled it.
06:06.15PenguinSo you first test to see if it is ANSWER.  If it is, send it to the notifyanswer label.
06:06.32PenguinIf it is not ANSWER, move on to the next line of dialplan.
06:06.54PenguinSecond test to see if it is NOANSWER.  If it is, send it to the notifynoanswer label.
06:07.04PenguinIf it is not NOANSWER, move on to the next line of dialplan.
06:07.09volga629yes, first label evaluate true
06:07.31volga629I did
06:07.33volga629exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "NOANSWER"]?notifyinnoanswer:notifyinaswer)
06:07.35volga629exten => s,n(unavailable),NoOp(XMPP Server reported user status: ${STATUS}. No notification will be send.)
06:07.37volga629exten => s,n(notifyinanswer),NoOp(Trying send XMPP message on inbound call)
06:07.50volga629if statement need separate
06:08.03volga629ok that make sense thank you
06:08.53PenguinYour GotoIf() is only checking to see if it is NOANSWER.  If it is NOANSWER, you are sending it to notifyinnoanswer.  If it is not NOANSWER, you are assuming it was answered and send it to notifyinanswer.
06:09.21PenguinBut there are many other dial status besides ANSWER and NOANSWER.
06:09.30*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
06:09.40PenguinI would explicitly test for those two status if those are the ones you care about.
06:10.30volga629yes only 2 VMSTATE will be different story
06:17.56PenguinGood luck with your project.  I'm off to bed now.
06:19.58volga629thank again
06:20.01*** join/#asterisk trumee (
06:20.09volga629and I tested project working
06:30.53*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
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06:39.10D30hi all, good day,... what does this actually mean? " Asked to transmit frame type ulaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = ulaw/ulaw "
06:39.50D30when trying to call for a number outside, i can see lots of WARNING message from the cli ^
06:40.24MaliutaLapsomeone wants you to use g729?
06:43.11*** part/#asterisk bpietro (~pietro@
06:49.49D30hmmn i dont really know MaliutaLap
06:50.02D30but some numbers i dialed, i dont see any warnings
07:00.11MaliutaLapare they going over different trunks?
07:01.53D30theyre on the same trunk MaliutaLap
07:16.59MaliutaLapOdd then
07:17.47volga629I am trying execute bash script from dial plan
07:17.55volga629and this way not working
07:17.57volga629exten => s,n,Set(RESOURCE=${SHELL(${ASTAGIDIR}AstPostBird ${JID_TO})})
07:19.23*** join/#asterisk aamu11 (~Jack@
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08:01.34D30hmmn ive tested several numbers to call but it only appears when calling 212 areacode in US :(
08:01.49D30still there's [2014-03-10 03:58:26] WARNING[4786][C-00000003]: chan_sip.c:7296 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type ulaw, while native formats is (g729) read/write = ulaw/ulaw
08:02.00D30kinda weird..
08:03.24MaliutaLapSomething to do with your ITSP?
08:05.28wdoekesD30: sounds like g729 was negiotiated, yet it wasn't. do you have g729 codecs? what does the 'core show channel X' say about the format?
08:06.04D30wdoekes: unfortunately dont have a g729 codecs installed :(
08:06.31D30whats "X" in core show channel?
08:06.32wdoekesand the sdp negotiation selected ulaw?
08:06.36wdoekesthe channel name :)
08:06.42wdoekesuse tab completion
08:07.31D30yes wdoekes ulaw is used
08:07.52D30ohh wait
08:08.06D30do i need to remove g729?
08:08.24D30i actually copied it from our provider
08:08.40*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
08:09.06D30MaliutaLap:  you mean the sip provider?
08:10.22wdoekesD30: if you have no g729 codecs, you should not allow= it
08:10.38wdoekesdisallow=all, allow=ulaw
08:11.38D30hmmn okay will test it... thanks wdoekes
08:13.30*** part/#asterisk jsjc (
08:14.37D30hmm wdoekes it works, :) no more warnings related to g729
08:15.06D30but when it stop ringing, i heard nothing :( does it mean i need g729 for it?
08:24.15*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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08:38.39*** join/#asterisk emaberga81 (~emaberga8@
08:40.55emaberga81Hi guys, when I add a new register string and I then do a "sip reload" asterisk send a new REGISTER for all the register strings in my sip.conf file. If I am in a call and asterisk send a new REGISTER for my number then the proxy sends me a BYE and the call is dropped. Is there some way to send REGISTER only for new register strings after a sip reload?
08:44.09*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:35.28*** join/#asterisk IMS77 (
09:38.56IMS77Hi, in my dialplan i have a macro with a line "exten => s,n,Wait(20)" to wait 20 sec (it's a test) => after around 15 sec the macro exit. Does someone knows which parameter (in a file .conf) to change to be able to wait 20 sec. Thanks by advance for any help
09:43.44*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
09:46.18IMS77When i call wait() is it using a queue => if so the parameters should be in queues.conf, non ?
09:51.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
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10:53.19IMS77I'm still trying to wait 20 sec in my dialplan => wait(20) does no work  but if i call progress() before to call wait(20) it's working. When I read the doc about progress, the function  is used for early media => so what is the difference between the two states so in the 1st state i can't wait 20 seconds ! I tryed to change many timeout but without success.
10:57.49IMS77No help ?
10:58.43*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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11:06.21*** join/#asterisk gryffus (~gryffus@
11:06.53gryffushi folks. Is it possible to use tls encryption without transfering client certificates to clients? Thanks for any help
11:17.45*** part/#asterisk IMS77 (
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12:12.08kalibHello guys, I´m receiving this message on my CLI: chan_sip.c:12723 handle_response_peerpoke  Peer '8551' is now Reachable. (53ms / 2000ms)
12:12.18kalibCouldn´t find anything about this on google. Is this an error?
12:13.25MaliutaLapno, it just means that you had a SIP timeout on a link
12:13.32MaliutaLapnormally a network issue
12:29.17*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
12:43.35*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@
12:44.25gryffusI'm trying to configure tls-only asterisk. I have created certificates like in this howto: , but when i try to connect from an Android SIP client (linphone), i get "tcptls.c:   == Problem setting up ssl connection: error:14094418:lib(20):SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca" and "tcptls.c: FILE * open failed!" errors in asterisk log file... What i did wrong? According to linphone tls
12:44.26gryffushowto, i have to import rootca.pem file to my android device, but there is no rootca.pem file in /etc/asterisk/keys ... Am i missing something? Is there no possibility to setup tls with certificates only on server, just like in HTTPS?
12:45.34gryffusas you can see, i don't have many experiences with tls, so any information is valuable to me... Thanks
12:46.47emaberga81Hi guys, when I add a new register string and I then do a "sip reload" asterisk send a new REGISTER for all the register strings in my sip.conf file. If I am in a call and asterisk send a new REGISTER for my number then the proxy sends me a BYE and the call is dropped. Is there some way to send REGISTER only for new register strings after a sip reload?
12:47.03*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:49.00gryffusnote that these are self-signed certificates... Is this even possible?
12:52.02*** join/#asterisk kruzin (~kruz@
12:52.20WIMPyemaberga81: No, and it will also send a REGISTER in the regulat intervalls anyway. Thare is no relation to ongoing calls.
12:55.01emaberga81hi WIMPy so you think it is a problem on the sip proxy? Because as soon as it gets the REGISTER for the numbers that are in a call it sends a BYE
12:56.03WIMPyThere is something going very wrong somewhere, yes.
12:58.29*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-hiweiongxnabkimn)
13:05.42gryffusanyone here with working tls sip setup with self-signed certs?
13:06.55emaberga81ok, thanks WIMPy! The sip proxy is from another vendor so I will have to check with their support
13:07.09emaberga81but a question: is it against some RFC to send a REGISTER while in a call?
13:08.35WIMPyWhich of the many RFCs concerning SIP?
13:10.13*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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13:42.00emaberga81WMIPy I did some trace and I see that when Asterisk send the REGISTER because the timer is expired then the call does not drop
13:42.25emaberga81the only difference between this REGISTER and the one that Asterisk send after a sip reload is that the first one already has a Authorization header
13:42.39emaberga81after the sip reload it does not have the auth header
13:42.45tuxx-hiya guys. any asterisk developers here that can point me to the place where the SIP headers (from sipaddheader) are stored? in the ast_channel or sip_pvt struct somewhere?
13:43.13*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
13:43.20WIMPytuxx-: That looks like a question for #asterisk-dev
13:43.28tuxx-yeah, just thought about that. ill go bug the people there :-)
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14:14.04banane_can anyone help with configuring or debugging dahdi/pri for a german landline? i´m using an openvox card and currently only get a yellow alarm on the active pri spans
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14:52.42ChainsawDigium K-lined from Freenode. Now I've seen everything.
14:52.54fileyeah ummm yeah
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14:53.51ChainsawFor what it's worth, they'll be missed.
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15:03.36zosoHi, I think I am facing a issue, some of the calls I am receiving, are there in the sip table for a long time with the "last message" column has the value Rx:BYE, I have found out that the user has hung up the call by then.  What is going wrong?
15:06.28*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
15:07.23ghost75sip table?
15:08.34leifmadsenI suspect he means, 'sip show channels'
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15:11.23banane_can anyone help with configuring or debugging dahdi/pri for a german landline? i´m using an openvox card and currently only get a yellow alarm on the active pri spans
15:16.47ghost75last message bye shouldnt be so annormal
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15:20.40Kattyleifmadsen: o/
15:20.51leifmadsenKatty: ohai
15:21.05zosoghost75, but it is there, and the channel is not processing calls any more
15:21.12Kattyleifmadsen: how'rechu?
15:21.30zosoand what does a status of 'no answer' mean in the cdr table that asterisk logs to
15:22.45ghost75if nobody picks up on remote side
15:22.56ghost75or local ..
15:23.52zosoghost75, by local you mean the channel?
15:23.53ghost75zoso: u may want to do sip debug to see whats going on or use tcpdump
15:24.22ghost75if u call somebody and he doesnt pick up, its no answer
15:24.47zosoghost75, I am using sip debug, I think I should read something to understand what to infer from values I am seeing on debug
15:25.18ghost75in wireshark its a bit easier to read
15:26.23zosoghost75, I see, and how can I know why a call is still in the active list with rx: bye as last message.
15:27.20ghost75see here
15:28.34ghost75also good
15:28.54zosothanks. How can I kill a call?
15:30.07ghost75channel request hangup
15:31.30leifmadsenKatty: oh not bad... I'm cleaning up some jira stuff :\
15:31.38leifmadsenand incredibly tired after the weekend summit
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15:47.02Kattyleifmadsen: you'll have to catch up on sleep soon :>
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15:52.32ghost75entire(d) loop?
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17:00.25banane_can anyone help with configuring or debugging dahdi/pri for a german landline? i´m using an openvox card and currently only get a yellow alarm on the active pri spans, can´t seem to get the line up
17:21.17*** join/#asterisk Milarepa (~Milarepa@
17:24.32Chainsawbanane_: ISDN2e BRI or PRI?
17:27.59JeffC_NNI'm running an AGI after hangup, and I'm stuck on trying to figure out if the call was transferred (and this is the leg that performed the transfer and is now hanging up). I'm thinking either looking for some kind of channel variable, or using AMI to ask for the state of the previously bridged channel. Does anyone have any other ideas?
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18:07.08ghost75in which unit does asterisk display jitter i got i.e. 0.000352 is that 0,352ms ?
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18:10.17ghost75mjordan: is asterisk display jitter in seconds ?
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18:33.23issackellyIf I use ChanSpy to barge into a channel and start talking (actually running Playback), but the original channel goes into "RECORD" mode, the caller/person being recorded can no longer hear the person barging in. Is there a way around that?
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18:45.22issackellyIf I do Monitor() and WaitForNoise then WaitForSilence and then StopMonitor() and only deal with the output channel will that work?
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19:47.04JeffC_NNwhen you use Dial(), shouldn't both legs of the call go to priority "h" in whatever context they were dialed from?
19:47.19JeffC_NN(after either side hangs up)
19:47.45JeffC_NNerr... I guess not
19:50.42aamu11JeffC_NN: after either side hangs up....
19:54.29*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
20:11.37JeffC_NNI'm having trouble determining who hung up. The Dial() takes place inside an AGI, and I only see priority "h" being hit on the customer's leg (that called the AGI). How do I tell if the agent hung up?
20:12.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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20:46.08ghost75is it normal that provider tries to read sip options from asterisk in s exten?
20:49.47*** join/#asterisk b11d (
20:49.56b11dhey all
20:50.25b11dso I have a client using an SPA8800 and Asterisk, its working fine... but now they want to support two more lines, and possibly more... so I'm looking at alternatives to the SPA8800...
20:50.30b11dwhats recommedned, a channel bank?
20:50.52b11di'm looking at the Cisco VG224/248 as well, but dunno about that..
20:50.58[TK]D-Fender[16:46]ghost75is it normal that provider tries to read sip options from asterisk in s exten? <- they don't try to read from there.  Asterisk chooses to look there
20:51.19b11din lieu of adding another SPA8800 and then another SPA8800..
20:51.49b11dI've looked at the Rhino CBs, but...something feels wrong about them.. cant put my finger on it..
20:52.21b11dso I guess im looking for a recommendation that isnt gonna bite me in the ass when they get it and it doesnt work right :)
20:53.03b11dPRI, at this point, seems overkill..
20:59.10b11di also cant just stick a card in a server and hook the lines right up, the servers they have have no open PCI ports, and the physical distance is an issue...
20:59.27b11dright now the SPA sits next to their demarc and then uses a single ethernet connection back upstairs to their servers..
21:09.21*** join/#asterisk Milarepa (
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21:19.24ghost75[TK]D-Fender: is it normal that it goes for dialplan when OPTIONS were requested?
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21:34.24b11dseriously guys no recommendations?
21:34.30b11di figured this'd be the place :)
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21:38.54*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.8.1 (2014/03/10), (2014/03/10); Standard: Asterisk 12.1.1 (2014/03/10); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.9.0 (2014/01/30), DAHDI-tools (2014/01/31); libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
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22:22.48dan_jHi. If Asterisk is bridging and recording a call, if one side of the audio has constantly intermittent sound, is it safe to say there is an issue with that end of the call? I ask because one client is experiencing this issue, but other clients have no problems. So i can't understand why.
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22:32.52dan_jTo be clear, I'm comparing the clients by listing to recordings made by the asterisk box that both clients dial through. The end of the call having problems is a major SIP provider so shouldnt be having problems.
22:37.31*** join/#asterisk bitvilag (
22:37.34bitvilaghi everyone
22:37.44bitvilagi would need some help with extensions
22:39.55infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:48.37*** join/#asterisk scouture (~scouture@unaffiliated/scouture)
22:50.57bitvilaghey well I wasnt sure if there is anyone here so I figured I ask when there are multiple users active. I have installed the latest freepbx asterix software from and well I tried to configure. I manage to connect the extensions but for some reason I cannot call the extensions and the odd part is if I use the number of my cell phone it calls the extension that is paired with my
22:50.58bitvilagcell which is odd because I only mention that number on my freevoipdeal trunk. So i am kind of lost at the moment
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23:40.43Development_Hey. I got a new grandstream 2160 phone. I got my sip account in it. I have voicemail kind of setup. When I hit the VM button on the phone I get a busy tone and it says "No dial plan rules matched"
23:41.18Development_How do I get it to go to my voicemail. I didn't know what to do. I can setup an extension that calls voicemail main, but shouldn't the button just go straight to vm?
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23:54.18jmetroI'm trying to do some AMI from a webpage. I'm currently using CURL and PHP to login, but the connection immediately closes [stopping any other actions]. How does keep open?

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