IRC log for #asterisk on 20140309

00:03.53*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
00:31.19*** join/#asterisk wdoekes (
00:55.04*** join/#asterisk MasterSenpai (
00:58.17*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
01:05.57MasterSenpaiEven when the feature codes are enabled, why are they not working. I can call other phones hooked up to network, but when I try something like *98 for voicemail, it doesn't do anything and just hangs up. I also can't even dial outside, even though I am using Google Voice motif. help please
01:08.03WIMPyDoes your phone let you?
01:10.04MasterSenpaiLet me what? I can receive inbound calls through Google Voice motif. that is no problem. I just can't dial any number from phones other than phones that are connected to Asterisk. The phones are Nortel i2004 and they are using the unistim module and protocol
01:11.06WIMPyLet you dial those numbers.
01:11.27MasterSenpaiI get I dial tone. I can dial extensions internally
01:11.40MasterSenpaiI just cant use feature codes and outbound calls
01:11.52MasterSenpailike when I dial, it doesnt even make attempt. it just hangs up
01:12.06WIMPyhas no idea about the unistim stuff.
01:13.07MasterSenpaiEven if you don't know anything about unistim, do you know how to make sure that the google voice motif outbound settings are correct?
01:14.06WIMPyNo, no idea abnout google either, other than that it's going to end soon anyway.
01:14.25MasterSenpaithat sucks. i understand
01:14.51MasterSenpaianybody else knows how to deal with google voice motif, nortel 2004 and unistim protocol
01:15.51WIMPyWell, the most activity inhere is during US office hours.
01:16.35MasterSenpaithis my second attempt to ask someone. I asked someone on Wednesday and no one said much. I will just keep trying
01:17.10WIMPyThere probably aren't many unistim users.
01:17.41MasterSenpaiI'm just going to keep trying anyway. better to keep trying than paying over $300 for tech support
01:17.58WIMPyFrom whom?
01:18.14MasterSenpaiFreePBX direct support
01:18.39MasterSenpaiyou can get support directly from them but they charge you by half hour or hour and its expensive
01:19.01WIMPyOk, but you know that the FreePBX part isn't supported here?
01:19.25MasterSenpaiYeah. My problem is the asterisk side
01:19.48MasterSenpaithe FreePBX is working fine
01:20.08WIMPyAs long as you can figure out how to translate the to FreePBX, ok.
01:21.19MasterSenpaii could be wrong though if the problem stems from how FreePBX is routing calls
01:21.25MasterSenpaiif it isn't though
01:28.55*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:38.39*** join/#asterisk rexwin_ (~rexwin@
01:41.00rexwin_hi i have client sip phone incoming calls dropping at 30 seconds. i know the the sip phone is sending request for ack and sip server sends them back but it is not getting it ACK back as somehow blocked by the router connected to sip client machine.
01:41.42rexwin_Anybody know how to solve this? I have tried all troubleshooting step like disable ALG but didnot work out
01:52.02PenguinIf you can make a call from the phone to any other device on the asterisk, but not out to the world, it's a dialplan problem.
01:52.04*** join/#asterisk jonno11 (
02:09.22rexwin_no i make outgoing call perfect but incoming drops in 32 seconds and it is my router dropping the packets. don't know how to resolve this so that sip phone can get ACK signal from the asterisk
02:16.41rexwin_Reason: SIP;description=""ACK not received""
02:30.23*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
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03:19.02*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
03:32.11rexwin_incoming drops in 32 seconds, nat can somebody help me out?
03:32.19rexwin_nat problem
03:41.53*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
03:55.13*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
04:17.01rexwin_i sad guys that this 32 seconds problem don't have a definite resolution.
04:35.08rexwin_there is nothing but crap for this issue. it is router problem and has nothing to do with the sip server. don't know why all crap on the internet wants to do change with the pbx server?
05:26.38*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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07:48.36*** part/#asterisk rexwin_ (~rexwin@
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09:07.28*** join/#asterisk McNopZ (
09:11.22McNopZHi Guys, is it possible in anyway for a Agent to disable Wrap-Up-Time, after a end call - can't find anything :-(
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13:32.48D30hi everyone, i have a question regarding this
13:32.49D30Unable to create translator path for (g729) to (ulaw) on IAX2
13:33.00D30what does it mean actually??? im kind of confuse :(
13:36.04D30anyone experienced this issue ^ ?
13:37.52WIMPyHave you run out of licences?
13:39.40MaliutaLapDo you have a g729 licence to begin with?
13:39.58MaliutaLapis the licence file in the right location?
13:41.14D30hi WIMPy MaliutaLap , im sorry if this caused you trouble but i actually disregarded this in the trunk config allow=g729
13:41.25D30i changed it to allow=ulaw
13:41.35D30now it finally worked.
13:42.06D30i dont know that g729 requires licenses :(
13:42.36aamu11yup u require to pay....
13:43.24D30anyways thank u for that tip...
13:44.47MaliutaLapWell unless it's just for passthrough ... but you can get the licence from the digium site, and dowload the codec file aswell
13:45.24MaliutaLapthe licence ties to the network conf of the machine, and can only be moved 3 times
13:46.05D30thank you MaliutaLap
14:04.52*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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20:22.18*** join/#asterisk Flash_G0rd0n (~test@
20:25.04Flash_G0rd0nHello guys,I'd like to know what is the easiest way to replace/alter the "To:" sip header in INVITE message?
20:31.33wdoekesFlash_G0rd0n: there is some Dial(SIP/... magic for that
20:31.45wdoekesexclamation mark perhaps
20:36.41Flash_G0rd0n@wdoekes thank you
20:43.17*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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21:43.48*** join/#asterisk beano_ (83cb72fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:47.53beano_Morning all. Can anyone point me in the right direction to set up asterisk to forward all numbers coming in on one number out on another SIP trunk? Ta
21:51.43beano_Thanks, that looks like the one.
21:52.27*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
22:24.22ghost75sip trunk :<
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23:39.08socommWhen working with VoIP, are there great benefits of using gigabit versus megabit NICs?
23:39.14socommFor sip end-points.
23:40.59WIMPyYou can talk 10 times faster.
23:55.30SpeedEvilDo you have over one billion users?
23:55.35beano_Ok, stuck on some stuff in extensions_additional.conf. In my ext-did section I want to pass the inbound number in the 4th param to Dial(). Can I pick up the inbound number in a variable or some sort? Thx
23:56.03SpeedEvilOnce you get below perhaps 25% of the maximum capacity of the link - there is no meaningful change whatsoever.
23:57.02WIMPybeano_: Sounds like a question for #freepbx
23:57.50beano_OK, is the extensions handling not part of asterisk then?
23:58.43beano_Sorry, I'm a bit confused about which is what. Have been bending my head around freeswitch for the last while, and since I'm actuall a Cisco guy, I'm good and confused by now.
23:59.40WIMPyYes it is, but the configuration is FreePBX.
23:59.50beano_Cool, thanks

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