IRC log for #asterisk on 20140305

00:00.09[TK]D-FenderThat description is pretty broken
00:00.22[TK]D-FenderPlease rephrase
00:01.20MorpheuBrim new to this, i work for a company that use voip, i have to connect to a server that works with g729 now, and zoiper dont work anymore
00:01.55[TK]D-FenderSo you are looking for a FREE softphone that supports G.729?
00:02.08WIMPyYou have to buy some. Either a aicence or a client that includes it.
00:02.30MorpheuBrtheres no free option?
00:02.46WIMPyNo legal one.
00:02.53MorpheuBrim using x-pro, but is very bad, ppl dont hear correctly
00:02.54[TK]D-FenderMorpheuBr: G.729 is a licensed codec and costs money.... there shouldn't be any "free" solutions out there unless omeone has just started a charity
00:03.53MorpheuBri never heard about that, so i have to pay for a softphone client now
00:03.54[TK]D-FenderSoftphones suck.  All of them.  Some slightly harder than others.
00:04.31[TK]D-FenderYou have to pay for G.729.  It is a patented and licensed codec
00:04.33MorpheuBrwhat you recomends? i have some linkys phone, but i prefer to use in the computer
00:04.46[TK]D-FenderIf G.729 is the only thing your other end accepts... poor you I guess
00:05.12PenguinThat's weird.  I thought my android soft phones had g729 capability.
00:06.03WIMPyPenguin: Some have. But they state very clearly that you must not use it unless you got the licence yourself.
00:06.18WIMPyIt's up to you what you make of that.
00:06.30PenguinIt must not have been all that clear, since I never saw that.
00:07.19MorpheuBrwhere do i find a payd option?
00:07.52MorpheuBri thougt qotecom was one with support, but i cant connect on it
00:08.02[TK]D-Fenderthere are several.
00:08.08WIMPyPenguin: Maybe you found the "free" option that must not exist.
00:08.32WIMPyBut you can alway move to some country where patents don't matter.
00:10.18*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
00:16.30Penguingets out the VoBAN
00:34.00*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
00:34.21mattwj2002hi all :)
00:35.48pabelangerHello, yes. Dog here
00:36.38mattwj2002hi pabelanger
00:46.44*** join/#asterisk lordvadr (
00:47.13lordvadrIs there a dialplan function to get the remote IP of an anonymous SIP invite?  I can't seem to get anything out of SIPPEER, which I didn't really expect.
00:48.33Penguin${CHANNEL(from)} perhaps
00:48.58lordvadrPenguin, I'll give that a sec.
00:49.03*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
00:49.05lordvadrBasically, I'm trying to do this...
00:50.36PenguinI use this for the same purpose that you're trying to use it.
00:50.48WIMPyThat's for RTP, not SIP.
00:51.01lordvadrWIMPy: Jesus h christ, thank you.
00:51.17lordvadrWhat's the difference between PEERIP and RECVIP?
00:51.31WIMPyOh. It's been a long time, someone called me Jesus.
00:51.46WIMPyThey need not be the same.
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00:52.26PenguinR/O means it is a read-only value.
00:52.33lordvadrPenguin: Yeah, I read that.  That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.  Is one the setup ip, and the other the one to which the RTP stream is being/will be sent to?
00:53.27WIMPyor at least that's what I remember.
00:54.03PenguinI never could tell the difference, so I chose the one that said source.
00:54.24PenguinIt has worked for me, so I keep using it.
00:54.54PenguinLog(NOTICE,${CHANNEL(recvip)} is attempting to make unauthorized calls)
00:55.15PenguinThen I use a regex to match that string to create the ban.
00:55.53PenguinI could probably change to peerip and have the exact same results every time, but I probably won't change it.
00:57.59PenguinThat was my workaround for the lack of the security logging level in 1.8.
01:12.39*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
01:12.39*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
01:12.49mattwj2002hi guys
01:13.00mattwj2002speech to text for asterisk voicemails?
01:13.03mattwj2002is that possible
01:13.03WIMPyhi mattwj2002
01:13.14mattwj2002howdy WIMPy
01:13.33[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Sure.... if you don't mind the high error rate
01:13.54mattwj2002that is fine
01:14.04mattwj2002I am use to it
01:14.17WIMPyOh, this voicemail to email stuff seems to work quite well.
01:14.54mattwj2002WIMPy: here is what I was thinking would be awesome
01:15.32mattwj2002you get a voicemail it e-mails the mp3 of the voicemail and the speech to text result
01:15.34WIMPyThe thing is people feel bad about it. It always reminds them that the NSA does the same.
01:16.00PenguinGoogle voicemail transcription style?
01:16.16mattwj2002exactly Penguin
01:16.22WIMPysipgate only mails the text.
01:16.26mattwj2002WIMPy: the NSA is a watching
01:16.37WIMPyI know
01:16.58[TK]D-FenderYou should be able to issue an automated  FOIA request upon receipt of an e-mail saying "Hey bud, mind sharing a copy with me?" :)
01:17.34WIMPyLuckily I use openvpn with keys, not certs.
01:18.26mattwj2002WIMPy: openvpn access server?
01:18.40mattwj2002or the other one
01:18.53mattwj2002access server is the paid option
01:19.03WIMPyOh, no.
01:20.37WIMPyHmm. Doesn't make it obvious what the point is.
01:20.53WIMPyOh man, was that nice to compile Asterisk.
01:21.32WIMPyJust a few seconds instead of an hour with freeswitch.
01:23.07mattwj2002WIMPy: I agree freeswitch compiling is slow
01:23.15mattwj2002try it on a rpi
01:23.41WIMPyPlus a quarter of an hour for autoconf and configure each.
01:23.53WIMPyHow many days does that take?
01:24.01mattwj2002less than a day
01:24.06mattwj2002but it was a long compile
01:24.08*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
01:24.20WIMPyis impressed with the Pi.
01:24.56WIMPyOk, I have to admit that my test box is only a dual PIII-1266. So it's not that fast, either.
01:25.00mattwj2002buys WIMPy a pi
01:25.17WIMPyI've got two :-)
01:25.51WIMPyI was thinking of abusing one as a telephone adapter.
01:26.09mattwj2002so how go about vm to text in asterisk?
01:26.42WIMPyGoogle doesn't like longer files, does it?
01:27.00mattwj2002send it to google? :O
01:27.06mattwj2002no idea WIMPy
01:27.42WIMPyI think they have a (rather short) length limt.
01:28.27mattwj2002google or sphinx?
01:29.40mattwj2002no idea
01:31.50mattwj2002check this out!
01:32.09*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
01:32.13mattwj2002it uses google but for a hobby pbx it should be fine
01:32.18mattwj2002whips slav3_kitten
01:32.54mattwj2002just kidding :)
01:40.49mattwj2002is working on this
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05:43.37justdaveif I have a local route for _011. and a route visible to me via a DUNDi switch statement for _01186. will it pick the more specific route or will it ignore DUNDi because there's a local match?
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08:48.08jmls1morning all
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08:49.01jmls1do you know if it's possible to make the # key on a polycom 331 act the same as the "dial" button. My users are used to a cisco 7940 , where pressing # dials the entered number
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09:10.15bitwizeHi! I have a question regarding filters on ami events. I have successfully added filters for some events but "NewStateEvent" and "NewExtenEvent" does not seem to be affected by the blacklist. I'm working with version 11.3.0 and the blacklist-filters not working is "!Event: NewState*" and "!Event: NewExten*".
09:10.16bitwizeIs there anyone who can point me in the right direction?
09:11.04bitwizeI have tried to blacklist them in multiple ways but still receiving the events...
09:18.22*** join/#asterisk aynam (5896ae8a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:24.16bitwizeFYI I just solved the "NewExtenEvent" by restricting read access for "dialplan" in manager configuration
09:25.17aynhello everyone , need your help to achieve something i setted up asterisk 1.8.xx and everything is working well i have 4 sip trunk,a communication time limit is on each trunk.  I want a config that keeps me from overlapsing the time limit on each trunk. If one trunk(trunk1) is being used for a communicatin till the time limit, the  call is hanged up and the next call should use trunk2;and after trunk3...  How can i achieve that?
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11:32.02zambai'm not sure if this is asterisk specific or not.. but we have some polycom phones and when we have an active dial tone and then try dialing an international line, the phone goes into busy signal.. i suspect this is due to the ring pattern on the polycom phones, or?
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12:32.29zambadead channel?
12:33.07deeshuIs there any way of sending the DID of the agent using originate (via AMI ) .. currently the DID is sending first agent DID instead of the calling agent DID
12:33.59SpeedEvilIt's not dead. It's just resting.
12:57.29WIMPyzamba: Yes, it's the phones config (usually "dislplan" or such).
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13:33.41lampe2hey just a quick question. we wont to setup a asterisk server but we have multiple offices which we connect through VPN. will this work with asterisk? or should we better get a asterisk server on every location and connect them ?
13:35.08warenbehi, quick answer: it will work as long as you network bandwitch is good :)
13:35.42WIMPyYou can do it either way. Depends on how reliable your connection is and if you have alternatives in case of failure.
13:35.42Chainsawlampe2: Running multiple Asterisk servers will certainly help your failover.
13:35.55fileoptions, options, options
13:36.04Chainsawlampe2: You could at least play an announcement to tell your users that the link is down, or send the call out over backup phone lines, etc.
13:36.28warenbeChainsaw: or you can use things like Xorcom TS for reall failover without having one pbx on each office
13:37.43lampe2thx for the info ! the problem is one incoming number is a service number and people should answer the phone in the 3 offices that we have
13:37.52*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
13:38.44warenbewell event with 1 pbx on each office, you can send call to phones. you just have to link every pbx with a sip trunk. but yes it's easier to use a vpn and only 1 pbx
13:39.24lampe2okay thx!
13:39.59WIMPyWhy would you use SIP between two Asterisks?
13:40.45ChainsawIAX is made for it.
13:41.07warenbehe tells that one phone number should ring all phones in differents office. let's say your number is incoming in the PBX 1, and you have phones on pbx 2 and 3, then i think one simple solution is to link every pbx with the 1st one using sip trunk
13:41.16warenbeyou're right
13:41.20warenbeIAX is fine
13:41.38warenbei usually use SIP but just because i'm better in SIP than IAX :)
13:42.08WIMPyThe goos thing about IAX is that you don't have to be good at itto make it work.
13:42.09warenbebut it does not change the fact that it's possible with 1 or multiple PBX :)
13:42.32warenbeyes, it's just an habit
13:42.33ChainsawNAT/VPN awkwardness is also less likely to cause one-way audio with IAX.
13:42.37WIMPyWhich is waht I said in the beginning as well.
13:43.25warenbepersonnaly i would use only 1 pbx and vpn (less support for users, less configuration on the pbx -> less cost)
13:43.40WIMPyAnd IAX allows you to send variables across.
13:43.47warenbebut it depends on the internet connection...
13:45.19lampe2in the mainofficce we have like 15 phones in the second 15 to and in the 3th office 3
13:45.43warenbeso i would use 2 pbx
13:46.02warenbebecause if your internet connection is down, then it's not good having 15 phones down...
13:46.41lampe2we have 2 internet connections between the main and second office so thats not a problem
13:46.49warenbeho ok :)
13:47.27lampe2but we are working on local setups
13:47.38lampe2so that everyoffice will have its own setup
13:48.15lampe2thats why we are looking for a pbx system ;)
13:48.46warenbeQuestion: what is the best solution when you have multiple PBX and you want all phones to see state of other pbx's phone?
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14:17.36zambai'm trying to play an mp3 file using MP3Player().. [Mar  5 15:17:14] NOTICE[26386]: app_mp3.c:133 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0
14:17.39zambawhat am i doing wrong?
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14:18.20zambait's just a simple same => n,MP3Player(/path/to/file/)
14:18.25ergodicsumhello, I'm having phone issues and one warning that keeps coming up is Mar  5 09:17:13 NOTICE[445]: cdr.c:445 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'Local/#40157833@neoagent-0719,2' lacks end
14:18.38ergodicsumwhat does lacks end mean?
14:19.46zambagot it :D
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14:24.55ergodicsumdoes anyone know what "lacks end" mean?
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14:53.12pabelangerzamba, Gah, convert your mp3 into something native, so you don't have to transcode audio everytime
14:53.54zambapabelanger: nah, that's ok.. it's never going to be used :)
14:54.01zambapabelanger: or do you have a command for that?
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15:01.55[TK]D-Fenderzamba: "core show help file convert"
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15:06.36ghost75with comedia the remote peer has to send rtp to the port i specify in rtp.conf?
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15:25.53newtonrghost75, ";   nat = comedia           ; Send media to the port Asterisk received it from regardless
15:25.54newtonr;                           ; of where the SDP says to send it.
15:26.25filethe remote side has to send media to Asterisk and Asterisk has to receive it in order to know the source address information
15:26.31newtonrthere is also a more detailed description of the behavior a little further down in the sample sip.conf
15:26.54ghost75what is this all for?
15:27.22filedo you mean what is that option for?
15:27.54fileif the other side is behind NAT and the NAT device allows the UDP mapping to be bidirectional it will allow RTP to flow without any configuration on the other side
15:28.31ghost75and when nat is used local?
15:29.03fileif Asterisk is behind NAT then you need to forward ports and configure isp.conf with localnet/externip or externhost
15:29.10fileunless the other side is doing NAT traversal stuff
15:29.25ghost75so comedia not used then
15:29.40fileit could be
15:29.58fileif you configured Asterisk with localnet/externip you could turn on comedia and if the remote side is behind NAT then RTP would flow
15:30.03ghost75when i do rtp debug i see that rtp ports are different than in rtp.conf
15:30.22filertp.conf controls local ports, it doesn't control the ports the other side will send from
15:32.55ghost75k, then i debug it doesnt show local port
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15:34.14ghost75so then comedia ignores header and uses port where packet comes in?
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15:35.04fileit will use the SDP provided address+port until it receives a packet and then it will switch
15:36.43ghost75will sip debug show the provided port? couldnt find it
15:37.11filefor RTP? it's in the SDP and it also spits out a media is at <address> line
15:37.42ghost75SIP/2.0 200 OK <- is this sdp ?
15:38.14fileit is not
15:38.20filesaid message may contain an SDP
15:39.26loveaCallerID question. Using Asterisk 11.8, Digium TDM411PE Asterisk PCI Card + H/W EC; 1-Port FXO + 1-Port FXS. London based with VirginMedia POTS. Cannot for the life of me get CallerID to display on inbound analogue calls even though enabled with VirginMedia. I've tried all suggestions found in various forums. Run out of ideas. Has anyone any experience of VirginMedia in the UK in this respect?
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16:04.48ghost75file, this is also confusing me:
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16:57.56SpeedEvilRandom sort-of-related question. In general - if I have multiple phones logged onto one SIP account - will they all ring on calls?
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17:02.04[TK]D-FenderSpeedEvil: "logged" is a vague and bad term.  Multiple  registrations to the same device will not all ring.  Only the last to register wins and will get called.
17:03.56ChannelZ(if you are daring, 12 supports multiple registration.)
17:04.07filechan_pjsip does, not chan_sip
17:04.40[TK]D-FenderGood to know....
17:04.41filewhen talking about 12 it's best to be specific, or else someone will think chan_sip does
17:04.50[TK]D-Fenderneeds to get back in the game and try out 12
17:05.08fileFreePBX has a distro with their 12 version and Asterisk 12, allows you to use PJSIP
17:05.28ChannelZThat sounds terrifying
17:05.54tm1000ChannelZ: stop being a hater. completely unnecessary
17:06.31ghost75why hater
17:06.46ChannelZThe ones with no sense of humor are fun.
17:07.29filefor those who are interested I've got a blog post at which talks about why we did chan_pjsip and a quick list of what it's capable of
17:08.01navaismofile are you Joshua?
17:08.05filenavaismo, yes.
17:08.23ChannelZI'm glad for it. It's a little scattered to configure (change is difficult!) but overall it's all so much smoother.
17:08.40navaismow00t! as fle you aosund less hater tahn in twitter, and i love your 'hater-ness' btw
17:08.57fileI only hate ... uh... Google and realtime?
17:09.17tm1000file: arent you going to kill realtime soon
17:09.27filetm1000, it'll never die
17:09.42filetm1000, but I'm comfortable with where we are
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17:10.10fileChannelZ, :D
17:11.19ChannelZI don't hate it, it's just something new to get used to, not having a single config entity that represents a device as a whole.
17:11.41fileI've pondered doing such a thing but I fear a users.conf scenario
17:11.55ChannelZI'm happy to get rid of the peer type which was always confusing (mostly because it was documented incorrectly all over the place as to what it was really doing)
17:15.04fileif you can think of tweaks/documentation changes/etc to make it easier I'm certainly open to helping with making them
17:16.04ChannelZIs there a roadmap as to how long chan_sip will be maintained going forward?
17:16.21[TK]D-Fender[12:11]fileI've pondered doing such a thing but I fear a users.conf scenario <- DEPRECATE! DEPRECATE! DEPRECATE! </dalek>
17:16.57fileI don't think we have an official thing but it'll still be around for a long time to come
17:17.21file[TK]D-Fender, quite
17:17.50filechan_pjsip doesn't have feature parity so there's still some stuff you have to use chan_sip for
17:18.08[TK]D-Fenderfile: like?
17:19.44file[TK]D-Fender, if you want AOC support then chan_sip, and CCSS (call completion supplementary services)
17:19.48fileand other stuff I'm no doubt forgetting
17:19.54fileHA! users.conf support :P
17:20.15[TK]D-FenderI think that's referred to as a bug ;)
17:21.26filefor a lot of stuff chan_pjsip is viable and the gap is closing
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18:08.16filelooks around
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18:18.19ChannelZ-Wklooks asquare
19:01.06*** join/#asterisk ivan` (~ivan@unaffiliated/ivan/x-000001)
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19:27.19qakhanhi all, what is the problem with my originate code
19:27.53navaismowhats the issue
19:28.47*** join/#asterisk ibercom (58196f7d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:30.49qakhanwhen i call this scritp by dialplan there is message
19:30.59qakhan"/data/scripts/bridgecall.php: Failed to execute '/data/scripts/bridgecall.php': Exec format error"
19:33.01*** join/#asterisk traph (~traph@unaffiliated/traph)
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19:39.49navaismochmod +x and add the path to the php
19:43.27[TK]D-Fender[14:30]qakhanwhen i call this scritp by dialplan there is message <- you haven't shown us how you're doing it or the actual call attempt....
19:44.15qakhanok i send you what i am doing
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19:46.08qakhanfirst correct me if i am wrong, i am trying to do bridge call between 2 channels.
19:47.24[TK]D-Fenderthat is an orignate... not a bridge.  They are nothing alike
19:49.17qakhani asked you about bridge and you said AMI script
19:49.54[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Correct.  AMI has a LOT of different command.  That is not BRIDGE
19:50.25qakhanok so i cannot use originate to make bridge call
19:51.33[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: I'm not sure I trust your wording VS your intent
19:52.04[TK]D-FenderYou don't MAKE a Bridge call.  Bridge TAKES 2 calls you already have and connects them
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19:58.42qakhanok let me describe again what i want to achive
20:01.30qakhancustomer will call to asterisk and enter the confirmation number of his order, astersik will check the phone number against the confirmation number and dial the number and connect to customer
20:02.42[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: What happens to that first call?  When?
20:03.28qakhanthen customer can talk to sales person
20:03.40*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
20:03.43qakhanfirst call will be on hold
20:03.55[TK]D-FenderWhy is this not just a DIAL?
20:04.07[TK]D-FenderSo far that first person is STAYING on that call in.
20:04.34qakhanas asterisk dial the sales person number it connect both calls
20:06.06*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
20:06.34[TK]D-FenderSo far there is 1 customer who calls in.  They are then just going through the dialplan and entering IVR's, etc.  Then you call OUT to a sales person.  that is 2 people talking.  That is a DIAL.
20:08.33qakhanman you are Amazing
20:08.43qakhani got it
20:09.20[TK]D-FenderNot seeing this as a simple call like any other is avery bad sign....
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20:26.11*** join/#asterisk giesen__ (~ggiesen@2001:4900:2:650:20c:29ff:fef5:4836)
20:27.41giesen__having an issue with asterisk. I have a peer that is using TCP SIP (only peer I have doing so) and it seems RTP is not being sourced from the address in bindaddr
20:27.59giesen__all my udp-based peers are sourced properly
20:28.18giesen__running on CentOS 6
20:28.38ChainsawYou're 6 versions out of date on the 1.8 branch, please update.
20:29.03giesen__that is the latest in EPEL
20:29.22gustothat at first, and second, why is he doing sip through tcp?
20:29.32giesen__MS Lync
20:29.34giesen__requires it
20:29.35giesen__don't ask
20:29.44giesen__if I could I'd fire the customer
20:29.47gustobecause if he has some problems with udp ... for example a firewall that would filter it, than nothing helps there
20:30.03Chainsawgusto: I do SIP over TCP because it is more resilient to subtle packet loss.
20:30.15Chainsawgusto: Particularly when doing attended transfers over a congested link.
20:30.18giesen__the underlying issue is if the lync server call forwards the call
20:30.23giesen__there is no audio
20:30.37giesen__because the IP that the UDP is being sourced from is firewalled
20:31.00Chainsawgusto: Losing the odd audio packet is unfortunate. Having your caller fall through the cracks and be connected to neither the caller nor the callee... that's a dealbreaker.
20:31.49gustoChainsaw: i understand, however, we are not in 1949 ... packets should not just drop ... no matter if UDP or TCP
20:32.16Chainsawgusto: I control the telephony infrastructure, not the ethernet.
20:32.30Chainsawgusto: You fix the bits you control.
20:33.18gustonow, i do not see how to resolve that problem with his lync there
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20:34.05gustolync server is forwarding the call, right?
20:34.15giesen__no reinvites
20:34.43gustoand asterisk thinks that the call came from the lync server so he tries to negotiate the RTP ports with the lync server instead of the source
20:35.39Chainsawgusto: What I'm saying is that SIP over TCP is used in the field. It's not as baroque as you're trying to make out.
20:35.52giesen__a number of astra phones use it as well
20:36.18gustowhat now? TCP?
20:36.39gustowell, i have no problems with that
20:36.50gustoi can even do SSL on my infrastructure ;-)
20:37.04gustoor "TLS" or what is its name now
20:37.31gustothats the only case i am forced to use TCP
20:37.39pznI'm with trouble with my ISP provider today. the DNS gets down/up several times. when DNS is down, I lose all internal network extensions, and they are configured with IP addresses, not names. is this expected in asterisk? is this a bug?
20:37.43ChainsawYes, TLS certificate support worked for the first time in 12.1.0
20:37.50ChainsawBefore then you had to patch it.
20:38.14*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
20:38.14Chainsawpzn: Asterisk 11 and lower will not tolerate DNS delays. Host a local BIND/named instance on the box if you have to.
20:38.45gustowell, i am surprised by this, because my asterisk used to work fine even configured with ip address w/o dns at all
20:39.10pznChainsaw, ok. tks. I'll use a local bind server
20:39.12Chainsawgusto: Any DNS lookup can and will kill it. Could be something as mundane as a STUN server setting.
20:39.18gustopzn: what kind of network extensions you mean?
20:39.24Chainsawgusto: Even for a peer that isn't supposed to use it.
20:39.56pzngusto, I have some external network extensions and many internal network extensions. all extensions die on DNS failure
20:40.05gustoi had once an infinite loop on asterisk 1.8 putting my cpu load at 100% while resolving SRV records in a loop
20:40.53leifmadsenyo dawg, I heard you like loops, so we put loops in your loops
20:41.00leifmadsenfruit loops
20:41.00Chainsawpzn: And point the BIND instance at as a forwarder if you can, should your ISP DNS be substandard.
20:41.03leifmadsendrops the mic
20:41.26ghost75puts speaker to mic
20:41.53[TK]D-Fenderkills the gain
20:42.24gustoit is true what i wrote .. it was really a dns loop because it was an srv record pointing at the same name again
20:43.00gustosomething like srv of being A
20:43.03*** join/#asterisk Pici (~Pici@ubuntu/member/pdpc.professional.pici)
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20:43.27pznChainsaw, can I configure asterisk to use a specific dns server (instead of getting from /etc/resolv.conf) ?
20:43.59Chainsawpzn: I would fix DNS for everyone & everything on that server and adjust resolv.conf
20:44.56pznChainsaw, I meant, just for testing... before changing the dns for the whole machine
20:45.01hrntwhat is so wrong with SIP over TCP :(
20:45.37Chainsawhrnt: It upsets gusto's delicate sensibilities. We better not talk of it again.
20:46.10Chainsawpzn: Not aware of a way to override DNS on a per application basis like that, no.
20:46.43pznChainsaw, ok. tks. I'll change it system wide
20:46.57giesen__gutso the asterisk server and the lync server are the ones that should be negotiating RTP ports
20:47.12giesen__the problem is the asterisk server is negotiating RTP ports using a different IP
20:47.19giesen__that it's not supposed to
20:47.25giesen__and it only happens with this peer
20:47.39Chainsawpzn: I predict the end of a number of "weird" and/or "intermittent" outages.
20:47.41giesen__and the only thing really different about this peer is it uses TCP SIP
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20:51.16jeffspeffis there something like web-meetme but an active project?
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20:55.48paule32what password is requierd:    ??
20:57.18jeffspeffpaule32, the password you set for that sip user
20:58.09paule32oh shit, i dump
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21:27.19paule32[Mar  5 21:58:06] WARNING[10220]: chan_sip.c:28964 reload_config: Section 'genernal' lacks type
21:27.32infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:28.09[TK]D-Fender[16:27]paule32[Mar 5 21:58:06] WARNING[10220]: chan_sip.c:28964 reload_config: Section 'genernal' lacks type <--- you probably want to check your SPELLING
21:28.21[TK]D-Fenderheads home for the day.....
21:28.49hardwireI haven't talked to TK in years! AND NOW THEY ARE GONE!
21:29.04paule32that is the log output of asterisk
21:29.21hardwirenewtonr: they as in he or she or it.
21:29.39hardwirenewtonr: thems? is that better?
21:29.55newtonrpaule32, TK was saying that you have a section "genernal", which should be "general"
21:30.14Asterisk_UserHello. In FreePBX I hit "Go Live" twice in a row. I heard that if you do that - some config files will be overwritten incompletely and cause issues with PBX running Asterisk. My question is why does it take so much time for Go Live changes to apply when my PBX is using less than 1% CPU, has plenty of disk space and enough memory?
21:30.32hardwirethat sounds lovely.
21:30.44infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:30.45paule32newtonr: oh thanks
21:34.53paule32[Mar  5 22:05:48] WARNING[10220]: chan_sip.c:20720 handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for '36916580458' to ''
21:35.42paule32is that the password für sip.conf 2691... or ?
21:35.43Asterisk_UserMy bad. I'm using Asterisk web ui, not FreePBX.
21:39.01tm1000Asterisk_User: the Asterisk Web UI is extremely outdated and just sits in source to look pretty. it doesnt work well if it even does work
21:39.30Asterisk_Usertmp1000, are you saying that the Web UI is to blame for?
21:40.17tm1000Asterisk_User: Im saying no one can answer what the problem is since no one works on Asterisk UI
21:40.32tm1000and if anyone attempts to give you advice it would probably be guessing...
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21:52.18paule32is that message correct:
21:52.49navaismoyeah wyhy
21:53.31paule32must there not stand "registered" ?
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22:08.17navaismoonly if it is registered
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22:23.00paule32[Mar  5 22:54:28] WARNING[10220]: chan_sip.c:28528 reload_config: Invalid address for externaddr keyword: test.domain
22:23.14paule32why get this warning?
22:23.19navaismowrong addr
22:23.28navaismouse exterhost for domains
22:25.07[TK]D-Fenderexternaddr should be valid
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23:20.00Penguininvalid address?  It doesn't like a host name with only one dot?
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23:25.41rrittgarnIs there an easy way to take an established call and turn it into a conference call with AMI. When I redirect one side of the call the other would get dropped without a 'g' on the dial (i think). Goal is to have two bridged channels, dropped into a conf bridge so we can add more channels/callers.
23:27.49[TK]D-FenderAMI redirect them to the conference.
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23:47.26rrittgarnFender, can you redirect both sides of the call at the same time?
23:47.39rrittgarneven with two redirects back to back won't the second get hung up on?
23:48.08[TK]D-FenderHave you rad the instructions?
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23:49.43rrittgarnguess that helps... sorry
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