IRC log for #asterisk on 20140302

00:09.32*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
00:25.50*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
00:26.01mattwj2002good day all
00:26.10WIMPyGood morning.
00:26.24mattwj2002hi WIMPy
00:28.55mattwj2002WIMPy: what are you up to
00:28.59*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
00:29.22WIMPyLots of broken stuff.
00:29.31mattwj2002WIMPy: that sucks
00:30.27WIMPyAbout two hours ago the GPU driver exploded. So I built the latest linux. Now the NFS server is broken.
00:30.50mattwj2002oh man!
00:30.57mattwj2002sounds like a bad day
00:31.00WIMPyAnd there was Asterisk as well, but I don't think I have to mention that part, do I?
00:31.06KNERDI wonder if I should file a bug report...with latest update CentOS 6.5 versions of asterisk 1.8.x, 11 and 12 fail to run after compiling without errors... ...tried on 4 different machines with different CPUs...upon starting asterisk I get "Asterisk ended with exit status 127 Asterisk died with code 127. Automatically restarting Asterisk"
00:32.20WIMPyAh, the good old broken compiler again?
00:33.41KNERDseems so
00:34.12KNERDoh...also tried with the "build native" unchekced also
00:34.44WIMPyDid you try to build other stuff?
00:34.53KNERDonly asterisk
00:35.08WIMPyLooks like I'm  not the only one having a bad night.
00:35.18mattwj2002hey me too!
00:35.33mattwj2002I couldn't fix a freaking phone issue at work
00:35.41mattwj2002I am a bit upset about it
00:35.51WIMPyBut I think I don't care any further for today. Writes from Omni work. Reading isn't essential at the moment.
00:36.39WIMPy(neiter are Linux clients)
00:37.46mattwj2002does anyone have any recommendations for some really inexpensive SIP phones?
00:37.57mattwj2002the physical kind not a softphone
00:38.22WIMPyNot me
00:38.35mattwj2002okay cool
00:38.56mattwj2002not a big deal....
00:39.00*** join/#asterisk mmikeym (~mikeym@
00:39.13mattwj2002I probably shouldn't waste my money on that right now anyways
00:39.44WIMPyI still like the old Snoms most.
00:40.07mattwj2002WIMPy: any particular model?
00:41.08WIMPyOr 320 if you don't want much display. Otherwiese it's the same. 370 has more beef under the lid as well.
00:42.03WIMPyAlthough I genereally find the user Interface rather strange, the Digiums phones aren't bad if you need only one account.
00:42.15KNERDwhat is that bot prefix?
00:43.07mattwj2002not bad :)
00:43.17WIMPyOh. The Linux client came back to life.
00:43.48WIMPymattwj2002: BTW: Both of them take AGES to boot :-(
00:45.19mattwj2002your servers?
00:45.37mattwj2002or were you talking about the phones
00:45.53WIMPyNo the Snom and even more the Digium phones.
00:46.11mattwj2002got ya
00:46.29mattwj2002I think I'll stick to my softphones at the moment
00:46.38mattwj2002but I was just curious you know
00:46.48WIMPyThey surely start faster.
00:47.30mattwj2002I have a very barebones asterisk box
00:47.45mattwj2002it is running on a raspberry pi
00:48.20WIMPyI thought about abusing a Pi as a phone adapter.
00:48.35mattwj2002a phone adapter?
00:48.35*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
00:48.46mattwj2002what do you mean a phone adapter?
00:48.58WIMPyTo connect a legacy phone.
00:49.17mattwj2002they don't have an fxs or fxo on them though
00:49.24mattwj2002how would you connect to it?
00:49.53WIMPyNo, but they have USB.
00:50.05mattwj2002oh hehe
00:50.08WIMPyAnd I'm going for BRI.
00:50.27mattwj2002sounds interesting
00:51.10WIMPyAlthough... I still have that Horstbox...
00:54.09mattwj2002that is like me....
00:54.48WIMPyYou also got one of them?
01:01.17mattwj2002I have a OBI100 I could use instead of buying a phone
01:01.57mattwj2002it is just an ATA
01:02.15WIMPyjust takes apart an Samsung IAD.
01:03.41WIMPyOnly infineon stuff. Doesn't look like a good candidate for alternative firmware.
01:04.29WIMPyBut it seems pretty usable the way it is.
01:04.31mattwj2002I am not familiar with a Samsung IAD
01:04.42mattwj2002is that similar to a Cisco IAD?
01:04.54mattwj2002multiple analog lines?
01:04.58WIMPy3 FXS and 1 BRI.
01:05.03mattwj2002nice dude!
01:05.12WIMPyIntegrade PBX.
01:05.24mattwj2002do you have ISDN in your area?
01:05.29WIMPyIntegrated PBX.
01:05.46WIMPyIf you still have it, yes.
01:06.14mattwj2002ok no new installs?
01:06.44WIMPyOnly on very explicit request.
01:07.40mattwj2002got ya
01:07.45mattwj2002kind of like dialup here
01:08.03WIMPy2 years ago we still had some 30% BRIs, but since last year they doen't sell phone lines any more.
01:10.39mattwj2002got ya
01:10.53WIMPyWell, there are two telcos the still sell lines and one that will give you one if you are begging hard.
01:11.17mattwj2002yeah it is like the PSTN here in the US
01:11.27mattwj2002lots of alternatives I am sure
01:11.53WIMPySIP, SIP or SIP.
01:12.00mattwj2002I love sip!
01:12.03WIMPySo no replacement available.
01:12.07mattwj2002I have sip on my cell phone
01:12.15mattwj2002it uses my data connection
01:12.59mattwj2002I am terminating with a company called callwithus
01:13.01WIMPyData connections are extremely expensive here.
01:13.36mattwj2002I have a 100 minute plan with 5 GB per month for $30 usd per month prepaid
01:13.51mattwj2002how expensive are we talking?
01:13.58WIMPySounds ok.
01:14.15WIMPy3G for 15 EUR (data only)
01:14.15mattwj2002it is fairly inexpensive by US standards
01:14.24mattwj2002not bad
01:15.03WIMPyNot an alternative to DSL or cable.
01:15.30mattwj2002no definitely not
01:15.43mattwj2002but for a on the go solution doesn't sound bad :)
01:15.43WIMPySame goes for LTE.
01:16.01mattwj2002mobile solution
01:16.27WIMPyIf I use it, I go for 1GB / 24h for 1.99/
01:17.46WIMPyThat's the best solution of you only need it sometimes.
01:18.14mattwj2002the 15 EUR plan is for a month?
01:18.32WIMPy30 days to be exact.
01:18.52mattwj2002okay got ya
01:19.15WIMPyBut that's all on the cheaper networks, off course.
01:19.43mattwj2002still real good
01:20.13mattwj2002that is one thing I like about this callwithus sip service
01:20.23mattwj2002you can pick your route type
01:20.46WIMPyIf you want the ones with better coverage, prices are a lot higer.
01:20.54mattwj2002they have standard, premium, or pstn
01:21.15mattwj2002I suppose it depends where you live and work
01:21.28mattwj2002oh what type of coverage will get you by
01:22.00WIMPyIt's ok in the city. If you get out the differece is ratehr obvious.
01:22.17WIMPyProbably most obvious when you're using trains.
01:22.27mattwj2002make sense
01:41.59*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
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04:19.37*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
04:34.45KNERDanyone used the intel compuler instead of gcc?
04:37.01*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
04:58.46ectospasmwould that be advisable, given that Asterisk has some GNU dependencies?
04:59.47KNERDwell asterisk no longer executing probler on centos anymore
05:00.13KNERDgotta try soemthing
05:38.18*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
05:38.18*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
05:38.53ectospasmKNERD: are you compiling from source?  That should be unnecessary
05:39.07ectospasmyou can even add e.g. the AsteriskNOW repos if you want
05:40.02*** join/#asterisk Entelin (
05:41.45*** join/#asterisk boratynskikamil (5bef9959@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:42.11EntelinI am making a simple "voicemail" prompt by using  Record  , however I don't see an option with this command to run a system command after?  I tried doing a call to  System  directly after, however if the user hangs up during the recording, I dont think it continues down the priority list?
05:44.12KNERDectospasm: yes I am compiling from source, but asterisk is now borked under centos
05:45.10ectospasmEntelin: you may want to set up the h extension
05:45.26ectospasm...and run System($processing_command) in the h exten
05:49.16EntelinI assume this is context specific right?
06:01.16*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:10.55Entelinhey so, the record app, if the user hangs up the recording is just discarded apparently... Whats the point of the   k  option then?  Is there something I'm missing here or doesn't this make this app kinda useless?
07:11.44EntelinI'm using the k option and it still doesnt create the file on a hangup
07:14.43infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:19.27Entelinive read that whole book
07:19.44Entelinthe section on that function does not address or even mention this issue
07:21.18KNERDthat was for me
07:21.27Entelinah ok
07:21.46KNERDi am looking for a command to show all loaded modules, but I see none
07:22.01Entelinmodule show
07:22.05Entelinfrom the cli?
07:23.55Entelinyeah thats how
07:24.29ChannelZThe k option of Record works for me
07:24.49KNERDwow....asterisk on CentOS is not seriously borked
07:25.18Entelinwhat version of asterisk are you running?
07:25.23KNERD*CLI> module show Module                         Description                              Use Count                    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        0        1 modules loaded
07:25.37KNERDCLI> sip show peers No such command 'sip show peers' (type 'core show help sip show' for other possible commands
07:25.42Entelinthat might be the difference, ive been using 1.8
07:25.53Entelinjust because it was in package management on my server
07:26.08ChannelZQuite old
07:26.27Entelinyeah ill upgrade this at some point
07:27.08ChannelZwell make sure your parameters are even right, I don't know if Record has changed that far back
07:27.24Entelinsame => n,Record(/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${FILE}.wav,4,300,k)
07:27.30Entelinits the same, and it does work
07:27.36Entelinthe params all work etc
07:27.43Entelinand the k option is in the docs for that version...
07:27.50Entelinbut yeah on hangup its an issue
07:36.34boratynskikamilChannelZ: Question to you. Could you advice me, what should I check if calling SIP->SIP noone can hear each other.
07:36.39boratynskikamilI mean, both of them.
07:39.29Entelinyour firewall for sure
07:39.38Entelinas the first thing i mean
07:39.55Entelinif either end are behind nat then you also need to look into the sip nat settings
07:46.55*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
07:47.05mattwj2002hi guys
07:47.19mattwj2002I am using a service called callwithus
07:47.29mattwj2002they have three levels of service
07:47.36mattwj2002standard, premium and pstn
07:47.48mattwj2002anyone know what is the highest quality one?
07:50.52*** join/#asterisk chare (
07:51.25mattwj2002I originally assumed the highest quality was pstn, but now I am working if it isn't premium
07:51.50*** part/#asterisk chare (
08:06.19KNERDthe one with the highest price
08:08.14mattwj2002well in the US they are the same
08:08.30KNERDthen look at their FAQ
08:08.48KNERDand look at prices out of USA
08:10.37mattwj2002KNERD: do the Bahamas count?
08:10.57KNERDthat is not in US
08:12.27mattwj2002premium is higher for UK calls
08:13.18*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
08:13.51mattwj2002same for norway
08:14.49mattwj2002now PSTN is more expensive for China
08:15.11mattwj2002it doesn't really matter.....
08:15.24mattwj2002I am just messing around anyways :)
08:26.03*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:38.26*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
08:46.40boratynskikamilDamn Entelin is gone.
08:46.46boratynskikamilI disabled my firewall at all for tests.
09:06.10*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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09:39.26ChannelZboratynskikamil: firewall or config.
09:39.31ChannelZor both
09:40.01boratynskikamilChannelZ: As I told. Firewalls are off. :-) So, where should I look for mistake in config?
09:40.54ChannelZIs the asterisk box its self the firewall, or is it behind it?  (IE is it behind NAT?)
09:41.24boratynskikamilChannelZ: Asterisk isn't behind NAT.  SIPs and Asterisk are in the same LAN.
09:42.34ChannelZAnd you have no audio? Strange.
09:42.41boratynskikamilSee next one bug. When I call SIP2 from SIP1 I hear MusicOnHold.
09:42.53ChannelZTurn on sip debug, make a test call, then pastebin the result
09:43.05boratynskikamilFrom the begining, right?
09:43.15boratynskikamilSo I do something like that.
09:43.26boratynskikamil1. SIP1 calls SIP2.
09:43.34boratynskikamil2. SIP2 answers.
09:43.38boratynskikamil3. SIP2 hangups.
09:43.44boratynskikamil4. SIP1 calls SIP2 one more time.
09:44.19ChannelZjust one call, let's not make a mess of this
09:47.40boratynskikamilChannelZ: ^ here you go.
09:56.09ChannelZok.. so HD01 calls HD04.  Does HD01 hear the music on hold from asterisk while HD04 is ringing?
09:56.21boratynskikamilHD01 calls HD04.
09:56.30boratynskikamilHD01 hears MoH during the call right.
09:56.43boratynskikamilWhen HD04 asnwers call, they do not hear each other.
09:56.59boratynskikamilHD01 tells something HD04 does not hear that. HD04 tell something and HD01 does nto hear that.
09:57.15boratynskikamilWhen HD01 hangups phone, or HD04, does not matter.
09:57.26boratynskikamilAnd HD01 calls one more time, HD01 does not hear MoH.
09:58.13ChannelZWhat phones are these?  I don't recognize the user-agent
09:58.39ChannelZAnd have you done an echo test on the individual endpoints to make sure they even work themselves between asterisk?
10:00.05boratynskikamilChannelZ: I am able to asnwer phone from ISDN card and GSM card.
10:00.38boratynskikamilHD01 and HD04 are able to answer DAHDI calls, in example.
10:00.53boratynskikamilThey are members of a Queue.
10:01.00ChannelZWhat I mean is, create a test extension, say 1234.. in it, do a Playback() of something, and then Echo()
10:01.10ChannelZCall extension 1234 from HD0
10:01.12boratynskikamilI will do it.
10:01.16boratynskikamilYes, yeah, I know.
10:01.26ChannelZYou should hear whatever sound file, and then be able to talk and hear yourself echo'd back.
10:02.42boratynskikamilChannelZ: Ok.
10:02.45boratynskikamilI did somethig like that.
10:02.52boratynskikamilI quited QuteCom, right?
10:03.15boratynskikamilRunned it one more time and did echo-test.
10:03.18boratynskikamilI worked.
10:03.31boratynskikamilI heared myself with an echo. :-)
10:03.33ChannelZand HD04?
10:03.40ChannelZdoes it work as well?
10:04.45boratynskikamilChannelZ: When I restart QuteCom, yep.
10:04.49boratynskikamilBut... what is strange.
10:05.21*** join/#asterisk michael_work (~michael@
10:05.52boratynskikamilWhen I call HD04, and do an echo-test one more time, I do not hear this nice girl and myself, too. :-)
10:06.43boratynskikamilWhen I relog, it works well one more time.
10:07.15ChannelZNot sure what to say, maybe it's broken.
10:08.25ChannelZI don't see anything particularly wrong in your sip debug, although it does look like you have canreinvite turned on, so it's trying to make both endpoints connect directly to each other and maybe they don't like that either.
10:08.57boratynskikamilChannelZ: Wold you like to see my sip.conf?
10:09.27ChannelZwouldn't hurt, just XXX out your secret=
10:09.40boratynskikamilChannelZ: Ok (:
10:09.48boratynskikamilDo not make me an idiot, please. :-P
10:10.41ChannelZAre you running these Qute clients on windows, mac, .. ?
10:11.04boratynskikamilWIndows. :-(
10:16.24ChannelZthis client is weird
10:18.00boratynskikamilChannelZ: Weird you mean, easy to understand or strange? :-)
10:19.49ChannelZstrange like it doesn't seem to work so well.
10:22.52boratynskikamilChannelZ: Did you mean, I screwed that up? :-)
10:23.13ChannelZI can't get audio to work on this thing at all.
10:23.46boratynskikamilChannelZ: Hm?
10:25.42boratynskikamilChannelZ: You mean I didn't define audio condecs in SIP.conf?
10:25.59ChannelZIt transmits audio, although it's all screwed up, but it doesn't seem to receive audio. This QuteCom client is not working.
10:27.27boratynskikamilChannelZ: It is all screwed up? Nice. :-) So why I receives audio, when I got a call, for example?
10:27.35boratynskikamilBefore I try to call SIP, it works properly.
10:27.48boratynskikamilForwarding too...
10:27.49ChannelZMore indication this client is a piece of crap
10:28.05ChannelZTry something else, like Zoiper or Blink.  They work.
10:29.05boratynskikamilChannelZ: Ok, i will try to, give me a moment, pelase.
10:45.23*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
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10:52.22ChannelZWell things have either gone incredibly well or incredibly badly.
11:02.13boratynskikamilChannelZ: DAMN!
11:02.15boratynskikamilIt works.
11:02.33boratynskikamilDamn. I tried to repair it from yesterday and I thought I fucked up configs.
11:03.46ChannelZNo just seems like a shitty softphone. Doesn't look to be in development anymore
11:04.01boratynskikamilChannelZ: Right.
11:04.18boratynskikamilOk, could you tell me what can I repair in my configs? If you told I screw them up? :-)
11:04.19ChannelZWhen the bugtracker for a softphone has a bug entered that says "calls don't work", it kind of says a lot.
11:06.02ChannelZAnyway have fun, I have to go to bed
11:06.26boratynskikamilChannelZ: Cya. Thank you a lot for help.
11:08.04*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:8d4:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
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12:28.52boratynskikamilDoes Zoiper support Contact groups?
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15:22.41boratynskikamilGuys. Does Zoiper supports call forwarding?
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17:36.01maruenHi there, anyone avaiable on this channel now?
17:36.52ectospasmI'm barely paying attention
17:37.01infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:37.29*** join/#asterisk lnb (
17:38.23maruenIm getting some error when trying to load the module in my Mac OS X Asterisk
17:38.49maruenI could install asterisk on Mac OS X Mavericks, and its working fine if I did not load this module
17:39.18ectospasmis there a reason you're using Asterisk 12?
17:39.30ectospasmI admit I know nothing about chan_dongle
17:39.37maruenReferenced from: /Library/Application Support/Asterisk/Modules/
17:39.42maruenthe error is this one above
17:39.59ectospasmmaruen: what do you need chan_dongle for?
17:40.02maruenno, could be other version
17:40.25maruenI want it for send and receive sms messages with huaway modems
17:40.33ectospasmdo you expect this Asterisk instance to see production?
17:40.58maruenYes, I expect
17:41.06maruenit can be on production?
17:41.12ectospasmdo you know if the chan_dongle module exists in Asterisk 11?
17:41.31maruenin does not exists, I donwloades apart from it
17:41.43af_it seems a cool, channel, it would be great test it
17:41.59ectospasmmaruen: so it's a third party module
17:42.27af_oh, it's not in the official Digium source tree?
17:42.33ectospasmmaruen: you might want to check to see what version of Asterisk chan_dongle is developed against, and install that one.  My guess it isn't built for 12
17:42.58maruenit isn't probably
17:43.46maruenis there an official module built within asterisk official modules to send and receive SMS ?
17:43.51ectospasm12 has a lot of experimental stuff in it
17:44.13maruenwhat version do you recomend for test it ?
17:44.17ectospasmmaruen: I don't know about transmitting SMS
17:44.30maruenectospasm: no problem then...
17:45.15ectospasmit takes a bit of work, but many mobile providers give email addresses for SMS, like
17:45.22maruenbut I think in this particulary error that I'm getting, it's relatively the third part module instead something of asterisk
17:45.23ectospasm...but receiving is a whole nother beast
17:46.14maruenNice to hear about email solutions, I didn't know about that, but as I will need also receive, it wond fit for my needs....
17:46.36ectospasmno, it won't
17:47.08maruenso, should it worth test it in another version of asterisk?
17:49.01*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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17:49.20ectospasmmaruen: find the documentation for chan_dongle, and determine what version of Asterisk it's built for.  Better hope it's 1.8 or 11
17:50.38*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
17:51.02af_what a boring day.... pfffff
17:51.26af_I am stuck configuring a sip phone... what deal
17:52.31maruenin my linux, I make it work with version 1.8
17:52.53maruenbut isn't to much deprecated the version 1.8 comparing with 11 ?
17:53.03ectospasmaf_: that differs greatly by the phone you're configuring.  Polycoms suck ass when configuring.  Digium phones are a breeze in comparison
17:53.20ectospasmmaruen: well, 1.8 will EOL before 11
17:53.42ectospasmmaruen: but 1.8 is a lot more mature
17:53.50ectospasm(read == less buggy)
17:54.29maruenwhan mean EOL ?
17:56.48af_oh, thanks ectospasm now I am using unexpensive GS
17:57.06af_but may be a problem in my network, that is poorly managed
17:57.32ectospasmlast I heard (which was a while ago), Grandstream phones were substandard quality
17:57.42af_or an old serial  modem, server it's stuck!
17:57.55ectospasmbut then again, I used to work at Digium
17:57.57af_pfff. it's gone mad on the serial pci
17:58.31af_is it good job there ectospasm ?
17:58.56ectospasmgood, fun, but not really high paying (in my position, at least)
17:59.22af_well, there is money problems all around the world..... bad times....
18:00.03af_fun may be a plus. have to reset my internet conn, sucky server down... have nice time
18:18.58*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
18:22.25[TK]D-Fender[12:53]ectospasmmaruen: but 1.8 is a lot more mature [12:53]ectospasm(read == less buggy) <- not sure I'd stand on that.  11 has been around a while and didn't any real show-stoppers on release.  Both are being maintained so it's a question of apps being version-dependent.
18:22.35[TK]D-FenderThere is no reason to touch 1.8 for a enw install otherwise
18:51.09*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
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19:04.15*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
19:11.22lnbwondering if anyone here knows a fix for calls with follow me not going to voice mail if not answered?
19:11.59[TK]D-FenderNot an Asterisk problem.
19:12.22lnbplease prove that statement
19:13.25[TK]D-FenderThat isn't using Asterisk's followme command.
19:15.14[TK]D-FenderWhich also has no implicit concept of "voicemail"
19:19.42*** join/#asterisk cyford (~cyford33@2601:0:9300:2fc:2cf3:d4f6:2f6f:bdf7)
19:31.51lnbclearly, the ring time is ignored in the follow me setting, only the Initial ring time is working
19:32.12lnbso something is very wrong
19:32.26[TK]D-FenderWith FreePBX maybe.  Nothing to do with Asterisk's functioning.
19:33.05lnbwhat file might this be in.. i have looked at several extension_ files but the syntax isnt clear to me
19:34.43[TK]D-FenderNot a topic for here....
19:35.41lnbis exten => *320,n,Goto(vmret,1) mean go to voice mail?
19:36.14PenguinWe can't know that; you haven't shown us the REST of the dial plan.
19:36.16[TK]D-FenderNot a topic for here....
19:36.23[TK]D-FenderPenguin: FreePBX <-
19:36.40lnbor maybe exten => 320,n,Macro(exten-vm,320,320,0,0,0)
19:36.45PenguinAnd if it's FreePBX, I don't even care about the rest of the dial plan.
19:37.18[TK]D-Fenderlnb: There is no support here for debugging FreePBX processing issues here.
19:47.15*** join/#asterisk paule32 (
19:47.36paule32how can i add a user and password to pbx ?
19:47.50[TK]D-FenderWhat "user" are you talking about?
19:47.59paule32sip account
19:48.07PenguinI think users are people.
19:49.46*** join/#asterisk Ta^3 (
19:50.47[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: "vi sip.conf"
19:51.11[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: that is AMI... that has nothing to do with a "user", or "SIP"
19:52.31*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
19:54.53paule32i have following code:
19:55.12paule32and i am would like to initate a session
19:55.38[TK]D-FenderThat is AMI, not "SIP".
19:55.58[TK]D-FenderWhat are you trying to actually do?
19:57.31paule32i would like to call a sip account, that get dialtone, check it, e.g. dialtone 1 and 2 -> do response with dial tone 2 1
19:57.52[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: that code has nothing to do with what you just said
19:58.05infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:58.12[TK]D-FenderGo read the book. ---^
19:58.29[TK]D-Fendersip.conf , extensions.conf
19:58.37WIMPyAh, paule32 is back
19:58.56paule32hi WIMPy
19:59.34paule32as basis of:
19:59.49paule32i would login into an account
20:00.04[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Told you twice now.. lets try a third... AMI has NOTHING to do with the goal you stated
20:00.21[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You do not seem to have any comprehension of what AMI is.
20:00.42WIMPyWhat's the goal today?
20:00.51[TK]D-Fender[14:57]paule32i would like to call a sip account, that get dialtone, check it, e.g. dialtone 1 and 2 -> do response with dial tone 2 1
20:01.17[TK]D-FenderAnd his "code: [14:54]paule32i have following code:  [14:54]paule32
20:01.25WIMPyDialtone modem text transmission?
20:02.04[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: We'll see if he tries turning it into that pipe-dream again...
20:04.41*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
20:07.08paule32what role plays "deny" in example user "mark" in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf ?
20:07.15paule32not allowed?
20:08.34paule32when i try to connect from lan - the user is only visible in my net?
20:09.11[TK]D-FenderDepends what you ALLOW
20:14.54*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
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20:59.17*** join/#asterisk m0sphere (
21:00.01m0sphereanyone ever use google tts and accidently get themselves blocked by google temporarily?
21:07.27*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
21:14.10paule32i login in into pbx, it seems successfull, because CLI response with:  == Manager 'user' logged in from x.x.x.x
21:14.50WIMPyThis can't end well.
21:14.51*** join/#asterisk iulhk (
21:14.52paule32when i close the programm, the message ".. logged if from ..." will apear
21:15.49paule32now, i have a loop, in it, i try to recieve some bytes from pbx server
21:16.04paule32but it will be fail
21:16.25*** join/#asterisk spditner (
21:16.31[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: Why are you messing with AMI at all right now?
21:16.45[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: there is no point if you haven't set everything else up first
21:17.16spditnerIf I have two SIP peers, one with disallow=all;allow=ulaw, and the other with disallow=all;allow=g722, asterisk should step in and transcode, correct?
21:19.19paule32ah, the loop was fail, get message with 27 bytes, and then by next read: "Asterisk Call Manager/1.1"
21:20.05paule32i see, it would be useful to read the new documentation
21:22.50paule32in the 3 read, i get "Success"
21:23.12paule32which means, the login was correct
21:24.10ChannelZpraisings to the lord!
21:34.27*** join/#asterisk mmikeym (~mikeym@
21:34.57paule32i will not be a lord, i will that computers do what i want - in constructive way
21:37.27paule32i must say: excelent api documentation
21:43.32*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
21:50.05*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
21:51.29paule32PlayDTMF - how can i open a channel? or is it opeb by login?
21:51.54paule32opeb = open
21:53.25[TK]D-FenderpaulI cannot stress this enough .... AMI HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS.
21:53.34[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: You are using the wrong tool for the job
21:53.44[TK]D-Fenderpaule32: AMI is not for PROCESSING CALL
21:58.32paule32ok, must left, tomorrow new woork week .. till then thanks for listen
22:24.34*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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23:13.43m0sphereis anyone at all using googletts.agi? I need to confirm if its broken for everyone, or if theres something wrong with mine
23:23.09[TK]D-Fenderyou last asked about a temporary lockout... this sounds like longer term now...
23:25.12[TK]D-Fender[15:59]m0sphereanyone ever use google tts and accidently get themselves blocked by google temporarily?
23:26.10m0spherei went to the 'sorry' page for google thinking that would work, but it didnt, so i'm not sure if perhaps google changed something on the back end that prevents the agi script from working, or if somethinge else is wrong
23:26.34*** join/#asterisk traph (~traph@unaffiliated/traph)
23:27.44*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
23:27.56mattwj2002hi everyone :)
23:28.28mattwj2002hey WIMPy
23:29.17mattwj2002on g729 if you have licenses on the softphones and your provider is g729.....when do you need an asterisk g729 license?
23:29.22mattwj2002thanks in advance
23:30.53WIMPyWhenever Asterisk has to do something to/with your audio.
23:31.17WIMPyAnd in that case you'd even need two.
23:31.28[TK]D-FenderWhere "anything" requires transcoding that is
23:31.51mattwj2002so definitely for a conference bridge
23:31.58WIMPyAnythign that doesn't?
23:32.18mattwj2002I think I am going to avoid g729
23:32.33mattwj2002there are a lot of really good low bandwidth codecs
23:32.34[TK]D-Fender[18:31]WIMPyAnythign that doesn't? <- straight recording doesn't have to necessarily
23:32.52[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: playback only does if the source file isn't g729
23:33.01*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
23:33.12WIMPyWell, but you'd need a licence at another time then.
23:33.35[TK]D-FenderThere are a number of clear places...
23:33.45[TK]D-Fendersneakiest of which being inband indications....
23:34.18[TK]D-FenderWhich should really be a goal on the tracker.....
23:34.23[TK]D-Fenderto eliminate
23:40.14mattwj2002so is anyone working on any interesting asterisk projects?
23:41.00[TK]D-FenderDepends on your idea of interesting I guess
23:41.20mattwj2002true :)
23:41.29WIMPySo true.
23:46.34[TK]D-FenderAlmost a decade back was already using it as a jukebox and to make me coffee...
23:48.08mattwj2002hehe [TK]D-Fender sounds interesting
23:48.45mattwj2002[TK]D-Fender: I have the local weather radio stream on mine
23:49.04*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (~cyborg-on@
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23:53.29mattwj2002speaking of weather....
23:53.52mattwj2002if you guys want to test your astereisk box on a nice test number try this link
23:54.07mattwj2002weather from around the US
23:54.17WIMPyTo test what?
23:54.37mattwj2002like a sip trunk or pstn connection
23:54.44mattwj2002it just play the weather
23:55.13WIMPyDon't you have test numbers for that?
23:56.13mattwj2002good point
23:58.45[TK]D-FenderHis wheel will be rounder, I'm sure of it

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