IRC log for #asterisk on 20140226

00:00.13SpeedEvilClaims to support linux.
00:00.20SpeedEvilWhy do I suspect this may not be simple. :)
00:00.32WIMPyMaybe, but certainly not Asterisk.
00:00.43WIMPyAsterisk can't use modems.
00:01.17SpeedEvilSeems like in principle it'd just be a simple driver.
00:01.36SpeedEvil(assuming for a moment there is a defacto voice standard)
00:01.41navaismoWIMPy, only old modems with tiger chipsets asterisk see it as x100p
00:02.01WIMPyFor an USB modem? Extremely unlikely.
00:02.17navaismoah sorry i was talking about internal
00:02.18navaismomy bad
00:02.31WIMPyI know DAHDI sees them, but does that actually work?
00:02.57navaismoSpeedEvil, if you know how to develop a driver for linux, patch the dahdi and asterisk then yes is "only matter of drivers"
00:03.02navaismoWIMPy, yes,
00:03.14navaismobut you will have echo
00:03.30navaismoSpeedEvil,  your best option is sangima u100
00:05.25SpeedEvilIt's depressing that for much USB stuff it seems the better option is almost to say screw-it and build your own device.
00:05.34SpeedEvil(hitting related issues around audio)
00:07.19navaismowhen you develop such solution you will see the meaning of "expensive"
00:07.23SpeedEvilApprovals would be unfortunately annoying.
00:07.28SpeedEvilThe actual hardware is not.
00:07.59navaismobut take here go ahead finish and share with all of us-->
00:13.26SpeedEvilAnd yes, I'm quite aware of the issues around boards.
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01:22.24*** join/#asterisk eoss (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/student/eoss)
01:22.41eossHow would one verify if port 5060 is open if we are using UDP for SIP
01:23.44[TK]D-FenderDepends who "one" is
01:24.39*** join/#asterisk k-man (~jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
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01:53.38eoss[TK]D-Fender: one is capable of learning, so any suggestions would be much appreciated
01:57.12[TK]D-Fenderif it's YOUR server you can tell if it's "open"
01:57.27[TK]D-FenderThen it's another matter if your server RESPONDS to the request
02:09.29*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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02:11.06darkdrgn2kevening all
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02:17.43eoss[TK]D-Fender: It's not a server I have access to, but it should be accepting SIP requests over UDP
02:18.25eossI just want to ensure that a particular location can reach and utilize this server on port 5060 over UDP
02:18.32[TK]D-Fendereoss: You need access.  UDP has no "psychic mode".  If the server isn't responding, perhaps it's not even getting the request... or it is failing to route a response.
02:21.01eossYes, that's a possibility, but we know that this server responds and works in other locations, the point is to prove that it's NOT working at this location by somehow simulating a sip udp connection and watching it fail for one reason or the other, or work
02:21.43eossI guess I will go 1337 h4x0r and craft my own UDP packet via python to see if I get a response
02:23.47eossWIMPy: thanks that looks like it could work
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03:19.16koffelanyone in here use polycom ip?
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03:28.36infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
03:36.40koffeli have a polycom ip 320 and i get this error chan_sip.c:14399 check_auth: username mismatch, have <x>, digest has <x1>?
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08:07.23Blashyrkhi have a problem with asterisk 11.8 and iaxmoden. Its not connecting. Settings and everything are doublechecked
08:08.01Blashyrkhwhen i start iaxmode i get a register timout, and with netstat see the recvq from the asterisk process getting higher
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08:31.13Kobazso umm, shouldn't [authentication] deny=  permit=    apply to all peers?
08:40.56Kobazi guess it only works per-peer
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09:51.03boratynskikamilGood morning.
09:56.08boratynskikamilIs it possible to change monitor file format in Queue?
09:59.49*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
10:02.27boratynskikamilI mean, filename.
10:02.40boratynskikamilNot file type
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10:21.07*** join/#asterisk VSpike (~johncc@
10:24.33VSpikeHi. I have system set up and running AsteriskNOW 2.0.0. It hasn't had any updates applied for some time, either OS or modules. I'm wondering, without a re-install what version can it update itself to? Will it go up through 2.x versions for example? How long could this version be considered "supported" in some way?
10:25.20VSpikeI should probably do a clean install of 3.0 at some point but just weighing the options
10:25.30*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
10:26.11VSpikeThere's no VoIP so the box is not publicly visible - uses ISDN and an IAX trunk over VPN
10:27.49*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:32.41*** join/#asterisk undecided (~kvirc@
10:35.54undecidedjust mograted from asterisk 8.* to 12
10:37.49undecidedwhenever I type asterisk commands on BASH terminal (asterisk -rx "dialplan reload") output says "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
10:39.08undecidedasterisk.ctl doesn't exist on my system, but asterisk is running
10:39.21undecidedwhat can be done?
10:41.28mirela666undecided: might be that * is running as root and you are not
10:41.54mirela666run ps aux | grep asterisk
10:42.21mirela666and whoami
10:44.34undecidedI'm root
10:44.50undecidedall run under root
10:45.29undecidedwhy i don't have the /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl ?
10:47.07wdoekesundecided: check asterisk.conf for the varrundir path
10:48.35undecidedastrundir => /var/run/asterisk
10:58.07boratynskikamilDamn. If I added   0     same => Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=ISDN_)¬
10:58.30boratynskikamilsuch as line, shouldn't my recording look like: "ISDN_"?
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11:14.38wdoekesundecided: (a) either your asterisk.conf is not read (is it looking in /usr/local/etc?), or (b) the [directories] are a template (does it have a trailing (!)), or (c) something prevents the socket from getting initialized
11:15.23undecidedwdoekes: np it's working now
11:15.36undecidedundecided: thank you
11:16.01wdoekeswhat turned out to be the problem then?
11:16.15undecidedI think it had something to do with the controlling shell
11:16.56undecidedI couldn't use the 'asterisk -vvvvvvvr' for example
11:17.29wdoekesnext time, stop asterisk and use strace: strace -ebind,open asterisk -c 2>&1 >/dev/null | egrep 'asterisk.ctl|asterisk.conf'
11:18.02undecidedbut "asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvc" worked
11:18.21wdoekesasterisk -c is completely different from -r
11:18.28wdoekes-c starts an instance in the foreground
11:18.39wdoekes-r opens a remote-control to a started instance
11:18.55wdoekesso if you have no asterisk running, -r will indeed complain
11:19.10wdoekesthat's the whole idea
11:19.19undecidedyea but I had to do this in order to access asterisk cli
11:20.09undecidedwhen I typed "service asterisk restart" everything started to work fine
11:20.20undecidedhope this problem won't reoccure
11:20.25undecidedand thank you :)
11:22.28ectospasmundecided: don't run asterisk -c unless you're troubleshooting a specific problem
11:22.55ectospasmrun asterisk by itself with no options to start it as the a daemon, or better yet start it from your init system
11:23.24ectospasmonce asterisk is running you can connect to it with asterisk -r
11:23.33ectospasmthat is the proper way to do it.
11:23.45undecidedsure it's on init
11:23.49ectospasmif you run it with -c and the controlling tty goes down, so does asterisk
11:24.23undecidedbut not sure why I had those troubles
11:25.12undecidedI couldn't access logger without -c option
11:25.41undecidedand running asterisk commands on bash terminal didn't work
11:25.48ectospasmyou were doing something wrong then
11:26.02undecidedit said ctl file was missing
11:26.14undecidedit's a fresh install on vps
11:26.23ectospasmdid you install Asterisk?
11:26.32ectospasmor was it pre-installed?
11:26.58undecidedI built it from source
11:27.59ectospasmyeah, I haven't hit the missing control file problem in a while, I may not remember how to workaround it
11:29.00undecidedyea Google is full of people complaining about it sometimes
11:29.24undecidedseems this problem has various reasons
11:35.00undecidedboratynskikamil: that looks ok. Do ypu get any error?
11:39.04boratynskikamilundecided: Nope, I didn't reloaded dialplan, fail. :-)
11:39.06boratynskikamilSorry. :-)
11:39.32boratynskikamilundecided: Question. I used this type of recording for incoming connections, right? How to do it for outgoing? Queue too?
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11:41.31undecidedboratynskikamil: incoming and outgoing audio packets are written to separate files
11:41.55undecidedso you get both
11:42.20undecidedYou can use mixmonitor to get them moxed
11:42.49boratynskikamilundecided: My dialplan:
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11:45.10boratynskikamilundecided: As you see, incoming connection are monitored, but not outgoing.
11:46.29boratynskikamilDamn, not here. :-)
11:48.41undecidedboratynskikamil: I don't see where your Monitor app is executed,
11:49.11undecidedbut you can add it to outgoing extensions as well
11:50.14boratynskikamilundecided: Hmm... Not as Queue?
11:50.26boratynskikamilundecided: Incoming is executed in Queue...
11:55.00undecidedboratynskikamil: ok, but afair a W or w option is needed for queue recording
11:55.19undecidedanyway for outgoing you just use the Monitor application
11:55.24undecidedor Mixmonitor
11:57.12*** join/#asterisk structz (~andre@
11:58.05structzHi, does anyone have ever experienced something like this: Asterisk MWI on saying you have lots of messages but when going into the voicemail says "you have no messages"
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12:22.41bpietrohi. Is there some timing requirements for REGAUTH packet?  For testing purposes I wrote very slow client, sending REGREQ with challenge response (right one, verified), but with timestamp 126 ms, and I got as reply no REGACK nor REGREJ but simple ACK and then server start retransmit REGAUTH packet.
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12:31.38boratynskikamilLike that?
12:37.09undecidedboratynskikamil: no
12:37.53undecidedI have this
12:37.54undecidedexten => 255,1,MixMonitor(file.wav)
12:38.32*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (~Trixboxer@
12:38.46undecidedno need to use other options
12:39.29TrixboxerHi, I'm using a Read() command to read user input but if user presses two # then the call gets disconnected
12:39.29undecidedand there is no lowercase w option as you have
12:40.22undecidedTrixboxer: yes, that's how it's intended to work
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12:40.45Trixboxerundecided: how can it be avoided ?
12:41.20undecidedTrixboxer: do you want to catch the # itself?
12:41.52undecidedthen use waitexten
12:41.53boratynskikamilundecided: But.. Wait. I would like to monitor outgoing connection on dahdi/3 channels.
12:41.59WIMPyThat will do exactely that.
12:43.05undecidedboratynskikamil: I never used dahdi channels . No experience with those
12:44.10boratynskikamilWIMPy: Any suggestion?
12:44.21undecidedWIMPy: does that patch work in all asterisk versions?
12:44.52WIMPyThat's the patch for Aterisk 11. There's a version for 10 as well.
12:45.17undecidedis there for 12?
12:45.18WIMPyboratynskikamil: (mix)monitir doesn't care about channeltypes.
12:45.48boratynskikamilWIMPy: So mine should work properly?
12:45.59WIMPyI haven't tried 12 for quite some time. Try the patch for 11. Chances are that it still fits.
12:46.10Trixboxerundecided: I want to avoid call disconnect due to double press of #
12:47.02Trixboxerone way is to call all # or redirect the call flow by putting exten => #,1,Goto(back)
12:49.43undecidedTrixboxer: you should try the patch WIMPy posted
12:50.29WIMPyIt's also up on reviewboard. So if someone finds time to do some housekeeping on it, it might become part of the next Asterisk.
12:52.48undecidedWIMPy: thank you. I was looking for something like that few months ago
12:53.15WIMPyYou should have looked on jira.
12:53.53Trixboxerundecided, WIMPy: thanks.  What would be best way to wait for 10 seconds and record whats user speaking
12:54.17TrixboxerI used read here so that user can press # to go to next but double # is dropping call
12:54.20WIMPyFor 10s or after 10s?
12:55.34Trixboxerhere after playing msg1 the system lets user to talk for 15s or till he presses #
12:56.35WIMPyMaybe you should just use Record instead then?
12:56.59WIMPyAnd the combination of Background and Read does not look very sensible.
12:57.17WIMPyDid you notice that Read can also play sounds?
12:58.25boratynskikamilRepaired extension.
12:58.39boratynskikamilIf I hangup the call, at the beginng, I mean I do not receive it.
12:58.55boratynskikamilI see in logs that MixMonitor has been started and ended.
12:59.02boratynskikamilIf I receive, I do not see MixMonitor at all.
12:59.30WIMPyYou start Mixmonitor after the call has failed.
13:00.18WIMPyIf you want to record the call, you obviousely have to start MixMonitor before you send the call to the destination.
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13:01.17TrixboxerWIMPy: I have started MixMonitor before Background(msg1)
13:01.30WIMPyThat was for boratynskikamil
13:01.35Trixboxerso that it records both, whats being played and what user is saying
13:02.28WIMPy(And dahdi/3 does not look like OUT_ISDN)
13:03.03boratynskikamilWIMPy: Repaired.
13:03.17boratynskikamilIt was filename, sorry. :-)
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13:20.15ChaosPsykeHi guys, I am having an issue with the "leastrecent" ring strategy. When a client calls, asterisk plays IVR and then goes to least recent phone. If it rings for more than 10 seconds it timesout out and goes back to asterisk, asterisk plays IVR again but sends the call back to the extension which did not pickup. Basically locking the call in an infinite loop. Has anyone else encountered this before?
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14:08.30KattyPOST IT NOTE.
14:10.05MaliutaLapOn the forehead?
14:10.17MaliutaLapyou're Sherlock Holmes!
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14:30.58xaristaxHi i wonder how can i make to after a dial create a conference?
14:31.32xaristaxi already do this but withot success Dial(SIP/blbla,300,U(conf),)
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14:46.00*** join/#asterisk Neozonz (~arajakul@unaffiliated/neozonz)
14:46.08NeozonzDo i need the
14:46.08Neozonzextensions.ael file?
14:50.36*** join/#asterisk maruen (~maruen@
14:51.03maruenHi folks, does anyone could help me install asterisk in mac os Mavericks?
14:51.10maruenI could install it in Ubuntu
14:51.16maruenbut not in Mac OS X
14:52.56Neozonzso i created a context instead extensions but when i do dialpan show default
14:53.05Neozonzi also reloaded dialpan
14:53.11Neozonzand restarted asterisk no go...
14:53.43[TK]D-Fender[09:46]Neozonzextensions.ael file? <- no
14:53.48Penguin"Need" is a subjective term.  Only you know if you NEED ael.
14:54.17[TK]D-Fender[09:52]Neozonzso i created a context instead extensions but when i do dialpan show default <- editing the wrong file, or wrong permissions
14:55.02maruenActually I installed on Mac OS X, but I cant run it, it gets this error:  chan_iax2.c:9260 timing_read: Timer failed acknowledge
14:55.02maruenAssertion failed: ( != -1), function pjsip_evsub_register_pkg, file ../src/pjsip-simple/evsub.c, line 415
14:55.18maruenAnybody knows something about it?
14:56.23Neozonz-rw-r----- 1 asterisk asterisk 307 Feb 26 14:35 extensions.conf
14:57.13PenguinIs asterisk set to run as user asterisk and group asterisk?
14:57.44Neozonzasterisk 19052     1  0 14:55 ?        00:00:01 /usr/sbin/asterisk -p -U asterisk
14:58.04PenguinAnd the ownership/permissions on the directories above that file?
14:58.16[TK]D-FenderShow us this "no go"
14:58.33[TK]D-Fenderand your extensions.conf
14:58.39Neozonzdrwxr-xr-x  4 asterisk asterisk  4096 Feb 26 14:55 asterisk
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15:00.03PenguinSomeone didn't read the book.
15:01.28PenguinDid you run "dialplan reload" after you saved changes to the file?
15:01.52PenguinWas there any output from running the command?
15:02.00Neozonzmy screenshot
15:02.08Neozonzbut none of the things in extensions.conf
15:02.10PenguinYou didn't show that.
15:02.33PenguinYou didn't show that.
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15:03.04Neozonznm i fixed it
15:03.07Neozonzi was missing priority
15:03.12Neozonzbut with it missing there are no errors
15:03.34Penguindialplan reload didn't show you ANY information about your mistake?
15:04.49Penguincpe-e650*CLI> dialplan reload
15:04.49PenguinDialplan reloaded.
15:04.49Penguin[Feb 26 09:04:39] NOTICE[31678]: pbx.c:4514 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension '7000' in context ''
15:04.52Penguin[Feb 26 09:04:39] WARNING[31678]: pbx_config.c:1524 pbx_load_config: Invalid priority/label 'Dial' at line 48 of extensions.conf
15:04.56Penguin^ A CLUE
15:05.06Neozonzi didnt see that
15:05.37PenguinYou probably didn't run dialplan reload.
15:05.43PenguinYou certainly didn't show me that you ran it.
15:07.21NeozonzI lied
15:07.25NeozonzI didn't notice it
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15:12.13*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
15:13.00NeozonzHow would my dialpan look if I configure my users by name?
15:13.24Neozonzit will still dial by extenion?
15:13.35PenguinExtensions execute applications.
15:13.59PenguinYou will always enter extensions on phones to make calls.
15:14.25PenguinThen the extensions execute whatever applications you configure them to execute.
15:14.55PenguinTo put the call to another phone, use the Dial() application.
15:15.10NeozonzCool, thanks
15:15.19NeozonzI think I know what to do now
15:15.21Neozonzappreciate the help!
15:16.31PenguinThe Dial() application accepts the syntax of channel_tech/device_name,timeout,options.  E.g., Dial(SIP/001122334455,26)
15:16.56PenguinSIP channel tech, device named 001122334455, timeout of 26 seconds, with no additional options
15:17.23PenguinThis is all in The Book, by the way.
15:17.27infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:18.25NeozonzI've been reading it but its small syntax mistakes that are killing me
15:18.41Neozonzfor example, ldap does not want to find the exten...
15:19.14PenguinI don't think you put extensions in ldap.
15:19.29NeozonzI did
15:19.36Neozonzi'm looking at ldap browser
15:19.43Neozonzand i have both the objectclass and extensions
15:19.49PenguinI'm not so sure asterisk works like that.
15:20.56PenguinLDAP is a directory protocol.  I don't know how you could possibly make asterisk execute extensions there.
15:22.11Neozonzit's pulling extensions + caller id from ldap
15:22.18Neozonzthen does the calls via asterisk
15:22.22Neozonzusing the realtime ldap module
15:22.38PenguinI'm probably just not understanding what you're doing.
15:23.12PenguinI don't use LDAP, so I don't know how to integrate it with the dialplan.
15:26.45*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
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15:35.46Neozonzhow does one setup realtime dialplans?
15:37.00navaismoin the db
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15:38.41Neozonzwhat if it was ldap
15:39.52Neozonzfor example
15:40.03Neozonzswitch => Realtime/default@realtime_ext
15:40.06Neozonzthat's it??
15:43.28navaismonever tried that
15:44.41Neozonzi've set it all up
15:44.46Neozonzbut it still says extension missing :(
15:47.29*** join/#asterisk Farkie (~Farkie@
15:49.03FarkieHey, having a strange issue. If we have a incoming caller (A), it goes to a group. now if someone (B) answers and tries to transfer internally to another colleague (C), it's silent when doing assisted transfer from B -> C, but if B hangs up, A can speak to C.. any ideas / more info I can give?
15:49.09fileI wonder why they wrote that...
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15:52.02Neozonzany help would be most appreciated, getting closer with ldap stuff
15:52.14Neozonzits grabbing the extensions just when i make calls it breaks now :(
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15:52.51[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: You keep asking for help and you aren't showing us what it's supposed to be pulling
15:53.50Neozonzit's pulled the extention correctly now
15:53.56Neozonzissue is calling the extention
15:54.32[TK]D-FenderWe don;t see that you even have an entry for it.
15:55.00*** join/#asterisk MauriceM_ (
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15:57.58[TK]D-FenderI see a DIAl that is not going through...
15:58.03Neozonzok... so i had to modify my extentions for ldap to work
15:58.18[TK]D-FenderYou just shoved a pastebin and didn't tell us what you thought was wrong with it
15:58.25[TK]D-FenderYour descriptions are very very weak
15:58.26Neozonzexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/arajakulasingam)
15:58.54Neozonzhow do i replace arajakulasingam with the username? or the [nameofheading] in sip.conf
15:59.14[TK]D-Fenderthat IS the name
15:59.17Neozonzi know u can dial by ${EXTEN} but in this case its not an extension but rather a name
15:59.38Neozonzis there something like ${EXTEN} or ${NAME}
15:59.51[TK]D-Fender[10:58]Neozonzexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/arajakulasingam) <-- there is no magical association of a text name to a VARIABLE number
16:00.05[TK]D-FenderThree is nothing that says "john is 1000"
16:00.13[TK]D-FenderHow is Asterisk supposed to know this?
16:00.17[TK]D-Fenderthis is YOUR job to set up
16:01.06[TK]D-FenderSo get ready to make dialplan lines for EACH of your numbers specifying the device to be called
16:01.21*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
16:02.50MauriceM_Quick question on Asterisk IVR over lets say, Zanzibar, or Voxeo Prophecy.  Anyone using Asterisk PBX with a different IVR solution?
16:05.55Kattylooks in
16:06.11[TK]D-Fenderlooks out
16:06.17Kobazlooks around
16:06.53[TK]D-Fenderbases = covered
16:07.33Kattyso many prepositional phrases :>
16:12.10Penguinneozonz: That "heading" as you put it is the NAME of the DEVICE.  The characters between the square brackets make the "username" that the device (often a phone) must use for authentication to asterisk and it is also the name of the device (a phone) that you Dial() when you want to put a call to the device (phone).
16:13.07Blashyrkhiaxmodem and asterisk are on the same host
16:13.09Neozonzhow can i reference device NAME from dialpan via an argument like ${EXTEN} is that possible?
16:13.45[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: ${exten} is what you DIALED.  the pattern you used is numeric.
16:14.06[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: Where are you expecting asterisk to match a list of numbers to names from?
16:14.14Neozonzfrom users.conf
16:14.20[TK]D-Fender[11:00][TK]D-FenderThree is nothing that says "john is 1000" <----
16:14.23[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: No.
16:14.27Neozonzand/or the realtime ldap
16:14.41[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: The dialplan knows nothing of any kind of association in users.conf
16:14.42Neozonzwhats the point of realtime ldap if it doesnt match users to extentions..
16:14.53PenguinPeople utilize the users.conf file?
16:15.00[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: and you should never ever ever be using that file no matter what.
16:15.12NeozonzI'm trying to lol
16:15.16[TK]D-FenderSTOP NOW
16:15.21Neozonzyes sir
16:15.38PenguinSince LDAP is a directory protocol, that would be a perfect place to say "John uses extension 1000."
16:15.42[TK]D-Fendersip.conf , iax.con, etc.  Use the proper individual bits
16:15.56*** join/#asterisk boratynskikamil (~kamilbora@
16:15.59NeozonzPenguin, i ahve the mappings done for ldap
16:15.59PenguinThen when you call 1000, asterisk can Dial(SIP/johns_phone).
16:16.18Neozonzbut dialpan doesn't seem to associate johns_phone with extention frmo ldap
16:16.44[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: Of course not... you put what you did in Dial().
16:16.55[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: there is no assiation.  That exists only in your head
16:17.06[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: If you want a lookup you have to code it in the dialplan.
16:17.07Neozonzexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
16:17.07Neozonzexten => _X.,n,Hangup()
16:17.38[TK]D-Fender[11:17]Neozonzexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) <- this takes the NUMBER you dialed and shoves it directly in the dial.  You did not do any kind of lookup
16:17.55[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: Dialplan = programming.
16:17.56Neozonzhow does one take the number i dialed, look it up against realtime ldap
16:18.02boratynskikamilQuestion, if I may.
16:18.10[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: YOU have to do a few steps PRIORI to dialing to do this lookup yourself
16:18.16boratynskikamilWhy outgoing calls are not hanguped by default?
16:18.29boratynskikamilI mean, softphone freezes.
16:19.25[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: What dsoftphone?  We see dialplan ... and a DAHDI channel that should get dialed.  fix your description and show us a complete scenio including the output of the failure
16:19.36Penguinneozonz: Store the looked up data into a variable, possibly ${DEVICE}, and then Dial(SIP/${DEVICE}).
16:19.53PenguinThat's how I do it using the astDB.
16:20.09[TK]D-FenderPenguin: give or take the actual DB funtion calls :)
16:20.28PenguinThe lookup is performed before the Dial(), of course.
16:21.18PenguinBut I guess you could do the lookup right there inside the Dial() application using the same functions used to do the lookup earlier.
16:21.32boratynskikamil[TK]D-Fender: QuteCom.
16:21.32boratynskikamilIn fact, there is no "failure". It just freezes.
16:22.09[TK]D-Fenderboratynskikamil: We see nothing about a "softphone" in that pastebin.
16:22.12NeozonzPenguin, I think I'm already storing it
16:22.22boratynskikamilI mean, I have to click hangup to close connection in QuteCom.
16:22.24[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: You are RETRIEVING it.
16:23.16Kattytangles [TK]D-Fender in a ball of yarn.
16:23.16PenguinI don't see anything related to storing device name related to the extension used to dial said device.
16:23.56*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
16:24.12NeozonzI don't understand...
16:24.15Neozonzbut will keep at it
16:26.44[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: YOu have to do a database lokup in extensions.conf <-------------
16:27.06[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: Your dialplan does exactly what you tell it to.  You didn't tell it to look anything up
16:27.59[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: there is no "association".  There is only "programming?  You define the steps, and this include database lookups when you expect to take "A'" and look it up somewhere and come back with "B"
16:28.11NeozonzI dont understand then
16:28.16Neozonzwhat the heck is the point of res_ldap.conf
16:28.21Neozonzdoes it not store the values?
16:28.29[TK]D-FenderYOU have to LOOK THEM UP
16:28.45Neozonzname = uid
16:28.59[TK]D-Fenderdoesn't matter what's in that DB, or that config file
16:29.10[TK]D-Fenderexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) <--- these are the STEPS your call takes as it processes....
16:29.16Neozonz;exten => 7002,1,Dial(SIP/${NAME}/${EXTEN})
16:29.18Neozonzi tried that
16:29.21[TK]D-FenderYou dnd't take a step to do a lookup
16:29.38[TK]D-Fender${NAME} is not a LOOKUP command
16:29.48Neozonzwhere can I find a list of lookup commands
16:29.52[TK]D-Fenderyou are inventing syntax and thinging that extensions.conf knows ANYTHING about LDAP
16:29.57[TK]D-Fenderit DOESN'T
16:30.06[TK]D-FenderYou have to do a FUNCTION call to pull those values
16:30.38*** part/#asterisk Trixboxer (~Trixboxer@
16:30.47Neozonzis there any guide or read me regarding doing that
16:31.05PenguinIt's not in the book?
16:31.08Neozonznothing in any of the guides say anything about that
16:31.11[TK]D-Fender"core show applications"
16:31.15[TK]D-Fender"core show functions"
16:31.19[TK]D-Fenderand go read the BOOK.
16:31.49filenothing specific to LDAP
16:31.53[TK]D-FenderThere is an entire chapter on "database integration", and getting information from databases is part of it,
16:31.55PenguinI assume LDAP is just another relational database.
16:32.02[TK]D-Fenderneothat is not the book
16:32.04infobotboot is, like, what you get when you act like a EFNet user, or #debian-boot
16:32.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:32.57PenguinIf it's just another relational database, then you store a primary key and associate other data with that key.  If the key is NAME, then the associated data could be EXTENSION.
16:32.59[TK]D-Fender4th edition there
16:33.23[TK]D-Fender[11:32]Neozonznothing... <- do not expect the word "LDAP".  *'s databse integration is GENERIC
16:33.24PenguinSo then you do a lookup in the DB.
16:33.59[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: this is NOT LDAP specific
16:34.10PenguinIf you lookup a NAME of John in the DB and there is an EXTENSION associated with it, then that's the extension to execute.
16:34.31[TK]D-Fender[11:32]Neozonz <- chapter 16
16:34.40PenguinIf there is a primary key of EXTENSION and you need to relate a DEVICE to it, then add that data too.
16:35.22PenguinIf you put a call to extension 1000, do a DB lookup to see what extension 1000 relates to.  Maybe it is a DEVICE of 00001111FFFF.
16:35.41PenguinThen you go back to the dialplan and execute Dial(SIP/00001111FFFF).
16:36.34PenguinANY and ALL associations between people, the devices people use, and the extensions used to dial those devices must be abstracted by you the programmer.
16:37.56PenguinAny problem with this concept?
16:39.34PenguinDepending on the style of the relational database, you might be able to put all the various associated pieces together in one table.
16:45.14*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
16:59.33Neozonzso whats the point of all that stuff in res_ldap.conf
17:07.08filelooks like it maps fields within LDAP to internal Asterisk configuration options
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17:16.22Neozonzthen couldn't i lookup values against the internal asterisk config options?
17:16.49Neozonzhow exactly does it map it...
17:16.57Neozonzbecause i seem to be missing the peer name for any entry it maps
17:32.29boratynskikamilQuestion, is it possible to specify notification for call? I mean, if connection comes from CARD1 it shows number + [CARD1]?
17:37.23navaismooverride the callerid name
17:37.39boratynskikamilnavaismo: As I thought. Thanks a lot.
17:40.36*** join/#asterisk Warp4 (
17:40.45Warp4man i havent been in this channel in quite some time
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17:42.08Warp4hi all.  I have an issue with digium switchvox where when employees are termed and new phone extensions are put into the system to replace them, call reporting is not working with the new extensions.  However, with the legacy extensions the call reporting is working fine.
17:43.47Warp4Basically wanting to see which numbers are going to what extension when searched by caller ID.  To reiterate, this is working fine with older extension put in place when the phone system was installed, but not when new extensions are added.
17:48.05[TK]D-Fender[12:16]Neozonzthen couldn't i lookup values against the internal asterisk config options? <- you could... you have to DO this a a DIALPLAN STEP.
17:48.32Neozonzany examples anywhere regarding this? ^
17:48.43[TK]D-FenderWarp4: Switchvox is unable to be supported here as it is a closed solution.
17:48.51[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: Already given to you
17:49.07[TK]D-FenderNeozonz: the BOOK, and the application & function lists.
17:51.11PenguinI'll give you an example using the built-in asterisk DB.
17:52.07Penguinsame  => n,Set(DEVICE=${EVAL(${DB(phones/${EXTEN}/device)})});
17:52.58PenguinThat performs the lookup in the DB.  The value in the DB is set to variable ${DEVICE}.
17:53.18Penguinsame  => n,Dial(${DEVICE},26,rx);
17:53.27PenguinThat performs the Dial to the device.
17:54.07PenguinThis has nothing to do with LDAP, though, so don't think you can paste my code into your dial plan and make it to LDAP lookups.
17:54.17[TK]D-Fenderthat is for AstDB.  that isn't a lookup into the one he wants to use
17:54.51*** join/#asterisk koffel (
17:55.35PenguinFully aware.
17:55.38Penguin(1151.11) <Penguin> I'll give you an example using the built-in asterisk DB.
17:56.23koffelanyone here can help me with asterisk 1.8 and a polycom ip 320 phone?
17:56.49koffeli can not get this phone to register to asterisk no matter what i do
17:57.34PenguinI already disclaimed knowing how to integrate LDAP into asterisk dialplan.  Concepts I'm okay with, my doing it is a different story.
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18:22.49boratynskikamilQuestion. What if I would like to store recordings in directory tree incoming/year-month/day? Will Asterisk create a directory tre on his on or I should execute my own, written script?
18:29.08[TK]D-FenderWhat recordings?  Made how?
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18:30.31protocoldougWith MixMonitor() it will create the directory at least in my test with 11.6-certified
18:30.35protocoldougboratynskikamil: ^^
18:31.03protocoldougI did a MixMonitor(/tmp/directorydidntexist/foo.ulaw) and it created the dir /tmp/directorydidntexist
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18:34.30boratynskikamil[TK]D-Fender: MixMonitor.
18:35.48Penguinprotocoldoug: What if you have several directories deep that do not exist?  /tmp/another/directory/that/doesnt/exist/foo.ulaw
18:36.55elcontrastadorI'm trying to get pickup groups working with no luck. I'd like x3980 to be able to pickup x3910 and x3920. Can someone see anything wrong here?
18:37.21boratynskikamilPenguin: Interesting question. Is it any suggestion? Won't it work properly?
18:37.33*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:41.25Penguinelcontrastador: I don't know what that channel setting is for, but phones ces-admin-3910, ces-admin-3920, and ces-admin-3980 are all in the same callgroup and pickup group.  That means that a call to any of the three devices can be picked up by any of the other devices.
18:42.50elcontrastadorThe channel settings are out of desperation! :-) I understood that this should be working with just the shown sip config and pickupexten shown in the features.conf. It is not.
18:43.25elcontrastadorAsterisk 11.6.0
18:43.36PenguinAdding non-existent settings to phone entries won't make it start working.  Is that channel setting something new in 11?
18:45.04*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
18:45.09PenguinI don't see anything there about adding a channel setting to a device in sip.conf.
18:46.26navaismokoffel, what is the issue, did you see in the cli the registration attempts
18:49.05elcontrastadorPenguin: I read that channel setting somewhere. I removed it, reloaded sip, and can't pickup but will play the beeperror. Should the sip entries callgroup and pickupgroup be all that's necessary for this to work?
18:49.42*** join/#asterisk jansiva (~janaki@
18:51.15PenguinThe callgroup to set the group that the device is in, the pickupgroup to set which groups a device can pickup, and either the Pickup() application or pickup feature...
18:52.11elcontrastadorThe pickupexten feature shown should work the way it's configured then.
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18:52.37PenguinDid you fully restart asterisk after making changes to features.conf?
18:53.01elcontrastadorno just did 'reload features'
18:53.41PenguinIf possible, restart asterisk fully and check for new results.
18:54.33elcontrastadorscrew 'em...just restarted it :-) I've gotta get this working.
18:55.06PenguinI like core restart gracefully for times like that.
18:55.16elcontrastadorsame results
18:55.40PenguinI guess it's time to look at the debug.
18:55.52elcontrastadorok...1 sec
18:56.22elcontrastadorlet me pipe output to filter out all this damn dpma crap
18:57.14PenguinI used to use pickup groups in 1.4, but I don't know if I ever did in 1.8, and I haven't used 11 yet.
19:01.09*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:03.52elcontrastadorI don't see much there...debug 7, verbose 7
19:06.18PenguinI don't see where you dialed *8 to pickup any ringing channels.
19:09.05elcontrastadorcalled from outside line, picked up 3980 and dialed *8, played beeperr (shown in log)
19:10.05elcontrastadorline 41 only thing that shows anything related to pickup as far as I can see
19:10.11PenguinI do see where that file played.  Are you willing to try using the other method to pickup?
19:10.23elcontrastadoryes, anything
19:10.47*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
19:11.03PenguinDisable the pickup stuff in features.conf and add a new extension to run the pickup apps.
19:12.03elcontrastadorexten  => *8,1,Pickup(3910) ?
19:12.42elcontrastadorI've tried this with no extension...should work to pickup calls in your pickupgroup and didn't work
19:12.57PenguinI wouldn't do that.  I would base it on channels not extensions.
19:13.40elcontrastadorcould you please give me an example?
19:14.44PenguinYou can use the Pickup() application to pick up channels based on a special variable set to channels, or you can use PickupChan() to pick up based on the device.
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19:16.46PenguinIf you use PickupChan(), you'll have to programmatically determine which device's channel to pick up prior to execution of the application.
19:17.23PenguinBut after looking at the Pickup() application, you may not need to specify any data at all for it.  Try *8,1,Pickup() and nothing else in it.
19:17.56PenguinIf I am reading this correctly, Pickup() will use the group you set for the devices in sip.conf.
19:18.11elcontrastadoryes, that's what i thought
19:18.14elcontrastadori will try again now
19:18.22Penguin1) If no <extension> targets are specified, the application will pickup a
19:18.22Penguinchannel matching the pickup group of the requesting channel.
19:19.05elcontrastadorfast busy
19:19.06elcontrastadorfor Notify User ces-admin-3910 (queued)
19:19.21Penguinyou're okay
19:19.42PenguinSo your other devices are set to group 1.  If your phone is in pickupgroup 1, it should pick up a call to any other device in group 1.
19:21.25PenguinOption 2 is the way I mentioned already, with the special variable.
19:22.15PenguinYou can Set(PICKUPMARK=${EXTEN}) before the Dial() in that extension that is ringing the two phones.
19:24.41PenguinIf that was extension 3000, you can make *8 execute Pickup(3000@PICKUPMARK).
19:25.34*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
19:25.36PenguinOh, you probably didn't try Pickup(3000) earlier.
19:26.13elcontrastadorno, i did not try pickup 3000
19:26.31PenguinI didn't see anything execute extension 3910.
19:26.42PenguinThat's why Pickup(3910) wouldn't do anything.
19:27.13PenguinExtension 3910 probably doesn't exist (from an active channel standpoint).
19:27.34elcontrastadortried Pickup(3000) busy
19:28.04PenguinTry setting the pickup mark in extension 3000 right before the Dial().  Then Pickup(3000@PICKUPMARK).
19:28.05*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (~darkdrgn2@
19:28.07darkdrgn2kHi all
19:28.16elcontrastadory...doing that now
19:28.18PenguinAfter that, I'm out of options.
19:28.28darkdrgn2kany one know if there is a way to stablizie the clock drift in esxi ?
19:28.30PenguinThose are the only ways I know how to pick up.
19:28.48darkdrgn2kvoipmonitor is doing wierd thing when crunching sip data
19:28.56elcontrastadordamn...same thing
19:29.18PenguinSomething's missing.  I'm not seeing why this failure exists.
19:29.28Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: Sync against NTP servers on the ESXi hosts.
19:29.54elcontrastadoryou'd think they're be more in the logs
19:30.52darkdrgn2k<Chainsaw: i dont mean CLOCK CLOCK i mean <Chainsaw>
19:31.07darkdrgn2kor /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource even
19:31.36ChainsawSyntax error.
19:34.13darkdrgn2kChainsaw:  i dont mean CLOCK CLOCK i mean /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource
19:34.57*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
19:34.59Chainsawdarkdrgn2k: It remains important to NTP-sync the ESXi host. If you do not, expect the VMs to drift like nobodies business.
19:37.16*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
19:38.11elcontrastadorPenguin: changed exten to *88 and got it working with Pickup(3000)
19:39.00elcontrastador*8 doesn't even show up in the log outside of the beeperr
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19:39.36elcontrastadori'm thinking this may be some dpma interaction as it does work with the features.conf for parking, etc
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20:40.32elcontrastadorpenguin: can you explain this?
20:41.33elcontrastadorI can pickup extension 3000 which dials 3910&3920. Can't pickup 3910 from 3920...
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21:26.59kruftindustriesWould anyone happen to know how to keep the calling line open after the dialed party hangs up with Dial()?
21:27.17WIMPycore show application dial
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21:27.59MaliutaLapdon't call hangup() straight after dial()
21:28.12kruftindustriesI don't have it in there, I have a goto
21:28.20WIMPyMaliutaLap: That doesn't work.
21:28.39WIMPyYou have to tell Dial to continue.
21:28.48MaliutaLapWIMPy: if the next thing after dial() was - let's say - playback() ...
21:28.53WIMPyBy default it ends the calling channel as well.
21:29.10MaliutaLapthe line would stay open - just not connected to the dialed party
21:29.24*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
21:29.59kruftindustriesI have same => n,Dial(${number}) same => n,Goto(101-campaign,1,1)
21:30.24kruftindustriesIt closes the channel when the called party hangs up
21:30.48WIMPyThat's what I said.
21:31.04kruftindustriesI didn't see your reply, sorry
21:31.30kruftindustriesSo, I'm assuming there's a flag I have to set
21:31.44kruftindustriesI'm looking through core show application dial
21:31.48WIMPyThat's also something I just said.
21:31.56WIMPyAnd again.
21:33.30*** join/#asterisk julgr (~julgr@
21:33.57kruftindustriesI know you did
21:34.06kruftindustriesI only said I was reading it looking
21:34.43kruftindustriesIt only has options for doing things with the called party after the caller hangs up, not the other way around
21:35.09WIMPyThat's ok. Others take half an hor or even a full one to find out what I told them immediately.
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21:35.38WIMPyYou must have missed it.
21:35.44navaismolike: wimpy i cant have queue_log in a file and in the db :(
21:36.17kruftindustriesOk the only thing I see that is remotely close to what I need is the macro CONTINUE
21:36.49navaismoare you using option M? I guess you need option g or was G
21:37.45WIMPyNothing more. Nothing less.
21:37.52*** join/#asterisk lanning (
21:39.04kruftindustriesDear gosh
21:39.08kruftindustriesIt's all so simple
21:39.23kruftindustriesHow did I miss that lol
21:39.30kruftindustriesOr WIMPy's replies
21:39.36navaismoall reduces to READ
21:39.39kruftindustriesYes yes,
21:39.49navaismohappens a lot
21:40.10kruftindustriesI've never had to do that before
21:40.10WIMPyUnfortunatly most Asterisk things aren't remotely as easy as that one.
21:40.14kruftindustriesThanks for pointers lol
21:40.27WIMPyYou never had to read? *eg*
21:40.42kruftindustriesYeah it took me a while to figure out how to use values form the DBPut
21:41.01WIMPyStill simple.
21:41.13kruftindustriesYeah you have to use set
21:41.56kruftindustriesAt least agi is easy
21:41.57WIMPyBut I have no freaking idea what the funny things dahdi is doing to me are meant to tell me :-(
21:42.45kruftindustriesso, why did they take out chan_usbradio and other ham radio related stuff?
21:43.11WIMPyProbably because noone kept them compatible to newer versions.
21:44.01WIMPyJust like chan_capi is (or was) unavailable for current versions.
21:44.15*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
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21:45.08elcontrastadorI am struggling like heck with simple call pickups. Can someone please take a look at this?
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21:46.04gustoPenguin: hi
21:46.06gustoWIMPy: hi
21:46.17gustoWIMPy: are you making progress with your ISDN card?
21:46.28WIMPyNo :-(
21:46.41*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
21:49.01WIMPyAnd I have orders for two more boxes and no good source for cards :-(
22:00.40*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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22:16.20rekrulSo I'm having a bit of trouble connecting to google voice, I keep getting the following error message: Unable to add Google ICE candidates as ICE support not available or no candidates available.  I have enabled icesupport in rtp.conf
22:16.30rekrulI don't understand what the issue is
22:17.02paulcnot sure about ICE references.. but isn't Google Voice going away in a few months?
22:17.31WIMPyThat's what they say.
22:22.04rekrulWho is saying google voice is going away?
22:26.15file and chan_motif uses the XMPP support
22:36.40*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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22:41.26smkellyfile file file file
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22:42.18filesmkelly, hi hi hi
22:42.22filesmkelly, tacos
22:42.55smkellyI need an adult!
22:43.08filesmkelly, well then don't go to vish
22:43.15smkellywatches file show up on an episode of To Catch a Canadian
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22:54.32fornaxhi, still someone here who can give me a hint concerning a dahdi sound problem?
22:58.04Kobazi gots a drive dieing
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23:34.59mattwj2002hi all
23:42.20*** join/#asterisk Bonte (
23:43.05BonteHas anyone ever gotten the chat/messaging function of a SIP client to work through Asterisk? Namely Zoiper (Android app)
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23:45.24mattwj2002hi Bonte
23:46.21[TK]D-FenderBonte: * is capable of processing SIP MESSAGE events.
23:47.38SpeedEvilDo SIP providers typically gateway SMSs to SIP message?
23:47.48Bonte[TK]D-Fender, yeah I thought so.. I think Zoiper isn't following the specs correctly
23:48.07[TK]D-FenderBonte: got backup for that?
23:48.09BonteEvery time a message hits *, it complains
23:48.16[TK]D-FenderBonte: Show us
23:48.21infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:51.24BonteError on line 21 & 22
23:53.09[TK]D-Fender[Feb 26 18:49:24] WARNING[22895][C-00000000]: app_dial.c:2435 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 58 - Bearer capability not available)
23:53.26[TK]D-Fenderapp_dial is being called... this means you are processing DIALPLAN... and clearly not looking at the verbose of it
23:53.39[TK]D-FenderYou are processing this like a voice call..
23:53.46[TK]D-Fendercor set verbose 10
23:53.48BonteAh, that won't work

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