IRC log for #asterisk on 20140221

00:08.31volga629is possible set one var in dialplan with multiply values
00:09.07[TK]D-Fenderas in?
00:09.25volga629exten => _X.,n,Set(PEER_GRP=${DB(AMPUSER/${PEER_D}/device)})
00:09.28volga629exten => _X.,n(found),Set(PEER_GRP=${DB(AMPUSER/${EXTEN}/device)})
00:09.42volga629like if statement
00:10.23volga629if something set var and else set same but different value
00:11.09volga629here it processing both
00:13.03[TK]D-FenderYou're overwriting obviously...
00:13.07[TK]D-Fenderwhat would you do that?
00:13.20[TK]D-FenderWhy not get the other DB value into ANOTHER variable?
00:13.30[TK]D-FenderDo you ahve any idea what you're doing?
00:14.46volga629I am testing if it is mobile extension or local
00:15.39volga629mobile extension is 5 digits and local 3 based on this I am setting var for while loop
00:16.29[TK]D-Fendervolga629: paste the ENTIRE extension
00:16.38[TK]D-Fendernot some broken middle piece only
00:17.00[TK]D-Fenderno need really
00:17.20[TK]D-FenderBecause I can already see you aren't paying attention
00:17.42[TK]D-Fenderexten => _X.,n,GotoIf($["${LEN(${PEER_F})}" = "5"]?look:found) <- here you just if it's found and do your "set"
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00:18.02[TK]D-Fenderexten => _X.,n(found),Set(PEER_GRP=${DB(AMPUSER/${EXTEN}/device)}) <- this is where it goes if found
00:18.15[TK]D-Fenderif it is NOT found.... it calls exten => _X.,n,Set(PEER_GRP=${DB(AMPUSER/${PEER_D}/device)})
00:18.23[TK]D-Fenderand tehn CONTINUES to the next set
00:18.26[TK]D-FenderYOU didn't stop it
00:19.06volga629or I see that make sense so instead found set the var and leave look
00:19.23[TK]D-Fenderyou let one roll right through
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00:41.40volga629thank you for help it working right now
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00:47.26volga629Do you know if MessageSend should accept sip:101&10101
00:47.47[TK]D-Fenderof course not
00:47.51[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "multiple"
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01:01.02volga629xmpp account changing state " On the phone " as expected, but SIP SIMPLE how need set state if user on the phone ?
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01:08.27volga629I am asking about device state through SIP SIMPLE
01:09.23[TK]D-Fender* doesn't poll SIMPLE
01:09.46[TK]D-FenderIf you want to know if a device is used on a call, * can only monitor calls & peers it manages
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01:09.55[TK]D-FenderAnd that has nothing to do with SIMPLE
01:12.44volga629I see
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01:33.43SupaYoshiHi i was looking for some advice on using a SIP client, (my android device) as a SIP client outside of my LAN.
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01:34.25SupaYoshiI have a strong password / secret for the sip client. However I have a NAT, and have port 5060 open for SIP traffic to my PBX.
01:34.40SupaYoshiHowever, I cant register to asterisk server, and even so. I was thinking, I also have a VPN server
01:34.55SupaYoshiwould it be advised to only let SIP clients connect through VPN or the local LAN?
01:34.58SupaYoshiTo improve security?
01:35.22SupaYoshiOr is it okay to connect phones over the internet? I mean I don't believe my calls would need to be encrypted.
01:35.34SupaYoshiBut having registration attempts from the internet doesn't sound so secure?
01:35.58SupaYoshiI don't know please shoot me with some tips / do's don'ts, :D
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02:03.58newtonrSupaYoshi, If you can setup your SIP clients over VPN and LAN only, then that is preferable
02:04.18newtonrSupaYoshi, other than that doc, look at the permit,deny,acl options in sip.conf
02:04.59newtonrsee the tips right at the top of sip.conf sample file as well
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05:37.02*** join/#asterisk Grogdor (~grogdor@freebsd/lover/grogdor)
05:37.47Grogdorhi, this is not really asterisk-related but im wondering if you can enlighten me...
05:38.07Grogdorive got an ht702 adapter doohickey logged into two extensions with callcentric
05:38.32Grogdorand im seeing a constant 7Kbps of traffic from it, is that normal? what's it doing?
05:39.02Grogdorthe adapter has like 40,000 advanced options that i dont understand, just followed the callcentric config guide
05:41.04[TK]D-FenderShould use that BW without a channel being up.\
05:41.10[TK]D-FenderCheck your firewall
05:44.23Grogdorshould or shouldnt?
05:45.47[TK]D-Fendercan't type tonight..
05:48.45Grogdorthat. constantly.
05:50.29[TK]D-Fenderdump that actual packets
05:53.51Grogdorthat's all it is, looks like a binding request/response for STUN to get thru my NAT
05:54.11Grogdorwhich is... slightly excessive... but gives me some idea of wher eto start fixing it
05:55.44[TK]D-FenderShould the revelation that the problem is stun.. be a surprise? </pun>
05:56.17Grogdorhaha. not one bit, already suspected it ;) since i hadnt setup the nat redirect on this new firewall
05:57.30[TK]D-Fenderyou generally don't need one.
05:58.00[TK]D-Fendereven a modest nat keep-alive is practically nothing... like a packet every 30 seconds or so just to keep it going
05:58.30Grogdorhm, you're right, it's commented out in my old rules
05:58.33Grogdorso why the hell
05:58.45Grogdoroh right.. was trying to fix something that i broke..
05:59.58Grogdorstun is off, stun server isnt set, keepalive is 20sec.. dafuq
06:00.36Grogdoroh, it's set per port as 'keep-alive'
06:02.00Grogdorwell this'll be fun. thanks!
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10:53.19As001hello, what is the proper way to diagnose real packet loss in sip+rtp communication with mtr ? I am using it like this mtr -i 0.02 -s 200 -c 1000 ipaddress, Is interval of 0.02 and size of 200 ok to sumulate voip traffic which use alaw codec ?
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13:00.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:15.47justaHey there.
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13:27.03anonymouz666still searching for a way to debug audio problems with chan_dahdi
13:30.24justaI've got a PIAF/Incredible PBX running on a PI; worked fine from YATE.. But i have issues with CSipSimple. 488-not-accepted-here issues whatever I try to call any of the 'feature codes' like voicemail, echo, time-of-day, etc. Checking to see what might be wrong, I see that in 'sip show settings', there's gsm,pcmu and speex available. In CsipSimple those are now the only codecs i've configured; all at 8Khz (though i've had them as high as 16 and 32khz ...
13:30.30justa... too). No matter what I do, the asterisk-server reports a "SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here" and destroys the sip-session.
13:31.19justai have set 'sip set debug on' to watch what goes on concerning SIP and Asterisk<-->CSipSimple; but is there a way to see *why* asterisk decides there's no compatibility of codecs possible ?
13:31.27justa(another debug channel i can set ?)
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13:46.51justaweird shit..
13:47.00justaJust now tried with 'sipdroid' and it works on the first try
13:48.36kaldemarjusta: sip debug and configs for the matching device in sip.conf
13:48.54kaldemaror some other place where piaf stuffs the configs.
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13:53.42justakaldemar: thanks. I think i'll check the SipDroid codec-list and see if I can get CSipSimple to match.
13:53.56P-NuTHi all, Can anyone tell me how to verifiy the users connecting to asterisk via TLS?
13:54.28P-NuTI have investigated the tlsverifyclient=yes method in asterisk 1.8, but it doesn't appear to make a blind bit of difference
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14:02.31justakaldemar: the main difference I seem to experiencing is that in 'sip debug', with 'sipdroid' i get a 'capabilities' line to show which codecs match between both parties. With CSipSimple, this never seems to happen; not even a 'no match' or anything
14:04.21kaldemarthere should be a difference in the invites.
14:06.48justaack. It's what I'm concentrating on now.
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14:22.41tulgawhat is different conf-adminmenu and conf-adminmenu-162 and conf-adminmenu-18 files?
14:27.57[TK]D-Fendertulga: confbridge changed a lot from 1.6 to 1.8, and again a lot goign to 10, then again for 11
14:28.51tulga[TK]D-Fender: now I have version. what audio file used?
14:29.04[TK]D-Fenderthat is not an Asterisk version
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14:29.25tulga[TK]D-Fender: yes, it is conference module version. asterisk 11.7
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14:29.50[TK]D-Fenderthat is FREEPBX which means nothing here
14:30.07[TK]D-FenderAsterisk 11.7 is not 1.6 and it is not 1.8
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14:48.08Kobazi have a fun question
14:48.40Kobaznot really specificly an asterisk one, but i wonder if there's a way to get a core file from asterisk, without actually killing asterisk, and without interupting it either
14:48.45Kobazso no kill -sigquit
14:48.49Kobazand no gdb
14:49.06Kobazwell, no gdb process attach leaving it paused
14:51.29Kobazoh cool, found it
14:51.37Kobazyay google
14:54.18blitzrageKobaz: oh nice
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14:57.04Kobazyou still attach, but it's quick
14:57.14Kobazso it should be minimal pausing of the running app
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15:24.32anonymouz666sruffell: is there a way to look for incoming audio in DAHDI channels? I've got some "mute calls" from telco, I want to "prove" that telco doesn't send any audio at all. at signalling level I don't have any problem
15:25.07anonymouz666I was looking for dahdi_pcap but it was designed for SS7 links?
15:26.48BeachBallanyone use twilio ?
15:29.23sruffellyeah, dahdi-pcap is for hdlc / d-channels.  You will need to use dahdi_monitor in order to record the audio from the cards.
15:29.52sruffellYou will need to figure out which b-channel is used for the call, and then run dahdi_monitor on that channel.
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15:32.13anonymouz666I need to open 30 SSH sessions and run 30 times dahdi_monitor then :P
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15:33.31anonymouz666OK, a shell script can help me on that :-)
15:34.14sruffellheh..yeah…one ssh session and a "for chan in {1..15} {17..30}; do dahdi_monitor $chan -r /tmp/chan-${chan}.raw &; done
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15:35.31sruffellor something like that…I see I put an extra ';' in there.
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16:48.29workingcatssruffell, looks like the right amount of ; to me, where's the spare one?
16:48.41sruffellafter the '&'
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17:02.40justdavesure is confusing trying to update dahdi on a rhel5 system using digium's official repos
17:02.56justdavenewest version of kmod-dahdi-linux is for an older kernel
17:03.07justdaveand the second-newest kmod-dahdi-linux is for the current kernel
17:03.28justdaveso yum tries and fails to downgrade your kernel if you just let it grab the newest version
17:03.58justdavehad to manually install the second-newest one that matched the new kernel and then exclude it from the yum update
17:04.53justdavelikes the rhel6 packages better, that use dkms, so you don't have to worry about matching a kernel anymore
17:05.20justdaveand hopefully soon I'll be rid of these rhel5 boxes
17:06.05justdaveon of them goes away in 3 weeks, the other goes away whenever someone figured out how to ship a new box to China and find someone there that knows how to set it up :)
17:07.16navaismohint: use the sources
17:07.27justdavenot allowed to
17:07.29justdaveopsec won't let me
17:07.42navaismotoo bad
17:07.56justdavewell, I could build my own RPMs, but it has to be rpm to go on the box
17:09.27justdavemainly in order to not have any build tools on the production boxes
17:12.28justdaveI used to do all the asterisk stuff from source before we had that rule, many years ago :)
17:25.56Kobaz-rw------- 1 pbx  pbx  3.0G Jun 13  2012 6139.1339630372.asterisk.core
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17:51.31dinglehello, i am just starting out using asterisk. what is a good provider to use?
17:52.27workingcatsdingle, you mean to make calls into the normal phone networks?
17:52.41workingcatsmight help to tell us where you are then ;)
17:52.45dinglethe one i was looking at begins with a V
17:52.48dinglei am in USA
17:52.57justdavehome or business?
17:53.01dingleit costs $7.95 a month
17:53.07dinglehome for now, then business
17:53.59justdaveI use Broadvoice for my home connection.  We use Level 3, Wiline, and OnSIP at work.
17:54.20justdaveLevel 3 and Wiline are enterprise-level stuff, OnSIP has good small-business stuff (and home stuff too)
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17:54.47justdaveLevel 3 also sucks if you want anything done in a timely manner.
17:55.09justdavethey're one of those "ok, let's take 2 weeks to do this paperwork, and then we'll have your login creds for the SIP trunk ready in a month or so" places.
17:55.29workingcatsjustdave, lol :D
17:55.38dingleonsip seems like too much
17:55.55dingleman, i wish i could remember the name of this provider
17:56.32justdavenot Vonage is it?
17:56.41justdave(don't use Vonage :)
17:58.25dinglea friend of mine used vonage, it was total junk
17:58.31mmikeymcan 911 typically tell if your caller ID is spoofed?
17:58.42dingleits not voiceplus
17:59.24justdavewe had a problem with call capacity during conference calls on our Level 3 line (it was limited to 24 concurrent calls).  It took me 2.5 months to get them to set up a failover so it would deliver that number to one of our other offices when it ran out of slots in that one.
17:59.56dingleit had the ability to send sms
18:00.33dingleand of course i cant find it in my history
18:00.38justdavemmikeym: not quite sure how it works in the VoIP world, but I know on landlines 911 doesn't use CallerID at all, they get the E911 data related to the subscriber from the phone company separately
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18:01.21justdaveI think for most VoIP providers it's the same, which is why most of them have you configure the E911 separately after you sign up
18:01.24mmikeymjustdave: yeah right now with my voip I just have the caller ID set to my physical landline which I thought would be enough for 911 service but I'm not so sure...I suppose I should setup E911 with VoIP just in case
18:01.38dinglefound it, its vitelity
18:02.01justdavemmikeym: if they don't say they offer E911, 911 might not even work.
18:02.16justdaveI'm pretty sure if they give you a real phone number they're required to provide it now though.
18:02.48mmikeymjustdave my voip provider does offer E911 but I never set it up...we still have a physical line coming into the builiding from a POTS provider so I figured using that caller ID would provide the address if we made an outbound 911 call
18:02.58justdaveusually you have to fill out extra stuff on your billing portal to set it up after you subscribe though (to verify your physical location that'll be reported when you call)
18:03.06dinglei got a fairly nice phone to use, its a cisco 7965
18:03.13justdavealso, most VoIP providers nowadays won't let you fake your callerID anymore
18:03.42justdaveexcept for the ones that like to make money off the scammers that don't want to get caught :)
18:03.47mmikeymwe set the caller ID through asterisk and it seems to pass through just fine
18:03.58justdavelike "Rachel from Card Services"
18:04.02dingledoes anyone use vitelity?
18:04.38workingcatsjustdave, depends on type of contract, too
18:05.17workingcatsor it can at least
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18:05.31justdaveyeah, I've seen it allowed for businesses so they can use the "find me/follow me" stuff to forward calls to a cell phone and still have the original caller's callerID on it.
18:05.55workingcatsa normal home "line" should have the ID enforced by the provider, but for certain business types at least it makes sense to permit the customer to set the id
18:06.32[TK]D-Fenderdingle: Vitelity?
18:06.41[TK]D-Fendernm, just scrolled up
18:07.06dingleyes sir
18:07.25dingleis it any good? or are there cheaper/better ones out there?
18:07.25mmikeymmost wholesale voip providers still allow you to set the caller ID though I thought?
18:08.10workingcatsmmikeym, i think i can set anything on both of ours
18:08.18*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@nat/digium/x-gjmnplfageeobris)
18:09.41dingleare there any providers that allow unlimited usa continental in/out bound calls?
18:10.15*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
18:17.02mmikeymthe usual stipulation is that its for home use only though...the unlimited lines I've seen
18:17.10dinglewould you please direct me to a couple?
18:17.41[TK]D-FenderHow much do you really expect to be calling?
18:18.01dingle1000 minutes a month
18:18.18mmikeymI use fairly happy with them..I think when you buy a DID they have an unlimited option but I never use it since per minute is so cheap anyway
18:18.38[TK]D-Fendermight not be worth it...I get rates easily towards $0.01/min .. that's $10.....
18:18.54dinglewhere at?
18:18.59[TK]D-FenderShop around
18:19.06infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
18:20.51dinglei am trying to shop around, i am just asking for services people use o0n a regular basis
18:21.11dingleso i dont end up with something i hate
18:24.37[TK]D-Fendercome back with 2-3 and we'll vet them
18:25.14BeachBallhow much member does my box need per call?
18:25.36BeachBallhaha i started to think, but i stopped
18:26.32navaismodepends what you do, there is no rule you must check againt your current arch by using top, free and others tools
18:29.06dinglei maxed mine out to 2gb ram
18:33.22*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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18:42.10dinglei need a floppy drive and disk
18:52.48*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
18:52.57dinglei believe teliax or voicepluse will suit my needs
18:53.17dingleanyone use either of these services?
19:07.25BeachBallhow can i test my pbx box for it's max connections?
19:07.51BeachBallwho wants to call BeachBall ?
19:07.53Penguinfor it is max connections?
19:08.46dingleBeachBall: i will help
19:09.26[TK]D-Fenderfires up Qwell's chan_skinny botnet and prepares to target BeachBall's server
19:11.17dinglewould someone kindly tell me which provider is better? teliax or voicepulse
19:12.11PenguinWhat is your definition of better?
19:12.58*** join/#asterisk carrar (
19:13.11dinglequality, support, features, pricing
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19:20.13dinglei guess i get no love here :/
19:20.31dinglehi kleszcz
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19:22.14ghost75can be seen in log if it is t.38 ?
19:26.44[TK]D-Fenderghost75: You clearly aren't bothing to look at SIP DEBUG at all....
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19:46.10dingleghost75: what provider do you use?
19:46.27ghost75see log
19:49.51*** join/#asterisk vomit (~Unknown@unaffiliated/vomit)
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19:57.13vomitHello! I have a question in regards to Cisco-CP7940G firmware updating. Currently P0S3-06-3-00 and want to update to P0S3-07-0-00. According to Cisco site, it is allowed and I am doing this correctly although the issue is where the phone is requesting P0S3-07-0-00.sbn where the P0S3-07-3-00 doesn't have a .sbn file. I only have .sb2 and .loads as well as for P0S3-07-1-00 any any higher. Any suggestions? Any input is appreciated!
20:06.51*** join/#asterisk Katty (
20:06.57Kattyinfobot: seen hmmhesays
20:07.05infoboti haven't seen 'hmmhesays', Katty
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20:13.13leifmadsennot enough m's? :)
20:15.35*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
20:21.47dinglehi Penguin
20:21.58dinglei remember you from #linux
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20:51.35BeachBallcan i call into asterisk with a video conference unit and use it like a bridge?
21:12.17[TK]D-Fenderyes as long as all sides use the same codec and * supports it in passthrough
21:12.36[TK]D-FenderThe is no mixing and there is no transcoding.
21:12.42PenguinHe's not here.
21:12.52[TK]D-FenderThat too
21:13.03[TK]D-FenderWaited a whole 5 minutes too
21:13.26PenguinI heard that time is money...
21:13.46PenguinI guess that's right.  I use up all my time and I have no money.
21:16.01Kobazand girls = -time + -money
21:18.09Kobazso life = -time + money - girls       which means life = -time + money + -time + -money, which reduces down to life = -2xtime and no money
21:26.39[TK]D-FenderAnd.... checkout time, heading out....
21:26.55navaismoseriously nobody in the USA knows "Beakman's World"???
21:27.30Kobaztranscoding video realtime is going to be fun thing for future asterisk
21:30.32*** join/#asterisk issackelly (sid18035@gateway/web/
21:32.09pabelangerwound't want asterisk to handle it
21:32.20pabelangermaybe something external, but not asterisk
21:32.49issackellyIs there any way I can have different timeouts with the beginning and end of record?
21:32.50issackellyLike, I want to wait for up to 30 seconds before someone starts talking, but once they stop, I don't want to wait for another 10 seconds of silence to end the recording. I thought I could maybe place a BackgroundDetect before a Record function, but that seems like it would cut off the first part of what they say.
21:32.55Kobazwhat's wrong with having asterisk do it... it does audio transcoding
21:34.20Kobazmore cores? :)
21:34.37*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-nyklpydsqlcoahsh)
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21:35.02pabelangerTry, but why build it into asterisk when you could possibly leverage something external.
21:35.16pabelangernot saying it exists, but think RTPProxy but for video
21:35.36Kobazwell yeah if you can use an already-built system, by all means
21:35.49Kobazi wasn't even talking about building one from scratch, there's plenty of libraries and tools
21:38.25*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-rxpbththeibzvyot)
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22:02.09darkdrgn2k3are tehre any big disadvantages doign VOIP over openVPN is i QOS th openVPN traffic
22:24.35PenguinAgain, in English?
22:27.20PenguinI was with you where you asked if there are any big disadvantages to using VoIP over a VPN, but you lost me immediately after that.
22:27.57*** join/#asterisk TechSmurf (~jdaniel@unaffiliated/techsmurf)
22:34.04Kobazdarkbasic: any little bit of jitter on the low level transport is going to be bad for the inner vpn traffic
22:34.20Kobazin general it's okay, but if you have packet delivery issues, you'll really notice it
22:35.01WIMPyHow does using a VPN make a difference on that topic?
22:35.36PenguinYou have to consider it.
22:35.57Nuggetwwhhaatt  ddooeess  aa  jjiitteerrbbuuffffeerr  ddoo??
22:36.08Kobazbecause dropping one vpn packet will drop multiple voip packets inside it
22:36.18Kobazespecially if you're using compression
22:36.35WIMPyThat's now what I see.
22:36.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
22:36.50WIMPyBut I'm not using compression.
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