IRC log for #asterisk on 20140219

00:17.51vader-quick opinion question. We are currently running an older version of Asterisk like 1.2.x... All dial plans have been done by hand, all sip connections, etc. If you had to move to a GUI type interface for configuration what would you recommend? Our enviroment is about 70-100 SIP Phones, Digium TDM2400 and a Digium PRI card... Right now it's easy for me to provision a phone with a cisco config
00:17.52vader-file, and the asterisk settings, etc. But for other people in my department and anyone new we hire they need point and click... Just looking for any suggestions you guys might have.
00:18.19vader-would freepbx be the best option you guys think?
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01:36.33eXcAliBuRhow do i show what sip conf is loaded?
01:36.38eXcAliBuRi tried show sip
01:36.40eXcAliBuRthat didn't work
01:37.23paulctry: sip show peers
01:37.28paulcor sip show registry
01:37.33paulcdepending on what  you're looking for
01:37.45eXcAliBuRi want to see if the include file is loading
01:38.51paulcWhat's in the include file? if it's peers, you should be able to see them in "sip show peers" (I do that, and it works great)
01:39.01eXcAliBuRit's general stuff
01:39.22eXcAliBuRand i don't know if i need to put it with [general] or if it takes that from the main sip.conf
01:40.08paulcI'd lean towards general stuff in [general], and peer-specific stuff in peers, with or without includes (but with is nice for externally generated stuff)
01:40.49paulcI gotta take off, time to go battle traffic.. good luck though!
01:43.16*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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02:04.20[TK]D-Fender[19:18]vader-would freepbx be the best option you guys think? <- yes
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02:59.02eXcAliBuRi'm running freepbx (trying it) fresh install... i get this
02:59.04eXcAliBuR*CLI> reload
02:59.04eXcAliBuRNo such command 'reload'
02:59.10eXcAliBuRnothing seems to work
02:59.56DocfxitIs Penguin awake?
03:00.12eXcAliBuRi think i killed it
03:07.58DocfxitI have an Asterisk box that ran out of room on the hard drive.  I think the asterisk.ctl file has disapeared.  Could I get some help in getting Asterisk up and running?
03:16.25*** part/#asterisk Docfxit (
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03:26.41mnathanihow do I put a dialplan in that recognizes + then country code rather than 011 + country code
03:27.01mnathaniI mean the actual "+" prepended to the number
03:37.31mnathaniI currently get: to extension '+1NNNMMMMMMM' rejected because extension not found in context 'mycontext'.
03:42.50D30hi all
03:43.07D30does channel 1 - 4 represents the FXO?
03:43.13D30good day btw..
03:46.25*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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03:46.54eXcAliBuRis 64bit and less stable than 32 bit installs?
03:55.46leifmadsennot that I've ever experienced
03:55.53leifmadsenif anything, more stable due to ability to use more memory
03:56.01leifmadsen(excluding PAE kernels)
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04:27.17eXcAliBuRthanks senior leifmadsen
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04:57.38mnathaniI am trying to make sense of this forum post:
04:57.46mnathaniwhich file do those commands go in?
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06:01.39[TK]D-Fendermnathani: that post tells you....
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06:14.53vedicCan you tell me if there are any advantages of CRC4 enabling on E1 line?
06:15.09vedicMy operator says he can enable it if requierd. By default, CRC4 is disabled
06:16.50vedicNote that I am trying to use Speech Recognition on Asterisk
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08:05.20BearishSooo, i've got this problem, we are using Asterisk as a SIP gate for our Avaya CM, and we have some incoming calls through SIP which i route to a custom extesnion like 4000@AvayaH323
08:05.25Bearish4000 is our Avaya-based call center number, where a secretary picks up a phone and then transfers the call to its final destination (sales people, for example)
08:06.03BearishThe problem is, i don't see the "final destination" in my CDR logs, and i'd like to
08:06.17BearishIs it possible in any way?
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08:18.43*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (~michaeld@
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08:20.40Blashyrkhi just installed iaxmodem, created peer entries for every modem i configured in iax.conf,
08:20.40Blashyrkhbut when i start iaxmoden they dont connect
08:22.41Blashyrkhwhen i start iaxmodem manually iaxmodem config, i get a Registration timed out
08:27.11mirela666Blashyrkh: andin your iax.conf
08:27.42mirela666calltokenoptional= is it set to
08:28.03mirela666make sure asswords and ports are correct
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08:36.44Blashyrkhpasswords and ports are correct
08:36.53Blashyrkhdo i need to specify the ports in the iax.conf too?
08:37.02Blashyrkhi just did but i doesnt make no difference
08:37.22Blashyrkhcalltokenoptional = should b in there?
08:37.51Blashyrkhthat just removes the need for calltoke for localhost right?
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08:45.31D30hi all what usually the cause of having no audio during calls?
08:45.52D30i can that the call went through but not heard anything including  ringing
08:47.31*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:50.11iulhki have installed asterisk 10.7.0 , does asterisk support instant messaging without integration of openfire or opensips, kamailio?
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09:44.21iulhknobody is there ?
09:44.33iulhki have installed asterisk 10.7.0 , does asterisk support instant messaging without integration of openfire or opensips, kamailio?
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09:57.56Blashyrkhis there some way inside asterisk to see if my iaxmodems are trying to register?
09:58.11Blashyrkhi set iax2 set debug on
09:58.59Blashyrkhand when i do an iax2 reload, shouldnt it show me the extensions asterisk just parsed?
09:59.31Blashyrkhin this case peers
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10:00.45Blashyrkhon another machine with the exact same configuratino but a different asterisk version it tells me
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10:28.08mirela666Blashyrkh: what does iax show peers tells you?
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10:58.17mirela666Hi, VERBOSE[16738] rtp.c:     -- Packet2Packet bridging SIP... is a message that says connecting 2 sides to direct RTP stream?
10:58.58mirela666cause my calls drop after answer and that is the last msg
10:59.40mirela666and endpoints can't reach them selfs directly
11:00.53*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
11:01.10WIMPyCalls drop or you just don't hear anything?
11:01.30mirela666drop in same miisec\
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11:13.10mirela666aha found good info here
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12:55.48wonderworldhi, trying to port an asterisk instance from one machine to another. compiled ast12 on the new machine and copied the config from the old machine. now i get Cannot update type 'bucket' in module 'core' because it has no existing documentation! when staring
12:56.16wonderworldcould this be related to not having made progdocs on the new instance?
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14:03.01devil_evoxxxhi all guy
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14:06.46BeachBallwhats the cheapest toll-free provider by minute? I've seen $0.04 --> to canada
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14:17.49KattyBeachBall: tin can and a string.
14:19.55BeachBalltime to Rrrroll up the rim
14:20.30BeachBalldidn't win :{
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14:29.36devil_evoxxxwhat's the best way to pickup call from queue? I receive calls from my telco provider and send to a queue
14:29.48devil_evoxxxif another phoe, out of the queue want to pickup the call, what's the best way?
14:29.57Kattywith a handset.
14:30.04Kattyyou lift the phone and go, herro!
14:30.14KattyAgent Devil here!
14:31.14WIMPydevil_evoxxx: The opnly option I see is via an external application using AMI.
14:31.36WIMPyThat's the way I pick up calls that have gone to VM.
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14:32.24Kattyhugs sruffell
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14:34.06mirela666devil_evoxxx: you can set up a speed dial button on the phone which will do the AddQueueMember() app
14:35.08[TK]D-FenderOr you could just use the standard PICKUP tools....
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14:36.33WIMPyOh, I see. You don't pick up the call from the queue, but from the agent.
14:36.57WIMPySo it would only work while at least one agent is ringing.
14:38.07WIMPyBut if there is no ringing agent, mirela666s version would work without waiting.
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14:43.17devil_evoxxxWIMPy: there always a ringing agent ( queue with rrmemory strategy)
14:44.14mirela666you can use pickup group for example
14:44.20WIMPyI don't know your situation, but all agents being busy seems likely to me.
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14:47.48devil_evoxxxso i can add group to each sip-configuration in sip.conf in.example callgroup / pickupgroup
14:47.52devil_evoxxxand then pickup?
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14:50.34jsarrelHi all, I am having a difficult time with a dialplan (Asterisk 11).  I am trying to extract a substring out of a string containing quotes.  I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction.  Dialplan snippet:  Log:
14:51.07jsarrelIt seems Asterisk is not recognizing the escaped quotes?
14:51.20jsarrelor rather is interpreting them anyway
14:56.03*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
14:56.26Kattyhugs russellb
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15:08.41leifmadsenjsarrel: you gotta escape the escape probably
15:08.47leifmadsenfor example
15:08.57*** join/#asterisk zoid_ (~awainer@
15:09.25Kattyhow's little leifmadsen jr this morning?
15:09.31leifmadsenKatty: off at the gym :)
15:09.40Kattybit young for cardio?
15:09.42leifmadsenhe was good today, teeth not bothering him too much so far
15:09.47leifmadsenKatty: nah, he loves running now
15:09.52leifmadsenjust a little drunken
15:10.06leifmadsen(wife at the gym, he stays in the play area :))
15:10.09Kattywell i'm glad you're getting him started early
15:10.33Kattysoon the weather will be agreeable with running!
15:10.39leifmadsenI was thinking that today
15:10.43leifmadsenit's been a terrible winter
15:10.50leifmadsenI should really try and get out running this year
15:10.51mirela666Can someone confirm to me with more experiance here
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15:10.55zoid_HI, I'm trying to soft hangup some stuck channels in my asterisk, but the channel denomination used in "sip show channels" is not the same expected in request hangup, is it possible to translate one to another?
15:11.07leifmadsenzoid_: core show channels
15:11.14leifmadsenzoid_: channel request hangup <foo>
15:11.18Kattyleifmadsen: what temp do you usually consider your Bare Minimum for running?
15:11.24leifmadsenKatty: 10C
15:11.25mirela666Packet2Packet bridging from remote end meanse they have directmedai on yes
15:11.43leifmadsenmirela666: not quite... I believe it just means asterisk doesn't have to transcode
15:11.51leifmadsenso doesn't go as far up the stack
15:12.04Kattyleifmadsen: sounds reasonable. mine's about 15C
15:12.16leifmadsenKatty: yea, 10C around here is shorts and t-shirt weather mostly
15:12.27Kattysilly canadians. hehe
15:12.29leifmadsenpeople drive with the top down in the car, with the heat cranked :)
15:12.35leifmadsenKatty: we have to take what we can get :)
15:12.39mirela666you mean codecs and technology are the same
15:12.49Kattyleifmadsen: what temp is Too Hot to run in for you?
15:12.54zoid_leifmadsen: the problem with that, is that core show channels doesn't seems to be showing the stuck channels
15:12.58leifmadsenKatty: I 35C
15:13.04leifmadsenzoid_: then they aren't stuck
15:13.08Kattythat's pretty warm.
15:13.18Kattyare you running in not bot your knickers?!
15:13.22leifmadsenzoid_: stuff in 'sip show channels' with no active calls is perfectly normal
15:13.34mirela666leifmadsen: you mean codecs and technology are the same. But the calls drop after that
15:13.36leifmadsenKatty: yea, 35C I would try to run in a gully surrounded by trees
15:13.43leifmadsenmirela666: that's a different problem then
15:13.47leifmadsensounds like dialplan error
15:13.54Kattyleifmadsen: i stop at about 26C or so
15:13.56zoid_leifmadsen: even hour after? It stays in BYE
15:14.07Kattyleifmadsen: but i probably don't drink as much water as i should
15:14.15leifmadsenok, that's all I got in me today, I got work to do :)
15:14.23leifmadsenKatty: yea on the hot hot days you gotta drink lots of water
15:14.30zoid_leifmadsen:  thanks
15:14.35Kattyshoos leifmadsen back to work
15:14.41leifmadsenKatty: I would also run without a shirt (but that was back when I was fit and people wouldn't puke :))
15:14.47zoid_the real problem I'm having is RTP port exhaustion
15:14.58Kattyi don't think that's much of an option for women.
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15:15.02zoid_and I believe is because of stuck channels
15:15.09leifmadsenKatty: it's an option in Canada
15:15.32leifmadsenliterally... there is a law passed back like... 15 years ago that says women can be topless
15:15.37leifmadsenI have yet to see a topless woman though
15:15.52Kattyi can't imagine why not ;)
15:15.55leifmadsenalthough for running, might be slightly uncomfortable :)
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15:15.59leifmadsenKatty: ikr?!
15:16.07Kattywaves to putnopvut
15:16.48putnopvutwaves back
15:16.57Kattyputnopvut: is today goodly?
15:17.11leifmadsenputnopvut: you missed all the topless woman talk
15:17.21Qwellcan confirm
15:17.29Kattyhugs Qwell
15:17.42putnopvutI learned yesterday that 33 states in the US permit toplessness in public.
15:17.48*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:17.55Kattyputnopvut: i hope missouri ISN'T one of them
15:17.58putnopvutAnd I suppose today is goodly so far.
15:18.01Kattyputnopvut: excellent!
15:18.04Kattyhugs navaismo
15:18.13KattyQwell: how's your ladyfriend?
15:18.48KattyQwell: stuffed full of tasty cajun foods, i hope?
15:18.48QwellKatty: well.  Been training a new puppy.
15:18.57KattyQwell: oooh. a new puppy! :> what kind? and are there photos?
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15:19.01leifmadsentotally read "new puppy" as "her"
15:19.20KattyTIL leifmadsen is a kinkster! :P
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15:19.24navaismohugs Katty
15:19.29Kattynavaismo: how'rechu :>
15:19.36QwellMaybe publicly visible?
15:19.45Qwellmjordan: I blame you.
15:19.52leifmadsenQwell: yea, if you get to the jpg link everything is public
15:19.57leifmadsenstupid facebook
15:20.03KattyQwell: aww.
15:20.28KattyQwell: it's so cute n spotty :>
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15:25.21mjordanQwell: new dog?
15:25.50Qwellmjordan: yar.  Not what I blame you for though.
15:26.09mjordanI'd take the blame for that though. Cute dog.
15:26.27QwellWent to Cajun Cafe this weekend.  It's < 5 minutes from me, across the river.  I'd somehow never heard of it before.
15:27.51navaismoKatty, fine fine
15:28.00Kattynavaismo: excellent :>
15:28.26navaismoand you?
15:28.34Kattyoh just peachy, so far
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15:30.11navaismopeachy like the 3d printer?
15:30.12mjordanQwell: I've driven by, never been; heard good things
15:32.28Kattynavaismo: exactly!
15:32.30Kattyhugs Penguin
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15:44.30*** join/#asterisk Pooh (
15:46.26PoohHi.  I have a question about the pakages at (yes, I know CentOS 5 is old, but it's not my choice to be using that system...)
15:46.50PoohI want to build some modules which are not part of the standard RPMs (but are available in the source)
15:47.12Poohhow can I find out what compile-time options were used to build the binary RPM package?
15:47.28QwellPooh: look at the SRPM
15:47.30Poohif I build my own modules from the SRPMS, and then try to load them into Asterisk, I get:
15:47.59QwellUse the entire package you built, not just a single module.
15:48.11PoohModule XXX was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk
15:48.57Poohhm, isn't it feasible to build the modules I need using the same options as the binary packages I've already installed, and then just drop them in place?
15:49.02*** join/#asterisk Milarepa (
15:49.49PoohI don't know how to find out what compile-time options were used (but this is presumably possible, because Asterisk can tell me they don't match)
15:50.27*** part/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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16:28.11FarkiePooh, I'm using fedora 12 :P
16:28.42Farkieapparently that's because of a similar reason
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16:32.10Poohmaybe I'm naive, but I expected that downloading the SRPM, and using buildrpm on it would generate the same as I get from downloading and installing the binary RPM
16:32.46*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
16:32.55Pooh(provided I get them both from the same repo, of course - in this case
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16:42.37BeachBallthe music on hold is so soothing
16:43.40*** join/#asterisk workingcats (~workingca@
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17:09.10traphwhat are the downsides of installing asterisk from an official distro repository, then compiling it?
17:09.38[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't 2 things to compare so far.
17:09.47[TK]D-Fenderdistro repo = typically binary.
17:09.57[TK]D-Fenderfor which there is no "then compiling it"
17:10.25traphsorry, bad English, I guess
17:11.13[TK]D-FenderIf it's "repo" vs "download source + compile", then there are clear reasons for either
17:11.14traphis it possible for all asterisk's functions to work when installed from a binary package?
17:11.43[TK]D-FenderWhen you get a package, who's to say it was BUILT with all the available functions?
17:11.55traphpackage maintainers
17:12.12[TK]D-FenderPackage maintainers often suck.  HARD.
17:12.26[TK]D-FenderI'd be pretty picky about the source
17:12.55traphwhat about official repositories?
17:14.18[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't ASTERISK's official... go see what version they have.  They are NOT "up to date"
17:14.32[TK]D-FenderChech the topic....
17:18.22mjordantraph: Ubuntu packages have not been updated for some time. Additionally, Asterisk is a bit hard to package with "everything" available, since some options are mutually exclusive (for example, various voicemail storage backends)
17:19.23traphI see. That's why it's best to install and maintain asterisk manually.
17:19.40mjordanwell, or at least know what your packages are :-)
17:20.09mjordantraph: we do make packages for CentOS, and I think there's usually a package variant for *most* people's needs, but I'm sure there are some people's needs that aren't met by them.
17:20.53traphI also see there is a debian repository, but it's not documented in the wiki
17:21.17mjordantraph: nope. The package maintainer hasn't chosen to document it on the wiki.
17:21.40[TK]D-Fender[12:12][TK]D-FenderPackage maintainers often suck. HARD.
17:23.08traphGot your point. Thanks guys!
17:24.51[TK]D-Fendertraph: Now not being "bleeding edge" can be a good thing.
17:25.36[TK]D-Fendertraph: Also packages may take you forward when you don't have a pressing reason to do so and risk introducing issues into a previously working environment.
17:25.57[TK]D-Fendertraph: Source puts you in ful control, but a lot more manual to maintain.
17:26.37jeffspeffon a 30 minute call, these channelstats don't seem quite right. only 16 packets received and 24 packets sent?  what causes this?  b750c747-85  00:30:31 0000000016  0000000000 ( 0.00%) 0.0000 0000000024  0000000023 (95.83%) 0.0002
17:28.59workingcatshi, i was just checking the open ports on my asterisk server and i noticed 5000 is open for asterisk's UNISTIM... could someone give me a pointer how to turn it off?
17:29.18Qwellworkingcats: Don't build that module.
17:29.42workingcatsso since i already built it can i just delete the appropriate file?
17:30.15[TK]D-Fenderworkingcats: yes, or better still : "noload =>" <- modules.conf
17:31.08workingcatsah great, thanks
17:31.14workingcatsi'm guessing i can use that to turn off iax as well
17:32.25JeffC_NNDoes anyone know about function_DENOISE()
17:32.27[TK]D-Fenderdisabling instead of killing lets you change your mind later easily
17:32.58JeffC_NNspecifically, would it work to remove quiet audio from a ulaw channel?
17:33.10workingcatsyep that worked, thanks
17:33.20QwellJeffC_NN: not really possible to answer.  You'll have to try it.
17:33.27workingcatsyeah and it just seems cleaner than "randomly" deleting/moving files
17:34.25JeffC_NNI'm not really asking about the quality/success of the function, but if it's worth using in general, and if there are any technical reasons why it should/shouldn't be used for my codec (ulaw)
17:34.39*** join/#asterisk biox_ (
17:35.49[TK]D-FenderJeffC_NN: Quality is the point.  If your signal is clean, it'll denoise something that isn't "noise and you might not hear the ocean on te other end of the line.
17:36.25JeffC_NNdoes anyone use AGC in combination with DENOISE?
17:36.27[TK]D-FenderJeffC_NN: If things are bad then you'll want to.  BUt this sounds only valid if it's YOUR lines that are the issue, unless you make flipping it on/off a user choice.
17:36.42JeffC_NNoooh, good idea :D
17:40.41[TK]D-FenderDYNAMIC_FEATURE  <-
17:43.07JeffC_NNah, makes sense.
17:48.50*** join/#asterisk xaristax (
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17:49.36xaristaxHi :D i have a question if you can help me i have ${EXTEN:1} and i eat one digit from the begginin but what if i want the first 3 digits what can i do?
17:52.34BeachBallwhat is the cheapest toll-free DID provider?
17:52.39BeachBalli'm seeing 4.5cents
17:52.47BeachBallI want less cents
17:53.23[TK]D-Fenderxaristax: ${var:TrimFromFront:TotalCharsTorReturn}
17:53.36*** join/#asterisk brendan` (
17:53.42[TK]D-FenderBeachBall: It's hard to imaging you making less sense :p
17:54.05BeachBallrolls quickly over to [TK]D-Fender
17:54.13xaristaxFender THANKS :D
17:54.35BeachBallwas kinda funny tho
17:54.36[TK]D-Fenderquickly rolls over BeachBall, then backup over him to be sure
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18:14.57XandriXif i use old cisco phones like the 7940's on sip firmware and i set them to communicate with an asterisk server that is outside of my lan i will most likely encounter nat issues (is this statement correct ?)
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18:15.58workingcatsXandriX, only if there's a NAT inbetween
18:16.59XandriXwell i mean voipserver ---> internet ---> firewall in question ---> lan ---> cisco phones
18:17.10XandriXso id think there would be a nat between the phones tne the voip server
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18:19.49workingcatsit depends, really
18:20.05workingcatsif its a private home, almost certainly
18:20.41workingcatsif its a business... many businesses have enough "normal" routable IPs for every device so they don't need to do NAT (those lucky *******)
18:21.07XandriXso yeah nat
18:21.20*** join/#asterisk ionface (~ionface@unaffiliated/ionface)
18:21.58workingcatsso you definitely have NAT. whether that often causes problems in your planned setup i'm afraid i can't answer but someone else can probably help
18:22.08workingcats*almost definitely
18:22.15XandriXbaah worst case
18:22.31XandriXill vpn between the voip server and my lan and or sort of bridge it
18:23.52workingcatsif done properly that can be a clean solution
18:23.59workingcatsunlike NAT, which by definition is FILTHY ;)
18:24.09XandriXworkingcats: aggreed
18:24.22XandriXi hope it doesnt come to that but if i must will setup a vpn bridge and do it that way
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18:25.15XandriXill test to see
18:25.22XandriXonce i get to the client tonight
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18:38.19ipengineerIs there a way to see if an exten exist for a given realtime context?
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18:47.11ChannelZdoes the DIALPLAN_EXISTS function not work for realtime?
18:47.16ChannelZ(I don't know, I don't use RT)
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18:48.40ipengineerChannelZ: Not sure I need to take a look at it
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18:59.35rrittgarnShot in the dark: Anybody in here in the Chicagoland Area looking for work? Full time based out of the western burbs.
19:02.51ChannelZ-WkShoveling snow?
19:10.44Kattycdr-stats installs on a script now :<
19:14.12Kattysighs, digs through script
19:15.11*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
19:17.49BeachBallQ. what term would i search for, for automated calling thingy... for example a storm closes the office, I want to issue a call all employees and play the message
19:18.44rrittgarnyou can either look into call files, or the AMI interface for originate depending on how you want to generate the calls
19:19.13rrittgarnand ChannelZ: We're having a heatwave didn't you hear?! its 37 outside! stuff is melting!
19:19.30DocfxitPenguin: Can I pm you?
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19:26.07DocfxitI had a hard drive fill up with Asterisk.  Asterisk won't start now. I have cleared some space. What can I do to figure out what is stopping it from starting?
19:26.51BeachBalldid u blow the dust off the hard drive?
19:27.22DocfxitBeachBall: It is an old install.
19:27.33BeachBallit will give error messages
19:27.37BeachBallcheck the log files
19:27.46BeachBallit will say why it can't start
19:28.16DocfxitBeachBall: I will see if I remember how to get into the log file.
19:28.48navaismoexecute: asterisk -vvvvvvcg and see where it stop it
19:29.15navaismofor further info  check /var/log/asterisk/full log
19:30.56DocfxitIt starts with /var/run/asterisk/ no such file.
19:31.29DocfxitUnable to bind socket to /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl.
19:31.31navaismorunning asterisk -vvvvvvvcg??
19:31.59Kattyi think.
19:32.11Kattythis script is irritating.
19:32.19Kattywhatever happened to doing things nonscripty :<
19:32.49navaismowhich script?
19:33.06Kattyasterisk-stat installs itself via a script now
19:33.41Kattyand the script fails
19:33.50navaismoah the cdrs stats! Yeah it sucks if you are not in centos or the other not shure if debian
19:34.01Kattyit claims to not support debian
19:34.06Kattybut it's deceit and lies
19:34.28Kattyand i will make it work
19:34.37Docfxitnavaismo: The folder /var/run/asterisk is not there.  How can I get it back?
19:35.16navaismoi dont know, ow did you installed asterisk from sources? Which OS?
19:35.34Docfxitnavaismo: Ubuntu.
19:35.58navaismoKatty, i was doing that but on the raspberry give up after 3 days compiling mongodb
19:36.09Kattywell i will get it done.
19:36.09*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
19:36.16Kattyand then i will make a length, cranky blog post about it
19:36.23navaismoDocfxit, from sources?
19:36.24Kattymaybe even some fish shaking.
19:36.26Kattyi mean fist.
19:36.28*** join/#asterisk [RAG]Sharky (
19:36.36Kattywe've leaving the fish out of it, this time.
19:36.51Docfxitnavaismo: All my tar files only have etc.  I don't see any with var.
19:37.18ChainsawDocfxit: So mkdir -p /var/run/asterisk && chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk
19:37.21ChainsawDocfxit: And then try again.
19:39.40DocfxitChainsaw: Will that automaticlly put the proper files in the folder or should I try to undelete the folder?
19:39.48DocfxitChainsaw: It's not in the trash.
19:40.15protocoldougI've got a situation where I can see incoming RTP packets in a packet capture, but... I don't see them in a "rtp set debug on" (nor do I hear them / can I record them) any idea where to look next?
19:40.22ChainsawDocfxit: It will write the PID file by itself, but the directory needs to be there and the ownership needs to be right.
19:40.49DocfxitChainsaw: Great.  I'll try it.
19:41.18*** join/#asterisk brendan` (
19:42.29navaismoprotocoldoug, iptables maybe
19:42.59protocoldougthank you navaismo -- however, I cleared out my iptables for this test
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19:43.25DocfxitChainsaw: it came back with chown: 'asterisk:asterisk': invalid user.
19:43.35navaismothe packet capture was in the pbx?
19:44.15protocoldougyep, did the packet capture on the same box. (about to post the pcap / sip.conf / rtp.conf on a pastebin, just a few sanitizing it)
19:45.09ChainsawDocfxit: Try asterisk:dialout instead.
19:45.28ChainsawDocfxit: If that doesn't do it either you'll need to pastebin me the init script. I am not fully familiar with how Debian package things.
19:46.19DocfxitChainsaw: Invalid user.
19:46.41DocfxitChainsaw: where can I find the init script?
19:46.54ChainsawDocfxit: Hopefully in /etc/init.d, a text file by the name of asterisk.
19:47.11ChainsawDocfxit: Upload it on the web somewhere and link me to it though, it's going to be 10+ lines.
19:47.25*** join/#asterisk spillere (
19:48.16spillereI just installed for the first time a asterisk server, i'm trying to use linphone to connect to the server. On sips.conf I created something like register =>name:1234@myServerIp/s, how do I connect to the server after that?
19:48.20DocfxitChainsaw: I have inetd.conf    Would that be it?
19:49.03protocoldougHere's my sip debug / rtp debug / cli output:
19:49.07protocoldougpcap is at line 230
19:49.18protocoldougalso sip.conf, rtp.conf and a "route -n" at the bottom, too
19:49.41navaismoWIMPy, did you know if its possible to have the queue_log in the file and in the DB(using realtime)?
19:50.47WIMPyI have never used realtime.
19:51.14WIMPyI stil try to get the basics working. With limited success.
19:51.50WIMPyis dead serious about that.
19:52.11ChainsawDocfxit: No.
19:52.19ChainsawDocfxit: /etc/init.d/asterisk
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19:58.10DocfxitChainsaw: I have it for you at
19:58.46Kattynavaismo: script altered!
19:58.54ChainsawDocfxit: Could I have the output of "id asterisk" please.
19:59.06navaismoKatty, nice!
19:59.43Kattythink it will bomb?
20:00.03ChainsawKatty: No, I predict a flawless victory.
20:00.06DocfxitChainsaw: Sure.  Where would I find it?
20:00.16ChainsawKatty: Nothing is as infuriating as a badly written script.
20:00.26Kattytrue story
20:00.27ChainsawDocfxit: It's a command for you to run. I'm expecting numeric output.
20:01.20KattyMongoDB is now installed!
20:01.32DocfxitChainsaw: It returned No such user.
20:04.34ChainsawDocfxit: If they are running Asterisk as root then I am running away. That way lies madness.
20:04.59ChainsawWIMPy: Weren't you a Debianite?
20:05.31WIMPyIs "ite" a pro or a con term?
20:05.39DocfxitChainsaw: Please don't run away.  I don't know how it was setup.
20:05.57WIMPyI'm usually on Slackware.
20:06.32ChainsawWIMPy: It can be either.
20:06.49ChainsawDocfxit: If it runs as root then just the mkdir -p I had you run should suffice.
20:08.39DocfxitChainsaw: So I should run sudo mkdir -p /var/run/asterisk.
20:08.53ChainsawDocfxit: Yes.
20:09.13ChainsawDocfxit: And you can omit the chown, because Asterisk runs as root.
20:10.03spillerei'm setting up a asterisk sip server, can I use ip's instead of domain names? for all configuration and real?
20:11.06DocfxitChainsaw: I ran asterisk -vvvvvvcg  what came back is Unable ot open pid file /var/run/asterisk/ Permission denied.
20:11.29protocoldougnavaismo: got it working -- it was bad routing tables. I wasn't using the proper gateway for the destination address. Thank you for putting in some thought, helped me out when I was feeling at the end of my rope :)
20:11.29ChainsawDocfxit: Then you need to look at /etc/conf.d/asterisk and tell me what the asterisk user variable is set to.
20:12.00navaismogood to hear is fixed
20:12.04navaismoand no problem
20:12.33Penguindocfxit: Go ahead.  It better not be spam.
20:13.14DocfxitChainsaw: I don't have a folder called /conf.d   in the etc folder.
20:14.40ChainsawDocfxit: Pastebin of the asterisk output, if there is more then that one line?
20:14.59DocfxitChainsaw: Ok.
20:15.54*** join/#asterisk Guest44661 (
20:17.21ChainsawDocfxit: You need to sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start
20:17.30ChainsawDocfxit: Instead of trying to run asterisk as your own user.
20:19.29Guest44661running trixbox ce here, trying to install rhino r4fxo and zaptel. I think I installed the driver properly, but zaptel always has make errors.. I have the latest rhino and zaptel versions..??
20:19.56navaismograbs popcorns
20:20.24Kattyoh boy rhino
20:20.30Kattygets the pretzels
20:20.44Guest44661am i dealing with incompatability here?
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20:21.30Guest44661let me ask you this, if you where working with trixbox ce, what would be the easiest hardware to get functional on it?
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20:21.55KattyGuest44661: i think i'd just install asterisk and be done with it
20:22.01KattyGuest44661: personally...
20:22.22DocfxitChainsaw: It came back with Starting Asterisk PBX: asterisk     but the extensions are not ringing.
20:23.16Guest44661katty, i thought i had asterisk installed...??
20:23.28KattyGuest44661: did you now?
20:23.30infobotDelving into Trixbox is like exploring a pyramid; it's ancient, forgotten, dark, and dangerous.  Trixbox was one of the earliest complete PBX distros and a relic of a bygone era.  While it was a great idea, it was implemented by a horrible group of Wizards from an evil, barren wasteland that stuffed it full of black magic and FUD.  Also, an example of how not to run a business.
20:23.37KattyGuest44661: i guess thoughts can be deceiving
20:24.46Kattynow then, minster Penguin
20:24.51KattyPenguin: how're you, dear?
20:25.04Guest44661katty, ok interesting. I somehow came under the assumption that trixbox was the linux distro that ran asterisk... so is asterisk a linux distro unto itself?
20:25.06PenguinI'm good.
20:25.22PenguinI'm shoving some French bread pizza in my face before I have to take off.
20:25.55KattyGuest44661: neither are distributions.
20:25.55infobotAsterisk is an open source telephony toolkit, or #asterisk on, or
20:26.08Kattyhowever you spell that word.
20:26.19KattyPenguin: mmm, pizza. where are you going?
20:26.30Guest44661katty let me phrase that better. what OS runs asterisk the best..??
20:26.32chuckf_Guest44661: asterisknow is probably what you are looking for if you want a 'distro'
20:26.43KattyGuest44661: the one that you are most familiar with
20:26.54PenguinI've got an afternoon meeting.
20:26.58Kattyeww. meetings :<
20:27.01Kattyhugs chuckf_
20:27.15chuckf_hugs Katty
20:27.21Kattyhow're you dear? and the wifey?
20:27.53chuckf_We're doing pretty good. She's got a job interview Friday
20:27.53Penguinguest44661: I believe Digium compiles packages for both CentOS and Debian, but it will run on almost any Linux-based OS.
20:27.54Guest44661katty ok, so if i dump ubuntu 12.04 server on this machine, asterisk is going to run without difficulty? i apparently have my wires crossed, i somehow thought that trixbox was asterisk's special linux distro..??
20:28.23Qwell"special", as in the Olympics.
20:28.25Kattychuckf_: oooh! wish her luck for me, if you think it appropriate
20:28.32newtonrPenguin, only CentOS packages
20:28.36chuckf_I'll do that
20:28.51chuckf_How are things in your world?
20:29.06KattyGuest44661: I think perhaps the key thing that you're overlooking, is that this isn't going to be Easy(tm)
20:29.21KattyGuest44661: you will have to learn some things, and no doubt read.
20:29.55Guest44661katty ok, let me say "easiest"... in other words, as less "hard" as is possible.
20:30.07PenguinI know for a fact that someone provides debs... I just don't know who.
20:30.08KattyGuest44661: well the easiest way is probably to look into the Digium appliances.
20:30.32Guest44661penguin, that would make my life much easier. food for thought.
20:30.50Kattychuckf_: oh, you know. busy
20:30.54Kattychuckf_: better than dull tho, i suppose!
20:31.37Kattydoes digium have hosted solutions yet?
20:31.48Guest44661katty thanks, i will dig around some more. I only installed trixbox because I somehow thought this was the standard in asterisk installations. (dont ask me how I managed this.)
20:32.19KattyGuest44661: I would say the "standard" is to use asterisk on your platform of choice
20:32.30KattyGuest44661: but that will no doubt take time to learn.
20:32.52Guest44661katty good to know. i hate centos based distros with a passion. give me apt-get debian nased goodness any day of the week.\
20:35.22Kattywell, bye then :<
20:38.47chuckf_he didn't want to learn anyway
20:41.45Kattyhe could have tried osmosis at least!
20:41.48Kattyputs a book on chuckf_'s head
20:41.58Kattychuckf_: do you feel smarter? :>
20:48.51*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
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20:53.01chuckf_I always feel smarter around you Katty
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21:00.22JeffC_NNWhen someone transfers an incoming DAHDI call from one SIP extension to another (mixed locally I think), my console gets about 10 of these per second: WARNING[5864][C-00000b77]: abstract_jb.c:284 ast_jb_put: SIP/7001-00000dcc received frame with invalid timing info: has_timing_info=0, len=0, ts=0, src=dahdi_read
21:00.39JeffC_NNIs that normal, or something I should be concerned about?
21:19.00Kattychuckf_: that's cause you're a smart cookie!
21:21.07*** join/#asterisk xaristax (
21:21.15xaristaxif i set the phone to re register every 2 minutes is a problem?
21:21.18xaristaxor why every phone that i see have for default 3600?
21:21.45spillerei have to users in sips.conf user001 and user002, in extensions, how do i make them connect to talk?
21:24.09JeffC_NNxaristax: 3600 is seconds, I believe. I don't think 120 (2 minutes) would be a problem, assuming you don't have too many extensions, and your * server is running on decent hardware.
21:24.15*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
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21:25.09JeffC_NNspillere: check out Chapter 5 of the Asterisk book:
21:26.22xaristaxthanks JeffC_NN im a little bit newbie on this but if the re register do not affect the call i mean if im trying to locate a user in that re register it will be available
21:27.33spillereJeffC_NN: thanks
21:27.58JeffC_NNre-registering is just checking in with the phone server. It doesn't affect the extensions ability to be located, unless you don't re-register in the timeout specified in Asterisk. What are you trying to accomplish?
21:29.03JeffC_NNxaristax: what are you trying to gain by setting a fast register timeout?
21:30.12DocfxitI don't seem to have a user named asterisk on my system for some reason.  If I create a user named asterisk should it be a desktop user or administrator?  If I assign it a password what file/files needs that updated?
21:30.51WIMPyAre you running Asterisk on Windows?
21:31.03DocfxitIn ubuntu.
21:31.25WIMPymakes a mental note to avoid ubuntu.
21:32.13xaristaxJeffC_NN: im trying to do this because sometimes i cannot locate the extension even if is register
21:32.24DocfxitWIMWY:  It's an old system that I didn't setup.  I do need to update it.
21:33.02[TK]D-Fender[16:30]DocfxitI don't seem to have a user named asterisk on my system for some reason. If I create a user named asterisk should it be a desktop user or administrator? If I assign it a password what file/files needs that updated? <- "desktop"
21:33.04JeffC_NNDocfxit: This guide shows how to setup asterisk using an account that has no password:
21:33.25[TK]D-FenderDocfxit: You should understand what that implies and clear given the reason for running * as its own user
21:36.39[TK]D-FenderThe whole point of running * as non-root .... is so they CAN'T administer and screw-up your system
21:37.08[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
21:40.58DocfxitI followed the instructions on the link: I'm getting an error.   Sudo adduser --disabled-password --no-create-home --gecos "Asterisk User"
21:40.58Docfxitadduser: Only one or two names allowed.
21:47.52MaliuatLapDocfxit: well there is no username for starters, and not enough commas in the gecos :)
21:48.12MaliuatLapDocfxit: man adduser
21:48.23MaliuatLapDocfxit: or "man useradd"
21:48.32MaliuatLapthey are different utilities
21:49.45DocfxitMaliuatLap: I was just following instructions at:
21:50.06DocfxitI'm running Ubuntu.
21:50.22*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
21:50.23MaliuatLapDocfxit: RTFM
21:50.48MaliuatLapDocfxit: and by that I mean the "adduser" and "usseradd" M's
21:51.22*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (
21:51.22MaliuatLapDocfxit: I'm also sorry you're running Ubuntu ... man up and run real Debian ;P
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21:52.16MaliuatLapvastina: I have issues with Canonical making money off my packaging efforts :)
21:52.22vastinadisdain of an OS distribution is childish
21:52.23WIMPyAre you saying ubuntu is even worse than debian?
21:52.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:52.44leifmadsenMaliuatLap: then you have an issue with open source in general
21:52.54xaristaxim getting this error with an external phone chan_sip.c:25557 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device
21:52.56DocfxitMaliuatLap: Great suggestion.  When I create a new install I'll keep that in mind.
21:52.58xaristaxsomeone can help me?
21:53.46MaliuatLapDocfxit: knowing how to add users to your system is a pretty basic sysadmin thing ... should be one of the first things you figure out :)
21:54.01WIMPyxaristax: Use a valid account.
21:54.15xaristaxim using a valid account
21:54.17MaliuatLapWIMPy: Debian is the better of the Linux distro's I've worked with
21:54.29xaristaxi even register and all goes right but when i dial i get this
21:54.47WIMPyAnd about the distro thing I have a very simple idea: If the kind of Distro you use makes a difference, it's the wrong one.
21:55.14DocfxitMaliuatLap: I didn't creat this install.  I don't claim to be a sysadmin.  I'm just in charge of it now.  I'm trying to learn as fast as I can.
21:55.23WIMPyxaristax: That message states the opposite.
21:55.48xaristaxWIMPy yep and only happends with external phones
21:55.58MaliuatLapWIMPy: I have moved away from various distros as they made it harder to manually conf things (i.e. tried pushing people to their GUI tools)
21:56.14MaliuatLapWIMPy: Debian was the one I found that didn't really do that
21:56.15WIMPyxaristax: Maybe the account you use is IP restricted?
21:56.38xaristaxnop permit=
21:56.44xaristaxits very extrange
21:56.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:56.54WIMPyMaliuatLap: That's why I'm on Slackware. It has become worse as well, but nit as bad as others.
21:56.55vastinaMaliuatLap: that's a failure of your intimacy with $distribution, and is absolutely irrelevant in here besides.
21:56.58xaristaxits there a way to make a sip debug only from one extension
21:57.25WIMPyxaristax: No, but you can restrict it to one IP.
21:57.35MaliuatLapDocfxit: well blindly following instructions off of a random website is not good practice ... cookie cutter sysadmins tick me off. :) Learn to read the man pages, and read as much as you can about something before dicking with it :)
21:57.36[TK]D-Fenderxaristax: "sip set debug peer [thepeer]"
21:57.37WIMPyAnd that can be done via the name of a peer as well.
21:57.38[TK]D-Fenderxaristax: Never call it "extension"
22:08.43spillereI managed to connect two user using Dial(), but when connection is done, I can hear anything. ANy pointer on what could be the problem?
22:12.26[TK]D-Fendernetnoworky :)
22:12.29ChannelZ-WkYour packets are either going to undesireable places or being blocked by firewalls, either case possibly by configuration.
22:15.11*** part/#asterisk jsarrel (
22:17.19spillereChannelZ-Wk: need to add some NAT configuration?!
22:17.33[TK]D-FenderIf involved, clearly
22:19.18spillerei have a VPN running asterisk, and im trying to connect two computers @ my home, in which I have a modem and router, so I could guess that it could be a problem right?!
22:19.24spillereanything else I should look into?
22:19.54[TK]D-Fenderthat actual comms <-
22:21.58[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <- Go look at what it is actually DOING
22:26.11*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
22:26.42spillereoh, great, ill try
22:34.11*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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22:36.21spillere[TK]D-Fender: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|)
22:36.27spillereis it a problem?
22:36.45[TK]D-FenderDon't focus on little things like that.  You need to see thowe whole thing
22:36.53ChannelZ-Wkyou cut out all the most important bits
22:36.59[TK]D-FenderAnd that means looking at the WHOLE CALL
22:37.07spillereone sec, let me try to get it
22:38.11spillereis this enough?
22:41.16[TK]D-FenderThat is not a call
22:41.22[TK]D-Fenderthat is a bunch of options packets.
22:41.46[TK]D-FenderWhere do you see "oh, call from outside, trying to match"?
22:41.54[TK]D-FenderAnd stuff actually processing?
22:42.45*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
22:43.35spillereit rings the other phone
22:43.40spillerejust no audio is transfered
22:43.48spillerei managed to play the "hello world" audio
22:44.15[TK]D-Fenderthat is not call debug
22:45.37DocfxitI am having trouble getting the phones to register.  My log showing the startup is at
22:46.03spillere[TK]D-Fender: how can I make a log to show to you?
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22:46.41[TK]D-Fenderplace an actual call.  Get the output from beginning to end of that call.
22:47.33spillereok, let me try
22:47.36rrittgarn@Docfxit looks like you already have an asterisk process running. pkill asterisk
22:47.55rrittgarnor something else bound to those ports
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23:02.01Docfxitrrittgarn: Thank you.  I ran pkill and then started asterisk again.  I have the output here
23:09.08rrittgarnDocfxit looks like you have errors in your sip.conf, as well as your extensions.conf
23:10.23Docfxitrrittgarn: Would you take a look at them for me?
23:15.04[TK]D-FenderDocfxit: I'm not seeing you look at actual registration attempts.
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23:17.33Docfxit<[TK]D-Fender>: How can I fix that?
23:17.42[TK]D-FenderLOOK <-
23:17.47[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
23:20.37Docfxit<[TK]D-Fender>: it returned sip: usage: and a bunch of possibilities non with debug.
23:20.51DocfxitNon = none.
23:21.12*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
23:21.37[TK]D-Fenderthen pick the equivalent
23:22.17Docfxitsip: Usage: sip [-h] [-V] [-a file] [-c dir] [-d file] [-e] [-g] [-I dir] [-j #] [-m file] [-p module] [-r] [-s suffix] [-t tag] [-w] [-x feature] [-z file] [file]
23:22.50[TK]D-Fender..... that is not Asterisk CLI
23:23.25Docfxit[TK]D-Fender: How can I get into CLI?
23:24.01[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -rvvvvvvvv
23:25.19DocfxitI get an error saying: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
23:25.43*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@nat/digium/x-swnqsdshiuegqvrf)
23:26.07WIMPyYou probably just don't have permissions to access it.
23:27.29DocfxitI tried with sudo.  Same results When I look in /var/run/asterisk    I don't find the file asterisk.ctl.
23:29.06WIMPyThen 'find' it.
23:29.32WIMPyAnyway it looks a little messed up if it doesn't know where it is.
23:29.33ChannelZ(just popping in) is asterisk even running?
23:29.42WIMPyUnless your Asterisk isn't running.
23:30.06ChannelZsounds not
23:30.08ChannelZps ax |grep asterisk
23:30.26ChannelZor   pidof asterisk
23:31.03[TK]D-Fender <- where did THIS come from if you can't get to CLI?
23:31.33[TK]D-FenderAsterisk Ready.
23:31.36[TK]D-FenderYou're AT CLI there
23:31.47[TK]D-Fender]How did you ge there the first time and NOT know just now?
23:31.59[TK]D-FenderLet alone fail...
23:33.06Docfxit[TK]D-Fender: I started it.  Now it's running.
23:33.18DocfxitI'm in the CLI.
23:34.09[TK]D-FenderSo you have plenty of dialplan errors, cdr config errors, users.conf seems to have plenty of issues ( reeks of AsteriekGUI
23:34.22[TK]D-FenderGo look at actual comm attempts
23:35.20DocfxitWith sip set debug     it is asking for either sip set debug IP or sip set debug peer.
23:35.34WIMPyor "on"
23:36.03DocfxitI tried on.  This is the result.
23:37.03[TK]D-Fenderif you're on anANCIENT version it would be "sip debug on".
23:37.20WIMPyHow ancient would that be?
23:38.45[TK]D-Fenderso use the old syntax
23:38.52WIMPyI guess, you'd better hire a historian.
23:39.44WIMPyBetter don;t mess with that installation. It might have listed status.
23:41.03ChainsawI'm aware of 1.2 installations.
23:41.23ChainsawI've been bribed not to tell.
23:41.39WIMPyYes, I know someone still using 1.2 as well. He hasnt touched it since it was current.
23:43.03DocfxitWIMPY: This is a business that is trying to get the phones working.  I'm trying to get them to update to a new PC.  Until I can get that accomplished I need to keep this install up and running.  I'm sorry for all the headache of questions from an old install.
23:43.48[TK]D-FenderDocfxit: I gave you the old syntax.  get debug
23:48.26Docfxit[TK]D-Fender: I have debug on now.  It keeps flashing new lines.  I will try to grab something and past it for you.
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23:53.22xaristaxHi i have the next problem i have some external phones connected to my pbx with nat at some point they change the status no UNREACHABLE so i force the phones to register every 120 seconds but is a game between asterisk and the phone asterisk set the status to unreachable and the phone reconects and its OK
23:53.29xaristaxwhy is this?
23:54.10Docfxit[TK]D-Fender: I have a sample of the debug output at
23:54.34Docfxit[TK]D-Fender: Thank you very much for trying to help with this.
23:55.01[TK]D-Fenderget more
23:57.19Docfxit[TK]D-Fender: this is everything in the cash
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23:58.36[TK]D-Fenderlooking clearly bad auth....
23:58.45[TK]D-FenderAnd a single device
23:59.01[TK]D-Fenderoops, multiple now
23:59.16[TK]D-Fendergo prove your peers are there and loaded, go check all your configs

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