IRC log for #asterisk on 20140218

00:06.00[TK]D-FenderAnd 0-2.
00:19.12*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
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01:56.08starksi came in here a few days ago about getting cisco 79xx phones working on switchvox/asterisk. got the registration done using siproxd, but there's no audio
02:15.10starksgot it, need to tweak siproxd
02:16.22*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
02:31.36*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (
02:31.50eXcAliBuRI hate to do this, but what is better asterisk or freepbx?
02:32.36WIMPyWhat is better? Oranges or cars?
02:34.43eXcAliBuRI like ice cream
02:35.05eXcAliBuRpoint taken
02:35.11eXcAliBuRthey are different and can't be compared
02:35.20eXcAliBuRhow are they different?
02:35.24eXcAliBuRwhat makes asterisk better?
02:35.43WIMPyFreePBX uses Asterisk.
02:35.50eXcAliBuRI knew it
02:35.54eXcAliBuRi fuckin knew it
02:35.56[TK]D-FenderFreePBX CONFIGURES asterisk
02:36.26eXcAliBuRdamn i'm smart
02:36.57eXcAliBuRbrb, i'm going to find my nuts
02:37.21[TK]D-FenderWhat you asked is like asking "what's better, a star-shaped extrusion of Play-Doh, or a bucket of Play-Doh you can make anything you want out of"
02:38.08*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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03:26.38igcewielingDoes anyone have experience with Asterisk 11 hangup handlers?   I have some questions regarding how to determine which leg the handler is running on.
03:51.21*** join/#asterisk damania (
03:51.22damaniaany good kvm ovr ip device recommendations out there?
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04:32.20*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
04:38.06mnathaniI am seeing a strange IP in my sip debug which should not be on my network
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05:16.16Psil0CybinHello everyone :)
05:17.00mnathaniNo such command 'sip set debug on'
05:17.20mnathaniI could have sworn I used the same command just a  little while back
05:21.01ChannelZthen chan_sip is probably not loaded
05:24.37*** join/#asterisk starks (
05:25.20starksjust want to thank you guys for being awesome
05:33.15ChannelZplease insert cookie
05:44.17*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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06:23.01D30hi all, need some input from you guyz,, im going to use another TDM card for my asterisk box,.. the old card was actually damaged for some reason and i need to replace it.. its my first time doing it :)
06:24.05D30i already inserted the card to the board, i can see that its detected..
06:24.28D30but dont know whats next :)
06:25.13D30i am using a TDM400 card btw..
06:34.22ChannelZwell you need to configure /etc/dahdi/system.conf and then /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
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06:36.00D30just that two configs ChannelZ ?
06:37.19ChannelZmore or less. /etc/dahdi/system.conf configures the hardware and creates channels, /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi brings those channels into asterisk
06:37.58ChannelZWhat configuration is the TDM400?  2 FXO/2FXS, a single channel, etc ?
06:39.32*** join/#asterisk Tokeiito (~quassel@
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06:43.56D30yes ChannelZ its 2FXS and 2FXO
06:48.38ChannelZwhat is that out of?
06:49.58D30what u mean?
06:51.00ChannelZWhat generated that text
06:51.57D30ahh lsdahdi
06:52.17ChannelZoh. I forgot about that one.
06:52.26ChannelZWell generally you can run dahdi_genconf and it will make you system.conf
06:52.55ChannelZthen you can manually make your asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
06:53.52D30okay ill try that,,.. thanks ChannelZ
06:57.01ChannelZwanders off for awhile
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11:15.42*** join/#asterisk toresbe (~toresbe@
11:15.45toresbeHowdy folks :)
11:16.23toresbeI was just wondering; are there any hardware options available that will connect an analog phone to Asterisk with any better voice codec than alaw/ulaw?
11:17.14WIMPyNo. That doesn't make sense. POTS phones aren't made for more quality.
11:18.27toresbeWell, just because they aren't specifically made for more quality does not mean that they would be unable to represent a better signal than what T-carrier allows. I've been listening to a lot of old phreaking recordings, and I was amazed at the level of detail that would come through an analog line. :)
11:19.41toresbeFor instance, when you reach an operator you can certainly tell if she was in the same building as the central office, because there really is plenty of high-frequency response
11:19.47WIMPyWell, I'm not saying it's impossible, but the difference would probably not be worth any extra effort.
11:20.46WIMPyAnd dahdi is G.711 only anyway. So you'd have to look for an ATA doing it. Bot I haven't heard of any.
11:21.06toresbeDang. That's a real shame. T-carrier really sounds like crap compared to a lot of the old analog systems that were in use.
11:23.16WIMPyI've made my comments about not supporting G.722 a few times.
11:24.30toresbeG.722 to me has an unpleasant feeling to it that I can't put my finger on... what's the gist of your opposition to it?
11:25.14WIMPyTwice the quality for (max) the same bandwidth.
11:25.28WIMPyAnd free
11:25.54toresbeOh, I thought you were against it. It's certainly more comfortable than G.711 for conversations, that's true.
11:26.30toresbeIt's quite grating to be on a call to a mobile subscriber when handoff occurs from a AMR-WB-capable cell to one that is not.
11:26.43*** join/#asterisk tedstriker (
11:26.52WIMPyNo. Some people her argue that it has never worked anywhere. But that isn't true. It has just been hardly used.
11:30.09toresbe has one interesting comparison between a tone coming in from an ESS central office over wire trunks and T-carrier :)
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12:32.04*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~vencuga@
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12:42.55StaRetjifolks, I am sending Hangup(34) but my peer says call is hangup with 63 - Service or option not available, unspecified
12:43.09StaRetjiI have no idea why
12:43.56StaRetjiI've made a list of DNID numbers which I dont wan't to allow to call trough my switch ,but still I want to give them option to failover
12:46.19WIMPyCause-SIP-cause mapping is not 1:1
12:46.24WIMPyBut why are you sending 34?
12:48.19StaRetji34 sends normal circuit congestion
12:48.45WIMPyWhy do you want to send a temporary failure?
12:48.52StaRetjiso i thought if I hangup with 34 peer will get this code as circuit congestion and will failover to their second trunk
12:49.28StaRetjiwell, cause they are blocked temporary
12:49.33StaRetjitomorrow I might unblock them
12:49.38WIMPyOk, would make sense.
12:49.55StaRetjionly problem is they don't get 34
12:50.07WIMPyIf you blocked trhm, why don't you reject the calls (21)?
12:50.16StaRetjiwill they failover?
12:51.04WIMPyIt will always depend on their configuration.
12:51.47StaRetjicause usually, if circuit is congested they would failover
12:51.55FarkieHi guys, I explained my problem here yesterday - basically a 2nd call which comes in over SIP rather than the hard line, call is silent
12:51.57StaRetjiat least I hope so lol
12:52.13Farkiewhen it happens, this is the log that we get
12:52.34WIMPyYou could also try 42
12:52.52StaRetjilet me test, there is no other way to find out ;)
12:57.34StaRetjiI did, dude said 63 again
12:58.26WIMPyWell, you know the story about the source being available, I guess...
12:58.48WIMPyAlthough it's probably their end that messes it up.
12:59.16StaRetjiexten => _X.,n,Hangup(42)
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13:00.21StaRetjithis is cli response: -- Executing [3366123432@filter:15] Hangup("SIP/7051206811-0000095b", "42") in new stack
13:00.31StaRetjiso, I guess i am sending it
13:00.47FarkieWhat is the best way to diagnose a NAT issue
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13:01.45WIMPyWell, SIP itself doesn;t use the cause codes. It's translated to com SIP response. And these translations tend to be debatable.
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13:02.50StaRetjicould it be that they are not getting anything, that's why they moan about 63
13:07.33WIMPyThere should be some distinct mappings.
13:08.21WIMPyAre they maybe just using DIALSTATUS and no HANGUPCAUSE at all?
13:08.47WIMPyAssuming they are using Asteris, taht is.
13:09.12StaRetjiI am trying to find out, you know, if I wanna die, I will send this guy to go for death lol
13:09.40StaRetjihehehe. they use some commercial switch
13:09.58StaRetjiha, weird, I removed and left only Hangup()
13:10.02WIMPySo where is that 63 comming from?
13:10.06StaRetji57 - Bearer capability not authorized
13:10.11StaRetjithis is what they get now
13:10.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:10.28WIMPySounds rather broken.
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13:31.34StaRetjiCause No. 57 - bearer capability not authorized.
13:31.34StaRetjiThis cause indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause but the user is not authorized to use.
13:32.20*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
13:32.42StaRetjiI have this in my sip.conf
13:33.04StaRetjiis that okay or I should change to =no
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13:41.42StaRetjiI've changed to Hangup(38) they are getting 41
13:50.23*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (~d3v1l@
13:50.48devil_evoxxxhi all guy, there is something new in hints on asterisk 11? i've upgrade from a 1.8 and i'm having trouble
13:51.37WIMPyNo, yes gives them the chance to get the untranslated numerical cause.
13:53.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:53.59Chainsawdevil_evoxxx: I had trouble with them, and had to revert to the "old" way.
13:54.48devil_evoxxxChainsaw: what's the old way?
13:55.19devil_evoxxxnow i'm doing exten => _2XX,hint,SIP/int-{EXTEN}
13:55.48[TK]D-FenderI hope not...
13:56.00[TK]D-FenderIs that the actual line?
13:56.02WIMPyAnd what's the trouble?
13:56.08[TK]D-Fenderlack of $ <-------------
13:56.27StaRetjiWIMPy: okay, I am waiting for them to confirm if 41 will give them option to failover. Though I am doing Hangup(38) they get 41 - Temporary failure
13:57.14devil_evoxxxnono, i missed the $ writing here
13:57.18devil_evoxxxon the config the $ is present
13:57.38devil_evoxxxi cant see in asterisk cli "extensions changed..blablabl"
13:57.58Chainsawdevil_evoxxx: extenpatternmatchnew=no
13:58.32WIMPyWell, that's not specifically for hints.
13:58.44ChainsawBut the hints in my dial plan do not work unless I set that.
13:58.53devil_evoxxxChainsaw: in general section?
13:59.10Chainsawdevil_evoxxx: Correct.
13:59.13WIMPyMy whole dialplan acts ups up completely without that.
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14:03.38devil_evoxxxstill not working,
14:06.36devil_evoxxxmy dialplan is this
14:06.41devil_evoxxxnothing complicated :(
14:07.04devil_evoxxxand in both context and subscribecontext on sip.conf i've setted internal-call
14:07.31WIMPyDo you have call-counters enabled?
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14:08.31StaRetjiWIMPy: I've set 31 now, they get 18
14:09.02StaRetjithey are definitely getting codes, but wrong ones
14:09.07StaRetjiweird, right?
14:09.42WIMPyYes, but perfectely normal.
14:09.48[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx: What ver of *?  pastebin the actual subscription attempts, etc
14:09.59devil_evoxxxWIMPy: do you intend call-limit ?
14:10.09StaRetjihm, I am thinking to try random codes until they get 34 lol
14:10.25WIMPydevil_evoxxx: That's one way to enable them.
14:10.41devil_evoxxx[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk 11.7.0, i will paste the sip-sub asap
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14:12.50devil_evoxxxWIMPy: i have to add call-limits=x ?
14:14.03leifmadsenpretty sure there is no call-limits setting in 11 (removed after 1.8 I think)
14:14.08leifmadsencallcounter=yes I believe is the setting
14:14.17leifmadsenif you're at all talking about device state
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14:15.44devil_evoxxxi can confirm the callcounter = yes solveed
14:21.59StaRetjiWIMPy: YES!
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14:22.21StaRetjiI've set Hangup(3) and they are getting 34
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14:27.07BeachBallstarts to bounce.... look who it is
14:28.02WIMPyStaRetji: Now make sure to document the type of equipment they use and how to trick it in to the right way.
14:37.04StaRetjiWIMPy: this is going crazy mate, now my peers says that his peers is getting Unallocated (unassigned) number
14:37.15StaRetjiwhile he gets 34
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14:50.25StaRetjiWIMPy: their switch is Avangard 2.0
14:52.03*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:52.49jeffspeffI'm having an issue with a phone registering. Here's the SIP debug logs. The phone in question is coming from IP at extension 1225. And the traffic is coming from over the internet.
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14:56.58[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Nowhere in there do I see that IP trying to register
14:57.32[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Or sendinging anything at all to your server
14:58.56*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
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15:13.23jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, when the phone would reboot, i could see the console showing that the peer had registered then it would show the useragent/device for that exten. * would also do the necessary load from the realtime sip db. however, shoing the peer would state that it was unreachable.
15:13.48[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Here we see nothing.
15:14.07jeffspeffi pretty much gave up on it yesterday. i think it has something to do with the att uverse modem/router combo
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15:35.24vader-quick opinion question. We are currently running an older version of Asterisk like 1.2.x... All dial plans have been done by hand, all sip connections, etc. If you had to move to a GUI type interface for configuration what would you recommend? Our enviroment is about 70-100 SIP Phones, Digium TDM2400 and a Digium PRI card... Right now it's easy for me to provision a phone with a cisco config
15:35.24vader-file, and the asterisk settings, etc. But for other people in my department and anyone new we hire they need point and click... Just looking for any suggestions you guys might have.
15:36.48garymcWhat time do Schmooze open?
15:36.54garymcfor business?
15:42.46leifmadsenQwell: ^^^ ?
15:44.19QwellWhatever time the website says.
15:46.06leifmadsenQwell: :)
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15:52.50BeachBallif i am doing sip calling only over internet, i don't need libpri or dahdi?
15:53.17boom^timeBeachBall, right.
15:54.31[TK]D-FenderBeachBall: Last I heard, as of * 11 you still needed DAHDI for Meetme & Page
15:54.53BeachBallstops the ./configure
15:55.16BeachBallissues make clean
15:56.39boom^timeBeachBall, all you said was you were doing sip calling over the internet. That's all I do and I don't require libpri or DAHDI
15:56.43filePage in 11 uses ConfBridge, so DAHDi is not required
15:56.58fileMeetme will always require DAHDi
15:57.07[TK]D-Fenderfile: Good to know.
15:57.38[TK]D-Fenderfile: in what version was non-dahdi timing usable for IAX Trunking?
15:58.04file1.8 for sure
15:58.30leifmadsenprefer timerfd over pthread
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16:06.02BeachBallso confbridge doesn't need it... great
16:06.07BeachBallwell better installed than not i guess
16:06.57BeachBallhugs file
16:07.12fileConfBridge has never needed it
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16:13.47BeachBallummm your spose to hug back
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16:38.50BeachBalli did this and broke asterisk /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
16:39.16BeachBallnow i get this error /usr/sbin/asterisk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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16:42.48ghost75how can i find out needed t.38 settings for provider
16:43.58ghost75res_fax.c:1934 sendfax_t38_init: channel 'SIP/personalvoip_out-00000000' refused to negotiate T.38
16:44.04ghost75res_fax.c:2020 sendfax_t38_init: Audio FAX not allowed on channel
16:44.37ghost75i use sendfax with z option
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16:55.35terretzI have a question about the salesforce integration with Asterisk running on a Switchvox and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with customizing the salesforce panel in switchboard.
16:57.58[TK]D-Fenderterretz: This isn't a Switchvox or Salesforce support channel...
16:59.43terretzmy apologies - this is my first dive into this level of asterisk software - I looked through the developer forums and found a few others with my inquiries but there was no direction. I'm really just reaching out for any guidance
16:59.58terretzWhat route should I go?
17:00.24terretzI don't know who controls the salesforce panel - because the switchvox is running asterisk - this is where I started
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17:02.21[TK]D-Fenderterretz: Switchvox is a commercially support product only.  You'd have to contact Digium or some other qualified service provider
17:03.09terretzOk - I'll contact digium to see what kind of support they can give me.
17:03.17terretzthank you
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17:04.02ghost75dont know nuttin about asterisk too :>
17:04.31terretzbsdice - I know ENOUGH - but my company is asking for something a little out of my knowledge scope
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17:07.23newtonrterretz, btw, there are Switchvox forums here, but yeah if you have active switchvox subscriptions you likely have some level of support from Digium
17:07.57DevWork_Yea don't you buy commercial for support?
17:09.46terretzI checked the forums - I'll see what Digium can offer me
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17:23.18illuderhello, does anyone know if a2billing has an irc chatroom?
17:25.29[TK]D-FenderThey don't.  They do have a mailing list though
17:25.43[TK]D-FenderGo to their page.  They'll list all of their support avenues
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17:29.31illudertx, anyone has integrated a2b with asterisk here?
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17:41.04bsdiceno a2b here, my users are freeloaders
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17:43.17illudergot it :)
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18:15.11starksis there any way to do shared lines with asterisk/switchvox? i want multiple phones to be able to dial out on a ring-all line
18:15.22starkswith digium phones btw
18:15.38starkscisco seems to do this effortlessly
18:16.09leifmadsenstarks: that's because Cisco phones are kind of dumb and controlled entirely from the CUCM
18:16.19leifmadsenhowever, you can do it with Asterisk SLA
18:16.32paulcstarks: We did it with separate registrations for the ring-all number on each phone, setting caller ID on the peer
18:16.45paulcWant to call out from 3499 Help Desk? Press that line button then dial out on it
18:16.52leifmadsenthere are several ways to skin a cat, so yes, to answer your question, it is possible
18:17.16paulcThe nice thing there is you can either have the name show as the actual person's name but with 3499 as the Caller ID number.. or put "Helpdesk" there for all registrations/phones.
18:17.44starkspaulc, how? whenever i try to place the shared extension on multiple phones it unassigns the phone it was previously assigned to
18:18.00paulcYou don't do it with shared extensions.. you have a separate registration for each phone..
18:18.20paulcin my example, I've got helpdesk.paul, helpdesk.steve, helpdesk.john defined as peers in sip.conf
18:18.48paulcthen in extensions.conf, 3499 calls a macro which uses SIP/helpdesk.steve&SIP/helpdesk.john&SIP/helpdesk.paul as a parameter for the destinations to ring
18:19.07paulcresult: dial 3499 and all phones ring. First one to pick up gets the call. Other phones remain free for additional calls to 3499.
18:19.11starksi'm using a switchvox, i don't have that level of control unless i void my warrenty
18:19.31paulcCan you create a ring group in switchvox?
18:19.38paulcor are you using it to control phone provisioning too?
18:20.07starksswitchvox controls provisioning unless i decide to use it solely for routing, which i think is insane
18:20.56paulcAh.. Hmm.. Can you create multiple registrations/endpoints and assign each to a single phone? seems to me it should be doable, but I haven't had a ton of experience with Switchvox..
18:22.12starksit might be possible to manually provision the lines in a way that avoids the switchvox bitching
18:23.25starkswouldn't mind doing that on a few d70s as opposed to hundreds of d50s
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18:45.37DevWork_The D70's seem super priced compared to other ip phones on the market with what I believe is equivalent or even better features.
18:45.45DevWork_Maybe the codec?
18:47.19PenguinA macro?  To dial three phones?
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18:59.38Kattyis there any big difference between using automon and automixmon?
19:01.10Kattymaybe one only functions while the channels are bridged?
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19:11.50leifmadsenKatty: different applications used for recording
19:11.59leifmadsenMonitor vs MixMonitor I believe
19:12.11Kattybut how specifically are they different?
19:12.11leifmadsenuse MixMonitor when you can
19:12.16leifmadsenMonitor is old and busted :)
19:12.22leifmadsenless reliable, etc.
19:12.36Kattyless reliable because?
19:12.42Kattypeers at leifmadsen suspiciously
19:12.47leifmadsenbecause it was coded poorly?
19:12.50Kattybecause you cann adjust the volume and such?
19:12.56leifmadsenno, coding level issues
19:13.08leifmadsenlike, crashy crashy boom boom
19:13.30Kattyare there any scenarios in which i should be using monitor() instead of MixMonitor()?
19:13.36leifmadsennot that I have found
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19:43.52starksDevWork_, rapid dial is worth it imho
19:46.42DevWork_what is "rapid dial"
19:47.39DevWork_Are those the BLF buttons?
19:48.41WIMPyRapid dial must be the issue you get when you dial faster than Asterisk can cope and looses digits.
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19:50.32ChainsawWIMPy: I had that. DTMF works better out of band.
19:51.43WIMPyOff course.
19:51.43DevWork_What about phones like the GXP2160 from grandstream?
19:52.03WIMPyBut it still happens, even on isdn.
19:52.57WIMPyOn sip you only get the issue with feature transfers or disa.
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20:02.06igcewielingHas anyone seen this message on a PRI (not BRI) and found a solution: "PRI Error on span 1: Received MDL/TEI management message, but configured for mode other than PTMP"   PRI, NOT BRI
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20:09.29WIMPyI have never seen a PRI with TEI management. PTMP PRIs don't exist. Although they might be technically possible.
20:10.02WIMPyWho does that?
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20:19.28igcewielingWIMPy: CommOne, but I don't think they do that.
20:19.36igcewielingthe circuit has been working for months
20:20.21WIMPySo what has changed?
20:24.20Roland-hello, is there a way to exclude failed calls from logs?
20:28.14igcewielingWIMPy: Nothing I can tell.  time stamp on chan_dahdi.conf is June 25 of last year.  I assume the carrier changed things, but I can't prove it.
20:30.56WIMPyIt certainly sounds broken.
20:31.10WIMPyDo you have a trace for the curiosities collection?
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20:34.58igcewielinghere you go
20:37.49WIMPyI don't see anything about TEI management there.
20:38.18WIMPyBut it looks like you and the other end have different ideas about the lines state.
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20:40.30igcewielingit does not show up in pri debug, it shows up in the logs
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20:40.52igcewielingthere you go
20:40.59WIMPyIt logs something it doesn't receive?
20:41.15igcewielingit logs something not shown in pri debug.
20:42.03WIMPyAnyway it looks like the other end tries to activate L2 while you think it already is activated.
20:44.59igcewielingI told them to insist the carrier prove out the circuit on-site with a T-BERD
20:46.47igcewielingSounds like the answer to my question is "no"
20:53.28WIMPyA what?
20:54.07WIMPyAh, a windows tablet.
21:02.10igcewielinga T-BERD is a handheld T-1/PRI protocol tester, they cost several thousand dollars and telco techs use them to verify ISDN protocol stuff.
21:03.46WIMPyLooks like it might be the successor of the Lite 3000.
21:07.07ghost75somebody using sendfax from res_fax over t.38 ?
21:08.41igcewielingghost75: never got that to work
21:08.54ghost75got errors?
21:08.58igcewielingreceive fax works just dandy for us, not so much sendfax
21:09.14igcewielingghost75: It was 4 months ago, I don't recall the exact problem
21:09.34ghost75i got message that provider refuses t.38
21:10.04igcewielingthe problem looks rather obvious than
21:10.21ghost75but they say they do support
21:10.45navaismoword != fact
21:11.10navaismogood to see you igcewieling
21:11.39ghost75but t.38 has also lot settings
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21:32.58igcewielingnavaismo: I stopped coming around because none of *my* questions were getting answered.
21:33.15igcewielinganyway, ttfm
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21:34.17ghenryHi all
21:34.40navaismook that was strange: searched for ttfm in google and it gave me->" To the fucking max" Im indeed Max
21:34.41ghenryI'm on 1.8 here and get incompatible destination on this
21:34.58ghenryAsterisk doesn't look at the second audio offer in the SDP
21:35.06ghenryThis used to work on Asterisk 1.4
21:35.37ghenryAny pointers on a way to get Asterisk to look at the *whole* SDP before it rejects?
21:36.05navaismocan you paste the complete debug?
21:36.58ghenrynavaismo: me?
21:37.16ghenrythe SIP trace or Asterisk debug?
21:37.43navaismorun in the asterisk cli: sip set debug on
21:39.21ghenryyep, I've got that. two secs
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21:41.20ghenryIf I set my ptime to 20 and not 30 then the audio offer gets merged and the call is OK
21:41.48ghenrybut Asterisk never looks at the other audio line navaismo. 1.4 did
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21:44.28navaismohmm have you tried with pedantic=yes|no if i recal that lloks for multiline headers, now not sure if that helps
21:44.53navaismobefore 1.8 that settings was no by default
21:47.52ghenrywill try
21:51.01ghenrynavaismo: no difference
21:51.31navaismowith =no?
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21:54.28ghenrynavaismo: yep
21:57.44wdoekesI don't think asterisk groks multiple m lines for different ptime values
21:57.47wdoekessee this:
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21:58.57darkdrgn2kWhat does "INVITE sip:2001@ in-dialog | +SDP [5399.84s]" mean?
21:59.12Qwelldarkdrgn2k: context required
21:59.24darkdrgn2klooking at a sip trace of a call
22:00.52ghenrywdoekes: weird as the same INVITE works on Asterisk 1.4
22:00.57darkdrgn2kin the middle of a call
22:00.59darkdrgn2ki get this:
22:01.01ghenryIt must either loop them or mobe on
22:01.08darkdrgn2kactualy i get several sequences of that
22:03.32ghenrywdoekes: OK, I'll do it that way
22:04.11darkdrgn2kQwell: any idea what that means?
22:04.34darkdrgn2kits an invite, trying, ok in the middle of a call
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22:45.27navaismoIs there a way to have the queue_log.log and the queue_log in the table using realtime, seems like i only can have one
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23:47.42JeffC_NNLooking into solutions to get rid of quiet background noise on VoIP headsets (other agents talking). Would the dialplan function DENOISE() help? Does it work on ulaw codec?
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23:51.46newtonrJeffC_NN, I didn't know that function existed. I'd be interested to know if it works for you.

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