IRC log for #asterisk on 20140216

00:06.38*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~owner@
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00:13.33WIMPywastonNope: I hear what you see. Seems to happen if you don't hang up for long enough.
00:13.59wastonNopehmm.. hang up for long enough
00:14.10wastonNopethen asterisk spits some caller-id at you?
00:14.28wastonNopethe caller-id is composed of the extension number and name
00:14.40WIMPyNo idea. I don't have a POTS phone that supports caller ID. But I get a short ring.
00:15.23WIMPyThe last time I used an analogue phone was before caller ID was invented.
00:17.06wastonNopemaybe this is a sign that I should get some wifi sip phones?
00:17.28WIMPyNo, you don't want them.
00:17.30wastonNopeI have this aversion to spending money - I think I'm allergic to it
00:17.59WIMPytries to find the right configuration to be able to dial...
00:18.55wastonNopeI don't want wifi sip?
00:19.12wastonNopeI'm able to dial and receive calls, no problem
00:19.15WIMPyNo, you don;t want to use wifi for realtime.
00:19.51wastonNopeeverything seems to work as it should - except for this caller-id blast at the end of calls or when I restart asterisk, or update the config in freepbx
00:20.41wastonNopewhat product do you recommend for walking around the house and talking to people that have called me?
00:21.01WIMPyA normal DECT / CAT-iq phone.
00:21.13WIMPyYou can get a SIP base station if you like.
00:21.27wastonNopeoh - digital to the base station
00:21.36wastonNopeDECT to the face
00:21.37WIMPyDigital all the way.
00:22.32wastonNopeyup - that's what I'll do - thanks, WIMPy - you seem to be fairly interactive despite your name
00:23.05wastonNopeI'd still like to figure out what the heck is going on with this caller-id blast, though - for my own curiosity and for the health of the project
00:23.08WIMPyWell, I wish I could say the same about Asterisk/DAHDI.
00:23.13*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:8d4:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
00:23.47WIMPyYou could try to disable call waiting/hold / 3-way calling.
00:24.17wastonNopeyou said something about the hang up length - but I receive this caller-id blast down the line even if a call hasn't been made - if I restart asterisk for instance
00:24.31wastonNopeI will try
00:24.44WIMPyI don't see (hear) that.
00:24.58wastonNopethe caller-id has the name and extension number - I'm thinking there is some protocol that uses caller-id to tell analog phones "who" they are
00:25.16wastonNopeyou know, some analog phone that has a digital display that shows its name and ext number
00:25.36WIMPyThere was that thing called adsi.
00:25.55wastonNopeI'll record a caller-id blast on a dead line.. give me a min
00:27.22wastonNopethat sounds like an interesting path of research into this problem....
00:29.02WIMPyIs it possible to have an invalid extension with immediate=no?
00:30.50wastonNopenot sure- this is day 1 for me
00:34.22WIMPyI have no idea what I could make of that.
00:35.35wastonNopeall I did was make a change to a description field in FreePBX, then hit "Apply Config" - I'm assuming it is restarting some service - in doing so, I get that caller-id blast down the analog line
00:36.06wastonNopeI'm guessing to update the LCD display on some analog piece of equipment with the name and ext number
00:36.27wastonNopebut my equipment don't play like that
00:37.16WIMPyShit. At first I thought, immediate=no solves the dundi issue, but it doesn't.
00:37.18WIMPyOwh well.
00:38.45infobotwell, dundi is at DUNDi, an optional Asterisk component, is a distributed, decentralized peer to peer network that provides routes to PSTNs between peers on the same DUNDi network.
00:41.26wastonNopecool - this mark spencer guy needs to get a hobby ;)
00:41.37wastonNopemaking all this cool software
00:42.51wastonNopeyears ago I used to host for him
00:42.55WIMPyUnfortunatly (almost) noone seems to be interested in the good bits.
00:45.02[TK]D-Fender[19:28]WIMPyIs it possible to have an invalid extension with immediate=no? That should force a call against "s", no?
00:45.51WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: Well, it doesn't make sense to use no anyway. That just seemed to work better by chance.
00:46.36wastonNopeanother caller-id blast down the analog line without any use of the circuit
00:46.48[TK]D-FenderwastonNope: heard it earlier.. and I'm not sure why that is happening...  Post up configs, etc on the tracker in a bug report and see what comes back.
00:47.18wastonNopeok - second recording is just dead space - then caller-id blip - then more dead space
00:47.20wastonNopewill do
00:59.07WIMPyIs there no option to completely disable hookflash support?
01:57.23ipengineerWhen using the asterisk REALTIME cmd is there a way to match on multiple columns?
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04:24.00wacomcitohi all
04:25.34wacomcitoi have a problem with auth sip trunk. I think the problem is 2 clients at same IP with different user.
04:25.42*** join/#asterisk Katty (
04:25.56wacomcitoWARNING[13869][C-0000002d]: chan_sip.c:16326 check_auth: username mismatch, have <RTB_casa>, digest has <pstn-fix>
04:26.18wacomcitoany help?
04:26.32Kattyi hear chocolate helps.
04:26.38Kattymaybe some godiva liquor?
04:27.00saint_2 clients at same ip with same diff users does not matter
04:34.14Kattyherp derp
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04:57.10wacomcitosolved :)
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05:32.15boratynskikamilGood morning.
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07:04.12illuderhello all, noob here on IRC..tx.
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10:02.21boratynskikamilIs it better recommended to write SIP users in users.conf or sip.conf?
10:03.06WIMPyusers.conf is best used to practice the use of rm.
10:14.34boratynskikamilWIMPy: As I thought. :-)
10:15.14boratynskikamilAnd the extensions file? .conf or AEL? For me it does not matter, but as far as I may consider. AEL is newer then conf.
10:16.20WIMPyWell, AEL is just parsed to regular conf anyway.
10:16.40boratynskikamilWIMPy: Really?
10:16.58WIMPyIt may look nicer to some, but the standard conf will give you best support.
10:17.22WIMPyYes, it's more like a preprocessor thing.
10:17.31boratynskikamilWIMPy: Yeah, yeah.
10:22.51*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
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18:23.46wastonNopeI would like to set fxs_immediate=yes on only one fxs channel, not all of them.  I'm using the current stable AsteriskNOW distribution.  I'm at a loss as to what config file to place this in.  Any help would be appreciated.
18:24.27*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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18:26.26ChannelZI don't even know what that is.  There is just an 'immediate' in chan_dahdi.conf
18:27.14wastonNopeI don't think that is the same
18:27.22wastonNopelet me find what I was reading...
18:28.26*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
18:28.29wastonNopeI believe that immediate doesn't wait to see what digits are dialed and connects immediatly to an extension.  Say for something like a Batphone
18:28.59ChannelZand what is it you are trying to make happen?
18:29.03wastonNopefxs_immediate=yes immediatly answers a ringing FSX line and doesn't wait for the caller-id information
18:29.23wastonNopeI have an FSX port hooked up to a doorbell that rings a phone line
18:29.38wastonNoperight now, I'm picking up the inbound route and sending to a queue
18:29.59wastonNopehowever, it rings a few times before being answered as it is waiting to hear the caller-id announcement
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18:30.13wastonNopethere is no caller-id, so it just needs to answer right away
18:30.38wastonNopewhich fxs_immediate=yes will do as I understand it - but I don't want to enable it for all fxs ports, just port 3
18:30.43ChannelZso turn off caller ID for that channel
18:31.05wastonNopesame problem - where do I put that?  callerid=no
18:31.08ChannelZbut in either case, you set the option before the channel => specification to set it for that channel.
18:31.15ChannelZThen set it back to whatever prior to the rest.
18:31.17WIMPyThere's only an immediate without fxs_.
18:31.47WIMPyBut immediate probably doesn't make any sense on fxo.
18:31.51wastonNopeChannelZ: I see
18:32.44wastonNopeWIMPy: I see /usr/dadhi/genconf_parameters:#fxs_immediateyes
18:33.35ChannelZoptions in chan_dahdi are basically sequential, you set up all the options and then when it hits a channel => line it assigns those paramaters to the channel(s) being defined.
18:33.39WIMPyWell, that's just for genconf.
18:33.54wastonNopeChannelZ: thanks!
18:34.36wastonNopeI'm wondering if my modification of /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi_groups.conf will be overwritten by FreePBX
18:35.36ChannelZchan_dahdi.conf is the *actual* file being read, so things are parsed sequentially. If they #include other files, it will happen 'in order' where that statement is.
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18:36.04ChannelZSo if the channels get defined somewhere by FreePBX before your manual ones, they win.
18:37.09wastonNopeChannelZ: it worked like a charm
18:37.58ChannelZturning off CallerID?
18:38.00wastonNopeI'm guessing I should put this in a seperate config file that is included by chan_dahdi.conf
18:38.01wastonNopeChannelZ: yes
18:38.35ChannelZI thought FreePBX generally put "### THIS FILE WILL BE OVERWRITTEN ###" type comments in the config files it pisses all over
18:38.39wastonNopecan channels be referenced more than once?
18:38.57ChannelZNo, the channels => line "consumes" the channels
18:38.57wastonNopeChannelZ: yes, this file has that
18:39.29ChannelZwell then #including your own from there won't matter either since your #include statement will get written over.
18:39.33wastonNopeokay - so how do I specify custom channel parameters, such as turning caller-id off and not have it overwritten by FreePBX?
18:39.35ChannelZThis is why I hate GUIs
18:40.04WIMPyAnd that's why you have to ask that question in #freepbx.
18:40.32wastonNopeit looks like it provides #include chan_dahdi_general_custom.conf for custom config enteries
18:40.42ChannelZwrite protect it and change the permissions so freepbx can't write to it :)  (unless it runs as root)
18:40.46wastonNopebut I'm not sure how I can reference a channel twice
18:40.51wastonNopeI'll ask in #freepbx
18:41.10wastonNopeChannelZ: ha! that doesn't sound very nice to freepbx
18:41.24WIMPyYes, write protection usually works. But you never know what happens if it fails to write.
18:43.38wastonNopeChannelZ: WIMPy and I were looking at another problem yesterday - on my FXO port I have an analog phone with caller-id.  After every call or asterisk re-hup I get a caller-id blast.  For example, if I take the phone off hook for a few seconds, then hang up, a few seconds later I get a caller-id blast with the extension name and number
18:43.49wastonNopethe problem is that my analog phone registers this as a missed call
18:45.23*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
18:45.29wastonNopeChannelZ: here is what comes down the line during an asterisk reload:
18:48.04WIMPyAnd I'd like to completely disable multiple calls. But can only find the callwaiting parameter.
18:55.52ChannelZI don't know why asterisk would be doing that
18:59.45*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
18:59.55WIMPyOh, and I'd also like to know why I get a ringback tone instead of a dialtone and why it doesn't stop when dialling. I'm very sure that didn't happen last time I tried dahdi.
19:04.42*** join/#asterisk JoshBon (
19:06.22JoshBonHello - I was speaking on here the other day about an issue with the network on a PBX and SIP provider. On an MTR report I get a loss of 90%+ but the packets continue to go through without issue, the voice quality is awful - Would this be the cause?
19:07.53ChannelZWell packet loss is certainly not going to make for good calls.
19:08.02*** join/#asterisk wastonNope (18fb2a7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:08.38wastonNopehmm... where can I find documentation on chan_dahdi.conf ?
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19:09.31ChannelZit's all pretty much in the stock chan_dahdi.conf
19:09.38WIMPyOnly in chan_dahdi.conf.sample
19:09.42[TK]D-FenderwastonNope: The sample config
19:10.10wastonNope[TK]D-Fender: right, duh
19:10.29JoshBonWhat is the loss meaning exactly?
19:10.40JoshBonAs the packets sent on the before, current and after count all match
19:10.44wastonNopefoobar - I don't have a sample config in my distro
19:10.56wastonNopeI found but it looks old
19:13.02ChannelZJoshBon: Loss is loss, packets that don't successfully make it from the source to the destination. I'm not sure what mtr is actually doing/sending
19:14.11WIMPyICMP echo requests
19:14.47ChannelZso I guess you could get false positives if someone doesn't respond to pings
19:15.01ChannelZbut the fact that your calls sounds like shit seems to indicate actual loss
19:15.13ChannelZOf many possible problems I suppose
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19:15.31JoshBonBut I wondered what the loss is exactly
19:15.42JoshBonAs it reports they also all go through :/
19:18.14WIMPyThat's just someone not playing along.
19:18.41ChannelZI don't know what you mean by it shows they "all go through", what options are you using?
19:19.09ChannelZAll I see mtr report is the number of packets sent, a loss %, and latency.
19:20.16WIMPyYou can have a loss to some node on the way without having loss to the destinaton.
19:20.42JoshBonI am running mtr -tu sip.server
19:20.49JoshBonThey all get to the destination
19:20.57JoshBonBut on one of the hops, there is a 90% loss
19:21.03JoshBonLoss of what, they all got there?!
19:21.50WIMPyThat node doesn't reply to your requests.
19:21.57WIMPyOr rarely.
19:22.14wastonNopeJoshBon: some routers depreference certain types of traffic and will drop them first if they are above a certain threshold of CPU for instance
19:22.42wastonNopeJoshBon: it could be that router is dropping the specific type of packets that MTR is using for the probe
19:23.24wastonNopeJoshBon: if you are able to adjust the type of probes in MTR (it's been a while) you should try that
19:25.06JoshBonOkay, I'll take a look. Currently looking at moving to a different server
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