IRC log for #asterisk on 20140215

00:03.53rrittgarnqueue add member Local/8003913000@OutboundContext to MyQueue  (from the CLI) accomplishes what you're looking for, I don't know anything about queue metrics though.
00:04.16rrittgarnyour OutboundContext has to have an extension that matches the number you're dialing otherwise asterisk will call it an invalid extension
00:04.24rrittgarn(rightfully so)
00:04.52rrittgarnneeds to learn how to read timestamps... 20 minutes late to the party apparently
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01:24.19ipengineerin Asterisk 12 with pjsip if I want to subscribe to MWI on voicemailbox 999 would I just set 999 in mailbox under ps_endpoints? The voicemail is realtime in the database
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08:56.04boratynskikamilQuestion. Do you have any proper right way to keep files clear?
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09:43.30fbntsHi, I am having a small problem when using MONITOR_EXEC in extensions.conf.  My bash script it is calling is:
09:44.02fbntsall works fine until the last line which moves the new audio file into a sub-directory - its just not moving the file
09:48.06boratynskikamilShould I consider remove warnings like: [Feb 15 10:44:15] WARNING[2448]: chan_dahdi.c:17998 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to 'userbase' (on reload) at line 23.
09:48.52*** join/#asterisk brendan` (
09:53.51WIMPyDo you have calls working or are you still searching for them?
10:03.54boratynskikamilWIMPy: Call are working...
10:04.14boratynskikamilWIMPy: The problem was chan_extra does not compile asterisk with PRI.
10:04.17boratynskikamilOk, but, go on.
10:04.24boratynskikamilI load modules by myself.
10:05.08boratynskikamilI would like to make an order here and I load them. Where I do not I get such as warnings and some with xmldoc.
10:09.13WIMPyOops. You got ignored.
10:09.38boratynskikamilWIMPy: By mistake? ;-P
10:09.56*** join/#asterisk Szab100 (
10:10.46WIMPyMight have been a network issue.
10:12.39boratynskikamil11:03 < boratynskikamil> WIMPy: Call are working...
10:12.40boratynskikamil11:04 < boratynskikamil> WIMPy: The problem was chan_extra does not compile asterisk with PRI.
10:12.42boratynskikamil11:04 < boratynskikamil> Ok, but, go on.
10:12.45boratynskikamil11:04 < boratynskikamil> I load modules by myself.
10:12.47boratynskikamil11:04 < boratynskikamil> I would like to make an order here and I load them. Where I do not I get such as warnings and some with xmldoc.
10:12.50boratynskikamil11:09 < WIMPy> Oops. You got ignored.
10:13.46WIMPyWhat warnings?
10:15.52Szab100Hi.. Is there anyone who is using asterisk-java? I would like to create a pbx system which process incoming calls & can originate outgoing ones based on user's input on the incoming channel. It's important to ring on the incoming leg while ringing on outbound leg, do something (play rec, get user input) on the outbound leg once it's answered then bridge the two calls.. After the call finishes
10:15.53Szab100(one of the parties hung up), I would like to get proper CDR processing..
10:17.29Szab100Actually my question is NOT only for asterisk-java users.. So this is a general topic I think.. I am able to use AGI to handle incoming leg (and possibly the outgoing after answered via Local chans) + AMI to originate / AMI Events..
10:18.37WIMPyI'm not exactely sure what the question is, but you can have two seperate calls and bridge them later on.
10:18.39Szab100I would just need the best practice for this kind of use.. And the simplest way because I would like to handle it with the least threads as possible..
10:19.30Szab100Well, I tried to use AMI/Originate
10:20.14Szab100but it's very complicated to follow the Events generated by this originate
10:20.21*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
10:20.30Szab100because there isn't any fixed IDs I can use
10:21.07WIMPyThe channel name.
10:21.38Szab100yes but that's changing..
10:21.48Szab100so I was using async originate
10:22.03WIMPyThe channel name never changes.
10:22.53WIMPyBut I have to admit that I'm not sure how obvious the link from your originate action to the resulting channel name is. Haven't originated via AMI for ages.
10:24.18*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
10:24.37boratynskikamilWIMPy: - like here.
10:26.20WIMPyYes, that's the kind of warning that would only be needed once.
10:26.41boratynskikamilI would like to solve it. :-)
10:26.56WIMPyTo tell you that the reload you just did might not have the desired effect.
10:27.45boratynskikamilWIMPy: The case is I didn't reload.
10:27.48boratynskikamilI loaded it.
10:28.45WIMPySMaybe it can't tell the difference between initial load and reload?
10:29.03boratynskikamilSo is it good I got these warning?
10:30.41WIMPyWell, they tell you that those values cannot be changed on a reload.
10:45.37*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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11:16.05boratynskikamilWIMPy: These modules are not reloaded. They are started. So?
11:16.37WIMPy>>Maybe it can't tell the difference between initial load and reload?
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11:40.26boratynskikamilWIMPy: So? Just leave it?
11:42.56WIMPySafe to ignore (except for the message about reloads, off course).
11:44.52*** join/#asterisk Szab100 (
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14:22.37ruben23hi guys any way i cant set my asterisk 1.8 to have color on its logs same as the origanl asterisk CLI- which have white, pink, yellow and bluegreen text on its logs--->coz now my asterisk logs on CLI- are all white only...displaying
14:26.12ruben23any idea guys...? what could be the issue
14:33.35*** join/#asterisk HumpyDumpy (~eXcALiBuR@
14:34.00HumpyDumpyxcuse me, is it hard to set asterisk up for phone conferencing where people can enter there conference number to join the call?
14:39.27WIMPyThe conferencing part is super easy.
14:39.45HumpyDumpyi see conf bridge makes it happen
14:39.47WIMPyGetting things up and running is debatable.
14:39.48HumpyDumpyi'm googling
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14:40.35HumpyDumpymy connection speed is 14MB/s
14:40.40HumpyDumpyis that good enough for a few callers?
14:40.43HumpyDumpylike 5
14:40.45HumpyDumpyor so
14:41.03WIMPyIn both directions?
14:41.16HumpyDumpythats my down
14:41.19HumpyDumpyI don't know what my up is
14:41.29WIMPyWithout additional complression you can plan about 100kbit/s per call and direction.
14:42.10fauxallianceHumpyDumpy: and
14:42.15WIMPydouble wrong
14:49.04*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:03.20HumpyDumpyso it's good both ways
15:03.26HumpyDumpyi just checked my upload
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15:28.37HumpyDumpyi'm trying to get asteriskgui working, but it's saying page not found when I goto my url:8088
15:28.47HumpyDumpyi followed the guide
15:28.50HumpyDumpyand made all the changes
15:29.00HumpyDumpybut i don't think my web server knows what to do
15:30.17HumpyDumpyi don't see port 8088 open
15:30.23HumpyDumpywhen i do a netstat -a
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15:33.24WIMPyTry to ask in #asterisk-gui
15:33.40HumpyDumpythat went well
15:33.56HumpyDumpybites WIMPy really really hard
15:34.43WIMPyWe don't support GIUs in here.
15:34.53HumpyDumpymaybe i should have installed from source instead of apt-get
15:36.01HumpyDumpylooks at WIMPy with sad eyes.... I'm sorry I bit you :{
15:37.54HumpyDumpytime to reset my vps
15:39.45HumpyDumpyis it better 32 or 64 bit
15:39.47HumpyDumpyfor asterisk?
15:44.03HumpyDumpyI think i broke DigitalOcean
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16:11.43bananapieHello, I want to upgrade my asterisk. How can I copy the config file from the old source directory to the new source directory so I don't have to redo menuconfig all over again?
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16:19.37BeachBallI want my asterisk to ring 2 phones at the same time I added this - same => n,Dial(SIP/10000000000@flowroute,SIP/300)
16:19.48BeachBallit dials my cell number but not the sip/300
16:20.26bananapieit's & not , for multiple extensions
16:20.44bananapie, is for seperating arguments. All the extensions are part of the same extension
16:20.47bananapieso (SIP/10000000000@flowroute&SIP/30
16:22.30BeachBalli c
16:22.52bananapiesorry, I mistyped that
16:22.59bananapie=> n,Dial(SIP/10000000000@flowroute&SIP/300)
16:25.07bananapiedoes that help?
16:26.42BeachBallit's working now
16:26.51BeachBallit rings my office and cell
16:29.56bananapieNeed anything else ?
16:30.18BeachBallnot at the moment, i'm good thank you
16:30.23BeachBalltinkering with conf bridge
16:32.08BeachBallgently bounces
16:33.10BeachBalldoes asterisk have a decent IVR?
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16:33.19BeachBalllike if I say stuff it will understand me?
16:33.54bananapieSpeech recognition ?
16:35.07bananapieI can't help you with tat
16:47.02WIMPybananapie: menuselect.makeopts
16:49.15bananapiethanks :D
16:49.50bananapieis there an asterisk equivalent to 'make oldconfig'
16:50.20WIMPydoesn't know any
16:50.44bananapieok, I'll just copy menuselect.makeopts and then run make menuconfig
16:50.54bananapiethanks for your help :D
16:51.29WIMPyBeachBall: Asterisk doesn't do speech recognition by itself.
16:59.26BeachBallwhere does asterisk hide it's sound files?
17:00.09*** join/#asterisk Milarepa (
17:00.30bananapie/usr/share/asterisk/sounds or /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
17:00.33bananapieI can never remember
17:01.02BeachBallit's the first one
17:01.03WIMPyI/ve never had anything Asterisk under */share/*.
17:01.37WIMPy/usr/lib/asterisk or /var/lib/asterisk.
17:02.45WIMPyBroken bananapipe? *eg*
17:29.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
17:29.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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17:35.55BeachBallhow do i secure my asterisk so people can't access my dialplan?
17:36.13BeachBall[Feb 15 12:31:29] NOTICE[985]: chan_sip.c:22622 handle_request_invite: Call from '' ( to extension '100' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
17:36.16BeachBalli see things like that
17:36.19BeachBalland it's not me
17:36.22BeachBallit's a new install
17:36.30[TK]D-Fenderdon't allow anonymous calls.
17:36.40[TK]D-Fenderuse strong passwords for your peers
17:36.51WIMPyread the README-SERIOUSELY.bestpractices.txt
17:37.07[TK]D-Fenderrestrict peers to fixed hosts/networds where possible
17:37.27[TK]D-Fenderuse a log-scraper like fail2ban to check for brute force attempts and firewall them.
17:37.46[TK]D-FenderFirewall out everything except what you know should be good
17:38.46WIMPyOr better still don't have a connection to the internet.
17:39.54[TK]D-FenderBetter yet, there's this cord that supplies power to your server.  Better pull on that hard....
17:40.21*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
17:40.38WIMPyThat's more to avoid failures than remote access.
17:43.13*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
17:43.53BeachBallgoing back to the don't allow anonymous calls bit
17:43.55BeachBallwhere might one put that
17:44.16WIMPylook for allowguests
17:44.28BeachBalli have that set to no
17:45.31[TK]D-Fendershow us
17:45.48WIMPyMaybe you set a peer that doesn't need to authenticate?
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18:23.43ruben23hi guys any help regarding my ubuntu PC where i install my headset pretty bad echo audio
18:26.29pabelangerDoes your headset have echo cancelling?
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18:34.16ruben23pabelanger: still there..?
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18:38.26pabelangerruben23, sounds like something in ubuntu is interfering with it.  See what #ubuntu says
18:40.25ruben23yea i tried plantronics usb headset, it still the weird.
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18:57.27[TK]D-FenderThat EC is software based.  You are comparing totally different code
18:57.35[TK]D-FenderAnd they are not likely to be the same
18:57.40[TK]D-FenderTry another softphone
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19:52.07ipengineerHello all... I am trying to setup a sip trunk with IP based authentication with PJSIP and when I look at module show it is saying "" is Not Running. Asterisk is sending back a 401 to the invite.
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20:07.13ChannelZI guess let's see your pjsip.conf
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20:49.38wastonNopeübernoob here - just got AsteriskNOW box running w/ 4 port analog digium card.  I have a consumer cordless vtech base plugged into an analog fsx port.  After every call on the fsx port and after every config update through FreePBX, the analog phone receives a silent call that displays the asterisk configured extension name and number.
20:50.09wastonNopeI would appreciate any pointers to what this signalling is called and how I might stop it from happening
20:55.54[TK]D-FenderAn FXS port on what?
20:55.57wastonNopeit seems as if asterisk is sending the name and extension number out the analog port via some type of caller-id protocol?!
20:56.12wastonNopefxs port on a 4 port analog digium pci-e card
20:56.12*** join/#asterisk tris (
20:57.15[TK]D-Fenderpastebin all  of your DAHDI configs
20:57.17infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:58.19wastonNopewill do - it is for the most part a stock asterisknow w/ freepbx install - where do I find these? /etc/dahdi?  thanks for the help
20:58.37wastonNopeI'm an asterisk noob, but I've been around the block
21:00.27*** part/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
21:01.28wastonNopeactually, the only file in /etc/dahdi that isn't virgin is system.conf that reads
21:01.35wastonNopefxsks=1-3fxoks=4 loadzone=us
21:01.39[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN <-
21:02.06wastonNopeit's 3 lines
21:03.02[TK]D-FenderAlso, did you plug the molex power connector to the card?
21:03.46wastonNopeyes I did - everything works fine - can dial out, receive calls, etc
21:04.08wastonNopeI just get a what looks like to be a call on the extension after every call or config update
21:04.37[TK]D-FenderWhat colour modelues and how many each on this card?
21:04.57wastonNopethere are 4, 3 FXO 1 FXS
21:05.14wastonNopecolor, green and red, can't remember what color maps to what type
21:05.49[TK]D-Fenderchange your port 4 to fxols
21:05.55wastonNopeI have analog POTS lines connected to the FXO's - I can dial out and receive calls on these and route to my analog extension on the FXS port
21:06.21[TK]D-Fenderand provide the Asterisk dahdi configs
21:06.37[TK]D-Fendermake sure you change both sets for what I have just sdvised
21:08.04wastonNopeI'm I looking for /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi* ?
21:09.34[TK]D-Fender.conf, and everything that it #include's
21:10.05wastonNopejust to clarify, in system.conf I am changing last line to fxols=4 ?
21:15.37[TK]D-Fender[16:09]wastonNopejust to clarify, in system.conf I am changing last line to fxols=4 ? <- yes
21:16.52[TK]D-Fenderyour chan_dahdi setup looks pretty messy....
21:17.23[TK]D-Fenderfrom-analog is not a normal contest for FXO port (lines).  They should point to from-trunk
21:17.48[TK]D-Fenderunless you are using they "ZAP DID option for splitting routing
21:17.59[TK]D-FenderFor which I don't recall that being the place to send them
21:18.11[TK]D-FenderAs for your FXS port (phone), that should point to from-internal
21:18.35[TK]D-FenderAlso ensure that you change"signalling=fxo_ks" to "fso_ls" to match what you've done in system.conf
21:18.53[TK]D-FenderYou'll need to start * and DAHDI and restart both services to take efffect
21:19.05wastonNopeok - I'm assuming that is Loop Start as opposed to Kewl Start
21:19.30wastonNopeI'll give it whirl - that's for your time and help
21:30.11wastonNope[TK]D-Fender: made the changes, restarted everything, everything works as before - still receiving some type of signalling to the analog phone after calls and on asterisk restarts.  My analog phone now shows 9 missed calls.
21:31.01wastonNopeif I pick up the receiver, listen to dialtone, then hang up, after a few seconds my analog phone's caller=id displays my asterisk extension name and number
21:31.09wastonNopeand registers a missed call
21:31.31[TK]D-FenderYou have to completely reset * AND DAHDI
21:31.39wastonNopeI will reboot
21:31.51[TK]D-Fendera little overkill, but that should do it...
21:33.31wastonNopewhile rebooting, I kept on eye on the analog phone plugged into the fxs port - when asterisk started up, the analog phone registered a missed call from extension 30
21:33.42wastonNopeI have 10 missed calls now
21:34.11wastonNopeI can not hear it ring, though
21:35.59wastonNopewill start checking out what kind of logging facilities I have access to
21:37.03wastonNopethe missed calls aren't showing up, by default, in /var/log/asterisk/*
21:38.25[TK]D-Fenderverify that your changes haven't gotten overridden
21:39.22wastonNopesystem.conf was re-ordered, but fxols=4 persisted
21:40.23wastonNopesingalling=fxo_ls and context=from-internal persisted as well
21:52.08WIMPygoes to start the same experiment
21:53.24wastonNopedebug:5 shows nothing at the time of the mysterious caller-id missed call event after the hangup
21:53.45wastonNopemaybe someone else can see something that I'm missing
22:01.52wastonNopeI will dump the audio of the fxs port - I should be able to hear this caller-id mubo jumbo bullsh*t?
22:05.03wastonNopeyes - I can hear a caller-id blast after I hang up the phone
22:05.20wastonNopewhere should I paste this .wav?
22:10.36WIMPyI guess the interesting question is what kind of "feature" you're seeing there.
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22:13.12wastonNopeWIMPy: check it out and let me know what you think it is
22:13.21wastonNope[TK]D-Fender: ping
22:13.41[TK]D-Fenderkill "callwaitingcallerid
22:13.48WIMPyHering it won't tell me what might be configured.
22:14.04[TK]D-FenderWhere are you located BTW?
22:14.16wastonNopeUnited States
22:14.31wastonNopewill kill cwcid
22:14.44[TK]D-Fenderok, you get the with calls from your analog phone to internal freepbx features as well?
22:15.14wastonNopeI don't fully understand the question
22:17.01wastonNope[TK]D-Fender: I don't have "callwaiting" (Case insensitive) appearing anywhere in /etc
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22:22.14wastonNopeI'm assuming this is some type of feature to update the extension name and number for the display on certain types of phones
22:22.36wastonNopehowever, it is tripping up my phone
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22:23.33eXcAliBuRis it ok if i just sit here, i feel smarter when i'm here :}
22:23.51wastonNopeeXcAliBuR: put your smarts to use and help me out
22:24.09[TK]D-FenderNo, he only FEELS smarter :)
22:24.21wastonNopejust trying to help make it a reality
22:25.12wastonNopemaybe I just need a  SMARTER phone
22:27.00WIMPyWTF? Why does Asterisk complain about missing pjproject because I enabled chan_dahdi???
22:27.24wastonNopeit is always permissions
22:28.00WIMPyI don't see why I want or need pjproject.
22:28.44wastonNopeshould I open a bug, or post to the forum about this late caller-id issue?
22:28.47eXcAliBuRi need someone to think for me
22:29.45eXcAliBuRasterisk answers the call - says please enter pin number (it's a waitexten) if it times out or is invalid i want it to playback that sound... and then loop
22:29.55[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: that's what becoming an employer means....
22:30.03eXcAliBuRi don't know how to make the loop happen
22:30.10[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR: Goto <-
22:31.43eXcAliBuRok, now i've got a infi loop happening
22:31.57eXcAliBuRhow do i set the number of times it can loop?
22:31.58[TK]D-FenderYou should maybe look at where you are, and where you're going...
22:32.37[TK]D-Fendercount each time it does.  before Goto-ing back see if you've reached your limit
22:32.46[TK]D-Fender"core show application GotoIf" <-
22:41.20*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~owner@
22:43.56eXcAliBuRas soon as i dial a ext that is not in the dialplan it's goes beep boop and kills the call
22:44.11eXcAliBuRhow can i have it so it will let me finish dialing what number i want before doing that?
22:44.39WIMPyWhat sense does it make to wait when there's no chance of success?
22:44.59eXcAliBuRso people can't guess the number based on when it fails
22:45.30WIMPyThe number?
22:46.00eXcAliBuRthere has to be a way to do it
22:46.01WIMPyEither don't use WaitExten or create a catchall extension.
22:46.23eXcAliBuRdefine how using waitexten is breaking it?
22:46.38eXcAliBuRor what could i use in place of waitexten
22:46.49WIMPyBecause that's what WaitExten is there for.
22:47.11WIMPyIt waits for the user to dial an extension.
22:47.28WIMPyRead would just wait for whatever you want.
22:49.25WIMPyOh, that was evil. Asterisk uses absolute paths in the source. :-(
22:50.38eXcAliBuRok so if i had exten 4 and 40 waitexten would dial 4 and not let ppl dial 40
22:51.01WIMPyIt would wait for another digit or a timeout.
22:51.18WIMPyWhich is why overlapping extensions are bad.
23:13.30bsdiceIn Asterisk 11 dialplan if you Dial() and call completes normally (callee picks up, both then hang up), will Dial() return to dialplan and execute next command (like a Hangup(16)) or will only the h extension have any meaning at that point?
23:14.20WIMPyUnless you give the right option, Dial will not continue in the dialplan once someone answered.
23:16.29bsdiceahh g Option
23:17.09WIMPyThere are several.
23:17.53*** join/#asterisk lwizardl (
23:18.41lwizardlI just bought a used spa1001. I would like to use this for on asterisk. Is there a guide for unlocking and using it? google isn;t helping
23:19.03bsdiceunlocking would be offtopic
23:19.10bsdiceand careful here, trips mods up :)
23:19.25WIMPyIf google doesn't know, I guess you have your answer.
23:19.31bsdiceother than that for config see
23:20.12bsdiceshould work if you have sip.conf in working order to let the spa login into asterisk
23:21.30eXcAliBuRthank you ppl
23:21.33eXcAliBuRnap time now
23:22.11lwizardlokay is that website like a default setup page for these ? kinda like the ?
23:22.29bsdiceits a website that shows settings for VOIP providers
23:22.44bsdicegives you a hint what you have to touch in order to get your spa working with your asterisk
23:23.15lwizardlah ok
23:30.19*** join/#asterisk boscage (~boscage@unaffiliated/boscage)
23:39.08*** join/#asterisk brendan` (
23:51.40*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (

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