IRC log for #asterisk on 20140208

00:08.32*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:8d4:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
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00:52.07*** join/#asterisk supremekai (~a@
00:52.11supremekaiHello guys
00:52.43supremekaiI want to make on extensions.conf this
00:52.57supremekaiexten => s,1,Answer(500)
00:53.15supremekaisame => Playback(tt-monkeys)
00:53.37supremekaiAnd I want to redirect it to my 101 extension
00:53.54supremekaiUsing this:exten => 101,1,Goto(demo,s,1)
00:54.01supremekaiwhere do I put this part?
00:54.39*** join/#asterisk Akuma (~Akuma@
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01:17.35*** join/#asterisk YannikS (1f12c1dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:19.16YannikSHi, I am receiving an 405 Method not Allowed error when Asterisk contacts my siptrunk provider with a OPTIONS request: - Apparantly OPTIONS is not an allowed method for this provider. Can anyone tell me how to make asterisk register to the server without using the OPTIONS method?
01:19.54pabelangerYannikS: are you using qualify=yes?
01:20.06pabelangerthat is why
01:20.16pabelangerOPTIONS message are usually harmless
01:20.51YannikSokay, so setting it to qualify=no should fix the issue?
01:21.10pabelangerit should
01:21.18YannikSokay, will try
01:21.20pabelangerare you behind a NAT?
01:21.42pabelangeryou might run into audio issues
01:21.56pabelangerOPTIONS also help keep the firewall / NAT happy
01:22.07YannikSI see
01:22.15YannikSwell, having it register to the sip server is the first step :-)
01:22.26YannikSoh and btw, it works from a softphone inside the nat
01:22.35YannikSso i hope asterisk won't make any problems either
01:23.23YannikSnow that is interesting
01:23.52YannikSSet qualify=no, no more messages appearing in the sip debug log. However, still unregistered :-(
01:24.49pabelangerOPTIONS wouldn't stop you from registering
01:26.05YannikS*CLI> sip show registry Host                                    dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time                N      405325xxxx@r       120 Unregistered
01:26.12pabelangerhave you setup: register => in sip.conf
01:26.24*** join/#asterisk moy (
01:26.42YannikSthis is my config:
01:26.53YannikS(except for the foo bar thing)
01:27.09pabelangerwell, do you have the foo bar thing?
01:27.20pabelangerbecause that setup will not register to the proxy
01:27.33YannikSregister => {username}{password}:{username}{username}
01:27.40YannikSthats the register string i am using
01:28.01pabelangerwhere in your sip.conf, above this entry?
01:28.19YannikSwell actually it got added by the freepbx gui
01:28.36YannikSinside an additional sip_registrations.conf file
01:28.48pabelangerokay, you'll need to confirm with #freepbx
01:29.04pabelangerbut enable *CLI> sip set debug on
01:29.12pabelangerand look for the registration attempt
01:29.19pabelangeryou should get back something
01:29.23pabelangerand a reason code
01:29.31pabelanger401, 403, etc
01:29.48YannikSthat's the thing thats bugging me
01:29.55YannikSI am not getting any messages at all
01:30.06pabelangerthen it sounds like a configuration file issue
01:30.21YannikSwell, before I got the OPTIONS messages
01:30.30YannikSis it possible to raise the loglevel?
01:30.33pabelangerI suspect freepbx doesn't like your registration string syntax
01:30.52pabelanger*CLI> core set verbose 5
01:31.00pabelanger*CLI> core set debug 5
01:31.04YannikSI am also getting messages for my extensions when not using set ip <ip>
01:31.18YannikSwhat is the default loglevel?
01:31.21YannikSjust so I know for afterwards.
01:31.35pabelangerdepends on how you launch asterisk
01:31.41pabelangeragian, #freepbx question
01:31.59pabelangeryou can use cli.conf to setup commands to run everything asterisk starts
01:37.58YannikSVerbosity/Debuglevel 5 Log after sip reload:
01:38.05YannikSmaybe this helps?
01:43.56YannikSDo you have any idea?
01:52.28[TK]D-FenderYannikS: [2014-02-08 02:34:00] DEBUG[2914]: netsock2.c:138 ast_sockaddr_split_hostport: Splitting '' into...
01:52.41[TK]D-FenderYannikS: I'm thinking you might have a DNS issue and the name isn't resolving
01:52.48[TK]D-Fendergo ping it from your server CLI
01:52.57[TK]D-Fenderand prove what you machine finds it at
01:53.46YannikSI can ping the proxy
01:54.46[TK]D-FenderShow us your actual register statement and that ping from CLI
01:54.56[TK]D-Fendermasking ONLY the password
01:56.31YannikSregister =><password>
01:56.45YannikSI can resolve the dns request for
01:56.53YannikSit won't answer icmp requests though
01:57.58*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:58.07[TK]D-Fendershow it
01:59.33[TK]D-Fenderit's als uncommon to need a separate authuser.  normally it's just user:pass@host/contact
02:00.04*** join/#asterisk YannikS_ (1f12c1dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:00.20YannikS_sorry, my browser crashed...
02:00.36YannikS_Did I miss anything?
02:00.43[TK]D-Fender[20:57][TK]D-Fendershow it
02:00.45[TK]D-Fender[20:59][TK]D-Fenderit's als uncommon to need a separate authuser. normally it's just user:pass@host/contact
02:01.02YannikS_oh okay
02:01.09YannikS_I will try user:pass@host/contact
02:02.08YannikS_What should I use as host?
02:02.10YannikS_the proxy?
02:03.25[TK]D-Fenderleave those, kill the authuser.
02:03.36[TK]D-Fenderthen retest without CORE, and with SIP debugs
02:04.23YannikS_can you elaborate how to change the register string?
02:05.25*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
02:07.00YannikS_i don't quite understand how i am meant to change it
02:09.46YannikS_ah okay
02:15.04YannikS_this looks good
02:15.08YannikS_seems to work
02:15.24[TK]D-Fenderyou're welcome
02:16.00YannikS_sip show peers shows "unmonitored" for the siptrunk - why?
02:16.17[TK]D-Fenderbecause you didn't tell it to "qualify"
02:16.28YannikS_ah i see
02:16.47[TK]D-Fender* uses SIP OPTION to check for a response to consider them there or not
02:23.33*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
02:29.25YannikS_Thanks again for the help, I am going to bed now :-) Cya later
02:32.00*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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03:13.37*** join/#asterisk chare (322f51ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:13.46chareany update on google voice?
03:19.15[TK]D-FenderGo subscribe to the mailing list
03:22.14*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (sid14615@gateway/web/
03:28.53*** part/#asterisk zelele (~zelele@
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08:03.33liquidamberwhy shouldn't i do this? exten => numbers,n,swift("Your name is, ${CALLERID(name)}.  Your number is, ${CALLERID(num)}")
08:04.07liquidamberis someone going to set their caller ID to some shellcode and root my box
08:07.24*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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09:09.10*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
09:15.08*** join/#asterisk Vutral (ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
09:43.28liquidamberthis is BS... asterisk won't play MP3s ? so confuse
09:44.38*** join/#asterisk YannikS (1f12c1dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:48.04*** join/#asterisk rfi (
09:51.52rfiIs anyone awake at this hour?
09:52.07YannikSI am ;-)
09:52.13rfiYay :-)
09:52.29*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
09:52.42rfiI have a really random question I wanted to bounce off someone before I submitted an asterisk issue and sounded like a total n00b:
09:53.08YannikSAsk away, not sure if I can be of help though ;-)
09:54.57rfiI have a problem with PhonePower sending URI parameters in Contact field of the 200 OK response to a REGISTER. After looking at the source, and testing with another carrier that doesn't add URI parameters; it seems Asterisk will only respect a expires header and update the expiry timer if the Contact URI in the 200 OK exactly matches the one Asterisk sent in the REGISTER request.
09:56.01rfiA similar issue was discussed in and closed because the Contact field did not exactly match the one being sent.
09:57.49*** join/#asterisk lok-jpr-india (lok-jpr-in@
09:58.04rfiI've been reading through the RFC's and I'm trying to figure out who is wrong; is Asterisk not following the RFC, is the RFC vague with respect to Contact binding (RFC3261 Section 10.3 Paragraph 8), or is the PhonePower's switch not following the RFC and the Contact header must exactly match.
09:58.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:59.42rfiI can edit the source and solve this issue for me... but I would like to know who is right and if it is something that should be added to the Asterisk branch or if I should chase the carrier's switch manufacturer for a resolution.
10:00.14lok-jpr-indiaDear all, we are getting 486-BUSY here, though the softphones are not busy. we are using asterisk 11.7.0, SIP UA is QJSIMPLE, no NAT...any clue? thnx
10:01.06rfiIs this a new system, or did it just start happening?
10:04.34YannikSrfi: I think I don't have the expertise to answer on that, sorry. Might be best if you opened a ticket or waited for someone else to respond in here
10:08.20*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
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10:13.24lok-jpr-indiarfi: its a new setup
10:14.54ChannelZwe can only make random guesses without seeing a SIP debug of the failed attempt
10:15.44ChannelZ(and console verbose set to at least 3)
10:15.48lok-jpr-indiait keeps saying everyone is busy congested, but can call IVR extension
10:16.53ChannelZOne possible is your devices aren't registered or asterisk otherwise doesn't know their IP
10:16.55*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:18.02lok-jpr-indiathey are registed: sip show peers says registered
10:18.38ChannelZwell again I'm not going to sit here and guess 100 things.  Show us verbose console output with sip debug
10:22.45infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
10:25.26lok-jpr-indiaplz have a look
10:27.40ChannelZ<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
10:27.45ChannelZSIP/2.0 406 Not Acceptable
10:28.03ChannelZGuess you need to figure out why the device that is SIP/306 is rejecting the INVITE
10:29.52ChannelZmaybe it doesn't like the massive list of codecs, I dunno.
10:30.07lok-jpr-indiathats what we are unable to figure out, may be something related to TLS or srtp modules
10:32.12*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
10:37.12lok-jpr-indiaany clue plz ?
10:37.53rfi306 is a QJSIMPLE client? Can you pb the QJSIMPLE Debug Logs from 303 & 306?
10:40.18*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
10:40.48rfiDoes QJSIMPLE support direct IP call? Can you call from 303 to 306 directly without using asterisk?
10:43.41*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_ (
10:46.00lok-jpr-india logs of qjsimple
10:48.25lok-jpr-indiawe do not know how to test direct sip call 303 to 306 without asterisk. what we have to set as registrar in qjsimple ?
10:56.20rfiI'm not sure I don't know QJSIMPLE. Is SRTP set to optional or mandatory on the QJSIMPLE clients?
10:57.24rfitry changing it to optional on both extensions you are calling between and see if the call proceeds
10:58.18rfiFrom your pb, this is probably a SRTP issue: 16:13:44.560   pjsua_call.c  Error initializing media channel: Unknown error 220227 [status=220227]
11:00.09rfiIf calls are successful with srtp optional then you might read through this:
11:08.47*** join/#asterisk Milarepa (
11:14.00lok-jpr-indiawe are unable to call from 303 to 306 with or without asterisk, tried optional, mandatory and disabled options of srtp :(
11:26.22*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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12:02.53*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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12:16.33YannikSI am trying to use a Yate softphone with asterisk. However, most times the registration does not work. ("Login failure, Reason: timeout" in yate). This is the asterisk-log of an unsuccessful registration  attempt: This is the extension config: Any ideas how to fix this?
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13:43.07*** join/#asterisk uRDeSiRe (~yes@unaffiliated/urdesire)
13:43.44uRDeSiRehello there! I am just wondering has anyone got outgoing skype working without paying the crazy price per channel directly from skype?
13:45.24*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
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13:58.42YannikSHi, when trying to register sip clients to my asterisk server, the registration always fails with a timeout error. Log here: Can anyone help me to solve this?
14:06.40Faustovcan you actually make dahdi compile with a 3.10 kernel?
14:14.27GuggeFaustov: i would think so, i have it working with 3.8 and 3.11
14:18.17FaustovGugge: sorry, I mean the 2.6 version, 2.8 works for me but wanpipe doesn't compile against it
14:18.35Faustovdid you actually get 2.6.x?
14:26.58Guggeim pretty sure i uses the 2.9 version
14:49.07*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
14:51.41YannikS[14:58] <YannikS> Hi, when trying to register sip clients to my asterisk server, the registration always fails with a timeout error. Log here: Can anyone help me to solve this?    <- any ideas, anyone?
14:53.53*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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15:07.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
15:16.51YannikSHi D-Fender, got a few minutes for me? :-)
15:17.45[TK]D-Fenderjust ask
15:17.57YannikS<YannikS> Hi, when trying to register sip clients to my asterisk server, the registration always fails with a timeout error. Log here: Can anyone help me to solve this?
15:18.24YannikSit fails about 95% of the time
15:18.35YannikSsometimes it works, which seems really odd to me
15:22.20YannikSI have already tried turning nat on and off, binding the asterisk server to a specific ip, turning off firewalls on server and client
15:22.27YannikSTo no avail, sadly :-(
15:22.41Faustovthere's one retransmission, maybe you got too much packet loss?
15:23.16YannikSI don't think there should be much packet loss
15:23.37YannikSthe asterisk server is wired to the network and i've got full reception on the clients
15:24.01YannikSHere is my sip.conf extension config:
15:26.08YannikSany ideas?
15:26.48*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:28.01YannikSI tried CSIPSimple, PhonerLite, X-Lite and Yate as clients... always the same symptoms
15:29.04*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
15:31.27[TK]D-FenderThat is the client running on?
15:31.40YannikSYou mean the log?
15:31.46YannikSthe log is from asterisk
15:32.03[TK]D-Fenderno, the SOFTPHONE
15:32.08[TK]D-Fenderwhat hardware, networked how?
15:33.24YannikSCSIPSimple on Android 4.2.2, X-Lite/Yate/PhonerLite on Windows 7 x64, gigabit network
15:33.54YannikSthe asterisk server is connected by ethernet, the clients using 802.11n
15:35.01WIMPy11n is not gigabit
15:35.10YannikSth ethernet network is fully gigabit
15:35.52YannikSconnection speed of the wireless network is about 35mbit/s
15:36.06YannikSshould be enough for a 64kbps connection..
15:40.15YannikS[TK]D-Fender / Faustov, do you have any idea how I can fix this?
15:44.58*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (
15:46.00uRDeSiRehello there! I am just wondering has anyone got outgoing skype working without paying the crazy price per channel directly from skype?
15:47.41wonderworldhi, I am trying to build asterisk12 with pjsip on debian. i followed instructions @ . everything seemed to work well, but in asteriks menuselect pjproject shows XXX because of umet dependencies. (Depends on: pjproject(E), res_sorcery_config(M)) what else could i do?
15:48.16*** part/#asterisk happy-dude (
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15:56.18wonderworldnever mind. forgot to install pkg-config. works now
16:03.57YannikSWhen trying to register sip clients to my asterisk server, the registration fails about 95% of the time with a timeout error. Asterisk log here:, sip.conf:, I have already tried turning nat on and off, binding the asterisk server to a specific ip, turning off firewalls on server and client, tried many different clients, but always the same symptoms
16:04.06YannikSany ideas how to fix this?
16:19.08wonderworldping asterisk from one of the client machines and check packet loss
16:19.17wonderworldhad a broken switch a while ago
16:19.27wonderworldsame problem back then
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16:37.19YannikSwonderworld: how can i check the packet loss?
16:37.30YannikSwonderworld: pings do work both ways
16:52.03wonderworldping shows the packet loss in it's sumary
16:57.46*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
16:57.52[TK]D-FenderYannikS: create a second peer to the phone witha FIXED IP and enable qualify and see if it responds
17:33.28YannikS[TK]D-Fender: "[2014-02-08 18:32:40] ERROR[3518]: chan_sip.c:16882 register_verify: Peer '12' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic [2014-02-08 18:32:40] NOTICE[3518]: chan_sip.c:27952 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:12@>' failed for '' - Peer is not supposed to register" - any advice? set host=
17:33.40[TK]D-FenderI said a second peer.....
17:33.43[TK]D-Fendernot the SAME one
17:34.07YannikSthe other one was extension 11
17:34.33[TK]D-FenderActually, yes, it might end up matching because of that...
17:34.39[TK]D-Fenderlook at the qualify packets
17:34.42[TK]D-Fenderignore registration
17:35.07YannikSsip show peers shows the correc thost but says unreacheable
17:35.46[TK]D-Fenderok, not at all what I said
17:35.55[TK]D-FenderLook at the PACKETS going out and look for an answer
17:36.33YannikSlike with tcpdump or is there a asterisk command for that?
17:38.33[TK]D-Fendersip set debug on
17:40.34*** join/#asterisk k1ng (~k1ng@unaffiliated/k1ng)
17:42.46YannikSah okay now i understand what you mean
17:42.56YannikSi will try this later, got to go now
17:43.01YannikSthanks alot for your assistance
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17:55.23*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8600:8d4:21b:63ff:fe31:8426)
17:55.41gustohi folks
17:56.06gustoapparently there are ppl out there who are not using asterisk, but some cisco commercial product instead
17:56.11gustoare they crazy?
17:56.14gustohow can anyone NOT use asterisk?
17:57.03WIMPyUsing Asterisk is less crazy?
18:14.36Kobazthe interesting thing about those ciscos
18:14.47Kobazis that they don't tend to randomly crash and deadlock as much as asterisk does :/
18:14.56Kobazbut asterisk has gotten waaaaaay better
18:15.05Kobazthe new versions are pretty awesome, so yeah it's kind of crazy to not use it
18:15.25WIMPyAnd SCCP is much more suited to telephony than that SIP shit.
18:16.06Kobazsccp is pretty cool in that it's all pretty much controlled at the server
18:16.17Kobazeven dialtone is sent off the server
18:16.49WIMPyWich makes sense.
18:16.58Kobazyeah true
18:17.05gustow8 w8
18:17.11Kobazgetting local dialtone on a polycom and then not being able to dial out, is kind of stupif
18:17.16gustowhen does asterisk crash? did not happen to me yet
18:17.23Kobazgusto: haha
18:17.35WIMPygusto: Have you used it?
18:17.54WIMPyOk, it hasn't crashed that often on me, but it has locked up many times.
18:17.55Kobazgusto: i have a health check run every 60 seconds to make sure asterisk is alive and well
18:18.02gustothe only time asterisk did deadlock itself was when it was running in a loop resolving SRV record ... so i am disabeling that one from then on and resolving manually if needed
18:18.07Kobazto check for deadlocks mostly
18:19.41Kobazasterisk locks up on startup for me sometimes, which i have to watch
18:19.54Kobazit's not actually asterisk's fault though, there's some lockup in the pg driver
18:20.01gustowhat do you do with it? what version are you running? a testing one?
18:20.13WIMPyoh, yes
18:20.18Kobazgusto: i do LOTS of custom stuff
18:20.37gustoso maybe it's your stuffs fault
18:20.53Kobazgusto: any time i build a new feature or application on top of asterisk i will always hit, a) deadlocks, b) crashes, and c) crazy-ass edge cases
18:20.56WIMPy11.7 locked up every time I tried a transfer.
18:21.06gustoand i can also confirm that the compatibility drivers for postgres are poor, also for mailservers and so on
18:21.17gustomysql/mariadb works better
18:21.25Kobaz1.8.0 crashed every time i made a call from one of my aastra phones
18:21.40Kobazi fixed a null pointer problem in the sip header parsing and then that fixed it
18:22.19Kobazi fixed two crash bugs and one ref leak bug in 1.8 before i could use it in production
18:22.34gustoi am using SPA112 and PAP2T
18:22.52gustoi have 2 of either of them
18:23.20Kobazer, wrong chan
18:23.42gustothe only thing i am upset about is that these devices and also network printers do not support ipv5
18:23.45gustothe only thing i am upset about is that these devices and also network printers do not support ipv6
18:23.54Kobazwelcome to the world
18:23.55gustoso i have to use ipv4 in my lan for them to work
18:24.22Kobazit'll be another 10-15 years before every consumer device supports native v6
18:24.36gustothat i am not going to accept
18:25.12Kobazyou can always reverse nat or proxy
18:25.20Kobazhave a v6 to v4 gateway
18:25.32Kobazgive all your v4 devices a routable v6 address
18:25.37Kobazwith proper firewalling of course
18:25.44gustobut 10 years? do you know how old i will be by then?
18:25.50Kobazno, i don't
18:25.54Kobaz10 years older than you are now?
18:26.00gustoand that is a lot
18:26.06gustoi am already 25
18:26.54Kobazdon't complain
18:27.14gustoand you know what time it is?
18:27.32gusto2014 and we still not have 100% ipv6 coverage! in 2014!
18:27.49gustoi have ipv6 only on my cable, but not over dsl
18:28.46Kobazi dont have v6 at all
18:28.48gustoin 2014! and we havent been on the moon since the last time to check if everything is still there
18:28.51Kobazdon't particularly need it
18:28.55Kobazbut it would be cool
18:29.01gustoipv6 is cool
18:29.10Kobazi want a dead:beef:cafe:babe ip address
18:29.18gustoi am using HEnet where i do not have native IPv6
18:29.34WIMPyYes. It's cool to have all those issues bac that have been fixed on v4 many years ago :-)
18:29.54gustoi do not have any issues
18:30.01gustoquite the contrary, it works too well
18:30.13WIMPyGet some hackers to visit :-)
18:30.18gustosometimes i have to intentionally break some stuff to stop it from working so well
18:30.38WIMPywonders how something could possibly work too well.
18:30.54WIMPyYou should see a doctor.
18:31.22gustowhen you need to chflag your /etc/resolv.conf to nochg so that it does not overwrite your nameserver setting with an IPv6 one
18:32.03gustoor whatever that no-chage-flag setting is called
18:32.41gustoi can not see a doctor, because i am not paying my insurance right now
18:33.00gustoand ... i have no intent to, because doctors are also only worsening the situation
18:36.15Kobazchattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
18:36.31Kobazor you can edit your dhclient options and make it not monkey your nameservers
18:36.45gustoyes, i will ... sonn
18:37.01gustoafter i come back from the toilet
18:37.05wonderworldwhy use any newer product? there is ms netmeeting. rock solid.
18:37.29WIMPyAnd H.323 is better than SIP as well.
18:38.06wonderworldplus netmeeting has gui. no ugly console stuff.
18:38.20WIMPythat was my first standard voip experiment back then. From ohphone to netmeeting.
18:38.30WIMPyI have never seen it.
18:38.44WIMPyhas never used Windows himself.
18:39.06wonderworldi switched desktops completly in 2002 or so
18:41.18Kobazi got my ubnt edgerouter poe today
18:41.22Kobazvery excited
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19:04.39WIMPyI can't remember when I started to use X-windows regularly, but it was quite late. I still use RISC OS alongside, however.
19:05.10WIMPyLike for IRC ;)
19:05.39gustorisc os
19:05.56gustothat thing that runs on raspberrypi?
19:06.20WIMPyBut I'm still using it on a Risc PC.
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19:08.03gustowhat risc pc?
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21:31.18pabelangerHello, yes dog here
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21:33.07ghost75its possible to brute force hack sip password in asterisk message log :<
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22:10.09dwayneI have 2 identical servers in softlayer with all the same packages and configuration files installed on them.  One works great, the other Asterisk ( crashes in the WELCOME_MESSAGE macro.  Anyone ever see asterisk crash in WELCOME_MESSAGE?
22:12.16dwayneast_verbose("Asterisk %s, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2013 Digium, Inc. and others.\n" \
22:12.35infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
22:12.42pabelangerthat is your best be to figure out why
22:13.04WIMPyDoesn't sound too easy to crash at that point.
22:14.58WIMPyWell, illegal istruction means either your build system or your (virtual) hardware are borked.
22:15.21dwayneyeah, I think its the VM
22:15.31dwayneor I guess the host
22:15.53WIMPyIt can be the guest getting it wrong as well.
22:28.30bsdice19:37 < WIMPy> And H.323 is better than SIP as well. <-- in what universe ??
22:29.10ghost75not in haxx0rs universe
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