IRC log for #asterisk on 20140204

00:11.04*** join/#asterisk vtone (~vtone@
00:14.54*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
00:16.13*** join/#asterisk edong23 (
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00:25.35edong23has anyone in here sucessfully set up a remote queue member as a cell phone?
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00:29.46edong23[TK]D-Fender: do you have... any... examples? or material i can red?
00:29.54edong23i dont mind the research.. but it is limited online
00:30.03[TK]D-FenderThere is nothing to read.
00:30.04edong23and most of what i find talks about deprecated ways to do it
00:30.17[TK]D-FenderA device is a device is a device
00:30.35edong23oh, true
00:30.39edong23yeah, i can make it ring..
00:30.45[TK]D-FenderThe concept of "remote" doesn't actually say anythiing in and of itself.
00:30.51edong23but i was thinking of... a way to make them able to log it in or out
00:31.09[TK]D-Fenderlogging in/out is no different
00:31.27[TK]D-Fender* has the same dialplan apps, the same AMI function calls, the same CLI commands...
00:32.02edong23[TK]D-Fender: im not following...
00:32.06edong23let me tell you my setup
00:32.12edong23maybe youll see my confusion
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00:32.58edong23i have a few queues set up. they are static. just a file with a list of devices that ring at a certain time.
00:32.59[TK]D-FenderYou are certainly overthinging this
00:33.33edong23i think... maybe i am a little
00:33.45edong23but i need... different phones to be able to just "log in" to the queue...
00:33.51edong23not always the same cellphone
00:34.14edong23if im over thinking it...  then maybe i just need sleep
00:35.02[TK]D-FenderWhat are the tools * gives you to "log in" to a queue?
00:35.33edong23ive never done queues with login
00:36.31edong23ah, agents.conf
00:36.38[TK]D-Fenderthat's the problem then.  It has nothing to do with "remote" or "cell" at this point
00:36.38edong23let me look into that
00:36.45[TK]D-Fenderno, agents.conf is DEAD
00:37.04[TK]D-Fender"core show application AddQueueMember"
00:37.11[TK]D-Fender"core show application RemoveQueueMember"
00:37.16[TK]D-Fender"core show application PauseQueueMember"
00:37.19[TK]D-Fender"core show application UnPauseQueueMember"
00:37.48edong23[TK]D-Fender: thanks. let me look into those
00:37.52[TK]D-FenderDialplain apps you SHOULD know.  Read the book on thiw section and give a thorough reading for all of *'s dialplan apps
00:40.38edong23yes, [TK]D-Fender   ill read this
00:40.44edong23i see it though
00:40.48edong23but im going to give it a good read
00:41.32[TK]D-Fenderbe sure to go over all of *'s channel-types while you're at it....
00:44.16edong23yeah, ill dig through that pretty good too
00:44.18edong23after my workout
00:46.52*** join/#asterisk vtone (~vtone@
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01:08.49pabelangerIs there any way to disable a SIP NOTIFY in asterisk?
01:10.43pabelangerI should be more specific, disable a SIP NOTIFY for Messages-Waiting: no
01:13.31pabelangerokay, so this: Notification only works for registered peers with mailbox= definitions in sip.conf
01:16.54pabelangerand fixed.
01:28.45*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:39.15pabelangeranybody using res_corosync or XMPP for distributed device state? Any one work better?
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02:35.26*** join/#asterisk linagee (~linagee@about/linux/regular/linagee)
02:36.07linageeis there an easy way to wait for audio when asterisk is automatically originating calls? (I have a callback service, but don't want to start playing any sounds until I know someone has said "Hello?")
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02:37.48linageehrm. I almost want the opposite of that though...
02:38.53linageeah. BackGroundDetect. now I just have to figure out how to use it. :)
02:40.04linageenice. :)
02:43.27*** join/#asterisk MaliuatLap (
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03:46.56Kalidarnokay that's weird, i have a crappy openvox card, it seems to work. my official digium card though is all crackley
03:47.16Kalidarni did do an fxotune on it ie fxotune -i 4
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04:48.38Kalidarnokay well i put the old openvox card in my new server and it also crackles.
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05:07.16edong23Kalidarn: same server causes the crackle?
05:07.54Kalidarnand it only has one pci slot so i can't check it in another one
05:08.07Kalidarnso it's obviosuly not the card that is the issue
05:13.41edong23Kalidarn: its possible the pci voltages are different
05:13.48edong23from the old one, that i
05:14.21Kalidarnprobably the other board was an old one, this one is a haswell one
05:14.40Kalidarnhaswell did all sorts of kinky things with power saving
05:15.07edong23i thought haswell was doing away with legacy pci?
05:15.19Kalidarnwell my board has one PCI slot on it
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05:18.31edong23Kalidarn: ah, its not haswell, it is the q85 chipset that does away with pci
05:18.48edong23Kalidarn: does your "old" card have 2 slits?
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05:29.09Kalidarnedong23: it's a DZ87KLT-75K
05:29.41KalidarnThree PCIe x1slots
05:29.43KalidarnOne PCI slot
05:31.41Kalidarnand i was using a on it
05:35.13Kalidarnthe old board was an G31M-ES2L edong23
05:48.44*** join/#asterisk vtone (~vtone@
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05:54.18edong23your crd
05:54.20edong23the card
05:54.22edong23not hte board
05:55.36Kalidarnedong23: i have two
05:55.42Kalidarnone is a Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F and it's an openvox clone
05:55.48Kalidarnthe other one is a legit Wildcard TDM400P REV I
05:55.51Kalidarnfrom Digium
05:55.56Kalidarnboth have the same issue
05:56.16edong23work with me
05:56.23*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
05:56.25edong23i was asking if they are 3.3v cards, or 5v cards
05:56.29Kalidarnoh :P
05:56.31edong23do they ahve 2 slits in them?
05:56.32edong23or 1?
05:56.33Kalidarni'd have to check
05:56.37Kalidarnwell they both fit in the slot
05:56.58edong23im not even sure it matters
05:57.49Kalidarnedong23: ill look in the technical manual of the motherboard to see what voltage the slot is
05:57.58Kalidarni think it will adjust depending on what the card wants would it not
05:58.12edong23modern boards are likely 5 volts
05:58.14edong23but again, i was asking about your old card
05:58.18edong23it might be 3.3
05:58.24Kalidarnoh. they would be the same i think
05:58.26Kalidarnim not sure
05:58.28edong23no idea
05:58.45Kalidarnin any case it doesn't matter both the digium one and the openvox one do exactly the same thing in the haswell board
05:59.10Kalidarnwhere as the openvox one worked fine in the previous conroe board
05:59.22edong23i woul be pretty curious about irqs though
05:59.24Kalidarni haven't tried the digium one in there, but i expect it works too
05:59.36Kalidarnyes i looked at that it didn't seem to be sharing any
05:59.37edong23did you check /proc/interrupts
06:00.17Kalidarnit's freebsd so i used vmstat -i
06:00.59edong23dont know
06:01.01edong23im heading to bed
06:01.07Kalidarnnighty night
06:01.12Kalidarnbut yeah it has it's own IRQ
06:01.20Kalidarnso i would say it isn't sharing any interrupts?
06:01.28Kalidarni don't really know too much about that
06:01.40Kalidarnnothing else seems to be on IRQ 18
06:02.54Kalidarnand it's obviously not a problem with my dahdi settings, because it worked in the old motherboard the G31M-ES2L
06:06.44*** join/#asterisk sekil (~Ognjen@
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07:17.43Kalidarni have an easy solution
07:17.47Kalidarnthrow the PSTN card in the bin
07:17.52Kalidarnand go naked dsl
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08:19.11linjanhello! is there any way to accumulate CDR records, when ODBC database is offline?
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08:22.26*** join/#asterisk mimage (~mimage@fedora/mimage)
08:23.19mirela666hm, can someone help me with pattarns?
08:23.33mirela666I want to inclde in one line emergency numbers
08:23.55mirela666but exten => _1[01][0-2],1,Macro(emergency-numbers)
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08:24.18mirela666matches 110 and 111 which I don't want t match
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08:24.55mirela666can't thee be like : _10[0-2]|112 for example?
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08:28.28linjanmirela666: i would use two strings: _10[0-2],1,Macro... and next 112,1,Macro...
08:28.56linjanor maybe your situation requires only one?
08:29.23wdoekesMacro? Macro?
08:29.46wdoekesthere is this thing called Gosub
08:29.56linjanwdoekes: GoSub is better, yeah
08:31.24wdoekesmirela666: if you want both on a single line, you can, if you use extra Ifs.. it depends on your dialplan if that looks better or not
08:31.34wdoekesusually it won't
08:32.57mirela666oki thx :)
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09:33.17frookerhi everybody =)
09:33.21frookeri have a problem
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09:33.26frookercan anyone help me ? =)
09:34.37frookeri have a problem on agent login
09:35.00frookeri am using *111 [agent_extension] for login
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09:35.19frookercan i do it in originate aciton ?
09:37.04WIMPyYou need to ask complete questions.
09:38.03frookeri want to originate a call and answer it in background can anyone help me ?
09:39.20WIMPyWhat does "answer in background" mean?
09:39.40WIMPyAnd is that stil the same question or are they different questions?
09:39.54frookersame question
09:39.58frookeri need that
09:40.49frookeri want to make a call silently in background
09:40.58frookerand this is an agent login dial
09:41.06frookeri am using *111 to login agents
09:41.48WIMPyStop mentioning random facts and tell us what you really want. The whole story in comprehensible terms.
09:42.23frookerwhen i originate *111435 my agent session starting but agent must answer this call i want to call a number and answer it in background
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10:00.21WIMPyGood morning
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10:31.16wizbiti am launching asterisk as a asterisk user now:
10:31.17wizbitasterisk 20250  4.5  0.6 2442592 25880 ?       Ssl  10:30   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -U asterisk
10:31.38wizbithowever, when i start, i still get this message: Privilege escalation protection disabled!
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10:59.28WIMPyThat has nothing to do with system permissions. Didn't you get the URL with the explanation?
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14:14.18AsteriskUserHi All, I'm having a strange issue with early audio not passing back to phone from the provider. This issue only occurs when asterisk has abount 70 calls. I have a large hash_user, hash_peer and hash_dialogue along with large ulimits for files and processes. Audo works fine once the call is answeres and is not on every call. Can you offer any adivice on settings that may be causing this?
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16:05.32Ice_StrikeIs there a way to find out What user has connected to a sip phone and what IP it came from?
16:05.36Ice_StrikeVia log?
16:07.16pabelanger*CLI> sip show peer foo
16:07.19pabelangerwill have it
16:07.25pabelangeror turn up verbose / debug logs
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16:45.41AsteriskUserHi All, has anyone come across asterisk not passing one way audio for some calls? I can see audio passing from the provider but asterisk does not pass this on. Could this be a timing issue?
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16:50.47wdoekesAsteriskUser: do you have timing modules loaded at all (res_timing_*?)? and has the destination device sent any RTP yet? is the destination device behind nat?
16:50.52wdoekesrtp set debug on
16:51.25salz212hi all, I have installed Asterisk12 and wanted to test opus and VP8 codecs..  is there sny patch available for Asterisk 12 for both codecs?
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16:53.53AsteriskUseryes I have res_timing_dahdi wich has a use count of 312
16:55.26AsteriskUserlooking at the version it is 2.6.1. Does anyone know if this has an issue with high usage? or is incompatible with 1.8.24?
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17:27.42salz212hi all, I have installed Asterisk12 and wanted to test opus and VP8 codecs.. is there sny patch available for Asterisk 12 for both codecs?
17:29.46mjordansalz212: Asterisk 12 has pass through support only. If you want the actual codec, Google is your best friend. A quick google of "asterisk codec_opus" has lots of useful hits that should lead you to something. Asterisk does not support video codecs, so a codec_vp8 does not exist.
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17:36.38salz212Thanks Matt, I was checking lminiero patch but its for 11.x .. do I need to modify it or just go with codec_opus.c?
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17:49.16justdavewhen I'm making a dundi lookup zone, and I have one server that has an exact number and another server that has a catchall for a range that includes it, is there a way to make the catchall get returned with a lower weight than it would if it were an exact match?
17:50.26wizbitwhat module is required so asterisk can play sounds like 'queue-youarenext.gsm' ?
17:50.39wizbitmy setup works apart from that
17:50.46wizbitthe log says its playing them but it doesnt
17:50.59wizbitace :-)
17:51.09justdaveonly thing I can think of would be putting the catchall dialplan into a different context and having a separate dialplan entry for that context in the dundi config, but that section of the dialplan is generated and I don't really have control over what context it's in
17:51.34wizbitload =>
17:53.39wizbithmm still not sound when the log shows this:
17:53.39wizbitPlaying 'queue-youarenext.gsm' (language 'en')
17:53.47mjordansalz212: since pass through support was added, if you have a .so that implements a codec, you should just need to load it.
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18:00.34[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: Is the file even there?
18:00.50[TK]D-Fenderalso, it should never say ".gsm'
18:01.00[TK]D-FenderYou should never ever specify the EXTENSION of the file ot be played
18:01.02wizbit[TK]D-Fender: i got other sounds to play
18:01.10[TK]D-FenderIt is selected automatically based on cheapest transcode
18:01.39wizbitis there a way to do live text to speech for phone messages?
18:01.50wizbitnot live, just text to speech
18:03.32*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
18:04.11[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: There are several engines you can add to *
18:04.28*** join/#asterisk hfp (
18:05.01justdavehmm, I can use a diaplan function to set the weight...   is there a way to tell in a dialplan function whether the dialplan that matches a number uses a wildcard or not?
18:05.24hfpHi, is it possible to mute these messages 'Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox:' ?
18:05.36hfpI don't want to remove the rest of the messages but this one is flooding the console
18:06.36justdavelooks like dialplan_exists() only tells me if it exists or not, not how it matched it
18:08.43wizbiti wonder if that has a sexy female voice
18:08.49justdavevalid_exten() is the same thing as dialplan_exists() ?
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18:15.08[TK]D-Fenderpretty much
18:15.48[TK]D-Fenderhfp: Not selectively.  Try to synchronize your blinks so you don't feel so bad...
18:16.43newtonrhfp, you should configure the SIP devices to not attempt subscription if possible. That is, or create mailboxes for them, then you won't see that message.
18:21.31hfp[TK]D-Fender, newtonr: Alright, thanks
18:22.47salz212Matt, I do need to test (just test for now) the opus transcoding as well, so that is why I wanted to find a patch for 12 if available I have found related patches on internet but they are for 11.v. By the way .so file is hard to find :S
18:23.53*** join/#asterisk MaliuatLap (
18:28.59newtonrsalz212, you have to use the persons nick for most clients to notify the person.
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18:43.22mjordansalz212: the codec_opus module is not officially part of the Asterisk distribution. If you want to test it, you should contact the author of the module. If they aren't lurking in this channel, that's probably your best bet.
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18:49.53FinboySlickAnyone here familiar with encrypted configuration/provisioning on Polycom SoundPoint phones?  This isn't strictly asterisk related but I seem to remember polycom phones being very popular around here.
18:50.48FinboySlickThe phones seem to reject my encrypted config and there's likely something very obvious that I'm missing.
18:56.12funky1is going nuts
18:56.37funky1getting 481 error on sip trunk registration :/
19:04.21salz212mjordan: thanks.
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20:11.29roramirezhow i can get dev state from manager? i am using asterisk 1.8.25
20:13.04*** join/#asterisk Tom_123 (89eddf0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:13.25pabelangerNewstate event
20:13.30Tom_123Anyone know how I can send DTMF signals on a trunk with * 1.8
20:14.00[TK]D-FenderTom_123: Same was as on any version
20:14.13pabelangerTom_123, SendDTMF
20:14.19Tom_123which is? I thought it would do it by default
20:14.19[TK]D-FenderTom_123: The key question is WHEN is this decision to be made, and at what point of the processing.
20:14.43[TK]D-FenderTom_123: You need to be a lot clearer as well...
20:14.58[TK]D-FenderTom_123: Asterisk PASSES DTMF from end to end automatically.
20:15.16[TK]D-FenderTom_123: is you want to INTRODUCE DTMF based on some other process then that is another matter.
20:16.07Tom_123I just need to pass DTMF tones, but it doesn't seem to be working
20:17.01Tom_123I have an exten => _790X,1,Dial(SIP/mytrunk/${EXTEN}, 30)
20:17.02roramirez¿ is possible ?
20:17.30[TK]D-FenderTom_123: what "tones"?
20:17.38Tom_123* and # presses
20:17.40[TK]D-FenderTom_123: that is not passing "tones... you are dialing a NUMBER to a SIP provider...
20:17.42Kattydon't you get that tone with me
20:17.58[TK]D-Fendersweeps the mids!
20:18.24Kattypats tk
20:18.39Kattytab complete fails on circ
20:19.01[TK]D-FenderTom_123: first go prove that you are getting them properly by the channel that is placing that call
20:19.18Tom_123what debug would show me the presses?
20:19.27pabelangerTom_123, if you are trying to interact with something you need to use SendDTMF, after the channels is picked up. Or use playback to play the sound files of dtmf
20:19.47[TK]D-FenderTom_123: Go make an IVR or something that expects to process them.
20:20.01[TK]D-FenderTom_123: then if that goes through.l. it's wherever you are call through/to that is at fault
20:21.30*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
20:22.02Kattyi feel like i should have a joke about danjenkins
20:22.27[TK]D-FenderBut that would be redundant!
20:22.41Kattybut he was the one with the lifetime achievement award, not me
20:22.59[TK]D-Fenderdanjenkins: Random afternoon humour.  Feel free to disregard.
20:23.10Kattyalternatively, join in
20:23.39danjenkinsi only just signed back in and just so happened to be mentioned... i can't see what was said ;)
20:23.45Kattyshares a cookie with [TK]D-Fender
20:24.01[TK]D-FenderNo-one should be there to receive a life-time achievement award.... they're still alive.  Can't sum up their life if they're not dead yet.
20:24.06Kattydanjenkins: we never say anything important anyway
20:24.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: no i mean espn lifetime
20:24.25Kattyit's right on his wikipedia page
20:24.44[TK]D-Fenderdanjenkins: Nothing.  that was all spawned randomly as you joined.  Spontaneous target for random joke
20:25.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Check out he bro Leroy ;)
20:25.07Kattylike fender's face.
20:25.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: goober.
20:33.21*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
20:41.21AsteriskUserHi, is there an issue with asterisk 1.8.23 up with not always processing early audio. 90% of calls progress however under heavy load no early audio is passed but when the call answers audio progresses...
20:42.09KattyAsteriskUser: hi
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21:16.35FinboySlickAnyone here who's had success getting Polycom encrypted config file provisioning working, please let me know.  I'm not entirely sure on the proper way to make the phone aware of the encryption key.  Does it have to be one-time provisioned through tftp?
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21:36.24boom^timeHey guys, I'm using AMI to originate calls to a local exten which then dials out. However I'm not seeing CDR's being created for the dialed out call or the extension/priority. Only the one calling the local channel and using the dial application. Am I forgetting something in the dialplan?
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21:51.02snadgeyou must have forgotten to charge the flux capacitor
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21:54.09boom^timesnadge, I had a feeling it was something simple.
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22:18.00snadgei dont know enough about asterisk.. im almost as curious as you are about that answer
22:19.01snadgeif i had to take a wild stab in the dark.. maybe the local extension is dialling out through a different server
22:19.23snadgeso with that in mind, perhaps it might be something to do with the dial plan
22:20.09snadgei cant think of why a call could be initiated and a cdr not generated for it
22:23.53[TK]D-FenderBecause unanswered calls by default do not leave CDR
22:23.58[TK]D-Fenderthere is a blatant setting for that
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22:27.00snadgei just assumed the call was being answered ;)
22:28.03snadgei think i found another bug with freepbx 12 and iax as well.. the problem where the USER/PEER settings box wasn't appearing is fixed
22:28.14snadgebut now if you go back into the trunk to edit it.. those boxes don't appear (i think)
22:28.20snadgei'll have to re-test that when I get into work
22:29.12snadgealso.. is there a way to modify the freepbx configs directly, without using the gui.. ie.. you have console access to the box only
22:29.28[TK]D-FenderMySQL <-
22:29.41snadgei ended up using ssh to forward a local port through to port 80
22:29.53snadgeok yeah, that makes sense.. duh ;)
22:30.32snadgei totally fixed this guys asterisk@home setup.. by getting him to type in an ssh command, with a remote port forward
22:31.00snadgeeven though he was an accountant with no linux experience whatsoever.. he told me he had a root shell, and his tech is awol
22:32.29snadgeits not every day you have to talk a non techie through setting up a remote port forward over the phone.. but hey, it worked.. just in case anyone needs to do that ;)
22:39.04PenguinWrite up the instructions and publish to your web site, which is indexed by googlebot.
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