IRC log for #asterisk on 20140120

00:14.02*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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00:20.14*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
00:25.04Sean-DerDoes anyone know of prebuilt/embedded device that would work well for Asterisk+analog ?
00:25.27Sean-DerI have looked at doing a mini atx and installing a FXO card, but it doesn't really scale
00:26.20Sean-DerIt would be nice if I could just buy something, and then just image it
00:28.34[TK]D-Fenderyou ask for embedded and then say MAXT won't scale... what do you thing embedded will handle?
00:29.58Sean-Der[TK]D-Fender: Sorry I meant scale in terms of time, I will waste time building
00:30.22[TK]D-FenderYou should probably be clearer on your on scale of production, etc
00:30.23Sean-DerAs far as resource usage, I don't expect to see more than 2-4 channels at a time
00:31.19[TK]D-Fenderon embedded solution
00:31.29*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
00:31.31[TK]D-FenderXorcom has some as well
00:31.37[TK]D-Fenderport mix will vary
00:32.00Sean-DerMy immediate need would be maybe 5, with the intention of having 300-350 of them
00:32.05Sean-Derso not a lot, but more than I can handle
00:32.17Sean-DerCool, thank you very much for your help
00:32.26[TK]D-Fenderat that volume you could have a rPC mfg build them to spec...
00:35.56Sean-DerXorcom looks like it could fit my exact need. Most of the products out there seem like they try to stay locked down and only give you some sort of web GUI (FreePBX or the companies home grown one)
00:36.21Sean-DerI have some custom dialplan, and have a few custom Apps that hit some things via cURL
00:36.25Sean-Derthank you so much
00:43.02*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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02:02.22*** join/#asterisk moshin (
02:03.23*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
02:15.29*** join/#asterisk Egyptian[Laptop] (~Egyptian@unaffiliated/egyptian)
02:16.34Egyptian[Laptop]hi .. i want to use voip to gsm .. can someone help me with documentation? i do not know the keywords for google
02:20.05[TK]D-FenderEgyptian[Laptop]: SIP GSM gateway
02:20.29*** join/#asterisk moshin (
02:25.14Egyptian[Laptop][TK]D-Fender: thats hardware?
02:25.33[TK]D-FenderSoftware doesn't magically pull microwaves out of the air.....
02:26.33Egyptian[Laptop]so i dont need documentation?
02:26.59[TK]D-FenderYour entire line of questioning is unclear
02:27.10[TK]D-FenderPlease rephrase exactly what it is you'ree looking for
02:28.21Egyptian[Laptop]ok .. i want to make calls from my cell phone using voip to gsm. the gsm is in another country
02:30.54[TK]D-Fenderwhere your cell talks to is irrelevant as long as it works.  many cell phones can work using chan_dongle (GOOGLE) via Bluetooth
02:31.31*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:33.16Egyptian[Laptop][TK]D-Fender: that looks like a gsm modem and i got a few of those .. so all i need is a voice sim in that? (and the docs of course!)
02:33.57[TK]D-FenderYou just said "from my cell phone".  What happened to going THROUGH you phone for this?
02:34.07[TK]D-FenderYou description is getting WORSE
02:34.19Egyptian[Laptop]ok let expand on the description :)
02:34.26Egyptian[Laptop]i am in country A with my cell phone
02:34.34[TK]D-Fenderwhat DEVICE is your SIP going to be plugged into?
02:34.45[TK]D-FenderYyour phone?  Or some NEW piece of hardware you want us to recommend?
02:34.49Egyptian[Laptop]in country b i got asterisk and a gsm
02:35.01[TK]D-Fendera GSM is not a "thing"
02:35.07[TK]D-FenderStop saying "my GSM"
02:35.18[TK]D-FenderYou have SIM CARD, correct?
02:35.55Egyptian[Laptop]you do realise i konw practically nothing about sip/voip ?
02:36.14[TK]D-FenderDo you have no clue what you plug a SIM c ard into?  I never said ANYTHING about voip
02:37.10[TK]D-FenderYour description is not making it any clearer as to what hardware  you are looking to plug this SIM card into
02:37.19[TK]D-Fenderwhat is that device?
02:37.24Egyptian[Laptop]ok so in country b i got a gsm phone AND i got vodafone/huawei gsm modems that look like these chan_dongles you talk about
02:37.47Egyptian[Laptop]are chan_dongles and gsm modems the same thing?
02:38.06[TK]D-Fenderforget I even mentioned that
02:38.27[TK]D-Fenderbe clear about exactly what hardware is where
02:40.14Egyptian[Laptop]why cant i use the gsm phone in country A to do a voip call to the voip server in country b that will automatically forward the call out to the gsm device?
02:40.37Egyptian[Laptop]is trying to understand and learn
02:41.59[TK]D-FenderYour GSM phone in country * has a PROVIDER in country A that is giving it INTERNET ACCESS?
02:42.18[TK]D-FenderYour GSM phone in country A has a PROVIDER in country A that is giving it INTERNET ACCESS?
02:42.36Egyptian[Laptop]yes country a has a gsm phone with 3g access
02:42.40Egyptian[Laptop]3g internet
02:43.37[TK]D-FenderThen that phone does not matter yet.  Install a SIP client on it.  that will talk SIP to your server
02:43.58[TK]D-FenderFor that part your server requires INTERNET ACCEESS, nothing more.
02:44.29[TK]D-FenderIf you want to take that SIP call in from your Phone in "A"... and the4n go out ANOTHER GSM provider, you'll need to have * talk to some piece of HARDWARE to do so.
02:45.01[TK]D-Fender* could use a CELL PHONE using "chan_dongle" as the way * talks to it.  Or you could be a special dedicated gateway device
02:45.01Egyptian[Laptop]ok .. the server then will be country B .. and it will be connected to a gsm device
02:45.28[TK]D-Fendercould buy*
02:47.02Egyptian[Laptop][TK]D-Fender: thats cool .. now i am looking at google images and the chan_dongle looks like very much like a huawei 3g usb dongle
02:47.20Egyptian[Laptop]ah .. this page says  chan_dongle is an Asterisk channel driver for Huawei UMTS/3G USB modems (dongles).
02:47.58[TK]D-FenderChan_dongle is a BLUETOOTH DRIVER
02:48.11[TK]D-Fenderit has NOTHING to do with Huawei
02:48.26[TK]D-FenderIt is the means by which * can talk to your CELL PHONE
02:48.32[TK]D-Fenderand use THAT to go out
02:49.03[TK]D-FenderAsterisk Server -> Bluetooth Adapter _. cheap shit cell-phone
02:49.13[TK]D-FenderAsterisk Server -> Bluetooth Adapter -> cheap shit cell-phone
02:49.58[TK]D-FenderActually I may have picked the wrong driver there...
02:50.04[TK]D-Fendercheck also : chan_mobile
02:50.38[TK]D-FenderEither way, each should be clear as to what devices they are compatible with.
02:52.57smkellyfile: hi
02:54.34*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
02:57.04Egyptian[Laptop][TK]D-Fender: thank you very much for the help. i believe i now have some direction
02:57.21Egyptian[Laptop]as arnie once threatened "i will be back" ;)
03:10.29*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
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03:21.02WIMPyErr. No.
03:21.14WIMPyChan_mobile is the Bluetooth thing.
03:21.30WIMPyChan_dongle is for "modems".
03:25.36*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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03:37.14*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
03:59.51*** join/#asterisk Fwny (
04:01.19FwnyHas anyone tried to get ice support working with external calls being routed to phones behind a NAT?
04:01.34FwnyI'm trying to do it but asterisk doesn't seem to be generating candidates
04:01.52Fwnywhen it passes through the INVITE
04:02.40Fwnyusing 11.7.0
04:13.59*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
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05:01.00*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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05:14.42*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:16.58*** join/#asterisk AsterRack (
05:28.16AsterRackHello All, I'm trying to get a home pbx up and running. When I dial out i get  Call from 'robert' (72.*.*.*:5060) to extension '2814091***' rejected because extension not found in context 'public'. Here is sip.conf and extensions.conf
05:29.03AsterRackI seem to be stuck on the syntax needed to complete the outbound call
05:32.49WIMPyThe config you posted doesn't match the message.
05:33.07AsterRackoops old one one sec
05:35.46WIMPyGood, because you don't want to use the default context.
05:37.35AsterRackcontext is supposed to be public, but im pretty sure i jacked up the config.....back to the drawing board
05:54.04*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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06:57.54*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
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07:12.15AsterRackHello All, Im trying to get a home pbx set up, but i seem to be having issues with the outbound syntax. Im getting an error "chan_sip.c:22978 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to" sip.conf and extension.conf >>
07:15.31kaldemarAsterRack: you don't have a peer by that name in your sip.conf
07:26.55kaldemarAsterRack: as in you're dialing by host name but you have a peer, you're just not using it. use the peer for dialing and add secret and fromuser parameters, then asterisk knows how to authenticate.
07:28.19AsterRackyeah working on that now i think
07:39.25*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
07:44.40*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
07:48.37*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
07:48.43*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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07:59.35*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
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08:43.36*** join/#asterisk D30_ (~deo@
08:45.07*** join/#asterisk D30__ (~deo@
08:46.27*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:49.42*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
08:52.25*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
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09:15.26*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
09:21.10*** join/#asterisk mfu (
09:23.14mfuanybody got a idea why asterisk get an timeout after a few secs of a established tls connection? WARNING[23242] chan_sip.c: sip_send_keepalive to returned 0: Succes
09:26.03Zogotmfu: have you added a rtpkeepalive to the general config?
09:26.16mfuand after a few checks more...NOTICE[23242] chan_sip.c: Peer '' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 12 and chan_sip.c: Probably a DNS error for registration to, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
09:26.25mfuZogot: yep
09:30.26Zogotmfu: no idea then, sorry. only been messing with it a few hours. Nothing to do with iptables or so?
09:30.50mfuZogot: maybe.. its behind nat...
09:31.02mfuZogot: but a normal (udp) connections works nice
09:31.35mfuZogot: and the fireall/router dont tell any blocking connections or something
09:31.59Chainsawmfu: I suspect you've found
09:33.27Chainsawmfu: Applying the patch will fix it. (There's other issues with it, but this one is the most glaring)
09:34.06mfulets try, thx :)
09:35.03Chainsawmfu: Are you using a self-signed certificate or a proper one?
09:35.10mfuon my side?
09:35.18mfuon my side yes, selfsigned
09:35.22mfuthe other is a wildcard
09:35.34Chainsawmfu: Ah, okay. As long as your side is self-signed you won't hit the other bug.
09:35.36mfubut a valid from geotrust
09:36.11mfuthe patch is from may 2012
09:36.12*** join/#asterisk qdel (
09:36.44mfui use 11.7
09:36.54mfuthats very old and not fixed?
09:37.07*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:37.56*** join/#asterisk Bearish (~Bearish@
09:37.58Chainsawmfu: I haven't been unsuccessful in getting Digium to fix it.
09:38.14Chainsawmfu: As in, the patch is on there. It's obviously correct. I keep telling people here, in their official IRC channel, to apply it.
09:38.22Chainsawmfu: If that doesn't make them care, I don't know what will.
09:38.43mfumaybe because only a little group is using tls?
09:39.06mfu99% are using udp and dont need this.. but thx Chainsaw
09:39.49Chainsawmfu: And if your certificate is at all valid, please apply this too:
09:40.00Chainsawmfu: Talking about obviously correct one-liner...
09:42.24mfuok it works...
09:42.33mfunow a ebuild patch :D
09:42.47Chainsawmfu: Please consider replying in the bug, so it gets applied upstream.
09:43.37*** join/#asterisk vtone (
09:43.45Chainsawmfu: ebuild patch? If you're using Gentoo you already have these if you emerge.
09:44.07mfucant be true?
09:44.28mfu[ebuild   R    ] net-misc/asterisk-11.7.0
09:45.22mfupbx files # grep -r "ast_wait_for_input" *
09:45.23mfupbx files # pwd
09:45.23mfupbx files #
09:45.30Chainsawmfu: 11.7.0 has those patches.
09:45.49mfuin /usr/portage/net-misc/asterisk/files?
09:45.53mfudont see him
09:46.07Chainsawmfu: Part of gentoo-asterisk-patchset-3.7.tar.bz2
09:46.20Chainsawmfu: I really am very sure too. Look in the Changelog.
09:49.27*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
09:53.02mfuChainsaw: you got right
09:53.09mfuChainsaw: hmmmmmmm
09:54.14mfuok.. so on my testpbx that patch wasnt active because its no gentoo
09:54.37mfubut on the live gentoo sys it must be active... so its another problem
09:54.57mfuChainsaw: any other idea?
09:55.42Chainsawmfu: Well if your TLS stack doesn't crash out right on start, it's not the chaining support.
09:55.56Chainsawmfu: Generally if it doesn't hold a connection, it's the lack of blocking.
09:56.12mfunope, the connection established perfect
09:56.19Chainsawmfu: If it still won't work after that, you'd need to trace it and see if you can see signs of NAT issues.
09:56.23mfui can call in and out a few secs after..
09:57.18mfuso lets see if there is some tls/ssl debug on asterisk
09:57.36Chainsawmfu: Okay.
10:03.57BearishCan somebody explain contexts to me, like i'm five? Why even bother, when in the end you just include everything in everything?
10:04.32*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:06.14ChainsawBearish: It's how I determine what you're allowed to do.
10:06.33ChainsawBearish: If you're calling from a phone inside the office... you can call internationally.
10:06.45Chainsawbeardy: If you're some random Romanian dude on the internet, I probably shouldn't let you do that.
10:06.52ChainsawBearish: That's what contexts are for.
10:14.12BearishChainsaw: thanks
10:16.03BearishChainsaw: so basically, i'm supposed to have a "int-phones" context and then include it where I see fit?
10:16.43ChainsawBearish: Well, contexts are very personal choices. It depends on how *you* run your business.
10:22.41mfuChainsaw: chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '6f55a5fa3f0228f808504b726c84370d@' to '0228cfab4fe4681b1b3a638b42a05a24@my_external_ip:5061'
10:23.19mfuChainsaw: is this normal? seems like asterisk uses 5060 and 5061 fpr this trunk?
10:23.56Chainsawmfu: I would need to see that in context, rather then as just a single line.
10:24.38mfumom plz
10:26.14*** join/#asterisk bitwize1 (
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10:27.52mfuChainsaw: seems like asterisk using the port from the srv record?.. can i /msg you the pastebin url?
10:28.08Chainsawmfu: I'd rather you shared it here, so others can give their input as well.
10:28.27*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
10:28.34mfuof course, but dont know if on debug level4 there is any secure info :)
10:28.40*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
10:28.53Chainsawmfu: It will never show passwords.
10:29.07mfu :)
10:30.39mfubut.. dont see the great goal for the tls problem on
10:30.40*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
10:32.20Chainsawmfu: You're going to need someone well-versed in NAT issues, because that's what this one looks like at first glance.
10:32.32Chainsawmfu: (My kit is on an externally reachable IP)
10:33.29mfuyou mean the complete conenctions or only the tls?
10:33.36mfubecause normal udp works nice
10:33.48*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:46.11mfuChainsaw: ok.. maybe i put the pbx in the dmz and allow only traffic from/to the 2 trunks... so this problem should be solved
10:46.40Chainsawmfu: Hope that does it for you.
10:46.44mfuon the route/iptables there is nothing to see and all modules for sip are unloaded
10:49.57*** join/#asterisk Ibrahim22 (
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11:57.42mfuChainsaw: same problem...
11:57.58mfuChainsaw: maybe comment out "localnet"?
11:58.09matrix1233i have asterisk 11.07 and i wanna use a remote database with res_config_mysql but i have alway ERROR[18205]: res_config_mysql.c:1577 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server
11:58.56matrix1233with my local databaseserver its work but with the remote i can't connect
11:59.27matrix1233i have tested also with mysql -uuser -hremoteserver -p  and its work
12:00.52matrix1233any one cat tel me what is the problem ?
12:04.54*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
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12:11.11*** join/#asterisk Bearish (~Bearish@
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13:15.47matrix1233hello Zogot
13:16.09matrix1233matrix1233i have asterisk 11.07 and i wanna use a remote database with res_config_mysql but i have alway ERROR[18205]: res_config_mysql.c:1577 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server
13:16.09matrix123313:07 <#asterisk> matrix1233with my local databaseserver its work but with the remote i can't connect
13:16.09matrix123313:08 <#asterisk> matrix1233i have tested also with mysql -uuser -hremoteserver -p  and its work
13:18.02Zogotmatrix1233: the remote database is configured to allow remote connections?
13:18.21Zogotby default that isn't the case, which is why you could connect to your localhost ( the default for mysql is only allow connections from local )
13:20.46*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
13:21.11mfuChainsaw: so boring with tls...
13:21.34Chainsawmfu: Your wireshark-powered listening station fell silent?
13:22.42matrix1233it configured to bind and also i tested mysql -uuser -hremoteserver -p  and its work
13:26.03matrix1233Zogot: have some idea for the problem
13:26.34Zogotmatrix1233: did you google info about allowing remote connections for MySQL?
13:27.50ZogotYou will want your bind to be the IP of the server and you will need to grant rights for users to certain databases
13:27.53matrix1233Zogot: yes i do all what i found on google ... and really i cant understand the problem .
13:28.12matrix1233Zogot: its not a problem for database and i am sure that its ok
13:28.41matrix1233Zogot: i bind and i added the correct grant ..
13:29.26Zogotmatrix1233: then try connecting to it from another tool or a quick bit of code, to ensure that it isn't a misconfiguration.
13:29.50ZogotI don't know enough about asterisk yet to know if that is the problem, but Failed to connect when you are accessing remotely and it works locally, says to me its this :p
13:29.55matrix1233i tested to connect to remote database with the command mysql -h remote host and its work
13:30.07Zogotah ok
13:30.49*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:31.42matrix1233Zogot: when i set the config to localhost on asterisk its work and weh i set the config to remote database  i have a problem
13:32.16matrix1233Zogot: ERROR[18205]: res_config_mysql.c:1577 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server  .... (err 1045).
13:33.35matrix1233any one can tel me some idear ?
13:34.59Zogotmatrix1233: try adding a dbsock config line
13:35.06Zogotto your mysql.sock
13:35.19matrix1233Zogot: ok
13:35.20Zogotdbsock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
13:36.12matrix1233its added
13:36.16matrix1233Zogot: [Jan 20 14:35:57] ERROR[27193]: res_config_mysql.c:1577 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed
13:36.25matrix1233Zogot: i have the same problem
13:36.47matrix1233Zogot: how can i trace or debug perhaps there is one think that i cant see
13:37.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:41.57Bearishhmmm, i can't seem to get SQLite CDRs working, tables are created, ids are incrementing, but values are empty
13:43.20Bearishit doesn't want to grap CDR variables from values=>'${CDR(start)}','${CDR(clid)}','test'
13:43.28Bearishany ideas why?
13:45.12BearishAnd it's all fine in CSV database
13:48.51*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
13:49.51matrix1233Zogot: no idea ? :p
13:51.18Zogotmatrix1233: sorry man, only been messing with asterisk for a few hours
13:54.27mfuChainsaw: the only point i see is, the "Call-ID" Header includes a "@".. on other trunks (without tls) there is the hostname of the peer...
13:55.02mfuChainsaw: you know if the Call-ID Header does any critical impact on the tls problem?
13:55.26mfuups, fc :)
13:57.15mfuchan_sip.c:15099 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #3)
13:57.20mfuReally destroying SIP dialog '469ab4a232aff5470d3c2b82352c3faf@' Method: REGISTER
13:57.22mfuand so on
13:57.43[TK]D-Fendermfu: pastebin the complete SIP debug
14:05.34Ibrahim22Does someone have a good resource where i can learn about the structure of CDR's
14:07.15*** join/#asterisk bitwize1 (
14:08.25infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:09.42mfuthere is no nat
14:10.30[TK]D-Fendermfu: disable core debug, leave verbose 10, and sip debug only
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14:29.18mfu[TK]D-Fender: better? :)
14:31.59[TK]D-Fendermfu: I don't see the 2nd reg attempt with that timeout related to it.
14:32.23[TK]D-Fender[Jan 20 15:28:16] WARNING[8895] chan_sip.c: Probably a DNS error for registration to, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
14:32.32[TK]D-FenderI'm also wondering on the full string used for this
14:34.15mfu[TK]D-Fender: maybe now?
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14:35.51[TK]D-FenderStill only see a single registration attempt in there and t's getting ack'd 200 OK
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14:36.52mfuis there a way to set sip debug to on default in conf?
14:37.36mfugot it.. mom
14:37.44pietrosomeone of you knows a SIP phone that supports ICE ?
14:37.54pietro(an hard one, no softphone)
14:38.55WIMPyThe Snoms have settings for ICE.
14:40.00mfu[TK]D-Fender: the log is to big.. dont get only sip for debug on
14:41.27pietroWIMPy: I know, but stands SIP firmware doesn't support ICE at the moment, (is enabled for UC/Lync only)
14:42.41WIMPyHuh? I have the option to turn it on.
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14:43.33pietroWIMPy: yes, but the option doesn't affects nothing.
14:44.48WIMPyThe wiki only has a note about reliability.
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14:48.03mfu[TK]D-Fender: you git right
14:49.03mfuthere is no attempt to register the peer
14:49.07mfubut why...
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14:49.35mfuhe established on restart perfect.. bit after the first time.. there comes a timeout
14:50.51mfuthere comes only a "CSeq: 108 REGISTER"
14:50.53mfuwithout hsotname
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15:04.35Bearish Any ideas guys? I really don't want to use MySQL
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15:05.37fileCDRs were completely redone in 12, it is possible that the way the module is grabbing the values got broken
15:06.33filemjordan, ^^^
15:08.14fileI knew you were going to do that.
15:08.25[TK]D-FenderBearish: that looks like a useless site to post that to... you should use the asterisk mailing lists
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15:08.47mjordanand go ahead and file a bug report on
15:08.53[TK]D-FenderBearish: of if you've got a good basis for it being an actual bug, then to the tracker
15:09.41mjordanboth clid and start are canonical CDR values, so those should have snagged something.
15:09.46mjordanergo: bug.
15:10.02fileoh, wait a second
15:10.29filemjordan, what if batching is enabled?
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15:10.46mjordannah, that still works.
15:10.51mjordan(it should)
15:11.05mjordanbatching just changes when it get dispatches to the backend. The object passed to the backend is the same.
15:11.44mjordanunfortunately, the problem is res_sqlite3_custom decided to be weird and interpret its custom values differently than the other custom backends
15:11.51fileof course
15:12.39mjordanI'm going to end up back in CDR hell this week anyway, may as well pull the rip cord.
15:12.57BearishAlright, I'll bugreport it, meanwhile I guess I'll have to use mysql :(
15:13.01Bearishthanks guys
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15:13.59mjordanBearish: just an FYI, in general, not many of us pay attention to ServerFault or StackOverflow for Asterisk questions
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15:16.40cuscohey folks
15:17.19cuscosay,, I connected a new PRI line to the digium card... can I make asterisk read that new span (just changed in chan_dahdi.conf) without dropping ongoing calls via dahdi?
15:18.28WIMPyYou could try module reload chan_dahdi.
15:18.48cuscowell that won't work because its in use
15:18.56[TK]D-Fendercusco: No.
15:19.18WIMPyThat makes a clear not then, I guess.
15:19.37WIMPyor no
15:19.43cusconot then if xor else and
15:21.11WIMPyBut there was some hotplugging support, IIRC. Maybe it only works if the final stage was preconfigured.
15:21.33mjordanBearish: thanks
15:21.43cuscowhat does that mean? WIMPy ? final stage?
15:21.58cuscoow, if the new span was already on chan_dahdi.conf ?
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15:23.09cuscook thanks
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16:37.37mjordanBearish: feedback for you on ASTERISK-23162. I think it might be your config - I ran with the latest out of the SVN 12 branch and got expected values.
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16:42.24kolkoHello. Can i ask here about  exctension. I use  "Set(SIP_Authorization=${SIP_HEADER(Authorization)})". This param is ok when user in sip.conf, but when i use MySQL - this param is empty. I doesn't found where this param is set.
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16:48.22[TK]D-Fenderkolko: Headers are part of a call, not part of a peer.  This should have no impact.  Show us your exact code and complete call output.
16:51.07newtonrkolko, Are your peers configured identically between the sip.conf and database configurations?    Perhaps the call where your database peer is queried doesn't do authorization.   As [TK]D-Fender said, you'll want to post a call log including the SIP trace and at least verbose output.
16:52.14kolko5 minutes, please
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16:56.43kolko   it's enough?
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16:58.12kristoffelloosHi, has anyone excperiances with voip traffic over powerline with asterisk, if so are these good or a absolute don't!?
16:58.55[TK]D-Fenderkolko: Where the SIP DEBUG requested?
17:00.08[TK]D-Fenderkristoffelloos: The medium is unimportant.  The jitter/packet-loss, speed, bandwidth, etc is.
17:05.44kolko this?
17:07.08kolkoAuthorization section in 23 line.
17:08.05[TK]D-Fenderkolko: externalauth=yes <- sip.conf.  In MySQL I see it as NULL
17:08.35[TK]D-Fenderkolko: Already not the same
17:09.28[TK]D-Fenderkolko: Your mailbox format is also not the same (missing the context).  You do not seem to have done a good job making these comparable entries
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17:11.32kolkoexternalauth - this i alter to table for as experimental,  when not helped - set this to null
17:13.24kolkoupdate table - did not help
17:14.30iggiHello again, I'm having an odd problem with a Follow Me extension. When I dial it, it calls out to a cell phone (as it is supposed to), but if the user does not answer, it does not send it to the voicemail even though that is the setting. It just hangs up on the caller.
17:15.55kolkoYou think, what user from mysql does not make Authorization  and exctension run without Authorization  context?
17:18.14[TK]D-Fenderkolko: Also depends if your realtime entries are CACHED or not...
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17:18.47[TK]D-Fenderiggi: Show us
17:18.50infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:18.54kolkoAfter set fase username in database:
17:19.12iggi[TK]D-Fender, What do you need to see? Config?
17:19.20iggior log
17:19.30[TK]D-Fenderiggi: both
17:19.31kristoffelloosAre we at the point today that we can say you can use Asterisk in a VMware ESX or are we going to have issue in production for timing??
17:20.13[TK]D-Fenderkristoffelloos: I hear ESXi tends to have the best results for virtualization
17:20.53kristoffelloosYou heard that, but can someone in this chatroom confirm me this in real practice?
17:21.18kolkoAbout cached: only rtcachefriends='yes' in sip.conf
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17:25.30[TK]D-Fenderkolko: Which means it's not likely to poll your DB for those "updates" you just did
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17:27.28kolkoas it may relate to the absence of SIP_HEADRE?
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17:36.18kolkoon auth from sip.conf in sip log doesn't exist lines from  35 to 70 in     maybe this part erase Authorization?
17:41.28[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing consistent comparable call debug from both scenarios here especially where the database entry at least properly mirrors the text-based config
17:42.36iggi[TK]D-Fender, Log:
17:42.39iggiworking on config.
17:43.45[TK]D-Fenderiggi: no need
17:44.09[TK]D-Fenderiggi: that is FREEPBX Followme.  This is a call processing issue, not an Asterisk issue and needs to be taken up in #freepbx
17:44.21iggiOk, thanks
17:49.12kolko - this is correct auth from sip.conf.    i dont know sip protocol  to full undeastand all debug. In Mysql version Authorisation header is set in SUBSCRIBE, here he set in INVITE
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18:13.26kolkoprobably, username is set in Auth header in check_auth_result check_user_full. in chan_sip.c    comment above function: "This is used on first invite (not re-invites) and subscribe requests" - maybe this is answer? with mysql in subscribe - header is ok.  in text conf CSeq: 1 INVITE, but in mysql: CSeq: 2 INVITE
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20:08.50boom^timeI'm trying to determine if my ITSP is correct in doing this. Is a SIP 503 Response the correct response for a disconnected number?
20:09.38boom^timeBecause asterisk is marking it as congestion, which is not the case. Trying to get it to be marked as a bad number.
20:11.01pabelangerboom^time, 503 is usually used for a temp outage, so the number is good but there server is down
20:11.31pabelanger488 Not Acceptable Here would likely be a better response for a disconnected number
20:11.57pabelangereither way, if they are using 503, you can just add dialplan and deal with it
20:12.29boom^timeUnfortunately not, I'm using AMI and handling Reason codes on failures
20:12.47boom^timeboth 480 and 503 return a failure and reason code of 8
20:13.04pabelangerfor what, dial?
20:13.17boom^timeSo I can't distinguish between a true congestion and a disconnected number
20:13.18pabelangerOriginate a local channel and add the logic there
20:14.18boom^timeThat creates all sorts of complications for me. Since the code that follows the calls doesn't piece together all of the zombie channels created and combined in that case
20:14.36boom^timeno to mention the CDR processor
20:15.17pabelangerso, what are you expecting back for a disconnected number?
20:15.38boom^timea reason code of 1
20:15.49pabelangerwhat is returning that?
20:16.10boom^timeno such extension or number
20:16.24pabelangerThen you need to hack asterisk then
20:16.33boom^timeThat's what I'm currently doing
20:16.43pabelangeror have your ITSP return what asterisk expects for code 1
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20:17.05pabelangerwell, that seems like the long way around of doing things vs updating your application code
20:17.13boom^timeYeah, the chain of events between SIP responses and the AMI Reason codes is a complicated one
20:17.47boom^timeMaybe not, changing one constant vs rewriting automated calling/cdr processing daemons
20:18.44boom^timePlus I've already had to hack up the version of asterisk I'm using so the desire to keep it pure is already gone.
20:19.32pabelangerwell, you are talking about modifying ast_pbx_outgoing_exten() or ast_pbx_outgoing_app() to give the specific reason you need.  Which is basically main/pbx.c, not a trivial task since a lot of code depends on it.
20:20.07pabelangerBut if you originate a local channel, and just modify the cause code, you'd likely save your self a ton of work
20:28.57mjordanboom^time: are you using Asterisk 11?
20:29.18mjordanyou should be able to get the technology specific hangup cause of the channel using HANGUPCAUSE
20:29.30mjordanthrough a hangup handler
20:30.44boom^timeHmm, I'm going to look into that.
20:30.57mjordanonce you have the hangup cause of the outbound channel, you can make whatever decision you want on how you want to hangup the inbound channel
20:31.31mjordanthis page has some examples of using it:
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21:15.08rrittgarnso sometime last week i posed a question and then got distracted and didn't make it back to see the answers.  I've found an issue where if i have a call set up between two callers (A -> B) and i use the AMI to redirect channel A to "anywhere" else, say caller C, I don't get a CDR entry. I get all the CEL entries in my DB but no cdr entry. I've seen other people reference bugs similar. The question is:  What can I do t
21:19.21rrittgarni found an unresolved bug from 1.8 from 2011 on Jira for it, but not sure if that's just because its now an old version or what
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21:22.16roramirezi little problem with cel and pgsql
21:23.28roramirezi configure the cel.conf accord to cel_pgsql.conf, i do reload but when ran "cel show status" return "CEL Logging: Enabled
21:23.28roramirezCEL Event Subscriber: CEL Custom CSV Logging
21:25.10roramirezanybody can give a hand?
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21:26.11deltarayWhen someone calls me using caller id blocking (*67) the call goes straight to voicemail and seems to skip the Dial line.
21:26.32deltarayIs this something that Asterisk is doing or could it be that my SIP phone (Linksys SPA941) is blocking it?
21:26.43deltaraythe caller id shows up as "Anonymous"
21:27.52[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBAIB
21:28.08navaismororamirez, is the cel_pgsql module loaded?
21:28.28navaismodeltaray, show us the complete cli output when that happens
21:30.38deltaraycli output?
21:30.48deltarayyou mean the log?
21:31.46navaismoweel both works if are complete
21:32.33navaismocli-->command line interface, here talking about cli is for the output when you connect to asterisk via asterisk -r
21:32.38infobotcli is probably a Command Line Interface, the best form of interface around, of course  Call-Level Interface, originally developed by SQL Access Group, but now known as Microsoft's ODBC standard. an x86 assembly instruction  Common Language Infrastructure (See mono or .net)
21:32.50roramirezlet me check navaismo
21:32.57navaismoah you rock bot
21:33.17deltaraynavaismo: thanks. I see now a line in my log "Got SIP response 406 "Not Acceptable" back from"
21:33.22deltarayThat's one of my SIP phones.
21:34.24navaismowell that is not necessary about your issue, that is a sip client telling that it cant handle the request i.e. the codec is not supported
21:34.58roramireznavaismo: yep, is loaded
21:35.05deltarayIts only happening on Anonymous calls though from the outside.
21:35.32deltarayLike if I dial *67 and the number of my asterisk server on my phone, it goes straight to voicemail.
21:35.38deltarayI mean from my cell phone
21:36.09deltarayNevermind, I see other people talking about this same issue with Linksys phones, there is an option to block anonymous calls.
21:36.27navaismook show us the complete sip debug when it happens
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21:36.53roramirezwhere i say to asterisk used backend postgresql for cel?
21:38.34roramirezi am restart asterisk and worked
21:38.43roramirezis very stranger
21:39.26deltarayIts working now after changing the "Block ANC Setting:" on the phone to no.
21:43.28roramirezthanks navaismo
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22:00.15rrittgarnI've found an issue where if i have a call set up between two callers (A -> B) and i use the AMI to redirect channel A to "anywhere" else, say caller C, I don't get a CDR entry. I get all the CEL entries in my DB but no cdr entry. I've seen other people reference bugs similar. The question is:  What can I do to help fix this bug? I can reproduce it 100% of the time on version 11r3 and 11.6. Could a Dev point me in the
22:03.37navaismoall we have passed trough that, maybe if you create a new bug in the jira page get more attention from the "versed" people
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22:09.23[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn: So NO CDR at all for any leg?
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22:15.51rrittgarncorrect TK
22:16.01rrittgarnonly CEL events
22:16.53[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn: Firstupgrade to current, then post a bug report with backup
22:17.46WIMPyThe deprecation of macros was very very evil.
22:18.51rrittgarncurrent for 11 is 11.8.0-rc1 correct?
22:19.05rrittgarnor just 'asterisk-11-current' in the lovely list of files?
22:19.28[TK]D-FenderThrough RC might not be bad to test again
22:20.12rrittgarntell me which one you'd like me to test on (i can do both) and i'll collect whatever logs i can to be helpful.
22:20.47rrittgarni can't be the only person experiencing this bug... unless the AMI is really that under-utilized...
22:22.01[TK]D-FenderI'd use the RC
22:22.12navaismoIs this error an configuration error? chan_dahdi.c:2004 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 72 - Protocol error. Reason = Invalid Multi Frequency Tone, R2 State = Seize ACK Received, MF state = DNIS Digit Transmitted, MF Group = Forward Group I, CAS = 0x0C
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22:28.35rrittgarnTK: I'll build and test this version after hours tonight and report back tomorrow. say it fails, what can i log to show its failing? easy to show when its doing something it shouldn't but hard to show you its not doing something somewhere...
22:29.41[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn: have it output the uniqueID during the call, show a call before & after  and the glaring gap in the middle I guess
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22:30.12rrittgarnkk. Thanks for the help.
22:31.52newtonrrrittgarn, According to the bug tracker, it is a known issue. You can post a me too, along with your debug on if you want.  CEL was designed to solve some of the issues that can't be solved with CDR, so using CEL in the meantime is the workaround to the various cases where CDR has undefined behavior.
22:35.00newtonrWell, workaround and  likely final solution, unless someone goes in to overhaul CDR, which is unlikely.     If you can show that the bug is a regression and the behavior worked in a previous version it would be much more likely to get fixed.
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22:42.23rrittgarnyeah i saw that bug, but wasn't sure it was still 'active' or however you want to deem it since its all the way back to 1.8 and the last updated is june of 2012
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22:56.17ipengineerin app_confbridge does a user profile have to be declared for every participating user or can we create a "default" user profile that multiple people can use when they dial in?
22:57.08WIMPyHave ypu taken a look at the sample config?
22:57.34ipengineerWIMPy: Yes, I looked online as well in the wiki
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22:59.32WIMPyThe definitions in the config file are like templates.
22:59.53WIMPyYou can use them for as many users as you like
23:00.09WIMPyAnd you can also change them per user via dialplan functions.
23:01.37ipengineerOk. Thats what I was curious of. I just wasn't sure if the same user with the same PIN could join multiple times.. Now in the instance 2 users join in with the same pin/profile I guess start_muted applies to each caller independently. One user unmuting will not effect the other with the same pin.
23:02.12WIMPyIn theory.
23:02.23ipengineerOk, that makes sense. Thanks
23:02.34WIMPyI have had the effect that it affected both users. But only once per call.
23:02.55WIMPyNt sure what's going on there.
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23:05.06ipengineerMy only other thought would be if confbridge supports Realtime now in v12.. I knew it used to not
23:05.14navaismoWIMPy, do you have an advice for this error: chan_dahdi.c:2004 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 72 - Protocol error. Reason = Invalid Multi Frequency Tone, R2 State = Seize ACK Received, MF state = DNIS Digit Transmitted, MF Group = Forward Group I, CAS = 0x0C
23:07.03WIMPyNope. No idea about smoke signals :-)
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23:12.39navaismome too haha
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