IRC log for #asterisk on 20140115

00:05.46navaismowhich hardware do you recommend to handle 18 E1s in one server
00:06.57*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
00:08.25zopsiseriously [TK]D-Fender: you don't have to be such an a#@hole ALL the time. Literally just put together all that stuff and you basically tell me that I wasn't fast enough because times up. You give me and my coworkers a bad impression of Digium and Digium's opensource community. Guess some people just want to die alone.
00:08.50*** part/#asterisk zopsi (sid22708@gateway/web/
00:09.10navaismotoo late ^
00:10.40outtoluncyou know fender made a backup of himself that will attend his funeral, right. ;)
00:29.52*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
00:29.52*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
00:32.51*** join/#asterisk Ian_AU (~ian_au@
00:35.12*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
00:37.44*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
00:39.06jesselangHello. I've got Asterisk 1.4 running behind NAT. I'm sending calls to a gateway outside of NAT. How can I get RTP from that gateway back to the Asterisk? Is there a way to traverse NAT?
00:42.30DougsTechforward ports
00:43.00DougsTechasterisk normally works behind NAT though, when connecting to trunks
00:45.07jesselangDougsTech, I would, but I have no control over the firewall. Does Asterisk do any UDP hole punching?
00:45.35DougsTechyou mean like upnp?
00:46.27*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
00:47.36jesselangNo. I mean just sending a UDP packet, sort of how Skype does it.
00:47.44leifmadsenyou can still send a UDP packet
00:48.06jesselangleifmadsen, do tell.
00:48.06leifmadsentypically the router is going to hold open a connection so that the other side can return packets over the port you opened when you established the connection
00:48.45leifmadsenfor inbound, the way that happens is with OPTIONS packets via the qualify=yes option for the peer
00:49.15jesselangleifmadsen, I have SIP messages making it back and forth. My issue is one way audio.
00:49.17leifmadsenthere are several articles on getting asterisk to work behind NAT though at this point
00:49.26jesselangSo RTP is the problem, I think.
00:49.28ChannelZ-Wkuse symmetric RTP
00:49.42jesselangSpecifically, I need DTMF.
00:49.54leifmadsenwell the dtmf is probably carried in the rtp stream
00:50.15jesselangChannelZ-Wk, how do I use symmetric RTP with Asterisk? I have no control over the firewill, unfortunately.
00:50.20jesselangfirewall, rather.
00:51.27ChannelZ-Wksee the 'comedia' option for nat in sip.conf
00:52.10jesselangIs that an option in 1.4?
00:52.26ChannelZ-Wkhmm. I don't think so.
00:53.03ChannelZ-WkWhich way does your audio _not_ work?
00:53.21jesselangFrom the external gateway into the Asterisk which is NAT'd.
00:54.37ChannelZ-WkOh. Well comedia would help anyway.  And you have no control over the gateway to port forward yes?
00:55.47ChannelZ-Wk(and I too wonder why there was never an option to do Skype-style NAT traversal)
00:57.02*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
00:57.35ruben231hi guys good morning
01:00.39ruben231does my dream possible, anyone who have a good heart and can sponsor asterisk basic to advanced training and after learning it, ill be oblige to share adn trained it to others also...i been dreaming this eversince..:-(
01:00.59jesselangChannelZ-Wk, correct. I have no control over the firewall to do port forwarding.
01:02.09DougsTechruben231, ask CBT nuggets
01:02.54ChannelZ-Wkjesselang: well you might be a little stuck then particularly with 1.4
01:03.21jesselangChannelZ-Wk, would I have to go to 1.8?
01:03.23ChannelZ-Wkruben231: we're all free whores here. Do you have a specific problem?
01:03.49ChannelZ-Wkwell if you were going to go to the trouble to upgrade, might as well go to 11
01:04.13ChannelZ-WkHowever I'm still not sure if it would help your case.. I don't know if any of the ICE and STUN crap will assist when asterisk is behind the firewall.
01:05.38ChannelZ-Wkand comedia is for assisting clients behind NAT
01:06.30ruben231ChannelZ-Wk: not really, just wanted to be traineed with asterisk from basic to advance- coz i see on our place there so many poor IT graduates that dont have the money to afford expensive training, empowering helpless IT somehow gives oppurtunity for charity.
01:07.03*** join/#asterisk sectech (
01:08.22ChannelZ-WkMmm. Well I'm certifiable, but not certified in anything.
01:09.15*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:10.43ChannelZ-Wktime to go home
01:11.40ruben231ChannelZ-Wk: nice
01:30.43*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
01:40.34*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:44.31*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
01:45.11*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
01:57.20*** join/#asterisk menstraighting (
02:05.31*** join/#asterisk sjs205 (
02:06.22*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
02:08.31*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
02:11.18Nuggeteyes DougsTech
02:11.27DougsTechNugget, ?
02:12.24pabelanger~lastseen iroot
02:12.46pabelanger~seen iroot
02:12.50infobotpabelanger: i haven't seen 'iroot'
02:12.51DougsTechNugget, ah haha, yea I assume you know what CBT is
02:19.30*** join/#asterisk D30_ (~deo@
02:24.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
02:26.10*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
02:31.11*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:48.26*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:19.55*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:23.44*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:0:1cfe:1001:f83d:d61c:5feb:e654)
03:27.36*** join/#asterisk microtux (~microtux@
03:40.05*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
03:41.43*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:45.26ChannelZCock & Ball Torture
03:48.07*** join/#asterisk makubi (
03:57.25*** join/#asterisk theron_ (~theron@
05:44.27*** join/#asterisk jrsharp (
05:44.38jrsharphey all
05:44.56jrsharpanyone here particularly familiar with RTSP/RTP?
05:45.32*** part/#asterisk jrsharp (
05:49.09*** join/#asterisk Ian_AU (~ian_au@
05:49.20ChannelZlow attention span
06:00.14*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:09.09*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
06:22.00*** join/#asterisk hanuman (31cc5610@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:24.01*** join/#asterisk jpoz (
06:27.54*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
06:31.04hanumanmy sip phone is not working with remote asterisk server
06:36.29*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~someone@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
06:46.34*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:49.23hanumanplease give reply any one
06:49.52[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: Lovely.. I run out of time and have to go... and suddenly I'm an "asshole"?  I had to leave.. not just ditching him....
07:08.32*** part/#asterisk hanuman (31cc5610@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:11.51*** join/#asterisk hanuman (31cc5610@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:12.24hanumansip phone not working with remote asterisk server
07:12.26*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
07:12.39flingIs there a module for voice changing?
07:13.25[TK]D-FenderThere used to be.  JunK-Y was the author...
07:13.27hanumansip phone is ringing only
07:13.33[TK]D-FenderNot sure if it's ported and current
07:13.33hanumannot answering
07:14.16hanumanbut that sip phone is registered
07:14.53hanumanand agi set debug on that IVR flow working fine when i am calling from my sip phone
07:20.14[TK]D-Fenderheads to bed....
07:22.21*** join/#asterisk qoottaa (~ololo@
07:26.29*** join/#asterisk Ian_AU (~ian_au@
07:29.09hanumansip phone is registered but not responding with remote asterisk server
07:32.28*** join/#asterisk moshin (
07:32.41*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
07:35.35ChannelZSleepy NAT
07:38.06hanumanChannelZ@i am not configured NAT
07:38.22hanumanChannelZ: i am not configured NAT
07:38.42*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
07:39.00ChannelZthen define "not responding"
07:40.42*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
07:40.46flingexten => hanuman,1,Answer()
07:42.45hanumanfling i written that in dialplan
07:43.28flingChannelZ: :>
07:45.08hanumanfling: sip registered with my asterisk server and IVR flow also working when i am calling to that extention but my sip phone not responding only ringing
07:51.37*** join/#asterisk hanuman (31cc5610@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:52.58ChannelZWhat do you mean it's "not responding only ringing" - the phone is ringing?  Capture a sip debug of the call and pastebin it
07:53.00infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
08:00.21hanumanChannelZ: sip not working with remote server. this is pastebin name for sip debug
08:02.27ChannelZok that's not enough, that shows me nothing
08:05.13*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:06.24ChannelZok these are still only a couple of OPTIONS packets, not a call attempt showing anything happening
08:10.05*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
08:10.46ChannelZRetransmitting #1 (NAT) to
08:11.53_omerI installed Asterisk 11.7.0 yesterday and it was working fine but today it gives error "illegal instruction" ... Tried to find solution on google but could not find a proper solution..... I have uninstalled asterisk completely and going to install it again..... Is there anything that I should care about before installing asterisk 11.7.0 again to avoid "illegal instruction" error again ?
08:12.28ChannelZThere's some sort of communication issue with that peer.. interestingly it responds to the lack of auth on the initial INVITE but then after sending the followup auth INVITE it seems to go braindead
08:12.57ChannelZ_omer: you get that when, trying to start it or it crashes somewhere while running?
08:13.14*** join/#asterisk kalz (~kalz@2602:fff6:f:1::d979:58e8)
08:13.28*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
08:13.49_omeryesterday, asterisk installed fine and it was running .. even I connected to Asterisk CLI .... but today when I tried to connect to CLI (asterisk -r) then I got error "illegal instruction"
08:14.01hanumanChannelZ: what is the problem, how can i rectify that
08:14.01*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
08:14.47_omerBut ... I have removed asterisk completely and going to install it I need help to avoid such issue this time.
08:14.48kaldemarhanuman: your phone is behind a nat. either the nat is causing disruptions in the dialog or twinkle isn't working.
08:14.50ChannelZhanuman: I don't know off hand.. I don't know if Twinkle is broken or if the packets suddenly stop making it off your network and never make it to that machine, or what.
08:16.12ChannelZ_omer: not sure.  What distro are you on
08:16.43_omercentos 6
08:16.56*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:3459:e5e0:b0ef:d3ae)
08:17.33_omerby the way  BUILD_NATIVE compiler flag is  XXX   in this system but it is  active in my another system where I have already installed asterisk 11.3.0 successfully.
08:17.51_omerWhat package do I need to activate BUILD_NATIVE for centos 6
08:20.12*** join/#asterisk moshin (
08:24.53*** join/#asterisk digiv_ (
08:26.34*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
08:26.59_omerwhat package do I need to activate  BUILD_NATIVE   compiler flag in centos 6
08:30.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:35.19*** join/#asterisk moshin (
08:45.07*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:45.40*** join/#asterisk Ian_AU (~ian_au@
08:46.12*** join/#asterisk bitwize1 (
08:51.09*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
08:55.47*** join/#asterisk Ian_AU (~ian_au@
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08:58.27*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:06.57*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
09:19.29*** join/#asterisk Neoti (
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09:50.15*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
10:05.43*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
10:09.16*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
10:19.14*** join/#asterisk dozepih (
10:23.38*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
10:24.30*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
10:24.45Ice_StrikeI am seeing this in CLI
10:24.55Ice_Strikeand flooding with that
10:24.59Ice_StrikeWhere is that coming from?
10:32.56*** join/#asterisk TSM2 (
10:34.55*** join/#asterisk microtux (~microtux@
10:38.13mirela666from WaitForSilence app
10:39.24mirela666Ice_Strike: is it increasing for 20ms
10:45.20*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
10:46.15*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
10:48.35Ice_StrikeI am getting told that customers cant hear the agents properly but agents can hear them well
10:48.40Ice_Strikenot sure what might be causing it
10:53.47*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
10:57.31*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
11:08.33*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (~k3asd`
11:17.19mirela666damn, how is encripted RTP suported (read configured) on asterisk 11.7 ?
11:30.38mirela666should only be encryption=yes
11:33.58mirela666thanks kal
11:35.54*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
11:55.41*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:0:1cfe:1001:25a6:819b:3e95:ada5)
12:06.41*** join/#asterisk yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang)
12:32.27cuscohey folks
12:32.42cuscoI'm looking for the first time at lockcdr() and resetcdr()
12:32.58cuscoI tried both, seems I'm not getting what I expected..
12:33.10cuscoin a dialplan I have several Dial()
12:33.26cuscoand if(${DIALSTATUS}!=ANSWER){ DIAL() }
12:33.37cuscoso it will try 4 destinations
12:34.04cuscoand before each Dial() I tried ForcCDR(wv)
12:34.26cuscoand was expecting a cdr entry per each dial
12:34.36cuscobut I only get one... for the whole call...
12:43.38mirela666cusco: I don't think it is ment to store multiple cdrs, but to reset CDR() values and cloecct new ones after the app is called
12:46.51mirela666Asterisk UNKNOWN__and_probably_unsupported built by root @ ..
12:49.36cuscomirela666: right, I also tried ForkCDR(aDev)
12:53.59*** join/#asterisk DougsTech (
12:54.09mirela666cusco: make some custom cdr store DB with odbc or REALTIME functions
13:04.46*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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13:14.14cuscomirela666: nope, I rather not
13:14.30cuscoused sort of that.. in the past, not good
13:15.01cuscoif you need to change something in the table, add a field, change name, change structure, it changes in next asterisk version etc...
13:15.05cuscobreaks functionality
13:16.21cuscocan't I just force current CDR to write, and have a new one ready?
13:16.29cuscowith ForkCDR() ?
13:17.00cusco"e - End the original CDR. Do this after all the necessary data is copied from the original CDR to the new forked CDR."
13:17.03*** join/#asterisk yago (~kresp0@gateway/tor-sasl/kresp0)
13:17.11cuscoshouldn't this option do just that?
13:33.45*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
13:36.08*** join/#asterisk hanuman (31cc5610@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:36.56hanumanmy linux sip phones are not making sound but windows sip phone is working what is the problem
13:37.41*** part/#asterisk qoottaa (~ololo@
13:38.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:40.19cusco[TK]D-Fender: I was asking, and now you joined, so I'm asking again..
13:40.41cuscoI have a dialplan that performs several Dial(); and before each I have ForkCDR(e)
13:40.52cuscoshouldn't this create a cdr entry for each dial?
13:41.00cusco"e - End the original CDR. Do this after all the necessary data is copied from the original CDR to the new forked CDR."
13:41.30*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
13:43.31[TK]D-Fendercusco: There is a general CDR option that says if CDR is actually recorded if the call is actually answered or not.
13:43.33[TK]D-Fendercusco: Check that
13:44.21cusco[TK]D-Fender: you mean the logunansweredcalls=yes ?
13:44.33cuscoactually: unanswered=yes
13:45.16cuscoin the dialplan I am actually dialign 4 different destinations, having if(${DIALSTATUS} != ANSWER) to dial the next one
13:45.33cuscoand the goal is to have a cdr entry for each dial...
13:45.50cuscoso I could see: busy, busy, answer ... for instance
13:46.50*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:48.00[TK]D-Fendershouldn't need to check the dialstatus... only reason to be continuing on is because it was not answered
13:48.49Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender I am having a bit of problem. *Sometime* when agents making outbund calls, the caller can't the agents properly but agents can hear the caller well.
13:49.06Ice_StrikeWhat the issue might be?
13:49.17cusconormally I have the g option in Dial, but in this case I don't need it.. right.. I don't need to evaluate the dialstatus ...
13:49.44cuscobut still, to have a cdr record for each attempt... I'm right by looking at ForkCDR() ?
13:49.50[TK]D-Fender(in cases of volume, line noise, etc)
13:50.05Ice_StrikeYes its like a low volume
13:50.10[TK]D-Fendercusco: I *think* so, but I've never used it personally
13:50.15cuscoow, ok
13:50.17[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike: Provider
13:50.52cuscothose sometimes.. always go trough the same dialplan? all the callers have the same nat options, and are alwyas in the localnet or external?
13:51.34[TK]D-Fenderthe only thing that makes volume low is conversion at the point of termination
13:51.48[TK]D-FenderNAT != quiet unless your "quiet" is NO sound
13:51.56cuscoaw.. sorry
13:54.45Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender this is what it look like
13:55.01[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike: your peer has nothing to do with this.
13:55.13[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike: Low volume is THEIR issue
14:22.53[TK]D-FenderGood local low solar azimuth to you too...
14:24.11*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
14:24.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
14:25.04Ice_StrikeHow well does asterisk run on a VM via Vmware ESXi?
14:25.15Ice_StrikeLet say 80 concurrents call
14:25.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:25.35mirela666Ice_Strike: wel enough
14:25.37eric_hillIce_Strike: Depends on your VMware infrastructure.  If you reserve CPU and RAM, just fine.
14:26.07Ice_Strikeeric_hill Using Vmware ESXi is a great advantage for failover
14:26.10mirela666if you give enough procesors and memory, but not needed much
14:26.14Ice_Strikeso asterisk could still run.
14:26.28*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~matt@nat/digium/x-gkflrqmgsjbergxj)
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14:27.09Ice_StrikeI was told there is a bit of network latency issue using asterisk with ESXi
14:27.17eric_hillI'm installing a system this weekend using asterisk on VMware.
14:27.23eric_hillDRs works great
14:27.43Ice_StrikeDid you setup or plan to setup fail over?
14:27.44GreenlightWe run a load of boxes under ESXi
14:27.49Ice_Strikelike what if asterisk goes dwon
14:27.57Ice_StrikeGreenlight Thats nice.
14:28.10GreenlightNo issues.
14:28.34mirela666run it with safe_asterisk
14:28.35eric_hillI have the VM set for monitoring by VMware and if it goes offline, another host will bring it up, yes. That's built in to VMware advanced licenses.
14:28.38Ice_StrikeI currently using ESXi at work for Windows Server 2012 with two DC's
14:28.46Ice_StrikeMight install Asterisk and use second NIC
14:28.59GreenlightTwo DC's on the same ESXi box ?
14:29.09Ice_StrikeI know lol
14:29.26GreenlightLike, why
14:29.33Ice_StrikeSecond DC for files shares and AD.
14:29.53GreenlightUsually the idea of a second DC is for redundancy
14:30.04*** join/#asterisk qdel (
14:30.23Ice_StrikeIf I get more resources, then I will install on second ESXi
14:31.03*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:31.23Ice_StrikeGreenlight What are you using to backup VM's on ESXi
14:36.39*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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14:57.14*** join/#asterisk sjs205 (
14:58.29sjs205Hello all, I've got a problem with my server, it seems the server gets a particular failed registration two of my lines ring... I'm trying to debug now, but does this sound familar to anyone?
14:58.48sjs205*when the server
15:01.21WIMPySounds very familiar.
15:01.40WIMPyIt's the usual situation of not enough information to give any sensible comment.
15:02.08*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
15:02.16sjs205WIMPy, haha... sorry...
15:03.04sjs205Basically, I have two phones connected to a remote server, every now and then the phones will ring but there will be no-one on the other side of the call.
15:03.26Kattysjs205: that means he wants logs.
15:03.35Kattysjs205: cause the proof is in the pudding, buttercup
15:03.41sjs205I have checked the server with sip debug off and it seems that occasionally this happens when there is a failed registration attempt...
15:04.10sjs205I have now set sip debug on, and am watching the local network with a sniffer...
15:04.31sjs205I was just wondering whether this ould be some sort of hacking attempt???
15:04.53Kattywhere's fender bender this morning?
15:04.55sjs205or anything sinister... or ideally, even just something I've setup incorrectly!
15:05.03Kattypokes at [TK]D-Fender
15:05.30mirela666was here hour ago
15:06.37[TK]D-Fenderprods katty
15:06.48Kattyhe lives!
15:07.13*** join/#asterisk navaismo (
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15:08.30navaismoMorning people! Anyone can recommend hardware or tips to configure 18 E1's in one PBX, 9 are from one provider and the other 9 from another provider, or I should use Xorcom Channels banks
15:08.51Kattygood morning navaismo
15:09.16*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-jjjyobxntmqxnctm)
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15:09.44*** join/#asterisk sp00kz_ (~ilubj00@unaffiliated/sp00kz)
15:09.45WIMPynavaismo: Not much choice there. AFAIK 8 PRI cards are only available form Sangoma and Digium.
15:09.46[TK]D-Fendernavaismo: The term channel bank tends to be reserved for converting multiplexed digital to individual analog (POTS)
15:10.04WIMPyUnless Sangoma has made their E3 card usable for voice.
15:10.14[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Nope, still not channelized
15:11.02*** join/#asterisk russellb (~russellb@redhat/russellb)
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15:11.22Kattymorning russellb
15:11.23WIMPyAnd you shouldn't put lines from different telcos to the same card. so that makes a minimum of 4 cards.
15:11.31russellbhaven't been in here in ages :)
15:11.40WIMPyAre you sure you want them all on the same server?
15:11.46Kattynavaismo: i think i'd be kinda tempted to register a bunch of other asterisk boxes with the main one
15:11.52Kattynavaismo: i then forward them out
15:12.14Kattynavaismo: but that's just me
15:12.31navaismoso ill need 3 cards, do i need to consider any in the timing settings when the two providers mix in the same card?
15:13.36navaismoKatty, hmm asterisk acting as a  PRI gateway?
15:14.36Kattynavaismo: yeah
15:14.53Kattynavaismo: just based on the DIDs, send it somewhere else
15:14.57Kattynavaismo: to some other registered server
15:15.11Kattynavaismo: like multi-tenant
15:15.25Kattythere's probably some fancy word or phrase for it
15:16.02navaismoyeah i can consider that scenario, but my concern is mixing two different providers in the same card, you know the timing stuff
15:16.26Kattywell you could always seperate them out if you have problems
15:16.41Kattydo the same thing on each box
15:16.57WIMPynavaismo: Did you read what I wrote on that topic?
15:16.59Kattybreak it down by DID and forward it to some other server
15:17.41navaismoYep but we are poor lol
15:18.07WIMPyNot yet.
15:18.09mirela666less fortunate :D
15:18.14WIMPyBut maybe after you order the hardware :-)
15:18.43WIMPyOr downgrade from 9 to 8 lines per telco.
15:19.11Kattynavaismo: i hear ya
15:20.34sjs205Okay, a little more information: I am monitoring my local network where the phone is located with wireshark. My phone starts ringing and the only packet I see is one incoming INVITE packet, the wireshark info for the packet say unknown RTP version 1...
15:20.46Kattynavaismo: have you found that pris are cheaper than "SIP" trunks?
15:20.58sjs205Does that mean anything? sounds like someone is trying to ring my phone but I have no idea why!
15:21.42[TK]D-FenderINVITE != RTP
15:23.35sjs205[TK]D-Fender, sorry, I know that... I'll pastebin the packet... one sec...
15:24.22navaismoKatty, talking about the network requirements and the cost of the internet here, yes is better a PRI than a SIP provider
15:28.57cuscoWe had troubles using 2 telcos in one PRI card... :(
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15:34.10wizbitis this the best way to manage asterisk over http:
15:34.28[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: "manage" is a very vague term
15:34.44wizbitdo basic stuff like check voicemail ,etc
15:34.46wizbitnothing too special
15:35.08[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: clarify "check voicemail"
15:35.24[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: You could use AMI to see if there IS voicemail waiting for a specific box.
15:35.26wizbitif somebody leaves a message, i could log on remotely via http and check it
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15:35.45wizbit*listen to it
15:35.46[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: it is not a means of configuring anything though.  Or retreiving VM, etc
15:36.01[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: No, AMI is not a generic interfact to do "whatever".
15:36.26[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: it is for general call flow and status polling, live events, etc.
15:36.28infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:36.43[TK]D-FenderAnd look on the WIKI for the list of commands and & events
15:36.51[TK]D-FenderWhat it does is quite evident
15:36.54wizbitok but it will allow me to listen to a voicemail message or view missed calls?
15:37.02wizbitaye ok
15:37.14[TK]D-Fendercalls are in logs
15:37.22[TK]D-FenderYou want some sort of managing GUI.
15:37.29wizbit[TK]D-Fender: are there any decent web interfaces out there for asterisk or should i avoid?
15:38.11[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: I think there is one for voicemails, and others for CDR but that might not be the best way to isolate missed calls
15:38.21[TK]D-Fenderwizbit: You're likely going to have to make your own/.
15:38.31wizbitok i will avoid then!
15:38.37wizbitwill get asterisk to email me instead :)
15:39.06wizbitif there is a missed call i think asterisk could be setup to email me what call i missed?
15:39.12wizbitor if i recieve a new voice mail message
15:42.51mirela666wizbit: for VM mailing read voicemail.conf email part
15:43.19[TK]D-Fender[10:39]wizbitif there is a missed call i think asterisk could be setup to email me what call i missed? <- you could do this.  that flow is for you to invent.  It isn't part of *
15:43.27mirela666wizbit: ofcours if you configured mail deamon
15:44.39*** join/#asterisk drjfreeze (~Jim@
15:45.08drjfreezeI am trying to forward a call inbound from a PRI to an external number
15:46.12drjfreezeI have a simple Dial(Dahdi/g1/15125551111) command, but keep getting the message that circuits are busy
15:46.39drjfreezeI do the same for the internal extensions. This should work for an inbound call, shouldn't it?
15:46.53[TK]D-FenderAll calls are inbound
15:47.01mirela666wizbit: there are plenty of examples , cross platform, for call notification
15:47.03[TK]D-FenderGo look at the actual call
15:47.28mirela666wizbit: modify and on no aswer send a notification
15:47.57*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:48.51mirela666Works with both Asterisk 1.4 and Asterisk 1.6;
15:48.57WIMPydrjfreeze: Do you have some service enabled in your configuration that isn't enabled on your line?
15:49.13wizbitis there a stable release of 1.6?
15:49.33[TK]D-Fender1.6.x = dead
15:49.44wizbitso it would be insecure for me to use it?
15:49.53wizbitim sure that will work on 1.8
15:50.29drjfreeze-- Channel 0/5, span 1 got hangup request, cause 41
15:50.57[TK]D-Fenderdrjfreeze: pastebin the entire call
15:50.59infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:51.45*** join/#asterisk ThatCantBe (
15:51.52[TK]D-FenderCause No. 41 - temporary failure. This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is no likely to last a long period of time; e.g., the user may wish to try another call attempt almost immediately.
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15:54.13drjfreezeWIMPy: what type of service are you thinking?
15:54.17merbananhow do you generate a dialplan extension trigger based on an event in a channel
15:54.39[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: as in?
15:55.37merbanansome kind of trigger based on chan_sip register status
15:55.43WIMPydrjfreeze: Transfer/CD
15:56.13merbananthere is supposed to be functionality for it
15:56.32merbananjust not hooked up to chan_sip registry events
15:56.50[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: that is more like a status check than a "trigger"
15:57.46[TK]D-FenderMerthe difference in the approach to handling each would be very different
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16:00.39merbanan[TK]D-Fender: well call it what you like, when something happens to the chan_sip registry state, I want an extension in the dialplan called
16:00.54[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: the difference is critical...
16:01.05[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: Now that you've clarified...
16:02.01[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: You could poll on a continuing basis (AMI) and on change Originate one yourself
16:02.36merbananthere is an api for it
16:02.37[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: Or use REGEXTEN in your peers and look for the dynamic dialplan addition AMI Event
16:02.50merbananthat sounds more like it
16:03.07[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: Then again RE-REGISTRATION may not flag the way you hope...
16:03.21*** join/#asterisk JeffC_NN (
16:03.26[TK]D-Fendermerbanan: and could trigger tons of "not new" events
16:03.51Kattytangles [TK]D-Fender up in a ball of yarn
16:06.22[TK]D-Fenderknits a blanket
16:06.38Kattyyay! now i don't have to :P
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17:42.04gmalsackdoes anyone have any idea as to why asterisk 11.6 using odbc sipppeers may repeatedly report wrong password for a sip peer, then after a sip prune realtime all the peer is able to register, make a few calls, then start getting wrong password again
17:46.58gmalsacknevermind I think I may have figured it out. astersik is actually sending a 403 forbidden, which I'm thinking is because the phone is trying to re-register prior to the asterisk minimal registration period.... sound right?
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17:49.54newtonrgmalsack, sounds plausible. I've been running realtime sippeers with ODBC/MySQL for a few days and haven't run into that. Though I haven't messed with registration min/max times
17:50.36[TK]D-Fendercan't imagine you should ever have an auth on re-registration like that
17:51.08rrittgarngmalsack, from my experience it loads the peer into memory, if you load in a wrong password or something the phone thinks is a comment, then change the DB after it tries to register, it will cause issues
17:51.09[TK]D-FenderAFAIK every reg is just a reg and * should accept it the way regardless of the previous not being expired
17:51.26gmalsacknewtonr: just set the register expiration time back to default on the phones.... ;-)
17:51.49gmalsackrrittgarn: no db changes during this process....
17:52.59gmalsack[TK]D-Fender: kind of what I was thinking initially. especially since the phone not making calls seems to be sending registration requests just as often but not having a problem, the problem seems to follow the phone that was making the calls..... :-(
17:53.42gmalsackI suppose it could be an issue with the $39.00 test phones I'm using... lol ;-)
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17:54.28igcewielingHas anyone gotten HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS not return an empty string?
17:57.08gmalsacknope. doesn't seem to be the phone. just factory reset the phone and asterisk still throwing a wrong password response
17:57.52gmalsackis there anyway to see what asterisk is comparing that's causing it to send wrong password?
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18:02.40gmalsackok just ran sip prune peer 7006 and phone registered just fine....
18:03.08gmalsack'/SIP/Registry/7006                                :'
18:03.27gmalsackcan anyone tell me what the 3600 in the database value string?
18:04.34newtonrmax registration expire I think
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19:03.55igcewielingHas anyone gotten HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS to work?
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19:11.54anonymouz666it seems to work here
19:11.56anonymouz666wiki example
19:11.57anonymouz666asterisk 11
19:12.02anonymouz666did you try it?
19:21.07igcewielinganonymouz666: yes.  verbose HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS='${HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS}' displays "HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS=''"
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19:34.20igcewielinganonymouz666: do you have a link to the "wiki example"    voip-info does not have a page covering it and does not have an example on the page for hangupcause_keys.
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19:57.04igcewielingmjordan: that info might be useful on too. 8-|
19:58.18mjordanigcewieling: that page is part of the reference information. They describe what the functions/applications are and the correct syntax for calling them. Other pages in the wiki describe how to go use that particular item.
19:58.52mjordanand, if I search for HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS, the first return from the wiki after reference pages is the page I linked
20:01.21igcewielingmjordan: I must have assumed the reference would have examples (like show application X or core show function X sometimes does).   Thanks for the link
20:04.56Kattydo i want chicken nuggets or lumpia for dinner
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20:05.45eric_hillDoes anyone on here do freelance asterisk C coding?  I'd like to fund a feature.
20:06.02Kattywatches everyone disappear into the shrubberies
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20:06.17WIMPyeric_hill: Describe what you want, maybe someone is interested.
20:06.26Kattykeyword being Maybe
20:06.40eric_hillPolycom phones have a native Call Park feature that uses a special SIP INVITE to park an active call.
20:07.22eric_hillI'd like to fund asterisk to receive that SIP message, park the call, and reply with a SIP message including the 399 Warning header to indicate the parking spot to the phone.
20:08.05WIMPynever understood what that parking stuff could be good for.
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20:08.38eric_hillthinks it's very common in manufacturing companies where not everyone even HAS a phone.
20:08.55eric_hill"Bob Smith, you have a call holding on 701."
20:09.08eric_hillBob goes to some nearby phone and dials 701.
20:09.16chuckfwonders what lumpia is
20:09.51WIMPySeriousely? People are cheaper than phones in your area?
20:10.10eric_hillI can't have phones in certain explosion-prone areas.
20:10.39eric_hillAudio can come in from another area through a pipe.
20:10.54eric_hillThink speaker on the end of a PVC pipe with positive airflow.
20:11.10WIMPyOk, that's finally a use that makes sense.
20:11.38eric_hillWe have three paint booths where this is an issue for us.
20:11.44chuckfKatty: if its takeout, either. If the boy is cooking one of the two, its that one.
20:13.31WIMPy(or can make)
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20:17.59chuckfWIMPy: parking is great for factory floors, warehouses, or similar areas where you have 50 employees and 10 calls a week between them
20:20.20anonymouz666is it possible in AMI the flow of events (due the nature of threads) sometimes could arrive in bigger chunks? normal flow: event -> event -> event  event -> event event event -> event -> event
20:20.30anonymouz666hope someone understand what I tried to say
20:21.10WIMPyThey arrive when they arrive. I guess that means I didn;t understand the question.
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20:22.15anonymouz666let's say the normal flow you got 1 event per packet. is it possible due some delay of threads i got 15 events per packet? somethink like that
20:22.43WIMPyOff course.
20:23.15anonymouz666due the load, the behaviour could change and the client listening to 1 event per packet is not so robust that can't handle 15 events per packet.
20:23.27anonymouz666the got disconnected from AMI
20:23.55anonymouz666of course the numbers 1 and 15 are examples, but I expected something like that happening with a PHP client.
20:24.10WIMPyI think you can get disconnected if the queue becomes too large.
20:24.32anonymouz666you mean eventq?
20:25.00WIMPyThe one on the socket.
20:25.19WIMPyI.e. if it's that congested that Asterisk fails to send.
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20:29.50Kattychuckf: i plan on cooking.
20:30.08anonymouz666nice and that could be watched looking into Recv-Q and Send-Q using netstat
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20:44.31monstercoHi everyone - wondering if anyone knows why FolloMe feature announces "Please hold while I try to get your party...." before even dialing the physical extension?
20:45.18j-fishDoes anyone have any recommendations for a cheap  VOIP wholesaler in the US ?
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20:49.19[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Show us
20:49.49eric_hillj-fish: inphonex
20:50.42polysicshi everyone
20:50.50polysicshuge memory leak on a box used as a PBX
20:50.54j-fishLooking for something around 25 cents per DID .
20:51.13polysics11.7 CentOS package. Stuff works, crashes mid-to-late work day, works fine after restart until next day
20:51.23polysicsoccasionally crashes fast, like it just happened
20:51.39polysicsmemory usage goes up to25Gb then the kernel does the mercy kill thing
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20:53.01Kattyj-fish: do you plan on calling 911 over a .25 DID?
20:54.08polysicsI have next to no idea on what to poke at, there's no logging
20:54.17drmessanopolysics, did you check what I asked?
20:54.23QwellKatty: exten => 911,1,Dial(SIP/0118999881999119725www3@provider)
20:54.26polysicstrying to find out
20:55.28drmessanopolysics, asterisk -rx "xmpp show connections"
20:56.31Kattygrins at Qwell
20:57.08KattyQwell: now with better looking drivers!
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20:58.02KattyQwell: also, can i fb that?
20:58.33QwellKatty: sure!
20:58.44polysicsNo such command 'xmpp show connections'
20:58.52polysicsthink that means there is no Google Voice
20:59.30drmessanoI thought you said...
21:00.31Kattywhat the drmessano say?!
21:00.39Kattytroll troll trolltroll trolololol
21:01.01polysicsI think I should just communicate by mo-o-o-o-orse instead of using this PBX.
21:01.15drmessanopolysics, are you using Google Voice accounts on your PBX?
21:01.21drmessanoAs in, with Asterisk
21:01.25drmessanoas in, on this system
21:01.27Kattypolysics: maybe a couple tins with string?
21:01.41polysicsI can't tell you because Asterisk is writing an humongous core dump atm, one sec :)
21:01.54drmessanoYou dont know?
21:02.01Kattyi'd enjoy getting my asterisk box working with a couple google voice accounts
21:02.05Kattybut i've not had time to tinker with it
21:02.12Kattymaybe next year.
21:02.17polysicsI happen to not know, yes -_-'
21:02.24drmessanoehrm ok
21:02.31drmessanoThis is YOUR box?
21:02.34Kattydrmessano: have you done incoming google voice to asterisk?
21:02.48Kattydrmessano: assuming outbound calls cost Cash(tm)
21:02.53drmessanoKatty, I have.  It works well.  But we'll only have it for a few more months
21:03.01drmessanoKatty, outbound is free too
21:03.06Kattydrmessano: elaborate
21:03.13Kattydrmessano: what happens in a few more months?
21:03.17drmessanoGoogle is killing off XMPP in a few months
21:03.23Katty:< :< :<
21:03.25drmessanoSo we have no conduit
21:03.45monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - here is a paste from CLI showing "pls-hold-while-try" is played before ringing the physical extension
21:04.20Kattydrmessano: google kind of reminds me of fairchild semiconductor
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21:04.30[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: First... that isn't an ASTERISK Followme..
21:04.33infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:04.37Kattydrmessano: let's make cool new things for the sake of making them!
21:04.48Kattydrmessano: and then just...kind of forget about it
21:04.49Qwellglares at infobot
21:05.17drmessanoKatty, you don't need this IC anymore, so we're discontinuing it.. even though its hugely popular?
21:05.33polysicsI would remove "by people who aren't deeply involved" in the phrase. It just can;t be supported. :D
21:06.09drmessanoI would be careful about bashing FreePBX
21:06.29polysicsit's a great system but you really have to just learn it yourself
21:06.36Kattydrmessano: mhmm. like what they did with the silicon and germanium transistors
21:06.51drmessanopolysics, hows that?  Its highly supported?
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21:07.19polysicsit is so complex there is actually a low chance of someone else having seen your issue
21:07.26[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: So if it's flow is inappropriate.. they'll have to fix it
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21:07.32polysicsI noticed I was getting results when I actually started learning the internals myself :)
21:07.48drmessanopolysics, I don't think thats true at all.
21:08.01drmessanopolysics, i've seen very few unresolved issues
21:08.04[TK]D-Fenderpolysics: I've seen their devs be quite responsive in-channel with regards to issues
21:08.07Kattydrmessano: that's not true
21:08.14Kattydrmessano: i've had an unresolved issue for 7 years
21:08.31drmessanoKatty, you're using underperforming batteries
21:08.44Kattydrmessano: everyone keeps giving me solutions, but none of them work!
21:09.03drmessanoKatty, dare I ask?
21:09.10Kattycan't say i've heard underperforming batteries before.
21:09.12Kattythat's a new one!
21:09.45Kattyfender suggested a chicken broth server bath yesterday.
21:10.52[TK]D-Fender[16:03]monsterco[TK]D-Fender> - here is a paste from CLI showing "pls-hold-while-try" is played before ringing the physical extension <-- And....
21:10.52drmessanoI've had the same issue for 30+ years.   The only solutions I have received are people directing me to new places of greater warmth
21:10.59[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Ther is never any magical playback that is simultaneous to a dial.
21:11.07[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: There is no way for this to even happen.
21:11.10Kattyspeaking of problems.
21:11.25Kattyi wonder what juipter looks like
21:11.38[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Playing a file is one step.  Dialing is another.  there is no "dial, then if it starts ringing play the file"
21:12.08[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: Your expectation of these being synchronous is faulty
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21:14.32polysicsanyways, no, we do not have Google Voice on this box
21:14.41polysicsxmpp is not even a command
21:15.13Kattyoh boy.
21:15.13polysicsthis is a stock package install on CentOS of 11.7
21:15.23polysicswe were having crashes on 11.6 too
21:15.52polysicsbut less frequently, though I can't vouch on the frequence having increased because of the updates or something else
21:21.19j-fishKatty: no 911 calls,only inbound
21:21.34Kattyj-fish: well i guess that it some relief
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21:34.02[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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22:06.28darkdrgn2kFrom a "one vpn per branch at the gateway" model whats the better vpn protocol to use when it comes to VOIP, openvpn, ipsec, somethign else?
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22:34.53polysicsdrmessano: for the record, it might have been an ulimit issue
22:35.10polysicsraising those seems to have stabilized the box
22:37.39bsdiceso Katty
22:38.07bsdiceI hear you are a walking bundle of issues :)
22:40.04Beaniehello, i'm thinking about getting a voip phone for my mum that is nearly blind - she feels for the numbers - recently got the internet and I want her to be able to dial three digit numbers to get through to me and others - what equipment is needed - doing this on a budget?
22:40.15Beanieit would connect to a remote pbx
22:40.18Beanieover the net
22:41.54drmessanobsdice, that's supposed to be a secret
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22:48.52navaismoBeanie, if the phone is analog you can use an ata pap2t is cheap on ebay
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23:10.44bsdicedrmessano are you two married? :)
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23:30.26edwin_quijadaThere is any issue with AGI and virtual machines with asterisk?
23:31.24navaismodont know
23:31.31navaismotry to be more specific
23:31.41edwin_quijadaI have 3 days trying to do a simple script that just read a few digist and it is imposible because any command to read DTMF works. Asterisk doesnt stop to read DTMF
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23:32.46edwin_quijadaI did the script perl, php and java and always is the same
23:33.00edwin_quijadafor example getData() doesnt work
23:34.45[TK]D-Fender[18:30]edwin_quijadaThere is any issue with AGI and virtual machines with asterisk? <- no
23:35.09navaismoedwin_quijada, show us the call
23:35.12edwin_quijadaI have done everything and always is the same
23:35.30navaismoedwin_quijada, in the past i have used get_data from phpagi and it works
23:35.38edwin_quijadame 2
23:35.52edwin_quijadaReally I dont know what is the problem
23:36.04edwin_quijadaI tried 3 language
23:36.29edwin_quijadaeverything that can read doesnt work
23:37.04[TK]D-Fender[18:35]edwin_quijadaReally I dont know what is the problem <- niether do we
23:38.25edwin_quijadathis is my script but I dont think that has problem
23:39.55[TK]D-FenderShow an actual call with AGI debug
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23:48.27edwin_quijadaThis is the debug of the script
23:48.52edwin_quijadathe script and their debug
23:51.07navaismonow enable the dtmf debug too
23:52.35edwin_quijadawhat is the command for dtmf debug ?
23:58.25[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: So you hit timeout
23:58.42edwin_quijadathat is so weird
23:58.52edwin_quijadaI am using the SJphone
23:59.24edwin_quijadaI dont know why this timeout

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