IRC log for #asterisk on 20140106

00:04.58WIMPyPeople have managed to dmage flash device on write intensive applications within a few hours.
00:05.36bsdiceonly shitty china flash without wear levelling
00:06.06WIMPyDoesn't matter if you run the right (wrong) stuff.
00:07.23bsdicewith wear levelling even full speed write to same area will take months to break a sector
00:07.52WIMPyWho said it's only one sector being written?
00:08.09bsdicethink what you want ;-)
00:08.19WIMPyStart a bittorrent client and start your stop watch.
00:52.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:00.20*** join/#asterisk tedstriker (
01:05.05gustosomehow we are not talking reality here
01:05.54gustosomeone experienced something like it before?
01:06.10gustoand my SDHC was no cheap stuff, it was a Kingston
01:06.14*** join/#asterisk harj0 (~dada@unaffiliated/harj0)
01:07.47WIMPyI managed to shred a card in my camera just by taking (too many?) photos and another one in my laptop.
01:12.53gustohow long have you been using it?
01:14.40WIMPyThe one in the camera might have done about two years. The one in the laptop only had some weeks and I did not have things like /home or even /var on it.
01:14.47*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:17.03gustomy guess is that this one card had to be faulty in some way
01:17.45gustoBUT if not i ll have to find a way how to operate that raspberrypi differently
01:17.58gustomaybe with an read-only mounted filesystem
01:18.36WIMPyThat's what I would do.
01:22.12*** join/#asterisk moshin (
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04:08.37ChannelZNFS to a real disk somewhere else?
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05:49.05WIMPyOk, so modern flash memory only has about 1000 write cycles instead of the formerly know 10000. And ir also degrades on reads.
05:55.49WIMPySide effects of miniaturization.
05:56.08WIMPySomewhat compensated by better ECC algorithms.
06:06.32*** join/#asterisk paulc (~root@unaffiliated/paulc)
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06:24.38*** join/#asterisk eaxxae (~penguin@unaffiliated/eaxxae)
06:37.29PenguinI like my industrial flash memory that is rated at 1,000,000 writes.
06:40.56*** join/#asterisk APT1 (~APT1@unaffiliated/apt1)
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09:12.33weinerkPlease help - Ast 11 /var/log/asterisk/full - entries from chan_sip.c have some nonascii bytes c3 bf at the begining of every line.
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10:23.23*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
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10:58.19*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.7.0 (2013/12/17), (2013/12/17); Standard: Asterisk 12.0.0 (2013/12/20); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux (2013/12/19), DAHDI-tools 2.8.0 (2013/12/06); libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
11:01.28*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
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11:12.45wdoekesweinerk: I'm betting it's not \xc3\xbf, but \xff, the "verbosity level"
11:12.47wdoekes$ printf '\xc3\xbf' | iconv -f utf-8 -t latin1 | od -t x1
11:12.47wdoekes0000000 ff
11:13.18wdoekesit should be stripped before it goes to the log file.. are you using the most recent version?
11:14.06*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:17.56*** join/#asterisk boratynskikamil (5311a3f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:18.33boratynskikamilGuys, one small question.
11:18.54boratynskikamilHere you go my hardware. Any suggestion how could I enable BRI card?
11:21.52*** join/#asterisk jploh (~textual@
11:30.00weinerkwdoekes: 1. thanks for helping. 2. how can I check? I have ast 11 - green from pbxinaflash
11:31.30*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
11:32.17boratynskikamilDamn, after installing GSM card I am not able to answer connections from ISDN card. Kernel doesn't recognise Cologne driver.
11:36.01*** join/#asterisk pouyou (
11:36.13pouyouHi everyone
11:36.43pouyouI have a quick issue someone may eventually be able to give me some pointers about
11:36.58pouyoufor a project we were using 1.8
11:37.33pouyousome people asked for webrtc/jscript client to be available so I migrated to one of the latest 11 release
11:38.29pouyouI had some issues which are now fixed with one of the app we had (app_julius). So now, it is at least not crashing
11:41.33pouyouthing is I realized there were some differences with the frames / sound handling between 1.8 and 11 which ends up with no sound being pushed on my app when using speech_create
11:41.55pouyouis anyone able to use it with asterisk 11.x ?
11:57.32*** part/#asterisk boratynskikamil (5311a3f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:22.49weinerkin ast11 is it possible to use dynamic feature/applicationmap/automon to record channel but not using dial() ?
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12:49.18*** join/#asterisk eduardonunesp (~eduardonu@
12:49.58eduardonunesphello everybody
12:50.10eduardonunesphappy new year
12:51.20eduardonunespi have a problem with Link/Bridge event from AMI, the IAX channel ins't sending the callerid
12:51.50eduardonunespanyone have any clue ?
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12:52.45wdoekesweinerk: asterisk -nrx 'core show version', or asterisk -V
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13:03.11anonymouz666eduardonunesp: I think it's a little bit impossible to answer your question
13:03.34eduardonunespanonymouz666, why ?
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13:33.37weinerkwdoekes: Asterisk 11.7.0 built by root @ mppbx05 on a i686 running Linux on 2013-12-24 07:56:34 UTC
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14:05.07wdoekesstrange weinerk. what does your logger.conf look like? is the running asterisk really the same version? (core show version)
14:06.02*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
14:06.49Kattyshivers and turns the heat up
14:06.55KattyI WANT TO KNOW, who authorized this weather.
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14:09.31*** join/#asterisk BKhan (ca7d90e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:10.14Kattygives BKhan a blanket
14:10.16*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@fedora/chuck)
14:10.24Kattywhy aren't you at home.
14:10.27Kattysnuggling with your wife.
14:10.53BKhanI am using command SIPADDHEADER but it is not setting
14:11.21BKhanKatty> Hahah I have not any wife
14:11.22KattyBKhan: maybe it's cold.
14:11.35KattyBKhan: sorry, the wife comment was intended for chuckf
14:11.49BKhanoh ok :)
14:13.16BKhanKatty: do u have idea of it
14:13.27Kattyi have an idea that it's very cold outside.
14:14.04*** join/#asterisk evilskater (~evilskate@
14:14.16GreenlightAre you adding the header before Dial, yes ?
14:16.33BKhanGreenlight: yes i am calling subroutine in Dial Function
14:17.48weinerkwdoekes:pretty much nothing special
14:17.48weinerkdateformat=%F %T
14:17.48weinerkfull => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
14:19.23weinerkbut you are a genious - I am trying to read code now that you showed were to look - I am pretty sure it has to do with all the VERBOSE_MAGIC2LEVEL stuff
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14:29.18DigiDazHi all, I've been using asterisk for some time now and have started digging in to the sip a bit more. My question is why do some users get a 401 in response to an INVITE yet others immediately get a 100 Trying?
14:30.23*** join/#asterisk johnmilton (
14:32.35wdoekesweinerk: let us know what you find. this was a recent change in that code:
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15:03.04Kattyyawns sleepily
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15:27.09ruben231hi guys anyone can help for my asterisk with this error ----> <--------------i dont see the source IP address im suing asterisk 1.8
15:28.40[TK]D-Fenderruben231: that isn't SIP DEBUG and is useless
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15:29.06[TK]D-Fenderruben231: "sip set debug on" <---
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15:44.48ipengineerWhen upgrading asterisk is there a way to migrate menuselect from an older versions directory I had previously installed?
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16:00.18drmessanoCopy it
16:01.39*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
16:01.58newtonripengineer, since menuselect using information generated by the configure scripts you could run into problems if dependencies and things have changed since you last compiled. Also not to mention changes between the two Asterisk versions involved.
16:03.04*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (
16:03.15ipengineernewtonr: Ok.. Sounds like a bad idea I will just go through it again. Wasn't sure if that was normal with every point release to have to do that.
16:03.43[TK]D-Fender[10:44]ipengineerWhen upgrading asterisk is there a way to migrate menuselect from an older versions directory I had previously installed? <- sounds even more dangerous that you're not saying what you're moving from... and to...
16:04.40ipengineer12 beta2 to 12.0.0
16:05.29ipengineerObviously if I was moving from 1.8 or something I could understand but that makes sense I believe one of the resources changed names between beta1 and beta2
16:05.32drmessanoI've had few issues with point releases, but you'll also find an issue in JIRA where someone reported a failure after a new module was added.  New modules and dependencies are a risk.
16:05.49newtonryeah i'd do it over when moving between those especially, as there were many changes.
16:05.52drmessanoThere's also command line options you can keep in a doc and just pop in
16:06.59MaliutaLapAs with any point release changes: Read the changelog.
16:08.43*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
16:08.52drmessanomenuselect --enable is nice.. and I suppose disable as well
16:09.38ipengineerCool. Thanks
16:10.27drmessanoI was on a kick for a while to optimize every time I build, but I stopped worrying about the war and learned to love the bomb
16:10.35newtonripengineer, Between 12 beta2 to 12.0.0, there was a lot of work done there. I'd be scared of not just running menuselect fresh.
16:12.14*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
16:12.37drmessanoDoes Asterisk 12 behave any better with IPv4 and IPv6 in a NAT scenario?
16:15.09mjordandrmessano: it's different
16:15.23drmessanoThats ambigious
16:17.05*** join/#asterisk navaismo (
16:17.24drmessanoAs I understood it, Asterisk 11 and prior ignored any NAT configuration when IPv6 was enabled because the scenario was "silly".  Is it still "silly" in 12?
16:18.12*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
16:18.26mjordanIt doesn't really work like that in 12. There isn't a "nat" setting that makes implicit assumptions. For a particular transport, you define what are you local networks and your external addresses.
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16:21.17drmessanomjordan, so I guess a better question to ask would be, if I enable IPv6, the options for local networks and external addresses are not ignored, correct?
16:21.38mjordanThey shouldn't be ignored
16:22.40drmessanomjordan, as I understood it, that was part of the problem in 11 and prior was that when ipv6 was enabled, whatever code addressed the exterip/host and localnet was simply bypassed, and there was no desire to make it work.
16:22.49drmessanoSo thats cool
16:23.19drmessanoThe notion that "If you're running IPv6, you shouldn't be behind a NAT, so there" was kinda silly
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16:23.46mjordanchan_sip made those kinds of things hard to address.
16:23.48drmessanoThat predates you a bit, but that conversation took place at some point
16:24.26drmessanosets chan_sip on fire
16:24.36drmessanoblows it out because he's still using it
16:25.42drmessanoI like the transport definitions in 12
16:25.49drmessanoThats slick
16:26.12filetrying to cram all sorts of transports into single lines = >_<
16:26.15*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
16:29.14drmessanoNow that we have this shiny new SIP stack, I predict the death of SIP in 6 months
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16:31.46drmessanoMaybe not
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16:35.20ipengineerfile: Wanted to let you know I pulled in your pjsip_dialog_info patch and from my short period of testing seems to be working well!
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16:35.36fileglad to hear it!
16:36.40eppigyi am dave
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16:37.19fileI need to get a test done for that
16:44.47ipengineerWell I will keep running it and let you know if I run into anything
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16:52.18chuckfKatty: I would much prefer to be home with the wife, but unfortunatly she likes to keep a house over her head and eat once in a while.
16:56.39eppigyover rated
16:59.29MaliutaLaplife. Don't talk to me about life. ;)
17:06.42Kattychuckf: how pesky
17:06.58Kattywho needs a house and food?!
17:07.01Kattygoes to live with eppigy
17:09.28chuckfKatty: If it were just me it would be a different story
17:09.41chuckfKatty: are you staying warm there?
17:10.23Kattyoh yes. i have my flannel jammies on, a space heater blowing at nearly 80F, mukluks, and a kitty that drops by from time to time to ensure my keyboard still works properly.
17:11.19Kattychuckf: hope you two are staying warm as well. :>
17:11.29Kattychuckf: regardless of where you may end up today.
17:13.08*** part/#asterisk famine- (~famine@unaffiliated/famine)
17:13.14chuckfOur temps are going to get below freezing about 5 pm and then single digits by tomorrow morning. I get to wfh tomorrow, but she has to go in. Which means I'll be going out to start the car
17:14.23Kattygentlemen are wonderful like that.
17:14.29Kattyapplauds chuckf
17:15.13GreenlightANyone else use the snmp module to monitor their Asterisk boxes? I've not ever had an issue with it, Asterisk process had been up for 3 months plus without problem, and then today a segfault, and the cause appears to be the snmp module
17:16.02DigiDazCan anyone answer this I asked earlier please? ....
17:16.16DigiDazWhy do some users get a 401 in response to an INVITE yet others immediately get a 100 Trying?
17:16.32KattyDigiDaz: maybe some of them are snowed in
17:16.55KattyDigiDaz: you might consider plowing the driveway, and applying heat.
17:17.18KattyDigiDaz: if all else fails, take a chapter from the russians and use vodka.
17:18.24[TK]D-Fender[12:16]DigiDazWhy do some users get a 401 in response to an INVITE yet others immediately get a 100 Trying? <- because some peers were told NOT to challenge
17:19.49DigiDaz[TK]D-Fender: You replied that?
17:20.17Kattyhi fender bender!
17:20.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: how's that brisk weather in canada today?
17:20.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: and would you like some more?
17:20.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: ~36F :)
17:21.12Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
17:21.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: We're exporting today :p
17:21.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: so it /seems/
17:21.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's your return policy?
17:21.55[TK]D-FenderWe have entire WEEK of above freezing temps coming next week.
17:22.21[TK]D-Fender[12:21]Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's your return policy? TFB LOLWUT NUB
17:22.41Kattyhow rude. lol
17:22.53eppigyIt is going to get down to 7 degrees here :(
17:23.05Kattyeppigy: you're clearly not in flordia anymore
17:23.07Kattyeppigy: where did you go?
17:23.26eppigyI am in atlanta
17:24.15Kattyeppigy: but why would you leave sunny florida for a 24/7 traffic disaster? :< :< :<
17:25.32eppigyhaha it was for a job
17:25.35eppigyand now I am closer to the mountains :D
17:25.36MaliutaLapKatty: I'm still in Brisbane, it's warm (and way too humid) here :)
17:25.48Kattyeppigy: ohah. must have been worth it then (=
17:26.00KattyMaliutaLap: indeed. are you guys done with summer yet? i'd like it back.
17:27.12MaliutaLapKatty: in QLD we have perpetual summer
17:27.38MaliutaLapit just varies in the insanity of it all
17:27.40Kattyi have another friend in queensland.
17:27.49Kattythe pictures he sends me are always so pretty
17:27.59MaliutaLapwhere abouts?
17:28.04MaliutaLapQLD is a big place
17:28.14MaliutaLap_very_ big
17:28.23MaliutaLapnot as big as WA though
17:29.13Kattybrisbane QLD 4001
17:29.38MaliutaLapabout 20mins drive from me
17:29.56Kattysomeday i hope to get over there
17:29.58MaliutaLaptechnically I'm just outside the Brisbane City Council area
17:30.15MaliutaLapwe still call it Brisbane though
17:31.11MaliutaLapsoon to be the Noosa-Brisbane-Coolangatta Multiplex
17:33.33*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
17:34.00KattyMaliutaLap: do you guys get many hurricanes?
17:34.49MaliutaLapKatty: Cyclones, and this far south we mainly get remnants from ones that either hit up north or come in from the coral sea area
17:35.04Kattywell that's good
17:35.07MaliutaLapKatty: makes for some wicked swells on the coast
17:35.11Kattyi bet
17:35.35KattyMaliutaLap: i have plans of moving to florida, eventually...but i'm worried about hurricans and swells and what not
17:35.46MaliutaLapthey do some damage up north though, mainly north of the tropic of capricorn though
17:35.55Kattywind damage?
17:36.04MaliutaLapKatty: decent swells make for good surfing
17:36.32MaliutaLapWind, rain, hail ... these things make landfall in north east QLD, and in the Gulf
17:37.02eppigyKatty: yeah it has definitely been a good move
17:37.10Kattyeppigy: horay!
17:37.30MaliutaLapDown here the big issue is bushfire and flood
17:37.43MaliutaLapalthough we do get severe storms a fair bit
17:41.39*** join/#asterisk ifupeth0 (
17:44.00KattyMaliutaLap: we have those too.
17:44.11KattyMaliutaLap: our biggest threat is probably tornados. or the New Madrid fault line
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17:51.22andiI just tried to install asterisk 12 on centos 6.5 from the repository on There are several libs which are missing to install asterisk. Where do I get these libs and additional packages?
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17:52.13andiIs asterisk 12 the version which I want to use for a productive system?
17:52.28andiOr is it a better idea to still use asterisk 11?
17:52.40ifupeth0anyone aware of any good online dCAA/dCAP study groups?
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17:59.42WIMPyandi: Might be a better idea to stay a little longer with 11.
18:00.20leifmadsenandi: no, use Asterisk 11 for a production deployment
18:00.38leifmadsenAsterisk 12 is a whole different beast, and is a development preview version, not LTS
18:01.13leifmadsenalso recommends Asterisk 11.7.0
18:01.49andiAh, ok. So I just tried to add asterisk 11 repo, but there are still some missing packages like dahdi-linux, which I can spontaniously just find in the current repo.
18:02.33WIMPyYou only need dahdi if you have hardware using it.
18:02.33*** join/#asterisk ipengineer_ (
18:06.45andi Like described here "yum install asterisk" says:
18:06.53andiSo for asterisk 11 I still miss some packages.
18:07.24andiWhen just trying to install asterisk-core I miss asterisknow-version which I can only find in the current repo.
18:08.12andiSo is this an error on my side? Do I need to install anything else or is that something which needs to be fixed in the repo?
18:08.27andis/repo/packages dependencies/
18:08.31QwellThe wiki page you linked says what you need to install.
18:09.35andiQwell: That I need to install?
18:10.37andiBut asterisknow-version is just provides by the current repository. Isn't current even newer than asterisk 11?
18:11.07QwellThere is also a description of each of the repositories on that page.
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18:21.59andiAh, great. Now I'm at a point where I can install asterisk-core. For asterisk itself I need to search where to get dahdi-firmware. But since I do not need dahdi I will check the wiki how to install asterisk without dahdi support or where to get the dahdi-firmware package. Thanks for now.
18:22.58WIMPyWhat is Asterisk if not asterisk-core?
18:25.11PenguinOr what is asterisk-core if not asterisk?
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18:37.26tzafrirPenguin, asterisk-core is the memory of a crashed asterisk
18:38.16Kobazthe memory of long lost voip souls
18:38.36tzafrirandi, I guess by now asterisk-dahdi has become a separate binary package in most Asterisk distributions
18:38.43WIMPyThere is no soul in voip.
18:40.00tzafriranyway, I suppose a separate asterisk-core package is needed to avoid dependency loops. The package "asterisk" depends on everything you think of as asterisk
18:40.23tzafrirThat is: the basic components, and some module packages
18:40.59tzafrirBut those may depend on a more basic component of /usr/sbin/asterisk and the essential modules
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19:04.05gustonow i want to put my astdb into /tmp on tmpfs so that it does not cycle over my flashcard
19:04.20gustoi did try to change astdbdir but that does not have any effect
19:04.38gustoin core show settings it shows ASTDB = /var/lib/asterisk/astdb
19:05.16[TK]D-Fenderhow about showing use your actual whole asterisk.conf?
19:05.19infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:06.52gustoits the default
19:07.15gustobut i found something here at the end "Running 'utils/astdb2bdb /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3' (replacing '/var/lib/asterisk' with the 'astdbdir' directory listed in asterisk.conf" sounds interesting
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19:07.24gustoso they chaged it in asterisk10
19:09.07[TK]D-Fendergusto: PASTEBIN
19:13.03[TK]D-Fender[directories](!) <- the (!) DISABLES the settings below
19:13.16[TK]D-FenderThis seems to have gotten chopped out of the sample configs comments
19:13.37[TK]D-Fenderfile / qwell :Can you look to see that this gets documented again?
19:13.51leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: can you provide a documentation patch like a good netizen?
19:14.02gustothats good :-D
19:14.05gustoi ll try
19:14.13[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: as a "patch" nope.. never done patch files before...
19:14.33[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I could whine about in legible verbose... if I got around to creating an account for it :)
19:14.36leifmadsenpretty straight forward
19:14.38leifmadsen'svn diff'
19:14.54leifmadsenattach resulting file to issue in
19:14.58Kattylooks in
19:15.00Kattyhi leif.
19:16.35gustook, it works now, thanks
19:16.57leifmadsenKatty: ohai
19:18.28*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
19:18.58gustobtw. i figured out in the meantime what was causing that lots of writes on my CF card in my raspberrypi
19:19.25gustoi had to disable the journaling on ext4 and now i brought the number of writes to almost zero
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19:31.31tzafrirgusto, what happens when your machine loses power?
19:32.53[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: AstDB go BAI BAI and all registration info, etc gets trashed... hope he wasn't betting on having anything useful persistent there
19:34.28gustotzafrir, nothing, i have it on sync
19:35.00gustoi do not miss astdb
19:35.05tzafrirI wonder how much this hurts Asterisk's performance
19:35.22gustoi do not care about performance
19:35.42tzafrirThe sync mount option
19:35.44gustoraspberrypi is more than enough
19:35.46[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: Well if tmp is in ram... I supposed a second's hit to recreate it as "empty" on cold start....
19:35.48gustoah, that
19:35.50gustosync is OK
19:36.04WIMPyOh, for the rest. Yeah.
19:36.45*** join/#asterisk lnb (
19:37.03lnbCommand 'module unload' failed.
19:37.08lnbhow can i unload it?
19:37.23WIMPyBest to have a gold cap as UPS or so.
19:38.01[TK]D-FenderAwesome overkill.. to keep a stupid fruit afloat :p
19:38.21WIMPyCutting the power is know to completely shred the cards contents. So mount options are rather questionable.
19:40.53gustoi can cut power anytime
19:41.02gustoby pulling out the adapters cable
19:41.08gustoi ll do it now, look
19:41.25WIMPyFor all but the latest models that's the only way to reset the thing.
19:41.52WIMPyBut it happens regularly that you have to reflash the card after doing so.
19:42.44gustoi do not understand
19:43.20gustowhy should a hard reset or cutting the power hurt the data on the CF disk?
19:44.01WIMPyBecause it's left in an undefined state?
19:44.18WIMPyA reset probably wouldn't do that.
19:47.12Penguingusto: What are you using to measure total writes?
19:49.08gustoaa, it has plenty of time to shut itself off
19:50.01gustoindeed that measuring is a problem but i saw some commands on the internet to even log it, but i forgot where i found them
19:50.12gustoat the time i am just looking at /sys/fs/ext4/mmcblk0p5/session_write_kbytes and its changes
19:50.35gustonot the best way, but it is quite reliable source
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21:14.42*** join/#asterisk Mango45 (~Mango45@
21:16.02Mango45I need to register to a service provider that has multiple IP addresses.  When I do that, the IP that Asterisk registers to and the IP that is displayed when I do "sip show peers" are different.
21:16.20Mango45What is the best way to keep them consistent?  Using 11.4.0.
21:17.02Mango45When they send me an incoming call, if I have allowguest=no, Asterisk rejects the call because the IP the call was sent from is not the IP of the peer.
21:17.25WIMPyYou need one peer per possible remote IP.
21:17.34[TK]D-Fender"sip show peers' has nothing to do with Asterisk registering
21:18.12Mango45[TK]D-Fender: I'm aware, but it does tell me what IPs Asterisk will accept calls from.
21:18.35Mango45WIMPy: The remote IPs change.
21:18.55[TK]D-Fenderthen make multiple peers
21:19.18Mango45That unfortunately needs to be updated when they change IPs.
21:19.20WIMPyAll possible IPs, not just the random one your resolver pichs at some moment.
21:19.32Mango45(couple times a year)
21:19.37WIMPyYes, that's the way it is.
21:19.51[TK]D-FenderMango45: there is a difference between "multiple" and "changes to numbers you can't see coming"
21:20.00[TK]D-FenderYour description needs to be a lot clearer
21:20.30Mango45[TK]D-Fender: It's both.  They have 10+ IP addresses in use at any given time.  And they remove switches from service and replace them with new ones periodically.
21:21.16[TK]D-FenderMango45: then forget about matching a peer an allow unauthed calls
21:21.39WIMPyWrite a script to generate the peers and run that periodically or when you get failed calls. Or allowguests.
21:21.52Mango45Is this supposed to work this way, or is it a bug?
21:22.13WIMPyThat's the way Asterisk does it.
21:22.17WIMPyOr at least chan_sip.
21:22.23[TK]D-Fenderunless they are sending a username, you have nothing to match on.
21:22.38[TK]D-FenderIt's a moving target and your provider sounds unreliable\
21:22.46WIMPyAs far as I understand, chan_pjsip can do better since a few days.
21:23.05Mango45Sounds interesting; thanks.
21:23.08WIMPyUnreliable if you use Asterisk.
21:23.17[TK]D-FenderHe has no idea how to identify the call... ho is pjsip going to answer that?
21:23.58[TK]D-FenderIf a provider is constantly swapping out equipement and IP's they sure don't sound stable
21:24.02[TK]D-FenderDon't blame this on Asterisk
21:24.06WIMPyAt least it can use all A records. If it will update them automatically, I don't know.
21:24.15Mango45Not constantly.  A couple of times a year.
21:24.17WIMPyWho else should I blame it on?
21:24.29[TK]D-FenderTHE PROVIDER
21:24.32Mango45I think the provider is designed to work with ATAs and IP phones.  They always accept calls from the IP they're registered to.
21:24.49WIMPyIt's one of those things that makes Asterisk/SIP completely unusable for everyday use.
21:25.18[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: The rest of us seem to do just fine
21:25.22[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Every day\
21:25.25eppigyerry day
21:25.36gustoso WIMPy, what's new?
21:25.44WIMPyIf you are happy to rely on the fact that your provider never changes anything, ok.
21:25.47gustoPenguin: you are still there? how are your mirrors?
21:26.57Mango45Thanks for the info, everybody.
21:27.09[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Everyone I've seen so far seem to survive keeping the same IP's or actually matching a DNS lookup
21:27.43[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Where do you see the montains of Asterisk users flailing over this?  I somehow haven't seen more than... a a handful in my decade here...
21:28.27Mango45Is there any word of improving DNS SRV handling?  That might fix this problem (if it is a problem).
21:28.39WIMPyYour personal experience doesn't change the fact that technically it's just luck.
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21:29.35[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Luck.. or that the rest of the world behaves and it's only a few chump providers who are flakey crap?
21:29.36WIMPyThere is improvement in chan_pjsip, but I don't know how far it goes.
21:30.30WIMPyI already said that it's fine if you want to rely on that.
21:31.11Mango45I think it depends whether you want to be reliable for ATA users, or for Asterisk users.
21:31.13Mango45The technique is not one and the same.
21:33.47[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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22:40.46MauriceM_Good day, new to this irc room, and just starting to work on an opensource pbx solution for our environment.
22:43.02MauriceM_I suspect I will be annoying this room with lots of questions in the coming weeks.  :)
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22:48.36infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:49.20*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
22:54.06newtonrMauriceM_, hello! Other than the book, there is lots of useful info on as well.
22:55.08MauriceM_Thanks, I just grabbed the book online, and will check out the wiki as well.  Appreciate the quick feedback.
22:56.27weinerkwdoekes: thanks. i have the latest code. but obviously there is still a problem.
22:56.27weinerkIf I am not mistaken - one place to review ast_string_field_set:
22:56.27weinerk./logger.c:1042:        ast_string_field_set(logmsg, message, tmpmsg);
22:56.27weinerk./logger.c:1492:        ast_string_field_set(logmsg, message, ast_str_buffer(buf));
22:56.27weinerkfirst case they remove the first char of message, but second they dont.
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