IRC log for #asterisk on 20131229

00:00.19[TK]D-FenderWhy not just pick Python and not the mutant hybrid offspring with the unknonw future and complete lack of support base?
00:00.49*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
00:01.19bsdiceyou want users who can read and modify your stuff
00:01.31bsdiceunless you are Microsoft or Oracle, then forget what I said :)
00:02.24[TK]D-Fender"Abstract art" works fine for paintings collecting dust in an attic, not as code for something intended to be useful
00:02.46bsdiceeven Ruby would I deem too obscure for such a task
00:03.10[TK]D-FenderRuby was "the shit" when it first broke it big... now where is it?
00:04.56PenguinI tend to believe ruby is still doing well.
00:05.10Ice_StrikeNode.js and Go Lang is not odd choice. Both are great when it come with concurrent processs.
00:05.30[TK]D-Fenderat least it hit the radar big enough... but the value has dropped substantiallty
00:05.35MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: flushed with the rest of the languages of the second ;)
00:06.35MaliutaLapruby is [unfortunately] still being used in the likes of Pupper
00:09.49bsdicepersonally, I prefer sh and awk
00:10.13bsdiceit is Turing complete, enough for me
00:11.55[TK]D-Fender[19:05]Ice_StrikeNode.js and Go Lang is not odd choice. Both are great when it come with concurrent processs. <- If you can't find any resources by Googling and is born from an offshoot of client-side web-tech that so few have heard of.. it IS an addball choice.  That is not saying the tool can't do the job well.  It's that nobody CARES about that language and that you'll be going it alone...
00:11.57[TK]D-Fender...much of the time.  And that the foundation being new isn't necessarily stable
00:12.36[TK]D-Fender"Google drops its support from another 50 little 'experiments' it previously sponsored, news at 11"
00:16.38bsdicethat's another no-Go, that Google might withdraw because, well, wrong moon phase
00:18.05Ice_StrikeGo is an open source project, not a Google service
00:19.08bsdicethis is how religious wars start
00:19.23bsdiceso I say: do as you please :) peace
00:19.34Ice_Strikereligious wars lol
00:20.23[TK]D-FenderEither way, consider the long term risks with the choice.
00:20.51*** join/#asterisk hayden_ru (
00:20.56[TK]D-FenderAs for as "Go" is concerned... I can't imagine anyone cared so specifically as to make an AMI library for you....
00:21.36[TK]D-FenderYou could certainly make your own considering the documentation is already out there and there are AMI libraries for so many other languages to "borrow" inspiration from, no?
00:21.55[TK]D-FenderEither way, I wouldn't sit around waiting for someone to say "yes" to that one....
00:22.16[TK]D-FenderIf you're willing to make the choice without it then well... at least you can count on yourself
00:25.42volga629trying comlipe in lab asterisk 12 and getting this message configure: *** The SRTP installation appears to be missing or broken. Is there are special requirements ? I have libsrtp 1.4 installed
00:44.09ChannelZdo you have the dev package?
00:47.23volga629tried put path /usr/include/srtp didn't pick up either
00:48.55drmessanoDidn't we have this convo about SRTP+Asterisk the other day?
00:49.21drmessanoI wonder if it was even tested
00:50.10volga629I reinstalled rpms and right now all good checking for mandatory modules:  PJPROJECT SRTP OPENSSL... ok
01:00.03*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
01:00.58volga629I see in menu chan_sip still present is need to be disabled fro asterisk 12 ?
01:01.34ChannelZyou just can't run it and pjsip on the same interface/port at the same time
01:05.58volga629I see thanks
01:06.53volga629so I will need use only one set config based chan module ot sip or pjsip
01:07.45ChannelZyou can keep using chan_sip as before, or switch over to pjsip (totally new/separate config)
01:08.59volga629yes, this is my lab and I am trying work with new pjsip wonder about it
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02:36.45volga629Is res_crosync not available in asterisk 12 ?
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03:16.51volga629How I can list categories in menuselect
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03:39.11volga629Is anybody know if have ETA for this bug report
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03:54.10Sean-DerDoes anyone know of a public API that can be hooked into for 'on sip register?'
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03:54.39ChannelZdoes AMI not generate an event for that?
03:55.40Sean-DerChannelZ: I know how to query for an extensions status, is that the best way to do it?
03:55.47Sean-DerI am double checking the AMI docs right now
03:55.48ChannelZOr you could use regcontext to run a bit of dialplan
03:56.17ChannelZIf you want to poll, yeah you could do that.
03:56.57Sean-DerChannelZ: Oh regcontext actually fires the dialplan?
03:57.13Sean-DerI don't know what I was thinking
03:57.57ChannelZwhen a peer registers, yes it can.  I also just tried and do get a PeerStatus event from AMI when I register device
03:58.18Sean-Derok cool, thanks for the help sorry I didn't mess with it first myself :/
03:59.23ChannelZno worries
04:10.45*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
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04:50.22volga629Is thoose API json file need to have 755 permissions    /var/lib/asterisk/rest-api/applications.json ?
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05:27.39jpsharpIs there an easy way to tear down a Confbridge Room short of iterating through the userlist and kicking them one by one?
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07:03.57eyesecCan I ask a noobish question?
07:08.41infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
07:10.26*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
07:12.04eyesecOkay so I'm setting up an asterisk box for a charity that currently has one POTS with one number. Currently they just have the one line. Is it possible to have multiple lines (that can ring in and out) over the POTS with the one public number?
07:13.02eyesecI'm totally new to VoIP and Asterisk.. but I have an networking background (CCNA)
07:13.56WIMPyWell you can use real lines or VOIP or both.
07:14.11eyesecI'm guessing that I will need to speak to the tel company and have more lines put in. So it will be say 4 physical lines? or can they run over the one FXO/FXS
07:14.43WIMPyNo. POTS is strictly one active call per line.
07:15.03WIMPyIf you're in the right region, you could go ISDN.
07:15.12WIMPyOr you use an ITSP.
07:15.13eyesecOkay so it would be 4 physical lines that interface with say a digium card?
07:15.19infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
07:15.33WIMPyFor example.
07:15.47eyesecHere's the catch, we're in CAMBODIA
07:16.07WIMPyAnd what can you get there?
07:17.14eyesecI'd love to move to a VoIP service, but I'm not sure we can migrate the exiting cambodian number over to a Voip provider. I've benn looking and looking for one but can't find
07:19.16eyesecI don't think isdn is an option
07:20.08eyesecSo basically I need to organise for extra POTS lines to be put in that all have the same telco number?
07:20.29WIMPyAnd hopw that they can manage that.
07:20.38WIMPyLooks like there' isn't much on offer at your place.
07:20.49eyesecAnd then I gues that it's the telco's responsibility to route the calls to a line that is not in use?
07:21.01eyesecthank you so much for your help!
07:21.18eyesecOkay great I'm starting to get the gist of this
07:21.46eyesecCurrently I'm in Australia but will be heading over soon so I'll check it out
07:23.00eyesecHave you used the Digium PCI-E cards?
07:23.18WIMPyI haven't used anything analogue.
07:23.29eyesecoh haha
07:23.31WIMPyOnly BRI/PRI.
07:23.55eyesecsuch as T1 etc?
07:24.06WIMPyBut I just got an appliance with a quad FXO card.
07:24.10WIMPyE1 :-)
07:24.25WIMPyErr, no, FXS.
07:24.51eyesecSo on one physical  ISDN line such as E1 you can have many voice lines?
07:25.21WIMPyThat would be 30 active calls.
07:26.25eyesecyeah I'm looking now for ISDN in KH and I'm finding nothing
07:26.30WIMPyThe usual stuff here are BRIs with two channels each.
07:26.31eyesecsorry KH = Cambodia
07:26.40eyesecwhere is here?
07:26.54eyesecoh okay
07:27.01eyesecoh cool
07:27.12WIMPyBut we're throwing out the PSTN.
07:27.19eyesecThanks for your insight!
07:28.04*** join/#asterisk hayden_ru (
07:28.36eyesecGermany is??
07:28.58WIMPyIt has become hard to get new phone lines.
07:29.28eyesecWe could never do that in Australia,  POTS is still a big part of life here. We have only just started to roll out FTTH
07:29.42WIMPySame her, but noone cares.
07:29.45eyesecwill be finished in 10 years or so
07:30.20WIMPyFTTH is still extremely rare here.
07:30.26eyesecoh okay
07:30.40eyesecso most people use cable or ADSL?
07:30.44WIMPy10km to the north in Denmark it's looking a lot better.
07:31.39eyesecMany people have issues with ADSL here because the state of our copper lines is pretty bad because they're so old
07:32.03WIMPySame here in rural areas.
07:32.36WIMPyOr the lines are just far too long.
07:33.19eyesecyeah after a few KMs the attenuation is too much to handle
07:39.08MaliutaLapDon't talk to me about SNR and Line Attenuation
07:39.27MaliutaLapgrumbles about the "new" .au govt
07:41.42eyesechaha yeah
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07:50.28MaliutaLapHoward was stuck in the 1950's, now Abbott can only say "no" and is stuck in the 1970s
07:53.37eyesecHow far are you off from getting the NBN
07:57.34MaliutaLapWell I _was_ supposed to be in an area where the rollout started last Jan, and was due to finish in Sept. But it looks like someone moved my part of that area over the other side of a major road
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08:03.46eyesecohh haha.. well I'm not even on the list really. I just says due to commence in the next 4 years or something
08:03.58eyesecI'll check again
08:04.26MaliutaLapThat rollout map is useless now. They're not putting those zones on there
08:04.38eyesecohh okay
08:04.53eyesecEither way I'll be overseas by the time it comes
08:05.12MaliutaLapIt's more useless than the coalition
08:06.01eyesecI try not to get involved with Australian politics  :)
08:06.51MaliutaLapI try to beat the shite out of tory scum wherever I am :)
08:07.52eyesecOhh Tony?
08:09.53MaliutaLapTories are real
08:10.00eyesecoh i see
08:10.13eyesecso who is a Tory?
08:10.24MaliutaLapthe collective noun for the is "a bunch of feckwits"
08:10.36MaliutaLapanyone who is a conservative
08:11.07eyesecSo you wouldn't call yourself a conservative?
08:11.24MaliutaLapi.e. the Libs, the Nats, the Democrats, the Palmer United Party ...
08:11.28MaliutaLapahh no
08:11.37MaliutaLapI tend to hang on the left
08:11.45eyesecomg PALMER is a moron!
08:11.58MaliutaLapwell duh!
08:12.08MaliutaLapstate the obvious much?
08:12.52eyesecSo funny!
08:13.42MaliutaLapYeah, not so funny when you want to form a working government
08:13.57MaliutaLapAbbott needs to learn the meaning of the word "mandate"
08:14.06MaliutaLapor alternately go on a mandate
08:14.10MaliutaLapon a boat
08:14.12*** join/#asterisk lxsameer (~lxsameer@unaffiliated/lxsameer)
08:14.36eyesecWendy Deng a Chinese spy!?
08:14.59lxsameerhi, I have a monitor file with this name "OUT100-20131207-092924-1386395964.1755.wav" can any one please can tell me how can i find the outgoing number corresponding to this call ?
08:15.34[TK]D-Fenderlxsameer: you have the uniqueid in that outfile... match that against your CDR
08:15.58lxsameer[TK]D-Fender: which part is my unique id ?
08:16.19[TK]D-Fenderlxsameer: the part that isn't clearly the date & time :)
08:16.54lxsameer[TK]D-Fender: :) i see, but there is 4 other section
08:17.08[TK]D-FenderOk, it Aalos isn't the "out100"
08:17.34lxsameerso 092924-1386395964.1755 ?
08:19.12lxsameer[TK]D-Fender: thanks buddy]
09:25.40*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
09:25.58*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
10:04.09eyesecHi, just a quick question. Does anybody know the best place to find SIP firmware for the various Cisco IP phones that run SIP??
10:04.40PenguinCisco provides that stuff.
10:05.35eyesecYou need to pay for a cisco support account though
10:05.39PenguinThat's right.
10:05.53PenguinThat's how copyright laws work.
10:06.05Ice_Strikepaying for firmware?
10:06.22PenguinYou're supposed to have a license to use it.
10:06.52Ice_StrikeI think polycom firmwares are free to dowload
10:07.00PenguinIt's not so much paying for firmware, but paying for the license.
10:07.20PenguinPolycom software is free to download, but it doesn't work on Cisco phones.
10:07.32eyesecYeah the license is the issue
10:07.46PenguinWhat phone(s) are you working with?
10:08.17eyeseclooking to get a bunch of 7940s
10:08.53Ice_Strikeeyesec We use Polycom 430
10:11.02eyesecany good?
10:11.14eyeseclooking into them now
10:11.19eyesecthey some SIP out of the box?
10:12.08eyesecOh and they're only $60 here too
10:12.31PenguinI think all of the SoundPoint IP phones use SIP by default.
10:12.42PenguinI don't even know if they offer something other than SIP.
10:13.04eyesecoh okay, well that's good for me
10:13.09eyesecI'll be using SIP
10:13.56PenguinIP335 might be a good choice for a simple phone.
10:15.11Ice_Strikeeyesec Yea Polycom 430  are good, I get them from ebay cheap, refurbish ... and all work really well
10:15.15Ice_StrikeI got about 60 of them.
10:15.59eyesecOh yeah that's a pretty good looking piece of kit. are the POE?
10:16.04PenguinI think the IP430 is an older model.
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10:17.34PenguinIf you need a multi-line phone, maybe the IP450 is nicer.
10:18.30PenguinIf you need more lines, there's the IP550 and IP650.
10:18.45eyesecprobably 4 lines
10:18.50eyesecthe 450 is 3
10:19.10eyesecbut I need to check the exact requirements
10:19.11PenguinThe 550 is a four line phone.  The 650 is a six line phone.
10:19.31PenguinAnd they work with PoE.
10:19.37eyeseccan you have Asterisk automatically handle the lines?
10:19.53PenguinYou don't really need a bunch of line keys.
10:20.02Ice_StrikeI think IP430 have two lines
10:20.06Ice_Strikebut I only use 1
10:22.55eyeseci see
10:31.36drmessanoMutiple lines are often times a piss poor replacement for poor call routing
10:32.38drmessanoSomething I have been guilty of at times, so no glass house/throwing stones here
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12:45.16*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
12:48.24bsdicehey gusto
12:50.49gustowhats up?
12:51.15bsdiceyour ipv6... it works :)
12:51.31bsdiceexcept for reverse ptr
12:53.25*** join/#asterisk hayden_ru (~hayden_ru@
12:53.32gustodo not mind
12:53.41gustoi am in slovakia now, so it is over HEnet
12:53.53gustoin germany, i have native IPv6 over kabeldeutschland
12:54.12gustohere it's only DSL with IPv4 only connection and i am doing a HEnet tunnel through my OpenWRT router
12:54.23bsdicevery nice
12:54.34bsdiceI fought Deutsche Telekom IPv6 for a day... and won
12:54.47gustoits a shame that they still do not provide IPv6 here
12:55.15gustoi had DSL from DT here too, but they did not deliver, so now i am with orange
12:55.56gustoDSL worked, but was IPv4 only too, even though they were testing IPv6 on DSL some years ago
12:56.09gustoi think that Orange is more likely to deliver IPv6
12:56.28bsdiceworks, including dynamic DNS update on RA change
12:56.30gustoactually its not Orange who has the networks, its GTS
12:56.46bsdiceyou live in Slovakia?
12:57.04bsdiceand work in Germany if you don't mind me asking
12:57.12gustoin 2002 they privatized the telekom to the DT and that was a bad idea
12:57.32gustoi worked for some time, now i am not working any more
12:58.02gustosurfing the net and playing with asterisk is more fun than working for some idiot who does not even pay you
12:58.24bsdiceI take it you made enough money ;-)
12:58.41gustoi even lost some
12:58.50gustoworking does not pay off
12:59.15bsdicehm depends. in Germany IT experts are sought after as hired guns
12:59.41gustoi was working in logistics, not IT
12:59.52gustobut it is everywhere the same
13:00.16gustothe higher the rank is the greater idiots are there
13:00.53bsdiceit is a natural phenomenon called the Peter principle
13:01.01gustoi know
13:01.16gustohowever, if they want someone who knows something they have to listen
13:01.33bsdicelogistics is hard, much competition, pricing difficult, low margins, long work hours
13:01.59gustofor me, everything is working, maybe not in an instant, but until now, i did everything i wanted, it takes time, but i can reslove stuff
13:02.07gustothe only thing i can not fix is when a HDD breaks
13:02.23gustoi lost a WD Scorpio Bluse 500 GB 2,5 SATA 2 days ago
13:02.32gustothat's where you can not do anything
13:02.40gustoit was not in RAID1, so the data is gone
13:02.50gustowas about 50 GB
13:03.02gustobut unimportant stuff
13:03.05bsdiceso you DO IT these days?
13:03.15bsdicekinda switched from logistics to IT
13:03.16gustothat was my disk
13:03.23bsdiceahhh kk
13:03.47gustoactually its the opposite
13:04.17gustoi worked at DHL, and they have high margins, low competition (if any?) and only 6 hours a day
13:04.28gustoso when you have like 30 - 35 hour week, you do not earn much
13:06.33gustoSScorpio Blue
13:07.37gustobtw. do you know IT-SA?
13:07.59gustoin Nuernberg
13:08.04gustoever went there?
13:08.09gustoi was there
13:08.09bsdiceno ;-)
13:08.17gusto25 EUR entry
13:08.44bsdiceI would ever only go there for after show party for the girls
13:08.56gustogirls are not that interesting there
13:09.27gustobut it is exactly like in that wikipedia article you sent me link to: "Employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence."
13:09.59bsdicepeople with low tech competence go to such fairs
13:10.01bsdiceto chat
13:10.05bsdicefor product demos
13:10.18bsdicebasically socializing and time away from the office
13:11.35gustoor like one person to IT-SA put it - "The level of innovation is outpacing competence in companies"
13:12.08bsdicefor me that is all okay, because it means I can compete with less effort
13:12.24bsdiceamong the blind, the one with two eyes truely is God ;-)
13:12.24gustoof course
13:12.48bsdiceok they got one eye, black and white, low contrast
13:12.51gustobut it is not interesting
13:13.28bsdiceno, that's why I never went there
13:14.08gustohowever, that kabeldeutschland in nuernberg is a good connection, i get 100 mbit/s
13:14.50bsdiceI don't like the limited set of internet access devices that you got with cable modem tech
13:15.20gustoand low ping time of course, now the only thing that lacks is to test asterisk over IPv6 ... SIP and RTP are already doing IPv6, but the VoIP providers do not, and that is a problem when you want to make calls :-)
13:15.31bsdiceI like VDSL better, everything customizable and under own control from modem in the home
13:15.45gustoi did not like it too, but i have that CDN and that is OK
13:15.49bsdiceTelekom VOIP does not support IPv6
13:16.04gustoof course
13:16.36gustoI had Telefonica VoIP over Endesha DSL, a reseller of Telefonica DSL connections
13:16.42gustothat was a pain to configure
13:17.03gustobut it worked in the end, and i learned something new back then ... SRV records :-)
13:17.44gustobut SRV records was not the only obstacle, they also had some kind of authentification server one had to authenticate to, looked like kerberos SSO to me
13:18.01bsdiceI am done with Telefonica
13:18.14bsdiceFONIC just ripped me off for 5 Euro in wrong prepaid charge
13:18.26gustobut back then i did not know that much about asterisk, i just got started, maybe today i would figure it all out much faster by doing debug
13:18.39gustobtw. you can not do really anything with asterisk without debig
13:18.51bsdiceI know
13:19.09gustobecause every problem you encounter does need you to look at the debugging output to see what went wrong
13:19.22gustofrom the error messages you do not get anything out
13:19.45gustomaybe that would be a good enhancement to propose, to make that error messages more verbose
13:19.52gustoso, i am going to eat something
13:19.54bsdiceI usually turn off encryption and then ngrep the network interface
13:20.00bsdicehave fun, nice talking to you
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13:37.37gustoi am back
13:37.56gustobsdice: did you notice the lack of literature, especially german, on the IPv6 topic?
13:38.07gustoi have two books and that is as much as there is
13:38.55gustobut lately i found a cool youtube channel that explains IPv6 in an easy way so that even a person who has no idea wtf it is about can understand
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14:45.59volga629Hello Everyone, Is anybody know about this library
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15:51.46gustosomeone an idea how to set maximum MTU of an SIP packet so that they do not get filtered away?
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16:05.34weinerkHi. If I have an international voip termination provider -
16:05.35weinerkhow can I dial to a country's local 1800 number?
16:08.21WIMPyThe way they do it in that country?
16:12.13weinerkWIMPy: yes. for example, how do I dial using SipTraffic to 1800400400 in Israel? I tried +country+1800xxxxx - this does not work
16:13.02WIMPyThere's always a chance that 800 numbers don't work.
16:13.12WIMPyBut it is an ITSP in Israel?
16:14.50weinerkI dont know - I think they are international. But my question is generic - how do people deal with it?
16:15.24WIMPyRoll the dice.
16:15.43WIMPySpecial numbers are not always reachable.
16:16.29weinerkIs there some directory where you can look up - which ITSP provide local toll free in a certain country?
16:16.45WIMPyAsk them.
16:18.39weinerkI was looking for a single place where many ITSPs would be listed - as oppesed to fish individually.
16:18.44weinerkWIMPy: thanks for your help.
16:23.08Penguin1800400400 is not a US toll-free phone number.  What country is it?
16:25.20weinerkPenguin: it is an 1800 number in Israel (as an example). I need to figure out which ITSP will allow me to dial call this number
16:27.19PenguinWhat is the country code for that?
16:34.24weinerkPenguin: counry code for Israel is +972
16:34.32weinerkPenguin: thanks for helping
16:36.10PenguinI realize this doesn't give you the answers you were looking for, but allows calls to 972 country code.
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16:39.41PenguinFlowroute allows calls to 972 country and several area codes, but they do not list 972 1800.
16:40.00WIMPyAre you sure it's 1800 anyway?
16:40.55PenguinI wouldn't have any idea.  They don't show 972 18 even.
16:41.12WIMPyThe 1 looks so NANP.
16:41.55PenguinThat's what I thought.
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17:05.43bsdiceinternational freecall prefix is 00800
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19:55.49oquidavehow do i configure asterisk for a multi-tenant sort of thing
20:06.34ChannelZMulti-tenant like multiple separate companies using the same system?
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20:13.09oquidaveChannelZ: absolutely
20:14.05oquidaveChannelZ: so far it seems asterisk is design for one company looking at how users are added in the sip.conf file
20:14.56[TK]D-Fenderhow so?
20:16.30ChannelZYou just separate everything into contexts.
20:16.33[TK]D-FenderDialplan separates things however you like.  Parking has separate lots, pickup groups, etc are all divisble and there are several GUI's doing this just fine for almost a decade now...
20:17.32[TK]D-FenderThe thing you can't do is have the SIP usernames the same... which is hardly a real challenge
20:17.40[TK]D-FenderSimply name them differntly.
20:17.54[TK]D-Fendermulti-tennent is how YOU set them up
20:18.29oquidave[TK]D-Fender: for instance you can't have sip users named 10, 20, 30, 40 etc from the same company. You've to create different numbering schemes for different companies, not so
20:18.58ChannelZyou can even separate the configs and #include them from the main config to make editing easier
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20:18.59[TK]D-Fenderoquidave: So the usernames aren't going to be the same... this does not mean you can't set up a multi-tennent system
20:19.14ChannelZSIP device names are not the same thing as extensions.
20:19.20ChannelZDon't name your devices like they're extensions.
20:20.36ChannelZIf you want to go the lazy way and dial devices like extensions, just put on a prefix. CompA-10 or CompB-10 etc.
20:20.50oquidaveChannelZ: [TK]D-Fender so i've to use different usernames in the sip.conf files, redirect them to different contexts and use whatever extensions
20:21.11[TK]D-Fenderoquidave: Dialplan is dialplan... do whatever you want there....
20:21.19ChannelZyes. extensions are in contexts.  Voicemail boxes are in contexts.  Music on hold are in contexts.  All of it can be separated.
20:21.36[TK]D-Fenderoquidave: and it isn't "redirect".. it's direct".  You specifiy your context for each device.
20:21.49[TK]D-FenderIt isn't an "alternative"
20:25.52oquidave[TK]D-Fender: ChannelZ cool. i'll try that implementation and see how it goes
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